vasudha agrawal

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    A Project





    (Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Bachelor of

    Business Administration Program under Utkal University)




    Faculty Guide

    Corporate Guide



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    MANAGEMENT do here by declare that the project report PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL IN MOTHER CARE, KANIHA is being submitted by me and is the

    product of my own knowledge and effort. No part of this report has been

    submitted to anyone at time before. It is presented for the partial fulfillment

    of BBA 2008-11.

    It is for the academic purpose and it has not been published or

    presented anywhere else for the award of such degree.

    Date:- VASUDHA


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    I acknowledge my indebtness to my corporate guide Mr. RAMESH KUMAR PANDA for

    giving me the opputunity to work in their esteemed organization, and helping me to

    complete the project in a successful manner.

    I am obliged to my faculty guide Prof. SIPRA KARMAKAR for providing time, effort

    and most of all her patience in helping me for preparing the project report. I am

    also thankful to all the faculty members of our college for their kind cooperation

    with me to write this report.

    I feel immense pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. RAMESH

    KUMAR PANDA as an external guide whose expert guidance and deep knowledge

    help me to complete my project in this short span of time. I am also thankful to all

    the staff members of MOTHER CARE, KANIHA who extended their hands and

    cooperation directly or indirectly for successful completion of the training


    Last but not the least I am also thankful to my family members and friends for

    providing me moral support to do this project successfully.


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    1.1 Meaning of the study1.2 Objectives of the study1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Methodology1.5 Sources of data collection1.6 Limitation of the study

    Chapter-2Company Profile

    2.1 Brief history of the company2.2 Vision, Mission and objective of the company2.3 Organization structure & style of work of company2.4 Review of Literature

    Chapter- 3Research Methodology

    3.1 Methods of data collection3.2 Tool or technique used

    Chapter-4Data analysis & interpretation

    5.1 Data analysis5.2 Data interpretation


    6.1 Findings6.2 Suggestions6.3 Conclusion



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    Meaning of the Study


    Per formance may be def ined as the accompl i shment o f a g iven task measured against present standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed and to act in

    accord with the requirements or obligations of the organization.In other words i t i s the act of carrying out various act ivi t ies by the employees of an organization for the purpose of achieving the goals of the organization.

    APPRAISAL:I t i s the evaluat ion of worth, qual ity or meri t of the employees of an organizat ionover a period.


    Performance appraisal means systematic evaluation of the

    personality and performance of each employee by his superiors orsome other persons who are familiar with their performance. In

    other words, performance appraisal is a formal, structured system

    of measuring and evaluating an employees job related behaviors

    and outcomes to discover how the employee is presently

    performing and how he can perform effectively in the future. it is

    the development process for the appraisee where appraiser plays

    a very important role to enhance the capabilities of the appraise

    to achieve the expected levels of job performance for the whole

    unit/department/office/organization. It can focus every personsattention on the companys mission, vision, and values.

    Performance appraisal can be:

    1. Systematic:

    The appraisal is systematic when it evaluates al l performances in the samemanner, ut i l izing the same approaches so that appraisal of di f ferent persons

    is comparable.

    2. Objective:

    I t at tempts at accurate measurement of performance by trying to el iminate

    human biases and prejudices.Objectives of the study:-There are number of objectives behind this study which have shaped the need of

    this project through all stages off data collection, analysis and presentation. The

    present study has been undertaken within the following specific objectives:-

    To know about the organizational profile.

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    To know about the Performance Appraisal Management Process of Mother


    To evaluate its Performance Appraisal System.

    To give implemental suggestions those might be useful for the policy


    Significance of the Study:-

    Performance Appraisal of Mother Care is extremely vital. The efficient

    Performance Appraisal is required. So, it is found to be the ideal topic to

    study, analyze and search for a better Performance Appraisal management

    technique, which will help Mother Care to perform its functions in a more

    efficient manner.

