V , THE BINGHA^ITO^ PRESS, SATURDAY EVENING, … NY Pre… ·  · 2008-06-23FrislaaJre. garsge,...

V , THE BINGHA^ITO^ PRESS, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 21,1936. 21 amton Press Want Ad Results Show the Way to Extra Cash for Spring Needs REAL ESTATE yOB BBHT Apartment* and Houses- 26 tvTOilJt Sf.. ,W — 5-room spariment bwted; ««ntlts, tacaat April 1st nial 4-2303. \vTsT CATHERINE' ST., » — 5-room apartment. Adults only. flOKK ST., It—i*od«rn 6-roocs single. with t t r t p . Dt*t 4-3304. KOUTH SIDE—JJongtlow, 5 -rooms, Hth. very nice. $35. WEST,8IDE-3 rcKituf, shower bath, heat, hot. water. FrislaaJre. garsge, 111 WEST SIDE —single. 8 room*, bath, fireplace, ga- "NvHITELAW REAL E8TATB ijg Mala St. Dial 8 3127. SoTTH—<5 rjooms^ bstli, $26. L—\, <vvu.». wavw, ^.\*. WEST—"V rooms, $23. NORTH—0 rooms, first floor. ISO- BODMAN RENTAL AGENCY / 41333. Open Evenings. 93 Hawley 8t. BOTTH SIDE—5 rooms. $22, $25. $30. $3:,. $40. Apartments all parts ot cltv. Call Dorothy Pasta or J. K S. Wilder. QUI 7-1011: PTea.. 2-7724. \VEST SIDE—HOD8E8 AND FLATS^- HOUSE — 8 rooms, polished floors, girige. •»• HALF TWIN-Newly decorated," fireplace, 150. Half twin, $10. FIRST FLOOR—5 rooms, oak floors, shower, garage. Janitor service, loO. FIRST FLOOR—5 rooms,' sun- pirlor. shower, garage, $15. 6 rooms, sunparlor, oak floors, shower, garage. $15. $30. HEATED APARTMENTS — « rooms, $4760: $50; $60. Second floor, $75; $47-50 (furnished, April 1st, 5 rooms, shower, $55.). BKVIER ST.—First floor, 0 rooms, oak floors, gas range, garage, $33. ROBINSON ST.—Second floor. 5 rooms, ris range, garage. $30. COURT ST.— 5 rooms; flit floor, furnace, garage. $25. INDWELL—House, 8 rooms, oak floors, J-ear garage, large garden, fruit and flowers, $10. For sale. Bargain. Terms. , Dally Changes. D. P. 8ELLECK 408 Mirlne Midland Trust Co. Bldg. Dial 2-9153. •WEST 81DK — 6 rooms, $60; 5 rooms, $35; T rooms, $25; 6 rooms, $23; 6 room*, $35; 7 rooms, $35; 8 rooms, $50; 5 rooms, $18.. EAST SIDE —8 rooms, $38; 8 rooms, $30. NORTH SIDE—From $20 up. Alio 80UTH SIDE renUls. HANS DALL - 300 Security Bldg. Dial 4-5313. SERVICES OFFERED ALTERATIONS, garages, houses, floor*. Lower price*. L. Allen. Dial 4-1887. LET8 PLAN those alterations or re- pairs now. Work guaranteed. Robert H. Sheldon. Builder. Dial 4-3913. Palntlnc— Papering 85 B. F. LOOktIS pipers any average room for $3. Absoluts guarantee, 294 Vestal Are. Dial S-Cllft. PA1NTINO, papcrhanglng, walls re- paired; also carpenter work any kind, hour or contract A. O. Morrias. 1-6650. PAPERING — S3 per room. Inside painting. A. Pall, 8S Liberty. » M i l Moving and Trucking Si CANKrS TRUCKINQ CO, INC Dally Express Service To and From NEW TORE CITY. 6 8 Spring Forest AT*. Dial 4-1337. ' New York City, 650 W. 22nd Bt Phone Chelsea 3-1350. MERCHANDISE For Sale—Miscellaneous 48 WAIT for your Wstklni" dealer. He has a generous free sample for you. Watklns Products, 106 Susquehanna. 10% DI8CODNT oa all paUt and varnish unul April 1st - CLE LAND HOOFING * PAINT CO 73 8tate> S t Dial 2-8030. 130-EGGIncubator, sell-turning egg tray. C. 8. MeCullough, Tunnel. N.V DIAL 2-7420 for local and long dlsUnce moTlng, light trucking. Cargo insur- a nee. Hobart Dixon, 80 Susquehanna. WEST SIDE — On bus line, attractive twin. 3 bedrooms, garage, $35. CLOSE IN—First floor, sun parlor, garage, exceptional. NEAR RIVERSIDE DRIVE—Halt twin, 3 bedrooms, new- ly decorated, garage, $50. New listing. BUCK REALTY CO. 1-8311. Jane Parsons. 2-2186. WEST SIDE—5 rooms, $27. WEST SIDE—5 rooms, 128. WES.T SIDE—3 rooms, nested, Spanish type, $50. FBONT ST., 79—8 rooms, heated spart- FRANK D. ROBINSON 58 Exchange St. Dial 2-352$. WEST SIDE—l-room heated apartment electric refrigeration, very fine condi- tion. $45. SOUTH SIDE—6-room alngle, $32. HILLCREST — 8-room single, modern, cirice, $C0. Biychicy, Press Bldg. 2-6S26 y 2-9119. WEST SIDE—5 rooms, Karaite, $30. NORTH SIDE—4 rooms, heated. $35. SOUTH—6 rooms, 1 $24; single, $35: JOHNSON CITY—0 rooms, $30; 6, $33; 4, $30. Wfr[>. 356 Main. Johnson City. 7-1733. WEST SIDE—First floor, 6 rooms, ga- race, oak floors, aunparlor, modern, $W. Other rentals. Murray, Real KiUte Broker, Dial 6-3K87. _ WEST SIDE—Attractive 4-room modern apartment, heated, tile shower bath. Dial 2-o;y>. WEST S I D E Local and Long Diittnca » MOVING Tracking — Storsgt GEO. JB. T R E Y S 1?8 B u t e S t Dial 1-4414 LOCAL AND LONG DIBTANCfl MOVING ALL GOODS INSURED CALL OS BEFORE YOU MOVE JOHN B. SOOTHES 1/8 STATE ST. DIAL 4-439L LOCAL, long distance hauling, storage. Lowest prices In town. Nlckersos Trucking. 273 Chenango 8t 2-53C3. "MOVINQ DAT E V E R ! DAT Lojveit Prices in_ City. Big New Van* F. D, Pettis, 30 Hawley 4-3438. JBMALL loads wanted to nearby towna Local trucking or morlng. Reuben H. MaeDonald. Dial 4-S15L Repairing 88 BICYCLES, radios. paired, parts for all makes. WOLFEU 80 State St phonographs ra- les. DIsl.2-8402, Radio and Equipment 4 8 *_ ASSORTMENT of reconditioned, ussd Esdlis, $3 and up. Terms U low aa $1 down. THE FA1H STORM RADIO 8EBVICE bY ^ PIONEER RADIO EXPERTS Open From 830 A. M. to 10 P. M. RADIO TESTING STATION 23 STURGE3 ST. DIAL 2-5328. SEVERAL lata model repossessed radios for as low aa $12.80. Olrer Hardware. 120 West Main St., Union. Household Goods 49 AMERICAN walnut buffet.' china closet table. Cheap. Dlsl 2-4614. CLEARANCE OF FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS New n ow $49.50 Blaekstone Washer 39.00 $131.50 Universal Dryer Washer ... 89.00 $89.50 Universal Model 970 63.00 $89.50*Thor Ironer. $4' 54.00 $89.50 Unlrersal Table-Top Ironer . 64.00 See These Displayed in Our Henry St Window. BLANDINQ'S, INC. 198 Washington St. COMBINATION gas range, bungalow *yP e « • ,n >°»t new, excellent condition, $30. 93 Thomas Bt, Johnson City. COOK and heatlnfc stores of all kinds. Furniture at lowest prices. Ford truck, wlU trade. 40 DeBussey St ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, 7 cubic foot, excellent condition; terms. $73. GULBRAN RADIO CO. 141 Water 8t. Dial 4-5608.- ESSOTANE GAS FOR VOUR COUN TRY HOME. W. D. MEURILEE8, 150 VESTAL AVE. D I A L 2.-3181. FURNITURE reflnished. repaired, rV built, reasonable. Special attention to antique/. Riper. Dial 6-6147. PRESS WANT ADS COST LITTLE AND PRODUCE MUCH WRITE YOIJR AD ON. THE BLANK . BELOW AND MAIL TODAY Count 6 words to the line. Includa name, address or phone number in ad. If box number is used count as three words. No ad accented for less than twq lines. RATES PER LINE PER DAT On* day ...... 186 Three consecutive days 15c , Six consecutive days ..., lie Amount Paid No. of Days , , Mark x here if you want blind address (...) REMITTANCE MU8T ACCOMPANY ORDER V* AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 87 THE LOGICAL PLACE TO BUI 1931 FORD DeLuxe Sedan 1931 FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1931 FORD DeLuxe Coupe 1933 FORD DeLuxe Sedan 1933 FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1933 HUPMOBILE Coup* 1932 FORD Sedan 193-! FORD Tudor 1932 rORD Coupe 1931 FORD 8edan i 1931 FORD Tudor » 1931 FORD Coupe ........ 1931 FORD Convertible Co 1930 CHEVROLET Coach I 1930 FORD Tudor 1930 FORD Coupe ....... 192J FORD Tudor 1929 FORD Coupe 1931 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1933 PLYMOUTH Coupe up* ........ a. MERCHANDISE Wearing Apparel 5a ORGANISE A CLUB of six members. Swsrts'a gives yoa $6 In merchandise FREE from their big stock of coats, dresses, furs, Jkats, hosiery, under- wear. SWARTZ'S, eorner Court and Washington Sts. Country Produce 64 FARMERS CREAM WANTED FOR CHURNING. KINNET-DEYO. INC.. 243 WATER 8T. Seeds, Plants, Fertilit 55 BULK flower, garden and lawn seeds. Fertilizers and lime. Conklln-Sulli- van Co., Ill Washington Bt. 4-5211. SEEDS — Vegetable, flower; belt varie- ties. Triple Cities Pets & Seeds, 118 Washington 8t Dlsl 2-3156. " LIVESTOCK Horses, Cattle. Vehicles 64 ILLINOIS HORSES, cheap. New loca- tion at Beagell's Stables. 7 Sherman Place. Ed Goodivln. PARLOR CITY Hides and Bags. Quo tstloni: 5c per lb- beef hides; bat terles, 41c 8. .Boxen. 20 DeRuisey St Dial 2-9367. n RAW FURS WANTED Blnghamton Fur A Hide Co. 179 Susquehanna St. TEAM OF WORK HORSES Maney, Choconut Pa. Daniel ALL KINDS of native snd Western horses on hand at reasonable prices. B. O. Moffltt. Stow ATC JUST RECEIVED 2 carloads of horses and mules. J. C Florence, Hsll- stcad. Pa. a m -Hlph and dry; 7 rooms, Dial 2-1091: evenings. 4-278B. CORNER Chenango and Munsell Sts.— ' S rooms, steam heat; rent reasonable. Inquire Hocus theatre. ' . HALF TWIN HOUSE, West Bide—Hot water heat, hardwood floors, all Im provcmenia. Adults. Dial '2-3378. HALF TWIN—7 rooms, all Improve- Beats, garage, $3-V W. EVERETT EYRICH 'S3 OXfll Bldg. Dial 2-3263. HOMES ABOVE HIGH WATER All lections, all prices. Call us for list. HotchkiN & Sons. 71 Court St. Dial t-0610 (IHTS. 6-5705 or 0-3GS9 nights. feK.STAI.SJn all parta of the city, from 115 to $100. HAN8 DALL _XX) Security Bids. Phone 4-5513. AJNTAL3—All prices, all sections. JOHN 0. DUNMORE g< O'.Vfll Hldg. 4-2921; eves.. 4-1508. BOOMS, apartments, all parta of city. Let in help you get located. 1*4 Helen SL CH1LLEY. Dial 6-4862. •EVERAt very nice suites of rooms . North and Ka*t sides, $25 to $30. P. T. CARTON ,JW7 Press Bldg. 2-S414: Eves.. 2-4993. HJ—5 rooms, boated. South Side. BO-6 room», t i n t floor, W e s t OJ—5 rnoms, furnace, first floor. West t——4 rnnms, second floor, central. «j> O'Xetl RldR. MINTZ. Dial 2-5348. FURNACES, stoves reconditioned, reset and repaired. Also eaves and gutter work; DANIEL G. CARVER .119 Washington St Dial 4-1992. SEWING MACHINES, anv make, oiled and adjusted in your home for 75c. Uied machines, $5 and op. Hemstitch- lng done. Dial 4-1321. HUla-McLean'a. SEWING MACHINEBrvAU makes, oiled and adjusted in your home by experts for $L Parta extra. FOWLER'S—Dial S-123L Upholstering 40 CENTRAL UPHOLSTERING CO.—CaU os first tor prices. 63 Fayette St. Dial 4-8489, Business Services 45 ACCOUNTING 8ERVICE for those who have no bookkeeper. Bernard V. Day, 47 Exchange 8t Dial 2-6133 or 2-506L MERCHANDISE For Sale— Miscellaneous 48 AMUSEMENT pin-ball machines for home nse, $3 np. Dial 7-3518. AUSTIN'S CA8H YARD—Johnson City. 7-1415. V. G. Fir Flooring, $50;.Ce- ment, 65c. Still the lowest prices in town. BAR SUPPLIES, glassware, china, chairs, tables, booths, steam tables, ranges, electric pumps, coll boxes, work boards, etc. Dial 2-9411. Madi- son Supply Co., 174 Clinton St BARBER CHAIR— . ' Dial 2-6697. BATH, laundry tubs, counters, show cases, trim, furniture, furnaces, doors, windows, etc 46 Exchange. 2-5838. BRASS TRUMPET, good condition. $8; twin laundry tubs, $6; porch glider, $0. 16 Morgan St i Furnished Apartments h'KKTHOVEN ST., 27 147 — Furnished • rartments, steam heated, gas, lights, fHARU>TTE ST., 45—Furnished . or safnrnlihcd, 8 rooms, privste bsth, ^*nt_ligfitv pas; low rent. 6-4382. CHENANGO ST., 094—2-room kltehcn- ettc ai'irtmcnt, garage; light, heat, ^•J^11 water furnished. 2-5079. CHKNAXf.'o ST.. 50S—1 rooms, privste bilh.y.irage. first floor: high, dry. CHESTNIT ST., 39—Until May 1st. a J*3«£iLT_Jppolnted spartment, 4-23J9. GRAND ItLVD.. 1 9 - 3 rooms, privste Mth. r-).. electricity, heat, hot wster. FrigM.i ire, $9.50. Dl.il 6-5912. *^NA"fiTi AltMS. 139 Murray S t — Meely furnlshcil spartment all -con- Jfenkr.rr^ S10, SA.50. Apply Apt 7. LIBERTY ST., Ki — Small apartments, 'fit, km water, electricity, gas, fur- »ilure. garage, I0-$S. HANS DALL, —5*1511!>_ 1"''g. Olal 4-5513. "ArLE ST. — 2. 