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International Employment Relations Network List (IERN-L) A Miscellany of International Employment Relations News 14 February 2012 _____________________________________________________ ___________ Subscribe at: http://lists.unisa.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/iern-l Post to: [email protected] Access to ADAPT International Bulletin at: http://www.adaptbulletin.eu/index.php/component/content/ article?id=46 _____________________________________________________ __________ Contents China: iSlaves: Forced Labor Key to Apple Profits USA: Teaching and Research Assistants Call on NLRB to Issue Decision USA: Anniversary of a Death in a New York Sweatshop: Justice is Still Lacking in the Case of Juan Baten Australia: High Court snub for Rio opens Pilbara to unions 1

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International Employment Relations Network List


A Miscellany of International Employment Relations News

14 February 2012


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ContentsChina: iSlaves: Forced Labor Key to Apple Profits

USA: Teaching and Research Assistants Call on NLRB to Issue Decision

USA: Anniversary of a Death in a New York Sweatshop: Justice is Still Lacking in the Case of Juan Baten

Australia: High Court snub for Rio opens Pilbara to unions

Cambodian workers hold 'people's tribunal' to look at factory conditions

Afghanistan: Buried in bricks: Bonded labour in Afghanistan

Singapore: Update on MOM’s Investigation on Employment Dispute Case at


UK: TUC and NUS launch year of campaigning to protect interns from abuse

UK: Unions slam retail ‘free work’ scheme

In Brief

Australia: HSU state officials turn fire on Jackson campaign

Singapore: Immigration arrests fall to 11-year low


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USA: Locked-Out Workers to Embark on Journey for Justice

USA: Dean Baker: Auto Manufacturing Gives Big Boost to Jobs Growth

UK: Home Office announces hike in migrant visa fees

Burma: After Two Decades of Darkness, a Daybreak in Burma?

Kuwait: Discrimination Against Foreign Workers and Use of Forced Labour Persist

Columbia: Death Threats against SINTRAELECOL Leaders

New Zealand: Major DHL Agreement settled in New Zealand

Italy: New agreement for Italian bank sector includes increase in jobs

South Africa: COSATU welcomes WFTU to South Africa


The TUC Workplace Manual

26th AIRAANZ Conference 2012

Tripartite Advisory on Best Sourcing Practices & Employers Guidebook

Time Bomb: Work, Rest and Play in Australia Today

Employment Relations 2e

Work and Employment Relations: An Era of Change

International and Comparative Employment Relations: Globalisation and Change

Calls for Papers

Special Issue IJHRM

Study Group (Flexible Work Patterns), at ILERA Congress

Study Group #9 (Pay Systems), at ILERA Congress

Transnational industrial relations, at Greewich University


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27th AIRAANZ Conference

The Korean Journal of Industrial Relations

Conferences , Seminars, Symposia

Australia: Symposium on labour disputes in Asia

UK: Critical Labour Studies Symposium

Australia: Joe Isaac Symposium

UK: Transnational Iindustrial relations

Ireland: IFSAM Conference

UK: BUIRA Conference

USA: ILERA World Congress

Australia: Community, Work and Family Conference

Australia: AIRAANZ Conference


China: iSlaves: Forced Labor Key to Apple Profits


Source: AFL/CIO, 9 February 2012. Web/URL: http://blog.aflcio.org/2012/02/09/islaves-


More horrors out now from the Chinese serf-labor system involved in creating Apple

products like iPads, iPhones and Kindles. It turns out many of the workers churning out

millions of the devices in unendurable conditions at Foxconn and other factories are also

forced laborers as young as 16.

The Hong Kong-based Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM)

says, “Legions of vocational and university students, some as young as 16, are forced to take

months-long “internships” in Foxconn’s mainland China factories assembling Apple

products,” according to Alternet. One study found in some Foxconn factories, which

employ 1.3 million people in China, up to 50 percent of the workforce were students.

SACOM and others report that schools teaching journalism, hotel management and nursing

threatened students with failure if they did not take a factory position. The Chinese


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government-owned Global Times noted that “automotive majors at a vocational school in

Zhengzhou, capital of Henan, were also forced to serve as interns for Foxconn before they

were given their diplomas.

Apple’s formula for mammoth profits, which topped $13 billion last quarter, depends upon a

steady supply of forced laborers who are put through a torturous training to accustom them

to the factory working conditions.

To meet production goals, Foxconn relies on “military-style management…on the shop

floor.” Workers say “military training” starts during the recruitment phase, such as being

forced to stand in the sun for hours with no water. In Chengdu, some workers claimed that

for up to one month before work began they had to line up in formation and “stand still as a

soldier for hours.” Even the China Daily reported that the state-controlled Shenzhen

Federation of Trade Unions said Foxconn has a “quasi-military management system.”

According to scholars as well as business publications, Taiwanese managers in China refer

to their management style as militaristic.

Vocational schools force their students into Apple slavery because they get a huge cut: While

students receive less than $80 a month for working 11 hours a day, seven days a week, “over

the course of a year, 500 students could net a school more than a million U.S. dollars in


Often, corporate apologists in industrialized nations will counter that low wages paid to

workers in developing nations are justifiable because cost of living is lower. Another study,

also in the Alternet report, refutes that claim. Migrant workers at the iFactories in the

Shenzhen Province, even with overtime, are paid 47 percent of what city residents earned and

amounted to only two-thirds of the living wage calculated by SACOM.

