Vatican diplomacy could be Venezuela’s salvation

Vatican diplomacy could be Venezuela’s salvation By GUSTAVO A. CISNEROS At least 30 people have died in Venezuela in the street protests between pro- and anti- government supporters of the past month. The economy, plagued by shortages and high inflation, is in near freefall. Politically, the polarisation long fomented by both the socialist government and the opposition has deepened even further. Distrust, intolerance and confrontation have become the norm; how else to understand a recent ruling that banned websites deemed “harmful to the Venezuelan people”? Amid the disturbances, calls for political justice or ideology have also lost their old resonance – for both sides. The situation is no longer tenable, and it cries out for attention and help from the international community. So far, it has largely ignored Venezuela’s terrible plight. The challenges of achieving meaningful dialogue are huge. The incendiary atmosphere makes it especially difficult for what I call “The Two Venezuelas” – one in favour of the government, the other against – to talk to each other. Efforts by both sides have so far been half-hearted, or duplicitous. Nevertheless, resolution of the country’s colossal problems requires a truly consensual project. To begin with, both sides need to recognise the legitimacy and significance of the other, and, despite their differing national visions, to meet on common ground: their love for Venezuela and the desire to build a better future. This better future, which Venezuelans of all socio-political persuasions can surely agree on, is a country where all opinions count, where human rights support democratic rule, and where minority rights and long term stability are nurtured. It is a country where parents can spend their time cultivating their children as good citizens instead of waiting half a day in queues to buy their groceries. It is a country where walking in the streets is safe and enjoyable, instead of fraught with peril as it often is now. It is a country that gives its youth the possibility of dreams, and where journalism is not a life-threatening profession. In brief, it is a country where everyone has the right to speak, and be listened to respectfully, and where that rich dialogue engenders growth of all kinds.

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Page 1: Vatican diplomacy could be Venezuela’s salvation

Vatican diplomacy could be Venezuela’s salvation


At least 30 people have died in Venezuela in the street protests between pro- and anti-

government supporters of the past month. The economy, plagued by shortages and high inflation,

is in near freefall. Politically, the polarisation long fomented by both the socialist government and

the opposition has deepened even further.

Distrust, intolerance and confrontation have become the norm; how else to understand a recent

ruling that banned websites deemed “harmful to the Venezuelan people”? Amid the disturbances,

calls for political justice or ideology have also lost their old resonance – for both sides. The

situation is no longer tenable, and it cries out for attention and help from the international

community. So far, it has largely ignored Venezuela’s terrible plight.

The challenges of achieving meaningful dialogue are huge. The incendiary atmosphere makes it

especially difficult for what I call “The Two Venezuelas” – one in favour of the government, the

other against – to talk to each other. Efforts by both sides have so far been half-hearted, or

duplicitous. Nevertheless, resolution of the country’s colossal problems requires a truly consensual


To begin with, both sides need to recognise the legitimacy and significance of the other, and,

despite their differing national visions, to meet on common ground: their love for Venezuela and

the desire to build a better future.

This better future, which Venezuelans of all socio-political persuasions can surely agree on, is a

country where all opinions count, where human rights support democratic rule, and where

minority rights and long term stability are nurtured. It is a country where parents can spend their

time cultivating their children as good citizens instead of waiting half a day in queues to buy their

groceries. It is a country where walking in the streets is safe and enjoyable, instead of fraught with

peril as it often is now. It is a country that gives its youth the possibility of dreams, and where

journalism is not a life-threatening profession. In brief, it is a country where everyone has the right

to speak, and be listened to respectfully, and where that rich dialogue engenders growth of all


Page 2: Vatican diplomacy could be Venezuela’s salvation

With so many currently mourning the loss to violence of beloved family members and friends,

Venezuela’s crisis needs to become a defining moment that sparks a collective effort to resolve a

conflict that touches all citizens – not just the government or the opposition. The country has, in

the past, demonstrated the political maturity needed to establish common ground. It must do so

again. Gifted minds that prioritise the future over the past and can focus on the task at hand

rather than the losses suffered or the obstacles faced, will be the architects of that consensus. But

to create consensus, bridges first need to be built trough honest dialogue.

Overcoming polarisation is the most urgent task. Unfortunately, the conflict has left the country

void of honest brokers. Amid so much division, no single institution or individual is considered the

depository of righteousness. And at a time when such a figure is so essential, Venezuela lacks an

arbiter who loves our nation, understands its complexity and enjoys the deep knowledge of our

history needed to propose consensus-building formulas that would be acceptable to all. The

country is in dire need of a mediator whose work and deeds are inspired by a deeply felt

conviction to seek the best for all and to set us on a path to a better future. The delegation

dispatched to Caracas by the Union of South American Nations with the mission of promoting

dialogue is a start, but is far from enough.

Perhaps His Holiness Pope Francis and wise Vatican diplomacy could be Venezuela’s salvation.

Pope Francis could bring to a halt the nation´s destructive journey. Signs abound of his suitability

for such a role: from the internal messages he has sent to his representatives in the country, to his

expressions of concern over the violent turn that student protests have taken. “I beg all parties in

conflict to seek peace and understanding,” the Pope has said. “I call on all the Venezuelan people,

beginning with those with institutional and political responsibilities, to unite in seeking national

reconciliation through mutual pardon and sincere dialogue and respect for truth and justice as the

medium to achieve the common good”.

Opinions differ over who is responsible for what in Venezuela, or how things arrived at this

disastrous point. But what seems self-evident and unquestionable is that the status quo is

unsustainable. Both sides need to show good will by releasing all political prisoners, by ending all

street barricades, and by lowering all voices of confrontation. If the Vatican's diplomacy can

facilitate those initial steps, talks to reconcile Venezuelans around real solutions to profound

problems can begin -- which is what Pope Francis is praying for. Let's take his prayer to heart.