Web viewalchemy_360(at)hotmail.co.uk. This event is of interest to : nutritionists; food producers,...

Cornwall & South West Fruit Focus (7) Fruit - Health - Education Devonport Guild Hall, Ker Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 4EL Thursday 29th October from 9.30 a.m. for a 10 am start till 5pm. Free Event - with a charge for lunch and tea for those wanting these (see below*). For booking and more information contact Andrew Ormerod 07908978208 or Email alchemy_360(at)hotmail.co.uk This event is of interest to nutritionists; food producers, restaurateurs, growers and people involved in education, community groups and the general public interested in food health and growing. How are people encouraged to eat more fruit and veg? Does taste play a role? How healthy are soft fruit? Can diversity and local provenance in fruit play a role in our enjoyment? How easy is this to market and what interests us as consumers? What roles can fruit play in education (formally and informally)? What was the historic role of urban centers (in this case Devonport) in relation to fruit and produce trade? What is the current situation? There is a chance for you the audience to chip in your ideas linked to Fruit – Health – Education in a soapbox session. We hope to make some of the presentations fairly 1

Transcript of Web viewalchemy_360(at)hotmail.co.uk. This event is of interest to : nutritionists; food producers,...

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Cornwall & South West Fruit Focus (7) Fruit - Health - Education

Devonport Guild Hall, Ker Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 4ELThursday 29th October from 9.30 a.m. for a 10 am start till 5pm.

Free Event - with a charge for lunch and tea for those wanting these (see below*).

For booking and more information contact Andrew Ormerod 07908978208 or Email alchemy_360(at)hotmail.co.uk

This event is of interest to nutritionists; food producers, restaurateurs, growers and people involved in education, community groups and the general public interested in food health and growing.

How are people encouraged to eat more fruit and veg? Does taste play a role? How healthy are soft fruit? Can diversity and local provenance in fruit play a role in our enjoyment? How easy is this to market and what interests us as consumers? What roles can fruit play in education (formally and informally)? What was the historic role of urban centers (in this case Devonport) in relation to fruit and produce trade? What is the current situation? There is a chance for you the audience to chip in your ideas linked to Fruit – Health – Education in a soapbox session.

We hope to make some of the presentations fairly interactive with the audience to make the day as fun and informative as possible. There will be a chance for ‘fruit tasters’ linked to two of the talks and at lunchtime to demonstrate differences between local apple varieties used for cooking. There is also a chance for any budding bakers to bring a healthy fruity cake or pudding along to enter into a little competition. Free Event - with a charge for lunch and tea for those wanting these.*For those who want lunch or tea and coffee during the day there is a charge: -£6-00 for Lunch *(vegetarian/non vegetarian filled roles and salad)£5-00 for tea or coffee during the day.

* Please let me know ASAP if you want lunch on the day.* There is also food available from the in house bakery and you can bring along your


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own lunch.

For budding bakers - We also welcome any fruit based desserts/cakes etc. (cold/ambient) - or desserts made from a favorite fruit or local source of fruit for a little lunchtime completion. Even better if you can bring along an example of the fruit and share the recipe. Please let me know if this is of interest.

There is parking around the Guildhall in Kerr Street and some small free car parks nearby. I am also looking into additional parking if we need it. Devonport has a railway station but trains are less frequent than the main station. There is a regular bus service to Devonport Guild Hall from the station (please contact me for details)

Also visit Word Press Blog https://cornwallandswfruitfocus.wordpress.comOr Face Book - Cornwall & SW Fruit focusSpeakersCarol Wagstaff - Associate Professor in Crop Quality for Health and Director of the Food Advanced Training Partnership at the University of Reading. “Bittersweet science: working at the dietary interface” http://www.reading.ac.uk/food/about/staff/c-wagstaff.aspx

Gordon McDougall - (Senior Research Scientist, Environmental and Biochemical Sciences) and Rex Brennan (Leader of soft fruit breeding group). James Hutton Research Institute.“Berries, Health and Believability” Via video conferencehttp://archive.northsearegion.eu/files/repository/20140106121015_2013-UK-Enclosure35.pdf

George Beech - Mudwalls Farm produce Grower/supplier.Advice on marketing local and niche produce. Via SKYPE http://www.mudwallsfarm.co.uk

Andrew Ormerod, Economic Botanist based in Cornwall. “An overview of formal and informal initiatives linked to fruit education and health”

Stefan Jordan, Lecturer, Hadlow College. “From Pip to Plate’ - roles of a modern commercial apple orchard in education. http://hadlow.ac.uk/news-events/news/pip-to-plate/

Rutie Ballestas –Fruto del Espíritu (FdE) importer of exotic fruit products from Colombia‘The story is the base ingredient of our marketing mix!” http://www.fruto.co.uk/Welcome

James Crowden, Author and poet. “Guzz... Historic context of fruit production and trading around the Tamar, Devonport and the South West’.”. http://james-crowden.co.uk/index.php?&vmcchk=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27