    The data and information has been collected from the Mother Care Franchise

    Store, Kaniha as well as from the official website of Mother Care at

    Research Methodology:-

    The study is mainly based only on secondary data.

    The secondary data sources include the office manuals, internet website and

    class books.

    Data collections are subject to qualitative and quantitative in nature.

    Sources of Data Collection:-

    Annual Report of Mother Care

    Study Materials of Mother Care

    Internet Websites:


    Limitations of the study:-

    The geographical area under study was limited to Kaniha which led to the

    study`s focus to be confined only to Kaniha region.

    There is no scope for interviewing area managers and officers at the zonal

    and head office level which sometimes was felt essential while undertaking

    the study.

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    Company Profile

    Type Public (LSE: MTC)

    Industry Retail

    Founded 1961



    Cherry Tree Road, Watford,


    Key peopleIan Peacock(Chairmanof the board),

    Ben Gordon(CEO)

    Revenue 723.6 million (2009)


    income 37.2 million (2009)

    Profit 30.3 million (2009)

    Employees 7,715 (2009)

    Subsidiaries Early Learning Centre


    Mothercare plc (LSE: MTC) is aBritishretailerwhich specialises in products forexpectantmothersand in general merchandise for children up to 8 years old. It is listed on theLondon

    Stock Exchange and is a constituent of theFTSE 250 Index.
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    The Company was founded by the entrepreneurSelim Zilkha in 1961.It was first listed on the

    London Stock Exchange in 1972.

    In 1982 it merged withHabitatto form Habitat Mothercare plc and in 1986 Habitat Mothercare

    plc merged withBritish Home Storesto form Storehouse plc. It boughtChildren's WorldfromBoots in 1996, and rebranded all of their superstores Mothercare World stores. In 2000 the Bhs

    stores were sold toPhilip Green[3] and Storehouse reverted to the Mothercare brand.

    Mothercare agreed to buy theEarly Learning Centre(ELC) in April 2007 for 85 million.

    In 2007 Mothercare launchedGurgle, a pregnancy and parenting social networking website. In

    November 2009 Mothercare acquired the 50% of Gurgle that it did not already own.

    In July 2010, Mothercare bought the trademark and brand of privately owned rival Blooming



    The Company operates online, on thehigh streetand out of town, and in November 2009 had

    over 1,060 stores worldwide of which 389 were in the UK and 671 were abroad in 38 othercountries.

    Our aim is to build the Mothercare group into the world's leading specialist retailer of

    parenting and children's products. The acquisition of the Early Learning Centre in June 2007was a key step in the development of this proposition. The group's aspirations will be achieved


    developing innovative and exciting own-brand products under both theMothercare and Early Learning Centre brands;

    the best in class expertise and specialism of our staff; and

    the successful delivery of the growth strategy set out below.

    growth strategy

    The growth strategy of the Mothercare group is focused on four key levers that will deliver thepotential of the Mothercare and Early Learning Centre brands.

    maximising the synergies from the integration of the Early Learning Centre;'s_World_(toystore)'s_World_(toystore)
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    restructuring the combined Mothercare and Early Learning Centre propertyportfolio;

    continuing the rapid growth of Direct; and driving the international reach of the Mothercare and Early Learning Centre



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    Methods of Data Collection

    Data-collection techniques allow us tosystematically collect information about our objects of

    study (people, objects, phenomena) and about the settings in which they occur.

    In the collection of data we have to be systematic. If data are collected haphazardly, it will bedifficult to answer our research questions in a conclusive way.

    Example:During a nutrition survey three different weighing scales were used in three villages.

    The researchers did not record which scales were used in which village. After completion of the

    survey it was discovered that the scales were not standardised and indicated different weightswhen weighing the same child. It was therefore impossible to conclude in which village

    malnutrition was most prevalent.

    Various data collection techniques can be used such as:

    Using available information


    Interviewing (face-to-face)

    Administering written questionnaires

    Focus group discussions

    Projective techniques, mapping, scaling

    Method of data collection used

    Using available information

    Usually there is a large amount of data that has already been collected by others, although itmay not necessarily have been analysed or published. Locating these sources and retrieving the

    information is a good starting point in any data collection effort.

