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Support the l\f ac Sha ck , The · Go Bulldogs . Beat Sterling Vol. 62 ?.JcPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Februl!ry 16, 1968 No. 19 Stu'dents ·attempt improvements By UNDA DEAN. d4y, Foo. 29. beginning with 10 seniors s tudent teach ' this semester 11 Inlerestlng and challenging" is lhc WOif Dan Slodtstlll, G<!nc- sco, dcscrbs bis fourth grade student teachlnc at Wlctersham Grade School, Mcl'benon. Nee will . present "Seven ·Y Itch" ,\n oUttnpl lo iinptO\'e the Con•'OC•llons at 9 a.m. and coo- procdSeS ol communlc4tlon be- tinuina until 4:30 p.m. tween faculty end student.a. la· The Idea began with a group culty and faculty, and students of li\'O McPherson College atu· nnd student.t, Is Wlderwey on dents and one faculty member tile McPherson c:unpus. \\Ul lo the Student and wtll - la -0 - Older YOU!b Conl<m>« 01 Pur- P"""PI IOllio IW due University o•·er this past frOUll - to ........ . J>u. ThenksgMna. . tis 11..S Illa. ""' Mio '"' the They thought that perhnps n fonnot. S- att plan ol Interaction between tho nrfda« oa a lllm lo - - different g r o u p $ on campus Ille - lo wvuld help im)ln>\ 0 0 r&lioo- lbele daYJ ol communlclllion • shlps. are scheduled for •Wednclday, Sladeata ttqUtsled lblo day ol Fd>. 28, 7-0::IO p.m., and Thurs- the facully, and lbe lacuKy boo OTtrwboimlngq the Idea WW. the ....... UC. ol all Tbanday ·- 10 Ft b. !9. Plant s freere in u........ .. . llils c1oes ....... Dlgbt ci-. Return(Jli lo campus during The Student Council hos nlso the intortC!nll, . Welch, es- voted to baclc this. The ooxt sUtant prolesaor In biology, · step ls to get the blld<lna ol found an unusual sight In the all the students. The Student Committee which 1a Welcll'• ..,,., "llWlY ol is planning this program Is coro- tbe p lUia were "'- Y and turn· posed ol Brian Summemoys, log blllck." Mer IDTOOU(allng, soph, Brockport, N. Y.: Becky Wticb found tut lbe , ...... - Pugh. Ir, Peru. Ind.: Oonno - dr_.t to !4 Win<gllrdcn, Ir, Des lo- dterftS clmtlC noc:alloD, wblcb wa: D3D Snyder, sopb. Vi iclilla: ..- Ille to r ........ Steve Rogers, soph. Brooklyn, The temperature ilrop wos ap- Iowa: and Joe! Burkholder, Jr, poreoUy .due lo a heating valve . Melba, l dllbo. which had falled to operate. Tiie F-ib' CommlUee Jo -Welch llatcd that he did not •om Po •• ol Dr . considtt too miich - dlrUcc " done FlorT. - o1 -.U: Dr . since motl ol the plants Can Galm 9nell. dean o1 ..... , : •d be roplllccd and oomc 111Uered nr .· w..ib -,.. prol eo- only dambge. 10r o1 ebemlolrY. Also student at Wick- ersham ls Sandra Alexander, JllcPbcr100, who \\ 'OrQ with kio- dergartntrs. other tlemtntary studeo! tcachcra are Norma 1..-.rson, In the Mh cradc, Parit G t a d c School, McPherson: ai>d Detty Oli\'Cr, Hucdtlnson, lo the second &n>de at Avenue A Grode Scbool In Hu1eblnsoo. Elizabtib Oewald, Hutchinson, " Se\'<n Year llcb" by George Axelrod will be prcsenled in ihree-(Juortcr round In a lab lhcalcr Tucsdll)I, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. on singe In Brown Audi· tori um. ne play Is 6- by Tom Nee, Jr. McP...,_ •1lo cut aad edlled lbe play IO lbe form ID whlcb It will be ..-.i. Cbarlts w •• Flocber, MliliaM pro1..... - ID EioP.1111 aad lbeliler, wlJI be u.e .lab ..-er. student teaches In 111\h Loveless. so1lh. Mt. Rain· at Buhler Grade School. Assign· I(ir, Md .. portra>·• IUch:lnl. Nan· ed 10 lhc fourth GJ"ode ai Inman · cy Brown, Jr, Conconl, Moss •• is Ruth Wiens, . of Inman. ls "the · girl," and Mnnlred teachin& at !JcPher- Cripr , si-, 1\Jcson, Ariz., ls lhc son JJICh Scbaol arc Vltglnia \ 'Oiee ol Richanl's conscience. Md'llerson, In tho tom· Actordlag to Nee, . the play mcreo d opartment: and June • ..,_.,,. man'• lnlldelky and Widrig, McPherson, In borne the elfecla u ba oa 1111 co• ea>n0mles. ldt11tt _ lndusttlal arts major, I>=ell The contains l\\"O dreams N1.Uboa, "Md'tler.!on. teaches and threo Instances at the Kansas State lndustrial when the central rharaeter ls Rttormoto!l)I In Hutchlnt0n. confronted by the volco of hlj Erin Ann Sack, &rrton, Is conoclcnee. sllldcat toaeber in the biology TM efltcts will bo created department at Bubier HI g b by the use ol ' two -00 sys- Scbool. terns and lighting. Ag ma jor wins showing Angiu et<.-er · Earl Ir. Mlddldon. Pa.. ..... ........ Show a& Pa. l ie tt- edtd reowvt grand cbamplon. Tbll II Ille !In( lab lllealer ACCK c onsider s big name group Tho poss ibllily ol spon10ting a big nnme group with \he AC· CK was discussed nt tho Feb. 7 Student Council meeUng. duo , to play The Coffeehouse CommIUee reported that the Moc Shod< is averaging a $4 prollt per nlght. The deficit of lost semester has been Increased because severol moro bilb hove been lurpC'd in. ID ·Cultural Series lormanco will be at 8 p.m., Feb. 19, In Brown AudlUorlwn. MIA Neeler and Miii de Key. ...- llnt beCaa ID 11$1 - hollo were - al lbe Ullln!l'llly ol Soaib<ni Calllonila. Jn 1 000, al the lnlcmational Competition In Geneva. Swltu!r· land. they were unanimously .... Jec:ted winners as a - team. Bot h have been lh• reelplonts or numerous awardl and have toured. oxtcnslvely in this coun- try and abroad. ne i.t prepam o1 Ibis ,. ..... Sertn •111 be 1be · -- ol - ol Eu- rope'1 - esdllJIC, eolotf ul, - _.. ,. --· F1WLA. .,,..,. wlJI - ID - ,,__ at J p.m., - · u. rnULA foalUrCI thirty • five star dancers, singers, and in· from Yugoslo· wl°1 Jcadlnc ballet.I and cbonn. ... The pnisram ...m feature the son111 and dances ol five East· em European couhtrltt . spec· tacularl1 COlllumed and "'41cd. Studa>ls will be admllted lo both incrams by their ldcnti· ficatlon cards. Admillloa for tadllly 11 Sl.75 per pel'IOO, and central adult admluloa ls $?.SO prt pel'IOO. Tbo Qunpus lmprovemeols Committee reported that it is conslderina llghting some of the wolk1 around campus and odd· ing benches. Dianne Warnke. JOPh, Elgin. Ill.. \\'OS appointt!d monaging editor oC the Spedalor for the remainder or this .cmestcr, lol· lowll\I: a reeommendntlon of •he Bonni ol Publlcatlons. The Student Body was given $60 In support of the approach· Ing Dialogue l>:J) •. Soc. Committee to h ave three Feh. ac tiviti es Tbo Socio! Committee, head· ed by Monty Gansbom, Jr, W ;ir · saw, l ndlana, Is announcing three oc:tlvitles !or lhe month oC f'd>ruoryThe .Ari Club will a dance on t"eb. 17. It wfll be held In the b3JC!rwnt ol Arn· oW Holl. The Art Club will servo refreshments and provide live cntcrtalnmonl for the " '""" ing. A dAnce .ls also acheduled Feb. 2:1. It wfll bo held in lbe &udent Union alter tho ba*"l · boll game wilh College oC Em· porla. The Skate Club ls a abtln: party for SalllrdOy evening, Feb. 24. They "'OUld like full support rrom the stu· dent body !or thll activity. MIKE LOVELEl!8, aopb, 11 '- llalaltt, Jld., ud -N111e7 S..... , Jr, Coo.Ord, Mau., Uike Umo lo dl 1CU1 lbe lab lllealer ,aa, . "Sc .ven Year l &.e. b .'\ dlr ected b1 Tom Nee, Jr...- MoPbenon. . •\ produc:tlon !or lbe ... experience In pi.y cutunc, metier. ne lab lllNl<r ,.,.. dlroctlon, ligbUn1. scenic deliiD .,._ 11 deolOio<I IO and advertllln&. -.a estrdso - espen. .-.Uoii Ill dllt <ml& Q'pel ol Tllo ,,..._ ol liletller .. lbe !beater for lbe dlrcdon and .-d, """" wlilcll •- ac:ton. the bos" olfod - F' or the nudienee, tho lab • lbe a..ii-e by ....... , lbe ...U. tbc!lter produc\lons can be ed· _. lk-ee w - ..... UClltlonal as well as entertain· II lo _ .... .,.. Ing. t _IM ........ _ulii _ LOO theater g_ ives tho dlroctor ton. Library- adtls- - b(J(!)ks ;' compiles union list By DOSNA WINEGARDEN Ml ss V"rrginia llnrrl1, !l>ra· 'rinn, said that books arc being oddod by the stocb. In Jon· uary alone 495 \'OlumCS, 2!>I of which .. ..,re bound periodicals were added lo our Ubraly. Since the beginning ol the current ocbool year, 191 microfilms have nlJo been purchased. Many cbildren'a boob ha\'C been purchased the CIUJ. dren'a Uterature courao Is meel· Ing lhls semester. · There ore 42 now books on tho aholves and more are being proccued. Many arc NC\\1>ery and Coldec:olt Awurd boob and others were SC!lcctc!d from a IJst ol ootataiid· Ing boob put out by tho Amer!· c:an Ubrary AssocloUon. Jnlerllbnuy '°"""" ' now call- ed the c-ltt Sertlce, ...,. al M- CTft7 -ay, w.-.r - F'*1 1o plclt up boob for, - loan lbem from otbtt OTO colloe.. ID lbe .-lalloo. ll lss Harris st>l«I thal lhc !cell the service wUl be u...i even more when the librory's preac:n\ project o( compiling a union list Is compkltcd: The union list wlll bo an in· dee givinc au the rcterence boob including all Indexes: Readers Guides, book review. digests ond othcra. Eac:h of the colicges In the MXlK Is woric· (Jli on a similar llat from their relcrcnce books. As soon u all are complcled. the l111J will be corrmlncd ond <1111rlbuted lo each library to save time in phonlna for reltr· coco boob. Tiie , ..... ,Mil. to ........ a 11111 ror all booU Ill Ille 11>- rarift ol lbe _ ....... uw Udl may lake ....... , ....,,. llaldMloe-........ .... a111o Aid• II_,... far a -lo- Ille ..... p..-.-. At the present limo all record· Ing ol reference boob II Ing done by ll>rory _..el and IOCTi< added help wllb Ille additional tYJ>!nc. People to Peopl e lo have dinner Feb. · 17 , Pooplc lo Poopkl, 1111 orfllnlza. Uon wbose purpolO Is to help lnlOmllllonal students In Ameri- ca to become ecqualnted with the American people and !amllJ, II plannlnc an ln--..I din- ner. Saturday Fd>. 17 at e p . m. a\ the McPherson Junior Hlah School Ollfeterla. lnlcmatlonal 1tudenls will be Jnvk«I to Atner1cml homes to ""'* °"" ol tbe1r !11VOrile tt- clpcs, the bostes1 provldinc the food. Another proaram belllll orsan· by People to People II a banquet ¥arch 211 at the Qun:b oC the Brethrt11. Mtl . Glen Prevo. .,....ident of PClCl>lc to People, bopel lhlt lntornotlonal sllldenl.a w\11 be able to !Ind Ume ott durinC the year Id apml wil.b American lamlllel. ''Our ablec- 1J\'C! II to pl'OITIOtO a lulinl ln- temolionol undel'llAndln& and friendship," she sold. ..

