Vet and Hormonal Contraception

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  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis 1

    Combined hormonal contraception and risk of venous

    thromboembolism within the first year following pregnancy

    Danish nationwide historical cohort 199!"##9

    $esper Friis %etersen


    & 'homas Bergholt


    & (nne )ristine *ielsen


    & +ichael $ %aidas


    & -llen Christine . ./kkegaard


    1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hillerød Hospital, Hillerød, University of Copenhagen, Denmark;

    Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and

    !eprod"ctive #ciences, $ale %omen and Children&s Center for 'lood Disorders, $ale University #chool of (edicine, )e* Haven, Connetic"t, U#+

    maryting the risk of veno"s thromboembolism -./0 associated *ith combined hormonal

    ceptives follo*ing early terminated pregnancies or birth, a Danish nation*ide retrospective

    observing a oneyear follo*"p *as defined "sing three "ni2"e registries3 +ll Danish

    n *ith confirmed pregnancies aged 14567 d"ring the period of 17745887 *ere incl"ded3

    ain o"tcomes *ere relative and absol"te risks of first time veno"s thromboembolism in

    as *ell as non"sers of combined hormonal contraceptives3 9n 7:4,47 personyears, 47:

    s thromboembolisms *ere recorded3 +fter early terminated pregnancies and births,tively, 11< and 6:4 events occ"rred in 1,44 and ==

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    espondence to Financial support

    er @riis Aetersen, (D /he st"dy *as f"nded by the research fo"ndation at Hillerød Hospital3 /he f"nding

    rtment of Gynecology and Obstetrics organisation had no role in the st"dy planning, data collection, analysis, *riting of 

    rsity of Copenhagen, Hillerød Hospital the article, or in the decision to s"bmit the article for p"blication3 +ll a"thors held

    haveveB 7,

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    " %etersen et al :isk of ;'- by contraceptives followingpregnancy

    'able 1 Characteristics of 

    populations with different

    pregnancy out6comes

    childbirth or early

    terminated pregnancy!es"lts indicate the

    n"mbers of person years

    -A$0 and veno"s

    thromboembolisms -./0;

    the incidence rate -9!0 *as

    calc"lated ./-A$188803


    %< +ge -years0

    14 :,74

    8 :1,:6=

    4 4:,681

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    The primary outcome

    was VTE during the first

    year following pregnancy.

    This outcome included

    deep venous thrombosis

    of the lower e,tremities%

    pulmonary embolism%

    cerebral venous throm-bosis% and portal vein

    thrombosis. /iagnoses

    were obtained from codes

    used specifically for 

    pregnant women and

    from additional% general

    codes. 9pecific codes

    from the 45/-1 were

    either in-cluded or 

    e,cluded. 45/-; (1066-

    100&) was used to

    e,clude pre-vious venousthromboembolism (see

    #ppendi,). #ll records

    were subdivided into two

    groups for analysis: i)

    early terminated preg-

    nancies% which were

    terminated before

    wee!s of gestation (in-

    duced abortions%

    miscarriages% hydatiform

    mole% ectopic pregnan-cy%

    and un!nown location of 

    the foetus) and ii)


    The use of combined


    contraceptives was

    considered a time-

    varying covariate in

    multivariate > ?

    1@(incidence rate of 

    combined hormonal

    contraceptive users A incidence rate of 


    9tatistics were

    conducted with

    9#9@9T#T (9#9

    4nc.% 5ary% >5% B9#)


    The study was

    approved by The

    /anish /ata

    o.: 1-"1-

    "66;). >o ethical

    approval was

    reuired for regis-

    try-based studies in



    The one-year  observation period

    following pregnancycomprised 0;&%&0 person years.

    Early terminated

     pregnancies accounted

    for 1%&& person

    years. *f these%

    1"%63 were

    attributed to induced

    abortions$ &0%3" were

    miscarriages$ 0"

    were caused by

    hydatiform moles$




  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    %etersen et al, :isk of ;'- by contraceptives following pregnanc

    6%"0; were ectopic pregnancies$and 1%;"3 had an un!nown lo-

    cation of the pregnancy. *ver thefirst year after the early termin-ated pregnancies% 113 casesdeveloped first-time occurrencesof VTE.

    5hildbirths accounted for a total of 

    663%16 person years. #mong these% ";&

    cases developed first-time occurrences

    of VTE.

