Vasoactive Agents in Emergency Care

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  • 8/12/2019 Vasoactive Agents in Emergency Care


    Vasoactive Agents

    in Emergency Care

    Susan P. Torrey, M.D., FACEP

    Baystate Medical Center

    Tufts University School of Medicine

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    Vasopressors for shock

    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

    The current available evidence is not

    suited to inform clinical practice.

    Mullner, et al. 2005

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    Adrenergic receptor


    1adrenergic receptors

    1adrenergic receptors

    2adrenergic receptors

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    Adrenergic receptor


    1adrenergic receptors

    vasoconstriction of many vascular beds

    smooth muscle in arterioles

    skin, mucosa, skeletal muscle, kidneys not cerebral and cardiac

    positive inotropic response in myocardium

    with little effect on heart rate

    norepinephrine, epinephrine, +/- dopamine

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    vascular beds

    Heart and brain (without -receptors)

    blood flow as MAP increases

    Gut and kidney (with -receptors)

    blood flow as MAP to some minimal level then vasoconstriction gut and renal ischemia

    Two primary principles of vasopressor use

    a minimal MAP is imperative (MAP 65)

    excessive vasopressors vital organ


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    Adrenergic receptor


    1adrenergic receptors

    predominant adrenergic receptor in


    positive inotropic and chronotropic response

    dobutamine, isoproterenol, epinephrine

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    Adrenergic receptor


    2adrenergic receptors

    vasodilation in muscles (bronchial, uterine)

    terbutaline (bronchodilator, tocolytic)

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    Effects of adrenergic agents

    vasopressor 1 2 1 expected effects

    Dopamine ++ + ++ CI,MAP,SVR

    Dobutamine +++ + + CI, -/ MAP

    Isoproterenol +++ +++ 0 HR

    Norepinephrine ++ 0 +++ MAP, SVR

    Epinephrine +++ ++ +++ CI, MAP

    Phenylephrine 0 0 +++ MAP, SVR

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    Dose-dependent stimulation Low-dose (< 5 g/kg/min)

    dopaminergic receptors

    Moderate dose (5-10 g/kg/min)

    1stimulationcardiac output

    High dose (> 10 g/kg/min)


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    Expect MAP of ~ 25%

    Adverse effects

    tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias

    vasoconstriction-induced myocardialischemia

    splanchnic perfusion multiple organ


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    Potent nonselctive - and mild -stimulation cardiac contractile force

    +/- heart rate

    cardiac-filling pressure

    Indications decompensated CHF

    with norepinephrine if CI 3 L/min/m2

    Dosage: 220 g/kg/min

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    Potent - and -agonist vasoconstriction MAP

    contractility and heart rate cardiac output

    Indicationsfor low cardiac output states

    cardiovascular resuscitation


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    Potent 1and 1agonist with little 2activity stimulation vasoconstriction

    1effects balanced by reflex activity little

    effect on heart rate and cardiac output


    an excellent vasopressor

    Dosage: 0.530 g/min

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    Selectively stimulates 1receptors vasoconstriction SVR

    as BP increases, vagal reflexes heart rate

    Pure -adrenergic agentno inotropy distributive shock often cardiac depression

    restoring MAP without inotropy C.O.

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    Indications anesthesia-induced hypotension

    spinal shock

    useful with tachycardia

    arrhythmias with other vasopressors

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    Potent nonselective activity inotropic and chronotropic effects CO


    temporary treatment of bradycardia

    overdrive pacing for torsade de pointes

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    Antidiuretic hormone V2receptors on renal tubules water


