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  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    IndustrialSuccess!Ask For Help

    And Get It!


    LIghtIngGo Beyond50% Savings

    CodeMore Groundingand Bonding

    PLus: Industrial Lighting,

    Motors and More

    Vol.9 No.1A P u b l i c At i o n o f R e x e l , i n c .


    Your worldwide so urce for elec trical and data communication supplies

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet



    On The Coer:IndustrIal/commercIal



    Fellers AskedFr HelpAdRexel DeliveredBy Joe Salimando

    Did you eer hear o a win-win-

    win situation? Thats what Todd

    Fellers helped create in Oklahoa

    City, when he spoke to Rexels



    IdustrialElectricity UseViews I AGree AgeThree pages o data

    on U.S. industrial



    Lightig:Beyd 50%

    Eergy SavigsBy Craig DiLouie

    Why stop at 50%?

    Thats the question

    or industrial lighting



    Rexel At TheAutmati FairPhotos by John Boykin

    Reporting by Cari B. Clark

    We sponsored a party in

    Nashille at the Rockwell

    Autoation Fair. Take

    a look at the business

    and the un!




    MaiteaceBy Mark LamendolaA reiew o the basics:

    Errors to not ake, wasted

    tie to aoid, eorts you ight



    Ctrls, IECC

    Cde Chages &Screw-I LEDsAnswers rom Craig DiLouie, EddieHickerson, & Stan Walercyzk, LC

    Youe got questions on Lighting,

    our experts proide answers.

    MORE: See also the eature on

    Industrial Lighting & Energy

    Efciency, which starts on

    page 32


    success!In Oklahoa City, Todd

    Fellers (let) asked or help

    ro Rexel. The result,

    years later, is a success

    or AAE, the copany (in

    which Pat Sith, at right,

    is a partner). And its also

    a win or any other o

    Rexels custoers!

    See pe 22.

    T A B L E o F C o n T E n T S




    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 12

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet

























    AL GA






    WI MI













    electrIcal & datacom

    In every Issue


    Ctracts:7 DeadlyClausesBy Denise R. Norberg-Johnson

    You bid on projects to

    win the; then you sign

    contracts. What rights are you

    routinely signing away? Are

    you sure you need to do that?



    The Case oThe Hard-HeadedLadlrdBy Paul Rosenberg

    The story o a an with a

    legitiate clai who tried to grab

    ore than he deseredand

    what happened when justice

    showed up!


    ask Bo:

    Are YuZed 4A Disaster?By D.A. Bo Conrad, RCDD

    Seisic disturbances

    arent a part o your dataco

    businessunless they are! The

    frst o a two-part special report.


    Holt on code:

    Mre oArticle 250By Mike Holt

    Grounding & bonding is a key

    part o the electrical construction

    business and a ajor source

    o iport changes to the

    2008 National Electrical

    Code. Heres ore to chew on!

    MORE: See also our Basics

    colun, which starts on page 44


    FroM tHe ceo:

    they need you.We do, too!By Jeremy de Brabant


    trends. . . green here and green there!

    83 & 85

    neW Products


    our suPPlIers



    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 3

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    Senior Vice PreSident, ceo & PUBLiSHer Jeremy de Brabatjdebrabant@rexelusa .com

    eXecUtiVe editor Dors Chmley

    [email protected]

    editor Joe Salmado

    [email protected]

    Art direction & ProdUction Amy Phfer

    [email protected]

    AdVertiSinG MAnAGer Coretta [email protected]

    contriBUtorS Car Clark, A. Lee Chchester,

    D.A. Bo Corad, Mke Dadrdge, Crag DLoe,

    Mke Holt, Mark Lamedola, Jm Perzysk, ad Pal Roseberg

    iLLUStrAtionS & GrAPHicS PrePAred eXcLUSiVeLy for Power outletBy

    Erc Westbrook, Jm Hayes, Dapo Ojo-Ade, Steve Pca, Da Sherbo, Jm Starr, & Amy Phfer

    PHotoGrAPHy By Joh Boyk, Robert Hghes, Jay Kelly, & Robert Rathe


    Senior Vice PreSident & ceo Jeremy de Brabatjdebrabant@rexelusa .com

    Vice PreSident, MArketinG & SUPPLy Joh Kdlacekjkudlacek@rexel usa.com

    Vice PreSident, SALeS & BUSineSS deVeLoPMent Mark [email protected]

    Vice PreSident, dAtAcoM Mke [email protected]

    Vice PreSident, ProdUct & ProMotion Karl [email protected]

    Vice PreSident & GenerAL coUnSeL Joh Tomasso

    [email protected]

    PreSident, VAntAGe GroUP StrAteGic AccoUntS Sea [email protected]


    neW enGLAnd Robert Compaga [email protected]

    nortH AtLAntic Pete Schller [email protected]

    centrAL Tm Copelad [email protected]

    SoUtH eASt Tmothy D. Hoga [email protected]

    WeSt coASt Roger Edgar [email protected]


    LiGHtinG Robert Stroesc [email protected]

    inStALLAtion ProdUctS Davd Watts [email protected]

    dAtAcoM Sea Brke [email protected]

    tooLS Carol Barro [email protected]

    PowerOutlet is distributed three times a year by Rexel, Inc., or the use o our customers, employees, and vendors.

    There is no charge or a single copy. All editorial material in this publication is copyrighted 2009 by Rexel, Inc.

    The Company has made every eort to ensure that the inormation contained in this publication accurately reects the

    contents therein, but provides no guarantees and disclaims all liability stemming rom the use o any inormation herein.

    SuBMiSSiOnS:Those wishing to supply articles or possible uture use in this magazine should

    provide the articles on a disk in a text fle ormat and provide high-quality photographs or illustrations.

    For urther inormation on submission, please contact the editor at 703-255-1428 or [email protected].

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    Printed onrecycled paper

    CopesHave we written about you or yourcompany? Do you think more people

    need to see one o the stories in

    Power Outlet?

    Go to www.rexelusa.com and click on

    the Power Outletbutton. All the past

    issues are there. You can download

    the entire issue or just one article.

    I you need a high resolution copy

    o an article contact aphier@


    All articles are copyright Rexel and cannot

    be altered or revised.

    M i s s i on

    Power Outlet is a

    publication that provides

    the contractor and end

    user with technicalarticles, industry trends

    and economic outlooks.

    We strive to engage each

    reader with columns that

    educate and inuence the

    electrical and datacom

    communities who are

    involved in system

    selection and specifcation.

    Each issue is ormatted

    or the subscriber whoappreciates the value

    o new technologies and

    practices that keep them

    ahead o the competition.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 14

    A Pub l i c Ati on of R ex el , i n c .

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    TheyNeed You. We Do, Too!BY JEREmY DE BRABANT

    i F R o M T H E C E o





    Think about how

    we can helpyou succeed!

    Iam kept abreast ur sales prgress via daily

    reprts ad eedback rm ur teams acrss

    the U.S. I am certai that despite the egative

    headlies, yu t are readig betwee the lies

    ad istead buryig yur head i the sad, yu

    see this as a pprtuity t scrutiize yur curret

    busiess mdel.

    The cre udametals the basic distributr

    are prduct, price ad availability. Up these u-

    dametals are the value added services that sepa-

    rate the leaders rm the llwers. We cstatly

    review these services t help yu cduct yur

    busiess mre ecietly, mre eectively, ad

    mre prtably.

    Regardless the ecmic cditis,

    we will ctiue t execute ad track ii-

    tiatives that revlve arud meetig your


    W a a F!

    While wrkig with the sales teams, there

    are three psitives we keep i rt us:

    1. There remai tes millis wrkig i this

    cutry. They use electricity.Yu are ut there,

    helpig these peple with electrical istallatis,

    mderizatis, retrts, ad repairs that

    icrease prductivity, cmrt, ad mre.

    2. We chse the electrical busiess. It isundamental. While we are startig t hear abut

    et zer eergy buildigs, e suggests

    that peple live ad wrk i the dark! Were all

    ivlved i a specialty that peple d t wish t

    live withut.

    3. Yur custmers have aith i yu. Yu, i tur,

    hr us at Rexel, by puttig yur aith i us. We

    wt rget it. We wrk every day with a clear

    cus that we must wrk harder ad smarter t

    ear yur busiess.

    Wkig tg

    our cver stry (see page 22) is abut a okla-

    hma City busiess that has take a iitiative

    ad evlved ver the past six years. There was a

    eed i the lcal idustrial market. They seized

    the pprtuity ad are w desigig plas t

    brade their erig. They leaed us r help

    ad it paid .

    Yes, this is a success stryr the custmer,

    r the custmers custmers, ad r Rexel, t.

    The stry is here r a reas: We would like you

    to use it as a point o departure!

    Perhaps yure t i the same busiess.

    Maybe yur gals are t idetical t thse the

    oKC cmpay. Reveue grwth might t be yur

    prime target; icreased cash fw ad prtability

    might be higher yur ageda.

    n matter. What this stry prves is that

    Rexel is ready t respd t yur eeds. Read the

    stry. Thik abut hw we ca help yu. Were

    ready t help yu succeed!i

    Bb i i vi pi/ceo r u.s. p-

    i, wkig d hQ.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 16

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    & n E W S





    Green building represents an increasingpercentage of residential construction

    Note: Market value variesbased on market size,percent of market remainsconstant.

    Green Home* Market Estimate:

    High Estimate

    Low Estimate

    $70 billion

    $40 billion

    $20 billion

    $12 billion

    $7 billion

    Percent of greenmarket estimatedto more thandouble between2005 and 2008

    Percent expectedto double overnext five years

    2% of market

    6% - 10%of market

    12% - 20% of market



    Residential Green Building Market Growth

    Source: Based on surveys conducted by McGraw-Hill Construction between 2006 & 2008, MHC construction activity data and

    U.S. Department of Census Data.

    * Green home defined as one containing attributes in energy efficiency, indoor air quality, water efficiency, resource ef ficiency

    and site management.