    For example, analysis of the information routinely collected by health facilities can be very

    useful for identifying problems in certain interventions or in flows of drug supply, or foridentifying increases in the incidence of certain diseases.

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    Analysis of health information system data, census data, unpublished reports and publications in

    archives and libraries or in offices at the various levels of health and health-related services,

    may be a study in itself. Usually, however, it forms part of a study in which other data collectiontechniques are also used.

    The use ofkey informants is another important technique to gain access to availableinformation. Key informants could be knowledgeable community leaders or health staff at

    various levels and one or two informative members of the target group (e.g., adolescents ontheir sexual behaviour). They can be involved in various stages of the research, from the

    statement of the problem to analysis of the data and development of recommendations. Other

    sources of available data are newspapers and publishedcase histories, e.g., patients sufferingfrom serious diseases, or their relatives, telling their experiences and how they cope.

    Note:In order to retrieve the data from available sources, the researcher will have to design an

    instrument such as a checklist or compilation sheet. In designing such instruments, it is

    important to inspect the layout of the source documents from which the data is to be extracted.

    For health information system (HIS) data, for example, the data compilation sheet should bedesigned in such a way that the items of data can be transferred in the order in which the items

    appear in the source document. This will save time and reduce error.

    The advantage of using existing data is that collection is inexpensive. However, it is sometimesdifficult to gain access to the records or reports required, and the data may not always be

    complete and precise enough, or too disorganised.

    Advantages and disadvantages of data collection method used


    Is inexpensive because data is already there.

    Permits examination of trends over the past.


    Data is not always easily accessible.

    Ethical issues concerning confidentiality may rise.

    Information may be imprecise or incomplete.


    BIAS in information collection is a distortion in the collected data so that it does not represent


    There are so many bias in collection of data but the bias which can occur in the research donehere with the help of specific data collection method is described below:-

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    Information bias:

    Sometimes the information itself has weaknesses. Medical records may have many blanks or be

    unreadable. This tells something about the quality of the data and has to be recorded. Forexample, in a TB defaulter study the percentage of defaulters with an incomplete or missing

    address should be calculated.

    Another common information bias is due to gaps in peoples memory; this is called memory or

    recall bias. A mother may not remember all details of her childs last diarrhoea episode and ofthe treatment she gave two or three months afterwards. For such common diseases it is

    advisable to limit the period of recall, asking, for example, Has your child had diarrhoea over

    the past two weeks?


    All these potential biases will threaten the validity and reliability of your study. By being aware

    of them it is possible, to a certain extent, to prevent them. If the researcher does not fullysucceed, it is important to report honestly in what ways the data may be biased.

    Data collection techniques and tools used:


    Data compilation forms.

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    Performance may be defined as the accomplishment of a

    given task measured against present standards of

    accuracy, completeness, cost and speed and to act in

    accord with the requirements or obligat ions of the


    In other words it is the act of carrying out various activities by the

    employees of an organization for the purpose of achieving the goals ofthe organization.


    It is the evaluation of worth, quality or merit of the employees of anorganization over a period.


    Performance appraisal means systematic evaluation ofthe personality and per formance o f each employee by h is

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    super iors or some o ther persons who are famil iar with the ir

    performance. In other words, performance appraisal is a formal, structured system of measuring and evaluating an employees job

    related behaviors and outcomes to discover how the employee is

    presently performing and how he can perform effectivel y in the is the development process for the appraisee where appraiser plays

    a very important role to enhance the capabili t ies of the appraise toach ieve the expec ted l evel s o f job per formance for the whole

    unit/department/off ice/organizat ion. I t can focus every persons

    attention on the companys mission, vision, and values.Performance appraisal can be:1. Systematic:

    The appraisal is systematic when it evaluates all performances inthe same manner, utilizing the same approaches so that appraisal of

    different persons is comparable.

