· Web viewThe theory goes this way. One point...

Allan Ralph Andrews, born Long Beach, California, Sept 13 th 1939: (Yukinomics, Juginomics, Fusinomics, Mircenomics, Riscenomics, Icinomics, Sukinomics, Trapenomics, etc., see below) Nipology, Nipography, Nipoencomics: The current economic situation makes more sense if you cluster the data. In 2012, the ruling economic systems seem to cluster as JUG (Japan, United States, Germany) and the older ruling economic systems as FUSI (France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy). The old order appears to have exploited MASS for its economic raw materials (Middle East, Africa, South America, and South Asia). Out of that old British order, BAS (Britain, Australia, South Africa) and its FUS, FES, and SIP ancestors (France, United Kingdom, and Spain; France, England, and Spain; Spain, Italy, and Portugal), and various prior and concurrent combinations

Transcript of  · Web viewThe theory goes this way. One point...

Allan Ralph Andrews, born Long Beach, California, Sept 13th 1939:

(Yukinomics, Juginomics, Fusinomics, Mircenomics, Riscenomics, Icinomics, Sukinomics, Trapenomics, etc., see below) Nipology, Nipography, Nipoencomics: The current economic situation makes more sense if you cluster the data. In 2012, the ruling economic systems seem to cluster as JUG (Japan, United States, Germany) and the older ruling economic systems as FUSI (France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy). The old order appears to have exploited MASS for its economic raw materials (Middle East, Africa, South America, and South Asia). Out of that old British order, BAS (Britain, Australia, South Africa) and its FUS, FES, and SIP ancestors (France, United Kingdom, and Spain; France, England, and Spain; Spain, Italy, and Portugal), and various prior and concurrent combinations like these, what remains is CAN (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) and PASTBI, or PASTBIIII (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Turkestan, Bangledesh, and what ever I you like, Iran, Iraq, India, Indian.

Ocean, etc).

For sometime various economic combinations seem to have been emerging out of MASS. At the end of World War II, it was SUCC against BUF, or the Soviet Union and Communist China against Britain, United States, and France. As the old communist order passed away and Japan and Germany rose up to replace Britain and France as America’s prime economic sisters, SUCC began to slowly transform into BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India and China. But, as SUCC lost its ideological color (Red), new ideological colors rose up to replace it in the Green of Islam and the Blue of the Israeli flag. The new ideological order seems to be NIP, or NIPI, North Korea and Iran and Palestine and sometimes Israeli as the good guy, bad guy, depending on your religious and political orientation. This ideological aspect of current economics generates a new way of looking at the old order of economic theory, I call it Nipeconomics. With Nipeconomics comes new ideas about geography, Nipography, and about systems in general, Nipology.

The theory goes this way. One point systems tend to fall inward into their own internal emptiness, see Arnold Toynbee’s study of history and his reading on the fate of Empire: Assyrian, Persian, Roman, Egyptian, etc., etc.. Two point systems like SUCC against BUF generate conflict and war. Three point

systems like JUG and CAN tend to be remarkably stable. Four point systems have internal conflicts that generate breakdown. SUCC was actually made of more than three parts, Eastern Europe, Russia, East Asia (China, etc.) and South Asia (Viet Nam, etc) and too large to sustain internal harmony. Five point systems are both stable and unstable and break down into parts around three point cores. For example, BRIC seemed to be driving the economic world till it began to be replaced by MIRCI (Mexico, Indonesia, Russia, China, India). Hidden in MIRCI are two possible tripoints that may be in conflict, an Asian ICI, of India, China, and Indonesia, and a Pacific Ocean tripoint: RIM, of Russia, Indonesia, and Mexico. The organizing factors in BRIC, RIM, MIRCI, and ICI appear to be purely economic and opposed to the ideological Red, Green, and Blue of NIP and NIPI. NIPI is unstable and breaks down into NIP and JIN (Jewish support groups for Israeli policy in North America), which are obviously in a state of opposition. Jin is often three point when it manages to link Israeli policy with a least two other supporting states with supporting points of view. The original JIN was the United States and Britain and international Zionism.

An ideal system appears to be tetrahedral and octahedral, as modeled on the flag of South Korea and in the I Ching and Yi

Ching of Confucian philosophy. Where two point conflicts in yin and yang form three point stable points (trigrams) and contrasts (eight trigrams) that combine into larger harmonic relationships, sixty four hexagrams. Economic relationship always seek enough conflict, yin and yang, to generate expansion, within a larger system of stability, trigram and hexagram coordinations and complementarity, as Heaven complements Earth and Sun complements Moon.

