Varied cultures of asia

Varied cultures of Asia Cultures and Traditons

Transcript of Varied cultures of asia

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Varied cultures of AsiaCultures and Traditons

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Which cultures we will Study?

1. Korean2. Chinese3. Malaysian4. Japanese

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Firstly, what is Culture??

The ideas, customs, and social behavior of particular people or a society is generally known as culture.

A culture is a way of life of a group of people.

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Introducing Korea!

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Where is Korea Located?Korea is located on the continent of Asia. Can

you find Asia on the world map?

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About the Culture of


ClothingFoodSportsReligious BelievesEducationOccupations


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What kind of clothing is worn in Korea?

A traditional dress for a woman is called a hanbok.

A hanbok has a short jacket called a jeogori and a long skirt called a chima.

Can you point out the jeogori and chima in the photograph?



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Men also wore a jeogori, but theirs is much longer.

Men wore baggy pants, which were comfortable to wear when farming and sitting on the floor.

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Traditional HanbokThe Upper class

wore lots of red, yellow, blue, black

These represent- fire, earth, water, metal, and wood

Commoners wore white except for festivals and special occasions

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Male Hanbok

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FOOD:What kind of food is eaten in


In Korea, rice is eaten with almost every meal. Sometimes it is mixed with vegetables or meats.

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Another food that is eaten with almost every meal in Korea is called kimchi. Kimchi is a spicy food made of vegetables. Many times cabbage is used to make kimchi, but sometimes other vegetables are used.

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Korean Food

Korean food consists of many small dishes usually a variety of vegetables and plenty of rice.

At times meat will be served that’s usually marinated and is usually called Korean BBQ.

Koreans also enjoy several types of fish. Traditionally, Koreans sit on the floor and eat with


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Famous Dishes Bibimbap- plenty of

vegetables including bean sprouts, spinach, mushrooms, cucumbers, onions, carrots, and a fried egg

Korean chicken ginseng soup- to cool & rejuvenate the body during summer

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What kinds of sports are played in Korea?

Koreans enjoy many of the same sports we do. Baseball for example is very popular. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, even has three baseball teams!

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There are also many interesting traditional Korean games. You may have heard of tae kwon do, which is a type of martial arts. Many people in Korea enjoy tae kwon do.

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Another traditional Korean past time is kite flying. Many Koreans enjoy flying kites, not just children. Many people fly kites on special holidays.

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III. Beliefs & Values Korea is religiously very diverse23% of Koreans are Buddhist 29% are ChristianMany Koreans do not officially have a

religion however, they have many morals mostly originating from Confucianism

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Buddhist Temples Buddhism culturally

diffused from China in 527 BC and was adopted by the Shilla kingdom

Several temples are built throughout Korea and differ based on the sect of Buddhism practiced

Some temples display prayer flags to remind people why they made a journey to the temple

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Buddhism & the Dharma WheelThe major beliefs in

Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths and the Eight fold Path

The wheel or dharma wheel represents the path of Buddhism

The eight spokes represent the right behaviors or Eight fold Path to reach nirvana

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Christianity About 18% of Koreans

are Protestant consisting mostly of Presbyterian and Methodist, introduced in 1784

About 11% of Koreans are Roman Catholic, which was introduced by the French in 1784

Korea is the second largest Christian community in all of Asia

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EducationKoreans believe that education is the key to

success.A great education means you will earn

yourself a wonderful and rewarding job in which you can provide for your family and be an intricate part of the Korean economics.

Education is stressed in the home and many believe that Confucianism is the driving force behind this success driven society.

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Levels of Education Primary school- 6

yearsMiddle school- 3 yearsHigh school- 3 years General High School,

vocational high school, science high school, or specialized high school

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Literacy rate (all)

Male Female In Year


58.7% 71.5% 45.3% 2015

Korea (North)

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 2015

Korea (South)

97.9% 99.2% 96.6% 2002

Literacy Definition: Age over 15 can Read and Write.