    Growth in GreenTotal Work Expected to be Green In Five Years (2013)

    Architects Contractors

    0% of work

    Up to 10% of work

    21% to 30% of work

    1% to 20% of work

    41% to 50% of work

    31% to 40% of work

    More than 50% of work


    Overall Industry:

    66% expect more than 20% of work to be green in five years


























    A New LEEDThe USGBC introduced LEED

    2009a new version oits Leadership in Energy

    and EnvironmentalDesignin November.There was a renewedemphasis on energy

    efciency andemissions reduction.

    CFLs Get Salute!From Earth Day (4/22/08) to

    mid-October, 84 U.S. militarybases installed 359,268 CFLs in40,951 military housing units.

    The government says OperationChange Out will trim electricityuse by nearly 100 million kWh

    over the bulbs lietime.

    McGraw-Hill Cstructi

    recetly perrmed several

    research prjects it the

    uture gree cstructi. The

    cmpay preseted sme the

    results i its oct. 23, 2008, out-

    lk 09 cerece i Washigt,

    D.C. Power Outlethas selected ve

    key slides r yu t review, with

    especially iterestig data, rm a

    67-slide presetati.

    continued on page 10

    green Constructions Future Is golden

    hig im iimk i 2013 w pi 20% m bi i wi b g.

    MGw-hi k i b gi. n gm pbb

    i g m b.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 18

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    & n E W S





    LEED in Project SpecificationHigher Specification in Larger Projects

    LEED in Project Specifications

    Dormitories Top Industry Sector for Rate ofLEED in Project Specifications

    U.S. New Construction $19 Billion $60 - $100 Billion

    Commercial / Institutional

    $7 Billion

    $20 $30 Billion


    $12 Billion

    $40 - $70 Billion

    U.S. Renovation $130 Billion $240 Billion

    2007 2013 Projection

    U.S. Green BuildingMarket OpportunityGreen Building Market Estimates

    Source: Based on surveys conducted by McGraw-Hill Construction between 2006 & 2008, MHC construction activity data and U.S. Depart-ment of Census Data

    * Green home defined as one containing attributes in energy efficiency, indoor air quality, water efficiency, resource efficiency and sitemanagement

    * Green commercial/institutional building defined as being built according to LEED guidelines

    Solar Maps: 25 CitiesReportedly, CH2M Hills a solar map o San Franciscos.solarmap.orgwill be replicated

    or 24 other cities.You enterin your address,

    and estimatethe size andcost o putting a

    solar PV system onyour roo.

    MoreSolar Cells

    New manuacturing acilitiesor solar cells and modules in MA, MI,

    OH, OR & TX promise to add enough capacityto produce thousands o megawatts o solar

    devices per year within the next ew years,according to the Dept. o Energy.














    G ci F i G continued rom page 8

    MGw-hi w iv w leed i i, igi,, ii, igii g pi mii, , iii. t i pi miw gp b pj v.

    eim 2013, mmi i b bv, w m $200 bii i w i $240 bii ivi wi mpi g i mk.

    t bigg i pj i 2007, m ik i w i lip i eg &evim dig (leed) i i pii. leedm m u.s. G Biig ci.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 110

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    & n E W S













    86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08





    Housing Is Becoming More Affordable

    Sources: BEA, Census, PPR, Realtors


    ratio (R)


    ratio (L)

    Number of vacant homes for sale, ths, Source: Census







    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

    Inventories Are Peaking

    Hous ing s up pl y 925, 000



    Manufac tu re d 75,000

    Housing demand 1,425,000

    Households 900,000

    Obs ol esc en ce 400, 000

    Second homes 125, 000








    Source: Bankrate.com

    30-year fixed mortgage rate

    Nationalization Means Lower Rates

    Savers BlogThe Energy Efciency & Renewable Energyarm o the U.S. Dept. o Energy has an EnergySavers bloguseul or tips, perhaps. Seeeere.typepad.com/energysavers

















    Architects Walking Greenwww.aia.org/walkthewalk is the homeo a site rom the American Instituteo Architects, a group that wantsto take the lead in thingsgreen. At the time o our late-all visit, there were12 webisodes upin the sites video


    Erly HousinPessimist Sees


    I there was big ews at the all recast c-

    erece held oct. 22, 2008, by the natial

    Assciati Hme Builders, it was t the

    fd tide glmy data. Istead, it was the

    volte-aceby Mark Zadi, chie ecmist

    Mdys Ecmy.cm.

    Zadi has bee the pessimist at these nAHB

    cereces. He resaw, years ag, sme

    what has happeed i the husig marketalthugh perhaps he didt predict the declies

    ull extet ad drama.

    Heres the good news:Zadi w says there

    are at least three reass t believe that hus-

    igs declie will bttm durig the curret year,

    with a recvery likely t llw. Asked t ame

    the date recvery, he was astishigly pre-

    cise: Aug. 3, 2010! The slides belw, rm his

    presetati, iclude captis summarizig hispsitive remarks.i

    Ivi v - w 1.0 miiig m spmb, zi i. hpj i w b wk 500,000 m i 2009 2010.

    Wi -/-i arM wip jm ik g , ziii k ig vw w 30- mgg . W ik g , i, wi u.s. gvm vigii Fi M Fi M.

    abii i k ig v, zi. h pvi w ii (w bv).Jgig b pi-im i, ig i b, i i ob. t pi-i, , w g.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 112

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    & n E W S





    Global Green ConstructionMcGraw-Hill Construction Analytics

    says:53% o construction industryrespondents globally expect to be

    dedicated to green on over 60% o theirprojects in the next fve years. Additionally:

    32% o these proessionals say green alreadymakes up 10% o domestic construction output.

    Our Green IssueOnlineFind 90+ pages o Power

    Outlets GREENissueV8N3

    online, withall the

    articlesavailable (ree,no registration) in PDF.www.rexelusa.com/PastIssues.as

    Schools Get GreenerAlmost 1,000 schools have earned one othe LEED certifcations or are seeking to,according to GreenBiz.com. Comparedto traditional school buildings, LEED-certifed schools cut energy use by33%, water use by 32%, and solid wasteproduction by 74%.

    Potentil New green Jobs 2038U.S. Totl

    2018 2028 2038

    rwb Pw Gi 407,200 802,000 1,236,800

    rii & cmmi rig 81,000 81,000 81,000

    rwb tpi F 1,205,700 1,437,700 1,492,000

    egiig, lg, r & cig 846,900 1,160,300 1,404,900

    total 2,540,800 3,481,000 4,214,700

    How Mny greenJobs Will There Be?

    I yuve bee payig atteti, may peple

    are talkig abut creatig a ew ecmy

    with dles ew gree jbs. What wuld

    be a realistic expectati r ew pprtuities,

    shuld this ew reality actually be created?

    Thats what the U.S. Cerece May-

    rs wated t kw. It hired Glbal Isight, a

    respected market aalysis ad research rm,

    t prject what the gree jbs situati culd

    lk like.

    Result: A 41-page reprt, Current and Poten-

    tial Green Jobs in the U.S. Economy, which

    icluded the expectatis detailed i the table

    belw. Bere lkig at the table, te that the

    reprt cuted 751,051 gree jbs i the U.S.

    at preseticludig 127,246 i Reewable

    Pwer Geerati.

    Perhaps the mst iterestig lie acrss i

    the table is Residetial & Cmmercial Retr-

    ttig. The reprts sceari r this sectr,

    which almst certaily icrprates wrk that

    culd be de by readers this magazie, is:

    . . .a reducti eergy csumpti by

    the curret stck residetial ad cmmercialstructures by 35% ver the ext three decades.

    other research has established that such a

    reducti is techically easible. I the recast,

    this reducti is distributed i idetical icre-

    mets r each year.

    This wrks ut t icremetal reductis

    i ttal aual eergy csumpti r reside-

    tial ad cmmercial buildigs apprximately

    1.2% per year.

    Based specic assumptis, the reprt

    evisis 81,000 jbs per year t be created i

    a 30-year buildig retrttig prject. obviusly,

    thse assumptis wuld take the 81,000 jbs

    beyd the year 2030 (perhaps it 2040).

    Accrdig t the reprt, 45,000 thse jbs

    wuld be i the cmmercial buildigs sectr

    (the ther 36,000 i residetial).

    Dwlad the ull reprt, ree, here: http://


    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 114

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    Ceilin FnRules Cn Conuse

    Heres Clrity

    & n E W S





    Solar ABCsThe Solar America Board or

    Codes and Standardsan organization

    set up by the U.S. Dept. o Energy

    has issued three reports (downloadable

    ree)on solar access,

    interconnection procedures,

    and utility external disconnect.


    HomeBuilding: Greener!

    Working with the NationalAssociation o HomeBuilders, McGraw-HillConstruction ound that21% o homebuilders sur-veyed expect that, in 2009,

    they will build 90% o their projects green! Also: 60% o home-builders say homebuyers will pay more or green homes.

    Q3: Pretty Windy!From the American Wind EnergyAssociation: 1,389 mW o wind powercapacity was installed in 2008s third

    quarter. That took the yearstotal to 4,204 mW, with one

    quarter togomeaningthe year would likely

    surpass the record setin 2007 (5,249 mW


    Ceilin Fn nd Ceilin Fn Liht Kit Lmpin ReuirementsPer EPaCT 2005 Federl Reultion

    Categry a B c

    Base o LampStadard

    Medium Base (E26)

    Pi Base(Flurescet

    Havig IdepedetElectric Ballast)

    Cadelabra (E12), Mii-Ca (E11),Itermediate (E17), MR-16, MR-11,

    MR-5, Wedge, Fest, Bi-Pi,GU-24 ad all thers t listed i

    categries A r B.

    Lamp Eciecy Requiremet

    Eergy Star PrgramRequiremets r

    Cmpact FlurescetLamps, versi 3.0

    Eergy Star PrgramRequiremets rResidetial Light

    Fixtures, versi 4.0

    ne (Icadescet/ Halge)

    Lamps Shipped Iside ThePrduct Packagig By TheMauacturer?