The basic western system has gone through many permutations, sometimes closely linked to the East and sometimes not. Any description of these will necessarily be imperfect, but a partial list, following the writings of Toynbee, see above, might go as follows:

TEN (Tigris, Euphrates, Nile river valleys) against SAT (Semites, Aryans, Tribes (various others such as Uralic, etc); AMP (Assyrian, Minoan, Phonecian) against GAP (Greek aryan, Aryan others, Persian Aryan); PEG (Persian,Egyptian, Greek) against PEA (Phonecia, Etruscan, Aryan other): HIS (Hellenic, Indic, Sinic) against PAT (Phonecian, Aryan other, Tribal other); SIN (Sinic Indic Roman) against HAM (Hunish, Aryan Germanic, Mongolian); CAR (Chinese, Arabian Islamic, Roman Byzantine) against GUM (Germanic, Uralic, Mongolian); KEG (Khanates of Gengis, etc., European-english, Germanic-holy roman) against

JAS (Japanese, Arabic-islamic, Slavic); SIP (Spainish, Italian, Portugese) against MASS/MAS (Middle East, Africa, South America/South Asia); FES (France, England, Spain) against MAS (as above); FUS (France, UK, Spain) against MAS; BAS (British, Australian, South African) against MAS and PAS (Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Asian), with a remainder of CAN (Canadian, Australian, New Zealand), with transitions to JUG and ICI, see above.

August 19th, Sunday, 2012, Allan Ralph Andrews, Cambria, and Bakersfield, California.

There are some interesting extensions of the above possible. There is currently a YUKIITTRAP of Yemen, United Arab, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Turkestan republics and Tibet, Russia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. You can add in Kashmir as an extra K and India as an extra I as an area where danger seems to increase and nuclear weapon problems are intensifying. YUK by itself is simply Yemen and United Arab and Kuwait. You add in Iraq and Iran and it becomes YUKI or YUKII and then you can add the TRAP of Tibet and Russia and Afghanistan and Pakistan, or T for various Turkestans and central Asian stans. You can make it pushy by adding in UK and USA and some Hindi and or Hindustani, thus PUSHIII, with I for Israel and Iraq and Iran and S for Syria. You can make it a PIT, or PITT, by focusing on Pakistan, India, and Tibet and the Turkish areas. You can make

it RISCI, where Russia, Iran, and China, interact with Syria and Isreal. Where US and UK are involved it can be PUSI and SUKI, with Pakistan, Syria, Korea, etc. Russia, India, and Pakistan can RIP, it can be BINS of PINS in Bengal and Pakistan and India and Nepal. It can SINK, Sri Lanka and India, and Nepal and Kasmir. It can be PINK, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Kashmir.

What you are doing is to combine the left brain ability to focus on a quantitative fact with the right hemisphere ability to twist a left brain word into all sorts of sticky meaning. The result is the Yukinomics that comprehends the wars of Portugese against Spanish that divided up Latin America between Brazil and Argentina, etc. How Spanish won that war, only to be appended to French as it absorbed Italian and prepared to fight German. How Spanish fought English and lost, Dutch fought English and lost. French fought English and lost. So Japanese and German and Italian combined against English and lost. Finally Russian lost to English, which had previously won against Chinese and Hindustani. Now English, which had won against Turkish, had to face the Arabic languages, supported by Persian, with renewed support by Russian and Chinese. This could be CRAP or MIRCI ICI or YUKIITRAPS in which force JUG into the ICI MIRC of a hidden PARC or YUKIITRAP, that is a Persian Arabic Russian Chinese system rooted in Yemen United

Arab Kuwaiti Iraq Iran Turkemenistan Russian Afghani Pakistan SOMALISUNDAN areas. (YUKIITRAPSS), So JUG and FUSI ETC and CAN are pulled by ICI and MIRCI toward NIPI problems surrounding YUKIITRAPSS arising from MAS and MASS. JUG and ICI are at war for dominance of the quantitative aspect of the world ideology emerging from the long war of FUS and MAS culminating in JUG and CAN and FUSI ETC and MASS in which the UK and the USA and CAN emerge from FUSI ETC to ideologically dominant the Anglican English American World or WE (WORLD ENGLISH) or WECANBEUUMASA that is World English of CANADA and AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND and BRITIAN and ENGLAND USA and UK and Middle East and Africa and South America and Asia against YUKITRAPSSNICIAKS that is Yemen United Arabic Kuwaiti Iraq Iran Turkmenistan Russian Afganistan Pakistan Somali Sudan Niger India China Indonesia Arabic Koran Stuff. JUG and CAN are fast moving economically powerful triangles broken off of FUSI squares and FUSI ETC pentagons and hexagons, slowed down by extra baggage, so also ICI picks up spead as it breaks away from B RIC and MIRCI and avoids the NIPI messes in the YUKIITRAPSS MASSES of Middle East Africa South America South Asia European Subsidiaries.

