Web viewTen Creative Prayer Stations. These creative prayer stations come from . Check their...

Auckland Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry | [email protected] | www.facebook.com/akcym | Phone: 360 3021 Visit www.akyouth.org.nz to subscribe for a weekly events listing or monthly newsletter These creative prayer stations come from www.creativeprayer.com . Check their website for more ideas. Community Mural This contemplative prayer stations is similar to the Draw a Hope/Pain/Thanks station but is done in such a way that ends in a Community Mural. You can use any topic for the mural, so it is very flexible. The following direction use gratitude as the topic. Directions for Leadership: Cover a large table with butcher paper, making sure to tape down the edges so it doesn’t move around. Put out crayons or pens or any other drawing supply. In the middle of the table write Psalm 92:4-6. “You make me so happy God, I saw your work and I shouted for joy. How magnificent your work, God! How profound your thoughts! Dullards never notice what you do; fools just don’t get it.” Prayer Station Directions: Using the supplies on the table, draw all the things for which you are thankful. Community Photos This contemplative prayer station is one of my favorites because it covers the geographical community in prayer by using photography as inspiration. Directions for Leadership: Set up a table with chairs. On the table place pictures taken from all over your town/area (petrol stations, supermarkets, Schools, Prisons, Police Stations, Fire Stations, Parks, Churches, etc.) and the following directions. Make sure to make the space inviting. Prayer Station Directions: /home/website/convert/temp/convert_html/5aabfc857f8b9a8f498ca876/document.docx Page 1 Ten Creative Prayer Stations

Transcript of Web viewTen Creative Prayer Stations. These creative prayer stations come from . Check their...

Page 1: Web viewTen Creative Prayer Stations. These creative prayer stations come from  . Check their website for more ideas. Community Mural

Auckland Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry | [email protected] | www.facebook.com/akcym | Phone: 360 3021

Visit www.akyouth.org.nz to subscribe for a weekly events listing or monthly newsletter

These creative prayer stations come from www.creativeprayer.com. Check their website for more ideas.

Community Mural

This contemplative prayer stations is similar to the Draw a Hope/Pain/Thanks station but is done in such a way that ends in a Community Mural. You can use any topic for the mural, so it is very flexible. The following direction use gratitude as the topic.

Directions for Leadership:Cover a large table with butcher paper, making sure to tape down the edges so it doesn’t move around. Put out crayons or pens or any other drawing supply.

In the middle of the table write Psalm 92:4-6. “You make me so happy God, I saw your work and I shouted for joy. How magnificent your work, God! How profound your thoughts! Dullards never notice what you do; fools just don’t get it.”

Prayer Station Directions:

Using the supplies on the table, draw all the things for which you are thankful.

Community Photos

This contemplative prayer station is one of my favorites because it covers the geographical community in prayer by using photography as inspiration.

Directions for Leadership:Set up a table with chairs. On the table place pictures taken from all over your town/area (petrol stations, supermarkets, Schools, Prisons, Police Stations, Fire Stations, Parks, Churches, etc.) and the following directions. Make sure to make the space inviting.

Prayer Station Directions:On the table are various pictures taken from around town. Find one that sticks out to you and hold it in your hands as you pray for that place and the people that generally work/play/frequent that place. Pray for encounters that happen there and anything else that comes to mind as you pray.

Note: I have also used this with photos of people who have interacted with the group.

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Ten Creative Prayer Stations

Page 2: Web viewTen Creative Prayer Stations. These creative prayer stations come from  . Check their website for more ideas. Community Mural

Community Thoughts

The contemplative prayer station allows for a quiet conversation to happen over topics that are often very big and complicated.

Directions for Leadership:

On a table lay out several pieces of paper with pencils, or one very large sheet of paper that covers the whole table for more of a mural effect. On each paper (or in different spots on the one large sheet) write different questions for people to write down their thoughts on.

For Example: What is peace? What is Love? What is Joy? What is confession?

Also put on the table the following directions.

Prayer Station Instructions:

Part of the beauty of worshiping together, in a community of believers from different backgrounds, is the chance to learn from one another.

