v POPULAR WANTS. THE WEEK'S TRANSFERS. MoiMlar. Joßie S Pearce to vTm Cecil Read, Its 16, . 17, 24, 25, blk 5, Miehaud's add 84,000 John L Sullwold to Matt Lispert, It 16,- --lIk 3, Asvlumadd 800 John L Suilwold to Paul Lippert, ItIC, blk 3. Asvlumadd 300 Peter Daly to Jas Farmer. It5, blk 14, Oakville Park ndd..... I.COO John llasslen to Nils 11 I.ovine. part of Its 14,15, blk 14, Syndicate add, 1.150 Total, 5 transfers $0,750 Tncsilav. George 8 Heron to WW Thomas, It '.<. blk 8,Holcomb"s add .$10,500 W G Paine to li 11 Stevens, It 9, blk IS, White Bear.. 1,500 C M Stone to E A Williams, It 3, blk 3, Rogers' add 2,200 Minn saving* bank to Mary Sweeney, It 4. blk 10. Fairview add 1,000 P Leffman to J P Petit, It 10, blk 11, TB Somers' add 825 G Fryckberg to Th 11 Parsons, It 30, Ik 13, bthison's add 5,503 Total, six transfers .$ 1.585 Wcduesilay. 011 Bardwell to W G Jones. It It blk 7; part ofits 3, 4. blk 1, Edwin Demi's Second add to St Paul 52,£05 LB Hicks to F Whiplinger. It 16, blk 2, Rice St villas fubd of Its R, 12, 13, 11. of Walicott s add to Cotta? \u25a0 Homes.. 500 W E Brimholl to Harriet M Kimbull, It 1, blk 1, Sylvan Park odd 625 Joseph R \Veide to PeurD.ihlgren. It -~'--> 3, bis 1. Ramsey's subd cf :jik 11, Sliu- son's add *. 7 1,500 Two unpublished... 1,850 Total, 6 transfers 5".2T5 Friday. AR Busbnell to Mary Rushnell. part In 7 and 6, Crocus HillThird rearr, blk 1 of Wright's add $15,000 Martin Schneider to J Dindorfer, It35. blk I. Nairn* Wolroirs add 393 Theo Reiling to John Reiliug. 1 acre, sec 11, town 29, range 23. 100 Rich Leffiuan to Caroline Ttiiers, It 25. bik 1. Michael's subd, blk 4. Slinson's 1,450 Phil Potts to Gco E Foote, It 19, blk 2, A B Wilgus' add 1,000 LColeman to Phil Domers, It 19, Cole- man's subd of It 5, blk 7, and Its 0, 7. 8 of blk P. Rogers & Hendricks" 600 Alex J Catton to James While, It 3, blk 3, J j Ward's add 675 Alex J Catton to James Gow, It 4, blk 2, JJ Wards add 525 George Marsh to A Peterson, Its 14, 13, 12, Midway Heights 700 H C Jones to W A >cott, Its 2, 3, rear blk o, Macalester Park- : 7,500 F F Loomis to W A Scott. Its 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 21, 22. 23, 24, Lyon &Burns' subd Ccmo Villas 3,000 One not published 1.250 Total, twelve transfers 532,590 &a turd ay. Bt. James" Female Academy to Rt Rev J McGolrick. It 14, blk *2, Academy Heights Js'o TV Schulz to APassavant, It 23, blk 8, Sanborn's Midway add 2,500 A Passavant to G Schulz, It 23, blk 8, Sanborn's Midwayadd 2,500 Three unpublished 12,000 Total. r> transfers SlT.r>')') COAEI> OFFERED. BOAICII— Pleasant furnished tocnn with board: furnace heat: use of parlor, piano, bath : SI per week. 04 Islehart tt. Boa HI) Kinnished alcove room: heated; with or without board; for two or three gentlemen . 409 Fort st. BOAKU- East Tenth st.—Nicely fur- nished rooms; furnace heat, gas, bath and piano. Mrs. Byrne. OAK i IKS living near Central Park can be «- accommodated with day board at "The Miner, ' 612 Central Park. BOAKD— Nicely furnished front room, wkh board, heat and bath. 232 West Seventh st. BOARD— Furnished rooms with board, $1 per weelk,.aud parlor S3, with bath. 275 East Eighth. BO A I)— 10S least Thirteenth St.—One new, warm room for two men: one sin- gle, with first-class board; board, $3.50 per week. . BOAHD— 5J2 Cedar Street— Good table board, with 6 o'clock dinner, for a lim- ited number. OAKlJ— Cedar, 528— Lytle Terrace— For rent, one front parlor, with alcove, with first-class board. BOAICD— Room, with good board, for gen- tlemen, St week; ladies, $3 week; refer- ences. 007 Jackson. B OAKD Front parlor, board, fire and bath room, $5.00 per week. 600 Cedar st. BOA KL>— Pleasant room and good board; bath, gas. heat, etc. ; terms moderate. 368 Nelson ay. \u25a0/- BOAIti;— single room for rent, withboard. Apply .{Ol West Third st. BOAiiJU For rent, ileasant furnished room, suitable for two. with furnace heat and u>-e of bath; also board; central lo- cation and reasonable terms. 191 Four- teenth st. BOAKU— For rent, twoelegantly furnished, sunny rooms, with private", first clnss board, opposite the capitol; house has all modern improvements, electric bells, heat, gss, etc., without extra chaige. Apply to 620 Cedar St.. corner. BOAKD— Best board and room in any part of city $3 per week. Address Y. 11., Globe. , OAlU>—Wanted, a girl that works in actor j' to board ; |2.50 per week; good home. Inquire Room 21, 447 St. Peter st. BOA Kl>— Nicely furnished front room, with board; well heated and bath: con- venient car lines. Address 2 Xi Sherburne ay. BOA KD—Nicely furnished rooms, with board: . furnace heat; hot and cold water. 04 East Eleventh st. '' ' BOA iili— Furnished rooms, with board, for gentlemen and ladies, £3.75 per per week. 121 Iglehart st. BOAl\li— Furnished front room, with board, to two young Indies. 39 Summit nv. BOA KD— Fnrniihed rooms -with board, use of bath and piano. 270 Pleasant ay. 80.,1 The best table board lor S3 per week, willroom, in the West house. 80 West Tenth n. Buakij— Beimonl House. Corner Eighth and Minnesota— Best SI day house In the city;no bar inconnection; regular board and rooms $5 per week. /COASTING sl! us for Site. Durocher & v> Vessel. Seventh and Cedar. 'jVToitWtiOD HOUSE— East Ninth. Near X" Wabasha— Warm rooms, with excellent board. Si and S5 per week; table board, 812 per month ; transients, SI per day. LKASA2TT FRONT KOO.M. withboard, at -The Miner," 612 Central Park east. KAI) liSl'tCiAL oi-'Fiilt iv Personal column. Urpnr: 3II.NKK"-Best lcciition in the -L city for private boarding; pleasant rooms and excellent table board. 612 Central Par* cast. HrcCEIXAKEeVfe. . ___^^ pOASTINt; si.KDs format. Durocher & V-" Wesscl, Seventh and Cedar. JO 1-OKI A WATKK removes all blemishes vX of the skin, pimples. Mnckhoads, red- ness of the face and nose, and sallowneFS of skin. Free application given at 515 St. Peter It., Room 1. \u25a0 - HW. COVINtiTON, CUMI.'ACTOIt and builder; all Kinds of jobbing and repairing promptlyattended to. MASQUERADE and theater costumes masks, wigs, beard?, grease paint. Mrs. L Keitmami, re East Seventh. MALI), where did get yonr bangs cut? They look ridiculous; they spoil the bole expression of your free. You want to go to Jimc. Lotto's. 39 West Fourth street. If you want your bangs cut to become you, and pay a littie >re. Her price is 25c, but it's worth it for cutting and curling. «B. MARCOTTK— Ladies' Turkish Russian, electric, shampoo baths, hair- dressing, Ehampooing and manicure, for la- dies only, at 3C6 Selbv ay. KS. ANKLIN'S sale of switches continues; bangs cut and curled, 15 cents. 318 Wabasha. Grand Block. itixATr; lidSni'.li., school of Midwifery— Mrs. H.Slenzel. 2!)?tMartin st RKAI> iiSI'JiCIAL OFFi&lt iii Persoual column. VJAVK your money by taking your horse- O Eboeiug and repair work to J." B. Coving- ton, 517 St. Peter St., between Tenth st. and Exchange. TO I Xt IIANGK-Either one or two of JL . the choicest unencumbered residence lots in Sooth St. Paul; will take fir.o driving outfit or jewelry, diamonds preferred; ad- dress stating what you have. Address C 7' Globe. . ilef'ure making a change Iv your boarding place con«ult tho want eoluuiiitt of Hie GItOIIJU, PHPULAR WANTS; HEAT. ESTATE FOR SALE. H. A. milker &Sons" Ms*. . If OH SAL,!