    An important stress hormone

    V1receptors on vessels vasoconstriction

    V3receptors in pituitary ACTH production

    BP only with relative hypovolemia

    SIADH does not cause hypertension

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    Indications catecholamine resistance in sepsis

    cardiac arrest unresponsive to epinephrine

    may be useful for irreversible shock


    Shock0.01 to 0.05 U/min by infusion

    ACLS40 U as IV bolus

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    Push-dose Pressors

    Phenylephrine In 3mlsyringe, draw up 1mlfrom vial 10mg/ml

    Inject this into 100mlbag normal saline

    Thus 100mlphenylephrine of 100g/ml

    Draw solution into syringe; each ml = 100g

    Dose: 0.52 ml every 2-5 min (50200 g)


    Draw 9mlof NS into 10mlsyringe

    Add 1 ml of 1:10,000 epinephrine (100g/ml)

    Thus 10 ml of epi at 10 g/ml

    Dose: 0.52 ml every 2-5 min (520 g)

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    Case #1

    50-year-old man with urticaria after bee-sting.

    VS: 78/40, 130, 26, 90% O2

    Rx: epinephrine 0.3 mg SQ and

    diphenhydramine 50 mg IM

    continued hypotension with confusion

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    Epinephrine 0.30.5 mg (0.30.5 ml of 1:000) SQ absorption slowgive IM

    marked vasoconstrictionurticaria

    -blocker controversy

    epi less effectivegive more

    unopposed -effectgive less

    U i

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    to IM epinephrine

    More epinephrine

    Push-dose epinephrine (100gover 5-10 min)

    IV infusion0.5 to 1.0 g/min up to 10 g/min


    15 mgIV over 5 min

    then 515 g/min infusion

    Vasopressin ?

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    Vasopressin ?

    Schummer Anesth Analg2008

    Six cases of anesthesia-induced anaphylaxis,

    unresponsive to epinephrine and fluids, had

    prompt hemodynamic stabilization aftervasopressin (28 U).

    Helpful even in patients on -blockers.

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    Case #2

    70-year-old woman with altered mental status.

    PMH: CAD with CHF, HTN, dementia

    VS: 80/48, 110, 22, 100.8, 88% O2Labs: WBC, BUN/Cr, CO2, pyuria

    remains hypotensive despite 2 liters NS IV

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    Current Rx of septic shock

    Aggressive fluid resuscitation 4 - 6 liters of crystalloid (or colloid)

    Vasopressors to support BP (MAP 65mmHg)

    Dopamine or norepinephrine initially

    Adjuncts to therapy early antibiotics

    Corticosteroid ?

    Activated protein C ??

    Dellinger Surviving Sepsis Campaign Crit Care Med 2008

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    The Evidence

    Annane Lancet 2007

    prospective, randomized, double-bind study

    330 patients with septic shock from France

    epinephrineor norepinephrine plus dobutamine titrated to MAP 70mmHg

    no difference in 28-day mortality or safety

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    The Evidence

    Morelli Crit Care 2008

    prospective, randomized, controlled study

    32 patients with septic shock from Rome

    MAP < 65mmHgdespite adequate fluid norepinephrineor phenylephrinefor MAP 65-75

    over initial 12 hours, no differences in:

    cardiopulmonary performance

    global oxygen transport regional hemodynamics

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    The Evidence

    Myburgh In tens ive Care Med 2008

    Prospective, double-blind, randomized

    280 patients from Australia

    norepinehrineor epinephrinefor MAP 70mmHg no difference to achieve MAP goal or mortality

    Epinephrine had significant but transient metabolic

    effectswithdrawal of 13% epinephrine group

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    The Evidence

    DeBacker Lancet 2010

    Randomized trial of 1679 patients with shock

    either dopamine(to 20g/kg/min) or

    norepinephrine (up to 0.19g/kg/min)

    no difference in rate of death at 28 days

    more arrhythmias in dopamine group (24% vs 12%)

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    Initial choice of vasopressor

    With cardiac index 3.0 L/min/m2 Norepinephrine is first choice

    Phenylephrine, if brief and no cardiac dysfunction

    With cardiac index < 3.0 L/min/m2

    need more inotropic support


    Norepinephrine plus dobutamine

    Another possibility


    Kellum Curr Opin Crit Care 2002

    If high dose vasopressors

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    If high-dose vasopressors

    arent enough?