Spread around are different questions. Take some time to ponder and organize your thoughts on tone of the questions that strikes you in this moment. Then, bless the rest of us by writing your thoughts down for us to be challenged by, to learn from, or be inspired by.

Also, take some time to read what others have written. How is this different than your view? What can God teach you through other peoples’ thoughts?


This contemplative prayer station lets people make word puzzles ranging along any topic using scrabble pieces. It can be done individually with each person making their own or creating one big community puzzle.

Directions for Leadership:This station is very flexible. It can be used for a number of topics, and can be done in a group or individually. These directions are for our relationship with God, but you can do them with words to describe community, Jesus, Faith, etc. Set up a round table or two rectangular tables together, with chairs. Place on the table scrabble letters from several games so you have enough for several people, and make sure to put a table cloth on so that the piece stand out. You can also hit a few thrift stores for scrabble games, that way you don’t have to sort the pieces back out afterwards. Print a few copies of the directions below to place on the table as well.Prayer Station Directions:

Take a moment to acknowledge God’s presence here with you already, as you begin this activity, and ask that God lead your thoughts.

Create your own word puzzle (AKA: cross word) that describes your relationship with God. Please do not take letters out of other puzzles.

When done, ask God if there is anything God wants to change, heal, or add to your relationship.

** Alternate wording for one large puzzle: As you can see, a word puzzle has been started by others in your community. Read the words they felt were important enough to add and then begin adding words yourself. **

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This contemplative prayer station uses sticky notes and a cross to actively hand our burdens over to God.

Directions for Leadership:This station can be done in various ways; with a wooden cross, with a cross taped out on the floor with candles around it, or a large cross you can stick pins into. On the ground place throw pillows or chairs for people to sit or kneel around the cross. Also scatter sticky notes and pens with the instructions around the area. If you can use a Christmas tree stand of bucket of rocks to place the cross in the center of the area, that helps create more esthetically pleasing space.

Prayer Station Instructions:Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.”

Invite God to help you rest in this moment.Consider what burdens you are carrying around; those doubts, fears, obligations, worries, and feelings of inadequacy that are weighing you down. Write or draw a symbol of those burdens on the post-it notes provided.

Prayerfully stick those burdens onto the cross. As you do, focus on an image of God taking those burdens from you and carrying them for a while, as you seek rest and peace.

Newspaper Prayer

Using newspapers, this contemplative prayer station facilitates prayer for events and people within your community. This contemplative prayer station is more outward focused rather than inward.

Directions for Leadership:Set up a table with chairs for people to sit and easily sort through newspapers. Make sure there is enough light to be able to read. On the table put several different newspapers (local to National) from that week on the table with highlighters and the following directions.

Prayer Station Instructions:On the table are various newspapers from this week. Start looking over the headlines and articles. When you find one that catches your attention take a Highlighter and highlight that article and then pray for that situation, problem or event. If you have the time you can pray for other articles as well.

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Christ Like

This contemplative prayer station involves eating food as a way to symbolize prayers for God to change us, making us more like Christ.

Directions for Leadership:

This station involves eating, so before using this one, find out if there are any allergies in group and set up accordingly. Especially be aware of nut allergies. Set up a few tables with nice table clothes. Post the directions at the beginning along with some hand sanitizer with a sign that says begin here. Place the labels (below) with each food and make sure there is enough for everyone to eat.

Prayer Station Instructions:

Christians say that their goal is to become like Jesus. Just what exactly does that mean?

When we choose to follow Jesus, we are basically giving up control of our own life and begin to live how Jesus tells us is the best way to live. The Holy Spirit starts to change us from the inside out, making us into the people God meant us to be. If we are becoming more like Jesus, we are becoming what God intended us to be; people of discipline, honesty, love, humility, patience, kindness, compassion, mercy and grace.Look at the different characteristics of Jesus on the table before you and think about which characteristic needs the most work in your life. When you have chosen the one you need most help with, go to that area and follow the directions posted above it. You may do more than one if you like.

Labels to go with food:

The power bars on the table represents discipline. Take a piece and eat it. As you do, pray that God will fill you with strength and self-control, that you will be changed into a person with discipline. Think about how the food you are eating becomes a part of you, giving you energy and strength and imagine how the Holy Spirit will do the same, changing you into a person with discipline.