-, on easy terms, or exchanga J- for Dayton's bluff property, very Rood house «nd lot on Canada st. - ALSO your choice ol three houses (clear) iii South St. Paul (only one for tale) cheap; easy terms; clear lot* taken in part payment. \u25a0 wi, SMALL HOUSE. AM) liAIO, \u25a0i clear, on Jessamine, cheap; good farm taken as part payment. G. A. Rinker Soup. Successors to C. P. Barnard. 11:; David- son l'hn-k. ' Miil»iirl>:i::. OASTING SLEDS for 2l»c. I) vroc her & Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. IMPROVED lAKM >OK SALK— I4I J- ceres; eighteen miles from Minneapolis; a part of estate of Margaret Brossea':. de- ceased: must be told. L.twler & Durrueut, 40:) New York Life Building. St. Paul. EAI» isl'ivClAL OFFEK in Personal column. - ' . - .tlis<*<>!litooiis. \u25a0': A DJIIXISTUATOKSSALKot the vnln- 2x. able improved property, 317 East Ninth, $7,500; worth Sl2,<AiO. ilerbst, 180 East Sev- enth. - : OASTING *L» us for_".ic. Durocher & Uessel, Seventh and Cedar. Oit SALE un i KAUi: for farm, a ten- room brick house. Call or address E. G. Mellen, 710 Cam v. OK, tiftv feet south front- age with a good house, opposite Col. Merriara's stone mansion : any one wish] n; a home central nud nicely located will do well to look ibis ur>. C. Bernhard. jVJ EVV HODSKS corner Victoria, and 1 1 Laurel at very low prices and easiest of terms: hnrdwood finish ; every convenience. A. 15. Wiljnis. EW HOUSES corner Portland and M. ±V Albans; elegantly finished. A. B. Wil- gus. ' READ I>PECIAL OFFEIi in Personal column. \u25a0 REAL ESTATE for sale cheap by owner: lots in block 30. Summit Park." and lot IS. block 1:1. Woodland Park. Room 203. Drake Biock. WANTED Large lot mid small, com- fortable house in good locality, near electric line: will give j>.V)<» cash, balance monthly; most be a bargain or will not con- sider it. Address, with description, location and price. F73, Globe. Clh\( \! X CASH and balance C percent, five Ct^v/v/ years; price. 84.750; buys band- Eome new house; rented till spring; within fifteen minutes* wslk of Pioneer Press Build- ing; every convenience. A. B. Wilgus, 128 East Fourth st. i*e«so:sa!.s. ptONSUI-TATiOX FKKK-A Test— No v>» Impositions— The greatest business clair- voyant is the well-known Prof. J.G. Leonard, tested by the most prominent men in this country: every hidden mystery revealed; re- moves family troubles tarings the separated together; causes speedy marriage with the one you love: tells if the one you love is false or true. All who are in trouble from any cause should call on Prot. Leonard; for he alleges nothing but what he can do, and will not Le classed with my cheap pretend ers found in every|city. All"who are in trou- ble, whose fond hopes have been blasted, who have been deceived and dis- appointed through the false pre- dictions of others, before giving up to de- spair, call and be convinced of the true state- ments of the above at once. In a word— if you want to know anything concerning; your present or future, consult this genuine spirit medium, as he will tell you truthfully and honestly what is in store for you. and will never sacrifice truth for flattery. To those that are inclined to be medinmistic he can fully develop. Prof. Leonard has no equal in charm work, and makes no charges until work is done. A free test is given to all those desiring a sitting to prove his wonderful pow- ers. You can consult him upon honor; all in- terviews are private and strictly confidential. Those who have been humbugged by so many pretending clairvoyants and mediums should not give up In despair, but see Prof. Leonard without iielt»y. This advertisement means jIst what it reads. All inquirers are prohibited from making known in any way their business to the professor; he will tell them without any pointers whatever; that is his business. Alt letters promptly answered where a stamped envelope, lock of hair and SI is inclosed. Sittings tor gents, S2 and no- wards; Indies, SI and upwards. Those de- siring a sitting inn make appointments by mail._ Is permanently located at M Sixth st. north (next to Masonic Temple) .Minneapo- lis. Office hours from 9a.m.t06 p. m. Sun- day, 19 a. m. to 4 p. m. pOASTING .slkus for 2*'. Durocher & w Weasel, Seventh and Cedar. LAIKVOYANT— Mrs. >T S. Misgao. v^ clairvoyant and business sittings to la- dies only. 27 East Seventh st.. Room 12. EM MIS TIIORSON. .Magnetic Healer Room 115, Moore Block, Seven corners; Turkish and hot-air baths. special OFFhK-l will give, without cost, to the person (men, woman or child) who brings to my store the largest number of words made from the letters in : my name a beautiful bisque d jli. dressed in j fine silks, with diamond lace pin and ear- i drops. Conditions of contest : I— All words must be regular dictionary (Webster Unabridged) words. 2 Lists must be delivered in person (not mail or messencer). Address of contestant must be given. Two givingsame number, first received to have preference. s—No5 No condition of sale of goods required. 6— Contest closes Dec. 24, '91 ; awaru Jan. 1, '02. 7—Letters to be used, those found in J. E. Inghani, eight in all; may be indefinitely re- peated. ' J. E. I.S.JHAJI. ..2? Jackson St. t|»O«..T\VO WKEKS, beginning Mon- day, Nov. 30. Mrs. B. Li tiler, state agent for the celebrated Kellogg French tailor system, will be located at Sehuneman & Evans, second floor, where all ladies are in- vited to call and get a perfect-lilting pattern ' cut to measure, and investigate the only gen- uine tailor system taught in the city. ADI Try one bottle of Orchid Cream and you will never be without it. For sale everywhere. LA L) Dr. Hewson guarantees Oak Balm to be a sure cure for all weakness; one month's treatment, JO. Mis. J. B. Tall, Agent, 257 West Fifth st. KS. M.A. TUS SKY, 223 East Eighth St. Magnetic and massage treatment for nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism; also clairvoyant. Hours. p. m. US.KA'Ji,HOiihlN>- Munnetiiheaier, psychometric and trance medium. '.25i>2 West Seventh st., St. Paul. 31 E. TIvITS\VOBTH- Reliable busi- ness test medium. 450 Minnesota st. LIVE UliANCil sure cure for all female diseases: pile remedy and stomach powders; smnpics free. N. Walker, 193 Pearl st., St. Paul, Minn. - OKANGE BLOSSOM— A positive euro for all female weakness; six weeks' treatment, $1. Miss Jennie Kelson. 5.1 Royal- *tonay.. Minneapolis: take Sixth ay. car. KUs ON AI Dr. Fertile gives a public lesson on mental healing at Room 115, Moore block. Seven Corners, every Monday evening; admission, 10 cents. Eusox AL—send 10c for big package of cabinet-size pictures, also full descrip- tions (including residences)- of respectable ladies who want to correspond for matri- mony; 5.000 lady members; every a;e and nationality: living everywhere; "many of them beautiful and wealthy. Heart and Hand Agency. Drawer 697, Chicago, 111. \u25a0pEKSOXAL YOUK FUTURE XX- X vtaled— prediction of your life. Ire; eive date of birth. Astrologer, L. Box 320. Kansas City. Mo. PERSONAL— stop coughing! «1.000 re- -L ward for a case of Throat or Lung trouble, last stages excepted. which cannot be relieved by a proper use of Dr. X. Stone's Bronchial Wafers, 2.'