Victoria A. White Head, Computing Division Fermilab

Victoria A. White Head, Computing Division Fermilab [email protected] Global Scientific Collaborations and Grids: A View from Fermilab



Transcript of Victoria A. White Head, Computing Division Fermilab

Page 1: Victoria A. White Head, Computing Division Fermilab

Victoria A. WhiteHead, Computing Division Fermilab

[email protected]

Global Scientific Collaborations and Grids: A

View from Fermilab

Page 2: Victoria A. White Head, Computing Division Fermilab

Vicky White 2Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f The 3 Top issues for Particle Physics today

(1) Collaboration (2) Collaboration (3) Collaboration

› Global within the field - needed for every stage of an experiment to build the detector and the software, operate and

monitor the experiment, produce Monte Carlo data, process data, analyze data, participate in the physics

› With other sciences – for Funding need recognition and partnerships outside our field. Also to train the next generation of scientists.

› With Educators and Communicators – For public education and to make a difference in society This is needed worldwide – on both sides of the digital


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Vicky White 3Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f The Fermilab Experimental Program Statistics

“Active” experiments from the 2003 Research Program Workbook

› Of 213 Institutions involved 114 of them are non-US

› Of 1916 physicists, 753 are non-US

› Of 699 students, 234 are non-US

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Vicky White 4Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

fSignificant Contributions to the Fermilab Program from

the “other side” of the digital divide› Brasil

› Argentina› Colombia› Mexico› Czech Republic› Taiwan› Russia› China› Korea› India› …. and others

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Vicky White 5Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Highlighting Brasil (1)

History of truly significant contributions to Fermilab Experiments since 1983 Series of charm and heavy flavor expts

• E791 was ahead of its time in volume of data• Analyzed about 10% of E791 data in Rio - one of only 4

institutions   - Ohio, Mississipi, Fermilab, CBPF• Significant contribution to the physics - data led to the

1st publication for E791. • Focus


CBPF/LAFEX + Fermilab hosted CHEP95 – pushing networking and videoconferencing technology

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f Highlighting Brasil (2)

› Most recently big contributions to the D0 experiment Designed and built the POTS for the Forward

Proton Detector giving the D0 expt a new physics reach

Physics Leadership – far beyond the size of the effort

› Leon Lederman, Fermilab Director Emeritus, has throughout provided support and encouragement for Physics in South America

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Vicky White 7Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f IT Technology and Physics› Network connectivity and IT infrastructure

must be available at some minimal level in order to participate in a Physics Experiment. Being on the wrong side of the digital divide is

painful › We need to help ensure that governments

understand Just how important this contribution is to the Science



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Vicky White 8Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Fermilab Ongoing Scientific Program, 2004

› Run II (CDF, D0, Accelerator. Upgrades) ***› MINOS *› MiniBoone› Sloan Digital Sky Survey **› CMS *****› Lattice QCD Theory collaboration **› Pierre Auger and CDMS› Test Beams› BTeV in pre-project stage, preparing for review ****› SNAP, Off-axis neutrinos and a few other efforts in R&D, LOI


*represents Large Global Collaboration/Petabyte Datasets/Massive distributed computational power needed

And R&D for the Linear Collider – a worldwide effort we assume

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Vicky White 9Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Inclusive Worldwide Collaboration is essential for

Particle PhysicsWhat are we doing at Fermilab to help this ?

Networks and Network research Grids -- lots on this – important strategically Guest Scientist program Education and Outreach program Experiment sociology and leadership –

changes Videoconferencing Virtual Control Rooms Physics Analysis Center for CMS Public Relations

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Vicky White 10Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Networks

› Starting 1 year ago Fermilab moved aggressively to make a plan for ~3 GigE connectivity in the (fairly near) future Dark Fiber to Starlight (contract just about in

place finally) Worked on Office of Science Strategic

Networking plan• Expect Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) in Chicago

area linking ANL, Fermilab and Starlight in a ring Public Planning processes and reports are

important – e.g. TAN report, ICFA SCIC• We try to participate whenever we are invited to

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Vicky White 11Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

fESnet in 2003: OC192 and OC48 Links Coming Into Service;Consider Links to US HENP Labs; Evolution Not Sufficient

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f ESNet proposal for Chicago area MAN (Metropolitan Area


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f Network Research

› Also in the past year Fermilab chose to become a beginning player in the Network research arena

› As Harvey Newman says often raw bandwidth is not enough – we need to learn how to use it, monitor the network, look for research partners and opportunities Joining with several partners on proposal for UltraNet

(DOE research network) exploitation and with Caltech et. al. on Ultralight program of work/proposal

Some international opportunities for broader collaborations

• UK, CA, Czech, Netherlands, DataTag, ?

