virgin active

QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. This is James O Driscoll QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. James is currently an employee at Virgin Active Bromle



Transcript of virgin active

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This is James O Driscoll

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James is currently an employee at Virgin Active Bromley

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This is James

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Location of our Interview

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We are going to film our interviewAt virgin active health club in Bromley.We choose to do it in this location as This is James's work place. James's Works here as a fitness instructor. This was the best place for us to film the interview considering jame’s job Also due to the fact that we can shoot a variety of shots

that will make Our interview more entertaining.

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The purpose

The purpose of our interview is to inform people of the achievements that james has had due to his life changing illness. We also want to show people jame’s as an example that anything is possible in life if you put your mind into it. Jame’s is a very influential person who has achieved something that has made him the first blind fitness instructor in England. To me this is a very good achievement, hopefully from this interview we will show people just what can be possible in life if anything in

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Why our idea is unique

Our idea is unique due to that fact that james has an illness that 1 in 10 million people get. To me that is something you don’t hear everyday. Our idea is unique due to that fact that people don’t actually realize how hard it is to be a fitness instructor if you are blind. It is unique as well as it will a very entertaining and educational.

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What are your key questions and why would your audience care/ research

What made you want to become a personal trainer?

Do you plan to be a personal tranier all your life?

How did your family cope with you being blind?

Your very involved in the charity cry, have you got any major events Planned for the future?

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What plans have you already got in place to record your interview(location equipment and crew? Realistic)

We have a place to film the interviewWhich will be at virgin active health clubBromley. We plan to hire a camera and standFrom Ravenswood school.

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Thank you for listening

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