-.c a box at druggists. For sample, send 10 cents to Stone Med. Co., Chi- cago. 111. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonal column. OASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher <& vy Wtssel, Seventh and Cedar. Hi: STARS OF MVsTERY-MME. and Prof. Lorenz Free! Free: Free test; the wonderful trance medium: every hidden mystery revealed in a dead trance; tells the full name of each caller, and of future husband or wife, with age and date of marriage; give r.dvice on divorce, contested wills, speculations, etc.: remove trouble, evil influences; bring the separated together, locate lost persons or stolen property; not a fortune teller, but genuine spirit medium; can convince the most skeptical; six ques- tions answered by mail, «1; Bend locs ot hair: only five days free, Sunday included. 457 St. Peter fit. WILL the lady who kept a package from »* a lady on the interurbau line return the same to Globe office. IUNKLES-WITII ALMOND NUT Cream you can positively rub them away: scaled particulars, two cents. Wary E. Murray, 1051) Washington Boulevard, Chi- cago, 111.: agents wanted. is-f\ KftWAttl> for present address of Mrs. 'VO Belinda B. Miller, who lived at 405 Franklin tt., St. Paul, during years 184* and 1889. Address C 08, Globe. POPULAR WANTS. FOR RENT. Homes. —WE RENT HOUSES, STORES. OF- PICKS. TAKE CIIAItuE OF RENTED PROPERTY. TAYLORS RENTING AGEN- CY. GLOBE BUILDING. , HOUSE OF NINE ROOMS, steam heat, bath, hardwood finish, elegant and modern; "Hill" district; to (good) par- ties to May Ist. every) cheap: see it Monday. F. C. Abbott. 32 Chamber of Commerce. COASTI NO sLEUs fori'i'c. Durocher & Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. l I^iyii HOUS li, 29712 NELSON AY.,VERY . CHEAP AND ALL CONVENIENCES. SEE IT. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGENCY. Foil UKNT- Houses, stores and offices in all parts of the city; call and examine our lists: we may have lost what you are looking for. The St. Paul Trust Company, Endcott building. East Fourth st. HOUSE For rent, house, six rooms, newly. papered; cellar and city water. Call at 20 Til ton st. -. BOUSE— New eight-room house, with » ath, hot and cold water, corner Bates and Ravine st. - BOUSE For rent, house seven rooms, with modern improvements. East University, near Canada; rent, S-'2.50. HOUSE— Nine rooms, 78 Tilton fit: all modern improvents; will rent whole or part very cheap. Inquire at 580 St. Peter. HOUSE— For rent, first-class twelve-room residence, 14i Nina ay., bt. Anihouy hill: one block from cable line; modern con- veniences. Inquire 291Laurel ay. Ol'si-:s SOME VERY CHEAP AND NICE HOUSES toil RENT NOW, YOUR OWN PRICK TAYLOR'S RENT- ING AGENCY. \u25a0 OUSE—From Dec. 1. house 23r>« Long ay., St. Anthony Park, now occupied by Clark Peterson. Robert Craig, 515 Pioneer Press building. \u25a0 HOUSE— For rent, small brick house; three large rooms, cellar and witter: two blocks from Ramsey car barn. Inquire at No. 477 West Seventh st. Hot si-.— c. 7 Couway tit. : six rooms, city water; S3 per month. Inquire next door. HOU.>E Five-room house. No. 537 Minne- sota st. Inquire No. 60 Eleventh st. HOI .SK-> Furnished nine-room house, with piano, $35, and unfurnished house. Inquire 345 East Ninth st. . H OUS »i—2oh Louis sr,;s-even rooms, city \u25a0 water, sewer, cistern, sewer, etc.; good, comfortable home. OUSE— Good eight-room house, 310 Ful- ler st. : apply on premises. HOUS i— No. 467 Marshall ay. ; eiaht rooms and small barn; $12 per mouth. In- quire 414 Broadway. READ ESPECIAL, OH'UK in Personal column. QO/^-783 HOLLY AY. —Eight-room •Jl'/C't/ house, bath, barn, etc. W. F. Car- roll, 412 Pioneer Press Building. fiats. o\s i-INGSLEDS for 2c. Durocher & Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. FLAT Four rooms: modern improve- ment?, near Seven corners, by J. F. Brugcemann, Room 25, Court Block, 24 East Fourth st., opposite conn house. FLAT— or rent, fire- room fiat, with bath, near West Seventh st. cars; $13.50 per month. Apply3">l tioodue st. FLAT— For rent, a nice three-room fiat, cheap. Look this up. H. 11. Schulte & Co.. IISEast Fourth st. FLAT Steam-heated flat: all modern con- veniences, gns. range, fixtures, hot and cold water; window shades, screens, etc. ; references require). Of Enst Eleventh st. RKA II ESPECIAL OFFEIt inPersonal column. Stores. BUILDING— To rent four-story brick" building. No. 188 East Fifth st. ; suitable for wholesale purposes; will change to suit tenant. James 11. Weed. 107 East Third St. (1 OA.STTxti SLEDS for 21>c. Durocher & v> Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. Oil »ALK «»ii RKrST—I-.14 East Seventh 8., between Jackson and Slbley; In- quire on premises. . .. EAD ESPECIAL OFFE it in Personal column. . ' ; V —T STORK— ror rent, one of the best stor Bon Nicollet. between iitxthaud Seventh sis. ; with steam heat.' Address J 100. Globe; Min- neapolis. Srous-.Sund eight-room houses for rent, all over the city. 117 East Fourth st. JJTOKt For rent, store with living rooms 0 ingood repair: cheap. s:i.i# Broadway st. TOKK KOO.M—Seventh St.. 15, East— Part of store for rent. Inquire 3CI \\ a- b.ishn in store. . . . Offices. (lAsi -|N«i si.Kl>> for -.'Jr. Durocher & Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. EAI) ESPECIAL OFFEK in Personal column. iTisif A— s'Ol'r.L iJia'.>s»ii!u, lor vi--iiUe- men only; fifty modern tteam-heated rooms by dar. week or mouth. A KUNDKLST., 220—For rent, neatly fur- jnL nished front room. IKFIKLD BLOCK- 'l6 South Robert St.—Fiat No. 24— For rent to gentlemen only, nicely furnished, sunny rooms, newly papered; rent only $10 to*$15, including steam beat, gas and bath. BKOADW AY, Three or four rooms, furnished for housekeeiing; hot and cold water: bath; private house. CIAMADA ST., 667— For rent, two uufur- s nished rooms, ground floor, witn city water. Inquire at 32 East Fourth St., Wash- ington Life. pAKKUU si\, 177—T0 rent, three rooms V--' \u25a0 with city water and sewer. EVI'KAL, AY. 15, EAST—Hnndsome v-/ front T>nrlor bed room: bay window, alcove, closets, bath: beautiful location. ipEUAR ST., Furnished room, with "O or without board. 6")0 Cedar st. /COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher & V.J Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. /COLLEGE AVE..U6, IV EST— Warm rooms v_/ and first-class board; terms reasonable. Call evening. nOLLKGK AY., 164—Fine furnished front v-/ room, with alcove; steam -heated; no other roomers. ."