    Yes, Eergy Star ListedCmpact Flurescet

    Yes Yes

    Quatity LampsEugh T Fill All

    ScketsEugh T Fill All

    ScketsEugh T Fill All Sckets

    Maximum Ttal Wattage oLamps Shipped With Prducts

    n Limit n Limit 190 Watts

    190 Watt Fuse, CircuitBreaker, or Pwer LimiterBuilt It The Prduct

    n n Yes

    Eective Date 1/1/2007 1/1/2007 1/1/2009

    At its aual meetig i September 2008,

    a America Lightig Assciati staer

    ted that ederal ceilig a regulatis

    that were abut t g it eect (1/1/09) were

    cusig. Irmati rm varius suppliers,

    the ALA said, was cusig at the least ad, i

    places, perhaps eve ctradictry.

    As a result, ALA issued a three-page PDF, which

    icluded the table belw. T see the rigial, use

    this web address: sipurl.cm/4ru0z.i

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 116

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    & n E W S





    Green RadioWould you like to listen to green stu as well asread about it? GreenBiz.com oers podcasts.There were many online as o mid-allincluding

    our posted in each o September and October.www.greenbiz.com/current/podcasts


















    64 Green MBAsA nonproft calledNet Impact haspublished a newedition o Business AsUnusual. Its a 222-page guide,downloadable (ree) as a PDF.According to GreenBiz.com,the document profles 64 schoolsthat oer MBAs with a green tint.www.snipurl.com/qygst

    Total Construction Starts (billions of dollars)

    2005a 2006a 2007a 2008e 2009F

    sing-Fmiy hoing $315.5 $272.4 $201.2 $128.8 $126.6

    Mimiy hoing $68.5 $70.0 $62.9 $44.0 $41.4

    commri Biding $72.2 $93.0 $99.8 $89.8 $79.0

    Iniion Biding $100.1 $110.6 $116.6 $124.4 $121.0

    Mnring Biding $10.1 $13.6 $17.5 $29.6 $20.3

    Pbi Work $96.0 $112.5 $120.9 $114.8 $109.5

    eri uiii $7.9 $17.5 $15.5 $24.0 $16.8

    to conrion $670.2 $689.6 $634.4 $555.5 $514.6

    Outside OHousin, Its

    Not Tht Bd!

    McGraw-Hill Cstructi didt see this

    cmig. MHCs cial recast r 2008

    was r the dllar value ew cstruc-

    ti starts t declie by 2%. I octber, hwever,

    at its outlk 09 cerece, the cmpay pr-

    vided a ew lk (based at least i part whats

    happeed)that 2008 wuld be dw 12%.

    Hwever, take a lk at the table belw.

    Lets d a little math:

    Total construction, 2005-2009:Dw rm

    2005s peak by $155.6 billi.

    Residential, 2005-2009:Dw $216 billi.

    The rest o the market, 2005-2009:The recast

    r 2009 shws the rest cstructi will

    be UP $60.4 billi 2005, the best year the

    cstructi idustry has had recrd.

    S McGraw-Hills recast is r a 7% declie i

    2009. But i yu igre residetial ad cmpare the

    09 recast with 2005its a 9% gai!i

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 118

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet





    B U L L E T I n B o A R D


    15,000+PowerGeeratioarticles 51,600+PowerElectroicsarticles 54,000+nucleararticles 10,900+PowerSemicoductorarticles 8,600+VoltageMeasuremetarticles 8,900+ReewableEergy/Hydroelectricpower/widpowerarticles










    Foudat www.dreamit-doit.

    com:Awebsite devotedto

    gettigyoug peopleiter-

    estedicareersi mau-

    facturig. The sitewas


    Associatioof Maufacturers.i



















    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 120

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet




    ManufacturingsFutureFrmThmasJ. Duesterberg, president/CEo ftheManufac-turersAlliance/MAPI(www.mapi.net),as


    As70-80millinpeple areaddedt therllsf themiddleclasses[wrldwide] each year, thedemandfr manufacturedgdswillexpandintandem. The Gldmanstudy, fr example,putsthesweetspt frpurchasefhigher-end durables atabut$8,000-$9,000inannual incme.

    U.S. manufacturersare highlycm-petitivealreadyin thiscategryf

    gds,havingseen ver

    30%grwthinexprtsinthe last threeyears.i















































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    i S U C C E S S S T O R Y

    Mst electrical ad datacm distributrs have

    the ambiti beig mre tha a place

    where custmers ca cme t buy prducts.

    May custmers have heard the spiel rm a variety

    cmpaies.S maybe, r sme, it suds like ather case

    blahblahblah. But Tdd Fellers AAE Autmati i

    oklahma City, okla., has a dieret perspective.

    I ru a UL-certied pael shp, he explais. I had

    bee usig ather cmpays prducts r years, but I

    wated t g back t the prducts rm Rckwell Aut-

    mati. T be successul i the idustrial market, its

    smart t g with Rckwells Alle-Bradley prducts.

    I ctacted Rexel, which is the authrized Rckwell

    Autmati distributr i

    oklahma City, which was

    the start ur busiess


    I was ew i tw.

    I had just purchased a

    6,000-sq.-t. shp here.

    I thught that sice my

    shp was UL-certied, we

    had a pretty gd chace

    helpig sme the

    cmpaies that eeded

    ctrl paels. I talked t

    Rexel abut it, shwed

    them what we ca d.

    At this pit, back

    i 2004 whe I had just

    started the cmpay,

    I was a e-ma bad

    (these days he has six peple wrkig with him). I

    culdt ard t hire a sales sta. But the Rexel peple

    were very pe t my ideas. They actually tk me ut

    calls t see their custmers i the area, peple wh

    might eed pael-buildig services.I the rst year ad hal dig that, thigs were

    slw. But i the past year r s, it has really take .

    Thats mstly due t the help Ive gtte rm the Rexel


    At this pit, theyve helped me chage the directi

    my cmpay. Right w, Id have t say I we a lt t

    Rexel. The decisi I made t g with Rckwell tured

    ut very gd r me, but thats primarily because the

    peple at Rexel!

    Fellers asked ForHelpand RexelDelivered! BY JOE SALImANDO

    Cn distributor help

    customer row business?One Oklhom City pnel-builder hs, in recent yers,lied rel-lie success story.

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    ul ii i k

    Fellers success is thaks, i largepart, t a uique qualier: His

    cmpay is a UL-certied pael-

    builder. Lcal cmpetitrs i

    the oKC area are t.

    Further, hes a savvy busi-

    essma. He started his

    cmpay with $19,000, but

    as it has grw, he saw the

    eed r additial het

    which is why, i early 2008,he cmbied his cmpay with

    ather. Apex Autmati &

    Electric is w the paret his

    cmpay (AAE Autmati) ad a

    electrical ctractig busiess, AAE


    What were dig w, wrkig tgether,

    is takig prjects, he explais. Were able t

    d a grud-up tur-key prject r a custmer, rm the

    aae ami vi i 300-mi i okm ci (w i i bv), wi pi g m wi wit F mii iipi F W, I.

    uiig iig m ul-i p p aae bw bii P smi () tF. I wk w i migm m.

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    i s u c c e s s s t o r y c t . . .

    egieerig, t the pael-buildig, t the istallati,

    t the start-up. Ad, curse, were still usig Alle-

    Bradley prducts, which we get rm Rexel, t d this


    r ppiv

    Whe Rexel discvered Tdd Fellers ad his cm-

    pay, Be newby remembers, it seemed like there was

    ptetial t create a wi-wi-wi situati.

    newby, w brach maager r Rexel i Stillwater,

    was a utside salespers back i 2004. Tdd cre-

    ated the pprtuity r us t grw ur busiess, while

    we helped him grw his busiess, newby says. Were

    talkig abut a UL-certied pael-builder! This is what alt the majr oEMs [rigial equipmet mauactur-

    ers] i the area were lkig r, they had tld us.

    S, t us, it lked like we culd help Tdds cm-

    pay by itrducig him t these peple. He culd help

    meet their eeds. They wuld appreciate ur help i

    dig Tdd r them.

    Ad as he was cmmitted t usig Rckwells Alle-

    Bradley lie, as he grew, ur sales wuld grw with his.I yu thik abut it, we at Rexel were the best

    chice t help Tdd. Busiess-savvy rgaizatis such

    as Rckwell kw that, i rder t successully drive

    their prduct t market, they eed t select distributi

    chaels that ca pressially deliver t ed users

    a day-t-day basis. Rckwell selected Rexel t maage

    the oklahma City territry, ad this has paid r bth

    us ad AAE Autmati.

    o the ther had, at Rexel, we d! T us, he rep-

    reseted a wi helpig us t get ather chace t talkwith ad help ur oEM custmers. Ad it was a wi

    i helpig him grw his busiess. Thats tw wis. The

    third was r Rexel, i sellig mre Alle-Bradley prd-

    ucts t Tdd r the paels.

    F () k im bi iip wi w m. h, i w aae p k wi Jk Fg M Mi ( ig). t siw, ok., M p i v mig iii w i w ig m i mi ppi gi.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 124

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    Pi p

    While Rexel liked what Tdds cmpay

    (rigially amed Prcess Ctrls) had t

    er, gettig ptetial builders t use the

    pael-builders services tk time.

    At the begiigthe rst year, r 18

    mthsit was actually a very slw pr-

    cess, Fellers remembers. I was actually

    srt impatiet at the time, but I had t

    realize my situati.

    These ptetial custmers did t

    kw me rm Adam. They had t cme

    t uderstad my apprach, ad they

    had t start t trust me. oce I had bee

    arud r a while, ad we had built a

    relatiship, they did begi t trust me.

    Thats whe ur cmpay started gettig

    wrk, ad thigs tk rm there.

    Adds Jim Christers, Rexels lcal

    accut represetative r AAE: Its

    still a grwig relatiship, a wrk i

    prgress. I yu lk at what a qualied

    pael-builder thats UL-certied des r a

    cmpay like ursbasically, it pes up

    a veue that we ever bere were able

    t pursue i this area.

