Video Links - Eternal Life Made Easy...Acts 4:12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is...

1 Video Links Index ~ Doctrine Page Baptism 3 Christ ~ Life of 3 Covenant Old and New 4 Covenant of Peace 4 Crucifixion Day ~ Wednesday or Friday 5 Daniel 2 ~ King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream 5 Daniel 7 ~ Identity of the Antichrist 6 Daniel 8/9 ~ 2300 Days/Years 6 Daniel 9 ~ 70 Weeks 7 Death and the Dead 7 Health Club 8 Millennium 8 Name of our Creator 9

Transcript of Video Links - Eternal Life Made Easy...Acts 4:12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is...

  • 1

    Video Links

    Index ~ Doctrine Page

    Baptism 3

    Christ ~ Life of 3

    Covenant Old and New 4

    Covenant of Peace 4

    Crucifixion Day ~ Wednesday or Friday 5

    Daniel 2 ~ King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream 5

    Daniel 7 ~ Identity of the Antichrist 6

    Daniel 8/9 ~ 2300 Days/Years 6

    Daniel 9 ~ 70 Weeks 7

    Death and the Dead 7

    Health Club 8

    Millennium 8

    Name of our Creator 9

  • 2

    Passion for Truth Ministries 10

    Revelation 1 ~ Revelation of Christ 11

    Revelation 2 & 3 ~ Seven Churches 11

    Revelation 4 to 7 ~ Seven Seals 12

    Revelation 12 ~ The Great Controversy 12

    Revelation 13 ~ Two Beast Become Friends 13

    Revelation 17 ~ Woman Rides the Beast 13

    Sabbath Sing-along 14

    Sanctuary & the Messiah 14

    Second Coming ~ 1 15

    Second Coming ~ 2 15

    Sin; What is it? 16

    Disclaimer: “Amazing Discoveries” By Walter Vieth “Passion for Truth” By Jim Staley

    “Amazing Facts” By Doug Batchelor

    We recommend these web sites;

    Although they have some doctrine that we do not believe.

  • 3


    Title: 236 - The Greatest Invitation

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The greatest invitation is to surrender all and to follow Christ.

    Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel and to baptize those who

    believed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But did He mean

    infant or adult baptism? Is there a right way to baptize-sprinkling, pouring,

    immersion - or does it matter? What does the Bible reveal about this controversial

    issue of baptism - the true celebration of Christ's resurrection.


    Christ ~ Life of

    Title: 202 - Where Jesus Walked

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: This video takes us on a journey through ancient Palestine

    retracing the steps of the Master and highlighting His great teachings, including

    the Sermon on the Mount, and key parables. The life and ministry of Christ, His

    birth, and death on the cross are portrayed in multimedia format in a though-

    provoking study. You will enjoy this look into the life of Christ.


  • 4

    Covenant Old and New By Jim Staley

    By Doug Batchelor


    Covenant of Peace

    Title: 535 - A Covenant of Peace

    Author: Daniel Pel

    Description: God wants a personal relationship with us, revealed in His

    covenant of peace. And yet the covenant theme in the Bible has often been

    misunderstood and misapplied, resulting in confusion rather than peace. A

    panoramic picture of the two covenants in Scripture lifts the cloud of fog on this

    subject, inviting us into a relationship that changes our lives forever.


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    Crucifixion Wednesday or Friday

    Chuck Missler (7 minutes)

    Walter Tschoepe (60 minutes)


    Daniel 2 King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

    Title: 204 - The Mists of Time

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: In Daniel chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream in which

    he sees a great statue through which is to be revealed the history of the world to

    the very close of time. The startingly detailed vision tells us where we are in the

    stream of time and what events are about to occur on Earth. This vision is

    analyzed in detail and history vindicates its authenticity.