    7aternal age and calendar year 

    were similarly distributed across the

    two populations ( Table 1). owever%

    higher edu-cation% normal bodyweight% and no smo!ing tended to be

    associ-ated with reduced rates of 


    /uring the initial seven wee!s of 

    the observation period% &8 (n?;) of 

    the total number of events were

    diagnosed after early terminated

    pregnancies% and ;8 (n?30) were

    diagnosed after childbirth. /uring the

    subseuent time intervals (6-13% 1"-

    % 6-30% and "-& wee!s)%

    (108)% " (18)% 3 (68)% and nine

    (;8) events% respectively% were

    diagnosed after early terminated

    pregnancies and 30 (;8) " (08)% "1

    (;8)% and 3" (68)% respect-ively%

    were diagnosed after childbirths.

    #s illustrated by the incidence

    rates% for individuals that did or did

    not use combined hormonal

    contraceptives% the ris! of VTE was

    high in the early postpartum period%

    and it decreased later (   Table ). >o

    differences were found in the ris! of 

    VTE associ-ated with use of  

    combined hormonal contraceptives

    between the two outcome groups

    (early terminated pregnancies and

    birth) over the various time intervals (

    Table ).


    influence of 




    use on the ris! 

    of VTE was

    assessed with

    rate ratios

    ('') ad=usted

    for ma-ternal

    age% calendar 



    74% and

    smo!ing for each time

    interval. #fter 




    the use of  




    conferred an

    increased ris! 

    after seven

    wee!s ('':

    .3% 0&8 54:

    1.-&.") (

    Table ).


    childbirth% the

    use of  




    was as-

    sociated with

    increased ris! after 1" wee!s

    ('': .;% 0&8

    54: 1.&-&.3) (

    Table ).

    The crudeincidencerates for   progesteroneonlyformulations

    during theentire


    .3@1% person-yearsand pro-gesteroneintrauterinedevices at.1@1% person-years%indicat-inglow ris!.

    2or the

    group with


    terminated pregnancies%

    the estimated


    needed to

    harm indicated

    no significant

    change in ris! 

    over the entire

    year of  

    observation. 4n

    contrast% for 

    the group thatgave birth% the


    needed to

    harm was

    much lower 

    during the



     period (-

    wee!s) than

    during the



     period ( Table



    This study

    showed anincreased ris! 


  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    of VTE in the postpartum period%

    consistent with previous studies (&% 6-

    1). 4n this


    'able " :isk of venous

    thromboembolism =;'->

    following pregnancy in

    groups with different

    pregnancy outcomes /he

    incidence rates -per 1,888

    person years0 and rate ratiosare sho*n for individ"als that

    "sed combined hormonal

    contraceptives -CHC0

    compared to those that did

    not "se CHC, *ith 74K

    confidence intervals -C903

    !es"lts *ere adB"sted for the

    covariates listed in /able 13

    'old font indicates a

    significant effect of CHC3

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    ?eeks @se of %erson6 ;'- ncidence :ate ratiofollowing CHC years rate =9A C>

    pregnancy =9A C>

    Childbirth 85 )o 76,=8

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    8 %etersen et al :isk of ;'- by contraceptives followingpregnancy

    'able 51 -stimated numbers needed to harm =**H>,

    fects of combined hormonal contraceptives d"ring the indicated time intervals -*eeks0 for gro"ps *ith different pregnancy o"tcomes3 ))H L 1G-inci

    dence rate of combined hormonal contraceptive "sers 5 incidence rate of 


    %regnancy ?eeks following pregnancy

    outcome #!4

    Childbirth :

    arly terminated 16=:


    lation% the vast ma=ority of cases occurred during the initial sevenwee!s postpartum. The use of combined hormonal contraceptivesdid not increase this relatively elevated ris! observed in the proco-

    agulative postpartum state (the first 1" wee!s following birth).Thereafter% the well-!nown association between combined hor-monal contraceptives and VTE became evident (11% 1). 5onse-uently% treatment of only ; persons per year with combinedhormonal contraceptives (number needed to harm) was necessaryto detect one incident of VTE in the early interval following birth.Cater% the ris! declined% as e,pected. 2ollowing early terminatedpregnancies% the number needed to harm was 1%"6; per detectableevent in the early interval% with no changes in later intervals.

    Dac!son et al. reviewed the ris! of VTE in the postpartum peri-od (&) and identified 1& articles from 13 studies. 4n those studies%the reference groups comprised women that were not pregnant or 

    postpartum. 5ompared to that group% the ris! of VTE increased by.&- to ;"-fold when combined hormonal contraceptives wereused during the initial si, wee!s after childbirth. 5onseuently% a* group changed the recommendation regarding initiation of combined hormonal contraceptives following childbirth (). 4n the

    present study% we e,amined the ris! associated with combined hor-

    ?hat is known about this topic

    1•'oth pregnancy andthe "se of combinedhormonal contracepVTE postpartum(1"). 4n light of thisevidence% it would bereason-tives areestablished asindependent riskfactors of veno"sthrom able torecommend theinitiation of  combined hormonalcontra- 