    Take Terex, which was the rst ppr-

    tuity which we pursued tgether. They

    make rad-buildig machiery at a mau-

    acturig acility here. Bere Tdd came

    alg, we basically just sld Alle-Bradley

    prducts directly t themmtr ctrl

    ceters ad PLCs.Iterally, they were doig some o their

    ow pael-buildig. AAE preseted their

    products ad services to the Terex team. It

    wast log beore Terex maagemet saw

    the beefts o how outsourcig certai pro-

    cesses could ree up their persoel to co-

    cetrate o the area they thought was most


    aae -pg pi p bm p Psmi (), t F ( aae ami), J Vg (iig).

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    i s u c c e s s s t o r y c t . . . . . .

    As it tured ut, Terex was a perect place t start.

    Fellers had de sme wrk previusly, utside the

    area, i the asphalt busiess. Like may iche idus-

    tries, its a relatively small wrld. Whe Christersitrduced Fellers t Ke Csby, head egieerig

    r asphalt at Terex, it tured ut the tw kew peple

    i cmm, ad had actually heard each ther.

    I guess the act that Ke had heard me bere

    gave us a bit credibility, Fellers says. We quted

    a ew paels r them. It tk a ew mths, but aterthey saw the quality the prduct we were deliverig,

    they started pushig mre wrk ur way.

    oppii i iig

    While e the wrk de r Terex ca be called

    typical, Fellers saysits all custmthe stry there

    has bee repeated elsewhere i the oklahma City


    Were dig sme wrk i wastewater treatmet,

    ather case i which we were itrduced t the clietby Rexel, he says. Agai, it started ut slw. Weve

    bee buildig paels r this custmer r abut 18


    Ad at the begiig, they were dig the purchas-

    ig the parts r us, ad we were just assemblig

    the paels r them. I guess it was a kid- wait-ad-

    seethey were waitig t see i we culd deliver

    what we said we culd d.

    nw, were dig mre wrk r them, ad were

    purchasig the parts. It tk time, but weve eared the

    credibil ity ad their trust.

    Explais Christoerso: The biggest key to the success

    o this cocept is that mauacturig acilities are lookig

    or additioal egieerig resources. AAE Automatios UL

    certifcatio provides the platorm that allows these types

    o acilities the optio to outsource jobs such as pael-

    buildig. It is a wi-wi situatio or all parties ivolved.

    As Fellers wrked mre clsely with cmpaies i

    the area, he bega t see the lgic a hk-up with a

    electrical ctractig cmpay as well. Weve gtte a

    cuple jbs lately i which the whle idea behid ur

    merger has really wrked ut r the custmer, ad

    curse r AAE, he says.

    oe them was i wastewater, ad ather i the

    d idustry. o these jbs, my part AAE did the

    egieerig, pael-buildig, ad start-up; the ctract-

    ig cmpay did the istallati. Its smethig the cus-

    tmers really seem t wat.

    Wi p p i ig mpg aae b, aae pp wk i m p. h, mp ii dBik wk ii k m.

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    Adds Christers: The relatiship weve built

    with AAE is a imprtat part what Rexel has cused

    recetly. We wat t g beyd what a distribu-

    tr has de i the past. Sure, well still sell prduct

    t thse wh wat t buy it! But were cusig

    prvidig a ull rage services t the custmert

    help the custmers wh wat ur help i grwig their


    W bm i?

    Back i August 2005, whe Fellers cmpleted the

    puch list eeded t wi UL certicati r his pael-

    buildig shp, he might have bee hpig custmers

    wuld break dw his dr with ew rders. Whe it

    didt tur ut that way, he tk the steps ecessary t

    build the busiess.

    As it tured ut, the prime rward mvemet i

    that ert was t talk with his lcal Rexel accut pe-

    ple. I started this busiess with $19,000, he recalls.

    The grwth weve had has bee, mstly, due t the

    help Ive gtte rm the sales peple emplyed at


    What kid grwth? As 2008, the busiess has

    mre tha dubled i size (t cutig the electrical

    ctractig cmpays sales) rm 2007. Fellers sees

    additial grwth cmig. Sice 2007, everythig has

    really take , he says, addig (almst with a laugh):

    We dt pla slwig dw!i

    sim ([email protected]) i ei Power Outlet.

    h wi g i i i


    comr ik Mrry Mrin Jk Fog (nr) n now vi mv o rvi o ul-rifd pnop ( rprnd by todd Fr o aae aomion, ) nd n ining ri onror (aae prnrJon Vg, rig).

    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 2

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    i I N D U S T R Y

    Tble One

    Electricity Use By Sector, 1995 2006(i mii mgw-)

    y rii* cmmi* Ii* o* di u**

    1995 1,042.5 862.7 1,012.7 95.4 150.7

    1996 1,082.5 887.4 1,033.6 97.5 152.6

    1997 1,075.9 928.6 1,038.2 102.9 156.2

    1998 1,130.1 979.4 1,051.2 103.5 160.9

    1999 1,144.9 1,001.9 1,058.2 106.9 171.6

    2000 1,192.4 1,055.2 1,064.2 109.5 170.9

    2001 1,201.6 1,083.1 996.6 113.2 162.6

    2002 1,265.2 1,104.5 990.2 105.6 166.1

    2003 1,275.8 1,198.7 1,012.4 /a 168.3

    2004 1,291.9 1,230.4 1,017.8 /a 168.5

    2005 1,359.2 1,275.1 1,019.2 /a 150.0

    2006 1,351.5 1,299.7 1,011.3 /a 146.9

    Sr: ergy irma Admsra, u.S. Dp. ergy, www.a.d.gv

    /a = avaa. * rsda, mmra, dsra, ad hr ar rprd ra sas. ** dr s = mmra & dsra ay s s ry gra.

    Industrial Electricity Use

    Perhaps youve heard theres no industrialwork in the U.S. these days. This eature,with a green tint, proves that idea wrongand shows opportunitiesstill abound inhelping this sector to save energy andbecome more efcient!

    a w i tb o, ii mi gw i g v 12- pi, b i m

    m 27% g p b u.s. i

    ii, mmi, ii .n di u (i gi) mbimmi ii; mig g im ii, b p .

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 128

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    Views In A Green Age

    I ag 2008, e F tp (www..m) ii G Mig rp b v mig iv. Fig tw

    w g w (p pik m ) qib b migmpi pigw iv ivim/giiiiv.

    a w, #1 #2 p i k--k. #1 w spp p vimibii g& vii. #2 wpig mi i vimi p & pi.

    W e F tp(www..m) ii G Mig

    rp (ag 2008), i vmig iv. a wbv, ig p 39%w g mig i p g cp rpibii g.

    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 2

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    i I N D U S T R I A L E L E C T R I C I T Y c o n t . . .

    a o rly dmbr, 706 rommtioor rgy-fit itril lightig rtroft othr tiviti h b m i 2008

    vi th u.s. doe Itril amt ctr pro-

    grm. Blow, Power Outleth provi til o 25lt rommtio tht wr implmt.

    not: a o mi-dmbr, mor th 14,000itril mt h b prorm (ovr thyr) vi th progrm, with 105,249 romm-tio m i th ort.

    a th tb hr: http://i.rtgr./tb/rommtio.php.

    Fm w mig

    iv g imi bg mig? aig

    G Mig rp(i i ag 2008 b e Ftpwww..m), ig i i pbii.app, p- qii m wb (w i o)b pi pbiimi #1 i m.

    Tble Two

    Smple Industril Lihtin Enery-Sin actions, 2008

    ai c svigPbk()

    litp /

    p i

    I p $474 $307 1.5 nY Labratry istrumets

    I p $2,000 $960 2.1 ARLeather utility belts/

    tl bags

    Mk pi ig ig w

    $0 $750 immediate TX Sack ds

    r imii miimm v

    $0 $7,021 immediate FL St driks

    r imii miimm v

    $870 $2,404 0.3 FL Paper mauacturig

    uii ig wvpib i i ii ig

    $794 $1,589 0.5 FL Bk pritig

    uii ig-i mp/


    $59,620 $100,400 0.6 TX Preab metal buildigs

    uii ig-i mp/b

    $8,173 $11,713 0.7 IL Clay reractry

    uii ig-i mp/b

    $1,927 $747 2.6 WV Games, tys, bicycles

    uii ig-i mp/b

    $297,920 $164,842 1.8 oKMarie prpulsi

    ster drives

    Source: U.S. Dept. o Energy Energy Efciency & Renewable Energy, Industrial Technologies Program

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 130

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    i I N D U S T R Y


    st electrical ctractrs are by w aware

    that e the httest eergy-savig ppr-

    tuities i lightig is replacemet metal

    halide xtures with T5Ho r Super T8 furescet x-

    tures r up t 50% eergy savigs i hi-bay istalla-


    While switchig t furescet, hwever, we ca ask:

    Why stop at 50%?

    eig t svig

    Savigs ca exted beyd that level. Hw? By takig

    advatage autmatic lightig ctrl strategies such as

    ccupacy sesrs, schedulig, ad daylightig ctrl.

    Accrdig t e mauacturer, ccupacy sesrs

    ca save 30% t 80% the eergy csumed by the

    furescet xtures, while daylightig ctrls ca save

    10% t 30%.

    Industril Lihtin:Beyond 50% Enery SinsTheres no lw tht sys you cn only cut 50% on industril cilitys lihtin enery consumption.


    Fig o: hi-b igig pg ig f m igi ppii p gvig wi igig . Photo courtesy o Cooper Lighting.

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    i I N D U S T R I A L L I G H T I N G c o n t . . .

    Why is furescet riedlier with

    lightig ctrls? Tw reass:


    restrike capability, while prbe-start

    metal halide lamps require ur

    miutes t start ad abut 10 miutes

    t ht re-strike ater shut.


    is easier t dim. These lamps ca be

    dimmed dw t abut 10% t 20%

    iput watts. I ctrast, metal halide

    shuld ly be dimmed dw t 50%.

