v7- iPiSS v V ray 4 THE DAILY SUN RoIufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01412/00439.pdf · f...

f v7- w V v iPiSS THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 3 1906 7 V ray 4 > > = BaKinf Powder Absolutely DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER- It does not contain an atom of phos phatic acid which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid or of alum which is onethird sulphuric acid adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness x 1 RoI t ti A r sub- stances NEWS OF CITY AND CNNTY CONDENSED attm if GtMnl Iiterat Oath mi fly Otr KtftrttnP- IMOttAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS What KM What I Glns- I Ha pjn In Shcr Paragraph 9 The Run May Rue It In HM Map asaaarr J O Andrews latest styles at Sea eMee Captain A Pass has gene on a tnp to Jacksonville TiM galley of Newberry was trad- ing IB the city yesterday Compositor wasted at this office Btearfy position to right man R L Barton of Rocky Poial was tradlaf ia the city yesterday- P M CokftB and W E Baker hue gone te Jaekoaville oa Bfist Edith Pinnele of Bronton visited frieads ia this oily yesterday The BOB Industrial Editioa sent to add rest postage tree 10 Mr H L Rosenburger of Kirk wood waa shopping ia the city yester dayWe can now supply oar customers with trash bread daily C M Hell A Co Mr J M Hunt has gone to Slarke for a visit accompanied by Mary McCormick The shorter you smoke em the louver you like em Custom House cigars Vidaie- Mr Cha Eddy of Orange Height- was among those who visited friends in this city yesterday A G progressive young man of LaCrosse was in the city yesterday and renewed subscription Mr and F H Clyatt of Clyatt Btatioa were among those who favored Gainesville with a visit yesterday Turpentine leases for sale at this of Ice 80e per dozen 3 per hundred Cash must accompany order dawn Miss Edith Baird who is engaged in teaching in the Waldo High School is spending a day or two with her parents hero Mesdames W C Johnson and W A McCiriff of Micanopy were on a visit to friends and relatives in ihU city yes- terday S U Gay of Micanopy member of the firm of CoUnn t Hay naval stores operator wan transacting business in this city yesterday Room anti board in private family wanted fur young married Reference exchanged T tr Black- burn care land office Ladies let u show you nor samples- of vuiiiug rant The new Tiffany script is now all the rage All sizes and thickness carafe in stock Chautauqua tickets are now on sale a A L Vidal A Gos and W W Avera Season tickets for adults 1350 for school T He WIle Sort Lad lila Hnll I bUll- a for hi frs I k r J wand r M business any eats lie y t Hills i couple- t t children 2d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MM W H Liptcombe departed yes- terday for Jacksonville Miss Carrie Miller hat gone to Wild wood where he will visit friends for few days R F Hayman of Ocala one of the cleverest traveling men in the State was in the city yesterday- E W Millican the naval stores operator of Waldo was transacting business in this city yesterday D Graham agent of the Southern Express Co has returned front Ocala where he hat been on a visit to Absolute purity great strength and delicious natural flavor have made Blue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla fa Matter Mechanic E J Smith of the Atlantic Coast Line with headquarters- at thigh Spring was in the city Ask Herbert Pinkoson Fewer Gallons Wears Longer- JJ Haymans of Lochlooia one of leading naval stores operators of this county wa in the city yesterday looking after hit interettt- Mrt Gregg of Tini daughter of Mrt M F Hate 617 Eat Main street X left yesterday for her home after delightful visit here Among the visitors to this city yes- terday were ET Sugg of Judson and- J K Tyler who came on huniness connected with the United States land office Speaking of Edwin Souther who lectures on the subject If I the Devil The London Eng Telegraph says Marvel of two Hemispheres Rev W M Strout pastor of the Advent Christian Church who hits been confined to the with ill fur the pat flve weeks out for the first time yesterday lie will take a w ek ID recuperate Lost Lady1 gold watch with black ribbon fob Monogram M F en- graved on back of ease Fob had gold medal attached with name Myrtle Fennell engraved thereon Will pay liberal reward to tinder for return of property W Fennell READ THIS I xlngton T nn Jum 4 H l This u to certify that I parr us Texas Wunder halls Jrtut D- icovery for kidney trouble and have been grently benefited and I esn cheerfully reeomniend it to