^ pOMFOKTAULE. warm, well furnished V-' room in private family; convenient to business. Address 699 Jackson st. pIG HTII ST..229— Unfurnished rooms.up- J-j per and lower floor; cheap rent; private family: desirable location.. HiHTH ST., 453 EAST— nicely Jlj furnished front rooms, single or togeth- er: furnace, bath, hot and cold water; good location, reasonable rent. "ELEVENTH ST., 147, Furnished Xj room: suitable for one or two; modern conveniences. LEVEXTH ST.. 71. EAST— Near Capitol —For rent, nicely furnished room in new house; all conveniences; suitable for one or two gentlemen. PXCUANGE ST., 378, >'OKTH—Fur- Jl-J nished rooms on first floor with furnace heat; also a small room 0:1 second floor. IFTHST., 234 WEST— For rent, third flatroom, convenient for one gentleman; all modern improvements'. IFTH ST., 257, WEST— Front room; heat, bath, etc. ; large enough for two persons. IFTII ST.. 235 WEST— For rent, nicely furnished room; steam heat and gas; suitable for two gentlemen : terms reasonable. IFTEENTH ST., 104, EAsT-Three 1:11- --\u25a0 L lurnished rooms for housekeeping; bath; attic; cellar; storm windows; 59. tjUtANKLIN ST., 357 NORTH—Nicely furnished front room, first Eoor. three blocks from postofSce: good neighborhood; suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. RAXKMX ST., 376-Between Fifth and X Sixth Sts.—To rent, large front room, comfortably furnished, to desirable parties, $16; also parlors with handsome cabinet bed; all conveniences. OIJKTH AND WAUASHA—Over Drug Store— Third Floor— Two Dice steam- heated rooms. A. J. Warn pier, 10 East Fourth street. ' TJ'OUKTKENTH ST.. IS4— For rent, half X? of a double house; three or tour rooms, fromSstoSlo. Gi ROVE ST.. 205— rent, nicely fur- -1" nished alcove room, with or without board, in private family. _^ OTKL IJAKTEAU— FIat 42—Nicely furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent; all modern conveniences. OTEL BAKTEAU— No. 35—One or two nicely furnished rooms; all conven- ience^. TGLEHART ST.. 63—Nicely furnished 1 small front room to rent; modern im- provements. JOIIX ST., 43-J—Near Furnished rooms for gentlemen. AHKET ST., 348 Furnished front room, heated, use of bath and parlor; 1 board if desired, . POPULAR WANTS. FOKRrHT. Rooms. ELSON AY.. 267 -Pleasant furnished 1" I rooms to rent; sultaDle for two gentle- men; rent cheap to desire parties. Vj INtil ST.. 197. EAST— The Elms—com- i » fortable rooms, suitable for oue or two gentlemen. \u25a0\u25a0 NINTH ST., KAsT-For Rent— ]y furnished room; heat, gas, and board if desired. . _ . \u0084 - -Tv INTH ST., 317 KASr—Near Broadway —Two front rooms; heated; $10 and $s*; private family. NINTH, 206 KAST—Lurzo. pleasant fur- uished front rooms; warm bath; central; (\u25a0heap for the winter. DAKRAV., 415— Near Madison School— X Unfurnished front rooms; new house; modern improvements; faring War>a^h;i. PLEASANT AY.. 212— Nicely furnished JL rooms, with all conveniences, from $0 to £10 per month; also unfurnished. r>EAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal JIY column. UNDO ST.. 179— Nice furnished - room for rent; private family. .-•-,' OBKRT ST., 615— Furnished rooms for rent : ; ... OBKKT ST.. COKNEIt TENTH Rooms "n block. Inquire 505 Robert st. ROOMS— Nicely furnished rooms . withor without board; m >dern improvements; rent reasonable. Please call 251, corner Rice and College. ROttJl- A large, nicely furnished front room, suitable for two persons; location first-class: ten minutes' walk from court house: terms moderate. Address P 71. Globe. ROOM*— Two hefted rooms: neatly fur- nished: convenient to business; rent, SS and &8. Address P 73, Globe. ROOM— large, nicely furnished front room: opposite Merchants' hotel. In- quire Room 0, 30.; Jackson st. ROOMS— front rooms, unfurnished; v \u25bateam heat, gas and bath. 47 Hotel Bar- tea EVKXTH, jr.], WEST— Two furnished O rooms for light housekeeping; also fur- nishea flat of three rooms. \u25a0 SEVENTH. :>\u25a0„> lY.rnished rooms. with furnace heat and use of bath. . SEVEN I'll ST., <»;iu, WEST— Nicely fur- nished room with steam heat; suitable for one or two gentlemen. SEVivNIH ST., 2v»<. EAST— Fine fur- nished rooms, suitable for two or three gentlemen. SEVENTH .ST.. 212, KAST— Fine fur- nished rooms for light housekeeping. SJIIJLEY 1 ..ST.. Three unfurnished O rooms to rent, $I'J per month; modern conveniences. iISLKY ST., 472 For rent, furnished >J rooms, with heat and bath. S" IXTH ST., 291. WKST-For rent, two furnished rooms: modern improvements; one block from caDle, iwoblocks from Seven corners. IX 111 ST., ".'dip. WissT-For rent, pleas- ant front alcove room furnished and one unfurnished room; all modern con- veniences . Sl'ltuci;ST..2-jy— Pleasant, well furnished O front alcove, double and tingle rooms, with or without bo*(d; also three large con- necting rooms on first floor, suitable for h uekcepiug. S~T. FETiiR ST., 64. I—For1 For rent, alcove k? room: modern conveniences. ST. PETER Si., a*7—Near Sixth—Pleas- aut furnished rooms; steam heat, elec- tric light and Lath. rpKNTH »1., 07. W£S 1— FaruiKiiea irout -L room tor rent. rpKNTH ST.. -.9, EAST—Opi oMte Capi- -I- Pleasant l from aleo\e rooms for rent. rpiIIRD ST.. 11 EAST— Unfurnished, two X beautiful rooms, or entire third floor. Til ~GRE EN HOTEL—Pleasant, X" well-furnished room*, by the day. week or month, at "The Greenland Hotel," situ- ted in the business center bf the city, corner of Seventh and Robert us.: rooms* all cm- fortably warm, large stove? in balls, keeping a pleasant temperature night and day; large, well-lighted office and reading room; terms reasonable. . . rpIUUD ST., S3.J KASI—For rent, three, X : four or five rooms for; housekeeping: partly furnished if desired ; \u25a0 also beating stove. '. .:\u25a0• - . >'\u25a0 . , ..;.- 4j. ,'. rpiLTON AY.. No. 17 AIT modern im- X provements, $20. Kaye & Lowe's Renting Agency. Kcnutte Building. -~ -- •-. - ••. n-> NiVKHsITi AY.. -07, EAnt—Unfur- nished rooms for housekeeping: private .family;. modern conveniences; rent, $10; ref- erences. \u25a0 •\u25a0-.;..\u25a0 ru% ; ' .\u25a0 :, -. ,\u25a0\u25a0 ABASHJi ST.—Corner Tenth Street-^" Next Door to Drug Store— Furnished rooms to rent. •\u25a0 . ; W ABASHA, 45,i-Corner Eighth-Suite »V of handsome front rooms, gi;!;heated; also small room. /. AHASHA ST.— corner Tenth St.. Over Drug Store—Furnished rooms for rent. WA ASH A. oca-Near Iglehart— Nicely furnished front room and alcove with bay window; bath. extern AY., 102- For rent, fur" nished rooms; two connecting rooms and one sir.ale; or can be made three single room" ; without board: two blocks from cable ; boated and lighted; gentlemen preferred. EsTEItN AY.. 223—For rent.furnished part of house: reasonable: modern conveniences; reference required. 31 isc«*l laneoii*. ARBKK SHOP— For rent, barber shop with two bath tubs; 310 Rice st. Call at 314 Rice. BAKN— For rent, four-stall barn , warm, centrally located, flrst-ciass. Address i). 