· Web viewAnnas GJ. Reefer madness -- the federal response to...

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Should marijuana be legalized for medical use?

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Marijuana is known as dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant that is smoked as a drug

(Derek pg.3). It is mainly grown in the wild and also by people for pro and con reasons. The use

of this plant can impact a person’s life positively in many ways such as using marijuana to treat

cancer at the early stage for example stage one (George pg. 983-984), less risk of asthma attack,

and improving psychological conditions, among others. On the other hand, it can be a very

dangerous substance to take so one must be cognizant of the risks unowned treats oneself. In

fact, Bob Marley states, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” This simply

means that he was suffering from cancer so therefore when smoking the medical marijuana, it

reduces pain significantly. Or one may say that, marijuana might be fun at the beginning for a

person who has not yet understood the whole theory background on its cause and effect. It can

also damage your mind as well as uplift you. Therefore, it is my belief that marijuana should be

legal in all states for medical reasons only, and not made legal recreationally, as the current

governmental trend seems to be favoring.

Even more, marijuana is a highly heated and controversial and disputed topic of discussion in

the United States today. Statistics has proven that over “fifty-five per cent” of the United States

population accept as true that marijuana should continue to be illegal and the other forty-five per

cent strike down the pot’s legal status should be altered awkwardly stated


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(The Christian Science Monitor pg.2).This is because

prohibitionist is based on interdiction and criminalization of the consumption of the drug.

According to the article by Christian Science Monitor, who is an expert on marijuana identifies,

some short-term effects it might have on the majority of individuals are sensory distortion, panic,

anxiety, poor coordination of movement, lowered reaction time, feelings of sleepiness or

depression, and increased heart rate (and risk of heart attack according to 10 Major Health

Benefits of Marijuana. COED) because of the overdose in one day or more by the pound of

marijuana. The long-term effects of marijuana are reduced resistance to common illnesses (colds,

bronchitis, etc.), suppression of the immune system, growth disorders, increase of abnormally

structured cells in the body, reduction of male sex hormones, rapid destruction of lung fibers and

lesions (injuries) to the brain could be permanent, reduced sexual capacity, study difficulties:

reduced ability to learn and retain information, apathy, drowsiness, lack of motivation, and

personality and mood changes and the inability to understand things clearly ( Anna’s pg. 983-



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According to scientific studies such as Pew Research Center, and Rand Drug Policy Research

Center, the active ingredient in cannabis, THC, remains in the body for weeks or longer.

Marijuana smoke contains fifty percent to seventy percent more cancer-causing substances than

tobacco smoke. One major research study reported that a single cannabis joint could cause as

much damage to the lungs as up to five regular cigarettes smoked one after another.

Unfortunately, long-time joint smokers often suffer from bronchitis, which is an inflammation of

the respiratory tract. The drug can affect more than your physical health. Studies in Australia in

2008 linked years of heavy marijuana use to brain abnormalities. This is backed up by earlier

research on the long-term effects of marijuana, which indicate changes in the brain similar to

those caused by the long-term abuse of other major drugs (Davis 2013 pg. 1- 5). The smoking or

ingestion of marijuana leafs is less harmful to the body than smoking tobacco or drinking

alcohol. As shown in the graph below.

Heroin Alcohol Tobacco Camabie



Very Strong Very Strong Strong Weak



Very Strong Very Strong Very Strong Weak

Nervous System


Weak Strong None None

General Strong Strong Very Strong Very Strong


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Social Risk Very Strong Strong None Weak

(Davis 2)

Marijuana also changes the structure of sperm cells, by deforming them (Anna’s

pg985).Even small amounts of marijuana can cause temporary sterility in men. In addition,

Marijuana use can upset a woman’s menstrual cycle. Studies such as in late 1996 the Anna’s is

available at gave more detail showing that the mental functions of people who have

smoked a lot of marijuana tend to be diminished. The THC in cannabis disrupts nerve cells in the

brain affecting memory. Cannabis is one of the few drugs which cause abnormal cell division

which leads to severe hereditary defects. A pregnant woman who regularly smokes marijuana or

hashish may give birth prematurely to an undersized, underweight baby. Over the last ten years,

many children of marijuana users have been born with reduced initiative and lessened abilities to

concentrate and pursue life goals (Matt). All of these negative consequences of smoking

marijuana lead one to believe that it should not be made legal for general use, for the overall

health and well-being of the people of the United States.