    2. Objective:

    I t attempts at accurate measurement of performance by trying to

    eliminate human biases and prejudices.



    The important reasons for benefits which justi fy the existence of a

    system of performance appraisal in an enterprise are as under:

    A good system of performance appraisal helps the supervisor toevaluate the performance of his employees systematically and


    It also helps him to assign that work to individuals for which

    they are best suited.

    Per formance rat ing helps in guiding and correct ing o f


    The supervisor may use the results of rating for the purpose of

    constructively guiding employees in the efficient performanceof work.

    The ability of the staff can be recognized and can be

    adequately rewarded by giving them special increments.

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    Rating can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of training


    Weaknesses of employees are revealed by merit rating and the

    training programmers can be modified accordingly.

    Performance appraisal provides an incentive to the employeesto better their performance in a bid to improve their rating

    over others.

    Systematic appraisal wil l prevent grievances and developconfidence amongst the employees if they are convinced of the

    impartial basis of evaluation.

    The records of merit rating are available in permanent form to

    pro tect the management aga inst subsequen t charges o f

    d iscr iminat ion which might be leveled by the t rade unionleaders.


    Appraisal should be a continuing and ongoing process drawntogether by formal meetings at regular intervals that, usually, take

    place every six or twelve months.WHO DOES THE APPRAISAL?

    Generally the appraiser is the immediate superior of the man to be

    appraised. He is most familiar with the employees work and is incontact with him and so he is considered to be able to appraise him

    well. The method which is used to do the appraisal decides whoshould be the appraiser.


    All the employees of the organization are apprised.

    Appraise should:

    Have a clear picture of what is expected of them.

    Be able to discuss priorities. Gain a platform to remove confusion when overload occurs.

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    Receive feedback on their performance.

    Be heard and respected. Be offered constructive guidance on attaining agreed goals.

    Receive help in constructing personal development plans and

    Targets. Take ownership of their performance.


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    1. ESTABLISHING PERFORMANCE STANDARDSThe first step in the process of performance appraisal is the setting

    up of the standards which will be used to as the base to compare theactual performance of the employees. This step requires sett ing the

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    The result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with the

    employees on one-to-one basis. The focus of this discussion is oncommunication and l istening. The resul ts, the problems and the

    possible solutions are discussed with the aim of problem solving andreaching consensus. The feedback should be given with a positive

    attitude as this can have an effect on the employees future

    performance. The purpose of the meeting should be to solve theproblems faced and motivate the employees to perform better.


    The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be takeneither to improve the performance of the employees, take the requiredcorrect ive ac tions, or the related HR dec is ions l ike rewards ,

    promotions, demotions, transfers etc.



    Traditionally, performance appraisal has been used as just a method

    for determining and justifying the salaries of the employees. Than itbegan to be used a tool for determining rewards (a rise in the pay)

    and punishments (a cut in the pay) for the past performance of the

    employees.This approach was a past oriented approach which focused only on

    the past performance of the employees i .e. during a past specified

    period of t ime. This approach did not consider the developmentalaspects of the employee performance i.e. his training and development

    needs or career developmental possibilities. The primary concern of

    the traditional approach is to judge the performance of theorganization as a whole by the past performances of its employees.

    Therefore, this approach is also called as the overall approach. In1950s the performance appraisal was recognized as a complete

    system in itself and the Modern Approach to performance appraisal

    was developed.

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    The modern approach to performance development has made theperformance appraisal process more formal and structured. Now, the

    performance appraisal is taken as a tool to identify better performing

    employees from others, employees training needs, career development paths, rewards and bonuses and their promotions to the next levels.

    Appraisals have become a continuous and periodic activity in theorganizations. The results of performance appraisals are used to take

    various other HR decisions l ike promotions, demotions, transfers,

    training and development, reward outcomes. The modern approach to performance appraisals includes a feedback process that helps to

    strengthen the relationships between superiors and subordinates and

    improve communication throughout the organization. This recognizesemployees as individuals and focuses on their development.