  • 6

    Daniel 7 Identity of the Antichrist

    Title: 205 - The Man Behind The Mask

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The Bible and the Bible alone are used to identify the Antichrist

    power. The little horn power of Daniel 7 with its twelve clear identifying features

    points to the only one who can qualify as Antichrist. Modern day deceptions

    regarding the little horn power, the doctrines of preterism (that the Antichrist

    existed in the past) and futurism(that the Antichrist will come in the future) are

    contrasted with the plain Biblical teachings. The word of God is sharper than a

    double-edged sword cutting even to the marrow.


    Daniel 8 and 9 2300 Days/Years

    Title: 232 - 1844 & The Final Onslaught

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: This lecture deals with the culmination of the 2300 day/year

    prophecy of Daniel 8 and 9. It shows that the same animosity which culminated in

    the crucifixion of Christ will be manifested at the close of time. In the corridors of

    secret societies, and in new age thinking, there is a movement to destroy those

    who believe in salvation in Christ alone, and in the veracity of His word.

    Evidence is presented for the plans to eradicate those who stand for truth and

    righteousness. This lecture includes a discussion on the judgment hour message,

    significant happenings in 1844, a look at the Bahai faith, the theory of evolution,

    the Georgia guide stones, and the plans for worldwide population depletion.


  • 7

    Daniel 9 70 Weeks

    Title: 201 - Just Another Man? Author: Walter Veith Description: In this video, Biblical evidence that Jesus is the Messiah is presented in multimedia format. The ancient prophecies are unravelled,

    particularly the prophecy in Daniel 9 on the seventy weeks which pinpoints the

    exact time of the Messiah's arrival on Earth. The study of this prophecy has even

    been cursed by some theologians who do not wish to acknowledge Jesus as the

    Messiah. Study the evidence revealed in this video and you make your own



    Death and the Dead

    Title: 222 - The Mystic Realm of Death

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: Where do the dead go? What does the Bible teach on this issue?

    Is there a hell? Seven heavens? Life after death? Reincarnation? Are there ghosts?

    Does the Bible have anything to say about spiritism? Discover the true teachings

    of the Bible on this often misunderstood topic.


  • 8

    Health Club

    Dr. Morse

    Questions & Answers 252:



    Title: 235 - The Long Awaited Millennium

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The world is waiting for a millennium of peace in which Christ

    will set up His kingdom and all evil will cease. When will be the ushering in of

    the true millennium? What does the Bible really teach about the millennium in

    which the saints will judge the world? How does this compare with a world that is

    completely converted according to most current renditions on this subject? These

    and other issues are revealed. We are given a glimpse of the new world and the

    kingdom of Christ where there will be no more death nor pain nor suffering.


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    Name of our Creator

    Acts 4:12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under

    heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Eternal Life

    Our Heavenly Father’s name is YHUH; which is pronounced as Yahuah or Yah

    for short. The name He gave to Moses, the first writer of Scriptures,

    eg “Hallelu Yah” = “Praise Yah”. Christ’s name is Yahushuah; son of Yahuah.

    Note: “J” and “W” were not in the alphabet until approximately 500 years ago.

    The following You Tube speakers use the modern translation of our Creator’s

    name; which we do not, but is still worth watching.

    Ten Witnesses Of One Name:


  • 10

    Passion for Truth By Jim Staley

    You Tube: Top Ten Teachings

    1. Truth or Tradition Pagan Holidays

    2. To Eat or Not to Eat According to God

    3. The Case for the Covenant Old and New

    4. Who is the Bride

    5. Peace in the Home Marriage

    6. Fear Not Spirit of Fear

    7. Sons of God Fallen Angels

    8. The Great Deception Demonic influence


  • 11

    Revelation 1 Revelation of Christ

    Title: 206 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: This lecture introduces the book of Revelation and its Author. It

    is a verse by verse exposition of Revelation chapter 1 highlighting the deity of

    Christ, the method of interpretation and the great battle between good and evil. It

    takes us back to the time of ancient cultures right up to the present showing that

    apostasy towards the truth in the past finds its mirror image in the present.