    Fig tw. u.s. Mi cp B Jp h. Pm 1 Mi epii F 1 Midiviiimpm igig pg i biig i vig hId t5ho i-b b sq db si ei Pwikigig m. t p-b Pwik m pvimi igig wi m pviig ig vig pbiii. t g vig i im 57%, vig m $230,000. Photo courtesy o Schneider Electric.

    Compared with metal

    halide, fuorescentsoer better energysavings through


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    i I N D U S T R I A L L I G H T I N G c o n t . . .

    sig c

    Schedulig is a simple autmatic shut strategy that is

    eabled by switchig t furescet lightig rm metal

    halide. Retrttig the lightig ctrl pael with a itel-liget pael (eaturig a iteral time-clck) eables


    Schedulig, like ther switchig strategies, wrks

    well with multi-level switchig strategies i which

    the lamps ad ballasts withi each light xture are

    electrically separated, prvidig 0%/50%/100% r

    0%/33%/66%/100% light ad pwer levels.

    op s

    occupacy sesrs are ppularly used i hi-bay istalla-

    tis i idustrial buildigs ad warehuses. These se-

    srs are typically passive-irared (PIR). As mst spaces

    er a lie--sight betwee the sesr ad the ccupat,

    the sesr is usually lkig r majr mti.

    Additially, the eld view ca be deed, which is

    highly suitable r warehuse aisles.

    Lie-voltage sesors, available rom compaies such

    as Levito, provide lower-cost (about oe-third the cost o

    low-voltage sesors, accordig to Platts/McGraw-Hill) auto-

    matic shuto without the eed or istallig low-voltage

    wirig ad exteral power packs. These sesors mout

    directly oto light fxtures or electrical juctio boxes.

    oe ca buy lie-vltage sesrs as part the x-

    ture r separately r ctractr eld istallati. noTE:

    I yu are ccered abut ccupat acceptacepar-

    ticularly i wrkers will be drivig rklits it darkeed

    zescsider a trial istallati rst.

    nte that requet switchig ca reduce lamp lie,

    hwever, s als be sure t csider pr-

    grammed-start ballasts t maximize lamp lie.

    digig c

    Phtsesrs ca als be istalled as part

    light xtures muted ear daylight apertures

    such as skylights ad widws. The priciple

    perati is simple: Whe a suciet daylight

    ctributi is measured by the phtsesr,

    the furescet lights will either switch r dim.

    I switchig, desigate the setpits such

    that the lights will switch oFF ly i respse t high

    daylight ctributis, esurig the lights d t switch

    on ad oFF requetly all day.Additially, the ccupacy sesr ca icrprate day-

    light verride capability, hldig turig the lights

    on whe adequate ambiet light is available.


    Ulike HID lamps, which ca be dimmed t 50%, fu-

    rescet lamps ca be dimmed dw t 1% t 5%,

    althugh 10% t 20% is mre typical i eergy ma-

    agemet applicatis.

    Although ot deployed as ote as switchig i idustrial

    applicatios, dimmig has its applicatios. Dimmig, which

    may be cotiuous or step dimmig, is particularly advata-

    geous i applicatios where occupats may be irritated by

    switchig (eve multi-level switchig), or example.

    Dimmig is particularly advatageus i multi-

    use spaces requirig high levels fexibility, demad

    respse prgrams ad daylightig ctrl applicatis

    where daylight availability is highly variable.

    tk c!

    Hi-bay lightig upgrades eaturig furescet systems

    te create sigicat pprtuities t expad eergy

    savigs with lightig ctrls. ote, these strategies

    ca te be cmbied t maximize savigs i idustrial


    dili, pi zig cmmii (www.igi.m),

    wi q b igig Power Outlet i-


    Occupancy sensors

    can save up to80% o fuorescentenergy use

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    i P H O T O S T O R Y

    A good time was had by all at

    the Rexel-sponsored bash in

    Nashville, Tenn., last November.

    Mk di, rvi pi & bimgm () wi Kinb, ceo rkw ami.

    a wk Fi,im,iip, bik, , p -t ww g r i m. P




    Reel in NshilleCustomers PrtyWith Reel atautomtion Fir

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    sm p iv im . Pp pi (m): t Mi J ri r (c, oi); Bic r (G Ji,c.); l s, i giigii wi u.s. Mi(dv).

    r Bi ab(), gimg i cii,k ig v.

    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 3

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    i N A S H v I L L E c o n t . . .


    s a signifcant distributor o Rock-

    well Autoations Allen-Bradley

    products, the Rockwell Autoation

    Fair is a ajor eent or Rexel.

    Rockwell Autoation holds this annual eentto display their new products and serices. In

    addition, educational courses are oered during

    the show urther deonstrating product speci-

    fcations, installation techniques and industry

    trends eatured in the trade show, explained

    mark Daniel, Rexels vP Sales & Deelopent

    (located at the copanys Dallas headquarters).

    Our custoers appreciate the initation to join

    our group at this annual trade show.

    Our custoers appreciate the chance to

    learn ore about Allen-Bradley products, and

    our eployees participate in the Rockwell train-ing odules hosted during the trade show.

    Beyond BuyInG & sellInG

    What can one add to a ull day o inora-

    tion and education? Rexels annual party gies

    custoers a chance to unwind.

    With the 2008 Fair held in Nashille, Rexel

    rkw ceo Ki nb (ig), rkw ami Fi, g m g r p.

    cig i b wrkw ( p, ) w r m n ci.Fm : yga, pmg, hik;W a,i , Fci; s am,i , a; ck hw,

    hikp mg.

    r iv mk v w

    bi wi g w m i wi vi p w . sm g w ww p!

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    created the Grand Ole Autoation Fair 2008

    vIP Custoer Eent. It was held at the Big

    Rier Grill, a rierront icrobrewery in down-

    town Nashille.

    more than 500 attendees enjoyed greatood and an open bar. They could play pool,

    chat, and dance to the oldies by lie band The

    Rhyth Kings.

    Rockwells Fair is the perect opportunity

    or our sales sta to show the alues we oer

    outside the day-to-day business o buying and

    selling, said Daniel.

    What custoMers had to say

    mark Peterson o GOJO Industries (Cuya-

    hoga Falls, Ohio), spoke about the lengthy

    relationship hes had with Gordon miller o

    Rexel Akron: He goes the extra ile or us.We count on hi to fx it when the ball is


    Brent Richardson, o Colorado Springs

    Utilities, issed his Rexel Dener rep, Rich-

    ard Halsey, who couldnt get to the Fair: We

    had to get soe sotware in beore the end

    o the fscal year, said Richardson, and

    t w m i nvi w wkig rkwami Fi ibi iig i

    pi. t mi v r p.

    P i v pp,

    i v . siig kig p mi m !

    o p mi i pi i i p! W rkw ami mp ( ViJkvi mp i mi), m

    ( , sv Gb Ppi i d, oi) r w pp ( ig, rb P, w i i hmi, oi).

    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 4

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i N A S H v I L L E c o n t . . .

    Richard Halsey deliered. That alls under

    great custoer serice.

    Shane Johnson, o Klosteran Bak-

    ing (Springfeld, Ohio) praised Scott Dais

    o the Rexels Hailton store: He reallytakes care o us. [Scott] een shows up in

    the iddle o the night when we need a


    For John Brown, o El Dorado Chei-

    cal (El Dorado, Ark.), the party was par-

    ticularly well-tied. He and wie Linda

    happened to be celebrating their eighth

    anniersary the eening o the party.

    Brown works with Ernie Sawyers o the

    local Rexel branch: We couldnt ask or a

    better rep, Brown said.

    For your calendar

    The 2009 Autoation Fair will be

    held No. 11-12 in Anahei, Cali. See

    www.autoationair.co. And reeber:

    Rexel will be there!i

    ck i Vigii-b wi.

    r i pvi pi k w g j g rkwami Fi. F, Gi lh h ei (MKi, t.) iv w b v im!

    oi piv Fi ( p) i ib. ckwi m : d r (r, d); GBg (Gm ci egiig, d); dg r (l

    s, ciii); e Bk ( Gm ci); Biri (r, hmi).

    o m g w m Vi

    u.s.a. (Miw, oi) a Wk(i gi), ig, tm s(pi)

    Gig mi amiFi p? yb! li J Bw ed cmi ed, ak. ib iiv (w mi ig

    i, m p).

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 142

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i B A S I C S




    Bere we get it the basics mtr

    maiteace, there are tw key pits

    which idustrial maiteace peple eed

    t be clear:

    Motormaintenanceisnotmtr repair.

    Thegoalofmotormaintenanceisnott x

    brke mtrs.

    Whats the idea, the? We eed t

    prevet ailures by crrectig decie-

    cies that cause ailures. Thse de-

    ciecies are te outside the motor.

    e y c Pv

    t y di Mk

    Errrs made bere the mtr ges

    it service ca reder maiteace

    pitless. Tw examples:

    1. The mtrs desiger saves

    mey by gig cheap the

    mtr pedestal ad base. The

    resultig mvemet the mtr

    durig perati csts mre i

    eergy dllars each mth tha the

    mey yu saved ( materials)

    i the iitial purchase price.

    2. A tech vertightes a mtr t.

    This distrts the mtr case,

    causig iexplicable aligmet

    ad vibrati prblems.

    Whats that yu saya maite-

    ace prgram cat prevet such

    errrs? Correct! But baselie testig,

    a cre part eective maiteace,

    typically leads t detecti ad cr-


    Bi M tig:

    Mm nw

    The mai reas r baselie testig, hwever, ist

    errr detecti. Yu eed t d baselie testig s

    that yu have a reerece. That will help yu t make

    sese ut data cllected durig Prevetive Mai-

    teace (PM) ad Predictive Maiteace wrk.

    Industril Motor Mintennce

    Motors re comple. Mintinin them reuires skillin seerl disciplines, includin mechnicl, electricl,nd controls. How cn you et hndle on ll o this?