Now maybe we should look at this I Ching idea a different way. Let us try making the oceans the eldest son yang and the land the eldest daughter yin, so something like Indonesia would be eldest son yang and something like the Indus valley of Pakistan would be eldest daughter yin. Middle son yang could be the equatorial areas like the Congo and middle son yin could be the polar areas like Siberia and Russia, youngest son yang could be uplift of strata like in California and Japan and youngest daughter yin could be build up of alluvium and sediments as in the Valley and mouth of the Rhine.

We could make the Flame Trigram volcanic and the Water Pit sedimentary, the Mountain Trigram mountainous and the Lake Trigram a eroded shield area full of depressions. We could make Heaven filled with rain generated rainforest and Earth filled with glacier generated sediments and soils. We could make Wind Trigram into tropical uplands and Thunder into temperate lowlands and coastal tidal areas.

If we are looking to continents and subcontinents, Heaven would be Africa and magic and Earth would be Europe and science. Wind would be India and metaphysics and Thunder would be China and business and economics. Mountain would be the Rocky Mountains of North America and reason and

debate (as in the initiatives on the ballot in California) and Lake would be coastal wet areas like the marsh land of the Amazon Basin of South America and South American music and literature, as in Borges of Argentina. Flame could be the designs and crafts of Polynesia and Melanesia and Water Pit the laws and imperial governments of the Iranian Basin area, (Persian Empire, works of Zarathustra).

If eldest son is Indonesia and eldest daughter is Pakistan, then maybe middle son can be Nigeria and middle daughter can be Russia. If so can youngest son be Japan and youngest daughter Germany? So is Flame Trigram Australia and the Pacific? Is Mountain Trigram the Western US? Is Water Pit Iran and Iraq? Is Lake Brazil, Thunder China, Wind India, Earth France?

Now lets play Nipenomics. So FUSI can rule Europe and Earth Trigram. JUG can rule the transition from Mountain to Earth. BRIC and MIRCI and ICI belong to that whole extension of JUG and FUSI into the area watched over by CAN, the Flame Trigram realm of OCEANIA. The central realm once controlled by FUSI is spreading beyond JUG into the Wind area of India, the Thunder area of China, the Lake area of Brazil, the middle daughter realm of Russia and the eldest son realm of Indonesia as the old imperial order of LIPSI, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Iran,

victim of various imperial rules, Egyptian, Roman, Persian, Greek, Assyrian, Turkish, English, French, etc., attempt to thrust out new imperial efforts of Arabic and Persian in their ancient war against Western interpretation, thus the Hebrew of Israel fights the Arabic of Mecca and the English of USA and UK confronts the Modern Persian of Iran.

What is actually happening is a decline of the old FUSI system rooted in eldest daughter yin and Earth Trigram in favor of a new opening that is causing the mechanism of Water Pit to boil in the competition of Flame. The expansion of JUG and CAN based English into Mountain and Flame breaks the old imperial collective thought systems and subjects them to revision. New systems begin to emerge and compete for power in MIRCI and ICI and BRIC. The BRIC of Indonesia and China and Brazil confronts the old systems. The pragmatism of China in Thunder against the metaphysics of Hindu India in Wind. The competition of Indonesia in Flame against the Islamic determinism of Asia in Water Pit. The complex synthesis of Brazil in Lake against the old simple skepticism of North America in Mountain. This competes against the old Mountain and Earth empirical (John Locke based) power system in JUG and CAN and FUSI and presents new dialectical, Hegelian, and process philosophy metaphysical options.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, September 9th 2012

The ideological systems involved in these operations can be New Catholic, BUMPI or BUMPS (Brazil, USA, Mexico, Philippines, Spain and Italy, or Protestant, GUUNS (Germany, USA, UK, Netherlands, Scandinavia), or Old Catholic, PAPIFIS (Portugal, Austria, Poland, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain) or African Moslem, MMMESS (Morocco, Mauretania, Mali,Egypt, Sudan, Somali, Shiia, SLIPI (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Iran), South Asian Muslim, TRAP (Turkestan, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan), BIT, (Bengali, Indonesia, Thailand) or MMMMESSISLIPITRAPS. Generally the more letters, the more ideology and the less economic movement. JUG, CAN, ICI, are major economic movers. FUSI and BRIC are close behind, but MMMESSISLIPITRAPS and FUSIETC become burdened by the NIPIMESSILIPITRAPIBITS they are stuck in. MAS is moving forward until it gets stuck in the TRAPIMESSISPITS of the NIPI parts of the economic pie. The NIPIS are the economic sand, the friction that prevents the operation of a perfect economic machine that is pictured in the ideal equations of the mathematical theory that supports microeconmic and macroeconomic models.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, September 9th 2012

