View Book 1213

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  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213


    Learn Do SucceeD

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213


    View book 2012/2013

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213


    NAITs motto, To LearnTo DoTo S cceed, tells t e NAIT story in t e brie est possible way. Wein ite yo to browse t ro t is viewbook to

    et t e bi er pict re. M r d , xpl rr pr ram a d di c v r r bi adva a

    prac ical, r l va d ca i ar d cci h r al rld.

    weLCoMe to nAIt

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213


    get to know us 4-11

    BusIness + ADMInIstRAtIon

    Bachelor of Business Administration 13

    Bachelor of Applied Business Administration Accounting 13

    Bachelor of Applied Business Administration Finance 13Business Administration Programs:

    Accounting 14Finance 14Human Resource Management 14Management 14Marketing 14

    Captioning and Court Reporting 15Applied Banking and Business 15

    HosPItALItY + CuLInARYCulinary Arts 17

    Hospitality Management 17

    Baking 17

    Retail Meatcutting 17


    Animal Health Technology 19

    Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technology 19

    Cytotechnology 19

    Dental Assisting 19

    Dental Technology 19

    Denturist Technology 19

    Diagnostic Medical Sonography 20

    Emergency Medical Technology Paramedic 20

    Magnetic Resonance 20

    Medical Laboratory Assisting 20

    Medical Laboratory Technology 20

    Medical Radiologic Technology 21

    Medical Transcription 21

    Personal Fitness Trainer 21

    Respiratory Therapy 21

    Veterinary Medical Assistant 21

    enVIRonMentAL MAnAgeMent

    Alternative Energy Technology 23

    Biological Sciences Technology 23

    Chemical Technology 23

    Forest Technology 24

    Geological Technology 25

    Landscape Architectural Technology 25

    Occupational Health and Safety 25

    Water and Wastewater Technician 25

    BuILDIng ConstRuCtIon + DesIgn

    Architectural Technology 27

    Building Environmental Systems Technology 27

    Construction Engineering Technology 27

    Interior Design Technology 27

    engIneeRIng teCHnoLogIes

    Bachelor of Technology in Technology Management 29

    Biomedical Engineering Technology 29

    Chemical Engineering Technology 29

    Civil Engineering Technology 29

    Electrical Engineering Technology 30

    Engineering Design and Drafting Technology 30

    Geomatics Engineering Technology 30

    Instrumentation Engineering Technology 30

    Materials Engineering Technology 31Mechanical Engineering Technology 31

    Nanotechnology Systems 31

    Petroleum Engineering Technology 31

    It + eLeCtRonICs

    Bachelor of Applied Information Systems Technology 32

    Computer Engineering Technology 33

    Computer Network Administrator 33

    Electronics Engineering Technology 33

    Network Engineering Technology 33Wireless Systems Engineering Technology 33

    MeDIA + DesIgn

    Digital Media and IT 35

    Graphic Communications 35

    Photographic Technology 35

    Radio and Television Radio 35

    Radio and Television Television 35

    skILLeD tRADes

    Auto Body Technician, Pre-Employment 37

    Automotive Service Technician, Pre-Employment 37

    CNC Machinist Technician 37

    HVAC Specialis t 37

    Industrial Heavy Equipment Technology 37

    Millwork and Carpentry 38

    Power Engineering Technology 38

    Power Engineering 4th Class 38

    APPRentICesHIP 39

    uPgRADIng + esL 40

    gRADuAte PLACeMent ResuLts 41

    How to APPLY 44

    InteRnAtIonAL stuDent APPLICAtIon 45

    ACADeMIC ReQuIReMents 46get MoRe InFo 50

    MAIn CAMPus MAP 51


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    Makin connections isnt t at w at yo expect rompost-secondary ed cation?Connections to al ablelearnin and opport nity.C c i m m rabl

    xp ri c a d p pl .


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    weLCoMe to nAIt, wHeRe MAkIng ConneCtIons

    Is wHAt we Do Best . We a e a 50-year istory o preparin rad ates wit t e skills to s cceed. T at rep tation is b ilt on o r close ties wit b sinessand ind stry, o r links to t e latest tec nolo y and o r insiderknowled e o w at employers are lookin or.

    Yo ll disco er excitin career opport nities ere, and connect wit instr ctors w o will care abo t yo r pro ress. At t e same time, yo ll make new riends and enjoy t e kinds o experiences t at become lastin memories.

    HeLPIng HAnDs

    Top, students in AnimalHealth Technology assistDr. Jocelyn Forseille (inlab coat) in the canineblood donor clinic oncampus, the only animalblood bank in Alberta.

    Blood samples takenhere help dogs underveterinary care acrossCanada. Dr. Forseillewas recognized by theAlberta VeterinaryMedical Association asthe 2010 Veterinarianof the Year for her workin starting the bloodbank and other volunteerprojects.

    stePHAnIe BARsBYCBC Edmonton Meteorolo ist

    Radio & Tele ision,Class o 2000

    Bottom, CBC Edmontonmeteorologist StephanieBarsby is one of severalwell-known radio andtelevision personalitiesto get their start atNAIT. A lengthy eldplacement at the endof the program giveseach student valuable

    industry experience andconnections.

    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/bl dba

    Learn more abo t t e animalblood bank.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    Zero in on ed cation witdirection. Foc sed, rele anted cation t at can take yo

    w ere yo want to o. tha ha y ll d a nAIt.


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    FoCus MeAns LeARnIng In CLAssRooMs AnD LABs

    CoMPLete wItH tHe teCHnoLogY AnD eQuIPMentCuRRentLY useD on tHe joB.C rric l m t ats in t ne wit t e knowled e and skills employersexpect, and instr ctors w o a e frst- and experience in t efelds t eyre teac in .

    Foc sed learnin ets yo in ol ed, wit case st dies, sim lations,applied researc assi nments, b ilt-in practic m components andmany ot er ways t at prepare yo or t e c allen es a ead.

    T e res lt? In-dept knowled e complemented by ands-on skills a al able combination t at pro ides a ead start in b ildin astron t re.

    skILLs RewARDeD

    Top, Refrigerationand Air ConditioningMechanic apprenticeSean Donnan (in yellowsafety glasses) won goldat the 2010 CanadianSkills Competition, a

    national event testingtrades and technologyskills. His gold medalearned him $10,000 inscholarship money anda trip to World Skills2011 in London, England.Sean is shown here withinstructor Todd Matsuba.

    PHILIP CoLCLougHInstr ctor, PowerEn ineerin Tec nolo y

    Instr ctional Excellence Award recipient, 2011

    Bottom, students in Mr.Colcloughs classes studyhigh-tech theoreticalmaterial related tothermodynamics andlearn to apply thatknowledge in the

    eld. The work is verychallenging, saysColclough. It has to bereal, and even the strongstudents struggle atpoints. But I tell them and I honestly believeit that they all can do it.My job is to cultivate anenvironment where itsthat much easier.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    Makin riends and reatmemories comes nat rally

    ere. Hav f ac iv f l h r y!


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/a hl ic

    get t e latest Ooks in o.

    As A nAIt stuDent, YouLL get to know YouR

    CLAssMAtes QuICkLY AnD DIsCoVeR Lots oF wAYs to HAVe Fun togetHeR.Kick it o at t e gear up welcome party, and keep it oin wit reemo ie and comedy ni ts, street ockey to rnaments and pizza in

    T e Nest, o r riendly camp s p b.

    Try o t or t e Ooks or c eer on o r winnin teams in ockey,basketball, olleyball, soccer, c rlin , ol , badminton and cross-co ntry r nnin .

