Value Analysis and Material Management

Value Analysis and Materials Management VALUE ANALYSIS AND COST REDUCTION The materials manager is always in search of cost reduction tools. Value analysis is synonymous with cost reduction and is a powerful practical cost reduction technique available to the purchase executive. Since it attacks the basic design of the product, value analysis is more effective than the basic design of the product, value analysis is more effective than other cost control techniques. It is concerned with ascertaining whether the material purchased is good value for the money, for the required purpose. Value analysis is an organized creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs and eliminating the same from the system without affecting the functional utility/guarantee/safety performance. The essence of value analysis is to identify the function of the product, to examine alternative ways by which the function can be accomplished and finally choosing that, which involves the least cost. Value analysis correlates the cost of purchasing a product or services with its end use. It attempts to examine critically the make-up of every item, which contributes towards the cost of the product and whether this cost contributes towards the cost of the product and whether this cost contributes to the function appropriately. It is an approach of providing the required function of the product at the desired time and place at the lowest cost. This approach is concerned with right quality, design, specification, standards, methods of manufacture, etc., and involves the substitution of material or component at a lesser price or better quality. Several other techniques closely resembling value analysis are also used in the industry with the different names, and these are mentioned in the following. The application of the value analysis ideas during design and


values analysis and materials managment

Transcript of Value Analysis and Material Management

Value Analysis and Materials Management

Value Analysis and Materials Management


The materials manager is always in search of cost reduction tools. Value analysis is synonymous with cost reduction and is a powerful practical cost reduction technique available to the purchase executive. Since it attacks the basic design of the product, value analysis is more effective than the basic design of the product, value analysis is more effective than other cost control techniques. It is concerned with ascertaining whether the material purchased is good value for the money, for the required purpose.

Value analysis is an organized creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs and eliminating the same from the system without affecting the functional utility/guarantee/safety performance. The essence of value analysis is to identify the function of the product, to examine alternative ways by which the function can be accomplished and finally choosing that, which involves the least cost. Value analysis correlates the cost of purchasing a product or services with its end use. It attempts to examine critically the make-up of every item, which contributes towards the cost of the product and whether this cost contributes towards the cost of the product and whether this cost contributes to the function appropriately.

It is an approach of providing the required function of the product at the desired time and place at the lowest cost. This approach is concerned with right quality, design, specification, standards, methods of manufacture, etc., and involves the substitution of material or component at a lesser price or better quality. Several other techniques closely resembling value analysis are also used in the industry with the different names, and these are mentioned in the following. The application of the value analysis ideas during design and engineering stage of product before its manufacture, is known as value engineering. Some of the related techniques using the same logic are listed below: PROFIT --- Product return opportunities by function investigation techniques; FIRST --- functional idea system techniques;FAST --- functional analysis system techniques; FACTS --- functional analysis of components of total system; VM/VI --- value management and value improvement. But value analysis is the generic name for all the above techniques and the differences, if any, are negligible.HISTORIC BACKGROUND

The concept of value analysis is as old as the human race and is practiced by all shrewd purchase executives; the housewife often changes her menu and buys the low priced seasonal vegetables, thereby satisfying the demand at a reduced cost. On the industrial scene, immediately after World War II, the cost of production was going up in General Electric, as in most other companies, due to inflation. For different civilian consumer products, a desperate situation arose. Lawrence D. Miles was forced to turn to basics and asked the suppliers to provide the desired function. It was found that many war-time substitutes and methods were performing at least as well as the original in many situations and at less cost. He established a research facility in the central purchase department to study the new approach. He refined and developed this cost reduction techniques and called it Value Analysis. Leaders like Robert McNamara used this tool in Department of Defence in the USA and saved a reported $14 billion in five years. As a result, the Defence Department wrote an incentive clause making Value Engineering an integral part of government contracts on projects above a particular value. The Society of American Value Engineers ---SAVE--- was formed in 1959 to give the new methodology confounded in 1978, conducts annual conferences and brings out a quarterly journal Invest, wherein successful Indian experiences have been shared.

CONCEPT OF VALUEThe English dictionary has several meanings of the word value, such as worth, a fair equivalent, intrinsic worth, relative worth, that which renders something useful, etc. In the field of purchasing, value can be defined as the lowest cost for reliably performing an essential function and should be considered as the ratio of worth to cost. The determination of value requires a combination of the following consideration:

(a) Functional or use value --- which helps in accomplishing a task; this may be divided into primary secondary and tertiary.

(b) Esteem value --- associated with pride of possession and sentiment.

(c) Exchange value --- exchange value is the barter value expressed as the sum of use and esteem value.

(d) Cost value --- depends upon the commercial value of the cost of production.

(e) Scrap value --- the money that can be recovered when the item is no longer needed.