Religions and languages have finite lives. Because religions and languages last longer than human lives they appear to be immortal. However all the great languages and literatures and religions are dead. Ancient Greek Homeric religion is dead. Modern Greek is a local fossil. The Greek that ruled the world will not rule again and no one worships Zeus. The Egyptian that ruled the world has passed into Coptic and serves a Christian religion quite different than the religions of the ancient tombs and temples. Ancient Latin religion is dead, both its Etruscian, Imperial, as well as its post Imperial forms.

Hebrew, Sanskrit, Bali, Classical Mandarin, Classical Latin, Classical Persian, are all dead languages. Nobody worships the religion of the Vedas as it was worshipped in ancient times, or the religion of the Buddha as it was once conceived. The most powerful religions and religious languages are between five hundred and two thousand years old. After two thousand years a religion tends to transform into a new religion or die. The languages its holy books were written in also die, or become transformed into something quite different from what they once were. A select few can preserve and ancient form, thus the Catholic Church and Latin, the Orthodox Church and Greek, the Hebrews and the Hebrew language, the Mandarins and Mandarin Chinese. However, after a certain point it

becomes transformed, or is adopted, becomes a slave to some completely different form. Thus, Tibetan Buddhism was the religious slave of the Manchu rulers of China just as Orthodox Greek Christianity became the religious servant of the ruling house of Greek Orthodox Russia, or the Hebrew Bible became the possession of the Calvinist rulers of Scotland and was transformed into the Old Testament of the Puritan rulers of England.

These religions and their holy books and languages are zombies, and vampires, dead languages, dead worlds that suck on the blood of the living. Converts to the Hebrew religion in the Caucus area have grafted themselves on the dead religions of the Jews and brought these forms back to a living life of death in the Zionist zombie worship of the false realm that is the pseudo religion of the Palestinian Jews.

The general rule is the more false, the more ridiculous, the wilder the claims, the more irrational, the more fabulous, the greater the zeal of the followers and the greater the numbers of the converted. But, all the great ideologies and fantasies run their course at some point. All religious languages and holy books eventually die, fail at some point in the process of their renewel, or become so transformed as to become meaningless

words, as is much of the Vedas of the Hindus, the Zenda Avesta of the followers of Zarathustra, the numerous books and versions of books of the Tripitaka of the Buddhists, which are more chanted and looked at then read or truly understood. At a certain point religions, like Taoism, Shinto, ancient Vedic forms of Hinduism, Egyptian Isis worship, etc. accumulate so much ridiculous baggage, they die of their own weight.

There is a tipping point past which the religion ceases to grow, like the teachings of Moses, Zoroaster, and today the teaching of Confucius, apparently the Orthodox forms of Christianity. These religions have accumulated too many talmuds and torahs, they become overwhelmed by their own literature and interpretive baggage. In contrast, many newer religions like Christian Science, Religious Science, begin to fail when they cannot make claims that are wild enough, do not have enough fanatics willing to die for the faith, cannot stir up enough hate in the name of love to justify the false behavior that characterizes most fanatic religious belief.

Allan Ralph Andrews, September 9th 2012, Bakersfield, CA

The deep core of current Nipenomics is CASE and HIDE. HIDE stands for Hinduism Islam Daoism and Europe (Christianity and

Humanism). CASE for the language systems that support these systems: CHINESE ARABIC SANSCRIT ENGLISH (and European Languages in general). Each has its own peculiar institution, Chinese, the Mandarin language, Arabic the notion of “Jihad,” or holy war, Sanscrit, the notion of “Caste,” the European systems, the notion of pilgrimage and icon and holy relicts, that becomes museums and libraries filled with fossils and books. Hinduism supports an aristocratic metaphysical religious system characteristic of Air Element and Wind Trigram. Europe is characteristically more Earth and scientific fact in its focus. Islam and its Jihad are the Fire Element and the competitive aspect, where Daoism is more Water Element, Lake Trigram, and the notion of synthesis and absorption.