    And w ile its tr e t at NAIT st dents know ow to a e a ood time, t eyre also known or ent siastic comm nity in ol ement.From swin in a ammer wit habitat or h manity to cookin

    T anks i in dinner in t e inner city, st dent spirit s ines at NAIT.


    Top, a street hockeytournament is one of several events thatlaunches the school yearin true NAIT style.

    Bottom, rst-yearbusiness student Antony

    Cuelenaere enjoys therewards of a United Waychallenge. His instructorpitted four businessclasses against eachother to sell as manyUnited Way 50/50tickets as they could.Antony out-sold everyother student, helping towin a pizza party for hisclass.

    wHAt tHe HeCks Anook?

    Opposite page, Ookis short for Ookpik,the Inuktitut word forsnowy owl. A erceand powerful bird,the snowy owl is well

    adapted for life in theCanadian north, makingit the perfect mascot forNAITs athletic teams.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    W en yo c oose NAIT yo canbreat e easy, i y r

    i r al val a d hi d f rvic ha c .


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    ReLAX You wont get Lost In tHe CRowD HeRe.

    In small classes o j st 25 or 30 st dents, instr ctors will et toknow yo r name and be able to i e yo t e kind o attention t atmakes all t e di erence. Boost yo r confdence in a s pporti een ironment t at incl des ree t torial centres, st dy-skills

    works ops, career airs and leadin -ed e acilities like t ecomp ter commons, open aro nd t e clock.

    Anot er pleasant s rprise its a ordable. NAIT as t e lowesta era e t ition o all rban post-secondary instit tions in Albertaand one o t e lowest in Canada.


    tHAts VALue

    Top, Digital Media andIT students shoot a videowith advice from theirinstructor. Such personalattention is part of theNAIT advantage.

    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/pr ram /dmi

    See t e ideo created by t esest dents and t eir classmates.

    CHRIstoPHeR RoYDesktop S pport,Stream-Flo Ind stries Ltd.

    Comp ter En ineerin Tec nolo y, Class o 2009

    Bottom, Christopherwas hired by Stream-Flo immediately afterhe completed his co-opdiploma. Things havebeen going really well.Ive even been able totravel with Stream-Flo, which I think is justamazing. Without co-op,I wouldnt be where Iam today, which issomewhere pretty cool.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213




    Above, business students Loryn Marcellus, Olivia McGhan andHussein Alibhai placed first in the 2011 Alberta Deans of BusinessCase Competition, ahead of teams from 11 other colleges and

    universities. Teams were given a real-world business scenario intheir case, a question about WestJet expansion and had just eighthours to prepare a strategy that they must then present to a panel of industry executives, including a WestJet VP. The competition taughtme many things, says Olivia, but most of all, the value of teamwork.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business Administration


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    BACHeLoR oF BusIness ADMInIstRAtIon (BBA) tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,800 - $2,25 0 PeR YeAR.

    4 Ft Pt D B

    Business and IT are intricately linked in todays complex work environment. The BBA degree ensures thatstudents are equipped with the skills they need to succeed, providing both in-depth business kn owledge and thepractical skills to put that knowledge to use on the job.

    Hands-on expertise with leading software applications and business processes sets BBA grads apart. The degreefocuses on experiential learning, including the use of simulations, interactive case studies and applied researchassignments. Critical thinking, communication and teamwork skills are also key learning objectives.

    Students can customize their program by choosing from a range of disciplines, including accounting, nance,management, human resource management and marketing.

    Students earn a business diploma after the rst two years, and attain the BBA after an additional two years.There are multiple entry points throughout the program for new and transfer students, diploma grads andinternational students. Full-time studies begin in September or January; part-time and online courses can also b estarted in spring or summer.

    BBA graduates possess the entrance requirements for a range of post-degree programs in business, law andthe social sciences. Many BBA courses are accepted as prerequisites or exemptions in professional accounting,

    nance, management, marketing and human resource management designation programs, including the CA,CMA, CGA, CFP, CSC, C.I.M . and CHRP.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /bba

    BACHeLoR oF APPLIeD BusIness ADMInIstRAtIon ACCountIng tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,300 - $1,700 PeR YeA R.

    2 Ft Pt D A

    This applied degree develops a combination of advanced accounting expertise and management skills.The course of study includes two academic terms and two directed eld study (DFS) terms in industry. DFScourses link academic work with workplace experiences.

    Students challenge professional accounting designation exams, completing the majority of the technical contentfor accreditation as a designated accountant.

    Incoming students will have rst completed a two-year Accounting diploma from an accredited post-secondaryinstitution.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ada

    BACHeLoR oF APPLIeD BusIness ADMInIstRAtIon FInAnCe

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,800 YeAR 1, $200 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft Pt D A

    This applied degree develops a combination of advanced nancial expertise and management skills for careersin the nancial services eld. Students begin with two consecutive academic terms, which include courses in

    nancial planning, the Canadian Securities Course, business ethics and society, critical reading and writing,e-commerce and more . Two work experience terms, called Directed Field Studies (DFS), follow. DFS termsare taken via distance education while the student is employed and link academic knowledge with practicalemployment experience via research papers, critiques and case studies.Applicants must previously have earned a two-year business diploma to enter this program. Please consult theprogram website for details on entry requirements.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /bbf

    DegRee PRogRAMs


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    BusIness + ADMInIstRAtIon

    wALL stReet noRtH

    Second-year Financestudents play the stock

    market with $500,000in virtual funds, trying toearn more money thantheir classmates. Theirassignment: make aminimum of 50 trades over10 weeks in a simulationlab that provides access tomarkets around the world,virtually in real-time.


    BusIness ADMInIstRAtIon DIPLoMAPRogRAMs

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,500 - $2,00 0 PeR YeA R.

    2 Ft Pt D Dp


    Programs offered within Business Administration (Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management and HumanResource Management) prepare students for careers in various aspects of todays business environment.All ve programs use a common rst-year course package. After successful completion of Year 1, studentscontinue towards a diploma in one of the ve program streams below.

    business administ ati n - acc untingStudents gain a solid working knowledge of accounting and information systems, and learn to use quantitativeanalysis techniques to derive meaning from nancial data. Studies include nancial accounting, managementaccounting, corporate nance and taxation.

    Many grads continue their education in the B BA degree or Bachelor of Applied Business Administration Accounting applied degree program; others start careers in a wide range of government, industry and businessenvironments.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /acc

    business administ ati n - nancePractical and hands-on, our accredited Finance program focu ses on nancial planning, investing, wealthbuilding, money and credit, plus ethical and social responsibility.

    Graduates pursue careers in a broad range of nancial enterprises, providing personalized service to theirclients. The Finance diploma is an excellent point of entry into the BBA degree or the Bach elor of AppliedBusiness Administration - Finance.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /

    business administ ati n human es u ce managementThis diploma provides students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to create value in organizations byapplying human resource strategies, practices and techniques. Through a combination of classroom teaching,case studies, simulations and seminars, students develop an understanding of modern b usiness dynamics andlearn to work well within c ulturally diverse organizations. The diploma provides an excellent transition to theBBA degree.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /hrm

    business administ ati n - managementDevelop an understanding of business dynamics and organizational culture, and gain the knowledge neededto make effective decisions in a competitive business environment. This program provides prac tical skills toentrepreneurial individuals aspiring to start their own business, purchase an existing business, or take over afamily business. Grads may choose to use their diploma as a stepping stone to a BBA degree.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ma

    business administ ati n - ma ketingWith a focus on advertising and public relations, business enterprise, marketing technology and professionalsales approaches, the Marketing program provides graduates with career exibility in a wide range of elds.Grads apply marketing concepts to create, communicate and deliver value for consumers, and drive sustainablegrowth in their respective organizations. The Marketing diploma is a natural step towards a BBA degree.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /mar

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business Administration


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availabilityOpen to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    ALeXAnDRIA MAHB siness Administration Acco ntin ,Class o 2009,C rrent BBA st dent

    Alexandria is pursuing her BBAdegree while working full timeas an auditor with the CanadaRevenue Agency and playingelite-level soccer as a memberof the NAIT Ooks team. Theexibility of part-time eveningand online courses gives herthe balance she needs in herbusy schedule.