    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 144

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i B A S I C S c o n t . . .

    Thik abut it: Theres t much a alterative!

    With thig t cmpare the data t, measuremets

    may t mea much.

    May maagers deliberately elimiate baselie

    testig t save mey. They csider testig t be

    uecessary, because its ew s we kw it wrks.

    This is bad practice based a alse assumpti.

    Whats mre, that alse assumpti is als irrel-

    evat. Baselie testig amuts t simple data cllec-

    ti, notacceptace testig.

    At a miimum, baselie mtr testig icludes:

    Aligmet ad vibrati data.

    Isulati resistace tests.

    Hi-ptetial tests.

    avoid Wd tim Vi

    Pr-Inion ting

    Fr critical mtrs, get a cmplete wrkup rm a

    mtr shp prir t istallati. That icludes ew

    mtrs (ca yu say, warraty claim?).

    Which tests matter? The mtr shp will kw.

    Fr example, theyll recmmed balacig critical

    mtrs. Yu cat d balacig i the eld r create as

    istalled resic data ater peratial ailure.

    D the same r mtrs that are dicult t istall.

    There are mtrs which e ca sped 37 ma-

    hurs i the istallati prcess. Ater this time has

    bee ivested, yu d t wat t discvert yur

    chagrithat the mtr must w be replaced r a

    easily discvered reas (r example, due t a bet

    shat yu shuld have detected bere startig the


    B t t F t r

    div & evim

    Cduct baselie testig the mtr






    the supply (brach ad/r eeder)



    Cduct baselie testig mtr drives:


    the iput r a gearbx the utput.

    ForVFDs,logthesettingsandanyreasonsforchangesmade rm the actry deaults.

    oce yure ruig the mtr, yure it peratial

    mtr maiteace. Lets hit sme highlights.

    opi Mi:

    70+ ei t

    There are mre tha 70 dieret electrical tests yu ca

    perrm a idustrial mtr. The number o mechani-

    cal tests is also large.

    Yu dt have the resurces t cduct all these

    tests, s which es shuld yu d? The aswer

    depeds several actrs. Its yur missi t deter-

    mie which ut this uiverse ptetial tests that

    ...motoranddrivemanufacturersrecommend or your

    application. Idustry stadards ale may t suce.

    . . .yur dwtime histry idicates a eed r.

    . . .yu ca allcate resurces t, based priritizati.

    oce yu have yur list tests r each mtr, deter-

    mie which these yu have the time ad expertise tperrm; yull utsurce the thers (see box on out-


    Prevetive maiteace stadard peratis shuld

    iclude visual ispectis yur bdig system. I

    yure grudig yur mtrs, review Article 100 de-

    itis grudig (cected t earth) ad bdig

    (cected t metal). Brig thigs it crmace

    with Article 250, Part V.

    Use monitoring, but notto eliminate manual tests.

    Monitoring & manual testscomplement each other.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 146

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i B A S I C S c o n t . . .

    Mi Miig:

    W y Mig am

    Imprve uptime ad lwer csts with autmated mi-


    Pw qi. Esure yur pwer mitr lks at the

    supply each critical mtr.

    Vibi miig. Detect aligmet ad wear

    prblems early.

    tm miig. Istall a temperature sesr the

    widigs ad thrust bearig each mtr.

    Ii i ig. Istall a autmated

    system wherever pssible.

    Vg . Mitr each phase; set up alarms

    r imbalace greater tha 2%.

    Dt use mitrig simply as a meas elimiat-

    ig maual testig. Use mitrig ad maual tests t

    cmplemet each ther. The mre yu itegrate the tw

    via a well-thught-ut strategy, the higher yur reliability

    will be.

    I sme cases, itll make sese t d bth ad i

    ther cases it wt.

    y M liv

    I t evim!

    The mtr iteracts with bth its lad ad its supply, s

    maitai bth i relati t the mtr. Fr example, d

    yu have a rmal prgram gearbx maiteace?

    Supply ges beyd the electrical t iclude air-

    fw. Mtrs eed clig air. A veted mtr may have

    a air lter that eeds regular maiteace. A ttally

    eclsed a cled (TEFC) mtr eeds a certai

    amut airfw arud it.

    Keep mtrs clea. Ctamiats the case ca

    migrate t the widigs, r simply cause the mtr t


    Mii : A paper mill kept lsig a 50-hp

    TEFC mtr . . . util smee realized that pulp buildup

    was isulatig the case ad causig the mtr t ver-

    heat. Simply brushig the mtr case ce per shit

    eded the requet ailures!

    ribii I t G

    This article is preseted i the hpe givig the reader

    a basic verview mtr maiteace. Wrk ut the

    details r each mtr, ad yull have the reliable perr-

    mace which yur plat depeds .i

    lm i i p w wi v i-

    mgi. h i ppi www.mii.m



    T brrw rm Rdey Dagereld, mtr

    lubricati dt get respect i the typical

    plat. This is exactly why mtr repair shps dgrease i the widigs shrted mtrs.

    Lubricatig mtrs ist a jb r the gruts.

    Its a imprtat maiteace task that requires

    atteti t detail (actually, t may details!).

    Bottom line:Frmal traiig i lubricati is

    ever a bad idea.


    I the earby article, meti is made abut

    utsurcig sme yur mtr maiteacetestig.

    Yu might well be skeptical. Wont the corpo-

    rate bean counters squawk about outsourcing

    motor tests when the company owns expensive

    test equipment?

    Sure they will. But yu have a ready


    Shw them which prcess lies will lse X

    dllars reveue i yu dt sped Y dllars testig by qualied persel.

    obviusly, all these tests (ad the prevetive

    maiteace) are ecessary. Let the bea cu-

    ters chse betwee beeg up yur sta, ut-

    surcig . . . r (ultimately) lsig the reveue.

    M. Lamendola

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 148

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i A S K B o


    I case a disaster, wh wuld be at ault pr-

    tectig yur ivestmets?

    Have yu ever bee i a discussi as t

    which atural disaster is wrse? The aswers typi-

    cally are regial; Easterers might respd with

    hurricaes, Midwesterers with trades, ad

    Westerers with earthquakes. Hwever, give the

    right cditis, e culd experiece the eects

    a cmbiati these calamities.

    Sigicat dierece amgst them: There is

    no weather-like orecast or earthquakes. The U.S.

    Gelgical Survey (USGS) tracks earthquake activ-

    ity ad redees these areas as earthquake hazard

    zes (highest-risk areas):

    suther Alaska;

    Hawaiia islads;

    the etire West Cast (dw thrugh Mexic);

    St. Luis, M;

    brders betwee Utah, Idah, Wymig ad

    Mtaa; ad

    Charlest, S.C.

    are You Zoned 4 a Disster?Prt One o two-prt rticle onseismic disturbnces brins you moreinormtion thn perhps you eercould he wnted.


    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 150

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet
























    AL GA






    WI MI













    Are earthquakes everywhere? It sure seems s! Frm

    1975-1995 ly Flrida, Iwa, nrth Dakta, ad Wisc-

    si did t experiece a earthquake. Yesthe ther 46

    states had at least e each.

    Alaska is the mst earthquake-pre state (it eve

    has icequakes!), with a 7.0 magitude (7M) earthquake at

    least ce every year. A magitude 8M strikes the state

    ce every 14 years, average.

    ab: nwk eqipm-Biig sm

    Data rm these zes is used t develp requiremets

    r buildig desig ad buildig cdes. I the 1970s, the

    Bellcre (w Telcrdia Techlgies) netwrk Equip-

    met-Buildig System (nEBS) was develped t speciy

    evirmetal desig guidelies r

    (1) persel saety;

    (2) prtecti prperty; ad

    (3) peratial ctiuity.

    objective: Make it easier r a vedr t desig equip-

    met cmpatible with telecmmuicatis equipmet

    used i the cetral ces RBoCs (Regial Bay oper-

    atig Cmpaies) ad LECs (Lcal Exchage Carriers).

    IMPoRTAnT: nEBS is csidered a idustry sta-

    dard, but is not a legal requirement.

    Smethig called the Telecmmuicatis Carrier

    Grup (TCG) was created by the ur largest U.S. tele-

    cms (AT&T, Veriz, BellSuth, ad Qwest) TCGs

    bjective is t sychrize nEBS stadards acrss the

    idustry. Heres where that ert stads:

    neBs lv 1r ce-class evirmets havig

    miimal degradati. This meas a very lw threshld

    equipmet hazards ad etwrk degradati by address-

    ig: (1) persel, (2) equipmet saety requiremets,

    but t (3) perability requiremets GR-63-CoRE ad

    GR-1089-CoRE. This level is primarily used r gettig

    prttypes it lab trials. RBoCs require all equipmet

    deplyed by CLECs t be Level 1-certied.

    neBs lv 2addresses equipmet perability i a

    ctrlled evirmet (thik data ceters) that will t

    be subjected t evirmetal stress ad disaster recv-

    ery. Due t ambiguity, this level certicati is rarely


    neBs lv 3rigiated rm Bellcre special

    reprt, SR-3580. Equipmet must meet all geeral

    requiremets GR-63-GoRE ad GR-1089-GoRE.

    nte that Veriz ad AT&T d t llw nEBS Level

    FIGure one.r = z 4

    og = z 3yw = z 2BG = z 2aB = z 1.

    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 5

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i D I S A S T E R c o n t . . .

    FIGure tWo:s a .

    3 r SR-3580, istead usig their w mdied nEBS


    NEBS Physical ProtectionGR-63-CoRE (ad its

    cuterpart AnSI T1.329-2000) is the mst requetly

    reereced earthquake stadard. It ctais strict

    specicatis r geeric telecmmuicati (switch-

    ig) equipmet requiremets t maitai missi-critical

    peratis; Spatial requiremets, heat, re ad smke,

    earthquake/vibrati, acustic ise, thermal, hadlig/

    trasprtati, airbre/airfw patters, illumiati,

    ailure severity levels, testig ad certicati require-


    nte that weve skimmed it here, as there are may

    ther nEBS specicatis r utside ad iside applica-

    tis! The llwig tw are mst cmmly reereced:

    NEBS Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical

    Saety Generic Criteria or Network Telecommunication

    Equipment GR-1089-COREdescribes EMC/EMI, ESD,

    ad electrical saety requiremets.