These larger systems rule a series of smaller subsystems. The European subsystems developed around a GINS of ancient Greek commerce, Greece, Italy, North Africa and Syrian area, that gradually developed a supplementary SPINS in Spain Portugal, Italy, and North Africa. This moved north into FIGS, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and WISE, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England, BAGS, Belgium, Austria, Germany, and Swizterland, NAGS, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Sweden, HARPS, Hanover, Rhineland, Prussia, Sweden, HATS, Hungary, Austria, Turkey, Serbia, BURPS, Bohemia, Ukaraine, Russia,

Poland, Slovakia, RAGS, Russia, Austria, Germany, Sweden, CUES, Canada, US, England (Europe), Scandinavia, MUC, Mexico, USA, Canada, GUM, Guatemala, US, Mexico, STEAMS, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, and STEALS, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Somali, SLIPS, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, STEPS, Syria, Turkey, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, YUKI, Yemen, United Arab, Kuwait, Iraq, IKI, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, SUKS, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Somali, SIKI, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, STIKI, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, MESSI, Morocco, Egypt, Somali, Saudi, Iran, TRAP, Tibet, Turkestan, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, BITS, Bengaldesh, Thialand, India, Sri Lanka, KITS, Kashmir, India, Tibet, Sri Lanka, KINS, Kashmir, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, MAPS, Malaya, Annam, Phillippines, Singapore, STAMPS, Singapore, Thialand, Annam, Malaya, Sarawak, CAMPS, Cambodia, Annam, Myrimar, Philippines, Singapore, LAMBS, Laos, Annam, Myrimar, Bengladesh, Singapore

GUNS, Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, Sudan, JACKSS, Japan, Alaska, China, Korea, Siberia, Singapore, JARS, Japan Alaska, Russia, Siberia, RACKS, Russia, Alaska, China, Korea, Siberia, Singapore, TICKS, Taiwan, Islands, China, Korea, Singapore, JIGS, Japan, Islands, Guam, Singapore, JUNKC, Japan, US, North Korea, China, Korea, JUNKCIT, Japan, US, North Korea, China, Islands,

Taiwan, BAC, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, VAC, Venzuela, Amazon, Columbia, PEC, Peru, Equador, Columbia, PPEC, Panama, Peru, Equador, Columbia, PPPEC, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Equatdor, Columbia, PPPACC, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, PPACCUP, Panama, Peru, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Uraguay, Paraguay, VACCUPPP, Venzuela, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Uraguay, Peru, Paraguagy, Panama, BBAC, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, BBACC, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, BBACCUPPP, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, HUGE, Hondourus, US, Guatemala, El Salvador, PEN, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, HEN, Hondurus, El Salvador, Nicaragua, CUP, Costa Rica, US, Panama, MUG, Mexico, US, Gutemala, BBITS, Burma, Bengal, India, Tibet, Sri Lanka, TRAP, Turkestan, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, CAMPS, Cambodia, Annam, Phillippines, Malaya, Sarawak, HITS, Hong Kong, Islands, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, JUNKS, Japan, US, North K, Korea, China















Japan, US, North K, Korea, Hong Kong, Islands, Taiwan, Singapore =JUNKHITS, Japan, Alaska, China, Korea, Hong Kong Islands, Taiwan and Singapore = JACKHITS, Cambodia, Annam, Malaya, Mynamar, Phillippines, Sarawak = CAMPS

Turkmenistan, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Iran, Tajik = TUKKIT, Afghanistan, Burma, Bengal, India, Thailand, Tibet = ABBITT,

Russia, Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, Bengal, India, Thialand, Tibet, Tajik, Turkmenistan, Sri Lanka = RABBBITTT

Pakistan, Iran, Turkestan, Sri Lanka = PITS, so RABBITTPITS and JUNCKHITS to CAMPS for PAINS = Papua, Australian, Indonesia, Singapore

All part of Earth, Air, Fire, Water: HIDE/CASE

Chinese, Mandarin, Daoism=Water, Lake Trigram

Arabic, Jihad, Islam =Fire, Flame Trigram

Sanscrit, Caste, Hinduism=Air, Wind Trigram

Europe/English, Relict/Icon/t, European=Earth, Earth Trigram

The problem is that European Science is too limited, and Hindu and Buddhist Idealism is too utopian. Arabian astrology is too fatalistic and Chinese Daoism offers too much magical hope. The Air Element Ideal, described in The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox is true as an ultimate ideal, but only realized in the God of the Ultimate Future. The world of the present is the limited world of European Science evolving over billions of years in an astrological Dharma only some what open to existential possibility in Flame Trigram and Fire Element choice. What we need to do is work for Sermon on the Mount ideals, but with compassionate understanding, forgiving of ourselves, because we are in a long endless process in which there is far more purgatory than heaven or hell.

Allan Ralph Andrews, September 17th 2012, Bakersfield, CA

The answer is SANE= Scientific Astrological New Thought (Neoplatonic Mathological) Existentialism or SAME or SAMME = Scientific Astrological Metaphysical Mathological Existentialism, where S = Earth, A = Water, M or N = Air and E = Fire. It is New Thought without the self hating illusion generation that expects to become magically perfect, that expects miracles in a finite world, that expects the finite to become immediately infinite without a nuclear explosion that destroys it all.