3 snd 6 steam-heated Jjjores, «ii Improvements, hot wster. J^Mrcn_ajlpy c d. $t to $3. 2-C713.. HVRRA\> ST.—3 rooms, bsth. heat hot 0610 or 6-5796. uRRAKsr.-i rooms, 5>l«rjta«, electricity. ^itfhklS A Sons—2-fl "pjlRAY ST., 141—3 rooms, clesn, prl- fc!!!*_!i! f "^I'Sth, Frlgldalre; adults. K '0BTH s r . - Modern, central. Will jure or 1 irparaie room, beanttfully 'im,»hr,|. Centlemsn or couple, «a«jvislly re»pnnslble. E-273. Press. *?,. V • 132 - Small 6 room house •JUS 4 ronnn fnrnlnhcd, modern, Kei- ^Iiiator. I. l8 | 2-9140. OAK ST - HI—Steam-heated 3 large ,,,,'*. *"d I'ath, modern conveniences, \UA" e r ''''^ration, etc.; rent In- 'Mf« your g«s, electricity, Jsnltor WtvW: .,i„| ll; fc-52. : - , *'''. _ rlfJ? M ". K ' >iMVE, 38 - Heated, 3 J *»«. l.iih. Frigid aire, adults. 2-WM. sjfrV' f 'H ST > 2 --Niccly furnished. ,.» . linn; room, l>edroom and ^111 Xi; f o V s T . , 144—3 iljtht mod- '- "ilrcly furntiheil. private references. Dial BROODER HOUSES, cabins, summer camps. Write for prices on new Plywood Models. Ivon R. Ford. Me- Donoogh. N. T. . FOUNTAIN PENS-KMcaned. adjusted, new rubber sac and bottle of Schaefer's script 'Ink. 60c. Darrow- Davls. $2 Court St. GARLAND fiat-top green and Ivory rant- Decl i.Ann nac-top green and Ivory gas lie like new, $20; originally $70. cker's, 125 Washington St. GAS RANGE for sale. 33 Cook St.. Johnson City. Dial 7-3SC8. GAB STOVES <23j, recondiUoned, from $8 to $10. DANIEL G. CARVER 11» Washington SL Dial 4-1992. HOUSEHOLD furniture, living .room suite, mahogany bedroom auite, G. E. Grandfather clock, radio, Frlgldalre, : etc. 98 Vestal Ave., or call 4-4053. JENNIE LIND walnut twin beds; maple 4-poster twin beds: maple chest of drawers: maple breakfast sets. 3 DeRuisey St. / MARCH CLEARANCE SALE OF USED GAS RANGES, INCLUDING Gas range, oven heat control, 2 ovens and broiler, 120.93; white enamel gaa range, $14.50. And many others. THE FAIR STORE. • | MATTRESS — New, double slxe, Sim- mons Deep Sleep; cost $29.60. Price $15. Dial 2-7675. MATTRESSES, renovated, remade, $4. Hnllman. 67 Washington St 2-4162. MAliTAG, WASHER. $15. .Many other good used washers. SISSON BROS. — First Floor. MUTUAL FURNITURE CO.. 171 Main St, — Used furniture, botlght, aold Open evenings. Dial 2-9S38. OIL BURNER for aU stoves. $1 per week. Circulating heaftr. Nathan Schwab. 109 Washington 8t 26 LARGE-FLOWERED prize-wlnnlug gladiolus, $2 labeled postpaid. E. A. Kasson, R. D. 2. Johnson City, N. Y. Coal and Wood 68 ANTHRACITE, stove and nut. $8.73: pea, $7.75; buck, $5.75; 25c per ton olf in 2-ton lots. Hardwood, 3 cords, $6: 4 cords, $7. Prompt delivery. Dial 4-3925. ANTHRACITE COAL — Highest grade. Economy prices. Seasoned hardwood. Darweger. Dial 6-2111. BLUE RIBBON guaranteed Anthracite. Bag, ton or load. 100 pounda deliv- ered, 10c extra. Dial 4-2792. COAL AND WOOD MOVING AND TRUCKING BURT DYKEMAN DIAL 7-2148. COAL HARD DEEP-MINED. M C. BONUS. DIAL 6-6231. KEHOE Burgs finished anthracite, mined, prepared by union workmen. Hardwood. G. Armstrong. 7-1SS7. LEHIGH VALLEY snthraclto coal, all kinds wood. C. W. Messersmith, S8 Massachusetts Are. Dial 7-3257. PENNSYLVANIA • COAL—Nut stove, $7.76, pea. $8.75; buck, $5.25. Moving, trucking. Fields. Dial 7-4402. PENNSYLVANIA Anthracite — Stove, nut $7.75; pea, $6.75. Good wood, $2 up. Dial 4-4722. _____ RUGS, .9x12, pure wool, washable and reversible, $13.95. Binghamton Floor Covering, 190 Washington St. 2-3264. SPEED QUEEN washers, $39.50 to $79.50. Simplex lroners. Osier Bros., 148 Court St. Dial 4-1511. 8TUDIO COUCH—Twin sire, March spe- cial, $19.75. Griffin Furniture Co., State and Henry Sts. BARGAINS IN USED FURNITURE 4-pleee butt walnut bedroom suite, $79. Large 8-plcce dining room suite, $49.50. 8-plece velours living room suite, $21.50. Modern 6-piece twin bed suite, was $139, reduced to $89. * THE FAIR STORE. FREE BOOK on trusses, belts, elas- tic hosiery. Write or phone B. F. Michael. O'Nell Bldg. Dial 4-2224. KARPEN barber chairs, latest de- signs; wall cases, mirrors, tiling and other equipment for a 2-chalr shop. All practically new. Make an offer. Dial.2-5574. METAL LATHE, 16"—6' BED, MON- ARCH, WITH CHUCK: ALSO BENCH LATHE. 10 CLINTON ST. MODERNISTIC Picture Frames, $1. COLUMBIA PLATE GLASS CO. 219 Washington St. Dial 2-6687. MONAD PAINT SPECIAL Porch and Deck Paint 98c q t WHIPPLE BROS., INC.—Cash Yards 400 Court St. — Dial 2-5353. Endwell, N. Y. — Tel. End. 1591. OIL-BURNING SPACE HEATER — Genuine Quaker Art model, circulat- ing type heater, rated at 5,000 cu. ft. One only, like new, at 407i dlicount. Prffreott, 249 Wster St.. second floor. PAINTS, vsrnlsbck, wallpaper, mlied paint, $1.20 and up. Varnish,- $1.30 and up. Kovcrall Paint and W.ill- paper Corp., 108 Court St. Dial 2-3777. Saniriat wall paint, 70c qt.; $2.30 gal.; Utllac 4-hour enamel, 70c p t ; $1.3t> qt, Clongh. 200 Grand Ave.. Johnson City. TRAILERS, house, travel, camp; new and used covered wagons. Thur 8m!th, Newark Vsllcy. N. Y. WARDROBE Trunk: largo "Hartmann," excellent. Bnllls, 63 Blgelow. 4-10S3. FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU Llvinj Room Suites, Studio Conches. Mattresses, Beds, Springs. Hullman, 67 Washington St 2-4162. NEW modern style genuine Klnklmo davenport and chair to match, $139. West End Upholstering Co., 288 Main St. Dial 6-2511. NEW and used tires, batteries, radios No money down. Easiest credit Goodrich. 119 Msln St NEW EASY WASHERS. $49.50 up. KOLB-SMITH ELECTRIC CO. 8 Court St. Dial 2-9216. POPULAR demand for Norge products Is forcing us to sell our used recon- ditioned trade-In merchandise, con- sisting of Amherst, Glenwood, West- lnghous* and Magic Chef gas and electric ranges: "1900." Easy, Gatn-a- Day and Maytsg wsthcra; Frlgldalre, Krlvinator. Electrolux and Crosley electric refrigerators; some combina- tion coal and gas ranges. Space Is a premium. We >muit have room for shipments of new 1936 Norge prod- nets arriving dally. RADIO TESTING STATION C. L. Reynolds 25-27 Rtnrges St. Dial 2-5328. SECOND-HAND gss ranees. $5 and np. NEW Century. Magic Ch< f. Round Oak and Glenwood ranges. J-'OTJO and up. CRANE A PAGE 117 Court St. Dial 4-1963. SEVERAL good used gas stoves for ss low ss $8. James H. Carver Co., Inc.. 70 State St. BPRINO Patterns of Linoleum now In. Prices from .W vsrd up. DANIEL O. CARVER 119 Wsshington St. Dial <1992. TRADE FURNITURE CO. Used Furniture Bought snd Sold. »S Chensngo St. Dial 2-3S48. ALL KINDS of material for flood re- pairs. Drv lumber. Low rash prlccv totton-Hshlon, 3 Mitchell Ave. 4 1516. BARGAINS—Unredeemed watches, tools. Jewelry, luggage, musical Instruments, fishing ts.kle. Guns bought and ex- changed. Steln-Bencnsohn. 121 Water. Tl "ASIIIX. Iniujre Morton, 65 Chensngo. TON ST.. ?C3 — 2 and 3 ^ji'.."; ' ".!>.dccoratel. 2-SfiOI. 2-TftVi. »_, sv - 73-2 and 8 rooms, lights, feSV".- hn < _"_««. *ikf > f K f SS ,iMtI ' *'" n » r * w ' 1 " ,wa **r.t .1'/" clrl * * n nnnsnal apart- fcs__L—'-r^fnees. F-7B5. Press. storr^nnslncM Plscea ^g^i- t 9.-S,or. for rent 20 Apply ^__ ^Vsntcd to Rent k5iSf?jt„re._ rail at R9 39 « "AVI »k!nt t 2_I_"«»\I a for storage ...rark St. 6r»teT»»s adult family rent 6- or 6-room alngle, North Ride. I N C . — D l s l * XT?*, t-jj^*"'^ to Rent—Farms S2-A Uk, t !., IN „™ with dairy and l^'egfc-firJUnjfBamtsn. L . m . Press. Rent siH N»sr,(,? M •'«*«. at, Bf «"'«l*y, Brlibes, N. T. _rs» n i J," ~ °o«d productive dairy -. ' "*<•«• ""t nf flood district BEACTIITTL Mlsonlc wstch fob with diamond. Very reasonable. Second fl oo r.._243 Ms I n S t. sj"*^ C"LOSiNG st big bargains, sll used rsdlos. Used motori for ssle, cash registers, stock snd die set snd fine cameras. We buy or iwan. Fishing tackle, etc. Swap Store, 117 Water St Foil - HAT/K or exchange for sheep or young csttle, 10-2O McDeerlng tractor. Auhrev Weslervelt, Spencer, N. Y. FOR SALE—Burroughs' 6-bsnk, 7-bank and 7-bsnk wide carriage adding mschlnes. Henri Pcllcllcr. SO Henry. l-EFINiSH your own floors. Dreid"- nsught light weight floor sander and complete instructions. Lawrence Paint Co.. If3 Wash!ngton. 22014. RKFlNlSii THOSE OLD FLOORS— Rent a sander. Complete line of fin- ishes. II. C Collier A Sons. 133 Conklln Ave. Dial 4-2464. SAVE UP TO Kit of your roel this cold westber by applying Capitol Rock Wool Insulation Ask for booklet and prices. BINGHAMTON BLAO ROOFING CO, Water, corner Henry. Dlsl 2-7221 TAKFTTfO CHANCER. Call L0T7. BOTTLING ,WORK8 for your favorite beverage. All our prod- nets made with pure we|l wster —a surety of pnrlty. Prompt, courteous serviced free delivery. Dlsl flsMl er 8-ji_!V38. 2S6.Maln_gt. ; THERE MAY BE a water shortsge. bnt our thlrst-qnenchlng Utlc* Club beer, ginger ale and soft drinks of all kinds ran be obtslne. by calling 2 611.".. Prompt service. Ire* delivery by the case. STAR RQTTIifNO WORKS. TsKh" S i n . . RnrV ^rthlo friiiirer'~Wrin •bagger. A. L. Dai la* 8on, Inc., 48 Washington St . ' > USED GARLAND GAS RANGE, white enamel, nickel trim, excellent condl Hon; $12.50 delivered. • BINGHAMTON GAS WOBKI 267 Court St See Mr. Holden. SUMMER PRICES—Stove and nut, $7.75; ,pea, $6.60; buckwheat $5. Dial 4-3359. BEST COAL—Reasonable prices. B. A H. COAL CO. 8 South St Dial 4-9067. F1R8T QUALITY deep-mined coal from PIttston, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dial 2-9539. GRIFFITH. Dial 2-550a LOWEST PRICES on high-grade coaL Stove nut $8: pea, $7: buck. $5.50. A. II. Koehler. Dial 4-3331. SEASONED hsrdwood,-$2.50; slab, $2. A-l coaL EHsworth. 2-61S2. Business-Office Equipment 57 C. W. GRAMBS—L. C. Smith and Cor ona—117 Chenango S t Sale of guar antecd, rebuilt typewriters, all makes, $15 up. Rentals. Repairing. 4-3079. JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD of well broken Western horses. M. Gorman. 27 Whitney Ave. 10 HEAD of cattle, pslr of good heavy work horses and tools. Call Howard's. Dial 2-0200. Wanted—Lire Stock 63 CALVES, poultry and livestock wanted. Highest prices paid. S. Eats, 35 DeRustey St, Dial 2-8158. COWS AND HEIFERS wanted, fresh, or to freshen soon. W. M. HoUllng, Klrkwood. Dial 4-2S91. HIGHEST cssh prices for poultry, calves, livestock. Henry Rappaport, 54 Susquehanna 8t Dial 2-7041. . WANTED TO RENT 40 fresh cows for 8 months. E. L. Pease, Hyde St., Whitney Point. N. Y. AUTOMOBILES Automobile Agencies 68 .$150 . 595 . S95 . 333 . S23 . 330 . £63 . 250 . 250 . 173 . 173 . 173 . 210 . 150 . 150 123 73 7J 465 $50 • HUGH T. BECKWITH. INC 131 Court St Open Until 9 P. M. THE CLEANEST selection of Used Cars In the Triple Cities. 80UTHERN TIER BALIS CORP. 227-229 Water 8t. - Dlsl 4-4376. WE PAY CA8H FOR USED CARS. 1935 PONTIAC 2-door Sedan. 1935 CHEVROLET Coupe. 1934 FORD DeLuxe Tudor. FEOPLES AUTO EXCHANGE 44-46 Collier St. Dlsl 2-9050. 1936 PLYMOUTH Touring Sedan. 1934 PLYMOUTH 2-door Sedan. 1933 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe. R. B. 1932 CHEVROLET Convertible Coupe, 1931 CHEVROLET Convertible Coup*. 1931 FORD Convertible Coupe. C. H, LYNCH. 9 Belden St Dlsl 1 8468. 1933 PLYMOUTH louring Sedan. 1935 PLYMOUTH Sedan: radio. 1931 CHEVROLET Standard Coach, 1931 CHEVROLET Master Bedan, 1934 CHEVROLET Town Sedan. 1834 FORD Coich. 1933 FORD Fordor Sedan. 1932 DESOTO 6 Sedan. 1832 FORD Coach. COLLIER USED CAR EXCHANGE Fred Kaim 48 Collier Bt Dlsl 1-2515. 1933 CHEVROLET msster cosck. 1935 OLDSMOBILE 6 sedan. 1933 DODGE sedan, 1931 STUDEBAKER sedan, trunk. 