the pub- lic J O CoiiiT N KxSheriQ A TEXAS WONDER Ore small bottle of the TYias Won- der Hall Great Iicovery curs all kidney and troubles renuivt gravel cure diabetre iininal emis- sions went and lamt basks rheuiim tom and all irregularities of the kid- neys ami bladder in both men and women regulates bladder troubles in children If not sold by your druggist will be sent by trail on receipt of 1 One small bottle is two months treat- ment and seldom fail ta perfect a cure Dr Ernent W HaM ole mann facturer P O box tf fl St Lonis for tt nmoriinU Sold by J W McCollum A Cd a I moos i of Chlulauflua fit was I tilt Yo- nd rela- tive yes- terday about the a the thisevening 0 s booM fey blat er ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + P T Randall of Conner is in the city on a visit to D L Graham agent of the Southern Expret Company The premises of L C Smith Court street have improved in- aitertrnnce by a neat stud MitMatitiil- frtioe The Industrial Jvlitun of Th Mm i Ie at Avers and VnUl turd tint a copy seat it to Ten room in Eist Giirie vil fur ale cheap Large lot with a num- ber of fruit trees A bargain Apply- to M B Saoedert The Public Library and Reading Rooms West Liberty street are open from 2 to B p m daily except Sunday Membership fee 2 per year 1 per quarter Dr and Mrs Wm Spnrgeon of Lon- don Eng while here will be guest of the Brown House Dr Spurgeoa summoned here the opening of the Gainesville Chautauqua Carload of fine mules shipped out of St Louis Monday Will b placed on sale at my stable Monday morning If you want a good mule at the right price now it your chance W R Thomas- I purchased in St Louis a solid car- load of fine horse which were shipped Tuesday and are due here in plenty of time to begin sale at my stable Mon- day morning Prices and stock both right Call and see these animals W R Thomas Mrs Geo W Dudley Mid little daughter of Lakeland were among the arrivals in this city yesterday While here they will be guests of Mr and Sirs L C Lynch Mrs Dudley a visit to her son A Dudley who is attending school here George K Robinson of Ocala re- turned to his home Thursday after a busineis trip here He has just re- turned from Fort White where Dut ton tt Co purchased a fw days ago two hundred bales of cotton It was for the purpose of superintending the loading and shipment of this staple which required five ear that he went to Fort White- J H Manners has returned to this city from his old hum at Flemington N J where he was called to attend the funeral of his brother William H Manners The visit was all the more ad since Mrs Elizabeth H Manners mother of Mr Manners succumbed day after the of her mm Wm H Manners and was interred in the family lot next the grave of her sots Friends of Mr Mariners svrnpa thize with him in the death of tin two near relatives OrilFR NEWS ITEMS ON PAGE 1 NEW YORK STORE ON EARTH mm MILLINERY what H We hurt rwoived our f in v ladies jandjchiiilivn- A inanv Rwulvto NWar from nf uj Black Hat Hosiery Fin Men Women antI Ihildivn tlit goods that give satisfaetinn from l u up to afnv Try them and you will wear not kind PHIFER BROS biters Oiruer UaiueiTJiie Fla been Iii our friend house for on RACKETCHE- APEST Is 1 the luliltUln- owillterl tl ll ill tt he gut Hat I lit Nest news and was the bun ti fit t IItaih eat ftCit t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + + L SONS THE POPULAR STORE NECKWEAR- J in by Express In aortm nt of new Wash Storks Turuover at 2Sc M Mr 60 and BELTS- All that new and desirable in die Belt will be found herr trout 1UJ to fl U etch WAISTINGS 50 pieces new Madras Waiting in the latest wenves and designs at lo- JO 2oc up to 6 K yard SWISSES- A h g line of Imported French Put Swi5c from 15 to dOc per parr The Name WILSON un jo ir jito you have full value f r the you Evfrylhing y want At All At the Rig a Price Mrs R WILSON BARGAINSA- T THE GAINESVILLE SUPPLY WRITE US FOR PRICES AND CATALOGUE Corner University and E Union Sts Gainesville Fla w I nrw SPRlna OOODS ARRIYIM DAlll- I Itt s and OJ each i 1 > COca 10 a CON I a- J a ell tit m Tnr OAlnrSYIUr SUPPlY mMPAnl iace Collars 7 i signifies money sent tine 1 a LCD I WwVWb < > = = + THE CONTINENTAL CAFE South of P First turner It in I eo HE Eit1rIE IrtIII t very best rced all chef UillJ nil r petite art such us to you UIII Both meal and trading tickets Try Ui Fur 1 rll early sad late t Ola1 FIts it hours Ftret eln s the r Mare as enable give attention and tire tickte a pen +

Transcript of v7- iPiSS v V ray 4 THE DAILY SUN RoIufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01412/00439.pdf · f...

