Web view• Word suggestions positively. ... year 1,3,4,5 to use target sheet. ... Literacy and...

Broad Town CE Primary School ______________________________________________________ ____ School Development Plan September 2016 – 2017 Living and Learning, Sharing and Giving As a church school, we aim to develop Christian values which encourage children to be kind and considerate towards each other and to provide a caring and Christian environment where stimulating learning encourages self esteem, self discipline and confidence, within the partnership of home, school and the

Transcript of Web view• Word suggestions positively. ... year 1,3,4,5 to use target sheet. ... Literacy and...

Broad Town CE Primary School __________________________________________________________

School Development Plan September 2016 – 2017

Living and Learning,Sharing and Giving

As a church school, we aim to develop Christian values which encourage children to be kind and considerate towards each other and to provide a caring and Christian environment where stimulating learning encourages self esteem, self discipline and confidence, within the partnership of home, school and the community

School Development Plan 2016 – 2017Position Statement

The School Development Plan was written after reviewing our previous School Development Plan and then deciding on the priorities for the following year. Discussions took place at staff meetings, TT days and governors meetings. Different members of staff are leading on different aspects of the school Development Plan.

Leadership and Management

Over the last year, we have had new staff and we want to further develop their subject leadership roles. We have a newly formed senior leadership team. We have a TA that has taken over the role as lead TA. Depending on staffing, we will have a lead MDSA from January. We also want to further develop the children’s leadership roles.

Teaching and Learning and Assessment Following up from whole school training on the ‘Transforming Teaching Programme: Developing Aspects of Outstanding Practice’, attendance on the Shirley Clarke training, Challenge Partners training and cluster work, Effective Teaching and learning will be a focus for the next academic year. This will enable us to ensure that introduced strategies are being applied consistently and effectively across the school as we have had a large turnover of staff during the last academic year. We will also share the ideas when a member of staff attends the Outstanding Teacher Programme.

We have introduced Target Tracker across the school to support with assessment and tracking. We now need to further develop our knowledge, understanding and ability to use it as an analytical tool. We also need be able to develop our ability to track progress for different groups of children. Peer assessment, the use of success criteria and pupils’ positive response to marking are approaches that we want to ensure are consistently and effectively used across the school.

WritingWith the new expectations of the curriculum, interim criteria for Y2 and Y6 for writing and the changes in expectations for spelling, writing will continue to be a whole school area of focus for the next academic year. At KS2, we only had 56% of children meeting the required standard in writing. Four out of the sixteen (25%) have a specific difficulty in spelling. These children would have achieved the expected standard under the old curriculum.

At KS1, only 5 out 13 (38.56%) achieved expected in writing. The new expectations for spelling and with spelling now being part of the writing, it has brought down the number of children that would have previously achieved expected in writing. Four SEN children were predicted not to achieve the expected standard but to make good progress from their starting points. Two children (15.36%) with difficulties in spelling would have previously achieved the expected standard but did achieve expected with the new spelling expectations.

Vulnerable Learners – SEN, Pupil Premium and Traveller children – Miss Dent

From analysis of data, new children that have joined our school are not making expected progress in reading, writing and maths in relation to the expectations on Target Tracker. They are however making progress on their individual learning targets. SEN children from three families with a range of barriers to learning, are not making expected progress. For some of our vulnerable children, the focus continues to need to be on behaviour, attitudes to learning and catering for their social emotional needs. We need to ensure that interventions are targeted at their needs and we have supporting evidence to show the progress they have made on their individual learning plans.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural –Miss Dent and Miss Long

As a church school this is a key area of focus for our school. Over the last two years, the composition of our school has changed and we now have 28% SEN which is double the national figure. We have an increasing number of children with autism and with social and emotional needs. We also have an increasing number of Traveller children and some of them have had no previous schooling or pre-school experience.

A whole school focus on learning behaviours to develop children’s social, emotional and behaviour skills. This focus will also help us to integrate new children to our expectations and reinforce our school ethos.