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Page 1: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · Support the l\fac Shac k , The · Spe~tator Go Bulldogs . Beat Sterling

Support the

l\fac Shack , The · Spe~tator Go Bulldogs .

Beat Sterling

Vol. 62 ?.JcPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Februl!ry 16, 1968 No. 19

Stu'dents ·attempt improvements

By UNDA DEAN. d4y, Foo. 29. beginning with

10 seniors student teach

' this semester 11Inlerestlng and challenging"

is lhc WOif Dan Slodtstlll, G<!nc­sco, dcscrbs bis fourth grade student teachlnc at Wlctersham Grade School, Mcl'benon.

Nee will .present "Seven · Y e~r Itch"

,\n oUttnpl lo iinptO\'e the Con•'OC•llons at 9 a.m. and coo­procdSeS ol communlc4tlon be- tinuina until 4:30 p.m. tween faculty end student.a. la· The Idea began with a group culty and faculty, and students of li\'O McPherson College atu· nnd student.t, Is Wlderwey on dents and one faculty member tile McPherson Co~• c:unpus. who~ \\Ul lo the Student and ~ wtll - la -0 - Older YOU!b Conl<m>« 01 Pur­

P"""PI -· IOllio IW due University o•·er this past frOUll - to ......... J>u. ThenksgMna. • . tis 11..S Illa. ""' Mio '"' the They thought that perhnps n fonnot. S-~- att plan ol Interaction between tho nrfda« oa a lllm lo - - different g r o u p $ on campus Ille ~ - lo ~ wvuld help im)ln>\00 r&lioo-

lbele daYJ ol communlclllion • shlps. are scheduled for • Wednclday, Sladeata ttqUtsled lblo day ol Fd>. 28, 7-0::IO p.m., and Thurs- the facully, and lbe lacuKy boo

OTtrwboimlngq ~ the Idea WW. the .......UC. ol all

Tbanday · - 10 Ftb . !9. Plants freere in gr~ouse u ........... llils c1oes • .......

Dlgbt ci-. Return(Jli lo campus during The Student Council hos nlso

the intortC!nll, . Welch, es- voted to baclc this. The ooxt sUtant prolesaor In biology, · step ls to get the blld<lna ol found an unusual sight In the all the students. ~- The Student Committee which

1a Welcll'• ..,,., "llWlY ol is planning this program Is coro­tbe plUia were "'-Y and turn· posed ol Brian Summemoys, log blllck." Mer IDTOOU(allng, soph, Brockport, N. Y.: Becky Wticb found tut lbe ,......- Pugh. Ir, Peru. Ind.: Oonno ~ - dr_.t to !4 Win<gllrdcn, Ir, Des Mot~, lo­dterftS clmtlC noc:alloD, wblcb wa: D3D Snyder, sopb. Viiclilla: ..- Ille ~ to r........ Steve Rogers, soph. Brooklyn,

The temperature ilrop wos ap- Iowa: and Joe! Burkholder, Jr, poreoUy .due lo a heating valve . Melba, ldllbo. which had falled to operate. Tiie F-ib' CommlUee Jo

-Welch llatcd that he did not •om Po •• • ol Dr. ~ considtt too miich-dlrUcc"done FlorT. - o1 -.U: Dr. since motl ol the plants Can Galm 9nell. dean o1 ....., : • d be roplllccd and oomc 111Uered nr.· w..ib -,.. proleo-only mln0~· dambge. 10r o1 ebemlolrY.

Also student teach~ at Wick­ersham ls Sandra Alexander, JllcPbcr100, who \\'OrQ with kio­dergartntrs. other tlemtntary studeo!

tcachcra are Norma 1..-.rson, In the Mh cradc, Parit G t a d c School, McPherson: ai>d Detty Oli\'Cr, Hucdtlnson, ~cd lo the second &n>de at Avenue A Grode Scbool In Hu1eblnsoo.

Elizabtib Oewald, Hutchinson,

"Se\'<n Year llcb" by George Axelrod will be prcsenled in ihree-(Juortcr round In a lab lhcalcr Tucsdll)I, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. on singe In Brown Audi· tori um. ne play Is 6- by Tom

Nee, Jr. McP...,_ •1lo cut aad edlled lbe play IO lbe form ID whlcb It will be ..-.i. Cbarlts w •• Flocber, MliliaM pro1.....- ID EioP.1111 aad lbeliler, wlJI be ~ u.e .lab ..-er.

student teaches In 111\h ":ad~ ,~Uko Loveless. so1lh. Mt. Rain· at Buhler Grade School. Assign· I(ir, Md .. portra>·• IUch:lnl. Nan· ed 10 lhc fourth GJ"ode ai Inman · cy Brown, Jr, Conconl, Moss •• is Ruth Wiens, . of Inman. ls "the · girl," and Mnnlred ~ teachin& at !JcPher- Cripr, si-, 1\Jcson, Ariz., ls lhc

son JJICh Scbaol arc Vltglnia \ 'Oiee ol Richanl's conscience. l~r. Md'llerson, In tho tom· Actordlag to Nee, . the play mcreo d opartment: and June • ..,_.,,. man'• lnlldelky and Widrig, McPherson, In borne the elfecla u ba oa 1111 co• ea>n0mles. ldt11tt

_lndusttlal arts major, I>=ell The ~Illy contains l\\"O dreams N1.Uboa, "Md'tler.!on. teaches scq~s and threo Instances at the Kansas State lndustrial when the central rharaeter ls Rttormoto!l)I In Hutchlnt0n. confronted by the volco of hlj

Erin Ann Sack, &rrton, Is • conoclcnee. sllldcat toaeber in the biology TM efltcts will bo created department at Bubier HI g b by the use ol 'two -00 sys-Scbool. terns and lighting.

