VentoNuovo Games has developed a new wargame · 2015. 3. 4. · ©VENTONUOVO GAMES 2015 Milan - VNG...

©VENTONUOVO GAMES 2015 Milan - VNG HQ March 1, 2015 VentoNuovo Games has developed a new wargame “The sun rose on the morning of 18th June, 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte breakfasted with his generals at Rossome on the Brussels’s road. The conversation returned to the weather; It had poured rain throughout the night and Drouot, the commander of the Emperor’s artillery was worried about the effect on his guns. Napoleon acquiesced to a delay in starting the attack. This was the first of many fateful decisions to be made on that day…” VNG is proud to announce the launch of its new Napoleonic historical wargame: WATERLOO 200which will portray the most famous - and the last - battle fought by Napoleon. The game is an entry level wargame which uses fog of war and area movement mechanisms in combination with a innovative combat system that is completely diceless. Over 115 wooden blocks depict - at brigade level - the military formations involved in the battle, from the Grand Battery opening fire at 13.30 till the last stand of Cambronne's Imperial Guard. Every French and Allied brigade present is represented by a block. The map - in line with previous productions - covers in a very detailed and colourful way the plain of Waterloo and its environs where the battle was fought on that fateful Sunday the 18th of June, 1815. The box is big - A3 size - and tough enough to contain all the game components securely.

Transcript of VentoNuovo Games has developed a new wargame · 2015. 3. 4. · ©VENTONUOVO GAMES 2015 Milan - VNG...


    Milan - VNG HQ March 1, 2015

    VentoNuovo Games has developed a new wargame

    “The sun rose on the morning of 18th June, 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte breakfasted with his generals at

    Rossome on the Brussels’s road. The conversation returned to the weather; It had poured rain

    throughout the night and Drouot, the commander of the Emperor’s artillery was worried about the effect

    on his guns. Napoleon acquiesced to a delay in starting the attack. This was the first of many fateful

    decisions to be made on that day…”

    VNG is proud to announce the launch of its new Napoleonic historical wargame: “WATERLOO 200”

    which will portray the most famous - and the last - battle fought by Napoleon.

    The game is an entry level wargame which uses fog of war and area movement mechanisms in

    combination with a innovative combat system that is completely diceless.

    Over 115 wooden blocks depict - at brigade level - the military formations involved in the battle, from

    the Grand Battery opening fire at 13.30 till the last stand of Cambronne's Imperial Guard.

    Every French and Allied brigade present is represented by a block.

    The map - in line with previous productions - covers in a very detailed and colourful way the plain of

    Waterloo and its environs where the battle was fought on that fateful Sunday the 18th of June, 1815.

    The box is big - A3 size - and tough enough to contain all the game components securely.


    “WATERLOO 200 is an amazing game, easy to learn but hard to master, as the lack of dice makes it different

    from any previous games on the conflict. Now, as Napoleon, can you push the Allies aside and march victoriously

    on to Brussels, or as Wellington, cling to the ridge at Mont St Jean to thwart the Emperor's plans? With Waterloo

    200, you are able to put yourself in the place of these great commanders and maybe change history" says Jim

    O'Neill, Historical Researcher.

    The large colourful map covers the entire field of the Battle of Waterloo

    Wellington awaits the French Onslaught


    WATERLOO 200 is a tactical game recreating the most decisive battle fought by Napoleon before his final


    Although based on historical orders of battles, the players in command of the two sides can alter the outcome of

    the battle.

    The game is recommended for two or three players, but has great solitaire suitability.

    The projected release day is June 18, 2015, preorders will open in May.

    About VNG

    VentoNuovo Games is an Italian company focussed on developing high quality CE marked historical wargames, completely produced in

    European wooden and plastic components.