    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/al x

    Watc Alexs ideo to fnd o t w y s e c ose NAITs BBA.

    APPLIeD BAnkIng AnD BusIness tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $1,250.

    1 Ft C

    Students train for entry-level banking and nancial positions, using NAITs computerized lab setting.They learn to be accurate and provide professional customer service, while studying core b usiness curriculum.A 100-hour work placement at a nancial institution completes the training.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /abb

    CAPtIonIng AnDCouRt RePoRtIng

    tuItIon (2010/11) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,100 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft Dp

    Using electronic shorthand machines and so phisticated computer technology, students learn to translate thespoken word simultaneously to the printed word at speeds of 225 words per minute and higher. Such skills arecrucial for broadcast captioning of live television programming, producing verbatim transcripts of of cial courtproceedings and other quasi-judicial hearings, and providing communication access for individuals with hearingloss in a wide variety of settings including classrooms and bu siness conferences.

    Graduates work across Canada and around the world. This is the only program in western Canada accredited bythe National Court Reporters Asso ciation (USA).

    . ai .ca/pr ram /c r

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/ch r id c

    Learn abo t t e C e in Residencepro ram and t e c linary stars NAIT

    as osted.


    Above, master chef, restaurant owner and internationalmedia sensation Susur Lee shared his expertise withCulinary Arts students in 2011 as part of the HokansonChef in Residence program. The inn ovative program bringsculinary authorities from around the world to NAIT tomentor and interact with students and faculty.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business Administration


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availabilityOpen to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    InteRnAtIonAL FLAVouR

    Top culinary students can widen their horizons duringa month-long exchange program to destinations likethe Philippines, Italy and Austria. Students roll uptheir sleeves at the host countrys culinary arts school,enjoy cultural excursions and are billeted with localfamilies to get the full international experience.

    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/ d xcha

    BAkIng tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $1,040.

    1 Ft C

    This certi cate focuses on the art and science of bread, cake and pastry making as well as the many aspects ofcake decorating. Using NAITs fully equipped bakery training lab, students learn to safely operate and maintainthe kinds of equipment used in a variety of bakery operations. The curriculum also covers business procedures,food sanitation, nutrition, communications and trade calculations, and concludes with a four-week workexperience placement.

    Graduates are employed at a variety of bakery-related operations, which may include in-store and retailbakeries, industrial manufacturers and specialty shops.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ba

    CuLInARY ARts tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,100 2,060 PeR YeA R.

    1 2 Ft Pt C Dp

    Students in NAITs renowned Culinary Arts program are introduced to the fundamental skills of coo king with an

    emphasis on safe food handling, sanitation and nutrition. Th ese skills are enhanced by hands-on participationin advanced cooking practices including contemporary hot and cold presentation, pastry arts and internationalcuisine. Training takes place in the Hokanson Centre for Culinary Arts.

    The rst year of the program focuses on a soun d knowledge of kitchen fundamentals and core culinary theory.Many rst-year courses can also be studied on a part-time basis. Students exiting after this year will receive acerti cate. The second year emphasizes culinary nesse for students aspiring to become chefs and kitchen leaders.

    Grads work around the globe in hotels, restaurants, resorts and catering companies, and can advance rapidlythrough the ranks of the professional kitchen.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /c a


    MAnAgeMent tuItIon (2011/12) - $5,118 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,300 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    The focus of this program is the accommodation and food and beverage segments of the hospitality industry.

    During the rst year, students gain business and customer ser vice skills in food and beverage service techniques,front desk check-in procedures, nancial accounting, economics and written communications.

    The second year examines marketing, nancial management, supervisory skills and advanced cour ses in hotel,restaurant and catering operations. A 400-hour work experience term is also included.

    Students seeking further education can use their diploma for transfer credit at a number of universities offeringundergraduate degrees in hospitality or tourism management.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /h

    RetAIL MeAtCuttIng tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953; InteRnAtIonAL$6,200. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $840.

    ! Ft C

    Graduates of this 18-week certi cate program have the skills to prepare and market a wide variety of meat,poultry and sh items. Classroom theory, including business procedures, food sanitation and trade calculationsare complemented by hands-on training in a fully equipped meat-training lab, in conjunction with the programsRetail Meat Store.

    Grads are in demand at grocery and specialty stores, processing plants and in meat inspection services. . ai .ca/pr ram /rmc

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213





    . ai .ca/ ff Watc Je s ideo

    or insi t into t isi -demand career.

    jeFF woLFeMRI Tec nolo ist, Alberta healt Ser ices

    Ma netic Resonance, Class o 2007

    At left, Jeff works in an environment that

    demands both technical and interpersonal skills.Half of my program was a practicum, whichmeans I was working directly at the jobI was training for. It was extremely practicaland lined me up with future employers.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business Administration


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    AnIMAL HeALtH teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,250 YeAR 1, $1,200 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This popular program, accredited by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, focuses on prac ticalskills utilized in both small and large animal practice. Students train in laboratory work, diagnostic imaging,anesthesiology, medical and surgical nursing, surgical assisting and veterinary of ce management. Studiesinclude parasitology, nutrition, immunology, pharmacology, anatomy, physiology and animal diseases.

    Grads start careers with veterinarians, animal laboratories, government agencies, breeding farms and zoos. . ai .ca/pr ram /ah

    CoMBIneD LABoRAtoRY AnD X-RAY teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R. Books& suPPLIes (est.) - $3,500 Y eAR 1, $1,120

    YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Designed to serve rural health centres, this program comb ines training in both the medical laboratory and X-raydisciplines. Students analyze biological samples and learn to perform electrocardiograms and radiographicimaging procedures competently, safely and compassionately. Second-year students complete 36-weekpracticums at af liated rural clinical sites.

    Graduates are employed in laboratory and radiology departments of ru ral hospitals and in health-care clinics andprivate laboratories.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /clx

    CYtoteCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R. Books

    & suPPLIes (est.) - $2,920 - $3,800 PeR YeAR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Accredited by the Canadian Medical Association, this program teaches students to prepare and analyze cytologysamples and to screen microscope slides to evaluate cell specimens for evidence of disease, especially cancer. In

    Year 2, students participate in a 49-week practicum at training centres in the Edmonton region or Calgary.Please note: the program starts in alternating years only. Students will begin in fall 2012, fall 2014, etc.

    Graduates start careers in hospitals, private medical laboratories, research labs and pharmaceutical companies. . ai .ca/pr ram /cy

    DentAL AssIstIng tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suP PLIes (est.) - $3,190.

    1 Ft D C

    Gain the skills, technical knowledge and clinical experience necessary to become an effective member of a dentalhealth-care team. Students learn chairside assisting procedures and techniques, reception skills and preventivehome-care procedures, while studying dental sciences, asepsis, record keeping, n utrition and public andcommunity health-care issues.