Alternet writer Aryn Gupta also makes the connection that a nation whose political

policy endorses low-wage labor is one that also seeks to cut off workers’ voices by choking

their unions.

The use of hundreds of thousands of students is one way in which China’s state regulates

labor in the interests of Foxconn and Apple. Other measures include banning independent

unions and enforcing a household registration system that denies migrants social services

and many political rights once they leave their home region, ensuring they can be easily



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USA: Teaching and Research Assistants Call on NLRB to Issue Decision

IR/USA/Academics/Union Recognition/NLRB

Source: AFL-CIO, accessed 12 February 2012. Web/URL: http://blog.aflcio.org/2012/02/06/teaching-and-research-assistants-call-on-nlrb-to-issue-decision/

A busload of teaching and research assistants from New York University (NYU) traveled to

the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) headquarters in Washington, D.C., in recent

days to call on the board to affirm their right to form unions. The NYU TAs and RAs,

members of the UAW, filed a petition seeking a union recognition election in the spring of

2010 but are still waiting for a board decision.

Chanting “Two years is too long to wait,” as they rallied outside the NLRB, the TAs and RAs

are among tens of thousands of private university graduate employees seeking their legally

protected right to form a unions. That right was taken away by a ruling from the George W.

Bush-appointed NLRB in 2004. 

In December, TAs and RAs from the University of Chicago protested outside the NLRB

offices in Chicago, calling on the NLRB to issue a decision in the NYU case affirming

teaching and research assistants’ right to form unions under federal law. The University of

Chicago grad employees, who are part of Graduate Students United, an organizing project

jointly affiliated with the AFT and the American Association of University Professors

(AAUP), stood in solidarity with the UAW campaign at NYU.

Teaching assistants and research assistants—grad employees—are critical to the mission of

our universities. They are paid modestly to teach classes, grade papers and tests, tutor

students, run labs and do the research that make U.S. universities the envy of the world. 

Since the 1960s, thousands of these student workers have formed unions.  Many of our most

prestigious public universities—Wisconsin, Michigan, UC Berkeley, UCLA and the

University of Washington—have graduate employees who are union members, and more than

50,000 graduate employees are members of AFL-CIO affiliate unions.

“We are proud to support the efforts of these young workers in the UAW and the AFT,” said

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler, who heads up the AFL-CIO’s Young Workers



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They deserve the same rights that other workers have and we look forward to the day

when the NLRB restores their rights under the law.


USA: Anniversary of a Death in a New York Sweatshop: Justice is Still

Lacking in the Case of Juan Baten


Source: IWW, 13 February 2012. Web/URL: http://www.iww.org/

A year ago today (January 24), Juan Baten, a 22-year-old Guatemalan, was crushed to death

while working in a Brooklyn tortilla factory.  Mr. Baten was one of 35,000 workers in a little-

known, but indispensable part of New York’s food system: a sprawling industrial sector of

food processing factories and distribution warehouses that supply the grocery stores and

restaurants where New Yorkers purchase their food.  A year later, justice has still not been

done in Mr. Baten’s case and New York’s food supply chain continues to rely on the

systematic exploitation of recent immigrant workers, many from Latin America and China.

Mr. Baten started working at Tortilleria Chinantla when he was just sixteen years old. He was

working to support his young family – his partner Rosario and their baby daughter Daisy

Stephanie – and to send money back home to Guatemala where his father had recently died. 

Mr. Baten worked grueling, long shifts through the night for low pay, six days a week. On

one such night a year ago, just hours after he called to check on his daughter, Mr. Baten was

caught in the mixing machine in which he was brutally killed.

After conducting an investigation of the death, OSHA, the federal workplace safety agency,

concluded that had the employer obeyed its legal duty and placed a required guard on the

mixing machine, Juan Baten would be alive with his family today. Instead, because of what

OSHA called Chinantla’s “disregard for the law’s requirements” or “indifference to worker

safety and health,” Daisy Stephanie is growing up without her father and Rosario lives with a

deep wound in her heart.

A year later, Tortilleria Chinantla and its owner Erasmo Ponce continue to evade

accountability for Juan’s death. The company is still resisting the fine and citations imposed


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against it by OSHA.  In addition to the safety violations, Chinantla was briefly shut down

after Juan’s death for failing to make required payments to workers compensation insurance,

the system that provides financial support to injured workers or the families of workers killed

on the job. Under New York State Law as an employer of more than five workers, Mr.

Ponce’s failure to make the required workers compensation payments constitutes a felony

crime. While New York prosecutes street vendors merely for selling their wares without a

license and Occupy Wall Street protesters are arrested just for peacefully marching, Mr.

Ponce has not been charged for his blatant criminal conduct.

While Juan Baten’s death was a painful tragedy, the conditions that caused it are not unique

in New York City’s industrial food sector, which has an 80% immigrant workforce. 

Brandworkers, in association with the Food Chain Workers Alliance and the Data Center,

conducted a survey of food processing and distribution employees in the City which revealed

that more than 4 in 10 had been injured on the job. From industrial bakeries to beverage

distributors, seafood processors to salad preparers, sweatshops in the City’s food supply chain

are failing to implement required safety procedures, training, and equipment.  Tellingly,

OSHA investigated two other tortilla companies in Brooklyn as it investigated Chinantla and

it found serious violations at all three factories.