    Unstructured appraisal

    Employee Ranking

    Forced Distribution

    Graphic Rating Scales

    Critical Incident Method


    Field Review

    Unstructured appraisal:

    Under this, the appraiser writes down his impression about the

    person being apprised in an unstructured way. However, in some

    organizations, comments are required to be grouped under specific

    headings such as quality of job performance, reasons for specific job behavior, personali ty trai ts, and development needs. This

    system is highly subjective and has gat i ts merit in i ts simplicity

    and is still in use especially in the small firms.

    Employee Ranking:

    Ranking is a simple process of placing employees in a

    rank according to their job performance. It permits

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    comparison of al l employees in any single rating group

    regardless of the type of work.

    All workers are judged on the same factors and they are rated on the

    overall basis with reference to their job performance instead of

    individual assessment of traits. In this way, the best is placed first inthe rank and the poorest occupies the last rank. The difficulty of this

    sys tem is that the rater i s asked to rank employees on certa indesirable traits. The other difficult with this method is that it does not

    indicate the degree of difference between the first man and the second

    man, and so on.

    Forced Distribution:

    Some appraisers suffer from a constant error,i.e, they either rate allworkers as excellent, average or poor. They fail to evaluate the poor,

    average or excellent employees clearly. This system is devised to forcethe appraiser to fit the employees being apprised into predetermined

    ranges o f sca le . Th is sys tem i s based on the presumpt ion tha t

    employees can be given equal ratings. This system is based on the presumption that employees can be divided into five points scale of

    outstanding, above average, average, below average and poor.

    This system is easy to understand and administer. the objective ofthis technique i s to spread out rat ings in the form of a normal

    distribution which is open to criticism.

    Graphic Rating Scales:

    The term used to define the oldest and most widely used performanceappraisal method. The evaluators are given a graph and asked to rate

    the employees on each o f the character is ti cs . The number o f

    characteristics can vary from one to one hundred. The rating can be amatrix of boxes for the evaluator to check off or a bar graph where

    the evaluator checked o ff a locat ion relat ive to the evaluatorsrating.The selection of factors to be measured on the graphic ratingscale is an important point under this system.

    These are of two types:i) Characteristics, such as initiative and dependability.

    ii) Contributions such as quantity and quality of work.

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    Critical Incident Method:

    The term used to describe a method of performance

    appraisal that made lists of statements of very effective

    and very ineffective behavior for employees. The l ists

    have been combined into categories, which vary with the

    job. Once the categor ies had been developed and

    statements of effective and ineffective behavior had been

    provided, the evaluator prepared a log for each

    employee. During the evaluation period, the evaluator

    recorded examples of critical behaviors in each of the

    categories, and the log has been use to evaluate the

    employee at the end of the evaluation period.

    Field Review:

    Under this method the supervisors are interviewed by an expert from

    the personnel department. The expert questions the supervisors toobtain all the pertinent information on each employee and takes notes.

    Thus there i s no rat ing form with factors or degree, but overall

    ratings are obtained. The workers are usually classif ied into threecategories as outstanding, satisfactory and unsatisfactory.

    The interviewer questions the supervisor about the requirements of

    each job in his unit and about the performance of each man in his job.The supervisor is required to give his opinion about the progress of

    his subordinates, the level of the performance of each subordinate, his

    weakness, good points, outstanding abili ty, promotabili ty, and thepossible plans of action in cases requiring further consideration.

    This method relieves the supervisors of the tedious writing work of filling in appraisal forms. It also ensures a greater likelihood that the

    supervisors will give adequate attention to the appraisals because the

    personnel department largely controls the process.


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    Management by Objectives:

    It was Peter Ducker who proposed goal setting approach

    to performance appraisal which he called Management

    by Objectives and Self Control.The management by objectives performance appraisal

    method has the supervisor and employee get together to

    set object ives in quantifiable terms. The appraisal

    method has worked to eliminate communication problems

    by the establishment of regular meetings, emphasizing

    results, and by being an ongoing process where new

    objectives have been established and old objectives had

    been modified as necessary in light of changedconditions.