› Research agenda pushes provisioning of network

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f Network Monitoring

› Modest effort to help with Les Cottrell’s IEPM and Pinger projects

› Modest efforts by Fermilab network group to help track down network bottlenecks and problems

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f Grids for Science

› There is no doubt that computing resources for Particle Physics are going to be distributed globally and shared between “Virtual Organizations” Happening already with Run II, Babar,

RHIC and LHC experiments

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2000+ Physicists159 Institutes36 Countries

LHC: Key Driver for Grids› Complexity: Millions of individual detector channels

› Scale: PetaOps (CPU), 100s of Petabytes (Data)

› Distribution: Global distribution of people & resources

CMS Collaboration

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Vicky White 18Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Grid Projects and Coordinating Bodies

Fermilab is involved in numerous Grid projects and coordination bodies PPDG, GriPhyN and iVDGL - the Trillium US Grid

projects LCG - GDB, SC2, (PEB until recently), bodies and

working groups on Security, Operations Center, Rollout, etc.

SRM – storage systems standards Joint Technical Board and Interoperability work Global Grid Forum – Physics Research Area Global Grid Forum – Security Research Area Open Science Grid – meta-level collaboration and

coordination And probably some I forgot…..

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Vicky White 19Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Fermilab Grid Strategy › Strategy (from a Fermi-centric view)

Common approaches and technologies across our entire portfolio of experiments and projects

› Strategy (from a global HEP view) Work towards common standards and

interoperability › At Fermilab we are working aggressively

to put all of our Computational and Storage Fabric on “the Grid” and to contribute constructively to interoperability of Grid middleware

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Vicky White 20Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Successes – D0 and CDF

› SAM-GRID – a functional Grid system developed for D0 and now in use by CDF for Data Storage with meta-data, Data Delivery and caching, Job Execution (JIM) and Monitoring SAM “stations” worldwide Lots of real operational experience and

solutions for robustness and scalability Evolving to use Globus and Condor based

“standards” • Supports GridFTP + other storage access/file Xfr

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Vicky White 21Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f SAM-GRID System at D0

Registered Users 600

Number of Stations


Registered Nodes 900

Total Disk Cache 40 TB

Number of Files 1.5M

Regional CenterAnalysis site

Summary of Resources (DØ)Integrated Files Consumed vs Month (DØ)

Integrated GB Consumed vs Month (DØ)

4.0 M Files Consumed

1.2 PB Consumed

3/02 3/03

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Vicky White 22Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f SAM at a Glance – D0 and CDF

› Includes Stations in U.S., Czech Republic, India,

France, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Canada • Monitored• Drill down to display jobs running and files being



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f Successes - US-CMS

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fGrid2003: An Operational Grid - Huge Success !

28 sites (2100-2800 CPUs) 400-1100 concurrent jobs 10 applications Running since October 2003


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f Grid2003: A Collaborative Effort

› Trillium Grid projects PPDG + GriPhyN + iVDGL (US-ATLAS, US-CMS, BTEV, LIGO, SDSS, Computer


› US-ATLAS and US-CMS projects Fermilab, LBL, Argonne U. New Mexico, U. Texas Arlington

› Korean site Kyungpook National University (CMS)

› New sites University of Buffalo (CCR)

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f Grid2003: 3 Months Usage

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f Open Science Grid

› Goals ( Support US-LHC research program, other scientific

efforts Federate with LCG and peer with EGEE in Europe Involve laboratories (DOE) and universities (NSF)

› Getting there: Grid2004 (OSG-1), Grid2005 (OSG-2), … Series of releases increasing functionality & scale Persistent Production quality Grid + Grid Laboratory

› Jan. 12 meeting in Chicago >60 participants from labs and universities,

Computer Science and Physics and Biology, and Grid Projects

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Vicky White 28Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Federating Grids

As the US representative to the LHC Computing Grid Grid Deployment Board (LCG GDB) I have repeatedly pushed the case for the LHC Computing Grid to be a “Grid of Grids” – not a distributed Computing center Resources must be able to belong to >1 Grid

• E.g. NorduGrid, UK Grid, Open Science Grid, TeraGrid, Region XYZ Grid, University ABC Grid and Fermilab Grid!