75. lobe. LOST ASP FOliXn. BLANKET LOST— A horse blanket. Finder please return to Dr. Lundholm, OBast Seventh st.. and receive reward. RACELET LO»T-Lady's small Ichain LJ gold bracelet, going or coming from Grand opera house, Friday evening; tinder will please leave same at Globe office, and re- ceive reward. CiOASTING SLEDS for'-IJc. Durocher & ' Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. CIOW LOST- Black-brown cow, no horns. ' with bridle on. Return to 244 Stale st. and receive reward. Joe Wesur. - .. CLUTTER CUSHION, BLANKET AND vy Whip Lost—Corner West Seventh and Dousman sts., Thursday evening. Finder will leave at s'jO West Seventh and receive re- ward. DOG LOST— Nov.25, from tOT John St.. male pug dog. Return to above number. DOG LOST Brown spaniel puppy. Ke- turn to 420 South Robert st. and receive liberal reward. OG LOST—Pug dog, from 521 Ashland ay. ; answers to the name of "Puck;" reward willbe paid on return. \u0084 VE-<iI.ASSES— Lost, pair of eye-glasses and chain; reward for return to VJ Viola st. | \u25a0 GJ.AUTKU LOST—GoId garter buckle at- tached to black elastic. Return to 471 Temperance st. and receive reward. HORSE STRAYED—From Minneapolis Rolling mills at Irondalc, Nov. 14. one gray horse; about six years old; weight about 1,250. Return to Harris Bros.. 329 Tentti ay. south, Minneapolis, and receive re- ward. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 |\1 A Hi; LOST—Strayed or stolen, one light •J-l bay mare, weight about 1,0 lbs.; has small scar of wire fence cut ou upper part of left front leg: also a little splint on same leg, between knee and ankle; 525 reward for any information lending to her return. Ad- dress W. M. Wessel. 312 Yankee St., St. Paul. MAKE LOST—A sorrel mare with white I*X face, and swollen on hind feet and a swelled body cutter was taken from the Grand opera Nov. 22: a liberal reward is offered. Send information to Ed McDonnell, 978 Front St.. or Chief of Police, St. Paul. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal column. OI'ANIELLOST— Liver and white, curly 0 coat; long-tressed brown ears, shade lighter than coat: name Judge; eleven months old; reward for return to 804 Selby aye. Harry W. Wack. issTmicTiorf . C coasting SLEDS for29c. Durocher & / Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. LOBE BUSINESS COLLEGE wants you to learn telegraphy, shorthand, Mc- ran-Pitma:i bookkeeping; you can make your board while attending this school and get paying position when competent. Fourth and Jackson. INSTRUCTION in painting and drawing. 1 Z 63. Globe. PKIVATE LESSORS given in shorthand to ladies and gentlemen inevenings. Ad- dress D78, Globe. EAD EsPtCiAL OFFER in Personal column. OUOBTBAXD AND TYPEWRITING O thoroughly taught day. evening and by mall at the Miss J. D. Hess Practical Business- I Bchool, eighOi floor Pioneer lTe6s, -f :'.. *: : s? POPULAR WANTS. FIiIAStJIAf- RM. NEWPORT A; SON, INVEST XV*' men: Bankers, loan money on 1m Droved property, In St. Paul and Minneap- olis at ii }er cent "on or before." Offices. : New Pioneer Press Building, St. Paul, and !Jteere Building. Minneapolis. . A~DO YOU WAST TO BORROW iii! money, at a lower rato than you can r-lcrrow through any other agency! The American Mortgage Loan company.Room 7, ' Fir«National bank building,corner Fourth and Jackson sts^ will let you have any amount. $10, $20, $25. $40, $75, $H)0 oi vf2W>— in fact, any sum you wish onvour \u25a0 (.old watch, diamonds, household furniture, i horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc. ata lower rate than you can possibly fret it elsewhere. Gooes can remain in your possession, and = yea can pay a part any time yon want and Mop interest. Business private and confi- dential. You can hare jour own time in ; pityingup principal. - /CAPITAL LOAN COMPANY has. money w . to loan of all amounts on furniture, jew- elry, pianos organs, etc., with privilege of part payments any time. « Capital Loan Com- pany. Room 12, schutte block, corner Sev- eiith and Jnccson. ROASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher & V-/ Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. : P ASTERN MONEY to loan on city prop- -1-J erty at 6. 7 and 8 per cent: loans closed without delay. E. M. and R.L. are, 303 Pioneer Press building. J" L.ST RAICH, Room 10, Globe Build- ing, is prepared to make loans in any amount quickly and privately on house fur- niture, watches, diamonds, etc., lowest rates, easy return fpayments, honorable treatment. I" AKGE A>IODNTs of money to loan on Xi improved property at 6 per cent. Gil man &Co.. New York Life Building. LOW RATE MOjNEY In sums to suit on furniture, pianos, dia- monds, watches or goods in storage; easy re- turn payments: no publicity. Tase elevator to Room 16. Germania Bank Building, Fifth and Wabasha: private room for ladies. ;V,l ON KYTO LOANon real estate mort- i»i. gages at Gto 8 per cent. H. U. ocbulte & Co., 115 East Fourth kt. MONEY TO LOAN— G. T. Lowe, office 12 Schutte Building, corner Seventh and Jackson. \f OXKY LOANED on furniture, horses. jtA diamonds, pianos, etc. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company. Mackey manager. Rooms 1-.-14. First National Bank building, corner Fourth and Jackson stF. ONIiY«io loan \u25a0without delay, iroui 510 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- elry, etc. ; time checks, notes tnd second ical estate mortgages bought. Minnesota Loin Co.. 117 East Fourth K. ONEY LOANED en life insurance poi- icies;. or bought. L. P. Van Norman, (il Gnarauty Loan Building. Minneapolis. -P-R-I-V-A-T -£- Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture or goods in storage at lowest rates, and small monthly return payments; notes and mortgages bought; most private loan rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com- pany, 13-' Globe Building: take elevator. DEAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal IV column. WANTED— Parties who desire to engage in speculation, with a small capital, with small risic and chance to make 15 per cent or better per month. V 78, Globe. \ lf F. MOHITZ. PIONEER PRESS '>V Building— Mortgage loans made promptly; 0. 7 and 8 per cent ; mortgages Louche ............ e*)ni) nf»n TO LOAS « once ate *iP»J\J\J^\J\J\J per cent in sums to suit on good city property, improved or unim- proved. Apply to J. J. Ward, 115 East Fourth 6L. St. Paul. C7A /W)f\T«>s:;-rtAT c, 7 and 8 per •- 1 *J)\J\J\J cent ou vacant or improved St. Paul real estate: loans closed in three days. D. W. C. Rutt". Globe Building. CIA Of \( \ x <* LOAN on real estate n *±>±*Ji\JVJ\J any sums. P. 11. Simpson, 011 Pioneer Press Building. \u25a0 TO EJJCHAB6K. OASTING SLKUS for 29e. Durocher & Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. EAI) ESPECIAL OFlE it in Personal column.- . '•{' . . -". \u0084 ROOM '.re, \u25a0JMAXHATTA'N BUILDING —Fifteen acres laud with house and. barn, or to trnne for house and lot: business proocrty renting f<>r §75 per month \u25a0 to ex- elinnj;e for timber acres near railroad or lake; cash business worth $&Q. will sell for O; lightly incumbered lots to trade for horses. 8M Manhattan Building. r po EXCHANGE— Have a line top. buggy -1 to trade for a very light delivery wagon*; must be in good condition. Apply M.E. Babcock. 13 West Seventh st. TO EXCHANGE— Stephens 22 rifle for X light-breech-loading shotgun, or rabbit hound. 