Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller

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  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller




    Department of Electronics & Communications


    This is to certify that R.Sridevi and E.Prasoona of

    f inal year, Elect ronics and Communica tions engineering

    department , are bonafide students of SR C.R.R College of

    engineering, Eluru, !est "odavari District, #.P.

    $ead of the Department,

    Department of ECE

  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller






    Final year, B.E (ECE)

    Sir C.R.R COE, Eluru.


  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller





    t is observed that most of the accidents occur due to the drivers

    ignorance of traffic and safety rules. t is a practice for the drivers to drive the vehicle

    beyond permitted limits. Depending on the terrain, and other conditions, speed

    restrictions may be imposed on drivers from time to time. Therefore, a system

    monitoring the speed and other desired vehicle parameters can be installed in the

    vehicle to 'arn the driver appropriately and intervene to control if necessary .

    (ne may not )no' the instantaneous position of a vehicle and its arrival

    time. "enerally, the truc) operators depend on intermittent telephone calls made by the

    drivers.To overcome such problems, an automatic monitoring system can be

    established 'ith monitoring stations located at important ma*or *unctions, cities

    through 'hich the vehicles ply. #s the vehicle approaches a monitoring station, it has

    to automatically identify itself and upload critical data about the vehicle and operating

    conditions. The monitoring station can send modified control parameters and

    guidelines to the vehicle driver. +or this purpose, 'e need a R+ radio fre-uency

    transceiver system.

    n general, vehicle monitoring, trac)ing and such activities are done using

    separate systems and they re-uire some mechanical force as input. Speed is monitored

    using speedometer and for controlling mechanical force is re-uired to decelerate it.

    +uel level monitoring, pro/imity detection, battery monitoring, etc re-uires separate

    system. This paper presents a micro0controller0based control and monitoring system.

    1ormally 'e need to use e/tra R+ building bloc)s to provide R+ lin) increasing the

    system comple/ity. n such cases, a PSoC Programmable System0(n0Chip micro0


  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    controller can be used in place of conventional approach. n this system, initially a

    building bloc) can be used to monitor the status of vehicle and store it in memory.

    Then, same building bloc) 'ill be configured as a receiver and the system loo)s for an

    approaching monitoring station. The same building bloc) can be configured as

    transmitter and used to upload the vehicle information.

    # PS(C based system is versatile in that it offers dynamic reconfigurability

    in the same C pac)age.


    The nature of human being is to lead his life in most comfortable

    'ay. (ur paper presents an idea of such system, 'hich is most compact and is portable

    so to land it at any place of the vehicle. $o'ever, such techni-ues are being

    implemented in many other conventional means but, due to the advent of PS(C &

    S(CS Programmable system on chip & system on chip. The systems are being

    smaller and smarter.

    (ur paper is organi3ed asfollo's. n section , it deals 'ith

    introduction of the system. n section , it deals 'ith operation of the system. n

    section , it deals 'ith various applications of the system. +inally section 4, deals

    'ith conclusion of our presentation.


    The vehicle monitoring system can be easily implemented by using PSoC

    Programmable system0on0chip. #s said above, it can be dynamically reconfigured by

    suitably programming at the run time. $o'ever, this programming can be done by

    using high level language such as 5C5 'ith 'hich most of the hard'are designers

    'ould be familiar. This ma)es 6C the natural language for system0on0chip.


  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    #n instant trac)ing system is needed for vehicles carrying inflammable fuels,

    e/plosives, etc. in such cases "PS "lobal Positioning System can be used more

    effectively. This is going to be costlier. This paper presents cost effective and more

    compact e-uipment for various applications. #n automatic monitoring system for

    vehicles can be established 'ith monitoring stations located at ma*or *unctions, cities

    through 'hich the vehicle ply. #s the vehicle approach a monitoring station, it has to

    automatically identify itself and upload critical data about the vehicle and operating

    conditions such as temperature, speed, fuel, battery indication, coolant level etc.

    FE!URES "

    Some of the important features of the PSoC are follo's8

    9. Po'erful $arvard architecture processor.

    %. #dvanced peripherals.

    2. +le/ible on0chip memory.

    7. Precision, programmable cloc)ing.

    :. Programmable pin configuration.

    ;. #dditional system resources.

  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    "enerally the system acts as a receiver. This consists of a R+ preamp,

    demodulator. These bloc)s, but for R+ preamp, are readily provided by PS(C. The

    output of demodulator is fed to the >#RT, 'hich is configured as a receiver. The

    system loo)s for an approaching monitoring station. !hen it detects the monitoring

    station, >#RT is configured as transmitter and is used to convert data into serial form,

    then modulated using digital modulation techni-ues, follo'ed by a R+ amplifier, to

    upload the vehicle information. The only e/ternal bloc)s that are used in the system

    are R+ amplifiers and po'er amplifiers. Therefore the choice of PS(C reduces

    component count in the circuit.

