varietal performance of okra in chitwan nepal



okra is major vegetable crop in nepal and south asia during spring season. it is rich in fibres and other minerals beneficial for human health.

Transcript of varietal performance of okra in chitwan nepal


abstract:With the view to evaluate the yields of different okra varieties under different fertilizers treatments, a field experiment was conducted in the name of PROJECT WORK by sowing seeds directly. The experiment was conducted at vegetable Farm of IAAS (Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science), Rampur, Chitwan. The okra was cultivated on 13th of chaitra 2070 and was harvested from 4th Jestha 2071. The whole field was divided into 72 plots each plot measuring 2x1.4m2. The average yield of Arka Anamika is found to be 2.55ton per ha and that of hybrid line US7109 is found to be 3.09ton per ha.

INTRODUCTION:Okra:Abelmoschus esculentus, known aslady's fingers,bhindi,gumbo or Ramtoria, is aflowering plantof the malvaceae family. It is valued for itsedible green pods. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters ofSouth Asian,EthiopianandWest Africanorigins. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world. Arka Anamika is interspecific hybrid between Abelmoschus esculentus (IIHR20-31) x A. manihot followed by backcross with A. tetraphyllus (Resistant to YVMV). Purple pigments are present on both sides of the petal base and green stem are seen with purple shad. The fruits are lush green, long and tender which are borne in two flushes and first flushes are ready to harvest in 45-50 days. During the first flush, fruits are borne on the main stem and during second flush, fruits are borne on the middle portion of the main stem.Fruits are free from spines and have 5-6 ridges. Delicate aroma is present in this variety. It is open pollinated -hybrid type variety with tall medium plant vigor. The fruits are with length 15-20 cm. It is medium branching variety. It is tropical sown vegetable for which, well drained and deep soil is ideal. Optimum temperature of 25-300C is needed for its proper performance. Planting times varies largely and may be Feb-March/ June-July/ Oct-Nov. For the summer season crop, spacing of 60*30 cm2 is recommended and for kharif season, 60*45 cm2 is ideal. Arka anamika has good keeping and cooking qualities. This variety is found to be tolerant to Yellow vein Mosaic Virus. The duration of this variety is of 130-135 days. It gives yield up to 10-12 ton per ha when properly managed during cultivation.Objectives1. To gain knowledge on layout and practice on it.2. To sharpen our skills and techniques in OKRA cultivation.3. To analyze the yield of different OKRA varieties on different nutrient treatments. We were assigned to cultivate okra in the field and to carry out each and every activities right from the seed sowing to its harvesting. The main purpose of our project work is to have a yield analysis under various treatments of nutrient.Methodology:The first work assigned for us was to gather all the information about cultivation practices of okra. The following activities gives about idea of methods carried to carry our project work:-1. Group formationSix groups were formed out of 58 students. All groups comprising of nearly equal number of students. Ours was first group comprising of ten students.2. Field layout Our site of operation was at the vegetable farm. Firstly we were allowed to clear land and make it clean. Thereafter land was ploughed and prepared for final sowing. Each group was assigned with single varietal plot. Dimension of different plots were as follows:Total Area of the field = 22.1 X 17.5 m2 = 386.75m2Area of a single plot within varietal plot = 140 cm X 200 cm (2.8 m2)No. of rows within a plot= 5R-R distance = 40 cm P-P distance= 20cm Gaps between two plots of same variety = 30 cmGaps between two varietal plots of same replication= 50cmGaps between two replication= 1m

3. Treatments selection and replication Total no. of replication=3Treatment:a) Varietal treatment: Arka anamika and NS series (US7109)b) Fertilizers treatment: It is shown as followsFYM: 20ton/ha (i.e. 5.5 kg/2.8m2)Doses of different fertilizers

Nitrogen (kg/ha)Phosphorus (kg/ha)Potassium (kg/ha)

40 (N1)30 (P1)30 (K1)

60 (N2)60 (P2)60 (K2)