813 Wess Third . To EXCHANGE— good delivery wagon X for good watch. O 78. Globe. . rpo EXCHAN<iE— Billiard Table— X ed, second-hand table inexchange for good lot near New Brighton Stockyards. S 7«. Globe. rpo EXCHANGE—one black horse, four X years, driver, to trade for plumbing. Call 580 .Mississippi, Monday. - rpo EXCHANGE— What have you to trade X for a No. I year-old horse? (Car- penter work or lumber preferred.) Call or address (My Store) No. 318 and 320 East sev- enth st. TO EXCHANGE— Vacant lots for equity X in houses and lots ; also houses for va- cant property. H. H. Scnulte & Co., 115 East Fourth st. . O EXCHANGE— Midway lots wiih small mortgage, for equity in* house and lot; none but owners need answer. Address C 75, Giobe. O EXCHANGE— WiII exchange few pieces of diamond jewelry, taken for debt, for household furniture, job printing or anything useful, or will sell cheap. Frank. 10 East Fourth st TO EXCHANGE—cutter— Wanted to ex- J. change equity in a good lot. and new cutter for upwright piano; no cash. Addrese I) 72. Globe. . .-. . TO EXCHANGE— Wanted, job printing outfit for cash and St Paul or Minneap- olis property. Address M., care Globe, Da- luth. Minn. O EXCHANGE—Stove, Radiant Home No. CO, for larger 919 Jackson st. rpo EXCHANGE—I want to exchange X one-quarter section of Improved land with house, barn and granery ou it,for a livery stock in small town. Address Box 114, F:imington, Minn. \l7 HAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER for equity in three good lota on Dayton Bluff? Address X 77. Globe. Mt'SICAT,. COASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher & \^ Wesse), Seventh and Cedar. X 1 Ai\ \J& NEW SCALE PJANOS inUB iSiS hSiOS PIANOS on easy X 1/lliUO payments. PIANOS WHITNEY'S XliilMJo MUSICSTORE. PTAIYO^I BARGAINS. rini>UO 1Decker piano 5100 Of A IVOR'S 1 Steinway 200 XllilX V/O l Hale Diano 150 PT AIVf\ VI I Vose Piano.... ..;. 100 XX/11>UO 1 Higgins piano 80 P F A IVOQ J Chickering piano.... 100 JT 1 i\.l> UO i Gale piano: 50 ]PTAA T O^ ISchaff piano 60 1Hill V/O l Whitney piano 150 PF A IVA^I 1 Good Melodeon only. 10 IlrlliUO 1Estey&Co. organ.".. 45 PI A IV f~l^! 1 Fine Sterling organ.. 55 rixlll UO l Story & Clark organ. 40 PT A IVO^l 10 CASH rIAiMUO $.> PER MONTH. PfA TWU 60 NEW UPRIGHTS XlnnUu to rent at $1 and $(» PIANOS PERMONTH- -1 lal^lUu Rent applied on purchase PfATVm<s later. JL X2xll KJiO Whitney's Music Store, PIANOS W7^r l cct hird . RE VI) ESPECIAL |OFFER inPersonal column. - WAITED TO RELIT ROASTING SLEDS or 29c Durocher Si v/ WesseL Seventh and Cedar. ARM—Wanted, to rent a farm within twenty miles of city: state \u25a0 number of acres and terms. Address Z., Globe, Minneapolis. OUSE— Wanted, furnished house for six months. Address U 73, Globe. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonal column. ' ROOM— Wauted.a modern furnished room in vicinity of Portland Block. B. R. X.. 325 East Ninth. - " .•.-\u25a0r.-^-.V ROOM.— Small room wanted to store fur- niture; state terms. B72, Globe. ROOMS— I want three neatly furnished rooms by the ICth of December complete , for ' light housekeeping; no blocks need ap- -1 plj; state price, Add«»§ \y ci, Globi, \u25a0 POPULAR WANTS HORSES A>¥> CARRIAGE. A SINGLE HAKNX>s, almost new, for sale cheap. ApplyMonday 544 Sibley st. A PAIR of mares, five years old, weigning 3,200, aud some 1.200-pound driving horses for sale at MulvehUl's -barn, West Side. , - .: A BARGAIN A fine young driving horse and new top buggy; she is a black mare, fiveyears old; weight, about 1,050 pounds: nice, styliih driver and sound as a dollar: a line driving or delivery horse. Aptly Mon- day. M. E. Babcock. 103 West Seventh st. UTTER—Portland; cost $.kS. sell $25. 19 v** East Seventh. Frank A. L pham..Teweler. rtOASTING SLEDS for 29c Durocher & v^ Wessel. Seventh and Cedar FIRST-CLASS TEAMor draught horses: weight about 3.200 to 3.430 lbs. ; without blemish. Inquire 80 East Dearborn St., West St. Paul. - ,;;;\u25a0,. INK CUTTERS AND SLICIGHS—Rus- sIau, Portland and swell body Kalama- zoo cutters at lowest prices. The Jenuing- Implement Company, SO South Robert tt., St Paul. Minn. ' FOR SALE—Young draught horse, weight 1.400 lbs. 847 Woodbridge st FOR SALE, or willtake half ivgood real estate and half cash or secured note, an Imported Percheron mare five years old, ex- tra fine individual, in foal to registered horse ; also, a French draft stallion, registered; flue looker aud all OK.- Lock Box 2, Long Prairie, Minu. OR SALE— Good working horse; 1,400 lbs.; willsell cheap or will trade. Ad- dress HTI Toronto ay. FOR SALE— Good horse, five years old, J cheap; 1,100; horse nine years old, cheap. 500 West Seventh st. . OR SALE CHEAP— A good family horse, perfectly safe for ladies to drive, sound in every particular, nine years old. F. 11. Middleton. 142 East Third st. FOR SALE—A good jump-seat cutter and a pony sleigh. Apply Henry E. Wedel- stpedt 95 East Third st. FOR SALE— Several teams of tiue driving horses, sleighs, bobsleds, carriages, robes, harnesses, all ingood order, and first-class outfits at reasonable prices. Address M 80, Globe. FOR SALE— A fine family sleigh, three- seated. Call on Ed McKinnev, corner Sixth. Market and St Peter. FOR SALE CHEAP-Two delivery wag- ons, one with top. Feed Store, corner Sixth and Washington. Pull SALE two-seated sleigh, double X or single, built by St Anthony Hill Car- riage Works: cost $29;); willsell for* one-third its value; call at Joe Rothwell s. 447 Jackson. OR SALE CHEAP— Five-year-old mare, weight about 1,000 lbs ; buggy, harness, blanket, at 1184 Jessie st. - HANDSOME thoroughbred mare tor sale; perfect under saddle or in harness* ; would make excellent brood mare. 11. Orr, care Lehigh Coal and Iron Company, corner Ttiirdaud Cedar. ORSES HOARDED at Cloverdale Stock i-J. Farm, Lake Elmo: good feed, care and attendance and paddocks for exercise; stock left at U65 East Seventh St., corner Fiiuouier, will be called for ana returned. Truman Strobridge, Manager, 194 East Seventh st., St. Paul. \u25a0 HORSES wintered cheap near city: good care. Inquire of J. I. Faricy, 30 East Fourth st. ORS i;s WINTERED—Good care, warm stable; single and box stalls. Address £. T. Whitcher, Macalester. HOUSE, sleigh aud buggy for sale cheap. 1-18 Ramsey st. JUMP-SKAT SLEIGH for sale; $15; in good order. 53 East Fifth. ONE SOUND BUCKSKIN HORSE and harness, $25; without harness $20. C27 Jackson. t>NY CUTTER— For Sale Cheap— Good as new. Inquire at X 2 Sherman st. «Al> ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal column. SET OF SLEIGH RUNNERS for sale very cheap: almost new ; suitable for de- livery. At 405 Edmund. OTANDARD TROTTING STOCK AT O Auction— Great Breeders' Sale at Chicago, 111., Dec. land 2, 1891.— Peter C. Kellogg Co.. Auctioneers, will sell at their, new auc- tion buildings, Washington boulevard and Campbell avenue, Chicago. 100 head of fash- ionably bred trotting stofK, consigned by prominent breeders of Michigan, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and Tennessee. Stallions, brood mares, colts and liliies, by such great sires as Mambrino Patchen, Al- crzar. 