The concept of value is dynamic and it changes with time. An item which has functional value today will have esteem value after some time and finally as time and finally as time passes, the item will have only scrap value. ITEMS FOR VALUE ANALYSIS

The product life-cycle concept comes in handy for identifying the product for value analysis. It is well known that any product like the human race, goes through the five phases of the life-cycle, namely--- conception, development, growth, maturity and decay. The return on investment also varies with the five phases. The life-cycle time for each phase varies from one type of product to another. When the product stabilizes or reaches the stage of maturity, the competitors enter the market with an improved version of the product and this will force the organization to effect modifications in the product for survival. These efforts for cost reduction start right from the design stage and is continued in the production system through process modification, tool changes, materials substitution, etc. Thus the product with decreasing return on investment, particularly in the maturity stage is considered ideal for value analysis. In addition, products which suffer from maximum overdesign can also be chosen for value analysis. Non-critical items with high annual consumption value or A category items --- based on cost criticality analysis, form the starting point for value analysis.

Many organizations have reduced packaging cost by adopting value analysis method on packing materials. But, usually firms identify the product for value analysis by ABC analysis, which ranks the components in relation to the annual turnover, production or revenue generated. This ensures that any increase in value relative to costs would yield maximum possible benefits.

ORGANIZATION FOR VALUE ANALYSISA common question arises as to who should carry out value analysis in a company. Ideally, value analysis is basically, a team effect and requires interdisciplinary approach. Interdisciplinary teams of four or five individuals are selected from all key departments such as marketing, design, purchasing, cost accounting, research, quality, packaging, safety, maintenance, and manufacturing. The methodology of value analysis is exposed to the members by an expert in a workshop for a period of three or four days. Each team, later, selects and works on a specific project and finally prepares a report. The value engineering study also may require the aid and advice of specialists in various areas as consultants.

In case of large industries, a separate department headed by a senior executive is formed to devote their time for value analysis studies. These studies involve people at two levels. The first level consist of senior managers to decide broad policies, such as accepting proposals, procedures, budgets and accepting team recommendations. The second level consists of operative executives to carry out value analysis studies. The people working in value engineering department should have self-confidence, patience, loyalty, curiosity, creativity and good human relations. It is necessary that the members of the specific purpose of cost reduction. Some organization feel, the inclusion of representatives of consumers and suppliers in the team would add a further dimension to value improvement.VALUE ANALYSIS APPLICATIONS

Several organizations in public, private, industrial service, large and small sectors have used value analysis and are making sizeable savings every year.

It brings the much needed technique of plain common sense into the operations, by bringing out on a voluntary basis, the best talent in people. It uses a confidence building and creative process, that results in the generation of valuable ideas by tapping the creative human power. It makes employees cost conscious and promotes team work. Value analysis studies emphasize on total system concepts and the studies should be carried out keeping the interests of producers, consumers, employees, traders and industries have been reported in a large number of articles in different stages and some are mentioned below:

The value analysis team in one steel plant in India found that many of the rigid material and process specifications in some of the intermediate stages were not required, for the tasks for which the steel products are ultimately expected to perform. This has allowed the organization to reduce some were not required, for the tasks for which the steel products are ultimately expected to perform. This has allowed the organization to reduce some of the required processing of various steel items to offset the physical overdesign. The electrical engineering industry has substituted the indigenously available aluminium instead of imported copper, a major breakthrough resulting in substantial savings.

The DGS&D --- a central buying organization catering for the needs of defence, railways and P & T --- which buys above Rs 3000 crores per year, has through value analysis saved substantially on just one supplier of inspection lamps. In one engineering firm, value analysis was applied at the design stage of the machines and it was found that a spring loaded stripper arm can do the same function by remaining stationary. This resulted in considerable reduction in maintenance cost. Value analysis has been practiced by many firms as a policy for import substitution. In the packaging of consumer goods like tooth paste, instant coffee, soap, cigarettes, biscuits, etc, value analysis techniques have been profitably used to bring about economy in packing. Thus value analysis helps to maximize the conservation of scarce material resources in the country and helps to achieve cost reduction.

TECHNIQUES FOR VALUE ANALYSISThe sequential steps involved in carryingout a value analysis include the following: (1) product selection,(2) information gathering, (3) definition of function of the product, (4) identification of function, (5) speculation of alternatives,(6) evaluation of alternatives,(7) reporting about recommendations and (8) implementation and followup. Darsiri means to consider in Sanskrit and this also follows similar steps. Here Darsiri method stands for data collection, analysis, record ideas, speculate, investigate, recommend and implement. Other techniques include MISS --- modify, improve, subdivide, substitude, and EXCHANGE --- Eliminate, keep, change. The given specifications are challenged in the meeting, if necessary by assigning rupee value for the tolerance. Simplification, diversification and standardization can also contribute to the cost reduction and must be used in conjuction with value analysis. The team should be familiar with the context of the chosen items.