School Development Plan 2016 – 2017

Subject Leader Action Plans

To further develop leadership at all levels

To ensure that teaching and learning

is good or better across the school

To improve provision and attainment in

writing with a focus on SPAG

To ensure the curriculum meets the needs of vulnerable


To promote Spiritual, Moral, Social and

Cultural development of all

Reading Bridget Long and Helen LawrenceMaths Chris DawkinsICT Chris Dawkins + Helen LawrenceDesign Technology Chris DawkinsMusic Chris Dawkins and Dale FloydScience Dale FloydGeography Dale FloydHistoryMore Able /Thinking Skills/ P4C Bridget Long/ Gretchen DentPSHE Bridget LongPE Bridget LongArt Sarah Whetham and Helen LawrenceMFL Shirley Clark

School Development Plan 2016 – 2017Areas of Focus for Subject Leaders and Monitoring

School Development Plan 2015 – 2016

Areas of Focus for Subject Leaders and Monitoring

School Development Plan 2016 – 17

Key areas of focus Member of staff to lead Leadership and Management Senior Leadership Team

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Senior Leadership Team and Subject Leaders

Writing – including phonics and SPAG Helen Lawrence

Vulnerable learners – SEN / Pupil Premium / Travellers –

Gretchen Dent (SENCO)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Gretchen Dent

Broad Town C of E Primary School Development PlanSeptember 2016 - 2017

Area for Improvement: Leadership and ManagementSuccess Criteria:

A range of professional development opportunities are provided to develop leadership capacity and to promote effective practice across the school

All staff members and children in the school to see themselves as ‘leaders’.

All staff to effectively lead areas of the curriculum to support in improving standards and provision.

The role of leaders , including governors is developed so that they continue to have a great impact on helping the school to improve

(with a focus on outcomes and provision)

Continued improvement in the quality of the monitoring of teaching and learning and the impact this has on standards

Parents are engaged in different ways to support the children.

Actions to be taken Start Date Resources Needed / Cost Monitoring and Evaluation

Establish leadership roles for the children

School Council (Miss Long) PE Shed monitors, OHP monitors (Mr Dawkins) Newspaper group (Mrs Lawrence), Energy Eagles / Eco-School Group (Mrs Floyd), Vision and Ethos Group (Miss Dent), Digital Leaders (Mr Dawkins), Tuck Trolley monitors (Miss Long)

September 2016 Allocated time for groups to meet and feedback to the school.

Displays, surveys, photographs, evidence on the school website, in school newspaper and newsletters and discussions with pupils

DF Challenge Partners Assessors Training July 2016 Release time and cover to attend training Discussions with Headteacher and sharing information with staff

Staff involved in lesson observations of the quality of teaching and learning, linked to Challenge Partners training.

See monitoring timetable

Release time

Appropriate forms and resources

Observation forms

Summary of What Went Well and Even Better If ..

Fortnightly Senior Leadership meetings See SL Meeting timetable

As identified for each meeting. Sharing information in staff meetings and on TT days and working alongside colleagues

Review the Curriculum Map – led by subject leaders and class teachers

June & July Curriculum Maps from previous years (staff share)

Discussions, meetings

Actions plans written by subject leaders to be clear and concise – follow up time schedules set

Sept 2016 Subject Action Plans Built in time to review Action Plans

Tracking and monitoring of pupil progress , all staff able to articulate how they are supporting the needs of Sen pupils and more able pupils

Ongoing and assessment timetable

Assessment and progress meeting timetable

Target Tracker for all year groups including EY

Review meetings and discussions with staff meetings and with colleagues.

SEN TA to support and work collaboratively with new teaching assistants: to liaise and provide feedback from training and keep fully informed.

Ongoing and during prep time

Resources from training Discussions with TA lien manager, Headteacher and staff.

Governors Action Plan is reviewed and updated.

A working party established to focus on the Governor’s Action Plan

September Meeting time and previous Action Plan Review at every FGB meeting and led by a member of the Action Plan working Party

SEF (Self Evaluation Form) to be reviewed by staff and then updated by the headteacher

TT day 31st Oct

13th Dec

28th March

8th June

Previous SEF, Ofsted documents and any new updates etc.

Discussions on review dates and identifying next steps to further move the school forward

PE and Sports Premium Action Plan September Review of action plan and sharing of information on the school website

Review how parents are engaged to support the children September Surveys for parents

HT meetings, parent workshops

Surveys from parents

Discussions in meetings

Broad Town C of E Primary School Development Plan

September 2016 - 2017Area for Improvement: Quality of teaching, learning and assessmentSuccess Criteria:

Attainment % Good or better teaching in all classes. All staff have consistently high expectations of what each child can achieve, including most able and disadvantaged pupils. A range of provision is in place to cater for the needs of all children Questioning is used skilfully to gain pupil responses and develop children’s understanding to move learning forward. Pupils are given time to review what they are learning and to develop further. Assessment information is used to plan appropriate teaching and learning strategies and to give feedback to children.