    MBO process:

    -set organizational goals.

    -define performance target.-performance review

    -feed back.

    Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales (BARS):

    It is designed to identify the critical areas of

    performance for a job, and to describe the more effective

    and less ef fect ive job behavior for getting results.

    Performance is evaluated by asking the rater to record

    specific observable job behaviors of an employee and

    then to compare these observations with a behaviorally

    anchored rating scale.

    This rating method combines elements of the Traditional

    Rating Scales and Critical Incident Method

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    The term used to describe a performance rating that

    focused on specific behaviors or sets as indicators of

    effective or ineffect ive performance, rather than on

    broadly stated adject ives such as "average, above

    average, or below average". Other variations were:

    Behavioral observation scales

    Behavioral expectations scales

    Numerically anchored rating scales

    360 degree performance appraisal:

    360 degree feedback is the most comprehensive and

    costly type of appraisal . It includes self ratings, peer

    review, and upward assessments; feedback is sought

    from everyone. It gives people a chance to know how

    they are seen by others; to see their skills and style; and

    may improve communications between people.

    It is the most comprehensive appraisal where the

    feedback about the employees performance comes

    from all the sources that come in contact with theemployee on his job.

    360 degree feedback helps by bringing out every aspect

    of an employee's l ife. Cooperation with people outside

    their department, helpfulness towards customers and

    vendors, etc. may not be rewarded by other types of

    appraisal. This system also helps those who have

    conflicts with their manager.

    360 degree feedback general ly has high employee

    involvement and credibil ity; may have the strongest

    impact on behavior and performance; and may greatly

    increase communication and shared goals. It provides

    people with a good all-around perspective.

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    360 degree feedback may be given direct ly to the

    employees, who have the option of discussing them with

    their managers; or it may be given to the managers for

    use in a feedback meeting. Whichever method is chosen,

    training for the managers and rates is necessary.

    Its Four integral components-

    a) Self Appraisal

    b) Superiors Appraisalc) Subordinates Appraisal

    d) Peer Appraisal


    Performance appraisal serves over a dozen different

    organizational purposes:

    Providing feedback to employees about their performance

    Facilitating Promotion Decisions

    Facilitating Layoff or Downsizing Decisions

    Encouraging Performance Improvement

    Motivating Superior Performance

    Setting and Measuring Goals Counseling Poor Performers

    Determining Compensation Changes

    Encouraging Coaching and Mentoring

    Supporting Manpower Planning

    Determining Individual Training and Development Needs

    Determining Organizational Training and DevelopmentNeeds

    BENEFITS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL :For the individual, performance appraisal is an

    opportunity to: -

    understand your role and achieve c lari ty in terms o f what i s

    expected of you.

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    gai n feedback of their perf ormance, and recognize good

    performance. identify your strengths and how they could be best utilized

    plan your development with the support of the organization

    improve your working relationships receive support to overcome any difficulties

    For the organization, performance appraisal is an opportunity to: -

    communicate organizational plans and objectives

    agree key targets for employees support improvements in performance

    develop potential

    help employees to overcome difficulties receive feedback which may help to improve organizat ional


    Performance Appraisal in mothercare

    [Performance Management System]

    Philosophy of Performance Management System

    To build a culture of performance by aligning individual and organizationalobjectives and encouraging open communication and continuous feedback.