Ag major wins showing Angiu et<.-er ·

Earl ~. Ir. Mlddldon. Pa.. ..... -~Allpl ........ lbetteelll~Fanis Show a& Ila~ Pa. lie tt­ed•td reowvt grand cbamplon.

Tbll II Ille !In( lab lllealer

ACCK considers big name group

Tho possibllily ol spon10ting a big nnme group with \he AC· CK was discussed nt tho Feb. 7 Student Council meeUng.

Pi~n9-cello duo ,to play The Coffeehouse CommIUee

reported that the Moc Shod< is averaging a $4 prollt per nlght. The deficit of lost semester has been Increased because severol moro bilb hove been lurpC'd in. •

ID ·Cultural Series lormanco will be at 8 p.m., Feb. 19, In Brown AudlUorlwn.

MIA Neeler and Miii de Key. ...- llnt beCaa ~ ID

11$1 - hollo were -al •lbe Ullln!l'llly ol Soaib<ni Calllonila.

Jn 1000, al the lnlcmational Competition In Geneva. Swltu!r· land. they were unanimously .... Jec:ted winners as a - team.

Both have been lh• reelplonts or numerous awardl and have toured. oxtcnslvely in this coun­try and abroad.

ne i.t prepam o1 Ibis ,. ..... ~ Sertn •111 be

1be ·-- ol - ol Eu­rope'1 - esdllJIC, eolotful, -_.. ,. --· F1WLA. .,,..,. wlJI - ID - ,,__ at J p.m., - ·u.

rnULA foalUrCI thirty • five star dancers, singers, and in· st~ntallsts from Yugoslo· wl°1 Jcadlnc ballet.I and cbonn. ...

The pnisram ...m feature the son111 and dances ol five East· em European couhtrltt. spec· tacularl1 COlllumed and "'41cd.

Studa>ls will be admllted lo both incrams by their ldcnti· ficatlon cards. Admillloa for tadllly 11 Sl.75 per pel'IOO, and central adult admluloa ls $?.SO prt pel'IOO.

Tbo Qunpus lmprovemeols Committee reported that it is conslderina llghting some of the wolk1 around campus and odd· ing benches.

Dianne Warnke. JOPh, Elgin. Ill.. \\'OS appointt!d monaging editor oC the Spedalor for the remainder or this .cmestcr, lol· lowll\I: a reeommendntlon of •he Bonni ol Publlcatlons.

The Student Body was given $60 In support of the approach· Ing Dialogue l>:J)•.

Soc. Committee to have three Feh. activities

Tbo Socio! Committee, head· ed by Monty Gansbom, Jr, W;ir· saw, lndlana, Is announcing three oc:tlvitles !or lhe month oC f'd>ruory.°

The .Ari Club will ~r a dance on t"eb. 17. It wfll be held In the b3JC!rwnt ol Arn· oW Holl. The Art Club will servo refreshments and provide live cntcrtalnmonl for the " '""" ing.

A dAnce .ls also acheduled Feb. 2:1. It wfll bo held in lbe &udent Union alter tho ba*"l· boll game wilh College oC Em· porla.

The Skate Club ls p~ a abtln: party for SalllrdOy evening, Feb. 24. They "'OUld like full support rrom the stu· dent body !or thll activity.

MIKE LOVELEl!8, aopb, 11'- llalaltt, Jld., ud -N111e7 S....., Jr, Coo.Ord, Mau., Uike Umo lo dl1CU1 lbe lab lllealer ,aa,. "Sc.ven Year l &.e.b .'\ dlrected b1 Tom Nee, Jr...- MoPbenon.

. •\ produc:tlon ~ !or lbe ... experience In pi.y cutunc, ~ metier. ne lab lllNl<r ,.,.. dlroctlon, ligbUn1. scenic deliiD .,._ 11 deolOio<I IO ~ and advertllln&. -.a estrdso - espen. .-.Uoii Ill dllt<ml& Q'pel ol Tllo ,,..._ ol liletller .. lbe

!beater for lbe dlrcdon and .-d, • """" wlilcll •­ac:ton. the "~ bos" olfod -

F'or the nudienee, tho lab • lbe a..ii-e by ......., lbe ...U. tbc!lter produc\lons can be ed· _. • lk-ee w - ..... UClltlonal as well as entertain· II lo _.... "° ~ .,.. Ing. t_IM ........ _ulii _

LOO theater g_ives tho dlroctor ton.

Library-adtls- -b(J(!)ks;' compiles union list

By DOSNA WINEGARDEN Ml ss V"rrginia llnrrl1, !l>ra·

'rinn, said that books arc being

oddod by the stocb. In Jon· uary alone 495 \'OlumCS, 2!>I of which .. ..,re bound periodicals were added lo our Ubraly. Since the beginning ol the current ocbool year, 191 microfilms have nlJo been purchased.

Many cbildren'a boob ha\'C been purchased al~ the CIUJ. dren'a Uterature courao Is meel· Ing lhls semester. · There ore 42 now books on tho aholves and more are being proccued. Many arc NC\\1>ery and Coldec:olt Awurd boob and others were SC!lcctc!d from a IJst ol ootataiid· Ing boob put out by tho Amer!· c:an Ubrary AssocloUon.

Jnlerllbnuy '°""""' now call­ed the c-ltt Sertlce, ...,. al M- CTft7 -ay, w.-.r - F'*1 1o plclt up boob for, - loan lbem f rom otbtt OTO colloe.. ID lbe .-lalloo.

lllss Harris st>l«I thal lhc !cell the service wUl be u...i even more when the librory's preac:n\ project o( compiling a union list Is compkltcd:

The union list wlll bo an in· dee givinc au the rcterence boob including all Indexes: Readers Guides, book review. digests ond othcra. Eac:h of the colicges In the MXlK Is woric· (Jli on a similar llat from their relcrcnce books.

As soon u all are complcled. the l111J will be corrmlncd ond <1111rlbuted lo each library to save time in phonlna for reltr·

coco boob.

Tiie ,..... ,Mil. to ........ a 11111 ror all booU Ill Ille 11>­rarift ol lbe _....... uw Udl may lake ....... ,....,,. llaldMloe-........ .... a111o Aid• II_,... far a -lo- Ille ..... p..-.-.

At the present limo all record· Ing ol reference boob II ~ Ing done by ll>rory _..el and IOCTi< added help wllb Ille additional tYJ>!nc.

People to People lo have dinner Feb. ·17

,Pooplc lo Poopkl, 1111 orfllnlza. Uon wbose purpolO Is to help lnlOmllllonal students In Ameri­ca to become ecqualnted with the American people and !amllJ, II plannlnc an ln--..I din­ner. Saturday Fd>. 17 at e p . m. a\ the McPherson Junior Hlah School Ollfeterla.

lnlcmatlonal 1tudenls will be Jnvk«I to Atner1cml homes to ""'* °"" ol tbe1r !11VOrile tt­clpcs, the bostes1 provldinc the food.

Another proaram belllll orsan· I~ by People to People II a banquet ¥arch 211 at the Qun:b

oC the Brethrt11.

Mtl. Glen Prevo. .,....ident of PClCl>lc to People, bopel lhlt lntornotlonal sllldenl.a w\11 be able to !Ind Ume ott durinC the year Id apml ~ wil.b American lamlllel. ''Our ablec-1J\'C! II to pl'OITIOtO a lulinl ln­temolionol undel'llAndln& and friendship," she sold.


Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · Support the l\fac Shac k , The · Spe~tator Go Bulldogs . Beat Sterling

Page !, The Spectntor, Feb. 15, 1968

Mae, Shack needs support

Us again. ·sees threat of war

Th~ M0

ac Shack waa ~iJ:d innu&"W\'f.ed under the directol'l!hip oC Georgll Sna,rclY,, stud~nt coun­cil preside.nt Inst yenr, and Terry:r;ouse, d1recl<?r. of rennovali,on.

