· Web viewF. Fill in with the correct word. G. Platero y Yo y La Corrida de Toros: Who is...

El Examen del Medio Año La Guía de Estudiar Español 2 Señora Blanchard Spanish 2 (Mod 5-6) in room 501 on Thursday, January 26th at 8:15 am Spanish 2 (Mod 9-10) in room 106 on Friday, January 27th at 10:30 am Nombre: _________________________________________________

Transcript of  · Web viewF. Fill in with the correct word. G. Platero y Yo y La Corrida de Toros: Who is...

Page 1:  · Web viewF. Fill in with the correct word. G. Platero y Yo y La Corrida de Toros: Who is Platero? _____ Who is Where is Naranjo taken by the ranchers? ...

El Examen del Medio Año

La Guía de Estudiar

Español 2

Señora Blanchard

Spanish 2 (Mod 5-6) in room 501 on Thursday, January 26th at 8:15 am

Spanish 2 (Mod 9-10) in room 106 on Friday, January 27th at 10:30 am

Nombre: _________________________________________________

You will need to know the following information.

o El vocabulario de los medios de transporte

Page 2:  · Web viewF. Fill in with the correct word. G. Platero y Yo y La Corrida de Toros: Who is Platero? _____ Who is Where is Naranjo taken by the ranchers? ...

o El vocabulario de viajar (travel)o La Argentina

▪ La información general, Evita y La Guerra Suciao Platero y Yo

▪ La Corrida de Toros (Bullfighting)o Don Quijote de la Mancha


El Vocabulario: Los Medios de Transporte:

Viajar por avión: Tomar el tren:

El ferrocarril: El autobús:

Tomar un taxi: Hacer un crucero:

Conducir el automóvil: Ir en vapor:

Tomar un tranvía: Tomar el subterráneo:

Dar un paseo: Dar una vuelta:

La bicicleta: El coche/el carro:

Montar a caballo: caminar:


Online Practice: http://www.quia.com/jg/592384.html


El Vocabulario: VIAJAR


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Viajar: Hacer la maleta:

Hacer el baúl: El equipaje:

Hacer un viaje: Llegar al destino:

Ir de vacaciones: Volar:

El vuelo internacional: El billete de ida y vuelta:

El boleto sencillo: El pasaporte:

El camino: el norte:

El sur: el este:

El oeste: los turistas:

Las actividades de vacaciones:

Estar de vacaciones: Ir de compras:

Comprar los recuerdos: enviar las tarjetas postales:

Descansar: Ir a la playa:

Sacar fotos: salir:


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B.Complete with an appropriate word or phrase.

1. A veces hay sol y a veces está nublado.

2. A veces hace buen tiempo y a veces hace mal tiempo..

3. Hay mucha arena en la playa. A los niños les gusta hacer (construir) palacios y castillos en la arena..

4. El Mediterráneo es y el Atlántico es un océano.

5. Si no hay viento no puedes practicar .

6. Van a un barquito porque quieren .

7. Los jugadores juegan voleibol en una . La está en la playa.

C. Correct the false statement.

1. Nos gusta practicar la plancha de vela cuando no hay viento y las olas son grandes.

2. Cuando tomamos el sol necesitamos usar el buceo.

3. Necesito una toalla antes de nadar en el mar.

4. Necesitas una plancha de vela si vas a practicar el surfing.

5. Los jugadores de voleibol juegan en el barquito.



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F. Fill in with the correct word.


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G. Platero y Yo y La Corrida de Toros:

1. Who is Platero?


2. Who is Naranjo?


3. Where is Naranjo taken by the ranchers?


4. What does Platero do to try to watch the bullfight?


5. How is Naranjo saved?


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6. ¿Quién es el autor de Platero y Yo? ____________________________________

7. ¿Cuándo nació (born) Jiménez? _______________________________________

8. ¿Dónde nació Jiménez? ______________________________________________

9. ¿Dónde estudió Jiménez? ____________________________________________

10. ¿En qué año escribió el poema, Platero y Yo? ___________________________

11. ¿Quién fue el dictador de España durante la vida de Jiménez? _____________________________________

12. ¿Cuándo fue Jiménez exiliado (exiled)? _________________________________

13. ¿Dónde vivió Jiménez durante su exilo? _____________________, _________________, y