    Grads work in dentistry practices and clinics as well as dental sales and dental insurance. . ai .ca/pr ram /d a

    DentAL teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $3,940 YeAR 1, $1,650 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Recognized by the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta, this diploma prepares students to fabricatecomplete and partial dentures, crowns, bridges and orthodontonic appliances. Using b oth lecture and labsessions, studies include dental anatomy and morphology, microbiology, laboratory asepsis and communications.

    Grads work in dental labs, clinics, universities and hospitals, and as sales or technical representatives for dentalsupply companies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /dl

    DentuRIst t eCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes

    (est.) - $4,480 YeAR 1, $800 YeAR 2, $5,250 YeAR 3.

    3 Ft BTECH Dp

    This three-year program prepares students to assess, diagnose, design, fabricate, insert complete and partialdentals and provide effective communication with patients regarding treatment options and care. Studies includedental anatomy, microbiology, oral pathology, fundamentals of radiology, clinical and laboratory prosthodontic

    procedures and business management. An extensive clinical practicum makes up Year 3. The progr am isaccredited by the Denturist Association of Canada.

    Grads work as associates in established denturist practices or may be self-employed in a denture clinic. . ai .ca/pr ram /d

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213




    no Age LIMIt onFItness

    Personal Fitness Trainer(PFT) student AndrewDo works with a 91-year-

    old client who went fromnot being able to lift hisarm high enough to feedhimself properly to enjoyinga wide range of motion.Andrew chose a retirementcommunity as the site tocomplete his professionalexperience course, part of second-year PFT studies.

    DIAgnostICMeDICAL sonogRAPHY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953 FoR eACH oF 7

    seMesteRs. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $4,100

    YeAR 1, $2,800 YeARs 2 & 3.

    3 Ft BTECH Dp

    Accredited by the Canadian Medical Association, this diploma prepares students to conduct ultrasoundexaminations, focusing on obstetrics and gynecology, abdomen and super cial structures, adultechocardiography and vascular technology. Students participate in clinical rotations in locations throughoutAlberta and elsewhere.

    Grads are in high demand for c areers in hospitals and community clinics. . ai .ca/pr ram /dm


    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R. Books& suPPLIes (est.) - $3,160 YeAR 1, $1,870

    YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Prehospital care training in Alberta is a three-step process: Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), EmergencyMedical Technician (EMT) and Emergency Medical Technologist Paramedic (EMT-P). Each program is aprerequisite to the subsequent level. NAIT offers EMR and EMT as part-time studies.

    The Paramedic program is an advanced care level diploma accredited by the Canadian Medical Association.Students learn human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and related courses, gain skillsin advanced life support procedures, and learn to diagnose and treat patients in a variety of medical and traumasituations.

    . ai .ca/pr ram / m

    MAgnetIC ResonAnCe tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R. Books& suPPLIes (est.) - $3,460 YeAR 1, $1,980

    YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Accredited by the Canadian Medical Association, this diploma provides the technical competence to performvarious MRI procedures. Focusing on anatomy, patient care, communication and safety in the MRI environment,students learn to function effectively in diverse settings from busy trauma centres to outpatient clinics. In Year 2,they participate in clinical rotations throughout Alber ta and Saskatchewan.

    Graduates are in demand by hospitals, clinics and public health agencies. . ai .ca/pr ram /mri

    MeDICAL LABoRAtoRY AssIstIng tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953. Books &

    suPPLIes (est.) - $1,750

    ! Ft C

    This fast-track program involves 16 weeks of study at NAIT followed by seven weeks of clinical laboratoryexperience. Students are trained in specimen collection and processing for analysis, basic lab procedures,performance of ECGs, data entry and clerical/reception services.

    Grads are employed in hospitals, community health centres and private clinical laboratories. . ai .ca/pr ram /mla

    MeDICAL LABoRAtoRY teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R. Books& suPPLIes (est.) - $4,420 YeAR 1, $2,710

    YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Accredited by the Canadian Medical Association, this program focuses on the analysis of human blood and bodyuids for micro-organisms and cellular and chemical components. Compatibility testing of blood and blood

    products, plus preparation of tissue samples for microscopic examination, are also covered. Students learnquality control/assurance practices and instrument maintenance procedures. The second year involves a42-week practicum at an af liated training centre.

    Grads work in hospitals, public and private medical laboratories, research and industrial laboratories andpharmaceutical companies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ml

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    MeDICAL RADIoLogIC teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953 FoR eA CH oF6 seMesteRs. Books & suPPLIes (est.) -$3,750 YeAR 1, $2,600 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    By combining academic study with practicum experience, s tudents learn to perform diagnostic radiographicimaging procedures competently, safely and compassionately. They learn to evaluate the diagnostic quality ofimages and take corrective action as required, and gain expert kn owledge in radiation safety and protectionpractices.

    Studies include anatomy, physiology, radiation science and apparatus, radiobiology and protection, radiographicpathology, CT procedures, patient care and quality control. Accredited by the Canadian Medical Association.

    Graduates work in hospitals, clinics, physician of ces and public health agencies. . ai .ca/pr ram /mr

    MeDICAL tRAnsCRIPtIon tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $1,500.

    1 Ft C

    Vital members of the healthcare team, transcriptionists are medical language specialists who transcribe doctorsdictated reports. The development of the electronic health record has increased the importance of ensuring theaccuracy of a patients medical history, as more medical professionals access and rely on this record.

    Students learn medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, computer processing and medicalof ce procedures.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /m r

    PeRsonALFItness tRAIneR

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $4,146 PeR YeA R;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,220 - $1,460 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft D BTECH Dp

    Recognized by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), this program provides theoretical knowledgeand practical skills in:

    anatomy, physiology, nutrition, movement mechanics and injury prevention principles and methods of physical training and safe exercise health promotion and lifestyle counselling communication and leadership; bus iness management and marketing practices.

    Graduates are eligible to challenge the national exam to become certi ed as a CSEP Certi ed Personal Trainer. Theybegin careers in private tness centres and public recreation facilities, or as entrepreneurs with their own clients.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /pf

    ResPIRAtoRY tHeRAPY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeA R. Books& suPPLIes (est.) - $3,360 YeA R 1, $2,100

    YeARs 2 & 3.


    Ft BTECH


    Learn to plan and implement therapeutic and diagnostic procedures for patients suffering from a wide range ofheart and lung disorders. Classroom and lab instruction, combined with practicum rotations in various clinicalsettings, provide technical knowledge and skills in:

    human anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathophysiology airway management and cardiopulmonary testing, monitoring and resuscitation

    assessment of cardio-respiratory patient status; provision of mechanical ventilator support; testing andevaluation of respiratory equipment.

    Grads are highly valued in hospitals, home-care companies, equipment supply companies and diagnostic laboratories. . ai .ca/pr ram /r

    VeteRInARY MeDICAL AssIstAnt tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $1,800.

    1 Ft C

    Graduates with this certi cate are animal lovers in demand at veterinary clinics, pet industry businesses,livestock supply centres and animal shelters. Studies include:

    veterinary clinic administrative procedures, record keeping using veterinary software, labelling and dispensingof veterinary products

    animal diseases, veterinary terminology, pharmaceutical and nutritional products basic animal handling and restraint effective communications, customer service and client relations.

    Completion of this certi cate quali es for advanced standing in NAITs Animal Health Technology diploma.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /vaa

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    RIVeR ReseARCH

    At left, Biological Sciences Technology students collectwater for testing from the Sturgeon River. They're amongseveral students participating in an applied researchproject to gauge the health of the river. Data collectedwill help nearby communities make decisions that mayreverse declining sh habitat along the rivers watershed.


