Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op...

Fill the form and fax it back to VapormaƟc. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to markeƟng@vapormaƟ September 2016 InstrucƟons: Please follow one of the 3 following opƟons to complete and return the survey. OpƟon 1: Email 1. Download the form onto your PC 2. Type your answer in the PDF 3. Save it in your PC. 4. Email it back to markeƟng@vapormaƟ as an aƩachment OpƟon 2: Fax 1. Print the form 2. Complete it with your answers 3. Fax it back to VapormaƟc +44 (0) 1392 438 445 OpƟon 3: Post 1. Print the form 2. Complete it with your answers 3. Post it back to VapormaƟc: VapormaƟc MarkeƟng Department The VapormaƟc Co. Ltd Kestrel Way Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter, EX2 7LA, UK VapormaƟc Customer Survey

Transcript of Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op...

Page 1: Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op on 1: Email 1. Download the form ... c Customer Survey. ... your local market,

Fill the form and fax it back to Vaporma c. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to marke ng@vaporma

September 2016

Instruc ons:Please follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey.

Op on 1: Email

1. Download the form onto your PC

2. Type your answer in the PDF

3. Save it in your PC.

4. Email it back to marke ng@vaporma as an a achment

Op on 2: Fax

1. Print the form

2. Complete it with your answers

3. Fax it back to Vaporma c +44 (0) 1392 438 445

Op on 3: Post

1. Print the form

2. Complete it with your answers

3. Post it back to Vaporma c:

Vaporma c Marke ng DepartmentThe Vaporma c Co. LtdKestrel WaySowton Industrial EstateExeter, EX2 7LA,UK

Vaporma c Customer Survey

Page 2: Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op on 1: Email 1. Download the form ... c Customer Survey. ... your local market,

Fill the form and fax it back to Vaporma c. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to marke ng@vaporma

AwarenessThinking about sourcing ‘All Makes’ parts (also known as ‘Will Fi ers’):

Q1. Which suppliers of these parts are you aware of?

……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

Q2. Had you heard of Vaporma c before?

Yes No (Go to Q4 and finish at Q6)

Q3. Have you ever ordered from Vaporma c?

Yes No

Q4. If yes, on average, how o en?

Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly

Other: ……………………………………………………….

Q5. Thinking about your local market, how would you rate the business opportuni es from All Makes partssales? Where 1 = very poor and 5 = very good (please circle your score):-

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Dear customer

In Vaporma c we are commi ed with customer service, therefore, to helpus improve in this area, we would like you to take a few minutes to readand complete the following ques onnaire. Your answers will help us tokeep on improving and iden fy areas to correct.

The survey asks about your experiences of sourcing ‘All Makes’ parts ingeneral and in par cular focuses on your experience of doing business withVaporma c.

Your open and honest input is extremely important to our business andwould be very much appreciated.



Posi on-Title:………………………………………............

Company: ……………………………………………………....


Page 3: Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op on 1: Email 1. Download the form ... c Customer Survey. ... your local market,

Fill the form and fax it back to Vaporma c. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to marke ng@vaporma

Q6. Which supplier(s) would you typically order ‘All Makes’ parts from? (Please mark with X)


Vaporma c








Delta Force

Other: …………………………………………………

Which is your:

Most preferred supplier ……………………………………………….

2nd most preferred supplier ……………………………………………….

3rd most preferred supplier ……………………………………………….

Thinking of your most preferred supplier, why are they preferred?

Price Range

Stock availability Delivery service

Other ………………………………………………..

Product, pricing & orderingThinking about the products supplied by Vaporma c, please rate the following on a scale from 1-5 where 1 = verypoor and 5 = very good (please circle your score)

Q7. The quality of the parts supplied by Vaporma c?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Q8. The range of parts offered by Vaporma c?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Page 4: Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op on 1: Email 1. Download the form ... c Customer Survey. ... your local market,

Fill the form and fax it back to Vaporma c. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to marke ng@vaporma

Q9. Any product groups you would like to see improved/extended? If yes, which groups?

Yes No

Any comments:

Q10. The dealer net pricing of Vaporma c parts in comparison with other suppliers?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Q11. The availability of Vaporma c parts?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Q12. The delivery service of Vaporma c parts?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Page 5: Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op on 1: Email 1. Download the form ... c Customer Survey. ... your local market,

Fill the form and fax it back to Vaporma c. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to marke ng@vaporma

Q13. Which methods do you use to find Vaporma c parts: (Please mark with X)


Vaporma c Website

Bulle ns

PM Pro Database

Other: …………………………………………………

Q14. How would you rate your experience of finding the Vaporma c part you need?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:


Q15. How would you rate your experience of ordering Vaporma c parts?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Q16. Is there any part of the ordering process that could be improved?

Any comments:

Preferred(Select only one)

Page 6: Vaporma c Customer Survey follow one of the 3 following op ons to complete and return the survey. Op on 1: Email 1. Download the form ... c Customer Survey. ... your local market,

Fill the form and fax it back to Vaporma c. +44 (0) 1392 438445 or email the form completed to marke ng@vaporma

Q20. Finally, how would you rate your overall experience of doing business with Vaporma c?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Day Month Year

Returning parts

Q17. Have you ever returned any Vapormatic parts?

Yes No If no, go to Q20

Q18. How would you rate your returns experience?

1 2 3 4 5

Any comments:

Q19. Is there any aspect of the returns that could be improved?

Any comments:

Thank you for your me and response. We verymuch appreciate it.

Date filled in survey:This is the end of the survey. Now save thiscompleted PDF file and return it to Vaporma c(email, fax or post)