Actions to be taken Start Date Resources Needed / Cost Monitoring and Evaluation

Challenge Partners areas of focus are discussed and shared in staff meetings so that they can be implemented across the school. Challenge, Questioning, engagement and learning

Term 2

2nd November

Mrs Floyd to share elements from the Challenge Partners training attended

Lesson Observations and monitoring planning

Question skills to reduce disruption and increase pupils’ confidence as learners.

September Attendance and cost of Teaching Conference Observation of lessons

Attendance at outstanding teaching training Term 3 Release and cover - £500 Lesson observations

Co-constructive Planning Term 2 revisit Subject leader release Interviewing pupils, evidence in planning. Ideas and WWW to be shared with staff after monitoring by Mrs Lawrence

Introduce P4C strategiesStaff to use strategies across the curriculum

31st October 2016

Global Learning credits and travelling expenses £50

Trainer – Flick

HT to observe P4C in classrooms and in planning – 8th December 2016

7th December – staff to share P4C activities they have used in class – WWW and EBI

Use of toolkits and practical resources to support learning September Word mats, key vocabulary, practical maths resources, artefacts

Lesson observations and discussions with the children

Assessment Literate children- marking, feedback and peer-assessment

Marking criteria displayed, success criteria grids etc.

Lesson observations

Peer coachingStaff to introduce where appropriate

Term 4 Staff Meeting WWW and WBI in staff meeting in term 4

Attend Accelerating Pupil Progress through assessment for learning, effective questioning and feedback, learning to learn and collaborative learning.

26th January

23rd February

16th March

Cost of training £205

Staff meeting

TA meeting

Observation of TA and teacher sessions and monitoring planning

Attend ‘Switch on to Reading and Writing’ Training. Introduce the intervention and share the strategies at a staff meeting

Term 2 and 3 Cost of training

Cover for class teacher

Observations of sessions and start and finish assessments to show progress.

Introduce and use a range of self and peer assessment strategies.

Sept Display prompts for children Learning walk.,

Staff meeting

Interview children

Mastery FocusOpportunities for children to apply the curriculum in a higher order way, in more depth using more complex and sophisticated methods

September Maths mastery resources from Liz Hopkins, maths mastery resources purchased

Mastery resources provided to staff on training and available on the internet.

Bring evidence of mastery in your planning and children’s work.

Self and Peer Assessment Strategies

model self/ peer assessment using unknown pieces of work. Best to use a good example. Teachers need to be demonstrating language

Implement peer assessment rules Respect the work of others. • Identify successful features. • Think about the learning objective and the success criteria when

suggesting improvements. • Word suggestions positively.

Classroom quick check assessment scheme.

Change of langauge – instead of I can’t do it, Im a yellow Use of questioning to be increased and have a higher presence both by the teacher and the children.- Blooms taxonomy, key

questions in planning Coloured question cards - BL

Ensure success criteria’s are used effectively and the language is accessible by all. Creating co-constructive success criteria To introduce a WWW and EBI to the end of lessons. These then need to be identified and used in the next lessons planning. Children

can share theses verbally or they can be written down Higher presence of self –editing own work

Broad Town C of E Primary School Development Plan

September 2016 - 2017Area for Improvement: Writing and SPAGSuccess Criteria: To provision and attainment in SPAG across the school. Improved targeted teaching of phonics and spelling with children being in groups that best meet their needsTo raise standards and accelerate progress in all year groups in writing to ensure that all standards across the school are in line with or exceeding the national expectations for attainment To ensure that children make the expected 5/6 steps of progress in their writing throughout the year. To improve the quality and presentation of handwriting across the school.

Actions to be taken Date Resources needed / Cost Monitoring and Evaluation

All individuals to have targets for writing indicated on Target Tracker at the start of the year. (Taking into account previous years progress and the need to accelerate some individuals by setting challenging but attainable targets and provide additional support for other children.