    Revelation 2 & 3 Seven Churches

    Title: 207 - Seven Churches

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: A look at the prophetic interpretation of the seven churches of

    Revelation 2 & 3. In this video, we are taken on a sweep through the history of

    the Christian church, from the time of Christ through a time of spiritual

    declension and apostasy, a time of compromise and to a time of gospel

    restoration. These chapters set the stage for the unraveling of the great

    controversy between Christ and Satan.


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    Revelation 4 to 7 Seven Seals

    Title: 208 - Seven Seals

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: An expose of Revelation 4 to 7 exposing the battle surrounding

    the gospel herald. It is a fascinating tale of the war between light and darkness

    which culminates in the final onslaught on salvation in Christ alone. It reveals the

    good news that there will be a people standing on the platform of truth who will

    not submit to compromise.


    Revelation 12 The Great Controversy

    Title: 227 - The Battle of the Giants

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The great controversy between Christ and Satan throughout the

    ages as described in the book of Revelation 12 is presented. The hatred of Lucifer

    for God's Son, and for all who should follow His leadership has led to more

    bloodshed, pain, and suffering on this planet than many realize. The persecution

    of all who believed the Bible in the middle ages as well as the great final conflict

    that will come upon the earth are revealed in this lecture.


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    Revelation 13 Two Beasts Become Friends

    Title: 218 - Two Beasts Become Friends

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: This is an expose of Revelation chapter 13 where the beast out of

    the sea and the beast out of the earth become friends, culminating in a new system

    of worship which honors the first beast. Clear evidence is provided as to the

    nature of these political powers, their aims, and objectives. Since the issue is a

    matter of life and death with eternal consequences, it is vital that we understand

    who these powers are.


    Revelation 17 Woman Rides the Beast

    Title: 220 - A Woman Rides the Beast

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: Is an expose of Revelation 17 which describes a woman

    controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery

    religion of Babylon, and entices the world to follow her precepts. A thorough

    exegesis is presented comparing the general views on this chapter with the

    realities of our present day. The chapter sets the stage for the final events in the

    conflict between good and evil.


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    Sabbath Sing-a-Long Songs

    Pick a song and at the end of it pick another …

    or it will automatically go to the next in line.


    Sanctuary & the Messiah

    Title: 203 - An Advocate For Our Time

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The sanctuary in one of the great typological features of the

    Bible. Every aspect of the sanctuary points to the ministry of the Messiah. By a

    study of all its features, the plan of salvation unfolds before our eyes. In this

    lecture, the significance of each and every article of furniture in the sanctuary in

    explained and the depth of meaning unfolded. The sanctuary was not arbitrary. It

    was a lesson book for all generations.


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    Second Coming ~ 1

    Title: 233 - Signs & Wonders

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The Bible warns of signs and wonders that will be performed at

    the end of time to deceive if possible the very elect. The thunderous events of our

    time in the revelation of forces through the new age movement and the Marian

    movement are portrayed in this lecture in multimedia format. The teachings of the

    apparitions as they pertain to the commandments of the church are contrasted

    with those of the Bible. The two perspectives of the end time conflicting powers

    regarding the book of Revelation are contrasted. Where is it all leading and what

    is the grand finale? Includes a look at Lourdes and Fatima, the book Thunder of

    Justice, and Marian miracles around the world. ……….…………………………………………………………………………….

    Second Coming ~ 2

    Title: 234 - History's Coming Climax

    Author: Walter Veith

    Description: The coming of Christ at the end of the age has been prophesied

    in the Bible and for centuries people have been awaiting this great event. What

    does the Bible really teach about the coming of Christ and how does it compare to

    the array of teachings abroad in the world today? Is there a secret rapture? What

    happens to the dead when Christ returns? These questions and more are answered

    in this eye-opening study, and God's final intervention in the affairs of men to

    vindicate those who have stood for truth and righteousness is clearly portrayed.


  • 16

    Sin; what is it?


    Disclaimer: “Amazing Discoveries” By Walter Vieth “Passion for Truth” By Jim Staley

    “Amazing Facts” By Doug Batchelor

    We recommend these web sites;

    Although they have some doctrine that we do not believe.