    .!##LIC!IONS 8


    The cran)shaft is applied 'ith a reflective coating and at the middle

    a strip of blac) absorbing material is placed. ?ight is pro*ected on to this rotating

    shaft. The light is reflected by the reflecting surface and is absorbed by the blac)0


  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    colored strip. The reflected light is sensed by photo sensor, follo'ed by signal

    amplifier. The signal is then applied to schmith trigger and corresponding pulses are

    obtained. They are fed to a counter. These bloc)s are readily available in PS(C.

    The Engine speed is monitored once in a second and

    converted to RP@, and displayed in the display unit. !hen the Engine speed e/ceeds a

    predefined value, the monitor intervenes, and activates a motor to apply the bra)es. n

    this 'ay the speed is automatically limited to a predefined value.


  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    The fuel level can be monitored by using a non0conducting,

    non0contact measurement system using ultra sonic 'aves. The system consists of a

    ultra sonic transponder. The transponder is fi/ed at the top of the fuel tan). >ltra sonic

    signals are sent in the do'n'ard direction. These 'aves are reflected from the fuel

    surface and the receiver receives the reflected signals. The time elapsed, in receiving

    the reflected ray since the transmission of signal, gives the total distance traveled by

    the rays. Ay evaluating the simple mathematical e/pressions 'e can easily calculate

    the fuel level in the fuel tan). This information is stored in @emory and used to 'arn

    the driver about +uel level.



  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    (ne of the ma*or problems in road transport is $ead on Collisions, in

    'hich lives are lost. To avoid or minimi3e collisions, the distance bet'een this vehicle

    and neighboring vehicles is to be monitored. #s the gap reduces once again the driver

    is to 'arned. +or this an >ltra sonic pro/imity sensor can used. This consists of ultra

    sonic transmitter and receiver. The >ltra sonic signals are transmitted at regular

    intervals. These signals, upon falling on approaching vehicle, 'ould be reflected. The

    reflected signal is received by Receiver circuitry, and the time for receiving the

    reflecting the signal is calculated. The time reduces for an approaching vehicle. This

    can be chec)ed by a program, 'hich alerts the driver. #ll the building bloc)s such as

    Signal amplifiers are readily provided by PSoC.


    (ne ma*or area that troubles the people is the engine. f the heat generated is

    not removed and the engine is not cooled, in no time the engine starts to err before it

    comes to grinding halt. t is better to use the thermal relays such as thermistors. $ere a

    thermistor is used to form a resistor divider net'or) and the *unction voltage is fed to

    a voltage amplifier follo'ed by #DC. Then the digiti3ed value is used by the program

    to chec) for the limits and suitable 'arning is issued to driver. f any further rise of

    temperature is detected, then the monitor can cutoff fuel to engine and apply bra)es,

    forcing the vehicle to stop.

  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    n this all the bloc)s, i.e. 4oltage amplifier, #DC is available in PS(C,

    simplifying the implementation

    e.)B!ERY MONIOR 8

    Aattery voltage is another ma*or problem auto field. Especially

    'hen the battery is completely discharged, it causes problems. # comparator can

    monitor the battery status. To one input a ref voltage is applied and to the second input

    battery voltage is applied. f the battery voltage is greater than the reference voltage,

    the output of op0amp is positive. So the ?ED glo's indicating battery is full. f the

    battery voltage is less than the reference voltage, output of the op0amp is negative and

    ?ED turns off indicating battery is to be charged. This can caution the driver.


    The above system can be implemented using traditional designs and approach.

    Aut the trend is to embed the systems into the gadgets, 'hich they are controlling.


  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller


    This puts restrictions on designers for space, cost and po'er consumption. n such

    cases one can turn to micro controller based designs. The usage of PS(C simplifies

    design comple/ities, reduces the si3e of system greatly and offers a host of peripheral

    devices that can be dynamically configured and used. t is e/pected that near future

    PS(C over ta)es other micro controllers in the mar)et and systems based on PS(C

    'ould be flooding the homes.


    @aga3ines8 EEE transactions, electronics for you.


    9. The B:9 @icro Controller and Embedded Systems

    0@uhammad #li @a3idi

    0anice "illispie @a3idi

    %. Design 'ith PC @icro Controller


    2. @icro Controller technology

    0Peter Spasov

    7. Embedded @icro Controller



  • 7/24/2019 Vehicle monitoring using microcontroller