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Occupations As with any country, Korea has several

occupations to choose fromMany people choose to work for one of the

three major companies; Hyundai, LG, or Samsung

Others become teachers and gain enormous respect

All boys must serve in the military for two years and some men make this a career

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This is all about Korea

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CHINA and Chinese Culture

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CHINA China is located in East Asia, on the western

shore of the Pacific Ocean .It has a land area of about 9.6 million

Capital: BeijingPopulation: 1.357 billion (2013)Government: Communist state

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miao Tibetan

Mongolian Yao

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The Culture of China is one of the world‘s oldest and most complex cultures.

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Daoist (Taoist)BuddhistConfucianismMuslim Christian  

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Chinese Cuisine Cooked Rice with Dangshen and Chinese Dates Yangshuo Beer Fish Green Bean Cake Zhejiang Specialty and Snack Deep-Fried Stuffed Lotus Roots, Shanghai Style Bite into spring Pineapple Taste: Steamed Rice with Pineapple

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Meeting Etiquette

• Greetings are formal and the oldest person is always greeted first.

• Handshakes are the most common form of greeting with foreigners.

• Many Chinese will look towards the ground when greeting someone.

• The Chinese have a terrific sense of humor.

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Etiquette for presenting Gifts

In general, gifts are given at Chinese New Year, weddings, births and more recently (because of marketing), birthdays.

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CUSTOMSTraditional Chinese Weddings

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Chinese language is written with symbols. These symbols are called Chinese characters. There are over 100,000 Chinese characters.

Chinese language does not have alphabets. The most difficult part when studying

Chinese language is getting your tones right and learning how to read and write Chinese characters

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Mandarin is the most widely spoken form of Chinese.

Chinese language is mostly spoken in China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Chinese language (Mandarin Chinese) is one of the six official languages used by the United Nations.

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People & Culture Malaysia has a

combined population of over 26 million people.

The multi-cultural and multi-racial population consists of Malays, Chinese, Indians and numerous natives.


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People & Culture (cont’)

Malay is the official language but English is widely spoken, especially in business.

Official religion is Islam, but its people are free to observe any religion of their choice. It is common to see temples, mosques and churches located in close proximity.


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People & Culture (cont’)

Ethnic Groups: 59% Malay and other indigenous, 32% Chinese and 9% Indian.

Languages: Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil and other tribal languages.

Religion: Muslim (primarily Malays), Buddhism (Chinese), Hindu (Indian), Christianity.


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Local Customs

Handshakes generally suffice when greeting someone. Muslim ladies may greet with a nod of her head and smile.

Traditional greeting of "salam" resembles a handshake whereby the man offers both hands, lightly touches the visitor’s outstretched hands, and then brings his hands to his chest to mean, “I greet you from my heart".


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Local Customs (cont’) Greeting by hugging in

Malaysia. Shoes must be removed when

entering a Mosque or an Indian temple. It is also customary to remove one’s shoes when entering a Malaysian home.

The right hand is always used when giving and receiving objects.

Pointing is normally done using the thumb as using the forefinger is considered rude.


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In Malaysia consists of many variable of food followed by the community such as :

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CELEBRATE LIFE IN MULTI-RACIAL,MULTI-RELIGIOUS MALAYSIA, where there is an ASTONISHING array of cultural observances. More than just rituals and traditions, they are a way of life mutually respected by all.



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Giant KiteThe Wau Bulan

JogetTraditional Malay dances

Wayang KulitPuppet Show

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POWERPOINT by Tourism Malaysia .


Martial ArtSilat

Rattan FootballSepak Takraw

Martial ArtSilat

Rattan FootballSepak Takraw

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POWERPOINT by Tourism Malaysia .


Top Spinning

GasingBatik& Songket

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Mulu CavesPerhentian IslandsLangkawiPetronas Twin TowersMount KinabaluTaman NegaraCameron Highlands

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CONCLUSION1. A multi-racial society teaches people how

to respect and understand the religion and cultures of others. Therefore this leads to tolerance. It helps us to learn to become a good human being.