In a complementary world there should be a yin for every yang and the yang of the Sermon on the Mount, even that of Emmet Fox, needs to be balanced by the yin of Theodore Isaac Rubin’s Compassion and Self Hate.

Allan Ralph Andrews, September 18th 2012,

Wolfhart Pannenberg was correct in describing God as existing in the Ultimate Future, not in the current world. But, Barbara Thiering, in her work on the Dead Sea Scroll, appears to have gotten the idea correct, even if some of her history may be in error. She seems to have come up with a correct hypothesis in her notion that Jesus was a minister to the Greek Jews, and was an advocate of the Greek notion of creating symbols in the

finite world that were worthy representations of the world of the Ideal, of the Platonic Forms. He appears to have believed, as other Jews of his time believed, that Jerusalem was a better representation of this real world than Athens was, or Rome was, so members of his group worked out rituals in which symbolic patterns represented the ideal world in the dramas of the actual. The Passion was such a drama in which Jesus survived a near death experience that he believed represented the presence of the ideal realm. For Jesus and his followers, everything was a series of shadows, of stories, of parables, each would a number of levels of interpretation, the highest levels understood only by the angels and by God.

My problem with Emmet Fox’s notion of the Sermon On the Mount, is that it focuses too much on the ideal, on the Air Element, and neglects, Water, Earth, and Fire, neglects the physical world in which this drama must be worked out and neglects the interaction of Fire and Water, the existentialism and astrological synchronicity, birth and rebirth, that are necessary to work it out, not in one day, but in the endless day that is God’s Day, that is eternity.

The Sermon on the Mount, as seen by Emmet Fox, generates expectations that are too high, are too self punishing, are not properly forgiving of our finite selves.

Allan Ralph Andrews, September 21, 2012, Bakersfield, Ca

The world discussed by Carlos Casteneda in Journey to Ixtlan is the realm of the power production hunter gatherer source, the Heaven Trigram infinite flux that generates the Wind Trigram perfection described in The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox. The realm emerges through Thunder Trigram daily living processes subject to the self destructive problems described by Theodore Isaac Rubin in Compassion and Self-Hate.

Wolfhart Pannenberg is correct that God exists in the ultimate future, but the Wind Trigram Air Element theology he describes is a local European mansion moving from Wind Trigram through eldest daughter yin Pythogrean mathematics into Earth Trigram relicts and shadow symbols. The true Church transcends its local Christian European relict icon shadow. Its Earth Trigram icon is a shadow cast by the Hindu nous and Buddha hen and Jain/Yoga psyche pneuma that are the eldest daughter and middle son and youngest son emerging from Shiva as eldest son from Heaven Trigram to Air Element Wind. The Earth and Air

Element, shadow, and Form of the Good that cast the shadow, are complemented by Fire in Islam and Water in Chinese Daoism. The true cross is formed by the movement from Islamic Fire to Chinese Water and from Hindu Air to European Christian Earth, forming the tetrahedral cross of all things. These is the HIDE, CASE, that is fundamental to all theology and the Hidden Church of the present world.

Buddhism has a trinity of Buddha, Sanga, Dharma that is the body of the Buddha as physical symbol of middle daughter yin, the congregation of Buddhists and youngest daughter yin and the law of Dharma as eldest daughter yin, generating a Buddhist Earth Trigram as the reflection of the Hindu Heaven Trigram of eldest son yang as Shiva the destroyer, middle son Yang as Vishnu the preserver and youngest son yang as Brahma the creator.

The Thunder Trigram in Buddhism is youngest daughter yin as no self and middle daughter yin as suffering and eldest son yang as flux. Its opposite is the jiva souls of Jainism as the ultimate creative monads in youngest son yang and the integration of the world universe as middle son yang and the law of Dharma as eldest daughter yin, generating the Wind Trigram and the Air Element. In Buddhism the integration of

the world empties out into the boundless as the gone gone utterly beyond that is Nirvana and the jiva monads become the pure creativity of the Buddha’s as they merge with the endless flux that makes the improbable probable in the gone gone utterly beyond of the Heaven Trigram as the complement to Thunder.

There trigrams manifest in the world through the intermediary of the Spirit, youngest son yang, Law, eldest daughter yin, and Body, middle daughter yin of the Mountain Trigram, as it rises out of the Sattva Guna, creative monad generativity in youngest son yang, Rajas Guna, naked energy flux in eldest son yang, and Tamas Guna, particles of the manifest world in middle daughter yin. So the freedom of Flame Trigram becomes the impressions of Mountain Trigram and the real world of Earth Trigram, emerging and evolving in Thunder Trigram.