1933 PLYMOUTH sedan. JACK SHERMAN 65 State St. Dial 2-7155. FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Money to Loan 79 —CHARACTER LOAN'S— Investigate Before Borrowing $300 OR LESS .Cash Immediately > . OB Our New Easy Pisa YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY REQUIREMENT Also AUTO LOANS Oo Owner's Signature F0RN1TURE LOANS Husband and Wife Only Need Sign. NO ENDORSERS NECESSAHI NO DEDUCTIONS Full Amount In Cash Phone. Write or Call PUBLIC LOAN COMPANY. INC. 41 Chenango SL Dial 2-L8S1 Loans In Nearby Towns "Loans for Every Family Need." MONEY TO LOAN at 5H% Interest on Improved residential property by Cooperative Building A Loan Association 418 Security Mutual Bldg. *4,000 TO LOAN by April I on good first mortgage. Carl Schaefer, 1005 Press Bldg. Dlsl 2-7621. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estata Agents 81 A-l Real Eatate and Insurance 8AV1TCH-MERRILL * CO. DIAL 2-1203. 6 COURT ST. D. H A R R I S - R E A L ESTATE 11$ East Mala S t . Union. Phone Endlcott 436. 1935 FORD Touring Sedans (2). 1935 FORD Touring Tudor; radio. 1935 PLYMOUTH Touring Sedan. 1934 DODGE DeLuxe Sedan. BENO MOTORS. 1406 Main, Endlcott Phone End. 336. Open Until 9. 1935 PLYMOUTH Coupe, R. S. J935 PLYMOUTH Touring Sedan. 1934 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Bedan. 1933 DODGE Sedan. WELLS MOTORS. INC. 131 Washington Ave.. Endlrott. 493. 1033 PLYMOUTH Convert. Coupe ..$333 1934 PLYMOUTH Coupe 1933 PLYMOUTH Kednn 1930 PLYMOUTH Sedan 385 333 133 1931 DODGE 2-door DeLuxe Sedan . 4C3 1930 FORD Tudor 133 GARLAND MOTORS, 29 Exchange Bt 1933 CHEVROLET DeLuxe 8edan. 1930 WILLYS 6 Sedan. 1030 ESSEX Coupe Terms; tradelns: bargains. 7-0619. 1929 PONTIAC Big 6 Coach, $85; 1928 OLDSMOBILE Sedan. $63. BillOwens. J. C. Auto Parts. 210 Corliss Ave. PONTIAC STRAIGHT 8 LEWIS MOTOR SALES 22 LEWIS ST. DIAL 4-3291. 100 AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM AUTO MART 28-30 COLLIER ST. DIAL 4-2261. Automobiles for tiale 87 BUICK Seilsn, 1931. PLYMOUTH Sedan, 1933. CHEVROLET Cou[>e, It _9. CHEVROLET "4-ton Truck, 1929. PONTIAC Convertible Coupe, 1929. NASH Sedan. 1929. MANY OTHER8 AT LOW PRICE8. Open Evenings and Sundays. STAR AUTO PARTS CO. 12 Collier St. Dial 2-1429. CHRYSLER "8'' 1934 COUPE—Rumble seat, very low mileage, beautiful con- dltlon; very reasonable. 4-2833. CHRYSLER U>26 COACH — 4-cylindcr; $33; terms. Dial 0-3374. FORD $145. COACH. 1931—Good condition. Terma arranged. Dial 6-3374. FRANKLIN coupe, excellent condition. Reasonable. Stratton's garage. 4V1 Lille Ave., or dial 6-3743. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, SO Court St—BETTER typewritcra rented at lower rates. All makes bought, sold. Repairs guaranteed. Dial 4-4316. RELIABLE Typewriter Exchange, 43 Court St Typewriters, sll makes. Lowest-price*, rentals. Dial 2-5607. Boats, Bait and Supplies 58 BOAT for sale. In two telescoping sec- tions. 218 Main St., City. Dial 6-43.«2. Building Material 69 LUMBER, doors, windows, bathtubs, sinks, pipe, radiators, etc., from buildings at Front and Ferry Sta. General Material A Wrecking Co. FOR SALE—Structural steel pipe, radi- ators snd second-hand brick. I-evene's Sons. 18 Elizabeth St. Dial 2-42S4. Wanted to Bny 61 ACME PAYS MOST FOR USED FUR- NITURE. 171 CLINTON STREET. DIAL 4-3531. HUREVITCH. PROP. ALBERT PAYS highest prices for u*cd furniture, stoves. Call us first. 71- 73 Clinton St. 2-8&1I ASWAD PAYS highest cssh prices for furniture, stoves and carpets. 73 Clinton S t Dial 2-6016. BOOK, entitled "Letters of a Self- Made Diplomat to His President," by Will Rogers. E-272. care Pre<«. GOLD WANTED—WlU pay hlghcit cash prices for your old gold and silver. Abrams, 49 Chensngo St. HIGHEST price paid for good buck- whest grain. Geo. Q. Moon A Co., Inc., 201 Chenango St Dial 2-2361. HOUSE DESK—Good condition, rcaaon able. Write E-271, rs re I'res s. 3-PIKCK used living room suite. Morn- Ings, 129 Rutland St._Jnj^*r>njnty^ 4-PIECE bedroom suite, broadloom rug, breakfsst set. 46 Broad Ave. 2-10y.. "19O0" SELLS both new and rebuilt wishtri on essy payment plsn. Dill 6-2-1M or Welsh. 2 9331. Antlqnes 49>_ ANTIQUES wanted, sll kinds, and* (lasswire. Old Tyme Shoppe, 686 Chenango St. Dial 4-47.16. ANTIQUES bought; books, dishes, en- tire household goods. Write Nerval Stewart, 279 Main SI. Dlsl 6-4123. ANTIQUES bought Bod sold. AU kinds glass snd cklns. Grandma's Qirret 16 ____11 Dlsl .-5897. Mnslcal Instrument* 60 PlANO, good condition, for sale fhesp". Cell Prudence KoMer. 7-1504. RattMblfuTNED STl'DftT PIANO. $24.95 WEEKS A DICKINSON, 39 CHENANGO ST RENT A STUDIO UPRIGHT. FOWLERS TIANO DKPT. DI At. 2-1231. Wearing Apparel M SLACK BHOEsTlad?*. slightly ssed. $?B0 sad $2, site S<i-B end 4. Dial 4-1960. BROWN swsgger suit: black spring CftSt fox trim, sites 3s. Cheap. rSOPO, FORM A DRE5S CLUB—Six members, espialps earn $6 free merchandise. Wtds selection dresses costs, suits, skirts, blouses, all sixes to 89. Joss, 30 Casrt St. "iPKttAL— P're.ses. 2 for" f»; valoes to $«P6; shvs from 14 t« A Swagger suits, 12 93. $.19*. up. Rsleebys Dresi Shop, 32 Court S t EOUIS NEEDS sll kinds of used furnl tore, stores, carpets. Will psy highest price. Dial 2-7044. LET US MAKE YOU AN OFFER ON YOUR DIAMOND. BERRY, 98 CLINTON ST. WILL PAY FROM $3 to $13 for vour gold bridge teeth. L. B. Collins. 95 Main St. WILLYS-KNIGHT Coupe Sedan, very good condition; price $35. 2-2174. • ASK U8 ABOUT OUR SOLDIERS' BONUS PLAN. TRIPLE CITIES CHEVROLET 38-40 STATE ST. DIAL 2-6486. AUTO. PARTS—New. used. Csrs bought, sold. Blnghamton Auto Wrecking, 6 South St., corner Carroll. 2-8571. BRIGG3 BARGAINS 1934 PLYMOUTH Cosch $450 1932 PLYMOUTH 11. S. Coupe 25(1 1934 CHEVROLET 8ednn ., 443 1931 NASH DeLuxe Sedan 243 1932 WILLYS Sedsn 250 BRIGGS MOTOR CAR CO. 237 Court SL Open Until 9 P. M. Dlsl 4-2187. Trucks for Sale •"A DODGE REBUILT USED TRUCKS DODGE %-toa Pickup, 1933 ........ 423 DODGE Sedan "Delivery. 1933 350 DODGE H-tnn Canopy. 1931 150 DODGE lVi-ton Stake. 1928 100 FORD H-ton Panel, 1935 495 FORD i^-ton Sedan Delivery. 1934 .. 415 FORD lH-ton Chassis _ Cab. 1932.. 225 BRIGGS MOTOR CAR CO. 237-239 Court S t Dial 4-2187. DODGE Truck, 1934, completely over hauled, good rubber, $395. White A Indiana Truck Co.. 212 State St. FORD '.-TON TRUCK — Good tlrcg, good condition. $23. 40 DeRussoy St G. M. C. Tractor, seml-traller, 19' van body, 34x7 tires, 10-ton capacity. G. M. C. 2-ton 2-yard Dumper. G. M. C. 2-ton 12' van body. MACEY, 559 Chenango Sr» 2-7832. 1935 DODGE 2-TON 15-FT. STAKE BODY TRUCK, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AND TO SELL FOB ONLY $999. WELLS MOTORS. INC. 131 Washington Ave., Endlcott 493. TRUCK PARTS—New, used, rebuilt Larrsbct: Truck A Sheldon Axle Co. 914 Chenango St. Dial 2-8003. CASH PAID FOR YOUR AUTO KorTman's, 40 State St. Dial 2-1350. CASH PAID FOR AUTOMOBILES. C B. MEBEDITH. 44 8TATE ST. COMMANDER MOTORS BARGAINS 1931 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedsn. 1931 LAFAYETTE Tudor Sedan. 1931 FORD TUDOR Sedsn. 1933 CHRYSLER Royal 8 Sednn. 1332 STUDEBAKER 6 Brougham. 19tl BUICK DeLuxe Sedag. 1931 CHEVROLET Sport Coupe. COMMANDER MOTORS 21 Susquehanna St. Dial 4-4671. CRANES SPECIALS FOR i HIS WEEK 192S FORD Coupe. 19VJ FORD Sedan. 1929 CHEVROLET Coupe. IKK) CHEVROLET <'ou|>e. 19:W CHEVROLET Coach. 1930 FORD Cosch. 1931 FORD Sedan. 19T,n FORD Cosch. 1!_9 GRAHAM Coupe. 1930 WHIPPET Coupe. IKiO WHIPPET Sedan. 1930 WILLYS Coupe. PRICED TO SELL. Come In and See These Bargains. CRANE MOTOR CO. 3 (Jrsnt AC. , Endlcott. Disl 7152.. Tel. End 1148. LIVE 8TOCK Egca, Poultry, Etc 62 BABY CHiCKB from large blood-tested White Leghorns. Our own breeding. W. R. Christie, Klrkwood. 4-2*90 CHICKS — Superior ITcde and NTw HampsMrei; blood-teited breeders. McKnne Poultry Farm, R. 4. City. HOT WATER Inrubstor, 200 cgi_ *T5"; Norge refrigerator. $.VI. 73 ciinjon. KERR'S LIVELY CHICKS Blood tested. All popular breeds. Spe- cial discount offer. Sexed Leghorns available. Poultry soppllrs. Author- lied sgent Simplex brooders KERU CHICKER1ES, INC., 203 Slate St.. Blnghamton. N. T. Phone 4-19.'3. LfedHORN day-old pullets nn hand. Sprunger Hatchery, upper Conrt St. Dial 2-2IW?. 8EAR8' blood-tested chicks, culled, se- lected, at an nnususl price. 0'_c each. Fill out your stock now and save. BEARS, ROF.BCCK CO. Conrt at Carroll Sts^ END THE QUEST F0"R TilS BKft'f. NEW HAMPSHIRE*. LEGHORNS. FREE CIRCULAR. TRIPLE PINE. CHENANGO FORKS, N. Y. nogs, Qsu. Pets fit rioSTONB, i -nooth Fox Terriers, Eng- llih and French bulldog puppies. Rlvarvlew Kennels, Conklln Road. PUPPIES—Only tws each of Daehs hounds, Bostons, Fox Terriers, res . aonsbV*. Paradls. p f t Shop. 40 Couri. PUPPIES—Registered Cocker Vpanlefs W. Q. gprlsgff • Dial j.iflis. WANTED ^flood horne for 5 Mark anil white kittens, 6 months: male and female. Writ* D-«fA cars Press. DEPENDABLE USED CARS! 1933 DODGE 2-door Sedan, with radio snd healer. 19V* GRAHAM « Sedan. 1931 CHRYSLER 2 door Sedsn. 1931 FORD Tudor. 19._» GRAlfAM 8 Sedan. 1931 GRAHAM Spceisil 6 Sedan. MANY O T H E R S . $<"»-". AND IT. BINGHAMTON AUTO PALES CO. l«l 190 Water St. Dial 4-4619. Or^n Erenlngs. GUARANTVEIT O K " U S E D CA~RS BOTNHK MOTOR CORP. . 21". 2.'3 WATER ST. DIAL 2 ,VW1. HOI SK and Camp Trailer for sale. NEWINGS THREE LOCATIONS IN ENDICOTT AND VESTAL. LOW OVERHEAD Means LOW'l'RH'E. SQUARE DEAL CHEVROLET, INC. Msln St. at Avenue A. Johnson City. Dial 7-3815. Service Stations—Repairs 70 KENDALL—the 2.000-mlIe oil —and Sunoco oil. Get them at S. B. Greg ory's, 144 Gram! Ave.. Johnson City. Wanted—Automobiles 76 CASH FOR FORD COACH OR SEDAN 1»3<) OR 1931 P R E F E R R E D . DIAL 6-3277. CASH for your automobile 41 State St C B. Meredith. Dlsl 2-3011. Houses for Sale 82 ARTHUR 8 t „ 22—Needs repair's, large lot Make me an offer. VESTAL AVE. 240—Attractive single with garage. Priced to sell quick. The Shea Homestead, Just outside, on Court St., 7 acres, twin house, large barn. Muit settle estate. Another estate^ 4 acres, 100 fruit trees, river frontage. Scml-bungalow, accommodations lor 1,000 hens. Price $2,200. BISHOP. C6 Court 8t. Dial 2-8fi21. Houses for Sale 83 I THI8 TAKES THE CAKE~ BUNGALOW - 6 lovely rooms! 3 bed- rooms, oak floors. Holland furnace, electricity and heavy service. A-l bath with built-in tub. laundry tubs spacious baiement. lot 50xl_»j. South Side location. Just off Conklln Ave. This buugalow built about 10 years ,. , - b ** u ke J l ia De,t condiUon, above all floodi. You will Just love it. Prlco $2800 with $700 down. Open 6 A M. to 10 P. M. BELL. 1 DeniA son. BE 6-ROOM modern Dial 4-4130. . single house, large level lot $1000. terms. Werts. 356 Main St . Johnson City. Dial 7-1733. Johnson City Property 82-A JOHNSON CITY-91 Olive St; 6 rooms. ^! u ,«\ bD ? f,Iow : •I 1 'rapromnenta. lo{ oU\i». larg* henhouse for about 2T0 hem. DO VOU PREFER s bungalow, high and dry. 3 rooms and bath, hard- wood floors. 2-car garage. Very pleasant surroundlngi. $4000: $700 down. 132 Main St. J. M. FYALA. Dial 4-2646. Suburban Property , 8 2 - 0 SEMI-BUNGALOW - 14 miles from Blnghamton; 5 rooms, furnsce, elec-' trlcitv. 2-car garage, chicken house for 150. on pavement IV, acres. Some buy at $1900; $1000 down. 1 Dennlson. BELL. Dial 4-4180 $ 68-100 ACRES. 1 mile out on state road, high and dry. electric lights, furnace, bargain at $2750; terms. Blat.hley. Press Bldg. 2-6S26 V 2-9118 Lots for Sale 88 L, f\T a . f8& 8A LE-Upper Conrt Dill 2-oS»53, 20" St W K L ,V.. wcr, . flce \ trtct ot 55 aici building lots, flrit class location. Juit out of city. MOLCOMB. INC. Dial 1-3228. 85 Farms for Sale ARTHUR ST.