Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

The Vietnam War Done By;- Fatema Al-Hayki & Ghaleya Al-Baloushi /9C

Transcript of Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

Page 1: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

The Vietnam War

Done By;- Fatema Al-Hayki & Ghaleya Al-Baloushi /9C

Page 2: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

• The Vietnam War was a conflict between North and South Vietnam, but it had global ramifications. The North was led by a Communist and nationalist regime that had fought against the Japanese in World War II and against French colonial rule in the late 1940s

Page 3: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

Tet OffensiveThe Tet Offensive was a military campaign during the Vietnam war that was launched on January 30, 1968 by forces of the peoples army of Vietnam against the forces of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), the United States,and their allies

Page 4: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

The Purpose Of The Tet Offensive

• The purpose of the offensive or attack was to apply the main feature of surprise, strike military and civilian command and to take control of the centers of South Vietnam.

Page 5: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

President Johnson

Lyndon Baines Johnson:“The 36th President of the United States (1963–1969)”Johnson's policy was governed by the Containment Doctrine, and it's corollary, the Domino Theory (Communism must be halted and contained or it will spread to neighboring counties ) His goal was to force the North Vietnamese (and their Viet Cong allies) to cease their threats to South Vietnam, and return peace.He was not trying to conquer the North. 

Page 6: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

General Westmorland William Childs Westmoreland was a United States Army General , who commanded US military operations in the Vietnam war at its peak (1964–68), during the Tet Offensive. He adopted a strategy of attrition against the National Libration Front of South Vietnam and the North Vietnamese Army

Page 7: Vietnam Fatema Al-Hayki And Ghaleya Al-Baloushi / 9C

What happened in the Tet Offensive

what was the effect of it on american public :

• Many Americans began to turn dramatically against the war . Some marched in protest and engaged in antiwar activities. Others registered their disapproval at the polls . With an unhappy American public and depressing news from his military leaders, President Lyndon B. Johnson decided to end the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.