·Throurh triala and tribula • , enough money was ral'led to· exceed the· expected goal of ~000, and the Moc Shack oCfid olly opened its doors t-0 tlie l\lcPhe1'30n College community April 22, 1967.

Everything waa fine. A 11 bills \vere and the llfac Shnck' wmr operntlriirsmoothly. · · ·

But, what has happened ? Al the end of th& first semester, the Moc Shock was $540,16' in tlie red. Bills are sti ll coming in from the first semester.

Let'• examine the situation. Are you, the stu­dents. the foculty, taking the Mae• Shack for granted? Do you think that it cnn keep operating at a deficit? · · I do not think that anyone would want the Mac

Shack to fotd, C!pecially sin'ire its existence haa been less than one year.

fn ca11e many of you do not know, the M·ac Shack la operating on a month's tn"al period to' see if there i.s ·enough interellt to warrant ita continu-nnco. ' '

If the Mac Shack is going to continue to oper­ate, lt will need the complete support of· you -'" studenta and !nculty.



ilear F.ditor: r ai>Pre'<Iate what the Alhle­

Uc Iltportmenl ls doing for the sldafnla i,, lmYlni.: 3 Polley ol

intramural """"'· but ' feel !bore ls much to be desired In r • c a r d lo auper.vlslon and fPort.nanship.

M'y• ~lief ls Chat' a coach or faculty member should be pre­sent at each pine, iI the P~· crs lhem.telv« can not u.., up Co !lie ldOals ol a true sports-man.

Rlvolry and eompetitlon are fine, but when It turns to ogres. slon anil open hostility, Uicre ls somet.hing tacking in the well rowided college student

Jn my opinion, the Athletic Depllrtment should ley down a code! ' of strict Nies lo be fol· loftd In regard lo sports, and to be enforced by lhe presiding· ofllclal.

A concuned student

French Club plans activities

French langungc students will be having a vnrlcty ol Interest­ing prQCral1lS this SM"l<Ster whldJ will ~ them bro:idcn their .scope In the study or French lancuoao.

By .DA\"'E. 50\"Clti:-i The momlni: ol January 25,

the American public awoke to the .-s that the United Slates .. .,.. oact apln OD th<! brink ".Of

a war which- lfOllld most..liUly oncompru;s the m:ijor powers ol the world.

Tbe Denocnllc People's R"' publlc of x..,,., more common· I.)' ~ by lhe West' at Nortll Xorta. bad 1up_.itr ~ u American lo&eWgeace plborins 1blp, !be u.s.s. Pueb­lo. la taternatlonal waters.

'Ibis indd<!lt prompled some or our more promlnrnt state. men to use such tcnns as ··an act ot wnr" and "for the snkc of our nalloD>t honor," when relcrri11& to the seizure. '

President Johnson responded by calling Into active service J4,?87 tt5<'rvhl... For lour da)'I, the threat of war hung over the country nnd JIUI as quickly as It started the Incident was lori:ollen. Why!

• Sh1ce "lllen, acalltted bit& or 1nr....m..u.. hn•• ru1<:re<1 lo tbe Americaa pubtlc. M- ol lbeae

- ....... c:iuaed clthcnl lo look al !be tacldenl with doubt.

The lnlomulllop has staled thlll the ship wns In the lei' rltorlnl wntcrs ol North Korea,

and lh3l scme menD!rs ol lhe The amountr ol time noedC<I crew wtrc illjured or klllcd dur· to challiC o!llr dl'tlllr ~-to ing ·lhe seizure. • • • a convenUonal lighter is call· ~The only Caci that " 1S-cvldcnt mated to be ~ two . to is lhlll the United Stales go,~,,.. three hour's - loo iool' to be rnent htt- ttil<en great pai111 to an· any aid' to·~ Pueb!O:­hush· the incident. Senator~~!; So, ......, - Ille !'Mb~ lebrighl, Senlllc Fottign e .- s-!"Wlilo ~\lnlktlia Mo Uons Commilt«l Oullnnan. .per-~ Q Ii' dl.i' aiir Oiliir Sl'altf" bops sums up the total sllua. Ill ...,. depmdbic -,. JlllOll Uon by Sll)'ing, ··1·11 find out nuclear ..._ ID -..

evenluoll)' ··:, In !WO or three. U~~ .. -~W or lour years. • . • 1tdle" a'tJlta' .C Ille -ol'lttl!!

One of the most interesting point,5 which hos . been made kno'•'D by the Pueblo iricidcnt" is that in the e\"enl ol an otlaclt upon Soutli <Korea by, the Nortlf Korean5, the United' Sfotcs Is. compelled to use nuclear wea-pons.

This surely does nol seem to be In harilionT N ule 6'tmtry "ilkh Is' alto' Ille lir1est ad¥o­cate ol wot1alpe~ oiill mlclenr dlsa·nriamcnt'.

Gernian d'u6 lias Thi. 1tlu0Uon II caused by S• mentberlr in BCA•

our commitment to \1ldluilii'. For ttJ effort to be Ille . ".0..W &1""3e1 Zlem..nn. Ir., Bcr­

potlceman," lbe0

Uillecl' 9liileo Un, Genna!IY. dlscloeed' lllal the

has bee forced to atmcb oiit °"rman Club lias',_ 20 rilcm· tis mlJIWy mlpt ~. bcn. frre"(f'wtloni m! cUrrent·

In South Korc.1, ~r man I"""· 1y stu<@ltig' Ir! MDl.WJir. Ger. er has been depicted .., Chat. ..~,.L: th" •"'"""-' • n!I Vietnam could have lhe" ~ many, ......,. . • .,,.,..,ren "" ·

needed. This depletion bas been !cats ~" sin>gr~: filled by nuclc:u-·o~ pla~. llttttings ol the Oub are held

C-Onvcnllonnl lighters could e very ~fl!I . Tuesday .ol the not be sent to a id the Pueblo, month at 1,e111 pm~ onal the'

simpl)' because oil the planes QOO'a ~ for ~ ll!lllC5-

in the area were . set up for lcr varies" frillfi' sddi tcijJlcs os

nuclenr ntUick. , "'!"tie Woll.'' De' GeUl!e's· Ellr­Jmnginnlio11· is es.~cntial to th formation of ideology; and Ideology to the co~stru tion ,of alter­na"tives.

The student is tom between two alternatives: to enter the world of the adult on its own terms, or to remain a· part of the student world until he can enter the adult world on his own terms.

As studcntj! you a re members of this institution.

i.ulsll Peqaeno, Instructor In French, has already stancil a tenlaUve Frtnch Club. The llrsl meetJni ol lhls <lub waa Feb. I.

tWben Mkd aboat the plans ol the club, Mlq Pequeno 1Dld

Authority on alcoliol

to speak at Convocation

c>pe, ~ and· S..Os; Memijcrs

will' abO' v111t other AOOK G<!r­maif Clul!sl lnt.'ladlnc' visits to Gcrman-spcalclng families:

']\.., ~ ot llit-<ll 1s to' s!low Geimll(y, l!l'~s arid' tile· Cllo!llirilt' world' around it'. You have encountered a deci.Bion making structure

which purposes t-0 be democratic, but with a de­preeiating politJcnl ideology.

· Is this college - and by extension, this society' - : governed by' irresponsible elites? More than' likely not, but th.e question still arises on occa5ion.

Yet. here, the student encounters an " unrespon­si\'e hierarchy>," conservative and bureaucratic in its style and thought. Or do you question this face also? · The point is, the public and educational order cannot be escaped : not by drugs. not by escape into the' world of corporations, not by escape into the world of the poor, and certainly not by silence. ThinRS must be dealt with.

Rumor has it (and possibly . this is one sure fact) t hat the faculty of McPllel"l!on College has voted In favor of a student:teacher "Talk ln'."

that members will leam to sing BJ CINDY BARCIIESXY In P?.!neh and IOflle ol I.he IOngs . inclllde ' "What Now M1 Llw .. JllmeS ~112. E:lccull,.., DI· and "Domin" .. ~ ~ . rector ol the Community Con.

as-"Animal ~:s .. and ''Scrllb- corns for Alcoholism. will be bl&" will also be IMlurcd In tho S)X'aker a~ the Feb. 22, 9 the clilb' un. Con"ocnhon.

I proeram. A DOied aalhorily - al-nie club '- lo prcten! a ..-&m and Ila _,

pla:ir In Freie~ . . Miss Pe-~ ol lamlly - com­qucno . iald, I have cll)oyed _,. 1-ldl. Renz II leacblDC Fronch and like my TOiied alcobollc .,. "" sludcnla. I want to Involve them • In ....,,. aJpeels ol the French The Community Concerns for cull11tt." Alcoholism Is a highly special·

lud agency which correlates, She alreosed lhlll member$hip coordinates, nnd mokcs readily

ls open lo all· inlcrellled students · wbo have had ·French In either o•'Ollablc oil existing strvlccs hlcb achool or college, adding. that may relate · to alcoholism.