—2-famIly house at a bar- A Sons. gain. HotchkiN or 6 3CS9. Dial 2-0610 8-ACRE to 300-acre farms, sll sections. ROY C. SHADDUCK 30 Jsmes St Dial 2-437L 8 "i CR . B Pou't'y «nd truck farm, near Endlcott, on macadam rosdi good nou*« with improvements; barn, ehlckery: fine for gas sution and roacf stand. MERSEREAU FARM AGENCY. 70 Court St. Dial 4-2305. ^°_£pSE chicken farm, henhouse for coo, brooder house, barn, garage, 6- room house, stone road. 7 mUes from Endlcott. Ideal location for factory worker. Very reasonablt, easy terms. Tel. Apalachln l-Y-2. CHENANGO ST., 468 — Corner Moffatt Ave,; fins-home; large Bring room with fireplace, sun rjarlor, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, attic, new heating system, oil burner and modern air conditioning, garage. Good location for professional man, and easily adspted to such use. - » JAMES G. BROWNLOW 601 Press Bldg. Dial 2-6314. CRANDALL 8T.. 15—8-room home, bar- galn; all Improvements, with or with- out adjoining Perry St lot 2-6728. HELEN ST.—Nearly new 2-famlly, 6 rooms and sunparlor each floor, per- fect condition. Will Sacrifice. RODMAN RENTAL AGENCY 4-25XV Open Evenings. 95 Hawley Bt HILLCREST — 2 singles, $4000 each. West Side single. $3200; Pennsylvania Ave., 2-famlly, $40uQ. Rcrlbner. 6-4321. LOCKWOOD ST. — Duplex, 6 rooms each floor, 2-car garage, $5600. RUTHERFORD ST.—Duplex. $3100. SOUTH SIDE—5-room bungalow, nice lot, $2900. FRANK D. ROBINSON 58 Exchange St. Dial 2-3323. LOUISA ST. —Modern 8-room-house, like new throughout; large, pleasant rooms; rlenty of closets, good lot, fruit; $4200. MAY BROS. — Dial 2-5067. EAST SIDE—6-room modern house, 2 car garage. 2 lots, excellent condition. Only $3,500, with $300 cash and $30 per month. Many others. Rlatchley. Press Bldg. 2-6826 V 2-9110. NORTH SIDE—6-room house, all Im- provements, with an up-to-date bak- ery renting for $25 per: month; all for $3200. STURGES ST.—7-room horise. all Im- provements. A bargain at.$3400; easy terms. 8HAFER ft DECKER 773 Chenango St. 4-3112: Eves., 2-5528. -SOUTH SIDE — Real good 2-famlly, $i900. $1500 down. 6 large rooms and bath, each floor. Pleasant lo- cation. Nice corner lot Estate sale. Mosher. 82 Court St $-3235; Eves.. 4-4.VO. WEST 8IDE:—8-room house, not large. Not a forced sale. Owner's interest makes It necessary to dispose of this comfortable home at a price you will pay. Valuation tflOuO. Essy terms. HAN8 DALL FecnrltT Bldg. Dial 4-5513, WEST SIDE — Near Johnaon City: 8 rooms, modern single, 5-car garage, large lot, onlv $4800, terms. Others. Blstchley. Prey Bldg. 2-BS26 V 2-9fl9. WEST SIDE—New 3-room house with fireplace, all modern Improvements, good locstlon. Dial 6-3473 ABOVE THAT HIGH WATER NORTH SIDE single. 6 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, bsth, new plumbing, new fur- nace: good locstlon. And whst a buy at $2850 with $400 down I Balance as rent.' Open 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. BELL. Dlsl 4-4130. 1 Dennlson. CASH psld for your auto. Koffmsn'p, 46 State SL Dial 2-1350. HIGHEST pJlICES PAID FOR USED CARS. CALL 4-2833. WANTED - Light uied car. Cssh If priced right. Dial t-ffll, BARGAIN FOB QUICK SALE. Fine duplex, ldesl locstlon, always rents Write owner. 8-2093. < are Press. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR AUTO- MOBILE -• A. A. Barlow, Inc., 49 State St. Dial 2-.Cil2. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 77 CENTRAL—Block for isle, 2-famlly and atore. Dial 6-1.VS7. WEST SIDE—Income property : single. 6 bedrooms, 11 garages, large lot. fine location, good neighborhood, out of flood district; down payment: bal- ance monthly. Owner, 11 Arthur St. _ n J"' f-8012. STORE AT YOUR DOOR Paneled Body Truck, regular established routes combined with grocery store. In good neighborhood. Will Irnontory about $12>X>. RESTAURANT, located near Court St.. established 16 years, fine business; compjele, only $'<VVi. GROCERY ownrr has two stores: too mudi work. Will sacrifice North Side • lore. $18m. ROSE. 107 flirnsngo fit Dlsl 2 0411. NEW snd used parts, tires, uied cars SOUTH STRKI.T AUTO PART*. 41 Somh SL_ Free delivery Dial 2-fiPtA OLDEST DEALERS In Southern Tier" NEW YORK SALES CO. _»_J4 State St. DlaJ 2 3431.^ RKCONDITWNED GUARANTEED USED CARS 62 68 Water 8L, Rlnghamtea DEANE MOTOR CORP. 1900 North St.. Endlcott SAFETY-TESTED USED CAR? SPROUT-OLDSMOBILE 19 23 Collier 8t 34-36 8tste 8t _RK AL cfiONK before you "ftny or sell yonr nrrd car. >•< Hudson fit., John ton City. Dial 76743. THE MOST complete line of nted cars. nine, tires • In town. WOOD'S. _FrontJPt.. epjvoslfeAlrport. _ 4-1 111 ^_ •u'SEi) CARS—riew and used Parts, K.AM MOTORS AND PARTS CO. 82 84 COLLIKR 8T. DIAL i-SUS. Money to Loin 7B ALL AMOUNTS ON CITI FROPKRT\ R. W. STUART—FIRST MORTGAGES «1 MASON AVE DIAL 4-2T.8S FIR8T MORTGAGE MONEY available, sll amounts. Call Floyd Felter. Dial I t l M . FIRST MORTGAGE M'ONET Available L 11. GREENE. JR. - P h i 4-5619. LOANS UP TO $300, DOMESTIC FINANCE CORPORATION 2T* Security Mntuil llldg. 2-7264. MONEY to loan on first mortgages, city and suburban properties, sny amount. <"srl Sehsefer, 1003 Tresi Bldg. Dlsl 2-7624 or 6 6214. tfONKY LOANED— Watchca diamonds. Jewelry, big line trunks, bars, anlt- cases. Shaff ft Feinberg. 14S Water. BUILD YOUR HOME NOW. Lat me tell you about the BUILDING AND FINANCE PLAN. ARCHIE WRIGHT. 608 Press Bldg. Dlsl 2-1790 or 7-1580. or csll End. 17 W. Foil SALE — 8 room hoil'o, 2 screi, fruit. 2 hcnhouie*. double garage; near Chensngo Bridge station. Phone 3li.'A T HIOH AND DRY SEMI BUNGALOW—7 rooms, bsth and all other Improvements, garage, acre lsnd, berries, fruit ami shrubbery lovely lawn. Price $32<»1 with $500 down. Open 8 s. m. to 10 p. m. 1 Dennlson. BELL. Dla 14 41 ?A HOMES ABOVE HIGH WATER All sections, all prices. Csll us for list. HotchkiN ft Sons. 71 Court St. Dial 2 0610 clays, 6-5795 or 6-36S9 nights. $30 TO $300 LOANS Household Finance Corporation 11th Floor, Tress Bldg. Dial 2 129*. ll.OOO OR MORE TO L5IN c.nfll mortgsge. Lloekan. Dlsl 2-5574. DI8PLAYCLASSIFIED Antomoblles ft 1986 Hulck Pt. Sedan ..... $14$ 1984 Ford Victoria ,. $»R ItSO Kord A Ppt. Coupa ... 14$ Hood Cars Bepalred Public Service Gnrnge tA-W. WathlngtoB fit. Dial »• 467$ 24 Hours Wrecker «ervlce NO FLOOD HERE 8EMI-BUNGALOW—7 rooms, osk floori furnsce, clectrldty, bath, pavement. In A-l condition, fln<\«t location. 2 miles nut. Taxes si.out IW With It goes electric rsns;e. elertrlc re/rlg- erstor, electric hot wster hester. all like new. Price with everything is only $«•«! with JSol down. (l|i ( n 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. 1 JWinlton. BELL Dlsl 4-4130. SAFE FROM Fl.OOfi HILLCREST - Brand new . home. r. rooms, bath, reeriatlon room, garage This lioii«e lids never b«-n Uied In sod can be purchased for only $.T«1. $|(YI down, balance as rent. L II GREENE. JR. 41 I'liensnro Rt. Dial 4 .VM9. Evenings, fi VMS TIIEY'RE'DRY IN HILLCREST. Single bouse, 7 rooms, all Improvement! and ifrv modern: finest lotstlon: ga- rage Price *(f»«i with *V«) down. Open 8 A M to 10 p. M. 1 DenM«on HELL. Dial 4 41.10 4M400M SINGLE with garage l a l l l r a - provements. good location; $3200 H0LC0MR.,1NC. — Dlsl 2S22A DW^V.OIUASSIFIED 45 ACRES—Sale or rent i miles out macadam, electricity. 100 ACRES—9 miles out; fair buildings, good lsnd; $1500. . »"«"•«•» VAN ORDER, 89 Clarks St 87-ACRE dairy snd poultry farm, oa macadam road. A real pleasant home, 6-room house, large basement barn, 9 !*°*. d 0 .\J*? ck ' P* 1 ' A 0o <l borses snd tools. 100 hens. 86,300, $1^00 down. George Chamberlain, R. D. 8, Owego. 87-ACRE dairy farm on maeSclara rosd.- 4 miles north of Oweso, N. T. New 6-room house with furnace, spring water. 8-car garage, large basement barn and silo, henhouse for 500 hens, A $6000 fsrm for $4800: $1000 down. Geo. Chamberlain, R. D. 8, Owego, N. x. i-ROOM house with 8 acres In Port Crane. Will sell any part. TWO houses anrl 350 acrea on Ballyhick road. I mile from Port Crane. Will yell any part. 50 tone hay. 125 tons Insilage. BARGAINS. Dr. B. M. Allerton. 107 Oak St 2-0857. BARGAIN — Macadam road, 93-aere farm, good 8-room house, basement barn, chicken and brooder houses. In- cubator, sugar buib. 6 cows, l horse, and farming tools, $2600. HOLCOMB. INC. Dial 2 3228. FARM FOR SALE — 66 acres, with o"r without stock and tools. ' Elmer Short. Apalschln, N. Y. OTSEGO COUNTY DAIRY FARM, JuTt off Rente S 109 acrea; 45 produc- tive, river flat tillage, 40 spring- watered pasture, remaining woods. 10- room house. 70' barp, 21-cow concreto stable. Buildings bare electricity and running water. Good opportunity for tourist home. $3,800. Long-term ' easy payments. Federal Land Bank. SprlngHeld, Mass. SMALL chicken fsrm, near city, nice- ly located; garden soil; 2 henhouses, barn and house; good Jocation for road stand; only $1700. FRANK D. ROBINSON 58 Exchange St. Dial 2-8523. ' §OU Real Estate for Exchange 87 _I5TH SIDE—Bungalow, 6 rooms, all Improvements, gsrsge, for 2 family. J- 8. Wildey. Dial 7-1011 j eTes., 2-7724. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE tor lArm, 6 miles from Blnghamton on Syra- cuse road. 6-room bouse, all improve- ments, with chicken house 20x60. with 4 acres of level land and other buildings,' some fruit Shown by ap- pointment * FREDERICK J. STEVENS. BR. Chenango Bridge. . • Dial 4-0443. Real Estate Wanted 88 WANTED—Lease or buy single house. West End, Blnghamton, or south. Johnson City. WVlta G-654, Press. WE HAVE BUTEBS for 1- and 2- family home bargains. List your property with os now for quick ae- tion. Llnehsn. Disl 2-5574. Auction Sales 89 EXECUTOB'8 Cash Bale household goods. Saturday. Mar. 28, S p. m., rain __or_»hlnc, Giles Plsce. Apalachln. GEORGE 8. CARVER LICENSED AUCTIONEER _ avs WATER ST. DIAL 2 9305. HORSE AND COW AUCTION—Austin's Stsbles, Walton, N. Y.. Tnesdsy. March 21th. 11 a. nr. Used work horses at 1 p. m. 175 tested and ac- credited cows. choice first-calf heifers, turnout cattle, beef cows, bulls and calrei. Terms cash. Auc- 11 on ^rery Tnesdsy. W. H. AUSTIN. POSTPONED AUCTION HALE of household goods, 10 a.- m., Mondsy. 30 Exchsnge Bt, Gcorgt 8. Carver, auctioneer. LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notices 90 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Tl,o annual meeting of the Kattellvllle Cemetery Association will be held at the home of Everett D. Cook on April 4th. lorvv st 1:30 p. m. All officers and lot owners are urged to be present. DISPLAY0LA88IFIED Automobiles 90 Automobile* •9 Guaranteed USED CARS FORD*. 19M to Tndors snd Forders. 1934. Coupes. CHF.VROLKTS, 192$. "36. 1 1 , -$3, Coupes. Coaches snd Sedsns. PLYMOUTH. 19» and 1982. Rf-id- iters. Coach and Sedan. I 4)0 to thoese fr/>m. Priced from $30 to $150, Aak aboat our Bonus Plsn. Liberal Terms—Oood Trucks Johnson City Motor Co. 160 Main Strset—Open Evenings DcpemisMe USED CARS Wc Sell for Less SOUTHKRN TIKR SALES COHPORATION Plymouth. DeSoto Distributors 227-229 WAter St. Dial 4-4175 $5 Down Buys— 19!9 19f» 192) 192$ l»ll 1929 1»29 192$ 1927 1927 1927 Hudson Sedan Ford Tudor Chev. Tudor *,, Pontine Coups' ...... Nash Sedan Ford Conns DeSoto Roadster .... Hulck Coups Ruick Coups Rutck Rcidster .... Wiilys-Knight Sedan MANY OTHER* ..ITS ..»$5 ..$»$ ..$?$ ..IIS ..$«& ..$$1 ..$7B ..148 ..$46 ..|2S Wolfe's Used «Cara 85 STATB ST. •••%w i - :s: n \.:i j M ":\«i .11 m •?M-m m m :: : » .:•:•; K m\ m 9B m- ': '• ': m tm.fi mm MM nm fc« if!! m V- - 'fe-1! W i w i a ! I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of V , THE BINGHA^ITO^ PRESS, SATURDAY EVENING, … NY Pre… ·  · 2008-06-23FrislaaJre. garsge,...