Health and safety violations are far from the only challenges facing New York City’s food

processing and distribution workers.  Wage theft is common in the sector with workers

deprived of millions of dollars in wealth desperately needed to support families here and in

their home countries.  Last year, at one food supply warehouse alone, employees organized to

recover $470,000 in illegally withheld minimum wage and overtime from their employer. 

Workers also face discrimination on the job, with recent white hires promoted above more

experienced workers of color.  Abusive management is common as well, including anti-

immigrant insults and workers pushed to work to exhaustion. Since paid sick days are almost

non-existent in the sector, workers are regularly forced to come to work when ill, particularly

troubling for a workforce that produces and transports our food supply. At one Brooklyn food

sweatshop, workers not only lose a day’s wages for calling out sick, they are hit with an

additional penalty deducted from their pay that week.

The hard working employees in NYC’s food factories and warehouses contribute greatly to

the local economy and play an indispensable role in providing us with the food on our plates. 


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The hard work of the immigrant workers and all workers in the sector deserves to be

rewarded with fair pay, respectful treatment, and safe working conditions. But to win good

jobs, workers cannot rely on government enforcement alone and certainly not on the good

will of employers in the sector.  Workers must come together and use their own collective

strength to make positive change at these jobs.  That is what Focus on the Food Chain, a joint

campaign of Brandworkers and the Industrial Workers of the World labor union, is all about.

The Focus campaign provides training and support for food processing and distribution

workers to launch their own efforts to improve their jobs using grassroots organizing,

advocacy, and lawsuits. Through these effective workplace justice struggles and by building a

growing base of leaders in the sector, the Focus campaign is winning improved conditions

and demonstrating that workers have the power to transform sweatshop jobs into jobs with



Australia: High Court snub for Rio opens Pilbara to unions

IR/Australia/Mining/Non-union Workplace Agreements

Source: The Australian, 11 February 2012. Web/URL:



UNIONS have moved closer to securing an increased foothold in Western Australia's

Pilbara after the High Court yesterday refused an attempt by mining giant Rio Tinto to

overturn a landmark workplace ruling.

The setback for employers came as mining unions escalated industrial action at the BHP-

operated Port Kembla coal terminal with plans to hold three days of rolling strikes from


Employers said the High Court decision yesterday would result in resource companies that

employ workers on non-union agreements having to endure the "pain and misery" of Labor's

workplace laws earlier than expected.

The decision has significant implications for BHP Billiton as it throws doubt over the

coverage of a similar agreement at the company's operations in the Pilbara.


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Rio Tinto applied for special leave to appeal to the High Court after the full bench of the

Federal Court last year found a non-union agreement covering thousands of workers at Rio

was invalid.

The non-union agreement was made during the transition from Work Choices to the full

operation of the Fair Work Act.

After federal Labor stopped the creation of new Australian Workplace Agreements, Rio put

in place non-union collective agreements that essentially mirrored the terms and conditions of

the Howard government AWAs.

The 2008 agreement was used to cover all workers employed in the Pilbara since then and

was viewed by employers as a way for Rio to have "certainty" when the Labor government

was introducing the Fair Work Act.

ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence yesterday welcomed the High Court's decision to refuse Rio

TInto special leave to appeal.

"The fact that the High Court was not satisfied of a need to revisit the Federal Court's

decision that these workers were entitled to participate in good-faith bargaining shows the

law is clear," he said.

"However, it is disappointing that Rio Tinto continues to use every legal avenue possible to

cling on to Work Choices-style agreements.

"Rio Tinto and other multinational companies operating in Australia need to accept the reality

that collective bargaining is the foundation of our workplace relations system."

The Australian Mines and Metals Association said affected resource companies would now

"have to fight in an environment where unions are granted a seat at the table and where

unions can bargain over a broader range of matters".

"It will bring forward their pain and misery of working under a more complex system and

having to deal with matters that have diddly-squat to do with productivity," the association's

chief executive, Steve Knott, said.

The union victory came as the mining unions yesterday confirmed they would follow up

recent industrial action at the Port Kembla coal terminal with a series of fresh strikes from



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Cambodian workers hold 'people's tribunal' to look at factory conditions

IR/ER/Cambodia/Working Conditions

Source: The Guardian, 2 February 2012. Web/Url: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/feb/02/cambodian-workers-peoples-tribunal-factory?INTCMP=SRCH

Workers in Cambodia will hold a "people's tribunal" next week to investigate pay and

conditions at factories working for fashion brands including H&M and Gap.

An international panel of judges will hear evidence from workers, factories and multinational

brands including Puma and Adidas. H&M said it would not attend but would supply

information about how it was addressing wages at its suppliers' factories in the country.

The two-day hearing aims to raise awareness of low pay and long working hours that workers

say are partly responsible for a series of "mass faintings" involving hundreds of workers at

factories supplying H&M, Gap and sports brands.

Up to 300 workers will give evidence about the fainting incidents and about living conditions

resulting from low wages.

The minimum wage in Cambodia is the equivalent of just $66 (£42) a month, a level that

human rights groups say is almost half that required to meet basic needs.