2:2oVi>. and his full brother, California, Aberdeen, Electioneer, Eagle Bird,2:21; Rob- ert McGregor, 2:17^; Nutwood, 2:16%: Ego- tist, 2:22</2: Mrathmore, Kentucky Prince, Swigert Sultan, 2:24; Mambrinoltussell; and by such great sons of George Wilkes as Am- bassador, 2:>1 14: Red Wilkes, Jersey Wilkes aua Young Wilkes, 2:2£ty. Also brood mares in foal by many of the foregoing and by pilot Medium, Axtell, 2:12; Direct. 2:06 (p.) ; An- tceo, 2:1*%, and other great sires. This is the sale to go to, and now is the time to go. Cat- alogues ready Nov. 20 at the offices of the auctioneers. 107 John St.. New York, and 407 Rialto Building, Chicago.. 111. rpmitD ST., 248. WEST— For rent, room X with or without board; to working girl very reasonable. EAR-OLD MAKES for sale for X cash; they are beauties: one silver mane and tail, the other bay. Inquire of owner. 325 Martin st WANTED— A few more horses to winter at my new boarding stable, 775 Ash- land ay. ; good stalls and large paddock for exercise. John J. Breiinan. WANTED A team or one horse for their keeping for the winter by a re- sponsible party; first-class care. Address J 74, Globe. WANTED— Span of carriage horses to match; must be sound in every re- spect Apply at 221 Ea<=t Seventh st. WANTS'.D— A good cutter cheat) for cash. Address Z 78, Globe. '\u25a0 . WANTED— good road cart, chenp; state price and where it cau he seen: also a speeding cutter. Address F. G. II , Globe. ANTED TO BUY— pairs of light bobs cheap for cash. Call 821 Mar- shall ay. today. WANT to buy some cheap horses at 31 Chicago ay., West St Paul. WANTED Good second-hand cutter. 6?4 Bates ay. WANTED A few more horses to winter; single and box stalls. H. C. Barton, \u25a0 Inver Grove. ' ANTED—Fifty heavy work horses at from $40 to 553 Dtr team ; no cripples. Inquire for Spence. Merchants' hotel, bun- dav. between 9 and 10 o'clock. ANTED—Horses to keep for the win- ter; good feed, warm quarters; best of care guaranteed. Inquire at 27 Davidson Block. WASTED TO BUY. AST-OFF CLOTHING— Highest price paid for ladies' and gents' garments; orders attended any distance; St. Paul orders will please give directions. E. Green, 216 Washington ay. south. Minneapolis. COASTING SLEDS for Me! Durocher & J . Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.' C" OAT—A good fur-lined coat for medium- ' / sized man. Address, full particulars, P 79, Globe. ' LOWS— I want to buy seven first-class new \u25a0> milch cows. Address F 97, Globe. LKVATOK— hand elevator for A-J two-story building; must be ivgood or- der. Address X 74. Globe. CKXlTl' RE—Wanted to buy, all kinds JL of household goods; highest cash prices paid in city. Cardozo Furniture and Auction Co., 45810 462 Jackson St., between Eighth \u25a0oud Ninth sts. - PIANO Wanted to buy for cash, a piano X not to exceed $50; must be a good in- strument. Address D 7s, Globe. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER m Personal column. ' TYPEWRITERS ASl> SUP- PLIES. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER ia. Personal column. coasting SLEDS for2l>c. Durocher & > Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. rpHE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER— X Constantly improved : desks for nil ma chines; paper, ribbons, carbon; send for cat alogue. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, Eakt Fourth st OTENOGRAPHERS furnished with po- O sitlous and business houses supplied, without charge to either party. Apply to Wyckoff. Seamans & Benedict, 94 East Fourth St MUSICAL. /COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher v_/ Wessel, Seventh aud Cedar. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal column. IANO TUNER— Address S. E.Crutchett, Box 402, Postoffice, St. Paul; price, $1.50; reference^ \u25a0i mm .-i POPULAR WITS. I OR SAVE. FEW DNKEDKBMKO DIAMONDS and solid gold watches for sale at half their value. Capital Loan Company, Room 12. Schutte Building, Seventh and Jackson '•i-i. IKOS of all kinds. De Cou & Co., zi West Third. - I Klis— Beautiful red bird* or Virginia nightingales, fine sinrors. halt price; only S3. 30 West Water St., West side. BILLIARD TABLE— Large billiard table. E. W., Globe. B 11. 1.1 Aid) TABLE—For sale, complete outfit for billiards and pin pool: for sale cheap. Inquire of Smith & Farwell, 3>9 East Seventh st. , t'FFALO KOBES— For sale, two good buffalo robes. . Call evenings, 6 to 8, at MB Marshall ay. \u25a0 \u25a0 . - ' C^ALIUKAPH— A No. 2 caligraph in good ' order for sale at 244 East Fourth st. C^LOAK— For sale, hair seal clcaS, size 40, \u25a0> new; sell cheap, or trade; also Indian headdress. 248 West Third. C OWN- For sale, a choice lot of fresh J milch cows every day. Kent & Rogers, Union Stockyards. South St. Paul. Minn. CiOWS Two Jersey cows for sale or trade * for groceries. 151 West Seventh. CiOASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher & ' Wessel. seventh and Cedar. . r\fc.SK—Flat-top desk and chair. W.,GluLe. KKKICK— Stiff leg derrick tor sale nt your own price. Room IQ.Globe building. DO«s— Jet black, pure-bred Newfound- land puppies: SI each. 213 East Belvi- dere st. corner of Oakdale ay. DOOS For sale, lush setter puppies, bred from very best imported stock. Inquire of John Prlster. 215 East Seventh st DENTAL INSTRUMENT CASE; cost $60: will sell for S?5. 815 Hague ay. DEEK FOIJ SALE— A young deer. In- quire at Feed Store, corner Rice and Rondo. ODGE'S Hair Restorative and Cure for Baldness can be found at 515 St. Peter St., Room 1. : RESSING KOBE- Japanese silk, ele- gantly embroidered, quilted silk lining; never worn; nice Christmas present for lady. Address M., 442 Brondway. NOINK— Old Morrison dental engine; with two new hand pieces— one a right angle; SIS. Hague ay. ENGINE sale, a*»seven-horse-power -Lj Otto gas engine in perfect condition; will sell very cheap. Inquire of Lanr.her, Finch & Skinner. 186 and 18$ East Fourth st. ELK IIOKNS— Two fine pairs of elk horns for sale or exchange. Address Y7l. Globe. OK SALK— Cow. part Jersey. Price. S^O. Apply769 Laurel ay. OR SALE— A complete banking outfit, including safe, counters, desks, check punch and stationery, in a Wisconsin town: county seat and only ban X in county: good reason for selling; write for particulars. Box 215, Mason, Wis. pUKNITUKE—For sale, elegant solid oak JL foldingbed, bevel mirror front, con 565, almost new, cheap; one solid walnut swing mirror, $12: one good cook stove and pipe, $6; one oak ice box, new, $5. .Apply Room 10, Globe. URNITURE—For sale, second-hand fur- niture. stoves, carpets, and nil very cheap. 63 East seventh st. Room 12. . C"J.U>'— For sr.le cheap, my 10-bore guv, * with several hundred trap and paper shells. Dr. Welch, Sherman Block, tixth and Wabasha. HEATER— For sale a large h >;itcr and cook stove; both first-class. Call after I'- 1 , 231 Rondo. HOUSEHOLD GOODS at private sale. 277 East Tenth st.; Moquette, Brussels, ingrain cm rpets; goods new: bedroom suits, easy chairs, dining room furniture, dishes, Mage e range, refrigerator, tains, etc. LACE CURTAINS-For saleTfour pairs lace curtains; cheap if taken at once. Address D 89, Globe. ASTIFFS! ! (PUPPlES)— Champion pedigree, combining "Orlando." "Beau- fort" "Baldur." "Crown Prince,"' "Elgiva,' Countess Woodlands." ApplyDr. Adamscn, St. Paul. - ' ORGAN— A good Kimble organ for sale cheap. 