Grids must learn to interoperate Governance, policies, security, resource usage and

service level agreements must be considered at many levels including at the level of a Federation of Grids

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Vicky White 29Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Inclusive Worldwide Collaboration is essential for

Particle PhysicsWhat are we doing at Fermilab and in

Fermilab experiments to help this ? Networks and Network researchNetworks and Network research Grids -- lots on this – important strategicallyGrids -- lots on this – important strategically Guest Scientist program Education and Outreach program Experiment sociology and leadership –

changes Videoconferencing Virtual Control Rooms Physics Analysis Center for CMS Public Relations

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Vicky White 30Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Support for Guest Scientists and Engineers

› Although budgets are tight Fermilab (and especially the Computing Division) wants to encourage and support a guest scientist and guest engineer/software engineer program Tremendously beneficial to the expts Tremendously important for ongoing

collaboration and communication

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f Education

› Quarknet meets “Grid”› Traditional K-12 Education Program

at Fermilab is working with Grid Projects and Computing Division on the educational opportunities afforded by the Grid

› Open Science Grid – will have a significant Educational component.

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f Sociology and Leadership changes

› Increasing awareness at Fermilab of the need to include those outside Fermilab Meeting times to take account of time

zones Videoconferencing Posting materials and documenting Leaders not resident at Fermilab

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f Videoconferencing

› We do more and more at Fermilab each year – 5 new fully equipped conference rooms last year Total of 19 rooms - all Polycom based

› Fermilab is instituting better “official” support for VRVS and H323-based conferencing. New server v. soon Expect to see growth in desktop video in

next 2 years User Requirements meeting soon – to plan

next steps

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f Virtual Control Room

› MINOS has one at Fermilab for a detector at the Sudan Mine in Minnesota Control Room Logbook

› US CMS is going to build one at Fermilab Now we in the US are the ones who will be

far from the apparatus and the action! We hope our work in the next few years will

be broad reaching and benefit all who are “far from the experiment”.

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f CMS Physics Analysis Center(s) in the U.S.

› Serious thought going into this now. What is a PAC?

› We can’t all go to CERN, all the time, to do physics Must empower physicists to do analysis away from CERN Technology is important – networks, videoconferencing,

access to data• But there is more

What do we need at Fermilab to have a vibrant center for physics where people come to work together both physically and virtually?

› The effort we put into this may have far reaching effects on the “democratization of science”.

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f Public Relations

› Judy Jackson, head of Public Affairs at Fermilab, works closely with many other public affairs groups – at CERN, SLAC and elsewhere

› website

› Forming a Strategic Grid Communications group – presented a plan for this at a recent Open Science Grid meeting

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f Role of Science in the Information Society

Fermilab/SLAC exhibit from SC2003 on Networking/Grids/Storage/Simulations went to the RSIS exhibition in Geneva recently

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Vicky White 38Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f Inclusive Worldwide Collaboration is essential for

Particle PhysicsWhat are we doing at Fermilab to help this ?

Networks and Network research Grids -- lots on this – important strategically Guest Scientist program Education and Outreach program Experiment sociology and leadership –

changes Videoconferencing Virtual Control Rooms Physics Analysis Center for CMS Public Relations

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Vicky White 39Digital Divide Workshop- Rio de Janeiro, Feb 16-20, 2004

f IT Technology and Physics› Network connectivity and IT infrastructure

must be available at some minimal level in order to participate in a Physics Experiment. Being on the wrong side of the digital divide is

painful › We need to help ensure that governments

everyone understands Just how important this contribution is to the Science



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f Conclusions

› We must keep working on all fronts to collaborate, educate, make the case for Science and for the Information Technology and Networking improvements that are essential for success – everywhere in particular to ensure that the Digital

Divide does not exclude physicists.