Ath Thorn, president of the Cambodian Coalition for Apparel Workers Democratic Unions,

said: "Because the workers get low wages they try to work 10 to 13 hours a day to get the

money they need for their family."

He said workers needed a basic wage equivalent to at least $100 (£63) a month to get by

without putting their health in danger. "Workers are fainting because of long working hours

and the environment in the factory," he said.

Fumes from chemicals, poor ventilation, malnutrition and even "mass hysteria" have all been

blamed for making workers ill.

A report by the International Labour Organisation said at least 11 garment factories

experienced fainting incidents and more than 1,500 workers fainted or collapsed during

working hours last year.


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In August, nearly 300 workers passed out in one week at a Cambodian factory supplying

H&M, prompting an investigation by the Swedish retailer. More than 100 people were

reported to have been taken to hospital after the incidents at M&V International

Manufacturing in Kampong Chhnang.

A report commissioned by H&M blamed the faintings on mass hysteria caused by work-

related and personal stress.

About 100 workers fainted at the Huey Chen factory, which supplies Puma, in April last year

and another 49 passed out at the same factory in July. Puma said it had implemented an

improvement plan at the factory and commissioned a report into the reason for the faintings.

It said it was working with the factory and local authorities to "take every precaution that

compliance with our social and labour standards is ensured".

Jeroen Merk, of the workers' rights pressure group Clean Clothes Campaign, said it was

"disappointing" that H&M and Gap had chosen not to attend the tribunal.

A spokeswoman for H&M said: "Workers should earn a fair wage and we strive for decent

supply chain working conditions. To tackle this challenge we last year joined the Fair Wage

Network to find out more about how we can contribute to more fair wages."

Adidas said its factory workers earned nearly twice as much as police officers or teachers in

the same region and considerably more than the minimum wage. A spokesman said:

"Workplace conditions at our major suppliers have been the subject of independent

verification and certification and we constantly question and improve our performance."

The Clean Clothes Campaign and the British campaign group Labour Behind the Label

supported local members of Asia Floor Wage, a coalition campaigning for higher minimum

wages across the continent, in setting up the tribunal. They said the event was an attempt to

raise awareness in a less confrontational way than strikes.

The move comes after 1,000 union leaders were dismissed after strikes for better pay and

conditions involving 200,000 workers last year.

Clothing and footwear is a vital part of Cambodia's economy, employing more than 300,000

people, mostly women. Last year exports of garments and footwear rose by 25% to $4.24 bn

(£2.68bn), making up 85% of total exports.



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Afghanistan: Buried in bricks: Bonded labour in Afghanistan

ER/Afghanistan/Bonded Labour

Source: ILO, 6 February 2012. Web/URL:


Sarah Cramer: The arduous nature of brick making and low wages make it difficult for

brick kilns to recruit and retain labour. Both child and adult labourers work over 70 hours a

week performing repetitive tasks. Much of the moulding process is done from a crouching

position, and workers are constantly exposed to sun, heat and blowing dust. By using a

system of advances on future wage payments that bond labourers and their families, kiln

owners are able to ensure a regular labour supply at low cost.

Throughout the south Asian brick industry, advances are commonly used to tie workers and

their families to a kiln and keep wages low. It is extremely difficult for a bonded labourer to

leave the vicious cycle of debt as the wages paid are too low to allow the advance to be fully

paid off by the end of the season. What’s more, there are few if any other local employment

opportunities available.

Why are so many children employed in kilns – is it because they are cheaper?

Sarah Cramer: Child labourers are not used in kilns because they are cheaper or perceived

to be better suited for the work. In fact, children are paid the same piece rate as adults, but

kiln owners recognise that they are less productive and so earn lower wages. However,

parents know that without the help of their children they will never be able to repay their

debt fast enough, pushing them further in the debt trap.

However, there are still benefits to kiln owners. Households that work as brick makers are

provided in-kind payments of shelter, water and electricity. This form of remuneration is the

same whether two or ten household members are working. Children also help perform tasks

that, while not always visible, make adults more productive. Children help carry water,

sweep the workspace and roll the mud into balls for older relatives to mould. At home, they

help with domestic activities to free up time for other household members to make bricks.

Why do people agree to enter into situations of debt bondage?

Sarah Cramer: Most households working in brick kilns in Afghanistan fell vulnerable to debt

bondage when living in Pakistan as refugees or migrants. Nearly all (98 per cent) of the


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households surveyed had been in exile in Pakistan where they began working as low-skilled

labourers in brick kilns. With large families to feed, limited skills and almost no access to

credit, households returning to Afghanistan turned to brick kilns again because they are one

of the few places where they can get jobs and receive advances as well as in-kind payments

such as shelter and water. To entice them further, Afghan recruiters propose to pay for their

one-way travel costs back to Afghanistan. Households average 8.8 people per family, and 83

per cent of household heads have had no form of education.

Do many women work in the kilns?

Sarah Cramer: The gender make-up of brick kiln labour represents a major difference

between Afghan brick kilns and those found elsewhere in the region. Kiln workforces in

Nepal and India are comprised largely of men, women and children of both sexes. Although

households in Afghan kilns are suffering from extreme poverty, women and adolescent girls

only work outside the home in the direst of circumstances. Even in neighbouring Pakistan,

women can be found working in kilns, except amongst the households of Afghan refugees or

migrants. The exclusion of women from the work force in Afghanistan results in a greater

dependence on child labour, as only one parent is economically active.