Page 1: v7- iPiSS v V ray 4 THE DAILY SUN RoIufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01412/00439.pdf · f v7- w iPiSSV v THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 3 1906 7 V ray 4 > > = BaKinf

f v7-w

V v



V ray




BaKinf PowderAbsolutely


It does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid which is the product of bonesdigested in sulphuric acid or of alumwhich is onethird sulphuric acid

adopted for other baking powdersbecause of their cheapness

x 1 RoIt

ti A






attm if GtMnl Iiterat Oath

mi fly Otr KtftrttnP-


What KM What I Glns-

I Ha pjn In Shcr Paragraph9 The Run May Rue

It In HM

Map asaaarr J O Andrewslatest styles

at Sea eMee

Captain A Pass has gene on atnp to Jacksonville

TiM galley of Newberry was trad-ing IB the city yesterday

Compositor wasted at this officeBtearfy position to right man

R L Barton of Rocky Poial wastradlaf ia the city yesterday-

P M CokftB and W E Baker huegone te Jaekoaville oa

Bfist Edith Pinnele of Brontonvisited frieads ia this oily yesterday

The BOB Industrial Editioa sent toadd rest postage tree 10

Mr H L Rosenburger of Kirkwood waa shopping ia the city yester

dayWecan now supply oar customers

with trash bread daily C M HellA Co

Mr J M Hunt has gone to Slarkefor a visit accompanied by MaryMcCormick

The shorter you smoke em thelouver you like em Custom Housecigars Vidaie-

Mr Cha Eddy of Orange Height-was among those who visited friendsin this city yesterday

A G progressive young manof LaCrosse was in the city yesterdayand renewed subscription

Mr and F H Clyatt of ClyattBtatioa were among those who favoredGainesville with a visit yesterday

Turpentine leases for sale at this ofIce 80e per dozen 3 per hundredCash must accompany order dawn

Miss Edith Baird who is engaged inteaching in the Waldo High School isspending a day or two with her parentshero

Mesdames W C Johnson and W A

McCiriff of Micanopy were on a visit tofriends and relatives in ihU city yes-

terdayS U Gay of Micanopy member of

the firm of CoUnn t Hay naval storesoperator wan transacting business inthis city yesterday

Room anti board in private familywanted fur young marriedReference exchanged T tr Black-burn care land office

Ladies let u show you nor samples-of vuiiiug rant The new Tiffanyscript is now all the rage All sizesand thickness carafe in stock

Chautauqua tickets are now on salea A L Vidal A Gos and W W

Avera Season tickets for adults1350 for school


He WIle


Lad lila Hnll I







k rJ




any eats



t Hills

i couple-t


children 2d





MM W H Liptcombe departed yes-

terday for JacksonvilleMiss Carrie Miller hat gone to Wild

wood where he will visit friends forfew daysR F Hayman of Ocala one of the

cleverest traveling men in the Statewas in the city yesterday-

E W Millican the naval storesoperator of Waldo was transactingbusiness in this city yesterday

D Graham agent of the SouthernExpress Co has returned front Ocalawhere he hat been on a visit to

Absolute purity great strength anddelicious natural flavor have madeBlue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla fa

Matter Mechanic E J Smith of theAtlantic Coast Line with headquarters-at thigh Spring was in the city

Ask Herbert PinkosonFewer Gallons Wears Longer-

J J Haymans of Lochlooia one ofleading naval stores operators of

this county wa in the city yesterdaylooking after hit interettt-

Mrt Gregg of Tini daughter ofMrt M F Hate 617 Eat Main streetX left yesterday for her homeafter delightful visit here

Among the visitors to this city yes-

terday were E T Sugg of Judson and-J K Tyler who came onhuniness connected with the UnitedStates land office

Speaking of Edwin Souther wholectureson the subject If I the DevilThe London Eng Telegraph says

Marvel of two HemispheresRev W M Strout pastor of the

Advent Christian Church who hitsbeen confined to the with ill

fur the pat flve weeks outfor the first time yesterday lie willtake a w ek ID recuperate

Lost Lady1 gold watch with blackribbon fob Monogram M F en-

graved on back of ease Fob had goldmedal attached with name MyrtleFennell engraved thereon Will payliberal reward to tinder for return ofproperty W Fennell