Earth Trigram is a reflection of the Heaven Trigram source developed into the Wind Trigram ideal controlling the Water Pit Trigram order out of Lake Trigram collective unconscious complexity.

Allan Ralph Andrews, September 22nd, 2012, Bakersfield, CA

One possibility is to create a series of triangular cells based on economic ties. The biggest triange would be PEA, Peoples republic of china, Eurozone, and America, this would have half of the worlds economic power. Second wuld be JUG, Japan, US and Germany with a third, next would be GUF, Germany, UK, and France with a seventh. What is left, BRIC, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Italy would have a ninth. Interestingly, several BRICs can be constructed. Put Italy in FIG, France, Italy, and Germany, and Canada in CUE, Canada, UK, and Eurozone, or in CAN, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and that leaves a new BRIC possibility of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Spain can unite with UK and France to form FUS. Russia, India and China by themselves can be RIP, leaving Brazil, US, and Mexica, as BUM. Hong Kong, Australia, and Taiwan, can form HAT, and add South Korea to form HATS. Japan and America and South Korea are JAS. Netherlands can combine with UK and France as FUN, or Germany as GUN, or Italy as FIN or GIN with France or Germany. Switzerland forms SIN with Italy and the Netherlands. France, Italy, and Belgium are BIN, Netherlands and UK and Belgium are NUB. Russia, Austria, and Germany are RAG and Russian, Iran, and Pakistan are RIP, Russia, Iran, and Syria are SIR. It is population, not economics that makes places like Bengladesh, India, Pakistan a concern, also a RIP. And it is developing economics that makes India, China, and Indonesia a

focus in ICI, though China itself is an important part of PEA, above.

The economic picture is dominated by PEA, JUG, and spin offs of PEA and JUG, such as GUF, GIF, FIG, FUS, FUN, GUN, GIN, etc in the European Area and JAP, CUE, MUC, BUM, involving America, Peoples Republic, China, US, in the Pacific. America implies the US and her Northern and Southern American trading partners, thus US in a larger sense. China implies the greater Chinese speaking trading area, and People’s Republic, that limited to mainland China. Eurozone is strickly the Euro area.

The military picture is slightly different. RIP and NIP and NIC, and RIC, Russia, India, and Pakistan, and North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan, Russia, India, and China are possible combinations of nuclear and prenuclear powers against CUUF and JIG. CUUF is Canada, US, UK, and France allied with the JIG, old axis powers of Japan, Italy, and Germany defeated in WWII.

Civilization begins TINY with Tigris, Indus, Nile, and Yellow Rivers and then is attacked by GIPS, the Greek Indic, Persian, Sinic imperial systems that develop into CHAIRS, a Chinese, Hindu, Arabic, Italian, Romance, Scandinavian

Then comes the HAMS, a Hungarian, Arabic, Mongolian, Scandinavian expansion, followed by a TAMP, a Turkish, Afghan, Mongolian, Persian expansion, followed by SPA, the Spanish, Portugal, Arabic conquest of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the rise of FUS, the French, UK, Spanish imperial order and its DIP, its Dutch, Italian, Portugese supports.

Japan, America, China, and Korea and Singapore are JACKS, Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, and Singapore are HATS, China, India and Indonesia are ICI, and Cambodia, Annam, Thailand, and Singapore are CATS.

Peoples republic of china Eurozone



America Usa China

India China


Russia Indonesia

Usa Canada Brazil


JUG Mexico

Japan JIG=(JapanItalyGermany) Germany Italy


JAS America Uk France

Australia FUS

South Korea Spain

Netherlands Switzerland

SIN BIN Belgium


Italy Turkey

So TIN=TurkeyItalyNorway, BIN=BelgiumItalyNorway, SIN=Switzerland Italy Norway, FUS = FranceUKSpain, JAS=Japan Australia/America South Korea, FIG=France, Italy, Germany,

GUF, Germany, Uk, France, JUG-Japan, USA, Germany, BUM=BrazilUSAMexico, MUC=CanadaUSAMexico, RIP=Russia, India, Peoples Republic, PEA, People, Eurozone, America, CUE, China, Usa, Eurozone, ICI, India, China, Indonesia

I am looking at a map from 2008 that arranges wealth by area. JUG dominates this map from a global point of view. Secondary to JUG, Japan, United States, and Germany, is FUSI, France, UK, Spain, and Italy. There are local areas, MUC, United States, Mexico, Canada,CCAB, Chile, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil, or CAP, Chile, Argentina, Peru, GUF, Germany, UK, France, GUN, Germany, UK, Netherlands, RAT, Republic of Korea, Australia, Taiwan, or CAT, China, Australia, Taiwan, RIP, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, or Russia, India, Pakistan, TIPSS, Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Saudia Arabia, Syria, or SET, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, NAP, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines.