    Learn more abo t t e St r eonRi er Waters ed st dy.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    ALteRnAtIVe eneRgY teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $5,356 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $15,000. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,200 PeR Y eAR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This program provides solid technical knowledge of solar PV, solar thermal, geothermal, wind, bio fuel,fuel cell, hydro and hybrid energy system applications, as well as carbon capture technologies. Students gaincommunication and project management skills as well as an understanding of the econo mic, social andenvironmental factors that drive growth in this emerging industry. The themes of en ergy quality and source,carbon reduction, sustainability, systems integration and optimization, and market trends are woven throughout

    the studies.Graduates become valued project team members in both private rms and public organizations within thealternative energy sector.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /al

    BIoLogICAL sCIenCes teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,050 - $1,950 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Students take a common rst semester before specializing in one of the three programs described belowfor the remaining three semesters. Year 1 includes courses in zoology, botany, ecology, genetics, chemistry,microbiology, lab techniques, statistics, communications and ethics.

    envi nmental sciencesStudies include: environmental sampling and monitoring of air, surface water, groundwater and soil;

    environmental site assessment; contaminated sites remediation and reclamation; hazardous wasteidenti cation and management; and environmental legislation. Graduates work with consulting companies,regulatory agencies and analytical laboratories, or are involved in environmental monitoring for industry.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /b

    enewable es u cesEcology, wildlife surveys, plant and animal diversity, soil and range management, water quality issues, parksmanagement and environmental education projectsthese are all topics of study in the Renewable Resourcesprogram stream. Graduates are valued by environmental and natural resources consulting rms, governmentand wildlife research agencies and the oil and gas industry.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /b r

    lab at y and esea ch

    Studies focus on q uantitative and qualitative research methods in molecular biology, cell culture, immunology,analytical chemistry, biochemistry and applied microbiology. Graduates work in forensics, biological andmedical research, and in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agricultural and food quality industries.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /b l

    CHeMICAL teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,880 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft Co BTECH Dp

    Training in this nationally accredited program is lab-focused, emphasizing standard and specialized laboratorytechniques across scienti c disciplines. Studies include organic and inorganic chemistry, industrial and physicalchemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, immuno logy, quantitative and instrumental analysis, and chemistryspeci c to the oil and gas, agricultural, food and environmental sectors. Optional co-op/work experience termsare available.

    Graduates are employed in a wide variety of elds including chemical manufacturing, petroleum andpetrochemical analysis, mining, biotechnology and environmental analysis.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ch

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213


    enVIRonMentAL MAnAgeMent


    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/PP 2

    See i yo co ld andle winters r i al camp.

    seRIous Fun

    A large part of ForestTechnologys course work is

    in the eld, where studentsnot only participate inresource managementactivities, but learn valuableskills crucial to safety andsurvival in the woods. Atright, second-year studentsat a week-long wintersurvival camp complete ateam challenge involving

    nding puzzle pieces (whileblindfolded) and solving apuzzle before building a rehot enough to bring meltedsnow to a boil.

    FoRest teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $3,130 YeA R 1, $1,880 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    The Forest Technology program provides technologists with skills that allow them to plan and carry outresource management activities without compromising environmental sustainability. Studies include rangeand watershed management, reforestation planning and super vision, land reclamation, wildlife and plantidenti cation, entomology, GPS/GIS technology and wild re management.

    Field training is stressed in each of the two years, starting with a ve-week eld school near Swan Hills,northwest of Edmonton.

    Rewarding job opportunities exist with industry, government agencies, consulting rms, conservation groupsand private landowners.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /f

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    geoLogICAL teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes

    (est.) - $1,550 - $2,0 20 PeR YeA R.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Focus on earth sciences and the relationship to oil/gas and mineral exploration, and environmental managementand its relationship to groundwater protection and soil/groundwater remediation. After a common rst year,students choose one of the two specializations described below.

    Graduates of this nationally accredited program are in demand, working as technologists with resource

    exploration companies, environmental consulting rms, regulatory agencies and oil and gas companies. . ai .ca/pr ram /

    ge envi nmental s ecializati nStudents, perform environmental site assessments, implement remediation and reclamation strategies atcontaminated sites, conduct groundwater exploration and determine gro undwater quantity and quality.

    ex l ati n s ecializati nStudents conduct and interpret geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys, prepare subsurface maps andcross-sections, collect eld data and analyze rock and mineral specimens.

    LAnDsCAPe ARCHIteCtuRAL teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,360 - $1,880 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This program the only accredited Landscape Architectural Technology program in Canada provides thespecialized training needed to produce man-made environments that are ecologically appropriate, functionally

    successful and aesthetically pleasing.Students gain practical skills in preparing working drawings with computer-aided drafting technology,performing site inspections, estimating, communication and presentation.

    Graduates are valued employees in landscape architectural consulting rms, construction rms, parks andrecreation of ces, plant nurseries and golf course design companies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /la

    oCCuPAtIonALHeALtH AnD sAFetY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $8,680 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,370 YeAR 1, $1,440 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft Co BTECH Dp

    This is the only full-time program for occupational health and safety education in Alber ta. Graduates meetthe educational requirements for Canadian Registered Safety Professional certi cation, the most-recognizeddesignation for safety professionals in Canada.

    Students learn to develop, implement and evaluate corporate occupational health and safety programs and

    systems focused on loss control. Th ey build strong technical skills and gain exposure to the many facets ofthe OHS profession, including hazard anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control, risk management,ergonomics, occupational hygiene, construction safety, emergency management and incident investigation.Students complete a mandatory co-op work term in the summer between years 1 and 2 of the program.

    . ai .ca/pr ram / h

    wAteR AnD wAstewAteR teCHnICIAn tuItIon (2011/12) - $4,593; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $1,350.

    1 Ft D C

    Help meet the global challenge of maintaining constant supplies of clean water and safely managing wastewatercollection and treatment processes. This three-semester program focuses on the operation of water treatment,water distribution, wastewater collection and wastewater treatment systems. Students learn testing procedures,operation of water distribution and water treatment facilities, hydraulics, basic electricity, basic chemistry andblueprint reading. A four-month paid eld placement is an important program component.

    The program is offered in b oth Edmonton (January start) and C algary (September start). Grads work with

    municipal public works depar tments and contractors who operate water and wastewater facilities. . ai .ca/pr ram /

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    BuILDINg CONSTRuCTION + DESIgNIAn oBRIenProject Coordinator, Flynn Canada Ltd.

    Constr ction En ineerin Tec nolo y, Class o 2010

    Above, Ian secured his job with one of Canadasleading construction contractors even before he

    graduated. Now hes putting what he learnedabout project planning to good use on job sitesall over the region.

    wa ch r vid l ar m r : . ai .ca/ia .

    MICHeLLe weIse Arc itect ral Tec nolo y, Class o 2011

    At left, Michelle shows off her winningdesigns for a Canadian Western Bank

    branch. Part of program curriculum,the competition provided CWB withinnovative ideas for creating anenvironmentally sustainable facility.

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    ARCHIteCtuRAL teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $3,840 YeAR 1, $1,930 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Learn to translate architectural design concepts into graphic images with construction drawings and documents.

    Prepare architectural working drawings with computer-aided drafting and design. Sketch building details in as sembly; create and build 3D scale models. Select building products; understand building codes, technical drawings and speci cations.

    Grads start careers in technical positions with architects, engineers, contractors and building componentsuppliers. . ai .ca/pr ram /arc

    BuILDIngenVIRonMentALsYsteMs teCHnoLogY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $720.

