Video for computers

How to survive when lost in the wild Make sure you have a hatchet or a knife while hiking.

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How to survive when lost in the wild

Make sure you have a hatchet or a knife while hiking.

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Step 1 build shelter

• Form a angular shape with it. Use many branches/logs added stability and protection.

• One type shelter is a lean to- for this you need a large rock or log lay long branches against it and smaller against it use shrubs or moss for roof.

• The smaller the better to insulate yourself.

• In cold or freezing conditions, the worst thing you can do is let yourself get sweaty.

• Every hour or so take of your outer clothes for a maximum of one minute.

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Step two

• Quickly think about all possible options and be perceive about what best survival course of actions is.

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Step 3

• Use a magnify glass or even your glasses to start a fire.

• Use dry wood and sticks

• You can take twos small pieces of wood sharpen one and use it to drill into the other piece.

• Place all flammable objects you can find next to the drill.

• The moment it starts take a rock and swiftly tip the object onto the nest of dry things.

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Step 4

• Carve a hunting knife.

• Get the best square looking block of wood you can find hit it with a blunt rock repeatedly until wood sharpens.

• Sharpen like any other knife but in this case the rock is the sharpener.

• You could also use and break of edges and then use another rock and some water like a wet stone and sharpen.

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Step 5

• Set a trap if you cant go hunting.

• Use traps for large animals.

• Dig a hole in the ground 2 to 3 meters and 1 to 2 meters across.

• Take a few sharp branches at the bottom.

• Take 2 thin branches and place them cress-crossed across the top.

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– Go after fish first if you go hunting. When you spot one, don't make a sudden move. The vibrations will scare them off. Water bends light, and makes objects appear further back than they really are- so compensate for this and aim just in front of your target. Practice makes perfect.

– Streams are full of food if you cannot catch fish there are usually fresh water mussels

– If you fail at catching fish, try to find some plants to eat; dandelions.(yellow flowers or big white thing, eat the leaves), sour grass (has a yellow flower at the top and looks like grass, only in a cylinder shape, has no leaves, eat the cylinders grass , just NEVER eat white berries. It may be tempting to eat regular grass, but do not.

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Step 6

• Create a smoke signal.

• Repeat fire step this time use green branches

• Or use a piece of cloth or blanket.

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tips 1

• Remember your only lost when you don’t remember where you came from.

• You are only as sharp as your knife.

• When hunting or traveling always carry a sharp knife.

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Tips 2

• A fish / abbey trap can be created with a sock/stocking and bottle.

• Cut the toe out of the sock/stocking and the top of the bottle.

• place the sock inside the bottle and secure the sock to the top of the bottle.

• Then push a small piece of meat through the hole in the sock

and place the bottle into the water.

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Tips 3

• When you eat an unknown fruit, if it is bitter, it is probably poisonous, if it is sweet it is probably good to eat.

• However, this does not always apply. So avoid eating unknown fruits.

• Here is a good checklist against food poisoning: Rub the food on your arm and wait for 5-10 minutes.

• If there is a rash don't eat it. If there isn't, put it against your lips. Wait for 5-10 minutes.

• If there is a rash or discomfort don't eat it. If there isn't, put it on your tongue. Wait for 5-10 minutes.

• If there is discomfort don't eat it. If there is no discomfort, take a smallpiece and swallow it. Wait for 3-5 hours.

• If there is discomfort, don't eat it. If there isn't, the food is safe to eat.

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Tips 4

• Using a standard 12-hour watch, such as a wristwatch, one's approximate bearings can be found as follows:

• Hold the watch with 12 o'clock pointing towards your left.

• Rotate into position so that the hour hand is pointing towards the Sun.

• The point halfway between the hour hand and 12 o'clock points towards the south. (During daylight saving time, the same method can be employed substituting 11 o'clock for noon.)

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Tips 4

• If in the autumn and there a lot of leaves on the ground, gather up lots and lots of leaves and put them in a pile - the more leaves, the better.

• This big pile of leaves can be your bed and blanket to stay warm.

• Make sure you have a thick layer of leaves below you to prevent your body heat from being absorbed by the ground.

• Use a thick layer above you as a make-shift blanket.

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What you need

• Survival kit

– Plastic bottle

– Rope

– Whistle

– Matches

– Medium-large rubbish/garbage bag

– Tape

– Pencil stub and very small note book

– Brightly colored cloth

– Stock cube

– Knife

– Magnesium block and striker (to make a fire in all weather conditions)

– Tinder

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The five W’s

• The Five "W's" of Survival: – Weather: Temperature of the area, know what kind of

shelter you need.

– Wood: How much wood is around for both fire and shelter?

– Wiggles: spiders, scorpions, snakes, anything that can bite you or poison you.

– Widow makers: rocks, trees, large animals, anything that can fall on you or attack you.

– Water: Where will you get water, and how will you obtain it?

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How to survive with just a knife

• Believe it or not, survival in a temperate environment is easy. In the woods one can die from a number of different things.

• However, by simply having the knowledge and exploiting what you know, the woods can become a home and a new reality.

• By having a simple blade, one can fashion his own tools and his own means for survival.

• NOTE: Before considering any of the information below, recognize that temperature defines precedence in the wilderness.

• If the temperature gets below 40 degrees at night consider fire your most important prerequisite.

• However if the temperature rises to greater than 90 degrees during the day, consider moving and working at night and sleeping under cover during the day.

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Step 1

• Find water.

• Move to the lowest point you can find there should be some water or lesson if you hear running water run towards it.

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Step 2

• Make friends with trees not really.

• White birch

• American Basswood

• Common Maple

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Step 3

• Cut some basswood.

• You got to try and make some rope

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Step 4

• Go mudding yes really.

• While getting some water there is usally clay and mud along the shore.

• Cover your self in mud or clay with a thin layer it acts like armor against bugs and is go for hunting.

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Step 5

• Find game.

• After you have your armor on.

• Follow small tracks large ones should be avoided.

• Look for rabbits.

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Step 6

• Make fire.

• If its starting to get dark out fire is your best bet.

• Before lighting a fire clear a six foot circle.

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• When you go on trips study the geography first.

• Know the trails.

• Get maps or a gps.

• Study books on wildlife survival.

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