"all depends on the students, Jlecausc the GC.\ does not 1 cannot lorm 4 club alone." duplicate lhc funct ions or any

Ras the "student voice" .finallr been heard• above the whirling machines of thJS mechanized edu9ational institution? Or, has some mlracle lib-eral faction - within the professional' ranks' - . • split away from the "old conservatbm," and pushed Mimi;· Baxter, Rain& this measure of student teacher relation• tlh!ougM · m comedy.fantasy

olher agency, it 11115 the gapS

lhlll are not filled by olbcr organizations.

To give Information regarding alcoholism ls Its prlmnry pur· pose.

To pro•lcle ~lie!­•ictl (not _, • • _,.

Iles. ,.m111es. ..,,,...,..,,, .... M. . mfur o111en. - 1o ptt1J'll'(! ii.e wrd · 8 ....... 1~ for referral to ~ 1.-." "-"' .::;

meal - ,.....,...,. ~ lo Ila....,.,..,.,,. ,,......0:

The COA also prii\'idft neu­tral g round where a plrson may r e c o I ve iJfonnaUon, dlJcuU' common concerns, learn• ot re; 5"U""5 which cnn help bis nF

CO\"erj', and m:>lcc his O\\'D de­cisions.

\/\t though tlu! OOA is not' Al· cobolics Anoll)llTIOds, ll malil­t•lns close cooptn1Utt m.tlcn­ships with all other grou~ w"rl<i!lll on lhe problem of al: coholism.

Lllenlllre, DeW'i .......... ,.;,: dJo spota, and a lllm, '"To YOur llealtb." Pla.7 lmPoriaat ,.. ... la belplaJ lbe alCiiliollc.

~. Fi.Ii. ll' - Movie, BroWn" Aiidltlirllirii 8 ':Iii ~. Fell. rt _P Last d/iy

lo diOP' d.-s WJtbout' tteord­ca' 1niides: ~. F"s.. 17 - &sl/et­

ball, Storlint: liett; s:oo. 7:30 p.m. Dance 9:~:30 p.m. ~. Felt. IS - Attend the

church « your choice. ~ ........ ~ !:: rurun1

smc... BrOwn~ A!ldllotlmi; • · p. m. • 1'11~, Fol>.• zt - Chapel,

:lkVwii' Nldlldrimli1' 9 a.m. ~ .. -.' • - :iiailtet·

ball, O!im, ulere, 5:30! 7:30 p.m. ~,·P ... ·it--Lell Thea·

!er, on' llhtre' J!n.;m' AudltOr· luin~

. By whatever means, as studenl'.ll we m\J8t make Paul Mini AM!e Baxter and

tl)e best oC .t~ls opportunity affordlm' t-0 us. Make Ol8udo ~ star In lhe 'com· tHe best of 1t. ec1,y • lanlal)I, """""1 on My

Jubal Lemeoh SliouJder" which will be ahown I~ nf8ht al 8 p.m. In ll<-.i Auditorium.

;t,g a hoodlum aenl to Hj!ll, Paul Mlllli m..U lhe Devil (<huclo Rains) presidjnc .._

hls fiery domain. '!be Evil One grabs tbe chance lo tuao the obnoxious Munl Into tbc body ol a )!ldae wl!o bas been lolling lhe De.!1"1 Plalll on earth.

Stu co names 'Warnke to position:

1'ltlnlltr . .... .-a-- Corm>ca­tlo91:· lkwn' AliilliOrtam, 9 a.m.

l'iYl6>. rifi: zt"t- Biltelball. Colli;,e' ol tlbporta,. liere,• 5:30, 7:30 p;m)

~. r..: ,.~ - Carttr Dil)r, on• campua 1:1111 a.m. ~. Ydi. ti - Sltntc

Compilcatlonl develop In the De9!!'1 ~ wbl!n Munl d .. cjdes be tiM beta living OC1 the wrong ald'e ol. tlie law for too

'7~ t tie r lhlD drauintl lhe Judlt"• ~ Uiroucti lhe mid, Munl beClnl ta &Im to lhe ' 'angel on his abouldor," Instead ol Ille lleYll.

Admlaloe will be a donAllon ol so ceota as rtqUested by the Soclii Commuttt.

Art> Cab will llpODIOr •

duce in Arnold Hall ,,. Ill( a.i. .. - • ' ......... _.,Jin.

.M' dia, ~ - •:•

..... 1111111·12,ai'-. ,,_ __ lie .....

. :..~· •;t> ,. h wll "" ,..._ .... _p;...n.w_

.., .......

IO!annc Wnmke, soph,. Ellgin. UL, has bwl aelected manag­ing editor ol the Spcdalo• I.his somcster by the SU.dent Coun· cit .

She w:is reporter on lhe pa­per last semester and the sec­ond scmest~r o~r freshman ycor.

Miao Wawke for 1be ~-"kwouldbe a valllllltlc 'e~. U mlg!il

- me . - Wtuat I .,,.;i lo ...... lbe ~ ...

She has O\'CN!ged about 2S lnclics ol copy per week.

As manqln& editor, M i u Warnke will write the bead­lincs. !'"PY edit all stories that a~ aibmitlcd lllr publiclllion. llDd "Tile occasional stories.

Miio .,.... - Utt • dlioooe ~ tue - Ille dotleo oC -IDdllef .. • practice -"""'-- .......... --· ,When lbe editors ti lhc Spce-

llitor put out lhc ptaeilce Is­sue, eadl llalr mm1b<r as-

swncs the duties ol I.he next h\ghest posltloa for lhe i-.

During lhe proctloo '-· Susnn Sell, Jr, Conway, will be' miur.leing edllor.

Dwftnl· #A'lfthls·

a&b! ... .....,., J'ill:•IS'- KlJne Open

m... :M' p.m~

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · Support the l\fac Shac k , The · Spe~tator Go Bulldogs . Beat Sterling

Stalcup r~pr:eselifs ~Hege at meeting of F e&wship of Clu·isfian Athletes

BT DONNA' 1'1Nl!GlllWEN' Did< St3lcup, fr. 'l'opeb, l"'I>'

rt!<'ntod the Mt'Phenori Coll~e ftflow!lilp ~ aitisllan Alhl<!tcs Qlap(er ot the 'ft<!teod semi· .,; in Wl&lta Satunl:q and Sa!lda)', Fd>. 3 and 4. Ela\'t!n c<f>tr ri>emben at!m.Md Uk! nil· b· wtdch wns tHe dlmax ot the ,emlnar on Sunday.

Wichita. ...,.,,,_led KaMH Sundny aflemoon wos the ell· Slate University, CJlll<ge or Em 1114., o1 the seminar os 13.000 l'Orta, Soalbwttt..,, CoHege • • J>C<>plc, turned out for the roUy ot.fitts. ~ Wt'l'O :0 col lege ot the Wichlla lin.iv•rsity RounJ. atbletes w11o part1o1pa1e<1 wtlh ~. .

Alhltltt from collegt1 around

Home & pfan·s two Tea Roonis

!t lop '""- albltles of the aatloo.

The seminar bel:an with a banquet Snturday · •t1ended by most 'br the coaches In Wichlla besides th• college nnd pro nth­letos. Se..,,.! oC the well-known athletes !IPOke.

Snluniay allemoon N o r t h flillb School WnJ open !or any

""'" moro Tt!ll Rboms arc who \\ishcd lo ""'rk out. Thnt btlng plnnncd by uic home eeo- evening n tcnm or one college nomics department this S<?mcs- and one pro nthlelc w~t lo 1if· 1cr. !crent church )'OUth groups and

C:trolee Pllctctt, sr, Mcl'ber- g;n·e talks. llXI. has cbarce ot an Orimt:il stalcop ,..... •1th P•uJ Aacltt. TeJ Room Fd>. ll6. Since th!t sm, 'tl'Ortd's Jlrollltest ""'" al 11'111 in•·ol>'C obtaining some ICU S'9", 3'7S Jhl, Aadmoon "'1kcd common · foods, the price hns on bow be got 1tartcd llCUng b<cn scl ot f t.25 per person. weights and JeVerol of bis ex-

A 5'\'l!dlsh smorgasbord js ht>- perttatt. with PCA. mg arranged for the · M'arch 4 · 'Eacl! college othletc sta)'ed Tu Rgom. Karin ~cboll. ot the home r1. · o high school sr. Essex, Iowa, will manage ath!e!e Saturday nl:ht nnd Sun· Ibis nleal which is, set !or $1. day morning both college and

Anyono Is welcome, students pro athletes ,went to churches or !rionds. Reservations may nil over Wichita nnd surround· be mnde by contacting Mrs. Ing suburbs. PriclccU, Miu Prcdricbon, .r Stalcup spok• ot the F.vangeu. ~liss ~ildrcd Slclr:. praCessor 0( cal Ulliled Br<tma Cl11ucl1 In borne eeonomlce. Serving timet Dcrily. Ills topic was "What are 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m . F'CA meus to m•." 10- ask·

The home economics depart· ct! U be ..... rr1ct1 about the mcnt \\wld prefer persons to speech be sald 111 was ncn·ous come in 2,s, 4't or 8'5' to !acll~ ol. first, but when I slortcd It L11e seat1n1 ~use ot !he IJm. 1ttmcd like the words Ju.•! ited spaec. · c:ime."