Why do parents put their children to work?

Sarah Cramer: 56 per cent of brick makers in Afghan kilns are children, and a majority of

these are 14 years old and under. Girls are mainly present in the 14 and under group of kiln

workers, as cultural norms oblige girls to stay at home upon reaching puberty. This does not

mean that their work ceases; it simply shifts from market work to family work, which is

unpaid and often undercounted by child labour statistics. Faced with never ending debt,

families feel they have to use all available labour, even if it is to their long-term detriment, to

make daily ends meet. It is out of necessity and extreme poverty that households enlist their

children from an early age to work in the kilns.

Are the expected political and economic changes in Afghanistan likely to worsen the

situation of bonded labourers?

Sarah Cramer: While GDP growth currently remains strong, the Afghan economy will

undergo a major transformation as donor funds are scaled back leading up to and following

the 2014 transition. Current levels of economic growth (8.2 per cent in 2010) are in large

part fuelled by aid and military spending; in 2010, aid to Afghanistan totalled 15.4 billion

USD and military spending totalled more than 100 billion USD.


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As donor spending is reduced, the Afghan economy will likely contract, particularly in those

sectors most driven by aid and reconstruction spending, including construction, and

increasing Afghanistan’s reliance on agriculture. Already operating on razor-thin margins,

many brick kiln owners will likely be forced to shut down or further cut their workers’

wages in an effort to compete in price wars in the shrinking market for bricks.

What can the international community do to help bonded labourers in Afghanistan?

Sarah Cramer: Without education, training or transferable skills, adult and child bonded

labourers are ill prepared to do anything besides making bricks. Thus, a change in livelihood

strategy will be extremely difficult, and will require interventions that address the lack of

skills, the lack of productive assets and household debt and bondage. Development actors

need to provide both short-term humanitarian aid for immediate relief to bonded families and

longer-term programmes, in order to help them make the transition to new, more sustainable

livelihood strategies.

Humanitarian and development actors need to work together with the Afghan government

and the social partners to develop a creative, coordinated strategy for breaking the

interlocking cycles of debt, poverty and dependency. This strategy should emphasize the use

of incentive-based policies to encourage individuals to change their economic activities,

rather than command measures that attempt to restrict or prohibit certain types of activities. It

should address, amongst other things, access to credit and microfinance tools, land tenure

issues, cross-border return migration and access to high quality education for children, so as

to break the inter-generational cycle of bonded labour.


Singapore: Update on MOM’s Investigation on Employment Dispute Case

at Tampines

IR/ER/Singapore/Foreign Workers/Wage Arrears/Dispute Settlement

Source: Ministry of Manpower, 6 February, 2012. Web/URL:


1. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) was alerted by the Police this morning of an

incident involving around 200 work permit holders employed by Sunway Concrete


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Products (S) Pte Ltd and Techcom Construction & Trading Pte Ltd over unpaid

salaries since November 2011.

2. MOM’s officers responded to the incident immediately and went down to the worksite

at Tampines Industrial Street 62.

3. MOM’s interim investigations revealed that the employers had not paid their workers

since November 2011. MOM understands that by 8pm today (6 February 2012), the

employers would have paid out the November 2011 salaries to all the affected workers,

with MOM officers present on-site.

4. The employers have also assured MOM that the affected workers will receive their

outstanding December 2011 salaries by this Friday (10 February). MOM will continue

investigations here and follow up with the workers to ensure that they receive their

December 2011 and January 2012 salaries promptly. MOM officers will also interview

workers on other employment-related issues.

5. MOM does not condone employers who fail to pay salaries on time, or fail to upkeep

and maintain the foreign workers they have brought in. MOM urges workers to report

to MOM early if they have salary arrears.


UK: TUC and NUS launch year of campaigning to protect interns from abuse

IR/ER/UK/Free Labour/Internships

Source: TUC, 13 February 2012. URL/Web: http://www.tuc.org.uk/workplace/tuc-20615-f0.cfm

The TUC and the National Union of Students (NUS) are launching a new campaign today

(Monday) calling for the fair treatment of interns. The event at TUC headquarters in central

London will begin a year of campaign activity for fairer and better internships.

The TUC and NUS are concerned that interns around the UK are being exploited through

unpaid work. Unions fear that many employers have sought to take advantage of graduates'

desperation to find work in the economic downturn and so see interns as a useful source of

free labour. Others may be unaware that non-payment of interns is a breach of the law and of

national minimum wage rules, warns the TUC.


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The event today (Monday) will feature contributions from the TUC, NUS, campaign groups

and interns themselves, and the TUC will also launch a 'Rights for Interns' Smartphone

application. The phone app can be downloaded to Apple and Android phones free of charge.

It features tools to help interns evaluate their own internship, or ones they are considering, as

well as general guidance on work rights they are entitled to and minimum wage rates. Interns

who think they should be paid can use the app to find out what they are owed.

Hazel Blears MP will address the seminar on the parliamentary intern scheme, and other

speakers include TUC Deputy General Secretary Frances O'Grady, NUS Vice President

(Society and Citizenship) Dannie Grufferty, National Union of Journalists (NUJ) General

Secretary Michelle Stanistreet, representatives from support group Intern Aware, and interns

who have experienced exploitation.

