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    Engineering Mathematics 6


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      Department:   ManufacturingEngineering

    Module Code:   MATH71004

    Level:   Level 7   Contact Hours:   48

    Duration:   1 Semester   Directed Study Hours:   24

    Effective Term:   2010/11   Indep. Study Hours:   28

    Credits:   5

    Prerequisite Knowledge:

      Engineering Mathematics 1

    Module Description/Aims:

      The module is designed to ensure that students will have appropriate skills tointerpret numerical and graphical information and describe data appropriately.It is intended to enable students to solve problems and make decisions basedon logical impartial statistical tests in engineering and in further research


    Contact Type Hours

    Lecture 2 Per Week

    Practical/Workshop 1 Per Week

    Tutorial 1 Per Week

      On successful completion of the module, the learner will be able to:

    No. Description/Learning Outcomes

    1 Define and use in their proper context key statistical terms (statistics,variables, populations, samples, data types and levels, hypothesis, standarderror, p values etc.)

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      Contact Hours   show detail >>

      Learning Outcomes   show detail >>

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    2 Explain the distinction between descriptive and inferential statisticaltechniques.

    3 Describe, explain and compare sets of data using various diagrams, tablesand graphs

    4 Effectively use hypothesis tests and regression and correlation for decisionmaking

    5 Use IT (eg statistical mode on calculator, spreadsheet eg Microsoft Excel,Statistical packages eg SPSS) to present data and for calculations requiredfor statistical tests and interpret findings

      Learning Strategies

    The student will engage with the content of the module through a mixture of lecture, tutorial and practical work.
    Acknowledging the perceived difficulty of statistics this module will contextualise core content to their field of studythroughout and apply the content to real life problem solving situations.
    Theapproach will make use of context-specific problem based worksheets for studentsto practice the procedures.

      Content Detail


    Design of Experiments, Presentation of Data, Exploratory DataAnalysis (Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Graphicrepresentation of data, percentiles and percentile groupings,frequency distributions


    Introduction to standard normal distribution (SND): Z scores, areaproperties of the SND, probability, sampling error, Standard Error of Mean


    Confidence intervals, p values, the studentized t distribution, degreesof freedom and t tests


    Confidence Intervals for population means, hypothesis testing with 1and 2 sample(s), Correlation and Regression, Pearson• s `r•correlation coefficient

      Assessment Strategies

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      Assessment Strategies   show detail >>

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    A variety of assessment methods should be employed including short answer, openended, closed questions in task sheets, tests and assignments.

    A computer laboratory assessment will be undertaken.

    Repeat Assessment strategy will consist of repeating the written examination for themodule at the next available sitting. This result will be combined with the existingCA result.



    Category  Assessme nt Method





    3, 5 ContinuousAssessment

    Project - Individual 20

    3, 4, 5 Continuous


    Computer based -



    1, 2, 3, 4 Final Exam(Scheduled)

    Final Written Exam 60


    Type ISBN Title Author Publisher Year EditionLibrary


    Recommended 0861219805   Understanding StatisticsJ. ReillyFolens

    1997 -

    Essential 0201614774   Elementary Statistics 9edMario E. Triola Addison-Wesley 

    2003 -


    Type Description

    Course Material Mathematics and Statistics Resources Module onBlackboard


      Indicative Assessments   show detail >>

      Reading List   show detail >>

      Journals and Websites   show detail >>

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