    1 Ft BTECH Dp

    To be accepted into this second-year program, students must have completed the one-year HVAC Specialistcerti cate program (see page 37) or be a Jour neyman Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic. Thisdiploma is earned after an additional two semesters of study.

    Studies focus on the engineering theory and conceptual aspects of heating, ventilating, air conditioning andrefrigeration (HVAC & R) integration in building systems. Topics include:

    design and operation of mechanical systems, control integration and commercial refrigeration used inbuildings and manufacturing processes

    HVAC mechanical system design utilizing AutoCAD

    HVAC mechanical estimating, contract management and project management energy auditing and alternative energy management strategies.

    Grads start careers with HVAC system manufacturers and suppliers, consulting engineering rms, mechanicaland refrigeration contractors, commissioning agents and government agencies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /b


    teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2010/11) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes

    (est.) - $4,130 YeAR 1, $1,620 Ye AR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Develop practical knowledge and skills in: construction project planning, co st estimating, scheduling and control contract administration and sub-trade coordination construction industr y materials, products, building systems and safety codes drawing interpretation, sketching of details and site surveying.

    Grads work as project planners and schedulers , project coordinators working towards construction projectmanagement, construction estimators and site superintendants with a wide range of rms in the construc tionsector.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /c

    InteRIoR DesIgn teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $3,840 YeAR 1, $1,850 Ye AR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Learn the relationships between functional, technical and aesthetic elements in interior environments with anemphasis on commercial spaces. Gain practical skills, including h ow to:

    prepare interior design workin g drawings with computeraided drafting systems develop presentation drawings including plans, elevations and perspectives plan interior spaces effectively using current products and materials.

    Graduates start careers in technical positions with architectural and design rms as assistants to interiordesigners, or with furniture and product manufacturers/suppliers as sales personnel or in-house designassistants.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /id

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    gooD news FoR gRADs

    Students in engineering technology programsbecome some of NAITs most sought-aftergraduates. Geomatics Engineering Technology(pictured at left) is a good example for the pastten years, between 93 and 100 per cent of gradshave secured full-time jobs directly related totheir studies soon after graduation.


    L g D

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    BACHeLoR oF teCHnoLogYIn teCHnoLogYMAnAgeMent (BteCH)

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,000 PeR YeAR.

    4 Ft Pt D B

    NAITs Bachelor of Technology is the only degree of its kind in Alber ta. It offers graduates of recognized two-year diploma programs the opportunity to earn a b accalaureate degree with only two additional years of study.Many NAIT diplomas q ualify as the rst two years of the BTech degree (watch for the BTech icon). Similarprograms from other recognized institutions are also eligible entry points.

    BTech students build on their strong technical backgrounds , adding the leadership and critical thinking skills theyneed to take on management and supervisory roles. They gain a global perspec tive, focusing on social, economicand environmental issues, and develop skills in:

    innovation, transition and change management critical thinking and problem solving planning and strategy development effective multimedia communications staf ng and supervision.

    Typical full-time studies begin in September or January. Please check the BTech website for additional starttimes of individual courses.

    BTech graduates are eligible to continue their studies in Masters programs at various universities. . ai .ca/b ch

    BIoMeDICAL engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,000 - $1,900 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft Co BTECH Dp

    The health-care industry is critically dependant on sophisticated medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment,meaning that individuals with technical expertise Biomedical Engineering Technologists are in high demand.

    This nationally accredited program provides specialized training in biomedical instrumentation, X-ray anddiagnostic imaging equipment, medical laboratory instrumentation and computer networks. Studies also includeanatomy, physiology and regulations pertaining to medical equipment.

    Wide-ranging career opportunities exist in hospitals, with biomedical equipment service organizations and withmedical equipment manufacturers in both sales and service.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /b

    CHeMICAL engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,570 YeAR 1, $1,080 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This nationally accredited program focuses on hydrocarbon and chemical processing, upgrading of heavy oiland bitumen, and pulp and paper manufacturing. Studies include natural gas and petrochemical processing,plant design and operations, instrumentation and process control, project management and eco nomics, andenvironmental protection and safety. Students gain practical skills during a one-week training session at theEnform oil and gas production facility in Nisku, followed by a two-week work experience placement.

    Grads are in demand as process operators and technologists in crude oil re ning, the pipeline industry, oiland gas production and petrochemical plants. Graduates can also b e involved in the design and fabrication ofprocess industry equipment.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /cm

    CIVIL engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,950 - $2,575 P eR YeAR.

    2 Ft Co BTECH Dp

    Learn to complete design and construction drawings for municipal, struc tural, transportation and geotechnicalprojects, plus:

    utilize computer software in an engineering environment apply scienti c and numeric principles to civil engineering projects prepare contract documents, cost estimates and construction schedules perform and interpret quality control tests for soils, concrete and asphalt.

    Graduates of this nationally accredited program work in planning, design, drafting, surveying, construc tion,inspection, testing and sales for a wide range of employers. . ai .ca/pr ram /civ

    engIneeRIng teCHnoLogIes

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    engIneeRIng teCHnoLogIes


    tYLeR MowBReY


    Tyler's pursuing hisMBA while working as asoftware consultant.

    All the classes in BTechreally emphasized howto research, how to ndinformation quickly andhow to present it in aclear and concise manner.Every day Im utilizingskills I learned at NAIT.

    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/ yl r

    Tylers ideo s ows a careerpat t ats oin places.

    eLeCtRICAL engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,100 $1,780 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    A comprehensive study of electrical principles and practices, this nationally accredited program deals withthe operation of electrical and electronic equipment, specialized testing equipment and computer software.Students study and work with analog and digital meters, generators, motors, transformers, protective relays,electrical control circuits and programmable logic controllers as well as manual and co mputer-aided engineeringdrawings.

    Grads start careers as electrical designers, consultants, estimators, project coordinators, technical supportexperts, sales representatives and eld service personnel.

    . ai .ca/pr ram / l

    engIneeRIng DesIgn AnDDRAFtIng teCHnoLogY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,750 - $1,930 PeR YeAR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Develop the engineering fundamentals and hands-on skills to produce engineering designs and C AD workingdrawings for:

    municipal services, topographical and survey applications petrochemical plants, piping systems, tanks and pressure vessels structural design projects in steel and reinforced concrete machines, including elec trical considerations with adaptation to automation.

    Our program has earned national accreditation in municipal, process and machine design. Grads start careers asdrafters/designers in engineering design of ces or on project sites.

    . ai .ca/pr ram / dd

    geoMAtICs engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $960 - $1,530 PeR YeAR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Focus on the science associated with surveying measurement by: developing skills in the use of surveying equipment, learning to transfer measurement data to and from

    computers, and using computers to analyze and process information collecting and analyzing position- based data related to land information learning about the theory and application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information

    Systems (GIS).Grads of this nationally accredited program have excellent career potential with land surveying and engineeringconsulting rms, government agencies and utility companies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /

    InstRuMentAtIonengIneeRIng teCHnoLogY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,150 YeA R 1, $1,250 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This nationally accredited program teaches students the principles involved in industrial automation. Through aseries of practical and theoretical experiences, students learn to measure and control industrial processes safely.