Page 1: V , THE BINGHA^ITO^ PRESS, SATURDAY EVENING, … NY Pre… ·  · 2008-06-23FrislaaJre. garsge, 111 WEST SIDE —single. 8 room*, bath, ... cltv. Call Dorothy Pasta or J. KS. Wilder.


amton Press Want Ad Results Show the Way to Extra Cash for Spring Needs REAL ESTATE yOB BBHT

A p a r t m e n t * a n d H o u s e s - 26

t v T O i l J t Sf . . ,W — 5-room s p a r i m e n t bwted; ««ntlts, t a c a a t April 1 s t nial 4-2303.

\ v TsT CATHERINE' ST. , » — 5-room apartment. Adults only.

f lOKK ST., It—i*od«rn 6-roocs single. with t t r t p . Dt*t 4-3304.

KOUTH SIDE—JJongtlow, 5 -rooms, Hth. very nice. $35. W E S T , 8 I D E - 3 rcKituf, shower bath, heat, hot. water. FrislaaJre. garsge, 111 WEST SIDE —single. 8 room*, bath, fireplace, ga-

" N v H I T E L A W REAL E8TATB i jg Mala St. Dial 8 3127.

SoTTH—<5 rjooms^ bstli, $26. L—\, < v v u . » . wavw, ^.\*. W E S T — " V rooms, $23. NORTH—0 rooms, first floor. ISO-

BODMAN RENTAL AGENCY / 41333. Open Evenings. 93 Hawley 8t. BOTTH SIDE—5 rooms. $22, $25. $30.

$3:,. $40. Apartments all parts ot cltv. Call Dorothy Pasta or J. KS. Wilder. QUI 7-1011: PTea.. 2-7724.

\VEST SIDE—HOD8E8 AND FLATS^-HOUSE — 8 rooms, polished floors, girige. • » • HALF T W I N - N e w l y decorated," fireplace, 150. Half twin, $10. FIRST FLOOR—5 rooms, oak floors, shower, garage. Janitor service, loO. FIRST FLOOR—5 rooms,' sun-pirlor. shower, garage, $15. 6 rooms, sunparlor, oak floors, shower, garage. $15. $30.

HEATED APARTMENTS — « rooms, $4760: $50; $60. Second floor, $75; $47-50 (furnished, April 1st, 5 rooms, shower, $55.).

BKVIER ST.—First floor, 0 rooms, oak floors, gas range, garage, $33.

ROBINSON ST.—Second floor. 5 rooms, r is range, garage. $30. COURT ST.— 5 rooms; flit floor, furnace, garage. $25.

INDWELL—House, 8 rooms, oak floors, J-ear garage, large garden, fruit and flowers, $10. For sale. Bargain. Terms. ,

Dally Changes. D. P. 8ELLECK

408 Mirlne Midland Trust Co. Bldg. Dial 2-9153.

•WEST 81DK — 6 rooms, $60; 5 rooms, $35; T rooms, $25; 6 rooms, $23; 6 room*, $35; 7 rooms, $35; 8 rooms, $50; 5 rooms, $18. .

EAST SIDE — 8 rooms, $38; 8 rooms, $30.

NORTH SIDE—From $20 up. Alio 80UTH SIDE renUls .

HANS DALL • - 300 Security Bldg. Dial 4-5313.


ALTERATIONS, garages, houses, floor*. Lower price*. L . Allen. Dial 4-1887.

L E T 8 PLAN those alterations or re­pairs now. Work guaranteed. Robert H. Sheldon. Builder. Dial 4-3913.

P a l n t l n c — P a p e r i n g 85

B. F. LOOktIS pipers any average room for $3. Absoluts guarantee, 294 Vestal Are. Dial S-Cllft.

PA1NTINO, papcrhanglng, walls re­paired; also carpenter work any kind, hour or contract A. O. Morrias. 1-6650.

PAPERING — S3 per room. Inside painting. A. Pal l , 8S Liberty. » M i l

M o v i n g a n d T r u c k i n g S i

C A N K r S TRUCKINQ CO, I N C Dally Express Service T o and From

NEW TORE CITY. 6 8 Spring Forest AT*. Dial 4-1337. '

New York City, 650 W. 22nd Bt Phone Chelsea 3-1350.

MERCHANDISE F o r S a l e — M i s c e l l a n e o u s 4 8

WAIT for your Wstklni" dealer. He has a generous free sample for you. Watklns Products, 106 Susquehanna.

10% DI8CODNT oa all paUt and varnish unul April 1 s t -

CLE LAND HOOFING * PAINT CO 73 8tate> S t Dial 2-8030.

130-EGGIncubator , sel l - turning egg tray. C. 8. MeCullough, Tunnel. N . V

DIAL 2-7420 for local and long dlsUnce moTlng, l ight trucking. Cargo insur-a nee. Hobart Dixon, 80 Susquehanna.

WEST SIDE — On bus line, attractive twin. 3 bedrooms, garage, $35. CLOSE IN—First floor, sun parlor, garage, exceptional. NEAR RIVERSIDE DRIVE—Halt twin, 3 bedrooms, new­ly decorated, garage, $50. New listing.

BUCK REALTY CO. 1-8311. Jane Parsons. 2-2186.

WEST SIDE—5 rooms, $27. WEST SIDE—5 rooms, 128. WES.T SIDE—3 rooms, nested, Spanish

type, $50. FBONT ST., 79—8 rooms, heated spart-

FRANK D. ROBINSON 58 Exchange St. Dial 2-352$.

WEST SIDE—l-room heated apartment electric refrigeration, very fine condi­tion. $45.

SOUTH SIDE—6-room alngle, $32. HILLCREST — 8-room single, modern,

cirice, $C0. Biychicy, Press Bldg. 2-6S26 y 2-9119. WEST SIDE—5 rooms, Karaite, $30. NORTH SIDE—4 rooms, heated. $35. SOUTH—6 rooms,1 $24; single, $35: JOHNSON CITY—0 rooms, $30; 6, $33;

4, $30. Wfr[>. 356 Main. Johnson City. 7-1733. WEST SIDE—First floor, 6 rooms, ga-

race, oak floors, aunparlor, modern, $W. Other rentals. Murray, Real KiUte Broker, Dial 6-3K87. _

WEST SIDE— Attractive 4-room modern apartment, heated, tile shower bath. Dial 2-o;y>.


Local and Long Di i t tnca


Tracking — Storsgt


1?8 Bute S t Dial 1-4414





LOCAL, long distance hauling, storage. Lowest prices In town. Nlckersos Trucking. 273 Chenango 8 t 2-53C3.

"MOVINQ DAT E V E R ! DAT Lojveit Prices in_ City. Big New Van*

F. D, Pettis, 30 Hawley 4-3438. JBMALL loads wanted to nearby towna

Local trucking or morlng. Reuben H. MaeDonald. Dial 4-S15L

Repairing 88

BICYCLES, radios. paired, parts for all makes. W O L F E U 80 State S t

phonographs ra­les. DIsl.2-8402,

R a d i o a n d E q u i p m e n t 4 8 *_

ASSORTMENT of reconditioned, ussd Esd l i s , $3 and up. Terms U low aa $1 down.


^ PIONEER RADIO EXPERTS Open From 8 3 0 A. M. to 10 P. M.


SEVERAL lata model repossessed radios for as low aa $12.80. Olrer Hardware. 120 West Main St., Union.

H o u s e h o l d G o o d s 4 9

AMERICAN walnut buffet.' china c lose t table. Cheap. Dlsl 2-4614.


New n o w

$49.50 Blaekstone Washer 39.00

$131.50 Universal Dryer Washer . . . 89.00

$89.50 Universal Model 970 63.00

$89.50*Thor Ironer. $4' 54.00

$89.50 Unlrersal Table-Top Ironer . 64.00 See These Displayed in Our

Henry S t Window.

BLANDINQ'S, INC. 198 Washington St.

COMBINATION gas range, bungalow *yPe« • , n >°»t new, excellent condition, $30. 93 Thomas Bt , Johnson City.

COOK and heatlnfc stores of all kinds. Furniture at lowest prices. Ford truck, wlU trade. 40 DeBussey S t

ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, 7 cubic foot, excellent condition; terms. $73.

GULBRAN RADIO CO. 141 Water 8t. Dial 4-5608.-


FURNITURE reflnished. repaired, rV built, reasonable. Special attention to antique/ . Riper. Dial 6-6147.


C o u n t 6 w o r d s t o t h e l i n e . I n c l u d a n a m e , a d d r e s s o r p h o n e n u m b e r in a d . If box n u m b e r is u s e d c o u n t a s t h r e e w o r d s . N o a d a c c e n t e d for l e s s t h a n t w q l i n e s .

R A T E S P E R L I N E P E R D A T O n * d a y . . . . . . 1 8 6 T h r e e c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s 15c , Six c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s . . . , l i e

Amount Paid No. of Days , ,

Mark x here if you want blind address ( . . . ) R E M I T T A N C E M U 8 T A C C O M P A N Y O R D E R


A u t o m o b i l e s f o r S a l e 87


1931 FORD DeLuxe Sedan 1931 FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1931 FORD DeLuxe Coupe 1933 FORD DeLuxe Sedan 1933 FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1933 HUPMOBILE Coup* 1932 FORD Sedan 193-! FORD Tudor 1932 r O R D Coupe 1931 FORD 8edan

i 1931 FORD Tudor » 1931 FORD Coupe . . . . . . . . 1931 FORD Convertible Co 1930 CHEVROLET Coach

I 1930 FORD Tudor 1930 FORD Coupe . . . . . . . 192J FORD Tudor 1929 FORD Coupe 1931 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1933 PLYMOUTH Coupe


. . . . . . . . a .

MERCHANDISE W e a r i n g A p p a r e l 5a

ORGANISE A CLUB of six members. Swsrts'a gives yoa $6 In merchandise F R E E from their big stock of coats, dresses, furs, Jkats, hosiery, under­wear. SWARTZ'S, eorner Court and Washington Sts.

C o u n t r y P r o d u c e 6 4


S e e d s , P l a n t s , F e r t i l i t 55

BULK flower, garden and lawn seeds. Fertilizers and lime. Conklln-Sulli-van Co., I l l Washington Bt. 4-5211.

SEEDS — Vegetable, flower; be l t varie­ties. Triple Cities Pets & Seeds, 118 Washington 8 t Dls l 2-3156. "

LIVESTOCK H o r s e s , C a t t l e . V e h i c l e s 64

ILLINOIS HORSES, cheap. New loca­tion at Beagell's Stables. 7 Sherman Place. Ed Goodivln.

PARLOR CITY Hides and Bags. Quo t s t l on i : 5c per lb- beef hides; bat terles, 41c 8. .Boxen. 20 DeRuisey St Dial 2-9367. n

RAW FURS WANTED Blnghamton Fur A Hide Co.

179 Susquehanna St. TEAM OF WORK HORSES

Maney, Choconut Pa. Daniel

ALL KINDS of native snd Western horses on hand at reasonable prices. B. O. Moffltt. Stow A T C

JUST RECEIVED 2 carloads of horses and mules. J. C Florence, Hsll-stcad. Pa. a

m -Hlph and dry; 7 rooms,

Dial 2-1091: evenings. 4-278B. CORNER Chenango and Munsell Sts.— ' S rooms, steam heat; rent reasonable.

Inquire Hocus theatre. ' . HALF TWIN HOUSE, West Bide—Hot

water heat, hardwood floors, all Im provcmenia. Adults. Dial '2-3378.

HALF TWIN—7 rooms, all Improve-Beats, garage, $3-V

W. EVERETT EYRICH 'S3 OXfll Bldg. Dial 2-3263.

HOMES ABOVE HIGH WATER All lections, all prices. Call us for list.

HotchkiN & Sons. 71 Court St. Dial t-0610 (IHTS. 6-5705 or 0-3GS9 nights.

feK.STAI.SJn all parta of the city, from 115 to $100.

HAN8 DALL _XX) Security B ids . Phone 4-5513.

AJNTAL3—All prices, all sections. JOHN 0 . DUNMORE

g< O'.Vfll Hldg. 4-2921; eves.. 4-1508. BOOMS, apartments, all parta of city.

Let in help you get located. 1*4 Helen SL CH1LLEY. Dial 6-4862. •EVERAt very nice suites of rooms

. North and Ka*t sides, $25 to $30. P. T. CARTON

,JW7 Press Bldg. 2-S414: Eves.. 2-4993. HJ—5 rooms, boated. South Side. BO-6 room», t i n t floor, W e s t OJ—5 rnoms, furnace, first floor. W e s t t——4 rnnms, second floor, central. «j> O'Xetl RldR. MINTZ. Dial 2-5348.

FURNACES, stoves reconditioned, reset and repaired. Also eaves and gutter work;

DANIEL G. CARVER .119 Washington S t Dial 4-1992.

SEWING MACHINES, anv make, oiled and adjusted in your home for 75c. Uied machines, $5 and op. Hemstitch-lng done. Dial 4-1321. HUla-McLean'a.

SEWING MACHINEBrvAU makes, oiled and adjusted in your home by experts for $L Parta extra.

FOWLER'S—Dial S-123L

Upholstering 40

CENTRAL UPHOLSTERING CO.—CaU os first tor prices. 63 Fayette St. Dial 4-8489,

B u s i n e s s S e r v i c e s 45

ACCOUNTING 8ERVICE for those who have no bookkeeper. Bernard V. Day, 47 Exchange 8 t Dial 2-6133 or 2-506L

MERCHANDISE F o r S a l e — M i s c e l l a n e o u s 4 8

AMUSEMENT pin-ball machines for home nse, $3 np. Dial 7-3518.

AUSTIN'S CA8H YARD—Johnson City. 7-1415. V. G. Fir Flooring, $50;.Ce­ment, 65c. Still the lowest prices in town.

BAR SUPPLIES, glassware, china, chairs, tables, booths, steam tables, ranges, electric pumps, coll boxes, work boards, etc. Dial 2-9411. Madi-son Supply Co., 174 Clinton S t

BARBER CHAIR— . ' Dial 2-6697.

BATH, laundry tubs, counters, show cases, trim, furniture, furnaces, doors, windows, e t c 46 Exchange. 2-5838.