Fcaund la lbe pnrnan ., lbe B[f Throe: Jasnt1 Jrfln!J', Bobby Rlchanlloa , ud P a u t Andenoa. Tho coU•se and pro. r ... 1o1141 atlildes lntto.iiio­ed, lpcdal maolc wu provided b7 lbe l\orih BIJb Scbool ChOU-, Kvoral pros ran abort lallrs, and Pa'J' Aaderoon lead tile group ta s!Jlgla(.

Sunday evening St:ilcup .. Id he tm<h several agnln •111ent to church you:h groupa.. About the ~Ure seminar, Satlcup sold. ··1 fell real!)' J>rhif•ied 10 be a part ot it. ll was rcolly crcat.''

A'CCK ski trip is successfnl Sunburned f a c c 1 and sore

muscles ""'"' onlv one of the • cx1>0dcnccs tor students and !ncull,y attending the ACCK ski· Ing trip lo Winter Pnrk, Colo. on the weekend ol Feb. 9-11.

. SI..- parllcipajJQc Ir o.m McPherwa Collqe ,...,,.., !\l'ar. cla Sellberg, Pam Burm, Cbris •' reclcrlck. Wayne Applellale, Mike Fox. Allred Dutrow, John Swansoa, Cb:arles Qaveri and All<a Brumballgh.

Bethel Wins. over Bulldogs

Bethel College dcic:>ttd the McPherson CoTicge BuCld6g1 ee. 74 In o Kans•• C~n!ettncc Alb· l<!lc O>n!ercn.., baskttb.111 game p!4ycd an the Tbttshen' court nt NC\11on F lib. JO.

The T1lrttben Jmnl>Od to a ten po!Jll lead •arly In th~ ~"""' and l<d the r1'ma lnclcr ot the game. lktbel belt .. ti Pollll lead, ~. al ba:ftim.,.

The Bulldogs c:imc storming

back In the Inst hall an<! whll­tled the home team's lend lo two points; but the Threshers rallied and pulled into n com· fortablc lcod, " ·hicb tbcy ,.,. lllintd !or the rest oC the game.

Both teams """' cold from the field with Bct.hcl 1nnklng only 39 1>er cent ol Its ollcmpU nnd McPherson ~ per cent.

Bolh lCOnlS hit :Ill field J!Oals but the Thrcsbcrs outscored the lliilldop from the chorlly line 32·18.

John Smith of Mcl'hcrooa wu high ""°"" ol tho «anWl wUh' 24 poloU. Stu ••rtttcn ,...,. the high ..,. ... r ror Bethel with !: pola&o. ,

llc!thcl wns cmlitcd with' 53 rebounds nnd McPherson C!.

ACCK to bold Career Day

Ma~ to play Warriors

The illcl'hcrson ~. bop- ud H will lake --.r Ila d­ing to odd n r.-· more vi<torlcos fort to dllpllcote tlila foat. to the "'in sido or their wan· &lanced scorlns '*'• hffn' lost cohmtn, PlllY the SterHn1 the Ottown 1radcmari< this -Warriors at the Roundhouse Slit· son. Judcrus, Buell andl OlbfMI urdny nt 7:30 p.m. Ing nil have U to t4' polnt .....,..:·

'SlertJnr II ............,. ill tut' ages. These three arc Jo!Ml' Iii' Platt In the 1<asue wtlb a l·U the Slnrtlng Une<Jp l1f si--• rttont. while l~ 1a 1a mnter and !tile. Oltawa sporta' 9lb place wllll a :s.10, ! boys who mcaaure 61''. i-.s. Unless Mci'OO-~

The Ilulltlo~• have downed Sterling in both ot their previous contest.!.

The Warriors' only victory of the senson has coine O\'U link· er. ibe Do;s hnve dcf••ttd Sterling, Ottawa and &k•r.

• The - - ·d ... '"" Ind furious. Al the laot -· the BuBdop polled oat a nn polnC '1Sc1or7,' ..

Bill Thal~ Is the mnn to w:ildl. The bl: ccnttr Is ••= aging 20.2 points per gnmc, ~nod for second In the con!er­cn<e. The Wnrrlors '1'if1 go wl!h Kruse. Wiison nnd Thpycr on tho backllne. with Mosher and Co­oper in the front court.

The following 'l\>csdar. the Bulldogs ore on the rond with a contest at Otlllwa. 'l'hc Do~1 hn\'C won only once away rrom home this ycnr.

McPhcroon will be mcctlrG a team that Is rul'l'Cntl)' in 5th

ly keeps them uway from UMr boards, ii could be n long nilht.

W AA schedtileg, intramurals-for won'leli

Voll• >f>nll • lhtrnmnrals· ani• now being plnnncd for ~:

l..da Wedd\o, .,.., 8*m, JIM. - or w..,_·. ~~

-· Mid 111111 • n.lliitil• for •...U.ybatl Cof11ptlitloii tit ~-IOlee womolik bebll! let up. -

Dotzour tconlS will be d<ter­min<d by floors, one or tWol tcllmS per floor deptndin« olf• the ln!ercst. Kline wlU have hlo' teams.

•Wcdncodn)• nights ol'li lie'lrif consldcrcd ror the games.· bUt' f I n n I nrrongemcritJ· mar bi! found on the doors In Dotzour and Kline halls llOOCI.

Short shots

AccomP3DYing the group '"""' three fncuh)' members: Doris Coppock. Marvin Sclfbcrg and llobert Green.

P1"AS continue to be made place in the conlercncc with a !or AOCK c:n,...,r O:>y, scbcd- 7-G record. and Is ·~· bnrd to ulcd !or Saturd.1)', Feb. ~ Qt beat a l homo.

MIM Weddle MW tW "°'"' dMcks the yHr bllo" tloree -- ,._,, z.cto ....... IM' d lb a,._.. 1- _.. ,...

87 MIKE TBOMP!loN !egos or the nnlion In scoring John · Smith Is continuing his with n -15.2 per grune O\'era11c.

assail. on Ille scodni. tace. ,11c_ But listen to whnt bis !ather­can't snaro the scorinj crown, coach Press Morovlck has 10 bocnuse he didn't pfll,)' firSI sc- sny. mester, but hi• scoring nvcr- "J ust once, I'd llko to sec age is 3rd In tho Jcngu<?. somebody give· him o chance

Alter a 38 point outburst with a straight dclense instead •iµinsl mru. he came . ~·cit of a boJC·aocH>ne or double with n 24 point night at Bethel. lC'1m." His """rage for the last lour " ll scmebody would pllly us games (:!O, 35, :i,. 20 is 31.8. honest one time, we'd •Ill'

You've henrd 0( gotting into get lo see how mony he ·con foul trollble, but how about this score . •. " -one? Mall Hull ot North Texns Jim Ryun blaU!<l to . a 3:57.5 SIJ!te needed only 9l seconds mile at Modison Square Garden from the ~lni: tipol! to pick for the fastest time ot. lhe ill· up !oar pcrooDal fouls. door seasoo and 3n1 !astcsi

And to top it otl, . be """ e•'Cr indoors. charged with a technical for not The next night niter on!)' 3 raising bis hnnd alter the four· hours of sleep; he rnn a 4:00.4 th rout. ., mile, but snid he foll n little

The NFL estimates thnt each heavy. He had no one lo .push Packer who has i,.,en with him in either race. Grten ~ during V10ce Loni· Let"s ·g<! •out and support our b:mti's nine • year . reign ns tcom at the Sterling grune. conch, e:trned an estimated $'15.· lt ~ill be a good ball game, 000 in post • eell50n money. and the team will piny jusl a

Pote Moravlcl! of I..Ouislaoa little bnrdcr if they know some­. Stnle is leOdlng the major col- body is there cheering for them.

BADER Cl.WIEIS ~ Follow The·

FREE PICK UP Bulldog~ -CALL- In The

"' ...... Siooel< .,.._ Hell McPherson .. ...