    Graduates nd careers in design, sales and maintenance roles with engineering of ces, utilities, mining, pulp/paper and petrochemical companies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /i


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    MAteRIALs engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,140 YeAR 1, $1,100 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    The focus of this nationally accredited diploma is on the analysis, testing and processing of a wide range ofengineering materials, including metals, ceramics, plastics, soils, concrete and asphalt. Studies include:

    corrosion testing and prevention methods mechanical testing and failure analysis non-destruc tive and destructive testing

    heat treating and processing.Varied career opportunities exist in petroleum/petrochemical processing and re ning, pipeline construction,corrosion lab and eld work, quality control/assurance, and technical sales.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /m


    teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes

    (est.) - $1,500 Ye AR 1, $825 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This nationally accredited program emphasizes engineering fundamentals combined with high-tech equipmentand analysis techniques. Students learn to:

    design and interpret mechanical components perform cost estimates for fabrication and plan for ef cient production plan and evaluate equipment perfor mance, maintenance programs and facilities layout

    apply statistical techniques for inspection and measurement.After a common rst year, students choose from two program streams: general design or manufac turing options.

    Grads start careers in a wide variety of processing and manufacturing industries, as well as in engineering designand mechanical equipment research and development.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /m c


    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes

    (est.) - $2,950 YeAR 1, $580 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Nanotechnology is the study of materials and systems at an atomic and molecular scale. This emerging scienceis creating new materials and devices with a vast range of applications in electronics, biochemistry, medicine andenergy production.

    NAITs Nanotechnology Systems program - the r st such diploma in Canada - provides a strong foun dation of

    electronics, material science, instrumentation, chemistry and biochemistry, supported by courses in ethics andcommunications. Students will learn clean room lab protocols and how to o perate specialized equipment,gaining the skills to assist research and manufacturing operations in the growing nanotechnology industry.

    . ai .ca/pr ram / a

    PetRoLeuM engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,540 - $2,170 PeR YeA R.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    This nationally accredited program is kn own for delivering up-to-date knowledge of petroleum geolog y, welldrilling techniques, reservoir engineering, oil and gas produc tion optimization, project development andmanagement, and environmental protection and safety. Students gain practical skills during a one-week sessionat the Enform oil and gas produc tion facility in Nisku, and a two-week work experience placement.

    Graduates start careers as production technologists in the exploration and production sectors of the conventionaland unconventional (heavy oil, shale gas, etc.) oil and gas industry. Typical employers include oil and gasproducers, oil eld service companies and regulatory agencies.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /p

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213




    teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 Ye AR 1, $1,374 YeAR 2; InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books &suPPLIes (est.) - $1,100.

    2 Ft Pt A

    Students who have already earned an IT-related diploma gain advanced knowledge of emerging technologies, plussound leadership, project management and strategic planning skills with this applied degree.

    Choose one of two majors: Information Systems or Network Management. Information Systems focuses on leading-edge technologies used in the analysis, design and implementation of sophisticated e-commerce and other ITsystems. Network Management involves planning, installing and managing computer networks and internetworks ina wide range of industries. A paid eight-month work experience term is an impor tant component of both majors.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /bai


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year


    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    CoMPuteR engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,620 Ye AR 1, $520 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft Co BTECH BAI


    Computer Engineering Technology students design, build and program computers, gain skills in the hardware andsoftware aspects of microcomputers and their applications, and receive extensive hands-on training.

    Graduates of this nationally accredited program start careers in programming, data communications, networking,systems design, project management, sales and support.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /c

    CoMPuteR netwoRk ADMInIstRAtoR tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $2,100.

    1 Ft C

    Build fundamental knowledge of network operating systems, internetworking technologies, computer networksecurity and PC hardware. Studies include local and wireless networks, network management, enterprisenetworking concepts and professional and business topics.

    Graduates work as client services, network services and information ser vices administrators, desktop andtechnical support technicians, and systems analysts.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /c a


    teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $2,090 YeAR 1, $810 YeA R 2.

    2 Ft Co BTECH Dp

    Learn to design and maintain a wide variety of electronics systems such as co mmunications equipment, computerhardware, sophisticated electronic industrial control systems and microcontroller products. Studies include

    electronic and digital circuits, data networks, radio systems and advanced test and measurement equipment.Graduates of this nationally accredited program are employed by companies that install, maintain or sellelectronic, industrial and communications equipment, and by rm s involved in research and development.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /

    netwoRk engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $900 - $1,250 PeR YeAR.

    2 Ft Co BTECH BAI


    The focus of this nationally accredited diploma program is on learning to analyze, design, implement and maintaincomplex local and wide area networks. These industr y-driven skills span the range from security design andnetwork simulation to router programming and administration of operating systems.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /

    wIReLess sYteMsengIneeRIng

    teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $5,356 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $15,000. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,700 PeR YeA R.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    New in fall 2011, this diploma provides the building blocks necessary to begin a career in the highly technicaland evolving eld of wireless communications systems. Students learn introductory and advanced wirelesscommunications theories; communications infrastructure and transport media con cepts; enterprise, industrial,residential and personal wireless communications systems and device concepts; and systems and businessmanagement principles.

    Wireless communications is a fast-paced eld with enormous growth potential as the communication ofvoice, video and data continues to converge worldwide. Grads will ll a variety of positions including systems

    engineering and design, technical support and maintenance. . ai .ca/pr ram /

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    ReAL-woRLD PRojeCts

    Above, students in Digital Media & IT workwith industry clients to develop customizedend products. Recently, the class collaboratedwith Alberta police agencies to produce a

    60-second video for a province-wide policerecruitment campaign.



  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year

    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    DIgItAL MeDIA AnD It tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $13,500. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,000 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft Co Pt BTech BAI


    Based on the strong interrelationship between IT and new media design, this program explores a dynamic r angeof current and emerging elds. Af ter a common rst semester, students choose cour ses that align with theirinterests and growing abilities. The wide variety of electives covers such topics as visual and rich media design,application development, cinematography, video production, game development, 3D and animation, web design,web security, systems analysis and more.

    Students can create unique skill sets that make them highly versatile in the job market. Based on the courseschosen, they can nd employment in applications development, game design and programming, visualcommunication, web design and development, video production, business analysis, systems administration andother related elds.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /dmi


    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $850.

    1 Ft C

    Learn to design and produce various print, promotional and electronic media from concept through to nalproduction. The major focus of this program is on design, digital pre-press, illustration, page layout, typography, photomanipulation and customer proo ng. Electronic les can be output to various communication media such as PDFs ore-readers, plotters and printers, or digital and offset presses.

    Graduates start careers in graphic design companies, printing and promotional plants, advertising agencies, in-housedesign and publishing departments and electronic pre-press studios.

    . ai .ca/pr ram / c

    PHotogRAPHIC teCHnoLogY tuI t Ion (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;

    InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes

    (est.) - $4,570 YeAR 1, $1,150 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    In preparation for professional photographic careers, students learn to handle both the technical and aestheticrequirements of quality photographic image production including camera, lighting and processing skills. Theydevelop skills in portrait and wedding ph otography, commercial and industrial photography, photojournalism, neart photography, photography in studio and on location, and digital image capture and processing.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ph

    RADIo AnD teLeVIsIon RADIo

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;

    InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $100 $700 P eR YeAR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Many graduates of this program are well-known personalities, working as announcers, news/sports reporters,copywriters, producers and promotions coordinators at radio stations throughout the province and beyond.

    Students learn announcing, writing, news/sports, sales, audio production and related equipment operation, plus

    coordination of music, news and commercial scheduling systems. They gain practical skills and an understandingof job functions normally found in radio stations by staf ng NAITs in-house radio station NR92 (,becoming contributors to the station website and getting direct industry experience through a lengthy eldplacement.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /r r

    RADIo AnD teLeVIsIon teLeVIsIon tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR Ye AR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $100 $750 PeR Y eAR.