Any intern who is undertaking work-related tasks, with set hours and a duty to turn up and do

the work is probably defined in law as a 'worker' and, as such, is eligible for the minimum

wage, working time and paid holiday rights. The TUC believes any internship that does not

simply involve observation and work shadowing should qualify for payment.

As the use of internships becomes more widespread, the TUC is concerned that jobs in

popular career destinations like journalism, advertising, film, television and public relations

are becoming an exclusive domain for people from affluent backgrounds. Only those young

people whose parents have the means to support them - often for months on end - can afford

to work for free, says the TUC.

Frances O'Grady said: 'Whether they are unscrupulous or genuinely unaware of the rules,

too many employers are ripping off young people by employing them in unpaid internships

that are not only unfair but, in most cases, probably illegal.

'Internships can offer a kick-start to a career that many young people value. But as more and

more graduates are being forced to turn to internships in place of traditional entry level jobs,

we're concerned that a growing number of interns are at risk of real exploitation.

'It is vital that we crack down on those internships that offer little but hard graft for no

reward. Employers need to know that there's no such thing as free labour.'

Dannie Grufferty said:'Unpaid internships quite flagrantly do not comply with basic

minimum wage legislation. They are not only deeply unfair, but are straightforwardly illegal.


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'If we are serious about fair access to all professions, the current situation whereby young

people are expected to undertake many months, and sometimes years, of unpaid work in

order to be seen to have sufficient experience simply cannot go on. This presents a

fundamental barrier to many of the most competitive professions for the millions of young

people who cannot afford to work for free.

'With over a million young people unemployed, we need to be clear now more than ever that

young people's enthusiasm and desire to work cannot be exploited. A fair day's work always

deserves a fair day's pay.'


UK: Unions slam retail ‘free work’ schemes

IR/ER/UK/Forced Labour

Source: CIPD, 13 February 2012. Web/URL:



Unions have called on major UK retailers to withdraw from government programmes under

which unemployed people must work unpaid or risk losing their benefits.

Shop workers’ union Usdaw and the TUC have both spoken out against high street names’

involvement in a range of DWP schemes - including the work experience scheme and the

community action programme - which see jobseekers placed for weeks or months with an

employer without pay as a condition of receiving benefit payments. Major retailers who have

taken placements under the schemes include Boots, Tesco, Asda, Primark, Argos, TK Maxx,

Poundland and the Arcadia group, which includes Topshop and Burton.

The unions say the schemes are exploitative and that people undertaking the placements are

doing work that would otherwise be done by a paid employee. The situation has been

highlighted recently by a legal challenge from a 22-year-old geology graduate Cait Reilly,

who is claiming in court that her three week placement at Poundland was in breach of forced

labour provisions of the Humans Right Act.


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John Hannett, Usdaw general secretary, told the Guardian newspaper: "Usdaw is not opposed

to schemes that genuinely aim to give young people appropriate work experience or help

long-term unemployed people get back into work, but schemes should be voluntary,

participants should receive the rate for the job, and there needs to be transparent checks and

balances in place.

"We are in discussions with the participating companies we have agreements with to re-

examine their continuing involvement in the various schemes."

TUC general secretary Brendan Barber added: "While unemployed people may benefit from

short periods of work experience, forcing them to work effectively for free for up to six

months is not the way to solve the UK's jobs crisis.

"Not only are the high street names involved in danger of exploiting participants, the scheme

also poses a very real threat to the jobs and pay of existing workers. It is also far from clear

whether the placements actually involve any genuine degree of training or work experience

that will be of any use to the unemployed taking part.

"The danger is that this is simply encouraging employers to continue using unpaid labour

when what they should be doing is recruiting unemployed people into properly paid jobs."

Waterstones and Sainsbury’s are among retailers who have recently said they will not take

placements from unemployed people who are compelled to take part.


In Brief

Australia: HSU state officials turn fire on Jackson campaign

IR/Australia/Union Factionalism

Source: The Australian 6 February 2012. Web/URL: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/industrial-relations/hsu-state-officials-turn-fire-on-jackson-campaign/story-fn59noo3-1226263182743

[New South Wales] STATE secretaries of the Health Services Union are moving to tear down

the growing media cult surrounding national secretary Kathy Jackson, alarmed at her success

in presenting herself as the sole white knight fighting union corruption.


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Australia: Unions to shut down BHP and allied mines for a week


Source: The Australian 4 February 2012. Web/URL: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/unions-to-shut-down-bhp-and-allied-mines-for-a-week/story-e6frg8zx-1226262269818

SEVEN BHP mines in central Queensland will close down for a week as unions escalate

a campaign for better working conditions in mines.


Singapore: Immigration arrests fall to 11-year low

ER/Singapore/Labour Market/Migrant Workers

Source: Straits Times Newsletter, 7 February 2012. Web/URL:


THE number of foreigners entering Singapore illegally and staying on without papers fell to

an 11-year low last year.


USA: Locked-Out Workers to Embark on Journey for Justice

ER/USA/War on Workers

Source: AFL-CIO, accessed 12 February 2012. Web/URL: http://blog.aflcio.org/2012/02/09/locked-out-workers-to-embark-on-journey-for-justice/

Steven Greenhouse of The New York Times wrote recently that the number of strikes has

dropped precipitously in the past two decades, while lockouts now “represent a record

percentage of the nation’s work stoppages.” Greenhouse quotes professor Gary Chaison of

Clark University, who says:

This is a sign of increased employer militancy. Lockouts were once so rare they were almost

unheard of. Now, not only are employers increasingly on the offensive and trying to call the

shots in bargaining, but they’re backing that up with action—in the form of lockouts.


