Vendetta; University Election Exposed.


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This is an account as given by Mark Foster about his experience in his election campaign and what really happened.

Transcript of Vendetta; University Election Exposed.

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Vendetta is a newsletter introduced to keep students conscious of the important issues around them, fostering unity, diminishing ignorance,inspiring effective negotiation and conspiring strategic action. Special

focus will be made on Political, Economical and social issues.We hope to issue one every two months or more often should the need





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Vendetta newsletter asked Mark Foster to speak on the Guild Elections and this is what he had to say.

Fellow students of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, my name is Mark Foster and I was nominated Vice President of the Guild of Students for Properties and Special Initiatives on Thursday, March 4th, and thus, invited to the nominees’ meeting on Tuesday, March 9th. I was excited and ready to serve you for the upcoming academic year, but my name was removed from the ballots.During a meeting with the candidates and administration on March 9th, the point was raised that students should work with administration instead of trying to oppose them, because in such a fight, the students would not win. Of course, I was strongly opposed to this outlook, so I voiced my concern. However, in retrospect, no man is an island and no one can confront any force without being unified and strategic in his approach.In 2004, then Guild President, Damion Crawford halted operations on the UWI, Mona campus, after administration resisted negotiations with students on the issue of increased tuition. The result: more accommodating methods of payment so as to avoid deregistering students. At that time, I was in my first-year of study and the following day on the front page of a national newspaper,

I was photographed at the forefront of the demonstrating body of students. Police officers shot tear gas at the students and we hurled them back. From my initial nomination, I was confronted on the basis of a conflict of interest since I was not only running for a Guild position but I am also renting property at the Students’ Union. There is no conflict of interest because my rental contract is compiled by UWIs’ Contract officer and not that of the Guild.My rent is paid to the Office Manager and not to the Guild executive body. I will have no influence on the rental amount or promptness of payments, as a Guild executive member. Essentially what I have been told is that the landlord cannot be a tenant. But, if this is indeed so, I could have easily been removed from any meeting where such voting was taking place that would benefit my business directly or indirectly.What I am certain of is that my opponents felt the pressure of the campaign and saw it fit to fabricate exaggerated numbers of campaign tools, in order to launch an investigation. An e-mail was sent from a supporter of one of my opponents to the Deputy Principal, Joseph Pereira and to the Principal, Professor Gordon Shirley. An

investigation was launched and I was called to a meeting with Jason McKenzie, the Returning Officer, Athol Hamilton, the Assistant Returning Officer and Dr. Thelora Reynolds, Students Services Manager, last Friday at 3 p.m. I was given an opportunity to produce my budget since they could not locate the initial budget I had submitted as instructed before campaigns began. I was also expected to produce supporting receipts, but was given until Monday, to present these. When I met with the Returning Officer on Monday, March 22, 2010, I submitted a detailed, daily budget as well as receipts supporting the prices of the items. I was then asked to submit a receipt for my shirts, showing that all the shirts purchased were not used in the campaign, but was purchased for my company, SWAT PRINTS, to supply other campaigners as well as hall members parading in the UWI carnival. I was also asked to produce the original budget and that would have completed my submissions. I went ahead and submitted all these documents by Monday at midday. I went to the debates at 2 p.m. where McKenzie was also present. As a result of the confusion, I did not prepare a speech, which in my opinion, was the main aim of my opponents, to throw me off the

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effective campaign path. It was there and then, at the debates where I wrote my speech and I was confident, going into the debates. Just before the Vice Presidential candidates were called to speak, the Returning Officer told me that I will not be able to speak because they had now made a final decision. I asked him on what basis I was being disqualified and told him that I should be allowed to speak, since I did not know if the basis of his decision was substantial. He told me he would consult with his assistant and the moderator, but after going to the moderator, he disappeared from the room. This was when the moderator called the names of two of three candidates nominated for the position, omitting my own. This ended the debate prematurely since the audience and I believed that I was not treated justly.The students were also disrespected by not being given information on the proceedings, and the Guild felt compelled to oppose the behavior of the Returning Officer. After a lawyer was consulted at the scene, the basis of disqualification was said to be the elaborate items on the receipts submitted, for proof of costs incurred. If I was asked to prove that the items were for my company, SWAT Prints, I would

have done so; that information was submitted minutes after the debates were disrupted. The Returning Officer then assured me that they would meet the following day to review the additional supporting documents. No one had called me the day after the debates, and at midday I decided to visit the office of the Returning Officer. Unfortunately, he was in an extremely long meeting so I then contacted, Joseph Pereira, who informed me that the Returning Officer had the final say, but that he would review the report. I then returned to the office of the Returning Officer and waited for three hours as he was still in a meeting; however he did not avail himself but asked his secretary to accept the supporting documents from me.I believe I was unfairly disqualified on the basis of insufficient evidence. I believe the students are being ignored in their call for proper investigation. I believe the fairness of the election comes into question, since not even the Presidential candidates were allowed to speak to the students. Initially, it was my intention to call for a boycott of the elections with as much students as possible, locking the entrance to the ballot station, until the Returning Officer appeared and

provided justification for my disqualification. Based on feedback from students and other candidates, this move did not have full support and the decision then was to have a petition for the reopening of the Vice President’s ballots. But, I do not need a post to effect change. Instead, I have decided to form a movement to accomplish my entrepreneurial proposals as well as address the many issues that infringe on students’ rights on campus. I need 100 students, who will be selected through interviews, to join me in equipping ourselves with the necessary knowledge to defend students’ rights. Negotiation is vital and the voices of the students must not only be heard, but must be included in the decision-making process. I call on students to join my movement. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.The lack of a cohesive force hindered my ability to have been elected to the executive body of the Guild of Students to prove the detractor wrong. Students can fight with Administration and win, though they have won this battle.

Thank you for your kind support.