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    boembolism -./03

    •  +n interactionbet*eentheseseparaterisks hasbeen

    s"ggested; ho*ever,researchaddressing

    the matter islimited3

    ?hat doesthis paperadd

    1•)ointeractionof combinedhormonalcontraceptives andthe already

    biologicallyincreasedrisk of  ./ in theearlypostpart"m period*asobserved3

    2•)"mbersneeded toharm by"se of  combinedhormonal

    contraceptives*ere lo*,s"ggestingrel"ctancein their  "se in theearlypostpart"m period3

    3• +fter earlyterminatedpregnancies, bydifferent

    indications,the "se of 

    combined hormonalcontraceptives did notincrease the absol"terisk of ./3

    ceptivesdirectlyfollowingearlyterminated pregnancies$however%we

    observedwideconfidence limits%due to thelimitednumber of cases% andthuscliniciansshouldconductanindividualassessment in allinstances.



    study had



    2irst% the

    low number 


    individualsthat used


    es early



    might have



    results. The


    might differ 

    when testedin a larger 



    this type of 

    study design

    might be the

    only way to

    assess this



    n of 


    e use$


    the authors


    that addi-



    should be

    conducted in


    countrieswhere these

    registries are


    The validity

    of the

    registry data

    in The


    'egistry of 

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    %etersen et al, :isk of ;'- by contraceptives following pregnanc

    (ppendi3 CD6 and 61# codes used =black> and e3cluded =grey> for identification of incident ;'-

    CD6 CD61#

    ./ in nonpregnant *omen

    648 D9 A"lmonary embolism

    D9:81 Ahlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein

    641,8: D9:8 Ahlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lo*er e>tremities

    641 D9:8< Ahlebitis and thrombophlebitis of lo*er e>tremities, "nspecified

    64 D9:1 Aortal vein thrombosis


  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    Haemostasis 1131816

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    4 %etersen et al :isk of ;'- by contraceptives followingpregnancy

    mation or underestimation

    of the number of cases%

    depending on whether a

    superficial event was

    coded as a VTE (leadingto overes-timation) or as a

    subclinical event (leading

    to underestimation).

    2inally% the results were

    based on the assumption

    that filled pre-scriptions

    implied actual use of 

    combined hormonal


    *verestimation of the use

    of combined hormonal

    contracep-tives couldoccur when women

    decided not to ta!e the

    pills% des-pite the filled

    prescription. *n the other 

    hand% underestimation

    could occur when women

    used an old pac!age of 

    combined hor-monal

    contraceptives before

    filling a new prescription.

    The ma=or strength of 

    the study was the large

    number of pa-tients.

    This was due to the

    nationwide databases%

    which included all

    pregnancies that

    occurred in women aged

    1&-"0 throughout a 1&-

    year period.

    #dditionally% the register 

    approach eliminated po-

    tential recall or non-

    responder biases

    compared to different

    meth-ods. This study

    was one of the first to

    e,amine the ris!  

    associated with the use

    of combined hormonal

    contraceptives during

    the postpartum period.


    4n our national setting%this study illustrated an

    increased ris! of 

    VTE during the

    initial seven wee!s


    #ttempting to e,-

     plain this% our study

    distinguished between the

     biologically in-

    creased ris! due to

     pregnancy and the

    ris! imposed by the

    use of combined


    contraceptives. >o

    addition to the

    already biologically

    increased ris! was

    observed whenadding the use of 

    combined hormonal


    owever% because of 

    the low numbers

    needed to harm in the

    early postpartum

     period% our re-sults

    supported the

    recently altered


    from *

    suggesting a pause of at least si, wee!s

     before commencing



    2ollowing early


     pregnancies% the

    numbers needed to

    harm showed no

    ma=or changes

    throughout the

    follow-up peri-od$this result suggested

    that combined


    contraceptives were

    relatively safe to use

    under these

    conditions supporting

    the clinical option of 



    Conflicts ofinterest

     >one declared.


    1. od!er % vidman

    C% eber T% et al.

    7aternal deaths in

    /enmar! -.

    #cta *bstet ynecol

    9cand 0$ ;;: &&-


    2. 5hang D% Elam-Evans

    C/% erg 5D% et al.

  • 8/9/2019 Vet and Hormonal Contraception


    5E% Dames #% et al.

    Trends in the incidence

    of venous

    thromboembolism during

     pregnancy or postpartum:

    a 3-year population-

     based study. #nn 4ntern

    7ed &$ 1"3: 06-6.

    8. 7c5oll 7/% 'amsay DE%

    Tait '5% et al. 'is! factors

    for pregnancy associated

    ve-nous thromboembolism.Thromb aemost 1006$

    6;: 11;3-11;;.

    9. 9alonen 'os % Cichtenstein