    To accomplish the overall organizational vision and missionby linking individualperformance to company objectives

    To cascade companys strategic goals to individual level To promote professional excellence

    To encourage two-way communication between theexecutive and the reporting officer and bring abouttransparency in the performance assessment process

    To translate future skill requirements of the organizationinto individual development plans

    To identify high performers and recognize them throughrewards and incentives, and

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    PMS Cycle(PACE)


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    PMS Calender

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    PMS ProcessThe PMS process is broadly divided into the following stages

    Performance Planning

    Mid Year Review

    Annual Assessment Normalization

    Feedback, Coaching and Counseling

    Performance PlanningPerformance Planning is the process of:

    Defining expectations i.e. the work to be done, theresults/targets to be achieved and skills/competenciesneeded to achieve these objectives

    Setting Measures and Targets, determining prioritiesand weight ages of results to be achieved

    Identifying and allocating appropriate resources (such asmanpower, tools, training, budget etc.) to enable theexecutive to achieve the targets

    While defining work objectives and measures, it is necessaryto ensure that:

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    Goals/ Targets/ Objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable,

    Agreed, Realistic and Time bound)

    Agreement on mutually agreeable and achievableperformance targets is arrived at after sufficient discussionbetween reporting officer and executive has taken place.

    Mid Year Review Performance management is not an event but an ongoing process. Mid yearreviews help in the following ways:

    Updating the status of targets i.e. progress review

    Identifying areas for mid-course correction

    Revisiting KPAs and goals, if necessary

    Assessing resource and skill requirements affecting theindividuals performance

    Discussion and feedback on functional competencies,managerial competencies,

    potential competencies and core values actualization

    Providing early warnings of non-performance, i.e. avoidingyear end surprises

    Annual AssessmentThe objectives of Annual Assessment are to:

    Discuss and arrive at an assessment of performance with respect to agreed targets

    Assess the competencies, potential and core values actualization by the individualNormalizationThe objectives of the Normalization System in PMS are to:

    Ensure parity and integrity by minimizing variation in ratingby different reporting officers across various departmentsand locations

    Enhance objectivity and transparency in the appraisalsystem

    To view individual performance from the perspective of

    organizational achievement.Feedback, Coaching and CounselingTo enhance development orientation, reinforce good performance on time and

    provide guidance to individuals across the organization; feedback, coaching andcounseling are provided.

    Communicating the final performance results of the executive and providing

    Developmental feedback are critical to this process.

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    The PMS FormThe PMS form is divided into seven parts

    1. Performance Planning and Assessment (Part -I)a) Dashboard of Key Performance Areas (KPAs) (Part IA)

    b) Details of KPA (Part IA)c) Mid Year Review (Part IB)d) Revised KPAs (in case of change during mid-year review) (Part IC)

    2. Competency Assessment (Part-II)a) Functional/ Technical Competencies (Part IIA)

    b) Managerial Competencies (Part IIB)

    3. Core Values (Part-III)4. Potential Competencies (Part-IV)

    5. Special Achievements (Part V)

    6. Total Marks (Part VI)

    7. Individual Training and Development Plan (Part-VII)Submission of PMS forms after Mid-year Review

    After completion of Mid-year Review, the completed PMS forms shall be

    submitted to the concerned HR by the reporting officer within the deadlines set inthe calendar.

    Normalization Process

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    Feedback & Communication

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    FeedbaExecutive promoted during the year:

    a. Executives promoted during the assessment year would be issued new

    PMS forms, if promotion is accompanied by change in role-band orchange of job responsibility or transfer.

    b. If an executive is promoted within the same role band and continues to

    remain in the same department under the same reporting officer with

    substantially the same responsibilities and KPAs, then the existing PMSformat will continue to be used. At the end of the year, he is assessed on

    the same KPAs and the total score for normalisation purpose is also

    derived from it.

    The executive will be normalised in the cluster applicable after promotion.

    If some responsibilities are added as a result of promotion, the same canbe incorporated in the PMS format during

    Furthermore, the executive will be normalised in a cluster as per his new

    grade and function.

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    The total score for the year would be calculated using the same 3-month

    minimum service principle.

    The respective HR departments have to ensure that PMS forms are filled and

    signed off if an executive has served for a minimum period of 3 months either inthe location or under a particular reporting officer or within a role band. The

    release order for the executive/reporting officer will be issued subject to thefulfilment of this.

