Vestry Candidates 2011

Cindy Darnell While I didn’t come to know the Lord until my 20’s, in many ways life before Christ seems like another lifetime. I’m not the same person and have grown and learned so much by His grace and the blessing of great teachers and mentors over the past 14 years. I love studying the Word, particularly with others. I joke that “accountability is my love language.” In reality I need others to remind me who I am in Christ and I enjoy doing the same for them. Over the past six months, I’ve had the privilege in serving on the Personnel Committee and on the vestry as the alternate from last year. I have had much joy being able to serve Restoration in this way. In many ways I feel like I’ve just gotten started and would love the opportunity to continue. I bring an eye towards process improvement to the vestry and attention to detail which I have gained in my “day job” at a local software company. I love looking at the strategic big picture and designing systems and processes to help organizations achieve their mission. I had a sense of family that was so refreshing at the Fall Retreat. My dream for Restoration is that we’d be a true family in Christ. A family that loves one another, challenges one another and graciously accepts new members. In a world where there is much brokenness, I pray that Restoration will be a place of hope, healing and restoration. [email protected] 703.627.4098 George Patterson I grew up in a Christian family knowing about Jesus but once I went to college I only thought about him on Sundays, if at all. I was full of pride thinking that I knew exactly what I should do and that I could do it on my own and did not need anyone to tell me how to live. It was not an “in your face” look at me, but in my innermost self I was the king. My life had been without much personal suffering and that led me to ignore or not think about God. After my marriage of twenty years ended in divorce, I felt an emptiness in my heart. This suffering humbled me. For some reason I bought a Bible and began reading it. I also joined several Christian support groups. Gradually, over the next few years I realized that only Jesus could fill the emptiness in my heart. My undergraduate degree is from Notre Dame and I attended medical school at University of Kentucky. I am married to Anne Cregger, who has been such a blessing in my life. Restoration is the smallest church I have been a part of and I am honored to be nominated to the Vestry. I believe that I am a good listener and value being a team player. [email protected] 301.801.0630 Restoration Vestry Candidates 2011

Transcript of Vestry Candidates 2011

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Cindy DarnellWhile I didn’t come to know the Lord until my 20’s, in many ways life before Christ seems like another lifetime. I’m not the same person and have grown and learned so much by His grace and the blessing of great teachers and mentors over the past 14 years. I love studying the Word, particularly with

others. I joke that “accountability is my love language.” In reality I need others to remind me who I am in Christ and I enjoy doing the same for them.

Over the past six months, I’ve had the privilege in serving on the Personnel Committee and on the vestry as the alternate from last year. I have had much joy being able to serve Restoration in this way. In many ways I feel like I’ve just gotten started and would love the opportunity to continue. I bring an eye towards process improvement to the vestry and attention to detail which I have gained in my “day job” at a local software company. I love looking at the strategic big picture and designing systems and processes to help organizations achieve their mission.

I had a sense of family that was so refreshing at the Fall Retreat. My dream for Restoration is that we’d be a true family in Christ. A family that loves one another, challenges one another and graciously accepts new members. In a world where there is much brokenness, I pray that Restoration will be a place of hope, healing and restoration.

[email protected]

George PattersonI grew up in a Christian family knowing about Jesus but once I went to college I only thought about him on Sundays, if at all. I was full of pride thinking that I knew exactly what I should do and that I could do it on my own and did not need anyone to tell me how to live. It was not an “in your face” look at me, but in my innermost self I was the king. My life had been without much personal suffering and that led me to ignore or not think about God.

After my marriage of twenty years ended in divorce, I felt an emptiness in my heart. This suffering humbled me. For some reason I bought a Bible and began reading it. I also joined several Christian support groups. Gradually, over the next few years I realized that only Jesus could fill the emptiness in my heart.

My undergraduate degree is from Notre Dame and I attended medical school at University of Kentucky. I am married to Anne Cregger, who has been such a blessing in my life.

Restoration is the smallest church I have been a part of and I am honored to be nominated to the Vestry. I believe that I am a good listener and value being a team player.

[email protected]

Restoration Vestry Candidates 2011

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Anne RitcheyI was raised in a Christian family and decided to follow Jesus when I was quite young. I’ve found that my early commitment and the gifts and challenges it brought have cultivated several desires in my current walk with the Lord. One has been to revisit my childhood understanding of God in order to come to a truer, deeper knowledge of who He is. Another has been to move from a relationship that is primarily focused on knowing ideas about Him to one that is

more focused on knowing Him—a God with a personality much too creative and mysterious and loving and alive to fit fully and comfortably into my concepts of Him. Restoration has been a wonderful home in which to do that.

I’ve been so thankful for the church’s vision and its members who graciously and warmly carry it out. My particular passion is for communicating the truth of who God is in ways that are imaginative and personalized and compassionate, ways that—as I am in the process of learning to do—integrate our ideas about God and our experiences of Him like Jesus did. Restoration is a place where other people care deeply about this too, and I’ve appreciated the ways it has provided for me to pursue this passion by participating in the service and other elements of the church. So whether as a member of the Vestry or in other capacities, I’m honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve in this community.

[email protected]

Santiago SedacaI was born into a Christian home and came to know Christ gradually as I grew up. My family moved a number of times between our native Argentina and the US and Canada, giving me a helpful sense for the wider, global church. I went to a Christian college where I learned about integrating faith, learning and vocation. After a crisis of identity in my mid-twenties, I came to the conclusion that life didn’t make sense without Christ, and that I couldn’t be a Christian without a Christian community around me.

I read scripture and pray every day. I hold orthodox theological views and believe every word we say as a church on Sunday morning. I think that what I do every day at work is an important part of my faith. I really love my wife and two boys. They are clearly a gift of God.

I currently lead an international consulting firm and have experience in organizational development and management. I hope to help David and the vestry think about Restoration’s evolving ministry and its implications for physical expansion, staff development, resource allocation, and other strategic issues. Also, I want to help the church develop an ability to equip its members to be leaders at work, at home and in our community, while keeping a global vision.

God wants Restoration to be transformative to the benefit of the world, the people we relate to everyday, and our lives. I pray that God gives us a passion for him as we continue to mature as individuals and as a church.

[email protected]

Restoration Vestry Candidates 2011

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Mac WheatleyJulie and I came to Restoration in 2009. We love the church family and consider ourselves deeply blessed by this community. For the first time since living in Arlington, we found a church we together call home.

My faith in Christ started at an early age by example of my parents, though it was my involvement with a youth ministry, YWAM, that served as the cornerstone for my personal journey. Through this ministry the Lord instilled in me a passion for missions and the importance of intentional

relationships. The desire to be involved with missions followed me to DC where I have led trips to Kenya, small groups and mentored middle school youth. My heart feels called to live out the example Christ sets for the church in Acts—not a perfect church, but a church pursuing the right things.

Working with the American Anglican Council fresh out of college gave me a unique perspective on the important relationship between the Vestry, Pastor, and entire church body. Being in corporate banking now, God continues to show me new ways to use my vocation for His kingdom.

My prayer for Restoration is that we hold fast the truth of the Gospel.That as we grow physically and spiritually we remain transparent, and that Christ is reflected in our relationships with each other and each life we touch. I pray with hope that we are a church that loves God and others--spirit-filled and moving toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

[email protected]

Restoration Vestry Candidates 2011