2. To be good or bad does not depend on religion. Each of the great religion of the world speaks about love, peace and tolerance.

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Japanese Culture

Name of Presenter:Abdul Hanan M. Siddique


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Where Japan is locatedJapan is an island

country in East Asia in the Pacific Ocean

East of China, Korea, and Russia

“Land of the Rising Sun”

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Time: Past, Present, Future

Past: Isolated from foreign influence (250 yrs.). 1854 – Japan opened its ports and began to intensively

modernize & industrialize. Economic Power (WWII)

Present: Emperor

Symbol of national unity Actual power rests in networks of powerful politicians,

bureaucrats, & business executives Economy

Still remains a major economic power, both in Asia and globally.

Future: Continue to prosper (?)

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Customs and Traditions Traditional Japanese Wedding

Engagement Gifts Gift to the Groom

Hakama Pants/Skirt - Fidelity Gift to the Bride

“Obi” Kimono Sash – Female Virtue Wedding Ceremony

The Shinto wedding is performed before a Shinto sanctuary.

San-san-kudo," a ceremony of three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups, is performed by the bridegroom and bride.

Offering of twigs of "Sakaki" sacred tree in worship to gods to end the main part of the wedding ceremony.

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Customs and Traditions

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Customs and Traditions Tea Ceremony

Influenced by Zen Buddhism with the intention of purifying the soul & becoming one with nature.

Ritual tea drinking originated in China.

Ceremony is performed in a tea house (garden).

Water represents yin and fire in the hearth represents yang.“yin-yang” – “heaven & earth”

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Religion Buddhism

96% of Japan's population is Buddhist

Shintoism Animistic belief system Native religion of Japan Was once the state religion “The Way of the Gods”

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Art & Crafts• Japan developed a unique original culture in various mediums;

• Arts

• Crafts

• Performances

• Traditions Ikebana



PotteryLacquer ware Dolls

Noh BunrakuKabuki

Traditional Tea Ceremony

Onsen Sento


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Language and Dialects• Japanese is the sixth most spoken language in the


• Japanese uses four different writing systems; Kanji (Chinese characters) Hiragana (phonetic alphabet for native words) Katakana (phonetic alphabet for foreign words) Romaji (western alphabet used to write Japanese)

• Dialects are used in areas, particularly in Kyoto and Osaka, but standard Japanese, based on the speech of Tokyo, has become more popular through the use of television, radio and movies.

• Japanese is written using two systems of orthography, Chinese characters and syllabifies.

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Celebrations Festivals celebrating the seasons and annual cultural events New Year Festival – January 1st Seasonal Change – Setsubun – Feb. 3rd or 4th

Doll Festival - Hina Matsuri – March 3rd

Children's Day (Boys' Day) – May 5th

Tanabata Festival – July 7th Bon Festival – August 15th

Local festivals • Lunar New Year • Autumn Harvest Festivals • Summer festivals

• Nebuta Festival • Okunchi Festival • Sanja Festival

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Education Spend 240 days a year at school School day begins at 8:30am & ends at 6:30pm Students behavior is regulated by school policy

Stand on the buses and trains Students clean the school

Teachers move from room to room Cram School

Preparation for high school & university entrance examination

Scores determine what school you attend Most prestigious universities

University of Tokyo Kyoto University

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Japanese Food

Tonkotsu Noodle Soup

Yakitori Chicken

Vegetable Tempura


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Japanese Culture as Export

• 10% of GNP is ‘cultural export’ material

• 300% growth in cultural exports between 1996-2008

• Foreign Ministry have started traveling abroad to introduce Japanese pop culture to young people overseas.

• Anime, manga and cosplay are part of “Japanese youth culture” and have proven surprisingly popular with young people around the world.

• Akihabara a district in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo, Japan, is famous for video games, anime, manga, and computer goods

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References, 9/5/07, 9/11/07, 9/5/07, 9/5/07, 9/11/07

81.html, 9/11/07

world-factbook, 9/11/07

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