Vademecum Garda Thermae



Vademecum Garda Thermae

Transcript of Vademecum Garda Thermae

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The practice of healing and relax with heat, hot water and steam, has ancient origins. Even the ancient Egyptians knew the advantages of steam, as well as colour therapy and aromatherapy, to invigorate and revitalize body and spirit; in ancient Greece, the Gymnasium included a gym and a bathroom, where the disciples were washing in hot water for relaxation, after physical exercises, before lectures in philosophy from their masters.In the Roman period, baths were places not only for care, but also for socialization: its structures not only did have bathrooms, with their local Tepidarium, Calidarium and Laconicum, but they also had gyms, libraries, theatres, gardens, where

you could walk and discuss business at the same time.The Hammam, for Arab people, was the place where you were making ablutions before the prayer, as well as body care, culture and social interaction.The sweat lodge was widespread among the tribes of American Indians as a rite of purification of the spirit, before the body.The sauna in Finland was practiced as early as 1100: the first model of sauna was a hole dug in the ground and then covered. Thereafter, saunas, set in a small wooden huts, were built near rivers.From the beginning, the sauna was connected to a ritual ceremony to a precise pattern of behaviour: the cycle

consisted of the interval session in the sauna with dips in the icy water of the lakes, or rivers and massages (even slightly whipped with birch branches) to reactivate blood circulation.


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The sauna, when properly and regularly done throughout the year, even during the hot months is a good habit that brings benefits to people of all ages.In particular:

• It provides a sedative effect on the nervous system by promoting a balance between waking and sleep while reducing daily anxiety and stress;

• it is particularly suitable for those who practice sporting activities, especially at a competitive level, because it improves peripherical circulation thus promoting a faster muscle recovery and speeding the disposal of toxins and lactic acid;

• it may be indicated in case of muscle and/or osteoarticular injuries, because of its relaxing effect on muscles; it increases metabolism, which accelerates the disposal of catabolites

formed in the structures affected by trauma;

• it improves the blood and lymphatic circulation;

• it strengthens the immune system by preventing inflammations, flu and cold;

• it eliminates toxins through sweat, dead cells and debris of fat in the skin; by increasing the perspiration, the skin is more elastic and bright.


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The use of the sauna is not recommended in cases of:

• high or low blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, in general: the vasodilator effect of the sauna could overload the heart, so if you suffer from any of these diseases, it is necessary to follow the instructions of your doctor;

• colds and fever in general: the change in temperature may cause further stress to the body, although the constant use of the sauna boosts the immune system, it does not cure a cold or a flu if you are already sick;

• inflammatory skin: a rush exposed to high temperatures may be further aggravated;

• varices: the weak vessel walls could not withstand the thermal stress, causing further damage;

• pregnancy: although there are not real contraindications, due to the particularities of this situation, it is strongly recommended to seek advice from your doctor;

• menstrual cycle: the high temperature creates vasodilation and thins the blood, increasing the risk of bleeding.

In case of doubt, you should consult your doctor to make sure that there are not contraindications to the use of the sauna. IMPORTANT ADVICE If you feel even the slightest sense of discomfort during the sauna, discontinue the treatment immediately. Devices to measure blood pressure are available at the facility.


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To get the maximum benefit from secure saunas, we invite you to respect the advices given here:

• to fully enjoy the benefits of the sauna you need at least an hour and a half; take time to relax, avoiding hurry;

• you must shower before entering the saunas;

• after the shower you have to get dry very well to avoid delaying of sweating;

• in case of cold feet, you can promote sweating with a warm foot bath in our Kneipp;

• you should not enter the sauna on an empty stomach, it is best to eat a light snack;

• in the sauna area it is required to use shower shoes for reasons of hygiene and safety;

• inside the cabins you must not wear swimming costumes and shower shoes for reasons of hygiene, as the humid climate favours the

transmission of bacteria and the formation of unpleasant smells; the fibers of the synthetic costumes at high temperatures emit toxic substances;

• due to hygienic reasons, in the Finnish sauna and in the soft sauna, it is necessary to use a towel large enough to prevent that any part of the body touches the benches and to not allow the sweat deposition on the wood;

• in the Steam Bath it is forbidden to use the towel, but only the appropriate waxed cotton towels all available from the Garda Thermae’s staff;

• you can enjoy the sauna experience as long as you like, however, 10 to 20 minutes per session it is advisable if you do not feel any discomfort.

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For any question, please contact our staff;

• before leaving the sauna, you should get up slow and sit upright for two minutes to prevent sudden changes in your blood pressure and fainting;

• after the sauna we suggest you to have a shower with cold water to return the body to a normal temperature: starting from arms and legs, continuing with back and chest, finishing with head and face; then soak briefly in the killer pool;

• after the sauna the body needs peace and quiet; the phase of relaxation and cooling must be at least 20-30 minutes and we recommend lying on the beds in the relaxation area, wrapped in the bathrobe, or to soak in the relax pool;

• drinking water helps to restore the fluids lost during the treatment;

• it is advisable to repeat the cycle heating/cooling for two or three times;

• it is essential to determine the frequency of jets of steam in the sauna and to follow the instructions of our staff;

• you should never play sports immediately after leaving sauna;

• a massage, at the end of the treatment, completes the effects and increases the benefits.

Soft sauna, Steam Bath, Mediterranean Bath, provide benefits similar to those of the sauna and have the same contraindications; the methods of implementation are the same.

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D. Use of the sauna areaD.1. The use of the sauna by minors is subject to local law.D.2 Who enters the sauna area should be healthy. Garda Thermae assumes no

responsability for any illness related to a precarious state of health or due to the improper use of saunas. We recommend consulting your doctor first.

D.3 You must shower before entering the sauna area.D.4 The user must know all details of saunas (high temperatures, humidity, etc.) and their

effects on the body.D.5 It is forbidden to wear swimming costumes and shower shoes inside the sauna cabins.D.6 In spaces where you can access without clothes it is essential to behave properly.D.7 In the Finnish sauna and in the soft sauna you should use a towel to sit or lay on the

bench so that no body part touches the wood.D.8 In the Steam Bath it is advisable to use the special waxed cotton towels available to

guests. The use of towels is forbidden. D.9 You must not modify the devices for the sauna function. Changes in temperature,

adding water, the operation of ventilation equipment, fans and similar actions are solely within the purview of Garda Thermae staff.

D.10 It is important to maintain an atmosphere of quiet and rest talking softly, while the staff have the authority to remove whoever may cause disturbance.

D.11 In the sauna it is not allowed smoking, introducing flammable objects and glass; it is also forbidden to shave or to provide care practices to his own person, use lotions, perfumes or sodium bicarbonate.

D.12 Beds in the relaxation area must be left free, if unused.

For your safety and compliance of all guests we ask you to follow the

instructions of Garda Thermae’s regulation,

in particular.

Page 8: Vademecum Garda Thermae via Linfano, 52 Arco 0039 0464 548012 [email protected]