    Thereafter, HR needs to coordinate with the other HR departments where theexecutive has been transferred to communicate the proportionate weightage of

    total score to be used for calculating the final score.

    Audit of PMS


    To achieve the objectives of the PMS, an audit procedure has been put in place to

    ensure that all users follow PMS guidelines consistently.

    Role of Audit Team

    The audits are to be carried out on a sample basis across plants, regions

    Corporate Centre using the format provide in the annexure.

    Area Audit Team Report Submitted to

    Mother care Head of O&M

    Head of HR

    Head of HR for the

    respective Region

    Regions Head of OS

    Head of P&S/P&M Head of HR

    Corporate HRD

    Corporate Centre Nominated member from Corporate

    Nominated member from HR

    All nominated members will not be

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    Corporate HRD


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    From the analysis of the responds of the employees regarding the

    performance appraisal system, we arrive at t he following conclusions:

    That all the employees at the organizat ion are aware of the

    performance appraisal system present in the organization andthey deem i t necessary for assessing the performance of the

    executives. The appraisal system followed in the organization is

    sat is factory as far as i ts employees are concerned and i sconcerned as a useful proposition for the employees.

    In short, each and every employee in the organization posses an

    overal l pos it ive v iew towards the sys tem o f per formanceappraisal.

    The performance appraisal as designed and fol lowed by the

    organization satisfies all those objectives for which the whole

    system of appraisal has been conceptualized.

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    That the system of appraisal enhances the relationship between

    the appraiser and appraisee through mutual trust, performance

    review discussion, sharing the views and ideas etc.

    Almost all the employees in the organization hold the view thatthe appraisal system practiced by the organization reflects the

    performance of the appraisee, whether good or bad, and sharing

    the results with the appraisee helps to enhance the performanceof the employee in future.

    Practicing appraisal system by the organization helps to boost

    up the performance of the employees which in turn results in thesuccess of the organization.

    Whereas the appra isal sys tem i s very much use fu l for i ts

    employees as it provides the appraisee the opportunity for self

    rev iew, expressing h is development needs, d iscovering h is po tent ia l and focus ing c lear ly on h is own s trengths and

    weaknesses. The appraisal system followed by the organizationis mainly directed towards evaluating the performance

    personality traits and managerial ski lls and ident i fying the

    training needs of the employees.

    As according to the employees of the organization themanagement is serious about undertaking the appraisal of the

    employees but they do not give the requisite consideration to the

    f indings as obtained by the appraisal programme. Neither dothey fol low up seriously the training needs ident i fied during

    appraisal nor do they conduct the performance review discussion

    with care. Worsening the system is the fact that no sui tablerewards or benefits are given to those employees who excel in

    their work and g ives a bet ter performance as compared toothers. This reduces the enthusiasm of the employee and which

    affects their working state of mind.

    The employees of the organization do prefer the open system of

    appraisal as against the confidential system of appraising theappraisee by the appraiser.

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    A big and successful organization such as mother care attributes

    its success to i ts effective and efficient employees possessing

    high caliber and giving performance as per expectations.

    The employees of mother care are more responsible towardstheir organization. To maintain the efficiency of the employees

    and to motivate and encourage them, the organization needs to

    keep track to their employees and one of the ways is to appraisethe performance of the employees.

    Although the organization has a well designed appraisal system

    which is fruitful for the organization, certain drawbacks of themanagements reduces the effectiveness of the organization. The

    main drawbacks of the organizat ion are i ts casual att itude

    towards the post-appraisal system and the absence of 360 degreePerformance appraisal system.


    The organization can include the following suggestions:

    Ensure frequent two-way communication

    Mutually agree upon goals

    Evaluate its own performance first

    Document performance between appraisal meetings

    Preparation and assumptions of the executives discussion

    Ask for executives opinion

    Present its assessment openly, clearly and rationally

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    Focus on performance, not personality

    Introduce 360 degree performance appraisal system.


    Annual Report of Mother Care

    Study Materials of Mother Care

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