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  • 8/14/2019 Vintage Design Books - Spaces




  • 8/14/2019 Vintage Design Books - Spaces


  • 8/14/2019 Vintage Design Books - Spaces


    BY ParRrcra Sxacxsrrono

    ach year sort hrough he offerings f

    new desisn books o see which ones

    should oinmy ibrary.Once ou have stab-

    lished bit of a collection, t becomes asier

    to turn a discerning ye o the new selec-

    tions. n order o find a spot on my shelves,

    a book needs o have a timeless quality.

    can admire rends n magazines, ut they

    won't ind a permanent ome n hardcover.

    So how to determine which spine I will

    reach or again and again? Look back, not

    forward: intage esign books are he cor-

    nerstones f any design ibrary, and every

    aficionado as his or her avorites.

    Like all good things, vintage designbooks an come o you in three ways: You

    ca n nherit, ou can hunt, or yo u can buy

    them new and ind 20 years rom now hatyou have treasure n your hands. Kathy

    Leftt Kathg Kel/g disp/ogs her co/lection of design books n her oronge-locquered

    librarg. Above: A folio 'rom Decorotion, Kel/g s most-prized design book.

    Kelly, a partner at Helix Architecture +

    Design, was ucky enough o have a gen-

    erous grandmother ith a good eye. My

    favorite intage book was given o me by

    my grandmother, ary Kelly, a self-taugh

    interior designer n Fort Lauderdale, rom

    her own collection when went nto desig

    school," elly ays. lt is itled Decorationn

  • 8/14/2019 Vintage Design Books - Spaces



  • 8/14/2019 Vintage Design Books - Spaces


    i t was published by French and European

    Publicat ions nc. for the American design

    market ."

    BEGnEEN-CoLLEcr rNraGE

    Mygrandmothercollected reen Stamps

    instead f design books, so I 've had to build

    mycol lec t ions hrough the hunt . I bought

  • 8/14/2019 Vintage Design Books - Spaces


    copies of a particular ook here an d

    there, bemore discriminating bout

    the condition. f you stumble across

    something more rare, like Yogue's ook

    of Houses, ardens, eople, 968with pho-

    tographs by Horst and a foreword by Diana

    Vreeland, e much more orgiving.

    Other nteresting inds ncluded errance

    Conran's ed ndBathBook nd 100 f heMost

    Beautiful ooms n America t Prospero's n

    Westport. rospero's wner, Will Latham,

    says his design ooks urn over elatively

    quickly. e credits he neighborhood it h

    some of that interest. There re very work-

    able older homes around here with good

    architecture. eople are looking or ways

    to make hose houses work o r today," aysLatham. Vintage esign books ar e full of

    inspiration or renovators.

    HalfPriceBooks ad quite of few copies

    of the House eautifuleries, fewArchitectural

    Di4est ompilations nd a good selection f

    Martha Stewart ooks. Not just shelf upon

    shelf of overruns, ut cases f rare books,

    safely ehind lass, s well.

    Speaking f storage, ooks hould ot be

    kept n direct sunlight r environments ha t

    have significant emperature luctuations,

    like attics and basements. lso, acids rom

    newspaper nd cardboard an harm books,

    and plastic romotes mold and mildew.


    Sometimes ou end up with classicbooks n your collection ecause ou were

    wise enough o buy he m when hey were

    published. ocal antiques ealer Suzanne

    Cooper as amassed n outstanding ol-

    lection, having picked up a volume or tw

    every year until her shelves roaned wi

    most-wanted volumes. " l bought a l

    of books because adore he designer

    style, but my favorites are the ones whe

    you can replicate he look. Let's face t: No

    everyone as l2-foot ceilings," he says.

    So what books would I recommen

    buying now? Like my chi ldren, al l m

    design books have special characteristic

    that make me adore them, but rece

    favorites include House ' Garden's Book

    Stgle, Southern Accents n Color, Farrow " Ba

    Th e Art of Color,Michael S Smith's Eleme

    of StUIe nd Lynn von Kersting's La Strad

    della Dolce ita. This year's Michael Smith

    Houses nd Regencq Redux op my list future classics. Check back in 20 years

    see if I was as discr iminat ing as Suzann

    Cooper n building my col lect ion. One ca

    only hope.