80 (N3)--

Total fertilizers treatment obtained as: N1P1K1, N1P1K2, N1P2K1, N1P2K2, N2P1K1, N2P1K2, N2P2K1, N2P2K2, N3P1K1, N3P1K2, N3P2K1 and N3P2K24. Field operationsField preparation: Firstly the field was selected in vegetable farm, ploughed with disc plough and the weeds were removed. Well rotten FYM was sprayed on the field and Kuto and kodalo was used to prepare the well pulverized field. After the field was well pulverized, made mixed with manure and free from weedSeed sowing: Seed sowing was done by dibbling method. 2 seeds per hole/spot were inserted and covered with thin layers of soil. Row to Row distance was 40 cm and Plant to Plant distance was 20 cm.Fertilizers application: FYM was applied @ 20ton/ha (5.5 kg/2.8m2or per small plot). Similarly 12 different treatments of NPK were applied as mentioned above and amount for each treatment was calculated accordingly.DAP: P1= 20gP2= 40gMOP: K1= 15gK2= 30gUrea: N1 with P1= 18gN1 with P2= 11g N2 with P1= 30gN2 with P2= 23g N3 with P1=43gN3 with P2= 35gIrrigation: Irrigation was done as per need generally once in week. Weeding: Three weeding was done manually with kutto and kodalo and single earthing up was done. Chemicals and pesticide application: We dont apply Insecticides and micronutrients ourselves rather it was applied by farm assistants as recommended by project supervisor. Harvesting: Harvesting was done manually at commercial maturity at one day interval and altogether nine picking was done.

Date wise sequence of activities:S.N.DateActivities

12070-12-12Field layout

22070-12-13Manure (FYM) application

32070-12-13Seed bed preparation

42070-12-13Seed sowing

52071-01-08First weeding was carried

62071-01-13Gap filling by seeds was done

72071-01-22Second weeding and earthing up

82071-02-3Third weeding

92071-02-04Harvesting was started and nine consecutive picking was carried out at one day interval

ObservationMost of the plants were affected by Yellow vein mosaic virus and insect attack was also seen higher at the later time. For yield analysis we weigh the weight of okra of each plot after each picking. The average yield of each fertilizers treatment was found as:

S. NTreatment Average yield (ton/ha)

Average yield of variety: Arka anamika=2.556ton/ha

Average yield of variety: US7109=3.099ton/ha



3N1P2K 12.634










Result of ANOVA:As per the analysis of project supervisor Mr. Rambabu Neupane the values of ANOVA parameters were found as:Probability () = 0.1Ftabulated for fertilizer treatments (11, 22) = 1.8817Fcalculated for fertilizer treatment (11, 22) = 0.6522Result: Non-significant for fertilizer treatmentsFtabulated for varietal treatment (1, 2) = 8.5263Fcalculated for varietal treatment (1, 2) = 11.1428Result: Significant for varietal treatment

InterpretationFrom the result of ANOVA, there is no significant effect of different fertilizer combinations in Okra yield. But N3P1K2 fertilizer combination gives the highest yield and yield is minimal for N3P2K2 combination. This result shows that okra varieties are neutral to different fertilizers combination but this logic is not valid scientifically. Thus, it seems that the experimental plots were already rich in nutrients concerned in the experiment. Hence, there is no significant effect of added nutrients combination to the crop yield.The ANOVA shows significant result for different varietal treatment. The hybrid US7109 is superior to improved variety Arka anamika for yield and disease resistant. It is due to the fact that hybrids have higher yield potential than improved and local varieties. They are also less susceptible to diseases and insect pests. Thus, the hybrid US7109 is more suited to existing environment of Rampur than Arka anamika.ConclusionOkra is well thriving crop in dry conditions as well. The adaptability of Okra has made it favorable for cultivation on different time seasons and different locations. Arka Anamilka is a inter-specific hybrid which has good yield performance and is supposed to be tolerent to the Yellow vein mosaic virus. Though the variety was attacked by yellow vein mosaic virus the yield performance of this variety is much appraisable. Within the 60-70 days of its production, we were able to obtain the average yield of 2.5 tons per ha which might go higher since the economic yield can be taken up to 90-100 days too. The more severe loss in yield was due to the Mosaic virus which seriously devastated the yield.

References : Krishi Diary,2071. Agriculture information and communication center, Hariharbhawan Kathmandu, Nepal Vegetable farming technology,2068, Agribusiness promotion and statistics Division, ministry of agriculture and co-operatives, Singha Durbar, Nepal Bhendi- Kerla agriculture information center: Shakya,santaman. Lecture notes on vegetable crops production and spices for B.Sc. Ag. 4th semester.