    Telecmmuicatis Prducts ad Equipmet is GR-78-


    W i qk ?

    The UBC (Uiversal Buildig Cde) dees ve earth-

    quake zes; rm Ze 0, which represets no sub-

    stantial earthquake riskt the wrst-case severity level

    cmmly, reerred t as seismic Ze 4. nte: The

    UBC is the only building code that still makes use o

    such zones.

    These ault zes areas are pltted tpgraphical

    maps arud active aults. See Figure oe.

    A seismic ze map is based a statistical cmpi-

    lati the umber ad the magitude past earth-

    quakes. It is a idicatinot a prediction where

    the ext earthquakes mst likely will ccur, hw te,

    ad the pssible magitude.

    nte that there is direct crrelati betwee

    seismic zes ad Richter scale. Hwever, histry has

    shw that the wrst earthquakes usually ccur i the

    higher seismic zes.

    Zes, des t ecessarily mea the ault lie

    sice the exact lcati is dicult t islate.

    W i ?

    A ault is a racture i the

    crust the earth alg

    which e side has mved

    relative t the ther side.

    Mst aults are the result

    repeated displacemets

    ver a lg perid time.

    A iv is e

    that has ruptured i the

    past 11,000 years. A

    is the lie the

    earths surace that may be

    idetied by rads, drai-ages, ad ther eatures

    the grud. Mst earth-

    quakes ccur at depths

    less tha 80 km (50 miles)

    rm the Earths surace.

    Example: See Fig-

    ure Tw. Calirias Sa

    Adreas ault is t a si-

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 152

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    FIGure Four: cvg .

    FIGure three: a p.

    gle, ctiuus ault, but rather a ault ze made up

    may segmets. The ault system is mre that 800 miles

    lg, ad i sme spts is as much as 10 miles deep.

    Mvemet may ccur alg ay the may ault seg-

    mets alg the ze at ay time.

    Surace rupture (see Figure Three) ccurs whe

    mvemet a ault deep withi the earth breaks

    thrugh t the surace. The 1992 Laders Earthquake,

    i Sa Berardi Cuty, had surace ruptures exted-

    ig r ver 50 miles havig displacemets rm a ich

    t 20 eet.

    Alteratively, the Lma Prieta Earthquake 1989

    caused majr damage i the Sa Fracisc Bay

    Area, but exhibited sigicat surace rup-

    tures. Mvemet is alg the axis the

    plae (t perpedicular). Accrd-igly, ly crevices, lateral spread-

    ig ad ladslides will, i ay, result.


    Alquist-Pril Earthquake ault

    zes are Caliria regulatry

    zes that ecmpass surace

    traces active aults that have a

    ptetial r uture surace ault rupture.

    I a prperty is t develped, a ault

    study may be required bere the parcel

    ca be subdivided r bere mst struc-

    tures ca be permitted.

    I a prperty isdevelped r cm-

    mercial r residetial, the Alquist-Pril

    Act requires that all real estate trasac-

    tis withi a ault ze be disclsed

    by the seller t prspective buyers.

    Calirias natural Hazards Disclsure

    Act 1998 requires that sellers real

    prperty ad their agets prvide pr-

    spective buyers with a atural haz-

    ard disclsure statemet whe the

    prperty is beig sld lies withi e r

    mre zes.

    What des this have t d with

    thse us i the datacm ad telecm

    busiess? Vedrs may be required t have Calirias

    oce Statewide Health Plaig ad Develpmet

    (oSHPD) pre-apprval (oPA) umbers r IT irastruc-

    ture prducts.

    Additially, the Alred E. Alquist Hspital Facili-

    ties Seismic Saety Act 1983, establishes, uder the

    jurisdicti the Caliria oce Statewide Health

    Plaig ad Develpmet, a prgram seismic saety

    buildig stadards r certai hspitals cstructed

    ad ater March 7, 1973.

    Vlume 9 number 1 rexelusa.cm PoWER oUTLET 5

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i D I S A S T E R c o n t . . .

    FIGure sIx. dmg m qk i cii

    FIGure FIVe. eqk v imi.

    SB 306 authrizes certai hspital wers wh d t

    have the acial capacity t brig certai buildigs it

    cmpliace by 2013 t, istead, replace thse buildigs

    by Ja. 1, 2020.

    epi Fig si

    Calirias 200-year earthquake histry is divided it

    three early equal time perids, distiguished by red,

    blue, ad gree the map (Figure Six), t shw the

    chages i earthquake ccurrece ad ideticati with


    Sice 1800, as we ca see, earthquakes capable

    damagig ureirced buildigs have ccurred at least

    six times i each these regis: Ls Ageles t Sa

    Ferad, Sa Fracisc Bay t Sata Cruz, ad Eureka

    t Cape Medci.

    Epiceters 800magitude-5-r-greater temblrs

    are shw, icludig sme cetered shre Calir-

    ia, as well as i brderig regis nevada, oreg,

    ad Mexic.

    Caliria, the average, has experieced e 6M r

    greater earthquake each year sice 1950. It als shws

    that sme areas have bee relatively quiet seismically

    i the last 90 years but were very active i the previus

    100 years.

    ri s & Mgi (M)

    The Richter scale is t a physical device, but

    a mathematical rmula (develped i 1935

    by Charles F. Richter, Caliria Istitute

    Techlgy). The magitude a earthquake

    is determied rm the lgarithm the

    amplitude waves recrded a seism-

    gram at a certai perid.

    It is estimated that there are 500,000

    detectable earthquakes i the wrld each

    year. U.S. Gelgical Survey (USGS) scie-

    tists describe the Hayward ault i the Bay

    Area Caliria as a tectic time bmb,

    due (ay time w) r ather magitude-

    6.8-t-7.0 earthquake.

    Magitude is a umber that dees the

    relative size a earthquake, measured

    by the maximum mti as recrded by a

    seismgraph. The magitude is the same

    matter where yu are, r hw strg r

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 154

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i D I S A S T E R c o n t . . .

    FIGure seVen: a k i i Mgibw M5, M6, M7 qk.

    EaRTHqUaKE RECORDS:DEvaSTaTINgt g qk i

    usa: A magitude 9.2 that struck Price

    William Sud, Alaska, Gd Friday,

    March 28, 1964.

    lg i w: A magitude 9.5 i

    Chile May 22, 1960.

    di qk: oe

    that hit cetral Chia i 1556 killed a

    estimated 830,000 peple. I 1976 ather

    deadly earthquake struck i Tag Sha,

    Chia, where mre tha 250,000 peple

    were killed.

    EaRTHqUaKE FaCT SHEET Itwasrecognizedasearlyas350BCbythe

    Greek scietist Aristtle that g

    k m k i a earthquake.


    qk i ami.


    1960, imgp imiwv v e.

    These seismic waves shk the etire earth

    r may days! This pheme is called the

    ree scillati the Earth.

    Theii ai iqk

    which, althugh they are much smaller, are

    perhaps mre requet tha earthquakes there.

    Icequakes are similar t earthquakes, but

    ccur withi the ice sheet (istead the lad

    udereath the ice). Plar bservers say they

    ca hear the icequakesad see them theSuth Ple seismgraph statibut they are

    much t small t be see eugh statis

    t btai a lcati.

    Thevg mi s

    a F z durig the past 3,000,000

    years is tw iches per year. This is abut

    the same rate at which yur gerails grw.

    Assumig this rate ctiues, scietists prject

    that Ls Ageles ad Sa Fracisc will be

    adjacet t e ather i apprximately 15

    milli years.

    Althoughbothareseawaves,ami i wv are urelated phemea.

    A tidal wave is a shallw water wave caused

    by the gravitatial iteractis betwee the

    Su, M, ad Earth. A tsuami is a sea

    wave caused by a uderwater earthquake r

    ladslide (usually triggered by a earthquake)

    displacig the cea water.


    the resultig re ater the 1906 s Fi

    qk tha by the earthquake itsel.

    A seiche(pruced saysh) is whathappes i the swimmig pls Calirias

    durig ad ater a earthquake. It is

    i wv iig i b w.

    I ther wrds, it is the slshig the water i

    a swimmig pl, r ay bdy water, caused

    by the grud shakig i a earthquake. It may

    ctiue r a ew mmets r hurs, lg

    ater the geeratig rce is ge. A seiche ca

    als be caused by wid r tides.

    weak the shakig was i varius lcatis.

    Magitude is expressed i whle umbers ad deci-

    mal ractis.. Because the lgarithmic basis the

    scale, each whole number increase in magnitude rep-

    resents aincreasei measured amplitude.

    Mst earthquake waves have a requecy less tha

    20 Hz lastig secds t 2 miutes s are usually t

    audible. The rumblig ise heard durig a earthquake

    is mst likely the buildig ad its ctets mvig ad

    bucig arud.i

    c i rim, V.-b m i.

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 156

  • 7/28/2019 v9n1 PowerOutlet


    i B U S I n E S S




    Ctracts: Yu sig

    them; its hw yu

    ail dw the wrk

    yu w via bid r egtia-

    ti. But the wrds withi

    them determie yur rights

    ad respsibilities each

    prject. I yu agree t it (sig-

    iyig that with yur siga-

    ture), the curts will geerally

    erce it!

    Legalese is cusig. Per-

    haps yu cat ard t have a lawyer scrutiize

    every wrd. Whats the shortcut?There ist e.

    But yu ca lear t spt the deadliest ctract

    clauses ad egtiate equitable alteratives. Its

    the ly realistic way r a electrical ctractr

    t miimize risk.


