Valmonte v CA digest

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Transcript of Valmonte v CA digest

  • 7/24/2019 Valmonte v CA digest



    The pretermission of a holiday applies only where the day or the last day for thedoing any act required or permitted by law falls on a holiday, or when the last dayof a given period for doing an act falls on a holiday. It does not apply to a day xed

    by an oice or oicer of the government for an act to be done, as distinguishedfrom a period of time within which an act should be done, which may be on anyday within that specied period.

    Facts: Plaintif-appellant Joaquin Valmonte sold to his daughter coappellantPastora, three (3) parcels o land, situated in the Municipality o Jaen, Province oueva !ci"a, containing a total area o #$%& hectares% ' e days later,plaintif-appellant Pastora otained a crop loan o P*&,$$$%$$ rom deendant-appelleeP!"!##!$% Nat!o$a" Ba$& and as security or payment thereo, she e+ecuted aeal !state Mortgage, in avor o appellee an involving the same parcels o landin the name o said appellant Pastora%

    .n /eptemer *0, *012, appellant Pastora, then single, e+ecuted a /pecial Poero 'ttorney in avor o one Virginia V% del astelo or the purpose o orroingmoney in the amount o P1,$$$%$$ rom appellee an ith authority to mortgagethe same parcels o land herein aovementioned% 's a result thereo, a loan oP1,$$$%$$ payale on demand as granted y appellee an and Virginia asteloe+ecuted a eal !state Mortgage in its avor appellant Pastora e+ecuted a 4eed o/ale in avor o her ather co-appellant Joaquin Valmonte selling unto the latter thesame three (! parcels o land covered ith the olloing condition5 67hese landsare at present mortgaged to the Philippine ational 8an, and this oligation shalle the su"ect o uture arrangement eteen the vendor and vendee herein on theone hand and the Philippine ational 8an on the other eore this deed o /ale

    shall e operative%6

    .n July *0, 2& and 'ugust 2, *019, the notice o e+tra"udicial sale on 'ugust *0,*019 to e held in the ity :all o aanatuan ity, or the satisaction o appellantPastora;s det o P1,$$$%$$ plus interest due thereon, as pulished in anespaper called ueva !ra % 7he same notice as posted in three (3) pulic andconspicuous places in the ity o aanatuan here the schedule auction sale illtae place and in three (3) pulic and conspicious places in the Municipality o

    Jaen, ueva !ci"a here the properties are located%

    .n 'ugust *0, *019, the auction sale as conducted and appellee an as thesole and only idder or P1,129%9$% .n the same date, the Provincial /herif !+-

    .ficio issued the corresponding Minutes o 'uction /ale and erti

  • 7/24/2019 Valmonte v CA digest


    purchase in cash the properties concerned in the amount o the an;s total claim%'s o /eptemer #, *011, the 8an;s total claims amounted to P2&,02&%3>,including the P*&,$$$%$$ loan otained y appellant Pastora appellant Pastoradesignated her ather, co-appellant Joaquin Valmonte as her attorney-in-act or thepurpose o repurchasing the land rom the appellee an% 'ppellants ailed topurchase the properties on or eore 4ecemer 3*, *011% :ence, on January 3,

    *01&, appellee Valenton deposited the alance o P39,$$$%$$ hich the anaccepted% .n Jan% 9, *01&, appellee an e+ecuted the 4eed o 'solute /ale inavor o appellee Valenton%


  • 7/24/2019 Valmonte v CA digest


    *0&* as not the day or the last day set y la or the e+tra"udicial oreclosuresale, nor the last day o a given period, ut a date