Thus, if, marijuana should be legal it should only be acceptable to the patients that are well in

need such as asthma patients, cancer, and many other patients. This will also enhance business to

grow for the pharmaceutical companies and reasons which will show a major change for

patients. This drug will boost the economy also, according to New York Times state, “that the

White House issued a response stating trotting out weak, largely debunked justifications for

criminalization focusing medical marijuana’s supposed social ills.” This will show a big


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transformation why patients need this drug for one it is most likely to release pain and the

government will have a stable way of protecting their country. Therefore, if they are not in need

they may not have access to medical use of marijuana. Some may say, it is a very hard task to

deal with because violence may occur in some states. This may be true but once more, each state

has its own way of protecting their people and if they do legalize medical marijuana it will be

under control for the proper usage. This is proving that prohibition does not help the country in

any way, it only causes difficulties. However, the opposition states the one unintended effect of

medical marijuana prohibition is that it is very prevalent in the United States high schools (Davis

pg. 2). Furthermore, it is very accessible by gangs, and a person does not have to be twenty-one

to purchase medical this begins to give parents curious how will this control. It can be control by

using enforced law for example expel from school or arrested if caught on the street by an officer

(Owen Poindexter pg.1) The only reason why a child should be able to access this is drug if it is

prescribed by their doctor for medical usage and under strict surveillance such as when it is time

to be used in the school they are to sign in the nurse office and have an area to smoke it.

Davis states, that when eighteen to twenty-eight-year-olds were asked whether they support,

oppose or are unsure about legalizing medical marijuana, forty-four percent support legalizing it

(twenty-three percent strongly support, twenty-one somewhat support), thirty-four percent

oppose (twenty-three percent strongly oppose, eleven percent somewhat oppose) and twenty-two

percent are unsure the exact same percentages across the board as one year ago. This shows how

many persons willing to follow any rules that apply to using the correct usage of medical

marijuana and will most likely vote for it to use by patients. The map below shows states

legalizing marijuana use for medical and recreational purposes. The information below is current

as of April 29, 2016. Marijuana Legalization Status is found on to this website for the map:


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In this map medical marijuana is not as harmful as harder drugs like cocaine, meth or heroin.

A study that was done in Netherlands argues that legalizing medical marijuana in the 1970s, the

hard drug was declined substantially. In this map shows countries that have legalized marijuana

where materials can be made such has medicine, food so that people can still eat but still be

healthy according to their sickness, oil. Also, states that have recreational it is known to make

fuel, ink, building materials, papers, and textiles so, therefore, this drug will more than enhance

business but especially for medical usages (Mary pg. 3) Big issue why these states approve

medical marijuana is because it can be used to treat nausea, pain once more, muscle spasms

caused by cancer treatments such as chemo therapy.

Medical marijuana is a complex and nuanced issue but it is not according to the states that have

approved this drug for medical usage; they have seen a tremendous impact. According to Anna’s,


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however, many people in society are trying to persuade the government to legalize the medical

use of marijuana. Marijuana that is medical is a drug that is mind altering. It relaxes the body and

slows down a person as a whole. The opposition states that there are more cons than pros to

legalizing medical marijuana. Although, the medical use of marijuana has been known to help

some medical patients, which is justifying that legalizing it would not only seem as a burden to

society but that is only if it is not medical but “recreationally” but, a great way to improve the

economy which will decrease violence and take up the space of jail instead it will open up

agricultural as well while giving pharmaceutical companies to have a better chance to provide a

better health service for cancer patients and many others. Also, can boom unemployed people to

have a job to sustain oneself and learn the different usage of marijuana and medical marijuana

about how it affects illnesses in a positive view.

People need to open their eyes and stop being ignorant about the fact that medical use of

marijuana, being legal, would help the United States in dire need of help. Too many people still

look down on the drug simply due to its false reputation.  Most of the people who oppose its

legalization have never once looked into the benefits it holds and many never will. One simple

reason is that some persons who are not sick may abuse the right cause such as helping asthmatic

people or cancer patients realizing a great amount of pain. This is one reason the great Reggae

artist Bob Marley uses marijuana to most realest the pain because of suffering from cancer. No

one is highlighting to use medical marijuana, but to legalize it so that a cancer patient or anyone

in great pain that may be able to have few hours of less pain should be able to get access through

the government legalizing for medical purposes only like in the states like Pennsylvania, New

Mexico, Montana and many other not fully legalized in states like Colorado and Washington in

2012. However, the opposition might say: let the potheads smoke their “spiff” in peace because


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all they want to do is enjoy life and it harms no one.  I will not agree to such because a teenager

might take the idea of smoking marijuana the wrong way instead of understanding that it should

only be legalized for medical usage and nothing else. Also, by engaging in the medical use of

marijuana I have never in my life had such problems caused by the usage of medical marijuana

to push a simple chain of dominos about to be hit.  In the near future, America will legalize the

medical use of marijuana for its people so that they may not suffer any longer and America will

be put right back on their high horse (pun intended) once again. Therefore, it is my belief that

marijuana should be legal in all states for medical reasons only, and not made legal

recreationally, as the current governmental trend seems to be favoring. This will remove people

from having a say but helping all over the world to become better in the medical area and

assistant individual for having constant pain


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