Varahamihira- Strength of Planets- The Shadbala - I7

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Transcript of Varahamihira- Strength of Planets- The Shadbala - I7

  • 2.3 Oja-Yugma Rasi-Amsa Bala (Maximum: 30 Virupa= 0.5 Rupa)

    Oja means Odd signs and Yugma means Even signs. Thus, as the name imply, this strength is derived

    from a planet's placement in the odd or even signs in the Rasi and Navamsa. Moon and Venus are female

    planets and get strength of 15 virupas each while placed in the even signs in the rasi or navamsa. Other

    planets gets this strength, while they are placed in Odd (Male) signs in Rasi or Navamsa.

    The maximum strength which can be derived from this is 30 virupas (Venus/ Moon placed in Even sign in

    both rasi and Navamsa; other planets placed in the odd signs in both rasi and navamsa.)

    Varahamihira: Strength of Planets: The Shadbala - I file:///E:/T.S.RAO/T.S.RAO-1/ASTROLOGY/may-2014/webpage/Var...

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