    Addition of vasopressin may augmentvasopressor treatment in septic shock

    Patel Anesth 2002

    24 patients with severe septic shock on high-

    dose norepinephrine

    randomized and blinded to either more norepi or

    vasopressin (0.010.08 U/min)

    Baseline norepinephrine infusion signficantly

    reduced in vasopressin group

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    The Evidence

    Russell N Engl J Med 2008

    Multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial

    778 patients with septic shock receiving norepi

    received either norepinephrine(5-15g/min) orlow-dose vasopressin(0.01-0.03 U/min)

    no significant difference in 28-day mortality or

    rates of serious adverse events

    In less severe septic shock (norepi < 15 g/min),mortality was lower in vasopressin group (26% vs


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    Case #3

    70-year-old man collapses at home

    v. fib arrest.After full pre-hospital ACLS

    asystole on arrival in ED

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    Vasopressin in ACLS

    2010 ACLS guidelines pulseless arrest (v. fib, v. tach or asystole) Epinephrine 1 mg IV Q 35 min, or

    Vasopressin 40 U as IV bolus x 1

    to replace first or second dose epi

    European recommendation 1 mg epinephrine alternate 40 U

    vasopressin and 1 mg epinephrine Q 3 min

    Krismer Crit Care Med 2004 (Wenzel, et al. in Austria)

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    The Evidence

    Wenzel N Engl J Med 2004

    - double-blind, prospective, randomized, controlled

    - compared epinephrineand vasopressin

    similar for v. fib. and PEAvasopressin better for asystole

    - epinephrine more effective after vasopressin ?

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    Vasopressin in ACLS

    Wenzel N Engl J Med 2004

    Vaso Epi

    % Survival to Hospital Admit

    Ventricular fibrillation 46 43

    PEA 33 30

    Asystole 29 20

    % Survival to Discharge

    Asystole 4.7 1.5

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    The Evidence

    Aung Arch Intern Med 2005

    - meta-analysis of 1519 patients with cardiac arrest

    from 5 randomized controlled trials

    - No clear advantage of vasopressin over epi

    - ACLS should not recommend vasopressin in

    resusvitation protocols until moredata

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    The Evidence

    Gueugniaud New Engl J Med 2008

    multicenter randomized trial

    2894 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients

    epinephrine/vasopressinvs epinephine combination of drugs was not superior for:

    survival to hospital (20.7% vs. 21.3%)

    survival to discharge (1.7% vs. 2.3%)

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    Case #4

    48-year-old man with upper GI bleed.

    PMH: cirrhosis

    VS: 70/50, 120, 24, 98% O2

    Despite aggressive Rx hypotension persists

    Intractable hypotension in

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    Intractable hypotension in

    late-phase hemorrhagic shock

    Vasopressin for

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    Vasopressin for

    irreversible shock

    69-year-old man in MVA with extensive injury

    - received crystalloid, colloid, hypertonic saline

    - hemorrhagic shock2.5 mg epinephrine- asystole arrest40 U vasopressin + CPR

    - v. fibrillationdefib with 200 J

    - stable BP x 20 minutes (CT and to OR)- retroperitoneal hemorrhage uncontrolled

    Haas (Wenzel) J Trauma 2004

    Vasopressin for

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    Vasopressin for

    irreversible shock

    Vasopressin for

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    Vasopressin for

    irreversible shock

    Epinephrinedecreased effectiveness hypercapnic acidosis


    Vasopressin better than epinephrine better vasopressor during severe acidosis

    ? inhibition of nitric oxide vasodilation

    blood from muscle, and gut heart and brain

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    Use norepinephrine, if you need it Add dobutamineif need inotropic help

    Dopamine is rarely enough

    When all else fails, try epinephrine

    Watch vasopressin