.._,. L - Sentlliel ,/

Molater Hell

McPherson's Reali)"

Complet~ Service ,Operation

- All Make5 .-

flm MMll~~obile


610 .W ftl'. Lnau .• CH 1·2540

When asked about !ho trip, McPhe rson College. • At the tau oncotlllltt, the

dJl)l1 .... 1-. Morein Sellberg. fr. ~tcPhcrson, The purpose of the cnrccr staled. " I b"'1 a wonderful day Is to pro•ide juniors and time and th• W1!nthcr wns beau· seniors ol lhe AOCK collCgts 1llul." an opportunity to meet rt{>~

''There were. so macy dll!er· S<?ntativcs ol bla1ri&s nmu arid cnt things to do and we met groduolc schools.

many new people. l! wo didn't The tiny will !~in with rogl· go skiing, there was Ice slulllng, strntlon ot o · a.m! The group sled riding or toboggoning.'' will mccl In Bf'0\\'11 Audllorlum

Sid •- ,...... st- for at 9::!0 !or a «•neral MSernbly besta-s on ~ -mag. and the rest of the doy will be Jlow'e\'tr. there ,...... ao otbcr devoted to interviews. ll"OllP adtrillts plalla<d. Tbll • 1•,·c enryooe Ume &o relu aad ee)eJ - adlvllles they-.

The group leCI McPfierson bY bus Friday night and r<!urned Sondn)• night.

Tests to be given llifh ~t ,......., 11114 nnt

,..,..."'' coDtct fretlun<R wm be lak1aC · ACT lesll Sotanbu', F'tl>. 17, • 8 a.m. ill M9bler llall.

The IHll will be' -­b7 Dr. FraaU. dean ol academ-ic a ffairs. ·

Th .... lntervlcws will give pro­spective employers on op1>0rtun· ity. to sec studcnlJ from six col­leges at one time.

EBAVQH'S Glht • H1Umark C~rdt Picture Froml ng ~

~08 N. Main

Skyway Lu1.1a10 · .


~omo BrowM Anyti~o

ELOON~ ·roooLINER "Try A' Snack From Our Delicatouen"

CH 1-2589 514 N. Ma in

S1D BAC-ON oopGf..uMBUR . Sates and Senice

109 S. Maple CH 1.0371

The Best Place To

Eat and Relax

ln McPherson·· Is

Dulldo11> looked lmp..-Jvo In •a 84-73 •lcto...,, over the Briavu

Yingst to speak nl Oin11cl service

The com'llt' .. m ! tllrdtilti February, lncludol hantill' mla \'llllO)'ball. The main eport roir the ICllOn beginnl"' wlR tie' tt'D- . nls.

• Si>om O'!lllnlM!d by WM! ai-9' Kennclh Yingst director of not Umitcd to memberw ot t11f

development. wlll be the gueot · club. Tho p u ~po• 0 ol' WM SJ>Ca~cr nt the Feb. 20 Oiopel Is 10 provide octlvlty· for 1111 service. -.unen on c:wnpus.

Bob GlllCll, asslt!nnt pro/ ... sor in Engliih. spoke about the first Psnlm at the -Flill. 13 Chapel. '

A rcqord with three wQmcn doing chorn I reading or Psalms wns played.

For Tho Best In Self.Service

Laundrie1, Co To



Got Some.thing

To Sell, Buy

or Give Away

• UteA . Spectator

Want Ad

UM °"' Drl••·•· WJMow

Superior c1eaes· c 11.. & WlntfM i:.w.... 109 S. Ath CH 1-JJJ7

s~s~-'!A.,rtcaryeq,~ • • • Bewltchln11 The - · · ~:,~e~t.!';~o:·;r.=: ever upward - • Hyfe INt't u youna u ptopfe who od<nlte bftofy;·c-o let It ac><utt - - 1r, tho W<Y l11es1 ti'y wor ld·bmed

Reasonable Rates

• Nla""1. fnJ.1- ltlnc I $1110, Mdf'J Cfrtlll Qll, • ................. ......., ...........


John .Orinen Or

Mike Thompson

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · Support the l\fac Shac k , The · Spe~tator Go Bulldogs . Beat Sterling

Paire. ~. Tlie Spectator, Feb. lli, i968 Dtdts, IDebcrt • Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Dirlt.s,

• Wichita. announce the engage­ment ol lbcir dnuahl•r, Sherry

Brethren thurch.' dis cusses f-0reign po,icy, Communism

. IttPe. to David L8wis Ueibert!

Mac Pac will discuss ·cw~rent affairs Feb; 18

'l1wl firll Sundly ol the Scbool . on Cburc:b and. Foreign Policy ol lbe ~ Qwn:h ol U1C Breth...,, proved to be very succe..tuJ. 1.orcll E. Weill, Pn>-1-, ol IOCloloCY' 1'ibo. bad clwtO ol the meetings, . .estJ.

llllled 'IV odulC4 allendlni With , ITllllY $)'Ing af1erward for

more illformlil Al 1 :31 p.~ lollowini 45 min­

Ulel for lJ&bl rdresbmcnts, a panel con1iatlng ol Dr. Ray-11-1 Flory, professor of his-

lory and political 1Cicncc, Le- Lowe, a McPherson., lnsur11nce land 14 ~. asslstanl pro- . salesman. · : · lessor ol history ond pclJUcal Next Sllnda)I, Feb. I, Rev. acl~. npd Lesl<lr Bowman, Hamid Botnbcrger will . speo~

·~ McPbenon bus!- on ''The Qiurcb - Wbo lS it! a , tor moming woribip. ncssman discussed "Whal Docs

~.i!.?~kl 'lblnk °' the Vniled Applicatio~ due ~verse opinJo.:S were express- • for study abroad

eel by the pone!, but all _,,. eel to agree on orro fundamental >AP.>11couOns !or the Brethren point: lhnt over-all generall2a- Colleges Abrood program ure lions are vaaue and misleading. due ~ and should be given They found Ji nccessary to spec· to Merlin Frantz, dean ol acs-

Galtoo',1 works lly tho VWP or perron and or demic lllfairs. l the specifi<: Issue obout whicb !Alter Dr. Frantz rccelves the

ll'e OD d i1p ay opinions were being conjcctui- oPPlicollons, he will send them in .Fritndahip Hall ed. to Earl Garv<r at Manchester

l1le art tl!hlbil In Friendship The second panel diacunlon, College. U,Jl."""'11lf, ol oils, pastels and "lfow •Much ol a Threat ls · Garver is one ol the coor<ll· -.l<uls by Herta Galtoo. World CommwUsm. ·Really!'', nators ol the BOA J>n>il'3lD who

Miu Galion w111 bom and centered around qDDlltlolll such helps select atudcnts to study educated in Vlettna, , Austria as whether communillm Jn the abroad.

soci ol Mr. and Mrs. LoWis IJil>. Tho next meeting cl the Mt>- u lbe Coadl't ....,._ by "1· bcrt. McPhcl'900. Pherson Pence ·Action Council IJIJ, "We bope lo give "" Cl\>

• Miss Dirks Is n ~re will be held this Sunday. Feb. portmJb' r .. - ..._. at cPbol'10U College. . 18, al 2 p.m. in tho quiet room ·iDd ""~" dla- lo make

· IH!ebert gradunled ll'Om Me- , of lloc Student C(nlon. a p;;.w.e~ - lo lbe -Pberson Collea• in December Somo el lbe - lo be ,.. - medlodo of peece In lht and is in the U.S. Ann;y, st•· cuss<d are !be ptacemenl ot 1l'Olid IOCl!'Y• We """' lo pro. lioned nt f't. DIX, N. J. ads IA tbe local a.......,er, •olle lboaP' - opoa dlscu-.

cllecltlnl about oblaillblC boOka • loo .. !be ~ wblc:b ...