In the value engineering approach, the definition of the value on the function should be limited only two words, a verb and a noun. The two-worded definition must suggest the function of the product or the item considered for value analysis. For example the function of a cigarette lighter can be defined as to provide ignition. After the definition the functions are classified as primary and secondary functions. For any product or part, there can be only one primary function and there can be any number of secondary functions. The primary function of a shirt is to cover the body, while the secondary function can be to appear elegant.

Sometimes the functions are also classified based on different disciplines such as structural function, electrical function, mechanical function, etc. However, generally the utility is usually classified as primary and secondary in value analysis. After defining the functions for the main assembly, subassemblies, parts and components, a few of the main assembly, sub-assemblies, parts and components, a few of the functions are selected by the team for speculation of alternatives. Either the product as a whole, or a few of the parts are selected for speculation of alternative. Speculation of alternatives emphasizes creativity. Creativity means looking at problems from unconventional angles. There are three stages in creativity, viz. --- imitation, innovation and invention. Creativity emphasizes the principles of blast, create and refine the ideas.


Brain storming helps in creativity and speculation of alternatives. The philosophy of brain storming sessions is no to judge the ideas as they come, as this inhibits the people in coming out with creative ideas. Here the emphasis is on creation of as many ideas as possible. The brain storming groups normally consist of five to seven people with different backgrounds drawn from different departments of the organization. They meet in a group to speculate the alternatives. The alternatives suggested by different members of the group are listed on this step for evaluation in the subsequent step.

The following illustrative questions aid in creative thinking and in the speculation of alternatives and finding answers to some questions in the committee to help reduce the cost:

(a) What is the item and can we do without the item? (b) Why is it this shape? How does it contribute to the value ?(c) If it is flat, can it be round (vice versa)? (d) Can two components be made into one (vice versa)? (e) Why does it need to be so thick? Does it need all the features? (f) Why does it need to be so thin? (g) (If we make ) can we buy it cheaper (vice versa)? (h) What new processes can we use? Can we use more of a less expensive material? (i) Is the cost reasonable in terms of its contribution to the end products? (j) Is the quantity purchased most economical on the ultimate cost? (k) Does the item need all the features? (l) Is the item made on proper tooling?(m) Is any other organization buying less and if so from whom? (n) Is it necessary to have such a finish? (O) Is a material available which will eliminate finishing? (p) Is any one buying for less cost? (q) Have all basic processes been considered? (r) What are the competitors doing? (s) Can we get ideas from suppliers/ consumers on cost reduction? (t) What are the alternatives possible? (u) Is this item standard as regards specification, size, shape, type, etc.? (v) If the item is imported, can it be indigenously made? (w) Does the analysis of the reasonable cost of material production, and profits, roughly equal to the price quoted, or is exhorbitant according to the analysis? (x) Is it possible to put a rupee sign on all tolerances and would you use your own money in this way? (y) Is the cost proportional to the utility? (z) How do you increase the worth to you and decrease the price of the item?STEPS FOR VALUE ANALYSIS

The first and crucial question in value analysis is what is the function of the product, process or service? The next question is, how to enhance the quality or value with lowest cost? In this process, the following eight phases or sequential steps are considered:

(a) Information phase --- In this phase all relevant facts/data about a particular troublesome product/part/process/are gathered, organized and analyzed.

(b) Functional phase --- Here, a few items of poorest value (they cost far more than they should) are identified, and the functions that must be performed by the product are inspected, analyzed and classified.

(c) Creative phase --- A probing, far reaching collection of solutions, probable and improbable, is gathered in an effort to generate ideas to perform the functions identified for the poor value items.

(d) Judicial analysis phase --- The ideas generated in the creative phase are now evaluated in a practical, pragmatic and analytical mode. Several ideas are selected and ranked in order of importance.

(e) Development phase --- The best creative and practical ideas are now refined by the team and brought into shape. The cost factor is added here and applied to reality. This is a consolidation of what the team thinks.

(f) Presentation --- The proposed changes are put in final form to be presented to the management decision makers. This proposal describes two or three ideas for performing the function of the original, basic and very expensive item with a workable alternative of better value.

(g) Implementation and follow-up phase --- After the ideas have been accepted by the management, the changes are implemented, monitored and followed through proper periodical reviews. While developing an idea is important, selling it to top management is equally important. It has been noted that a sizeable percentage of the proposals does not see the light of days. Only about 50 per cent of the valuable ideas generated in the team workshop are accepted for practical implementation.

(h) The master phase --- In terms of salesmanship and communications, take one new idea from the list of ideas that have been initially turned down by management, and with additional sophisticated fine-tuning analysis and description, and present it better in such a way that management can understand and implement.