USA: Dean Baker: Auto Manufacturing Gives Big Boost to Jobs Growth

ER/USA/ Labour Market/Auto Manufacturing


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Source: AFL-CIO, 11 February 2012. Web/URL: http://blog.aflcio.org/2012/02/10/dean-


We [AFL-CIO] asked economist Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and

Policy Research (CEPR), to expand upon recent reports that show a marked improvement in

the nation’s jobs picture. In January, 243,000 jobs were created and unemployment dropped

significantly for some of the hardest-hit workers. Baker’s intepretation of the data presents a

still-mixed economic picture, but one bright point stands out clearly: President Obama’s

support of the U.S. auto industry has been key to improving job creation for America’s



UK: Home Office announces hike in migrant visa fees

ER/UK/Labour Market/Migrant Workers

Source: CIPD, 10 February, 2012. Web/URL:



UK: Increases for skilled workers are a ‘bitter blow’ for firms, says CBI

Employers face a hike in visa fees for skilled migrant workers, after the government

announced substantial rises “to generate revenue and reduce the burden on the UK taxpayer”.


Burma: After Two Decades of Darkness, a Daybreak in Burma?

IR/Burma/ Future of Trade Unions

Source: AFL-CIO, Accessed 12 February 2012


Suu Kyi had already given a lot of thought to what a future Burma labor movement should

look like. She felt that it was important for unions to be responsible and to work for their

members. She said the new unions should not be tools or fronts for any political parties,

including her own NLD. She did not say that unions should not be involved in politics or


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support the political parties they wanted, but she did voice her position that parties should not

create unions and the NLD had no desire or intent to do so.


Kuwait: Discrimination against Foreign Workers and Use of Forced

Labour Persist

IR/Kuwait/Labour Rights/Foreign Workers

Source: ITUC 7 February 2012. Web/URL: http://www.ituc-csi.org/kuwait-discrimination-


A new report from the International Trade Union Confederation on workers’ rights in

Kuwait reveals restrictions on labour rights, extensive use of forced labour and

discrimination in law and in practice.


Columbia: Death Threats against SINTRAELECOL Leaders

IR/Columbia/Energy Workers Union/Death Threats

Source: ITUC, 9 February 2012. Web/URL: http://www.ituc-csi.org/death-threats-against-sintraelecol.html

Colombian trade unionists have seen a rise in the level of death threats since the beginning of the year, especially representatives of the Colombian energy workers’ union Sintraelecol, affiliated to the CUT and ICEM.


Guatemala: SITRABI Target of Deadly Anti-Union Repression in Guatemala

IR/Guatemala/Unionist Assination

Source: ITUC, 11 February, 2012. Web/URL: http://www.ituc-csi.org/sitrabi-target-of-deadly-anti.html

Miguel Angel González Ramírez, a member of the Izabal banana workers’ union SITRABI,

was killed on 5 February. He was shot several times whilst carrying his young child in his




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New Zealand: Major DHL Agreement settled in New Zealand

IR/New Zealand/Collective Bargaining

Source: UNI, 8 February 2012. Web/URL:




DHL workers voted to go on strike in mid-December over lack of progress in the

negotiations. However after a company-called mediation session following the Christmas /

New Year break, an agreement was reached. As well as the wage increase other key wins for

the union were; the addition of service pay that the warehouse workers enjoyed to the wage

rates of drivers employed by DHL Supply Chain in New Zealand, additional increases to the

rate for driver of the heavier class vehicles (some long serving heavy vehicle drivers will

receive over 10% for the two years, and a working party to deal with the position of leading

hands which members felt was being downgraded in relation to other supervisory and clerical


DHL Supply Chain workers and FIRST Union had been trying to achieve a 4.6% + increase

for the first year based on the latest available Consumer Price Index (CPI) (inflation) figures

when negotiations commenced. Although this was not achieved, only minutes after the

agreement was reached the New Zealand government announce a huge drop in the CPI to

1.8% for the previous 12 months. It is very likely that the negotiated increases will be well

above inflation rates over the next two years, which means workers will be able to make up

for their wages running significantly behind inflation over the last two years.


Italy: New agreement for Italian bank sector includes increase in jobs

IR/Italy/Collective Bargaining/Bank Workers

Source: UNI, 6 February 2012. Web/URL:





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On 19 January, the Italian trade unions in the banking sector signed a new

National Collective Agreement that covers more than 320.000 workers in the finance


Under the new deal, finance workers will receive an increase of in their monthly salaries of

170 Euros over 3 years, receiving a 50 euro increase in 2012, 50 euro increase in 2013 and

the final 70 euros in 2014.  The unions and employers also agreed that the sector will add

16.500 jobs in the next three years, which could grow to 25.000 over the next 5 years. The

new workers added in the sector will be covered by the Collective Agreement but their salary

level will be 20 percent lower than those of current workers in their first four years of


The agreement also says that outsourced banking IT work is covered by the National Banking

Collective Agreement and the Italian finance unions have the right to organise the workers.