Tl1iea1en,· Vannor1del oa i>ifUism. lbe clU'l'<!DI war, railed bf !be, peace JIOlilloa.." and cOalcieltl<MIS objedloo , ..

tl!t. and Mrs. •Abe R. Thiessen. !be ~ 1JbraJ7, ....i o111a Inman, announce the engage- erron. lo prompt .U.C-lon on mcnl o( their daughter, Sharon . campus and bl the ...,..-1• ~. to Jerry L. Vannorsdcl, Tho Council sponsored the lilm "'!' ol Mr. and Mrs. Max Van· "\Yhlch Way ' the Wind?" !or norsdcl, Sioux City. I""'.•· . chapel Feb. & and nfterwards

Miu 1blcssen Is a part-time held a diseussk>n ol the poinl.s student at McPherson Collc~e brought out In the Ulm. and is employed by lbc lidmin· Other actlvlties or the Mac istration here. Pac Include plncif18 items ol in-

VaMOrsdel is nttend"'1; Iowa tcrcst concerning the wa.-.on a State University. majoring in blJ!leUn board in. Mohler 11311 mechanical cngincering. under th<? bending "Whal Do

You think?" nnd buying DD ad

Deahl, Lunkley Mr. and ' Mrs. Kelth Deahl ol

l)nlonviUc. lowa. onoounce the engngemcnt or their doughier,

in th,c IO'•n now,.,apcr ad\-erus­ing U1e rndio programs spon· sored by the Kamllns Cloncern­cd About Viclnmn. •

.College grad is first to receive Ph. D. in music

Dr. Jr\lin Wtener, a nati\•c Knpsnn who 11 on the faculty at Loulslana State Unkcrsity,

, Baton Rouge, La., sUll ploys trombono with bls feet.

la Ibo NrfJ' ltw.. Dr. l\'ag. ner c1evc1opeo11 a lalem of Pill,)" !Al lnlmboae bJ' l>Maocla( lbt "°"' oo bit writt and openUnc Ibo allele wllll Illa r!PI loot,

wbeie sbe audied fashion de- U.S. h4S been exllii.,,,ted to &llnllW. th<? point ol a bugaboo, ' U oo,

Jn 19811, she came lo Lawrence • why!. 11 not1 what Is tho dan· lllCI Is now taklni art courses ger? Wbat do some ol the Jillie at the University ol Kansas. people• of tho world BOO in com·

6be bu participated in ~ munlsm? ~ ~ tbe U.S. no petlllcci in KAiim and Ponnsyl- ~r their Jd?l.

Hedrick, Myers visit Omaha, Kansas . City

Jerry Hedrick, Jr.. admls· sions counselor. will represcJll the College at, high school ca· roer days in the Omaha area Feb. ~22.

• Judltb Eileen, to James Wes­ley Lunldey, son or Re\•. and ~Its. Charles Lunklcy ol Coun· ell Bluffs, Iowa.

The grotip bas a tlO sent for IAfonnAllOD oo lbe plallonns ol ~J>t"""c-aod wrlllcn lrilenl lo the local and campus_ ....

•While he made music on the l>Orn, he kept bls ba.nds busy clocking out o rbytbm willt two O\"e.rsiud spoons. ~!is mueical abilify and dcxtor.

lUes led him to appearances lo the McPherson area and finally to become a linnlist on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour. vanl.. The ~oci consisted ol Dr.

Tbe QblbU, 'Wblcb v.ill be on Flory. l'l\ul W. Sherfy v.ilo act· d~ unUI March 6, is coun· ed 111 ""'1'crn1or, J . Uoyd Spaid· ea)> of the Peoples State Bank, Ing, professor or economics. McPbenon. Bet he l College, and Leonard

College bo·okstore caters to needs of students ...

8' aNDY llAJICliEsKY • "'•IWe ~ 10 be beJiiul am! cater lo the stu<lcnts' needs." · Wllb' the9e words, Mrs. Marcia Ollttrlll, mAOAicr ol the Cot. • bnobtore, gave its purpose. ·n. -11-rrom

't 19 lJ p.m.. ..S 1:15 lo C p.m. ......, Unqla Frw.,.. ll It

•-•~or-,.. ~ emv11mcni, otudents

bay. Ibo QR>Ortuntty, to chuae boCllla < auc\ IV p' p II es. Tboie

· dilrto _.,,ta are duo and til be cleJlDquent .,ter March L

9oeldea lexlbool<a and sup. pliM, IDaQY other ltemt are llOld.' Amool them ere paper. ba'c* bcdta, om WllCorms. otul·

fed 80imala, llll'loa bole. -­llillta, ~ and oilier woer-1111 .--.. • ~. ~ and class

It la Eaay .. As

A··B • C . To C.t Your ·: ClotM1 Cleaned

At •

TIDY lnnir:y ~ · Dry Cleaning ""-~ .... C\OUlllS Caler''

rings l1l:t)' be bouglt or ordered. Or<lcrs !or books lo be usod

!or tho 5Ulllincr se.ion ore due tbe last al April

-- the aa-1da(, check· big. IU>d marldag or the booU Is 1oo i.rse a Job ror Mrs. CollertJI. sbe bu lb: oladealt wortdag

wKb her lblt -· The shxlents are Annotte DurkJ?OlOOr, sr, Preston, Minn.; Carol,yn Dell, Jr. Enid. Olcla.: Kathy Rogers, sopb, Brookl,yn; !own: Trisha Royer, sr, ~ra· cuse; Mllte Traetlo, Jr. ROdcn­way, N.'J .; and UUl Ann Wh-eY, fr, · Colunmin. Pa.

MALM Complete

Auto Service Including Clais

210 E. Euclid CH 1-403&

Weat ToA&W 1 Block South


TV. Radio· Stereos & Reco~ \ sa1~· and Service .

CH 1-3284

Uc recenUi• visited schools in Nowton, Clearwater, Mulvane, and Wichita.

Returning from visiting the Kansas City nrcn Is Eugene Myers, director ol admissions. lie also participated in a "School <0! Thought and Action Week" program at n Ka= .City church Feb. 1,;..

Other schools he visited in the Kansas City arc• ""re Shnwnce> Jlllssion .and Warrensburg.

•' Circle K to assist ut Pancake Festival

Members ol Cl.rcle K will 3S· slst the local Klwanis Club in their annU'11 Pancake FesU•'lli on March 2, between 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. .

The pancake Iced w1U be held Jn the community buildill8 in downtown McPherson. The Uck· eta 1'illch are being sold by Circle K !or so ccn'.s, con be used lor three meals.


),>rue Store

·4%0/o .. t

P ass Book Sa~gs

5% Single Payment


~ wi.o.. y .. -0... M.ko AD- ..

Miss Deahl is • junlor at Me. Pherson' CoU~c mnJcrlng in psycbology. Linkley is a sopho­more at McPherson majoring in oociology.

'!'be wedding will be Au,,"USI 18.

Renz to speak at Mac Shack

James Renz, EXccullve Di· rector of the Community Con· ccms for Alcoholism, will meet with Interested students ot · the Mac Shack Feb. 22 at 8:30 p.m.

Individual conferences VI I t h Renz may be held Thursday, Feb. Z2 lrom ~ p.m. Students may check with Mrs. llctty Barcbesky. secretary to the dean or academic aflaiN. for scheduling a !ime.

Shop At

Duck walls McPherson's Finest V~riety Store

With Complete -



Feb. 16-17




Feb. 18-20


· WELCO~ .STUDENTS We Offer ComPtete ·

Wheel Alignment and I .rake· Service 3J.O N. Main •



Nine Council members and interested persons from the com­munity aUendcd the monthly rnectJng· ol the Konsans Con· ccrned About Vietnam held in Salina. Mac Poe will worl< clOS<>­

Dr. Wiper Mleaded McPbtr­IOD COUqc ' Md majored lo mmlc. Be Ulm -- lo the Ealmln School of M111lc, Ito-ly with this group.

Close contact Will also be kept cbesltt, N. Y. wben! be unw:d "ith lh<? pence groups on ·the . 1>11 IDllllU's dtcree. COnlll\ISes or schools Jn the AC. He returned to McPh<?r.son CK. and become a member ol the

Don Kussart, .,., Cerro Gor- McPherson College lacully, do, JU .. ocllng cbalrman of Mac teaching in •tho music dopart· Pac, IWDll1<d up .wbal hc · iees mcnt from 1960 unW 1961.

Feb. 17 is dc00line Studellls .uu .,._, .. ..iu..

drawing lrom a cl- must do so before Saturday, Feb. 17. Those 1lilhdrawlng. after um dllle will N!Celve • a wllbdrawn -Intl .. wUbdrawn ... tbelr record.

KJNG'S DRlJ.G 207 N. Main

la 19'7, Dr. W- recelM h11 .Pb.D. dellff from Eastmu

Scllool "' Ml»lc. lit' - lk llnt mule major Crom McPhcr· - Coller• lo receive a Ph.D. degrtt.

1Dr. Wagner stlil enjoys goir~ on sbagc lo perform on the tronr bone and spoons in bis unique manner ..

Students ·w elcome 'lo

Norge Vill1ge 411 I. fucUd

WELCOME STUDENTS - . q W e W iah 'lo ln<rile

You lo Come . and

Try Our Great P izza. Niaht - $1.35 P izu., J lltt $1.00 Open 5 p.m. • 'J 1 p.m., , Sunday • Thur~day S p .m.. " 12 Midnisht Frida y &: Saturday

Cloaed .Monda y

. PIZZA RO~NL " Hi·Way 56, North~a•t of Macollege


Heten Harris ls Anxious To Serve You At ·

PEQPLE'S ST-A TE BANK ~ember. F.D.1.c;