Sept SENCO time for support timetables

Cost of support

Target tracker

Looking at targets in books

Regular whole school moderation of Writing 28th September

Term 2

Term 4

Term 6

English books and pieces of writing which include the children’s targets - SLT

Subject leader release

Staff Meeting

Senior leadership meeting and then a staff meeting

Discussion with Headteacher and feedback to staff

See separate monitoring timetable

Focused interventions to support children with the Writing process (those identified as needing additional support in June PPMs) ie. Developing writing in meaningful contexts

Introduction of ‘Switch onto Writing’ intervention

Every term TA time – cost of any interventions and training

Intervention timetable

Results from intervention

Continue to improve the quality of ‘next steps’ guidance and green Throughout the year

Book scrutiny

bubble questioning and further challenge Staff meeting share good practise

Monitoring the progress of a ‘focus’ group of writers in each class ie. Maybe 2 or 3 children who need to particularly be accelerated in their writing progress

Term 1 set up Subject leader to discuss at a staff meeting and with staff

Literacy co-ordinator to monitor

Promoting enjoyment in writing by writing for real purposes eg. Broad Town News , the school website , reviews etc… Author visits , Everybody Writes Days (co-incide Hot Writes if pos ?)

Throughout the year

Cost Subject leader to nterview children about how they feel about writing

Ensure that all staff are up to date with all new assessments and any changes

Course – cost of course Staff meeting to share.

Information regarding our writing schemes to be given to parents and put on the school website

Term 1 HL to put information onto website

All pupils to be given targets, year 1,3,4,5 to use target sheet. Year 2 and 6 to use writing interim sheet

Second week term 1

Book scrutiny

All classrooms to have non-negotiables up on the wall for the children to see.

Term 1

Agree a whole school handwriting policy . Purchase of a scheme such as Hand for Writing – Cripps that all children follow. Handwriting to be taught 3 times a week. This could be an activity during guided reading time. Agreed font used for all displays and resource sheets throughout the school – for example ‘Hand for Writing HfW’

Term 1 Cost of writing policy Staff meeting to discuss policy

SPAG to be taught explicitly throughout the week and then be linked into big write.

Term 1 SPAG resoruces to support learning Planning moderation

Use of literacy walls need to support the literacy planning. Walls need to be updated regularly and support the children’s needs

Term 1 To set up class 2 as an example Classroom observation

Common exception words need to be done at least 3 to 4 times a week. Specific words need to be focused on each term.

Term 1 Spelling time needs to be set aside in each class- guided reading time.

Student interview – presence and impact of spelling in their writing

Tool kits set up on tables for children to access – to include sound cards, examples of adjectives and punctuation etc

Term 2 Cost of printing and laminating

Additional resources

Classroom walk around

Pupil interview- how do they use them?

Intervention for children whose spelling is below expected. Term 2 Spelling interventions - cost

TA time- cost

Progress meetings and TA impact reviews

Ensure all appropriate SPAG is taught and that teachers to set up assessments to identify weak areas.

Throughout the year

SPAG tests

Medium term plans

Literacy subject leader to monitor this and discuss possible actions with the head teacher.

Use a range of ipad games to support SPAG Term 3 Cost of IPAD apps Literacy and ICT subject leaders to monitor through lmonitoring planning and lesson observations.

Trial setting for phonics and spelling and then decide whether to introduced across the school, across two classes etc.

September 2016

Sufficient staff to teach the different phonic phases and spelling ability groups.

Discuss at a staff meeting and revisit. HT lesson observation of sessions

Question and Talk – Talk for writing

Better use of talk partners throughout the school Term 2 class 2 and 3

Term 5 class 1

Partners pictures – name generator

Broad Town C of E Primary School Development PlanSeptember 2016 - 2017

Area for Improvement: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Success Criteria:

Spiritual The children are able to reflect about their own beliefs religious or otherwise, to help inform their perspective on life

Children show respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values.

Imagination and creativity is used in learning


The children demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions


A range of social skills are used in different contexts and with a range of different people.

Children cooperate well with others and are developing skills to be able to resolve conflicts effectively

Promotion of British Values at the heart of the school’s work.


The children demonstrate and understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and those of others

They show an understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield

Broad Town C of E Primary School Development PlanSeptember 2016 - 2017

Area for Improvement: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Actions to be taken Date Resources needed / Cost Monitoring and Evaluation

Opportunities for reflection are provided through lessons, assemblies and special events e.g. Bible week

Ongoing As Idnetified in planning Staff meeting for staff to share how they build reflection into their lessons, assemblies and special events - September

All classes to use their Reflective Diaries on a Weekly basis

Sept Reflective Dairy. RE subject leader to monitor on Ethos Learning Walk with children

Staff meeting on imaginative, creative and reflective activities.