14. ¿Qué premio (prize) ganó Jiménez? __________________________________________

15. ¿Cuándo se murió (die)? _____________________________________________

16. The perfect age for a bull is ________ años and the perfect age for the matador is ________ años.

17. In Spain, the audience wants to see a __________________ of either the matador or the bull.

18. The more expensive seats at the plaza de toros are in the _________________________.

19. The less expensive seats at the plaza de toros are in the __________________________.

20. Why does a matador fear the wind?


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H. Don Quijote de la Mancha:

1. ¿Quién es el autor de Don Quijote? _____________________________

2. ¿Cuándo nació (born) el autor? _________________________________

3. Don Quijote is the second most published book behind the ___________.

4. At age 23, Cervantes enlisted in the ______________________________.

5. A gunshot permanently crippled his ____________ at the battle of Lepanto in

1571 against the Turks.

6. During his time in the Spanish militia, Cervantes was captured by


7. While in ________________, Cervantes began to write his famous novel, Don

Quijote de la Mancha.

8. The town of la Mancha where Alonso Quijano lives means ___________ in


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9. Cervantes died on ___________________________.

10. What does Don Quijote want to be?


11. Why does don Quijote want to be un caballero andante?


12. What is Don Quijote’s actual name?


13. Does don Quijote’s niece (sobrina) agree with his plan?


14. Who is Don Quijote’s neighbor?


15. What does don Quijote’s neighbor become in his imagination?


16. What is the name of Don Quijote’s horse?



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17. What does Sancho Panza ride?


18. What does don Quijote see that he THINKS are monsters?


19. Does don Quijote defeat the “monsters”?


20. What is the name of the dama that don Quijote wants to save?


21. Describe other scenes besides the Windmill scene in which Don Quijote doesn’t

see what is really there.






I. La Argentina


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Parte 1- La Argentina:

1. La Argentina es _____. grande pequeña

2. La capital de Argentina es _____. Mexico City Buenos Aires

3. Many different groups of people live in Argentina. Name two groups.

a. _______________________________b. _______________________________

4. La gente (baila) el _____. Flamenco Tango

5. ¿Quiénes son los “cowboys” de Argentina? Los gauchos Los muchachos de vacas

6. ¿De qué color es la casa del presidente? Blanca Rosada

7. What is unique about the street La Plaza de Mayo?


1. What was Evita’s last name before she married?


Bonaparte c.



Perón d.


2. Which class was most in support of Perón?


all classes supported him equally c.



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middle d.


3. What colors are on Argentina’s flag?


Blue, White and Yellow. c.

Blue, White, and Black.


Green, Black, and Yellow. d.

Red, White, and Blue.

How old How old was Eva when she moved away from home?


14 c.



15 d.



Eva PeróEva Perón was originally from ---.


Mexico c.



France d.


8. How do Eva and Juan Perón meet?


at a charity party c.

at a family wedding


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at a tango bar d.

through mutual friends who sent them on a blind date

10. What is Evita referred to as?


a princess b.

a diamond

11. When did Perón meet Evita?


1955 c.



1944 d.


12. Which one was a president of Argentina?


Juan Perón c.

Fidel Castro


Carlos Sanchez d.

Augustine Barra


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Explain the photos on the above pictograph about Evita Perón.



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1. When did the Dirty War occur? 1976-1983 1932-1999

2. The Dirty War began because ____.

Isabel Perón was a weak leader and got overthrown by the military junta.

Perón wanted to increase his stronghold over the Argentine people.

3. Who disappeared in the middle of the night? (CHOOSE 2)

Opponents of the government terrorists innocent people

4. What do the Madres y Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo wear on their heads to symbolize their children and


White scarves with their children’s names Red bows

5. Out of 500 children believed to be taken from their mothers, only ___ have been found.

56 children 400 children


~ Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1) Describe the first scene of the movie. What event does it illustrate? Who all was present at this event?

2) What happened with Angélica during History class?


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3) What did Judge Barrenechea tell Cristina about her true identity and her parents?

4) How did Cristina react the first time she met her biological grandmother?

5) Describe the scene with the judge, Cristina's adoptive parents, and their lawyer.

6) What did Cristina's parents tell her about her adoption when she questioned them about the results of the blood test? Why hadn't they told her all of this information before?

7) What do Cristina and Angélica have in common?

8) When Angélica and Cristina meet in the basement, what do they discover about what happened to Cristina's parents?

9) What did Cristina find out about her godfather during this meeting?


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10) What did Cristina decide to do at the end of the movie?