    2 Ft

    BTECH Dp

    Students in this popular program gain skills in reporting, anc horing, videography, web writing, editing, commercialproduction and news/sports, and learn to help the producer and /or the director as a production assistant. Theybecome familiar with job functions typically found in television stations by acting as the staff of NewsWatch,NAITs in-house television station, and b ecoming contributors to the station website ( also gain direct industry experience through an extended eld placement.

    Grads start careers in commercial television stations as reporters, news writers, creative writers, editors, graphic

    operators, production assistants, camera operators and in other technical positions. . ai .ca/pr ram /r

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    PRoBLeM soLVeRs

    Above, Industrial Heavy EquipmentTechnology student Mark Chomiszczakexamines a Caterpillar electronic enginewith instructor Colin Ruthven. The engine,

    one of eight donated by Finning (Canada),is complete with a test module that helpsstudents troubleshoot complex systems.


    LegenDAuto BoDY teCHnICIAn Take just 12 weeks to prepare for an entry-level position in the auto body trade Studies include industry

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    academic ladde

    Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA

    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Accounting


    Bachelor of Applied BusinessAdministration - Finance


    Bachelor of Applied InformationSystems Technology


    Bachelor of Technology in TechnologyManagement



    sta t date


    g am length

    1 year1

    2 years2

    3 years3

    4 years4

    ! Less than 1 year

    inte nati nal availability

    Open to InternationalStudents

    lea ning ti ns

    Co-op availableCo


    Distance and Online learning



    c edential

    Applied degreeA

    Baccalaureate degreeB



    Auto BoDY teCHnICIAn,PRe-eMPLoYMent

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953; InteRnAtIonAL$6,200. Books & suPPLIes (est.) $450.

    ! Ft C

    Take just 12 weeks to prepare for an entry level position in the auto body trade. Studies include industryregulations, component removal and installation, substrate preparations, welding and basic sheet metal repair.Gain work experience with a four-week work placement.

    The program provides all of the technical training normally obtained in the rst period of Auto Body Technicianapprenticeship.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ab

    AutoMotIVeseRVICe teCHnICIAn,PRe-eMPLoYMent

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953; InteRnAtIonAL$6,200. Books & suPP LIes (est.) $160.

    ! Ft C

    This short-term program combines applied academic skills, employability skills and introductory trade/occupation competencies, preparing grads for entry-level positions in the automotive industry. Successfulstudents will have the opportunity to write the First Period Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship exam.

    Four weeks of the program involve on-the-job training in a practical work environment. . ai .ca/pr ram /ap

    CnC MACHInIst teCHnICIAn tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL

    $12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) $700.

    1 Ft C

    The CNC Machinist Technician program provides: skills and knowledge in conventional machine operations on drill presses, lathes, milling machines and various

    grinding machines

    extensive training in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming, setup and operation introductory C AD/CAM training introductory Inspection and Qu ality Control training eight weeks (320 hours) of supervised work experience.

    Grads work in machine shops as programmer s and operators of conventional and CNC machine shop equipment,in quality control or technical sales of machine sho p equipment and supplies, and as apprentices in the Machinist/Millwright trades.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /ma

    HVAC sPeCIALIst tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suP PLIes (est.) - $1,210.

    1 Ft C

    Be introduced to the theory and eq uipment in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industries,studying air ow, controls, blueprint reading and computer software applications. The program provides trainingcredit for the rst year and partial training credit for the second year of Refrigeration Mechanic apprenticeship.

    Graduates are automatically enrolled in the Building Environmental Systems Technology diploma program (seepage 27), or they may choose to enter the HVAC job market in a junior capacity.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /hva

    InDustRIAL HeAVYeQuIPMent teCHnoLogY

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906 PeR YeAR;InteRnAtIonAL $12,400. Books & suPPLIes(est.) - $1,300 - $1,600 PeR Ye AR.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    Learn how to diagnose and repair machinery in the heavy equipment industry competently and safely. Suchequipment includes on-highway and off-highway mobile equipment as well as engine-powered stationaryequipment used in mining, logging, trucking, agriculture, gas processing, oil eld servicing and construction.

    Studies include uid mechanics, petroleum chemistry, fuel and hydraulic systems, electricity, electronics, eetmaintenance, communications and leadership.

    The comprehensive mix of training puts graduates in high demand. Most grads pursue careers as HeavyEquipment Technicians; others advance into other facets of the industry including supervisory and sales

    positions. . ai .ca/pr ram /ih

    skILLeD tRADes

  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    teCHnoLogY At YouR FIngeRtIPs

    The NAIT Encana Centrefor Power EngineeringTechnology provides aunique environment forhigh-tech, hands-ontraining. The ability tointeract with a wide rangeof industry-standardequipment gives studentsunbeatable practicalexperience.

    ReAL skILLs = genuIne sAtIsFACtIon

    Students in Millwork and Carpentry gain hands-onskills in small classes and impressively equippedwood shops.

    CHECK IT OUT . ai .ca/pr ram /mic

    See t e ideo and p oto allery o

    st dent work to et a real senseo Millwork and Carpentry.


    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPP LIes (est.) - $1,120.




    Gain hands-on skills in the design and construction of wood structures, cabinets, shelving units and furniture.Explore the two traditional woodworking trades: Cabinetmaking and Carpentry, with an emphasis on tools andsafety.

    Program curriculum covers material outlined in rst- and second-year apprenticeship programs. Students whosuccessfully complete this certi cate program are eligible to challenge the Alberta Apprenticeship rst-year exams

    for program credit. . ai .ca/pr ram /mic

    PoweR engIneeRIng teCHnoLogY tuItIon (2011/12) - $1,953 FoR e ACH oF5 seMesteRs; InteRnAtIonAL $12,400.Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $3,300 Ye AR 1,$2,400 YeAR 2.

    2 Ft BTECH Dp

    In this comprehensive diploma program, students: study thermodynamics, electricity and electronics, refrigeration and air conditioning gain skills in mechanical drafting, blueprint reading, technical mathematics and physics learn to operate and maintain boilers, pumps, compressors and other pressure vessel equipment learn about piping, welding, metallurgy and testing progress through the 4th, 3rd and 2nd Class Part A levels of Power Engineering.

    A three-month work placement between rst and secon d years provides hands-on industrial experience.

    Graduates are in high demand, working as operators or managers for power and heating plants, as consultantswith engineering rms and as boiler and pressure vessel inspectors.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /p

    PoweR engIneeRIng 4tH CLAss

    tuItIon (2011/12) - $3,906; InteRnAtIonAL$12,400. Books & suPPLIes (est.) - $2,090.

    1 Ft C

    Gain practical skills in maintenance and repair of boilers and turbines, and electricity and control of refrigerationand air conditioning systems. Students learn to operate and maintain pumps, compressors and generators, andto prepare, test and inspect plant equipment.

    Graduates start careers in power generating plants, petrochemical and industrial plants of all kinds, hospitalsand other large building complexes, and heating/refrigeration equipment supply and maintenance rms.

    . ai .ca/pr ram /p


  • 8/2/2019 View Book 1213



    AsHLeY gALLonElectrician Apprentice

    victory Ri Eq ipment,Nisk , Alberta

    Nearing the end of herapprenticeship, Ashley(at left) has a bright futureas an electrican. She enjoysthe attention to detail andef ciency required in her job,and the changeable natureof the tasks.

    CHECK IT OUTnAIt i Ca ada l adi

    appr ic hip rai r, d ca im r ha half f all appr ici Alb r a.

    nAIt d liv r rai ii 34 f h pr vi c ' 50d i a d rad .

    F r m r i f rma i vi i : . rad cr . r . ai .ca/appr ic hip

    Auto Bo dy Technician Automo tive