READ THISI xlngton T nn Jum 4 H l

This u to certify that I parr usTexas Wunder halls Jrtut D-

icovery for kidney trouble and havebeen grently benefited and I esncheerfully reeomniend it to the pub-lic J O CoiiiT N KxSheriQ


Ore small bottle of the TYias Won-

der Hall Great Iicovery curs allkidney and troubles renuivtgravel cure diabetre iininal emis-sions went and lamt basks rheuiimtom and all irregularities of the kid-

neys ami bladder in both men andwomen regulates bladder troubles inchildren If not sold by your druggistwill be sent by trail on receipt of 1

One small bottle is two months treat-ment and seldom fail ta perfect acure Dr Ernent W HaM ole mannfacturer P O box tf fl St Lonis

for tt nmoriinU Sold by J WMcCollum A Cd







fit was










the thisevening

0 s



blat er










P T Randall of Conner is in thecity on a visit to D L Graham agentof the Southern Expret Company

The premises of L C SmithCourt street have improved in-

aitertrnnce by a neat stud MitMatitiil-frtioe

The Industrial Jvlitun of Th Mm

i Ie at Avers and VnUl

turd tint a copy seat it to

Ten room in Eist Giirie vilfur ale cheap Large lot with a num-

ber of fruit trees A bargain Apply-

to M B SaoedertThe Public Library and Reading

Rooms West Liberty street are openfrom 2 to B p m daily except SundayMembership fee 2 per year 1 perquarter

Dr and Mrs Wm Spnrgeon of Lon-

don Eng while here will be guest ofthe Brown House Dr Spurgeoasummoned here the opening of theGainesville Chautauqua

Carload of fine mules shipped out ofSt Louis Monday Will b placed onsale at my stable Monday morning Ifyou want a good mule at the rightprice now it your chance W R

Thomas-I purchased in St Louis a solid car-

load of fine horse which were shippedTuesday and are due here in plenty oftime to begin sale at my stable Mon-

day morning Prices and stock bothright Call and see these animals WR Thomas

Mrs Geo W Dudley Mid littledaughter of Lakeland were amongthe arrivals in this city yesterdayWhile here they will be guests of Mrand Sirs L C Lynch Mrs Dudley

a visit to her son A Dudley who isattending school here

George K Robinson of Ocala re-

turned to his home Thursday after abusineis trip here He has just re-

turned from Fort White where Dutton tt Co purchased a fw days agotwo hundred bales of cotton It wasfor the purpose of superintending theloading and shipment of this staplewhich required five ear that he wentto Fort White-

J H Manners has returned to thiscity from his old hum at FlemingtonN J where he was called to attend thefuneral of his brother William H

Manners The visit was all the moread since Mrs Elizabeth H Manners

mother of Mr Manners succumbedday after the of her mm

Wm H Manners and was interred inthe family lot next the grave of hersots Friends of Mr Mariners svrnpathize with him in the death of tin twonear relatives






HWe hurt rwoived ourf in v

ladies jandjchiiilivn-

A inanv RwulvtoNWar from nf uj

Black Hat Hosiery

Fin Men Women antIIhildivn tlit goods thatgive satisfaetinn from l uup to afnv Try them andyou will wear not kind

PHIFER BROSbiters Oiruer UaiueiTJiie Fla



our friendhouse





Is 1 the luliltUln-owillterl tl ll ill








the bun ti

fit t IItaih eat















J in by Express In aortm nt

of new Wash Storks Turuoverat 2Sc M Mr 60 and


All that new and desirable in

die Belt will be found herr trout 1UJ

to fl U etchWAISTINGS

50 pieces new Madras Waiting in

the latest wenves and designs at lo-

JO 2oc up to 6 K yard

SWISSES-A h g line of Imported French Put

Swi5c from 15 to dOc per parr

The Name

WILSONun jo ir jito

you have full value f r theyou

Evfrylhing y wantAt All

At the Rig a Price





Corner University and E Union Sts Gainesville Fla

w I


Itt sand

OJ each

i 1



10 a


I a-





iace Collars7



money sent











THE CONTINENTAL CAFESouth of PFirst turner It

in I eo HE Eit1rIE IrtIII tvery best rced all chef UillJ nil rpetite art such us to you UIIIBoth meal and trading tickets Try Ui Fur 1 rllearly sad late


Ola1 FItsithours Ftret eln s the r Mareas enable give attention andtire tickte