Between 2008 and 2012, we have seen the fall of JUG and the rise of ICI, India, China, Indonesia, and local combinations such as MUC, Canada, US, Mexico, or JAM, Japan, Americas (US, Brazil, Canada) and Mexico, and GUF, Germany, UK, France, and FUSI, described above. Various CAB and CAP combinations are emerging in South America and NAP, CAT, combinations in the Pacific (with Australia as the A).

November 4th 2012 Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield

GUF has been ruling the world on and off since the industrial revolution. It has taken various forms, GUN, FIG, GUS, FUS depending on the balance of various national forces, German, UK, Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and their relative European area power. GUN and GUF emerged from PUN and PUF as Prussia slowly became the core of the German area and dominated HUN and HUF (Hapsburg Germany) to the point of controlling the economic activity of the Rhine. As GUF slowly changed into GUUF, it became unstable, generating the World War I split between TAG and BUF, Turkey, Austria, Germany against Britain, USA, and France. Part of the problem was the emergence of economic power in GUR, Germany, USA, and Russia and JUG, Japan, USA, and Germany as opposed to more traditional combinations such as FIG, France, Italy, Germany, and FIB, France, Italy, and Belgium. In world war II, we see BUF united against JIG, Japan, Italy, and Germany. After the war, JUG will emerge from the occupied areas of Japan and Germany, leaving France, Italy and the UK to regional combinations like FUSI. As France was occupied, BUF became BUS, as Britain and US united with the Soviet area to oppose JIG. With the emergence of JUG after the war, Russia made various attempts to organize a SIC, or WUC, or DUC (Soviet

Union, India and Indonesia, China, or Warsaw Pact, USSR, China, or Democratic Germany, USSR, and China. The decline of the Soviet Union allowed the emergence of ICI and RIP from the emerging chaos. For a while it looked like BRIC might take on JUG, but Brazil has a tendency to float back into CAB and BUM and India into BIT, Bengladesh, India, Thialand, and China into CAT and PIC (Austrialia and Taiwan, Indonesia and Philippines) leaving the real tension between JAM, Japan, Americas, Mexico and ICI, the emergence of the Indonesia, China, India economic growth area and the clash between FUSI and RATNIPS, Russia, Afghanistan, Turkestan, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and Syria and economic activity in CATNIP, China, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Philippines.

There is a basic tension between the pluralism emerging from the United States and the anti-pluralistic tendencies in NIPI and RATNIPS and ICI. The original clash between BUF and TAG had elements of pluralism against anti-pluralism, as did the clash between BUF and JIG. An unresolved question is whether or not economic growth favors pluralism as a source of economic creativity or militaristic antipluralism as a source of motivation for economic power development. There is evidence for both. The forces in NIPI are basically ideological and antipluralistic. The forces in ICI and JUG have elements of both pluralism and

antipluralism. It is the economic power in the US that has largely come down on the side of pluralism, and to some extent, made the United Nations a symbol of that alternative, but the jury is still deliberating and the final judgment is far from certain.

November 4th 2012 Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield.

So the problem is now TRICI, the Turkistans, Russia, Iran, China, Iraq, or TRICS, Turkastans, Russia, Iran, China, Syria. TRICI faces JUG and FUSI, or BUM and JAM and GUF, or FUSIJUG, France, UK, Spain, Italy, Japan, US, Germany in its attempt to discipline the TRICI remains of the old soviet area union of Russia and China in CUP, China, USSR, Poland or CUS, China, USSR, Satellite States.

November, 10th 2012 CUS gradually changed into ICI and RIP and gave rise to NIP and NIPI as it did. JUG has changed into GUF and FUSI and FUSIGANGBITS, France, UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland and MUC and JAM and BUM, Mexico, US, Canada and Japan Americas Mexico and Brazil, US, and Mexico. Current expansion is China, Indonesia, India = ICI, Columbia, Argentina, Chile=CAC, Russia, Arabia, Pakistan = RAP or Russia India Pakistan = RIP, Egypt, Arabia,Turkey, or EAT, Japan, Australia, Malaya, or JAM, Venezuela, Argentina,

Columbia, or VAC, Japan, US, Mexico, or JUM add Philippines to JUMP and Malaya to JUMMP or TAJ, Thailand, Australia, Japan. Significant are these local groups.