26th September Ideas from the training led by Mercedes from the diocese as we now have different staff

Monitoring planning, lesson observations, work in books, on display and discussions with the children

Philosophy for Children (P4C) staff training and then use the ideas across the school

31st October 2016

Global learning credits £500 and travelling expenses £45

Any additional resources required

Discussions in staff meetings, observations, monitoring planning, discussions with School Council.

Use ideas from Book of Thunks

Book of Thunks Discussion with children, observations

Whole school focus on Rules, class, golden, playtime, lunchtime etc.

September Revisit


Assembly resources

Discussions with staff and School Council

Opportunities to discuss moral and ethical issues built into lessons and assemblies

Ongoing Governors to interview children

Social skills groups to support the needs of children Support timetable and teaching assistant time Impact reviews from TAs

Observation of pupils in the class and playground

Social skills developed throughout all elements of school life through the Gem Powers

Poster for assembly, Class 3 videos of gem powers, certificates for celebration assembly

Governors to interview children

Restorative Justice Principles used to facilitate children in resolving conflicts

Ongoing RJ Questions Observations of how all staff facilitate children in resolving conflicts

Kelso’s Wheel, displayed and modelled in class and the playground

September Kelso’s wheel HT discussions with pupils at School Council

Different elements of British Values is built into every term.

British Values display in all classrooms which is used and referred to

British Values Flag display by the School Ethos group, followed by an assembly and used in assemblies throughout the year



School values, Collective Worship, Links to PSHE, British Values and Learning gems overview sheet

Twinkle posters

Ethos group meeting -Flags

Discussion with pupils at school Councils, monitoring planning, lesson observations.

Governors to interview children about British values

Children are taught about different cultures within the school and further afield.

Overview of when this is happening Discussion with staff

Increase the range of visitors from different cultures to contribute to assemblies and lessons (including different forms of Christianity)

Ask Staff, parents, HT cluster, Rev Rachma and the church community for contacts

Governors to interview children.

Discussions in School Council

Plan whole school cultural events that link into areas of focus on the assembly plan and the curriculum map e.g. Chinese new year

Programme and timetable of events and related resources

Governors to interview children

Whole school focus on cities of culture Term 3 Information and resources linked to cities of culture

Governors to interview children

Broad Town C of E Primary School Development PlanSeptember 2016 - 2017

Area for Improvement: Vulnerable PupilsSuccess Criteria:

The school works collaboratively with outside agencies to support the needs of vulnerable children Advice and reports are used to ensure the provision meets the needs of the vulnerable children Pupils are grouped to enable the teaching to best meet their needs. The progress of vulnerable pupils is monitored effectively. We are able to evidence the progress of the vulnerable children Governors are kept up to date about the use and impact of Pupil Premium Funding

Actions Date Resources Needed / Cost Monitoring & Evaluation

Traveller Support

Referrals to Traveller Support

Meetings with Traveller support to set and review targets

Additional support for traveller children by traveller support and school TAs




Meetings with Headteacher and or the SENCO

Progress of the children from ongoing assessments and linked to their individual targets

Switch onto Reading and Writing training and implementation of the new intervention programme

Term 2 Dependent on the training

Allocated time for the support programme

Assessments at the beginning and end of the programme

Implementation of a range of support programmes to meet the academic, emotional and social needs of the vulnerable children and additional training if required.

Termly TA support timetables

Provision Map Impact Review Reports

Meetings with outside agencies and parents Ongoing Release time for meetings Actions from meetings and


Target Tracker is used to support in monitoring the progress of groups of pupils

October Target Tracker and related reports Analysis of reports and discussions at staff, SL and progress meetings.

Headteacher to update the Pupil Premium information on the school website

November Time to update the school website Pupil Premium Page

Impact of the use of pupil premium funding is discussed and analysed throughout the year when support and training are reviewed.

Files are set up to evidence the progress of vulnerable pupils

September Vulnerable pupil files Headteacher meetings with SENCO, Senior Leadership Meetings and Progress meetings

‘Setting’ in phonics to meet the needs of all children on a daily basis. Consider for maths

September 2016

Timetables, planning, appropriate resources

Review phonics setting and consider setting for maths

Lesson Observations Term 1 HT observations of pupils

Headteacher observations of the quality of T & LTerm 2 Peer Observations

Phonics Observations and SPAGGuided Reading Observations

Term 3 Challenge Partner Observations Observations of SEN childrenMaths Observations ICT Observations