South Africa: COSATU welcomes WFTU to South Africa


Source: COSATU, 9 February 2012. Web/URLs: http://www.cosatu.org.za/show.php?



The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) takes this opportunity to welcome

the Presidential Council of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), which, for the

first time in its history, is being hosted in our country and continent.

The history of the WFTU is tied to our own history of struggle against apartheid and

colonialism, as well as capitalism in general on our continent and throughout the world.



The TUC Workplace Manual

Order your copy from https://www.tuc.org.uk/publications/viewPub.cfm?frmPubID=641


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‘It will be of use not only to stewards but also to anyone who represents, advises or supports members in the workplace, including learning, equality, green and health and safety representatives’.


26th AIRAANZ Conference 2012: Re-Organising Work, Association of Industrial Relations

Academics of Australia and New Zealand, published papers, ed. Robin Price, Brisbane,

Queensland University of Technology.


The updated Singapore’s Tripartite Advisory on Best Sourcing Practices & Employers

Guidebook can be downloaded for free from the MOM website at



Pocock, B., Skinner, N and Williams, P. (2012) Time Bomb: Work, Rest and Play in

Australia Today, NewSouth Books, may be ordered at



Bray, M, Waring, Cooper, R. (2011) Employment Relations 2e, McGraw Hill, ISBN:

9780070287266, contact [email protected]


Baird, M., Hancock, K. and Isaac, J. eds. (2012) Work and Employment Relations: An Era

of Change, The Federation Press, ISBN: 9781862878501 may be ordered at www.federation



Bamber, G. J., Lansbury, R. D. and Wailes, N. (2012) International and Comparative

Employment Relations: Globalisation and Change, Allen and Unwin, ISBN:

9781742370651 may be ordered from [email protected]


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Calls for Papers

Special Issue IJHRM: Partnership, Collaboration and Mutual Gains, submission deadline 24 February 2012. Website: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rijh


Flexible Work Patterns Study Group Meeting ILERA Congress Philadelphia USA

The Flexible Work Patterns Study Group will meet at the ILERA (formerly the IRRA) 16th

World Congress in Philadelphia USA on Monday, July 2, before the official opening of the

congress on July 3 2012. Abstract to: [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] by Friday 24th February 2012.


Study Group #9 (Pay Systems), July 2, 2012 in Philadelphia at ILERA

If you are interested in making a presentation at Study Group #9, please send an email with the title and brief description to [email protected].


Transnational industrial relations and the search for alternatives

A workshop at Greenwich University May 31-June 1, 2012. Call for abstracts

by 1 March 2012 to Lefteris Kretsos ([email protected]).


Australia: 27th AIRAANZ Conference, 6-8 February 2013, Freemantle, Western Australia.

Information from www.conferencewa.com.au/airaanz2013; email [email protected];

email [email protected] . Submission deadline for refereed papers 21 September



The Korean Journal of Industrial Relations (CALL FOR PAPERS) 

The Korean Journal of Industrial Relations (KJIR) is published by the Korean Industrial

Relations Association. There is no due date for the submission. We receive articles around a


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year. Web/URL: http://www.lera.uiuc.edu/news/Calls/2007/Korean%20Journal%20of


Conferences, Seminars, Symposia

Australia: New Dynamics of Industrial Conflicts in Asia: Causes, Expressions and

Resolution Alternatives, Friday 17th February 2012, Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Venue: N1.08,

Caulfield Campus, Monash University, Melbourne. RSVP: Ms Cynthia Kumar

[email protected] no later than 10 February 2012 for catering.


UK: Critical Labour Studies 8th Symposium, 18 & 19 February 2012. Venue:   Old Fire

Station, University of Salford.  Criticallabourstudies.org.uk. Contact Phoebe Moore

[email protected] for more information.


Australia: Jo Isaac Symposium, Using the Power of Working Relationships to Achieve

Organisational Resilience and Sustainability: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach Professor

Jody Hoffer Gittell, 2.00pm - 4.30pm, Friday 24 February, 2012, ICT Theatre 1, Ground Floor, ICT

Building, 111 Barry Street, Carlton. RSVP: To reserve your place at this free event please email: isaac-

[email protected] by 19 February, 2012. Please include Isaac Symposium in the subject



UK: Transnational Industrial Relations and the Search for Alternatives, Greenwich

University, 31 May 2012 to 1 June 2012. For abstract submission or more information,

contact Lefteris Kretsos ([email protected]).



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Ireland: IFSAM 2012 Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 26-29 June 2012. Website:



UK: BUIRA 2012 Conference University of Bradford, 28 - 30 June 2012. Members submit

your abstact here.


USA: 16th World Congress of ILERA, 16th World Congress of ILERA, 2-5 July 2012,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Website: http://www.ilera2012.com/

Register at: http://www.ilera2012.com/Registration/default.asp

Reserve accommodation at:


Review program at:


Arrange travel at:



Australia: Fifth International Community, Work and Family Conference, The fifth

international Community, Work and Family Conference will take place at the University of

Sydney, 15-17 July 2013. Information at www.CWF2013.aifs.gov.au


Australia: 27th AIRAANZ Conference, 6-8 February 2013, Freemantle, Western Australia.

Information from www.conferencewa.com.au/airaanz2013

email [email protected]

email [email protected]


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