Validating soap request in mule

Validating a SOAP Request in Mule

Transcript of Validating soap request in mule

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Validating a SOAP Request in Mule

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We often come across SOAP web services in our project and often face different challenges in handling SOAP web services. One such challenge is SOAP request validation.


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In Mule ESB we can expose a SOAP webservices and can handle the request validation in very simple way.


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Yes, I am talking about using message filter to validate a SOAP request against a given XSD file

In simple words if we have the XSD file of web service we can validate the request of the web service against that XSD using a schema validation filter in Mule..

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Let’s see how…

Let consider we have a SOAP webs ervice exposed in Mule by following way :-

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Now, if we want to validate the request with an XSD file of the web service and want to throw a custom message in case if the SOAP request is invalid or incorrect, we need to use schema validation filter

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So after adding schema validation filter in our flow, our flow looks like the following

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We can also add a subflow which will throw custom message if the SOAP request is invalid as follow :-

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So, if we test the webservice with a wrong SOAP request in SoapUI we will get a custom message :-

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This is how the flow works:-

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<mulexml:schema-validation-filter name="Schema_Validation" schemaLocations="MainData.xsd" returnResult="true" doc:name="Schema Validation" />

The code:-You need to use schema validation filter which will refer to your XSD files for validating a SOAP request as follows:-

The Schema Validation Filter uses the JAXP libraries to validate a message against a schema. You must provide the path, file name, and extension of the schema or schemas in the Schema Locations property.

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<flow name="ServiceFlow" doc:name="ServiceFlow"><http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8082" path="mainData" doc:name="HTTP"/><message-filter onUnaccepted="ValidationFailFlow" doc:name="filter to validate xml against xsd" throwOnUnaccepted="true" > <filter ref="Schema_Validation"/> </message-filter><cxf:jaxws-service validationEnabled="true" serviceClass="" doc:name="SOAP"/> <component class="" doc:name="JavaMain_ServiceImpl"/></flow>

A code snipped of the Mule config:-

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To get the full code access for implementing a SOAP Request validator in Mule, please visit :-

You can also visit Mule documentation on Schema Validation :-

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Thank You