BRASS TRUMPET, good condition. $8; twin laundry tubs, $6; porch glider, $0. 16 Morgan S t

i F u r n i s h e d A p a r t m e n t s



147 — Furnished • rartments, steam heated, gas, l ights,

fHARU>TTE ST., 45—Furnished . or safnrnlihcd, 8 rooms, privste bsth,

^*nt_ligfitv pas; low rent. 6-4382. CHENANGO ST., 094—2-room kltehcn-

ettc ai'irtmcnt, garage; light, heat, ^ • J ^ 1 1 water furnished. 2-5079. CHKNAXf.'o ST.. 50S—1 rooms, privste

bilh.y.irage. first floor: high, dry. CHESTNIT ST., 39—Until May 1st. a J*3«£iLT_Jppolnted spartment, 4-23J9. GRAND ItLVD.. 1 9 - 3 rooms, privste

Mth. r-).. electricity, heat, hot wster. FrigM.i ire, $9.50. Dl.il 6-5912.

*^NA"fiTi AltMS. 139 Murray S t — Meely furnlshcil spartment all -con-

Jfenkr.rr^ S10, SA.50. Apply A p t 7. LIBERTY ST., Ki — Small apartments,

'fit, km water, electricity, gas, fur-»ilure. garage, I0-$S. HANS DALL,

—5*1511!>_ 1"''g. Olal 4-5513. "ArLE ST. — 2. 3 snd 6 steam-heated

Jjjores, «ii Improvements, hot wster. J^Mrcn_ajlpy cd. $t to $3. 2-C713.. HVRRA\> ST.—3 rooms, bsth. h e a t hot

0610 or 6-5796.

u R R A K s r . - i rooms, 5>l«rjta«, electricity.

^ i t fhk lS A Sons—2-fl "pjlRAY ST., 141—3 rooms, clesn, prl-fc!!!*_!i!f"^I'Sth, Frlgldalre; adults. K'0BTH sr . - Modern, central. Will

jure or 1 irparaie room, beanttfully 'im,»hr,|. Centlemsn or couple, «a«jvislly re»pnnslble. E-273. Press. *?, . V • 132 - Small 6 room house •JUS 4 ronnn fnrnlnhcd, modern, Kei-

^Iiiator. I . l 8 | 2-9140. OAK S T - HI—Steam-heated 3 large

,,,,'*. *"d I'ath, modern conveniences, \UA"e r ' ' ' ' ^ r a t i o n , etc.; rent In-'Mf« your g«s, electricity, Jsnltor

WtvW: . , i „ | l l ;

fc-52.: - ,*'''. _ rlfJ?M ".K ' >iMVE, 38 - Heated, 3

J *»«. l.iih. Frigid aire, adults. 2-WM. sjfrV'f'H S T > 2 - -Niccly furnished. , . » . l i n n ; room, l>edroom and

^111 Xi; f o V s T . , 144—3 iljtht mod-'- "ilrcly furntiheil. private

references. Dial

BROODER HOUSES, cabins, summer camps. Write for prices on new Plywood Models. Ivon R. Ford. Me-Donoogh. N. T. .

FOUNTAIN PENS-KMcaned. adjusted, new rubber sac and bottle of Schaefer's script 'Ink. 60c. Darrow-Davls. $2 Court St.

GARLAND fiat-top green and Ivory r a n t -Decl

i . A n n nac-top green and Ivory gas l i e like new, $20; originally $70. cker's, 125 Washington St.

GAS RANGE for sale. 33 Cook St.. Johnson City. Dial 7-3SC8.

GAB STOVES <23j, recondiUoned, from $8 to $10.

DANIEL G. CARVER 11» Washington SL Dial 4-1992.

HOUSEHOLD furniture, living .room suite, mahogany bedroom auite, G. E. Grandfather clock, radio, Frlgldalre,

: etc. 98 Vestal Ave., or call 4-4053. J E N N I E LIND walnut twin beds;

maple 4-poster twin beds: maple chest of drawers: maple breakfast sets. 3 DeRuisey St. /


Gas range, oven heat control, 2 ovens and broiler, 120.93; white enamel gaa range, $14.50. And many others.

THE FAIR STORE. • | MATTRESS — New, double slxe, Sim­

mons Deep Sleep; cost $29.60. Price $15. Dial 2-7675.

MATTRESSES, renovated, remade, $4. Hnllman. 67 Washington S t 2-4162.

MAliTAG, WASHER. $15. .Many other good used washers.


St, — Used furniture, botlght, aold Open evenings. Dial 2-9S38.

OIL BURNER for aU stoves. $1 per week. Circulating heaftr. Nathan Schwab. 109 Washington 8 t

26 LARGE-FLOWERED prize-wlnnlug gladiolus, $2 labeled postpaid. E. A.

Kasson, R. D. 2. Johnson City, N. Y.

Coa l a n d W o o d 68

ANTHRACITE, stove and nut. $8.73: pea, $7.75; buck, $5.75; 25c per ton olf in 2-ton lots. Hardwood, 3 cords, $6: 4 cords, $7. Prompt delivery. Dial 4-3925.

ANTHRACITE COAL — Highest grade. Economy prices. Seasoned hardwood. Darweger. Dial 6-2111.

BLUE RIBBON guaranteed Anthracite. Bag, ton or load. 100 pounda deliv­ered, 10c extra. Dial 4-2792.




KEHOE Burgs finished anthracite, mined, prepared by union workmen. Hardwood. G. Armstrong. 7-1SS7.

LEHIGH VALLEY snthraclto coal, all kinds wood. C. W. Messersmith, S8 Massachusetts Are. Dial 7-3257.

PENNSYLVANIA • COAL—Nut stove, $7.76, pea. $8.75; buck, $5.25. Moving, trucking. Fields. Dial 7-4402.

PENNSYLVANIA Anthracite — Stove, n u t $7.75; pea, $6.75. Good wood, $2 up. Dial 4-4722. _ _ _ _ _

RUGS, .9x12, pure wool, washable and reversible, $13.95. Binghamton Floor Covering, 190 Washington St. 2-3264.

SPEED QUEEN washers, $39.50 to $79.50. Simplex lroners. Osier Bros., 148 Court St. Dial 4-1511.

8TUDIO COUCH—Twin sire, March spe­cial, $19.75. Griffin Furniture Co., State and Henry Sts. BARGAINS IN USED FURNITURE

4-pleee butt walnut bedroom suite, $79. Large 8-plcce dining room suite, $49.50. 8-plece velours living room suite, $21.50. Modern 6-piece twin bed suite, was $139,

reduced to $89. * THE FAIR STORE.

FREE BOOK on trusses, belts, elas­tic hosiery. Write or phone B. F. Michael. O'Nell Bldg. Dial 4-2224.

KARPEN barber chairs, latest de­s igns; wall cases, mirrors, tiling and other equipment for a 2-chalr shop. All practically new. Make an offer. Dial.2-5574.



219 Washington St. Dial 2-6687.

MONAD PAINT SPECIAL Porch and Deck P a i n t 98c q t

WHIPPLE BROS., INC.—Cash Yards 400 Court St. — Dial 2-5353.

Endwell, N. Y. — Tel. End. 1591.

OIL-BURNING SPACE HEATER — Genuine Quaker Art model, circulat­ing type heater, rated at 5,000 cu. ft. One only, like new, at 407i dlicount. Prffreott, 249 Wster St.. second floor.

PAINTS, vsrnlsbck, wallpaper, ml ied paint, $1.20 and up. Varnish,- $1.30 and up. Kovcrall Paint and W.ill-paper Corp., 108 Court St. Dial 2-3777.

Saniriat wall paint, 70c qt.; $2.30 gal . ; Utllac 4-hour enamel, 70c p t ; $1.3t> qt,

Clongh. 200 Grand Ave.. Johnson City. TRAILERS, house, travel, camp; new

and used covered wagons. Thur 8m!th, Newark Vsllcy. N. Y.

WARDROBE Trunk: largo "Hartmann," excellent. Bnllls, 63 Blgelow. 4-10S3.

FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU Llvinj Room Suites, Studio Conches.

Mattresses, Beds, Springs. Hullman, 67 Washington S t 2-4162.

NEW modern style genuine Klnklmo davenport and chair to match, $139. West End Upholstering Co., 288 Main St. Dial 6-2511.

NEW and used tires, batteries, radios No money down. Easiest credit Goodrich. 119 Msln S t


8 Court St. Dial 2-9216. POPULAR demand for Norge products

Is forcing us to sell our used recon­ditioned trade-In merchandise, con­sisting of Amherst, Glenwood, West-lnghous* and Magic Chef gas and electric ranges: "1900." Easy, Gatn-a-Day and Maytsg wsthcra; Frlgldalre, Krlvinator. Electrolux and Crosley electric refrigerators; some combina­tion coal and gas ranges. Space Is a premium. We >muit have room for shipments of new 1936 Norge prod-nets arriving dally.


25-27 Rtnrges St. Dial 2-5328. SECOND-HAND g s s ranees. $5 and np. NEW Century. Magic Ch< f. Round Oak

and Glenwood ranges. J-'OTJO and up. CRANE A PAGE

117 Court St. Dial 4-1963. SEVERAL good used gas stoves for ss

low s s $8. James H. Carver Co., Inc.. 70 State St.

BPRINO Patterns of Linoleum now In. Prices from .W vsrd up.

DANIEL O. CARVER 119 Wsshington St. Dial <1992.

TRADE FURNITURE CO. Used Furniture Bought snd Sold.

»S Chensngo St. Dial 2-3S48.

ALL KINDS of material for flood re­pairs. Drv lumber. Low rash prlccv tot ton-Hshlon, 3 Mitchell Ave. 4 1516.

BARGAINS—Unredeemed watches, tools. Jewelry, luggage, musical Instruments, fishing ts.kle. Guns bought and ex­changed. Steln-Bencnsohn. 121 Water.

T l

"ASIIIX. Iniujre Morton, 65 Chensngo.

T O N ST.. ?C3 — 2 and 3 ^ji'.."; ' ".!>.dccoratel. 2-SfiOI. 2-TftVi.

»_, s v - 7 3 - 2 and 8 rooms, lights, feSV".- hn< _"_««.

*ikf>fKfSS , i M t I ' * ' " • n » r * w ' 1 " , w a

**r.t . 1 ' / " c l r l * * n nnnsnal apart-fcs__L—'-r^fnees. F-7B5. Press.

s t o r r ^ n n s l n c M P l s c e a

^ g ^ i - t 9 . - S , o r . for rent



^ _ _ ^ V s n t c d t o R e n t

k5iSf?jt„re._ rail at R9


« "AVI »k!nt t


a for storage . . . rark St.

6r»teT»»s adult family rent 6- or 6-room alngle,

North Ride. I N C . — D l s l * XT?*,

t - j j ^ * " ' ^ to R e n t — F a r m s S 2 - A

U k , t ! . , I N „ ™ with dairy and l^'egfc-firJUnjfBamtsn. L . m . Press.

Rent s i H

N»sr,(,?M •'«*«. a t , Bf«"'«l*y, Brl ibes , N. T.

_rs» ni J , " ~ °o«d productive dairy -. ' "*<•«• ""t nf flood distr ict

BEACTIITTL Mlsonlc wstch fob with diamond. Very reasonable. Second fl oo r.._243 Ms I n S t. s j " * ^

C"LOSiNG st big bargains, sll used rsdlos. Used motori for ssle, cash registers, stock snd die set snd fine cameras. We buy or iwan. Fishing tackle, etc. Swap Store, 117 Water St

Foil -HAT/K or exchange for sheep or young csttle, 10-2O McDeerlng tractor. Auhrev Weslervelt, Spencer, N. Y.

FOR SALE—Burroughs' 6-bsnk, 7-bank and 7-bsnk wide carriage adding mschlnes. Henri Pcllcllcr. SO Henry.

l-EFINiSH your own floors. Dreid"-nsught light weight floor sander and complete instructions. Lawrence Paint Co.. If3 Wash!ngton. 22014.

RKFlNlSi i THOSE OLD FLOORS— Rent a sander. Complete line of fin­ishes. II. C Collier A Sons. 133 Conklln Ave. Dial 4-2464.

SAVE UP TO Kit of your roel this cold westber by applying Capitol Rock Wool Insulation Ask for booklet and prices.

BINGHAMTON BLAO ROOFING CO, Water, corner Henry. Dlsl 2-7221


your favorite beverage. All our prod-nets made with pure we|l wster — a surety of pnrlty. Prompt, courteous serviced free delivery. Dlsl flsMl er 8-ji_!V38. 2S6.Maln_gt. ;

THERE MAY BE a water shortsge. bnt our thlrst-qnenchlng Utlc* Club beer, ginger ale and soft drinks of all kinds ran be ob t s lne . by calling 2 611.".. Prompt service. I r e * delivery by the case.

STAR RQTTIifNO WORKS. T s K h " S i n . . RnrV ^rthlo friiiirer'~Wrin •bagger. A. L. Dai la* 8on, Inc., 48

Washington S t . ' >

USED GARLAND GAS RANGE, white enamel, nickel trim, excellent condl Hon; $12.50 delivered.


See Mr. Holden.

SUMMER PRICES—Stove and nut, $7.75; , p e a , $6.60; buckwheat $5. Dial 4-3359.

BEST COAL—Reasonable prices. B. A H. COAL CO.

8 South S t Dial 4-9067. F1R8T QUALITY deep-mined coal from

PIttston, Pa. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dial 2-9539. GRIFFITH. Dial 2-550a LOWEST PRICES on high-grade coaL

Stove n u t $8: pea, $7: buck. $5.50. A. II. Koehler. Dial 4-3331.

SEASONED hsrdwood,-$2.50; slab, $2. A - l coaL EHsworth. 2-61S2.

B u s i n e s s - O f f i c e E q u i p m e n t 57

C. W. GRAMBS—L. C. Smith and Cor ona—117 Chenango S t Sale of guar antecd, rebuilt typewriters, all makes, $15 up. Rentals. Repairing. 4-3079.

JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD of well broken Western horses. M. Gorman. 27 Whitney Ave.

10 HEAD of cattle, pslr of good heavy work horses and tools. Call Howard's. Dial 2-0200.

W a n t e d — L i r e Stock 6 3

CALVES, poultry and livestock wanted. Highest prices paid. S. Eats, 35 DeRustey St, Dial 2-8158.

COWS AND HEIFERS wanted, fresh, or to freshen soon. W. M. HoUllng, Klrkwood. Dial 4-2S91.

HIGHEST cssh prices for poultry, calves, livestock. Henry Rappaport, 54 Susquehanna 8 t Dial 2-7041. .

WANTED TO RENT 40 fresh cows for 8 months. E. L. Pease, Hyde St., Whitney Point. N. Y.

AUTOMOBILES A u t o m o b i l e A g e n c i e s 68


. 595

. S95

. 333

. S23

. 330

. £63

. 250

. 250

. 173

. 173

. 173

. 210

. 150

. 150 123 73 7J

465 $50

• HUGH T. BECKWITH. I N C 131 Court S t Open Until 9 P. M.

THE CLEANEST selection of Used Cars In the Triple Cities. 80UTHERN TIER BALIS CORP. 227-229 Water 8t. - Dlsl 4-4376.

WE PAY CA8H FOR USED CARS. 1935 PONTIAC 2-door Sedan. 1935 CHEVROLET Coupe. 1934 FORD DeLuxe Tudor.

FEOPLES AUTO EXCHANGE 44-46 Collier St. Dls l 2-9050.