The apple wedges on the table represents honesty. Take a piece and eat it. As you do, pray that God will change your habits, that you will be changed into an honest person. Just as the food you are eating becomes a part of you, giving you energy and strength, imagine how the Holy Spirit will do the same, changing you into a person of integrity.

The candy hearts on the table represent love. Take one and eat it. As you do, pray that God will fill you with love for others. Just as the candy tastes good and becomes a part of you, giving you energy, imagine how the Holy

Spirit does the same with you, filling you with love for others.

The oats on the table represent humility. Take a hand full and eat. As you do, pray that God will give you opportunities to serve and that you will be bold enough to do so. Think about how the oats you are eating becomes a part of you, giving you energy and strength, and then imagine how the Holy Spirit does the same with you, changing you into a humble person.

The beef jerky on the table represents patience. Take a piece and eat it. As you do, pray that God will change you and fill you with patience. Think about how the food you are eating becomes a part of you, giving you energy and strength, and then imagine how the Holy Spirit is doing the same with you, filling you with patience for others.

The wafers on the table represent kindness. Take a one and eat it. As you do, pray that God will give you opportunities to show kindness to others and that you will not be to busy to do so. Just as the wafer tastes good and becomes a part of you, giving you energy, imagine how the Holy Spirit does the same with you, changing you into a person of kindness.

The bread on the table represents compassion. Take a piece and eat it. As you do, pray that God will help you see those who need compassion, and that you will not be to busy to show some. Just as the bread you are eating becomes a part of you, giving you energy and strength, imagine how the Holy Spirit will do the same, changing you into a person of compassion.

The chocolate on the table represent grace. Take a piece and eat it. As you do, pray that God will help you see those moments when you should show grace to others and that you will not be to prideful to do so. Just as the chocolate tastes good and becomes a part of you, giving you energy, imagine how the Holy Spirit does the same with you, changing you into a person of grace.

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Confessions with Sand

This contemplative prayer station focuses on our need for grace by using buckets of sand. This station is particularly powerful. This can be set up in back for individuals to go through, can be set up in an entire room and done as a large group, or can be turned into an entire hour long “church service”. You can find directions for an entire service in the 1 hr+ collection.

Directions for Leadership:

Set up: Partition off a section of the room so it has a natural entrance and exit. Place pillow cases (enough for every person) at the entrance along with directions which are below. Set up a cross at the exit and around the walls place large buckets of sand. Your number of buckets will depend on how many verses you want to use (suggestions below as well). Above each bucket place directions specific to each sin to be confronted:



Take a moment and think about this last week. Were you selfish? Did you take more of something than you needed? Were you greedy with your money? Time? Do you wish you had more money, things, or toys? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.


Did you choose to play on the computer, surf the net, lay around the house, instead of working, doing schoolwork or chores around the house? Did you oversleep last weekend? Did you watch TV or a movie instead of doing something you know needs doing? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.

Losing your Temper/Hate/Prejudice

Did you lose your temper with your kids this week? Or with your parents? Or your brother/sister? Or friend? Is there someone you treated badly lately? Do you find yourself hating your enemies (personal and national)? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.


Do you wish you had something your friend has? Are you jealous of their car, iPod, girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife, house or family? Do you wish you looked like someone else? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.


Do you spend over 10 minutes looking in the mirror today? Is there anyone you think you are smarter than, better than, prettier than? Did you refuse to apologize even though you knew you were wrong? Have you tried to make someone feel stupid? Have you called someone an idiot, moron or any other negative term? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.

Overindulgence/Substance abuse

Do you have a bad habit that you just can’t quit? Have you overeaten lately? Have you bought things you didn’t need? Have you shopped for clothes even though you have a full closet? Is there something you can’t quit even though its harmful to you or those around you? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.

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Is there someone you have been dishonest to? Have you lied to your parents? Have you cheated on a test? Have you hidden the truth? Have you been dishonest with your spouse? Have you taken credit for something that’s not yours? If yes, take a full scoop of sand and put it in your bag.