    There are tw variatis this clause. Pay-

    when-paidrequires yu t wait r paymet

    yur ivice util the prject wer pays the

    geeral ctractr; i mst states, the presump-

    ti that this meas a reasable perid time

    allws yu t maitai yur right t paymet.

    I ctrast, pay-i-paidr-

    eits yur right t paymet i a

    wer ges bakrupt r simply

    reuses t pay.

    oly a ew states have ut-

    lawed pay-i-paid prvisis as

    agaist public plicy. Watch r

    this clause. I yu see it, be sure

    t isert laguage t preserve

    yur right t paymet, uless

    the wers reusal t pay

    results rm yur wrk.

    IpiB r

    This prvisi states that the terms a ge-

    eral ctractrs agreemet with the wer are

    icluded i ctracts betwee the geeral ad

    the subctractrs.

    I yu dt kw what is i the wer-geeral

    ctractr agreemet, yu may be acceptig

    ano lien ctract;

    desig respsibility; r

    tice prvisis that aect yur rights.

    other tha t sigig the ctract, what

    shuld yu d i ad whe yu see this prvisi?

    oe lgical acti is r yu t request a cpy

    Contrcts: 7 Dedly Cluses

    When you ree to these in writin, you sin wy yourrihts! Cn you minimize your risk? Yesby redin,neotitin nd, i necessry, by otin with your eet.


    learn tospot thedeadiestcontractcauses

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    i 7 D E A D L Y C L A U S E S c o n t . . .

    the dcumets icrprated by reereceand

    read them.With what sigicat cmmitmets will

    these dcumets ecumber yu?

    Ather wuld be t isert laguage into your con-

    tractthat egates the applicati ay clauses mre

    restrictive r erus tha thse i yur direct ctract

    with the geeral.

    n-lic &li Wiv

    Sice the mechaics lie claim is a derivative claim,

    yur rights deped the fw that claim thrugh

    the geeral ctractr.

    Bttm lie: I yur custmer agrees t a -lie

    ctract, v . That hurts. A -lie prject

    remves the ly recurse yu have t erce pay-

    met, sice yu cat retrieve yur prducts ce

    they are istalled.

    T g e step urther: Laguage i lien waiver orms

    is a mre isidius way egatig yur paymet rights.

    Always crdiate the date yur waiver with the cm-

    pleti date the wrk r which yu are ivicig.

    Additially, make sure the laguage the rm

    des t reit yur right t uture paymets.


    Its the shell game the cstructi idustry! Retai-

    age allegedlyassures cmpleti the wrk.

    Whats the lgic retaiage? Apparetly, ctrac-

    trs are uethical sleaze balls wh must be cerced,

    thrugh the withhldig sums greater tha their

    usual prt margis, t perrm their ctractual bliga-


    I applicati, retaiage makes youthe al surce

    acig uderuded prjects. It prvides lever-

    age with which a wer/geeral ctractr ca cercea discuted settlemet i exchage r the prmise

    repeat prjects.

    What are yur ptis here? The ideal wrld wuld

    see yu able t egtiate a -retaiage ctract.

    nt pssible? The wrk t mitigate the eect

    retaiage. Hw? Isist isertig laguage that lim-

    its the percetage retaied t what is withheld rm

    the geeral ctractr. It shuld require lie-item

    release yur retaiage up cmpleti yur


    Further: Take care that yu waive yur lie

    rights the retaiage.

    n dmgF d

    This prvisi etitles yu t a time extesi i there

    are delays caused by thers. But yu wt receive

    extra mey t cver additial csts mbilizati,

    dembilizati, idle crews, r vertime t expedite at a

    later date.

    Whats mre, theres a fip side this m

    Remember:Everythingis negotiabe

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    i 7 D E A D L Y C L A U S E S c o n t . . .

    i. That results i decreased prductivity,

    vertime, ad mre accidets.

    Irically, shuld a subctractr cause a delay,

    may geeral ctractrs (uder the ctract they have

    with the wer) are etitled t liquidated damages as

    reimbursemet r their csts!

    Preserve yur right t recver yur additial

    expeses i the case schedulig delays.


    Yu expect t prtect ther parties rm yur w

    errrs r egligece. I yure smart, yull pay r

    isurace t cver these risks.

    But wait. Whe yu are asked t hld harmless

    t ly the wer ad geeral ctractr, but a lau-

    dry list desig pressials, ispectrs, ad radm

    visitrs t the prject site, yu may be agreeig t sel-

    isure the additial risk.

    I may states, broad orm hold harmless provisions

    are uerceable. S sme curts will t supprt

    traser respsibility r es w egligece t

    ather party.

    Make sure that yu accept ly thse risks yu are

    able t maitai ctrl ver (r r which yu ca

    isure yursel). It is suggested that yu strgly c-

    sider walking awayrm ay ctract that requires

    yu t accept uisurable risks.

    spo Wk

    This prvisi makes yu respsible t ly r the

    wrk that is deed i the plas ad specs, but or any-

    thingnot shown therein.

    Hw des that sit with yu? By axig yur siga-ture t a ctact with such a deadly clause, yu are

    agreeig t d whatever is deemed ecessary t

    cmplete the prject. By sigig, yu rg the right t

    submit chage rders r extras.

    What beats that? Quite simply, the ctract shuld

    limit yur bligati t the scpe wrk as deed i

    yur bid, r t wrk specically idetied i the plas

    ad specs.


    Weve t exhausted the list ctract prvisis that

    ca cause yu harm. These wrds (i edrsed with

    yur sigature) ca rui yur busiesss evaluate

    them careully.

    Remember tw thigs:

    1. Everythig isegtiable.

    2. Smetimes, it really isbetter t walk away.i

    nbg-J (bigpg@bgb.), w w

    mi-w i mp, i p pi

    ni aii Wm I ci m neca

    . s w wk cig-b i .

    Remember:Sometimes itreay is betterto wak away

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 162

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    i F o R E n S I C S





    me peple just cat leave well-eugh

    ale. This is the stry a ma with a legiti-

    mate claim wh tried t grab mre tha

    he deserved. At the ed, he paid a price r his

    attempted pluder.

    Justice, apparetly, des shw up every w

    ad the.

    F I P: Kb-a-tb Wiig

    This case bega as a rather small electrical re i

    a ld apartmet buildig. I was called i t ispect

    the site by the prperty isurace carrier. The lad-

    lrd met me at the site.

    He was extremely iterested i kwig my

    pii, it tured uteve bere I had etered

    the buildig! I tld him that I didt yet have a

    pii; culd he please shw me where the re

    had started?

    Lcated i a afuet suburb a

    majr city, this buildig rigially

    had bee a large sigle-amily

    residece. oe culd easily

    see evidece several

    sigicat revatis

    ver the years.

    The Cse O The

    Hrd-Heded LndlordHow mny cookies cn you et out o the cookiejr with both hnds? The lesson tuht in tht oldstory pprently hsnt been lerned by ll o us.


    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 164

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    i F O R E N S I C S c o n t . . .

    Wiri wariial wi

    apprximaly100 yar l

    The surce the re was ud i a third-fr apart-

    met. It was ld kb-ad-tube wirig i a utside wall,

    eedig a utlet where a air cditier had bee

    plugged-i. Water had leaked i durig a heavy rai the

    day bere the accidet; the wires became wet adstayed that way.

    Itermittet arcig had bee takig place at a pit

    where they wires crssed ver each ther. That led, eve-

    tually, t re startig i a ld wde stud.

    nte that this wirig was rigial with the

    husewhich meas it was apprximately

    100 years ld. I culdt be certai (sice

    the wire had bee disturbed by the

    reme), but the ld isulati my

    t have bee itact.

    n o W h, n

    M dmg d

    Perhaps the re culd have

    bee extiguished quickly.

    I the evet, the reter was

    ut at the time. The re gaied

    grud i the several mi-

    utes that passed bere the re

    departmet (alerted by a passer-by

    wh saw the smke) shwed up.

    Despite that delay, the damage wast

    t extesive (all thigs csidered); ad

    e was hurt. My assessmet: The bedrm wuld have

    t be gutted, the exterir wall repaired ad a secti

    the r rede; sme iterir cleaig as well.

    But the re hadt caused serius damage; the build-

    ig was structurally sud. Further, the repairs wuldt

    take t lg; ad all the ther apartmets culd remai

    ccupied durig the repairs.

    I ispectig the rest the buildigs electrical sys-

    tem, I ud what e might well have expected:






    ut them.

    ntably, the circuit that had caused the re came up

    the wall rm the secd fr, where it was spliced it

    sme airly ew wirig.

    W eg d n sm lik . . . eg

    As I ished the ispecti ad prepared t leave, the

    buildig wer ctiued t ask r my pii.

    Agai, I plitely declied. I was there at the behest

    (ad i the pay ) the isurace cmpay, t

    the ladlrd. All I elt I culd er were

    a ew geeral cmmets, such as

    Glad the re departmet was

    clsead s .

    Ater gettig my reprt,

    my cliets made a set-tlemet er t the

    ladlrd. It seemed a

    reasable eugh

    er t me. Frm

    what I kew, a regu-

    lar ctractr i the

    area wuld be willig t

    d the repair jb r the

    amut the settlemet.

    But wait. The ladlrd pr-

    tested! I his pii, the settle-

    met shuld be twicethe ered


    Ater realizig he culd get where with

    the isurace cmpay, he hired a lawyer. His claims

    were ridiculus, but ghtig the case was gig t be

    expesive. It wuld have bee expesive r the lad-

    lrd t, but he seemed a bit uhiged abut it ad

    ulikely t give up.

    My cliet, the isurace cmpay, asked the lad-

    lrd why he thught he was etitled t s much mey.

    He igred this queryad kept makig demads.

    a div ckm I a I rq

    Legal papers bega gig back ad rth betwee the

    parties. Sme these are called Iterrgatries.

    A Iterrgatry is a rmal dcumet that seeks

    aswers t questis. Uder this legal structure, the

    PoWER oUTLET rexelusa.cm Vlume 9 number 166

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    i F O R E