1936 PLYMOUTH Touring Sedan. 1934 PLYMOUTH 2-door Sedan. 1933 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe. R. B. 1932 CHEVROLET Convertible Coupe, 1931 CHEVROLET Convertible Coup*. 1931 FORD Convertible Coupe. C. H, LYNCH. 9 Belden S t Dlsl 1 8468. 1933 PLYMOUTH l o u r i n g Sedan. 1935 PLYMOUTH Sedan: radio. 1931 CHEVROLET Standard Coach, 1931 CHEVROLET Master Bedan, 1934 CHEVROLET Town Sedan. 1834 FORD Coich. 1933 FORD Fordor Sedan. 1932 DESOTO 6 Sedan. 1832 FORD Coach.


48 Collier Bt Dlsl 1-2515. 1933 CHEVROLET msster cosck. 1935 OLDSMOBILE 6 sedan. 1933 DODGE sedan, 1931 STUDEBAKER sedan, trunk. 1933 PLYMOUTH sedan.

JACK SHERMAN 65 State St. Dial 2-7155.



Investigate Before Borrowing

$300 OR LESS

.Cash Immediately >

. O B Our New Easy Pisa




Oo Owner's Signature F0RN1TURE LOANS

Husband and Wife Only Need Sign.


Full Amount In Cash

Phone. Write or Call


Dial 2-L8S1 Loans In Nearby Towns

"Loans for Every Family Need."

MONEY TO LOAN at 5H% Interest on Improved residential property by

Cooperative Building A Loan Association 418 Security Mutual Bldg.

*4,000 TO LOAN by April I on good first mortgage. Carl Schaefer, 1005 Press Bldg. Dlsl 2-7621.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estata Agents 81

A-l Real Eatate and Insurance 8AV1TCH-MERRILL * CO.

DIAL 2-1203. 6 COURT ST. D. H A R R I S - REAL ESTATE 11$ East Mala S t . Union.

Phone Endlcott 436.

1935 FORD Touring Sedans (2). 1935 FORD Touring Tudor; radio. 1935 PLYMOUTH Touring Sedan. 1934 DODGE DeLuxe Sedan. BENO MOTORS. 1406 Main, Endlcott

Phone End. 336. Open Until 9. 1935 PLYMOUTH Coupe, R. S. J935 PLYMOUTH Touring Sedan. 1934 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Bedan. 1933 DODGE Sedan.

WELLS MOTORS. INC. 131 Washington Ave.. Endlrott. 493.

1033 PLYMOUTH Convert. Coupe ..$333 1934 PLYMOUTH Coupe 1933 PLYMOUTH Kednn 1930 PLYMOUTH Sedan

385 333 133

1931 DODGE 2-door DeLuxe Sedan . 4C3 1930 FORD Tudor 133 GARLAND MOTORS, 29 Exchange Bt

1933 CHEVROLET DeLuxe 8edan. 1930 WILLYS 6 Sedan. 1030 ESSEX Coupe Terms; tradelns: bargains. 7-0619.

1929 PONTIAC Big 6 Coach, $85; 1928 OLDSMOBILE Sedan. $63. Bi l lOwens. J. C. Auto Parts. 210 Corliss Ave.


22 LEWIS ST. DIAL 4-3291.


28-30 COLLIER ST. DIAL 4-2261.

A u t o m o b i l e s for tiale 87 BUICK Seilsn, 1931. PLYMOUTH Sedan, 1933. CHEVROLET Cou[>e, It _9. CHEVROLET "4-ton Truck, 1929. PONTIAC Convertible Coupe, 1929. NASH Sedan. 1929. MANY OTHER8 AT LOW PRICE8.

Open Evenings and Sundays. STAR AUTO PARTS CO.

12 Collier St. Dial 2-1429. CHRYSLER "8'' 1934 COUPE—Rumble

seat, very low mileage, beautiful con-dltlon; very reasonable. 4-2833.

CHRYSLER U>26 COACH — 4-cylindcr; $33; terms. Dial 0-3374.

FORD $145.

COACH. 1931—Good condition. Terma arranged. Dial 6-3374.

FRANKLIN coupe, excellent condition. Reasonable. Stratton's garage. 4V1 Lille Ave., or dial 6-3743.

TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, SO Court St—BETTER typewritcra rented at lower rates. All makes bought, sold. Repairs guaranteed. Dial 4-4316.

RELIABLE Typewriter Exchange, 43 Court S t Typewriters, s l l makes. Lowest-price*, rentals. Dial 2-5607.

B o a t s , B a i t a n d S u p p l i e s 5 8

BOAT for sale. In two telescoping sec­tions. 218 Main St., City. Dial 6-43.«2.

B u i l d i n g Mater ia l 6 9

LUMBER, doors, windows, bathtubs, sinks, pipe, radiators, etc., from buildings at Front and Ferry Sta. General Material A Wrecking Co.

FOR SALE—Structural steel pipe, radi­ators snd second-hand brick. I-evene's Sons. 18 Elizabeth St. Dial 2-42S4.

W a n t e d t o B n y 61


ALBERT PAYS highest prices for u*cd furniture, stoves. Call us first. 71-73 Clinton St. 2-8&1I

ASWAD PAYS highest cssh prices for furniture, stoves and carpets. 73 Clinton S t Dial 2-6016.

BOOK, entitled "Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to His President," by Will Rogers. E-272. care Pre<«.

GOLD WANTED—WlU pay hlghcit cash prices for your old gold and silver. Abrams, 49 Chensngo St.

HIGHEST price paid for good buck-whest grain. Geo. Q. Moon A Co., Inc., 201 Chenango S t Dial 2-2361.

HOUSE DESK—Good condition, rcaaon able. Write E-271, rs re I'res s.

3-PIKCK used living room suite. Morn-Ings, 129 Rutland St._Jnj^*r>njnty^

4-PIECE bedroom suite, broadloom rug, breakfsst set. 46 Broad Ave. 2-10y..

"19O0" SELLS both new and rebuilt wishtr i on essy payment plsn. Dil l 6-2-1M or Welsh. 2 9331.

A n t l q n e s 49>_

ANTIQUES wanted, sll kinds, and* ( lasswire . Old Tyme Shoppe, 686 Chenango St. Dial 4-47.16.

ANTIQUES bought; books, dishes, en­tire household goods. Write Nerval Stewart, 279 Main SI. Dlsl 6-4123.

ANTIQUES bought Bod sold. AU kinds glass snd cklns. Grandma's Qirre t 16 _ _ _ _ 1 1 Dlsl .-5897.

Mns lca l I n s t r u m e n t * 60 PlANO, good condition, for sale fhesp".

Cell Prudence KoMer. 7-1504. R a t t M b l f u T N E D STl'DftT PIANO.



DI At. 2-1231. W e a r i n g A p p a r e l M

SLACK BHOEsTlad?* . slightly s sed . $?B0 sad $2, site S<i-B end 4. Dial 4-1960.

BROWN swsgger suit: black spring CftSt fox trim, sites 3s. Cheap. rSOPO,

FORM A DRE5S CLUB—Six members, espialps earn $6 free merchandise. Wtds selection dresses costs, suits, skirts, blouses, all sixes to 89. J o s s , 30 Casrt St.

"iPKttAL— P're.ses. 2 for" f»; valoes to $«P6; shvs from 14 t« A Swagger suits, 12 93. $.19*. up. Rsleebys Dresi Shop, 32 Court S t

EOUIS NEEDS sll kinds of used furnl tore, stores, carpets. Will psy highest price. Dial 2-7044.


BERRY, 98 CLINTON ST. WILL PAY FROM $3 to $13 for vour

gold bridge teeth. L. B. Collins. 95 Main St.

WILLYS-KNIGHT Coupe Sedan, very good condition; price $35. 2-2174. •



AUTO. PARTS—New. used. Csrs bought, sold. Blnghamton Auto Wrecking, 6 South St., corner Carroll. 2-8571.

BRIGG3 BARGAINS 1934 PLYMOUTH Cosch $450 1932 PLYMOUTH 11. S. Coupe 25(1 1934 CHEVROLET 8ednn . , 443 1931 NASH DeLuxe Sedan 243 1932 WILLYS Sedsn 250


Open Until 9 P. M. Dlsl 4-2187.

T r u c k s for S a l e • " A


DODGE %-toa Pickup, 1933 . . . . . . . . 423 DODGE Sedan "Delivery. 1933 350 DODGE H-tnn Canopy. 1931 150 DODGE lVi-ton Stake. 1928 100

FORD H-ton Panel, 1935 495 FORD i^-ton Sedan Delivery. 1934 . . 415 FORD lH-ton Chassis _ Cab. 1932.. 225

BRIGGS MOTOR CAR CO. 237-239 Court S t Dial 4-2187.

DODGE Truck, 1934, completely over hauled, good rubber, $395. White A Indiana Truck Co.. 212 State St.

FORD ' . -TON TRUCK — Good tlrcg, good condition. $23. 40 DeRussoy St

G. M. C. Tractor, seml-traller, 19' van body, 34x7 tires, 10-ton capacity.

G. M. C. 2-ton 2-yard Dumper. G. M. C. 2-ton 12' van body.

MACEY, 559 Chenango Sr» 2-7832.


WELLS MOTORS. INC. 131 Washington Ave., Endlcott 493.

TRUCK PARTS—New, used, rebuilt Larrsbct: Truck A Sheldon Axle Co. 914 Chenango St. Dial 2-8003.


COMMANDER MOTORS BARGAINS 1931 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedsn. 1931 LAFAYETTE Tudor Sedan. 1931 FORD TUDOR Sedsn. 1933 CHRYSLER Royal 8 Sednn. 1332 STUDEBAKER 6 Brougham. 19tl BUICK DeLuxe Sedag. 1931 CHEVROLET Sport Coupe.

COMMANDER MOTORS 21 Susquehanna St. Dial 4-4671.


192S FORD Coupe. 19VJ FORD Sedan. 1929 CHEVROLET Coupe. IKK) CHEVROLET <'ou|>e. 19:W CHEVROLET Coach. 1930 FORD Cosch. 1931 FORD Sedan. 19T,n FORD Cosch. 1!_9 GRAHAM Coupe. 1930 WHIPPET Coupe. IKiO W H I P P E T Sedan. 1930 WILLYS Coupe.

PRICED TO SELL. Come In and See These Bargains.

CRANE MOTOR CO. 3 (Jrsnt AC. , Endlcott.

Disl 7152 . . Tel. End 1148.

LIVE 8TOCK E g c a , P o u l t r y , E t c 62

BABY CHiCKB from large blood-tested White Leghorns. Our own breeding. W. R. Christie, Klrkwood. 4-2*90

CHICKS — Superior ITcde and NTw HampsMrei; blood-teited breeders. McKnne Poultry Farm, R. 4. City.

HOT WATER Inrubstor, 200 cgi_ *T5"; Norge refrigerator. $.VI. 73 ciinjon.

KERR'S LIVELY CHICKS Blood tested. All popular breeds. Spe­

cial discount offer. Sexed Leghorns available. Poultry soppllrs. Author-lied sgent Simplex brooders KERU CHICKER1ES, INC., 203 Slate St.. Blnghamton. N. T. Phone 4-19.'3.

LfedHORN day-old pullets nn hand. Sprunger Hatchery, upper Conrt St. Dial 2-2IW?.

8EAR8' blood-tested chicks, culled, se­lected, at an nnususl price. 0'_c each. Fill out your stock now and save.

BEARS, ROF.BCCK CO. Conrt at Carroll Sts^


n o g s , Q s u . P e t s fit

rioSTONB, i -nooth Fox Terriers, Eng-llih and French bulldog puppies. Rlvarvlew Kennels, Conklln Road.

PUPPIES—Only t w s each of Daehs hounds, Bostons, Fox Terriers, res

. aonsbV*. Paradls . p f t Shop. 40 Couri. PUPPIES—Registered Cocker Vpanlefs

W. Q. gpr l sg f f • Dial j . i f l i s . WANTED ^flood horne for 5 Mark anil

white kittens, 6 months: male and female. Writ* D-«fA cars Press.

DEPENDABLE USED CARS! 1933 DODGE 2-door Sedan, with radio

snd healer. 19V* GRAHAM « Sedan. 1931 CHRYSLER 2 door Sedsn. 1931 FORD Tudor. 19._» GRAlfAM 8 Sedan. 1931 GRAHAM Spceisil 6 Sedan.


l«l 190 Water St. Dial 4-4619. Or^n Erenlngs.

G U A R A N T V E I T O K " U S E D CA~RS B O T N H K M O T O R C O R P . .

21". 2.'3 W A T E R S T . D I A L 2 ,VW1.

HOI SK and Camp Trailer for sale. NEWINGS


LOW OVERHEAD Means LOW'l'RH'E. SQUARE DEAL CHEVROLET, INC. Msln St. at Avenue A. Johnson City.

Dial 7-3815.

Serv i ce S t a t i o n s — R e p a i r s 70

K E N D A L L — t h e 2.000-mlIe oil —and Sunoco oil. Get them at S. B. Greg ory's, 144 Gram! Ave.. Johnson City.

W a n t e d — A u t o m o b i l e s 76


CASH for your automobile 41 State S t C B. Meredith. Dlsl 2-3011.

H o u s e s for Sa l e 82

ARTHUR 8 t „ 22—Needs repair's, large l o t Make me an offer. VESTAL AVE. 240—Attractive single with garage. Priced to sell quick. The Shea Homestead, Just outside, on Court St., 7 acres, twin house, large barn. Muit settle estate. Another estate^ 4 acres, 100 fruit trees, river frontage. Scml-bungalow, accommodations lor 1,000 hens. Price $2,200. BISHOP. C6 Court 8t. Dial 2-8fi21.

H o u s e s for S a l e 8 3 I THI8 TAKES THE C A K E ~

BUNGALOW - 6 lovely rooms! 3 bed­rooms, oak floors. Holland furnace, electricity and heavy service. A-l bath with built-in tub. laundry tubs spacious baiement. lot 50xl_»j. South Side location. Just off Conklln Ave. This buugalow built about 10 years

, . , - b ** u keJl ia D e , t condiUon, above all floodi. You will Just love it. Prlco $2800 with $700 down.

Open 6 A M. to 10 P. M. BELL. 1 DeniA son. BE

6-ROOM modern Dial 4-4130.

. single house, large level l o t $1000. terms. Werts. 356 Main St . Johnson City. Dial 7-1733.

J o h n s o n City P r o p e r t y 8 2 - A

JOHNSON CITY-91 Olive S t ; 6 rooms. ^ ! u , « \ b D ? f , I o w : •I1 'rapromnenta. l o { o U \ i » . larg* henhouse for about 2T0 hem.

D O VOU PREFER s bungalow, high and dry . 3 rooms and bath, hard­wood floors. 2-car garage. Very pleasant surroundlngi. $4000: $700 down.

132 Main St. J. M. FYALA. Dial 4-2646.

S u b u r b a n P r o p e r t y , 8 2 - 0

SEMI-BUNGALOW - 14 miles from Blnghamton; 5 rooms, furnsce, elec-' trlcitv. 2-car garage, chicken house for 150. on pavement IV, acres. Some buy at $1900; $1000 down. 1 Dennlson. BELL. Dial 4-4180

$ 68-100 ACRES. 1 mile out on state road, high and dry. electric l ights, furnace, bargain at $2750; terms.