Have someone greeting people as they come in. People will be handed a pillow case/bag and told to go stand in front of the cross.

Prayer Station Instructions: To be placed at the beginning…

This world is in the process of being redeemed, reconciled and renewed by God. God is trying to fix the brokenness and bring his Shalom back into every part of this world and its cultures and its many relationships. Sin is anything we do that hinders God from doing this. Many of us have trouble with the concept of sin. It is difficult to accept that even when we are trying to be good, there are areas of our life that remain against God’s ideal for us, against God’s desires for restoration. We may still harbor lusts, or tell lies, or make hurtful comments to others. We are broken in many ways.

Hard as it is to accept our failures, it may be even harder to confess them – even privately in prayer to God. However, that is what God asks us to do:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Take some time in silence to do this in a tangible way. There are buckets of sand around the room. Go to each bucket, no more than 3 people to each, and read the directions for that specific bucket. When you have finished at that bucket move to another bucket and do the same process over again. After you have visited each bucket, move to the cross.

Directions For Cross: At the ending….

One of the mysteries of the cross is that Jesus took the burdens, the heartache, the sin of the world upon himself in order to free us.

When ready, place your bag of sand at the foot of the cross. You may spend as much time here as you would like.

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Planting Hope

This contemplative prayer station is great because the end results are flowers that grow every spring and serve as a visual reminder over the years. The physical symbol of trusting ones hopes to God is very powerful. This station can be used for gratitude as well.

Directions for Leadership:Set up a table that has little pieces of paper, writing utensils and a basket of bulbs ready for planting. Have the directions placed in an obvious spot, arrows on the floor for people to follow outside to the planting area, and another set of directions by the soil and shovels.Make sure the planting area in ready to go, the earth soft, watering cans full, trowels scattered around, a basket with popsicle sticks (or some other way to mark where things are planted) and perhaps a place to wash dirty hands (bowl of water and towel).This station is best done in the fall as that is the time for planting bulbs! If you want to be really dramatic and you have a spot in the sun, you can do this in the spring with sunflowers instead. For added items on the table you can hang pictures, place quotes and scriptures that address hope. You can also place something that talks about the liturgical calendar and how spring is a time of hope made new.

Prayer Station Instructions:

Inside: Invite God into this space and take a moment to just thank God for every good thing in your life.Then go through all the things in your life that you are hoping for. Examine those things. Why do you hope for each of those things? Give yourself several minutes to do this, the settle on one of those hopes and write it on a slip of paper.Now, take that hope and pick one of the bulbs from the basket. Follow the arrows outside.

Outside:Dig a hole and plant your hope in the ground (place the slip of paper beneath the bulb!) making sure to water it a bit to settle the earth in around it. Then place a marker over the spot.As you do all this, pray your hope with your hands, letting go of this hope and handing it over to the care of our creator God.

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Wordless Worship

Using various things for people to touch, this contemplative prayer station encourages participants to contemplate how God’s creation inspires us to worship God.

Directions for leadership:Set up several long tables in a row and make it so people begin at one spot and end by the journal. What you need: Large Bowls, Sand, Dirt, Water, Pine Cones, Rocks, Sticks, Flower petals, Leaves, Tree Bark, ShellsPlace each item in a bowl and set them along the tables with a chair in front of each one. At the end place a community journal with a pen. Next to each bowl set the direction below as well as the instructions for the ending, which is the journal. Make sure you make it clear that there is a definite place to begin and end.

Prayer Station Instructions: To place at the beginning…On the tables are several bowls. Choose one and follow the directions next to it. Please go to at least three different bowls, if not all of them. When you are done, please go over to the journal at the last table and follow the directions there.

Directions for Next to Bowls:Spend as much time here as you like before moving to another bowl. Play with the items in the bowl. What is their texture? What comes to mind when you feel it with your hand? What memories or feelings? In what ways does this make you think of God? Or if it does not, why? In what way do you think God is worshiped through this item?

Directions for Next to the Journal:It is important that we worship God both individually and in community. As a way to share this experience with each other, we ask that you please take a moment and write down some of your thoughts as you moved through this prayer station in the journal at the end. Feel free to read what others may have written too!

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