Blat.hley. Press Bldg. 2-6S26 V 2-9118

L o t s for S a l e 8 8 L ,f\Ta . f8& 8 A L E - U p p e r Conrt

D i l l 2-oS»53, 20"

S t

W K L , V . . w c r , . f l c e \ t r t c t ot 55 a ic i building lots, flrit class location. J u i t out of city.

MOLCOMB. INC. Dial 1-3228.

85 Farms for Sale

ARTHUR ST.—2-famIly house at a bar-A Sons. gain. HotchkiN

or 6 3CS9. Dial 2-0610

8-ACRE to 300-acre farms, s l l sections. ROY C. SHADDUCK

30 Jsmes S t Dial 2-437L 8 " i C R . B Pou't'y «nd truck farm, near

Endlcott, on macadam rosdi good nou*« with improvements; barn, ehlckery: fine for gas s u t i o n and roacf stand. MERSEREAU FARM AGENCY. 70 Court St. Dial 4-2305.

^°_£pSE chicken farm, henhouse for coo, brooder house, barn, garage, 6-room house, stone road. 7 mUes from Endlcott. Ideal location for factory worker. Very reasonablt, easy terms. Tel. Apalachln l-Y-2.

CHENANGO ST., 468 — Corner Moffatt Ave,; f ins -home; large Bring room with fireplace, sun rjarlor, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, attic, new heating system, oil burner and modern air conditioning, garage. Good location for professional man, and easily adspted to such use. - »

JAMES G. BROWNLOW 601 Press Bldg. Dial 2-6314.

CRANDALL 8T.. 15—8-room home, bar-galn; all Improvements, with or with-out adjoining Perry S t l o t 2-6728.

HELEN ST.—Nearly new 2-famlly, 6 rooms and sunparlor each floor, per­fect condition. Will Sacrifice.

RODMAN RENTAL AGENCY 4-25XV Open Evenings. 95 Hawley Bt HILLCREST — 2 singles, $4000 each.

West Side single. $3200; Pennsylvania Ave., 2-famlly, $40uQ. Rcrlbner. 6-4321.

LOCKWOOD ST. — Duplex, 6 rooms each floor, 2-car garage, $5600.

RUTHERFORD ST.—Duplex. $3100. SOUTH SIDE—5-room bungalow, nice

lot, $2900. FRANK D. ROBINSON

• 58 Exchange St. Dial 2-3323. LOUISA ST. —Modern 8-room-house,

like new throughout; large, pleasant rooms; rlenty of closets, good lot, fruit; $4200.

MAY BROS. — Dial 2-5067. EAST SIDE—6-room modern house, 2

car garage. 2 lots, excellent condition. Only $3,500, with $300 cash and $30 per month. Many others.

Rlatchley. Press Bldg. 2-6826 V 2-9110. NORTH SIDE—6-room house, all Im­

provements, with an up-to-date bak­ery renting for $25 per: month; all for $3200.

STURGES ST.—7-room horise. all Im­provements. A bargain at.$3400; easy terms.

8HAFER ft DECKER 773 Chenango St. 4-3112: Eves., 2-5528.

-SOUTH SIDE — Real good 2-famlly, $i900. $1500 down. 6 large rooms and bath, each floor. Pleasant lo­cation. Nice corner l o t Estate sale. Mosher. 82 Court S t $-3235; Eves.. 4-4.VO.

WEST 8IDE:—8-room house, not large. Not a forced sale. Owner's interest makes It necessary to dispose of this comfortable home at a price you will pay. Valuation tflOuO. Essy terms.

HAN8 DALL FecnrltT Bldg. Dial 4-5513,

WEST SIDE — Near Johnaon City: 8 rooms, modern single, 5-car garage, large lot, onlv $4800, terms. Others.

Blstchley. P r e y Bldg. 2-BS26 V 2-9fl9. WEST SIDE—New 3-room house with

fireplace, all modern Improvements, good locstlon. Dial 6-3473

ABOVE THAT HIGH WATER NORTH SIDE single. 6 rooms, 3 bed­

rooms, bsth, new plumbing, new fur­nace: good locstlon. And whst a buy at $2850 with $400 down I Balance as rent.' Open 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.

BELL. Dlsl 4-4130. 1 Dennlson.

CASH psld for your auto. Koffmsn'p, 46 State SL Dial 2-1350.


WANTED - Light uied car. Cssh If priced right. Dial t - f f l l ,

BARGAIN FOB QUICK SALE. Fine duplex, ldesl locstlon, always rents Write owner. 8-2093. < are Press.

WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR AUTO­MOBILE - • A. A. Barlow, Inc., 49 State St. Dial 2-.Cil2.

FINANCIAL B u s i n e s s O p p o r t u n i t i e s 77

CENTRAL—Block for isle, 2-famlly and atore. Dial 6-1.VS7.

WEST SIDE—Income property : single. 6 bedrooms, 11 garages, large lot. fine location, good neighborhood, out of flood district; down payment: bal­ance monthly. Owner, 11 Arthur St.

_ nJ"' f-8012. STORE AT YOUR DOOR Paneled Body

Truck, regular established routes combined with grocery store. In good neighborhood. Will Irnontory about $12>X>.

RESTAURANT, located near Court St.. established 16 years, fine business; compjele, only $'<VVii.

GROCERY ownrr has two stores: too mudi work. Will sacrifice North Side • lore. $18m.

ROSE. 107 f l irnsngo fit Dlsl 2 0411.

NEW snd used parts, tires, uied cars SOUTH STRKI.T AUTO PART*. 41 Somh SL_ Free delivery Dial 2-fiPtA


_ » _ J 4 State St. DlaJ 2 3431.^ RKCONDITWNED GUARANTEED

USED CARS 62 68 Water 8L, Rlnghamtea

DEANE MOTOR CORP. 1900 North St.. Endlcott


19 23 Collier 8 t 34-36 8tste 8 t _RK AL cfiONK before you "ftny or sell

yonr nrrd car. >•< Hudson fit., John ton City. Dial 76743.

T H E MOST complete line of nted cars. n i n e , tires • In town. WOOD'S.

_FrontJPt . . epjvoslfeAlrport. _ 4-1 111 ^_ •u'SEi) CARS—riew and used Parts, K . A M MOTORS AND PARTS CO. 82 84 COLLIKR 8T. DIAL i-SUS.

M o n e y to L o i n 7B



sll amounts. Call Floyd Felter. Dial I t l M .

F I R S T M O R T G A G E M'ONET Available L 11. GREENE. JR. - P h i 4-5619.


2T* Security Mntuil llldg. 2-7264. MONEY to loan on first mortgages, city

and suburban properties, sny amount. <"srl Sehsefer, 1003 Tresi Bldg. Dlsl 2-7624 or 6 6214.

tfONKY LOANED— Watchca diamonds. Jewelry, big line trunks, bars, anlt-cases. Shaff ft Feinberg. 14S Water.

BUILD YOUR HOME NOW. Lat me tell you about the BUILDING AND FINANCE PLAN. ARCHIE WRIGHT. 608 Press Bldg. Dlsl 2-1790 or 7-1580. or csll End. 17 W.

F o i l SALE — 8 room hoil'o, 2 screi, fruit. 2 hcnhouie*. double garage; near Chensngo Bridge station. Phone 3 l i . 'A

—T HIOH AND DRY SEMI BUNGALOW—7 rooms, bsth and

all other Improvements, garage, acre lsnd, berries, fruit ami shrubbery lovely lawn. Price $32<»1 with $500 down. Open 8 s. m. to 10 p. m. 1 Dennlson. BELL. Dla 14 41 ?A HOMES ABOVE HIGH WATER

All sections, all prices. Csll us for list. HotchkiN ft Sons. 71 Court St. Dial 2 0610 clays, 6-5795 or 6-36S9 nights.

$30 TO $300 LOANS Household Finance Corporation

11th Floor, Tress Bldg. Dial 2 129*. ll.OOO OR MORE TO L 5 I N c . n f l l

mortgsge. Lloekan. Dlsl 2-5574.


Antomoblles f t

1986 Hulck Pt. S e d a n . . . . . $ 1 4 $ 1984 F o r d V i c t o r i a , . $»R ItSO Kord A Ppt . Coupa . . . 14$

H o o d Cars B e p a l r e d

Public Service Gnrnge tA-W. WathlngtoB fit. Dial »• 467$ 24 Hours Wrecker «ervlce

NO FLOOD HERE 8EMI-BUNGALOW—7 rooms, osk floori

furnsce, clectrldty, bath, pavement. In A-l condition, fln<\«t location. 2 miles nut. Taxes si.out IW With It goes electric rsns;e. elertrlc re/rlg-erstor, electric hot wster hester. all like new. Price with everything is only $«•«! with JSol down.

(l | i (n 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. 1 JWinlton. BELL Dlsl 4-4130.

• SAFE FROM Fl.OOfi HILLCREST - Brand new . home. r.

rooms, bath, reeriatlon room, garage This lioii«e lids never b«-n Uied In sod can be purchased for only $.T«1. $|(YI down, balance as rent.

L II GREENE. J R . 41 I'liensnro Rt. Dial 4 .VM9. Evenings, fi VMS

T I I E Y ' R E ' D R Y IN HILLCREST. Single bouse, 7 rooms, all Improvement!

and i frv modern: finest lotst lon: ga­rage Price *(f»«i with *V«) down.

Open 8 A M to 10 p. M. 1 DenM«on HELL. Dial 4 41.10

4M400M SINGLE with garage l a l l l r a -provements. good location; $3200

H0LC0MR.,1NC. — Dlsl 2S22A


45 ACRES—Sale or r e n t i miles o u t macadam, electricity.

100 ACRES— 9 miles out; fair buildings, good l s n d ; $1500. . »"«"•«•»

VAN ORDER, 89 Clarks S t 87-ACRE dairy snd poultry farm, oa

macadam road. A real pleasant home, 6-room house, large basement barn, 9 !*°*.d 0 . \ J * ? c k ' P*1' A0o<l borses snd tools. 100 hens. 86,300, $1^00 down. George Chamberlain, R. D . 8, Owego.

87-ACRE dairy farm on maeSclara rosd.-4 miles north of Oweso, N. T. New 6-room house with furnace, spring water. 8-car garage, large basement barn and silo, henhouse for 500 hens, A $6000 fsrm for $4800: $1000 down. Geo. Chamberlain, R. D. 8, Owego, N. x.

i-ROOM house with 8 acres In Port Crane. Will sell any part. TWO houses anrl 350 acrea on Ballyhick road. I mile from Port Crane. Will yell any part. 50 tone hay. 125 tons Insilage. BARGAINS. Dr. B. M. Allerton. 107 Oak S t 2-0857.

BARGAIN — Macadam road, 93-aere farm, good 8-room house, basement barn, chicken and brooder houses. In­cubator, sugar buib. 6 cows, l horse, and farming tools, $2600.

HOLCOMB. INC. Dial 2 3228. FARM FOR SALE — 66 acres, with o"r

without stock and tools. ' Elmer Short. Apalschln, N. Y.

OTSEGO COUNTY DAIRY FARM, JuTt off Rente S 109 acrea; 45 produc­tive, river flat tillage, 40 spring-watered pasture, remaining woods. 10-room house. 70' barp, 21-cow concreto stable. Buildings bare electricity and running water. Good opportunity for tourist home. $3,800. Long-term ' easy payments. Federal Land Bank. SprlngHeld, Mass.

SMALL chicken fsrm, near city, nice­ly located; garden soil; 2 henhouses, barn and house; good Jocation for road stand; only $1700.

FRANK D. ROBINSON 58 Exchange St. Dial 2-8523. '

§OU R e a l E s t a t e for E x c h a n g e 8 7

_I5TH SIDE—Bungalow, 6 rooms, all Improvements, gsrsge, for 2 family. J- 8. Wildey. Dial 7-1011 j eTes., 2-7724.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE tor lArm, 6 miles from Blnghamton on Syra­cuse road. 6-room bouse, all improve­ments, with chicken house 20x60. with 4 acres of level land and other buildings,' some f r u i t Shown by ap­pointment *

FREDERICK J. STEVENS. BR. Chenango Bridge. . • Dial 4-0443.

R e a l E s t a t e W a n t e d 8 8

WANTED—Lease or buy single house. West End, Blnghamton, or south. Johnson City. WVlta G-654, Press.

WE HAVE BUTEBS for 1- and 2-family home bargains. List your property with os now for quick ae-tion. Llnehsn. Disl 2-5574.

A u c t i o n S a l e s 8 9 EXECUTOB'8 Cash Bale household

goods. Saturday. Mar. 28, S p. m., rain __or_»hlnc, Giles Plsce. Apalachln.


_ a v s WATER ST. DIAL 2 9305. HORSE AND COW AUCTION—Austin's

Stsbles, Walton, N. Y.. Tnesdsy. March 21th. 11 a. nr. Used work horses at 1 p. m. 175 tested and ac­credited cows. choice first-calf heifers, turnout cattle, beef cows, bulls and calrei. Terms cash. Auc-11 on ^rery Tnesdsy. W. H. AUSTIN.

POSTPONED AUCTION HALE of household goods, 10 a.- m., Mondsy. 30 Exchsnge Bt, Gcorgt 8. Carver, auctioneer.

LEGAL NOTICES Legal N o t i c e s 90

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Tl,o annual meeting of the Kattellvllle

Cemetery Association will be held at the home of Everett D. Cook on April 4th. lorvv st 1:30 p. m. All officers and lot owners are urged to be present.

DISPLAY0LA88IFIED A u t o m o b i l e s 90

A u t o m o b i l e * • 9

Guaranteed USED CARS FORD*. 19M to

Tndors snd Forders. 1934. Coupes.

CHF.VROLKTS, 192$. "36. 11 , -$3, Coupes. Coaches snd Sedsns.

PLYMOUTH. 19» and 1982. Rf-id-iters. Coach and Sedan. I

4)0 to thoese fr/>m.

Priced from $30 to $150,

Aak aboat our Bonus Plsn.

L ibera l T e r m s — O o o d T r u c k s

Johnson City Motor Co. 160 M a i n S t r s e t — O p e n E v e n i n g s

DcpemisMe USED CARS Wc Sell for Less


P l y m o u t h . D e S o t o D i s t r ibutors 2 2 7 - 2 2 9 WAter St. Dial 4-4175

$5 Down Buys—

19!9 19f» 192) 192$ l»ll 1929 1»29 192$ 1927 1927 1927

H u d s o n S e d a n Ford T u d o r C h e v . T u d o r *,, P o n t i n e C o u p s ' . . . . . . N a s h S e d a n Ford C o n n s D e S o t o R o a d s t e r . . . . Hulck C o u p s Ruick C o u p s Rutck R c i d s t e r . . . . W i i l y s - K n i g h t S e d a n

M A N Y O T H E R *

. . I T S

. . » $ 5

. . $ » $

. . $ ? $

. . I I S . . $ « & . . $ $ 1 . . $ 7 B . . 1 4 8 . . $ 4 6 . . | 2 S

Wolfe's Used «Cara 85 S T A T B S T .


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