407 Martin st. '' OVERCOAT overcoat. beaver- trimmed, cheap. Inquire at 307 Thir- teenth st. EONS Pouters, trumpeters, Jacobins, \u25a0L owls and . tans, cheap. De Cou &Co., 21 West Third. \u0084 : READ ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonal column. . - DE.HINGTON WHITER, good AY condition, for sale cheap. Room 38, 474 Wabasha st ' OEAL COAT—For tale, lady's $200 seal O coat: $75. Call from 9to 12 a.m.; Mrs. M. J., 351 North Franklin st. SrOVES for sale cheap; gocd wood heat- ers. Apply at 033 Fauquier st. TOKM. HOUSE and one office door, part O glflss; cheap. Address M 75, Globe. AFES— large second-Land double- door fire-proof safes very cheap; one jeweler's burglar-proof less than half price. Address Alfred May, 3133 Chicago ay., Min- neapolis. \u25a0 STOVES Three coal stoves for sale cheap. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third. •_ STOVE— For sale, stove. Radiant Home, No. 60: ingood condition; for sale cheap at 949 Jackson st. TOVE—For sale, coal stove, $8: also eigot O mirrors, large. Address corner Seventh and Cedar, basement barter shop. DRESSMAKING. t COASTING bLEDS for 2l)c. Durocher|& *- v Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. DRKS>MAKING and luniily sewing wanted. Call or address 215 Spruce st. r\RESSMAKING Miss Scott has re- ±J moved to 515 Robert st. \u25a0 ij^ASHIONABLE DItESS AND CLOAK- Jl making at No. 45 College ay., at reason- able prices; fit guaranteed. JUST AKRIVED-Ladies' tailors and *J dressmakers; reduced prices for thirty days. 11. E. Clone &Co., 417 Wabasha. I" ADIES—On Monday I will give to all J-i customers a tailor cut pattern free; a few more suits made for $3.50. ~'l7 Grove st. 1" ADIKS desiring perfect-fitting dresses at \u25a0Lj reasonable prices, please call at 312 Uni- versity ay. Room 10. RS. ANNIE M'BRIDE, dressmaker, has removed to 233 East Seventh st. Rooms 5 and 6, where she will be pleased to see her old customers and others. ME. MARIE FAVRE, French dress- making: late with Worth, of Paris. 622 Wabasha St., corner Summit. St. Paul, Minn. EAD ESPECIAL ObFEiC inPersonal column. BOARD WASTED. BOARD— Gentleman and wife desire board in private family; terms. $40; can fur- nish r>jom. Address" B 72, Globe. BOARD— Wanted. looms and board by three young ladies in private family; lower town : give terms. II 79. Globe. BOARD Married lady wishes board and room in strictly private family; terms, must be reasonable ; state loc alien and terms Address Z 79, Globe. OAKD— Wanted, two or three furnished or unfurnished rooms with board for two. Address Q 72. Globe. OARD AND ROOM— Wanted, by young man, board and room in private family. Swedish preferred; central location. Ad- dress C 79. Globe. - BOARD— by a man and his wife, board and comfortable room in private family, where no other boarders are kept. Address Boarders, Globe. (COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher & J Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Persona column. PROFESSION A I *. C COASTING !«Lhl>s for 2*Jc. Durocher & / Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. LECTRIC AND VAPOR BATHS Mrs. F. Bagnall. 159 West Seventh. LADIES— removed; medicated facemassoge at your homes; practical lady dermatologist Address Caucasian Art Toilet Company, Room 204, Grand Block.Wa- basba. - * SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved from the face, neck. arms, breast or between the eyebrows, by electricity, with- out Injury; moles and warts skillfullytreat- ed, Mrs. Baldwin, 33 Mannheimer Block. Uours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m, EAR ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal column. - SUPERFLUOUS HAIRpermanently re- moved from the face, neck, arms, breast or between the eyebrows, by electricity, with- out injury;moles and warts skillfully treat- ed. Mrs. Baldwin, Suite 3. The Dakotah, 37C\i SelDy ay. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4p. m. POPULAR WANTS. BUSIfIfIESS chances. F. V. Abbott's Bargains, 32 Chamber of Commerce. '11l 9HO HlYs '"rniture In twenty- \u25a0U'-li^v'V/ roomed flat in heart of city clearing SIX) monthly: fine rooms and ele- gant furniture; will invoice £2,500. UTCHEK BUSINESS— good one; will sell one-half or whole to good man; can show big business and handsome profits. £) FINE fifty-foot lots on Goodrich ay.. la- "** side SuelHng, to trade for good business or clear farm; big bargain. BEST job printing office in city: will take pood farm or city property in Twin Cities or Chicago in exchange; about $3,000. /"lIGAIt AND CO> FfcCTIONERY— V^ A good one; living rooms; $400 buys it. RKSTWLUKA NT-Clearing $200 monthly \ 11 51,500 buys it: no lunch counter. D Kst BAKERY in city; not on Wabasha; -L» splendid oven, pans, troughs, benches, store outfit, two horses and wagons, etc. etc ; over 8:{,0(K) yearly profits; 81,500 buys it: don* hesitate! See me Monday. EXAMINE mv r-lt is very exten- sive; no charges: ifyou want to sell you? business reasonably, list it with me; you nothing if I don't sell. F. C. Abbott Mclicuncy &Church. 013 New York Life. \u25a0 "jVTEAT CIGAR, CONFECTIOXKRTf J." and restaurant combined; this ii ca Seventh and canst be sold; come quiet. -•• C'IGAU AND CONFECTIONER* i stores: living rooms attached; $100 up. ) BOARDING HOLSK% surrounding the capital on instalment plan; anything you want; come and see us. : , <£1 ()()() ()Cl(\ CLEAK LOTS to «j?I,UUU,UUU trade for business block anywhere where dividends are da- \u25a0 clared; St. Paul or Minneapolis preferred. ,' OTELS. BOAKDI>'(; HOUSES; any- thing in any line; ifyou want to go into business we can satisfy you: It willonly cost you fifteen minutes' time; take elevator to No. 913 New York Lite. ALL WE ASK is for you to come in be- fore you buy and be'eonvinced that wo are headquarters.- McKenney &Church. .HiM-flliincoHs. GOOD RESTAURANT for sale. Ap- ply 110 South Wabasha it.. West St. Paul. A(i;:XTLKMAN with St.iX.'O to take half interest in a bona fide business paying at present 13 per cent: my object Is to In- crease business: must hear from him before the 3d inst. ; investigate. Address A 844, Globe, Minneapolis. OAKDING HOUSE, 11 rooms; 379 Ros- abel st. ; $25; inquire 548 Bradley st J. Menz. Oasting SLKUS for 20c. Durocher & i Wessel. seventh and Cedar. FOR SAI.K—Halt interest in a cash gen- eral merchandise store in a good Minne- sota town. A first-class opening fora good man. Address X (>;>. Globe. E>ott SALE— HaIf interest in first-class established business in st Paul, worth S^.OOO, willsell for $.>,030 on account of sick- ness. inquire of S. P. Crosby, German- American Bunk Building. F*ok SALE—Respectable business, pay- inghandsomely today: absolutely safe: cash required. $1,500 to 82,000; security taken for bHlance; total cost. £3.000, or would take a partner if capable of managing business, and allow salary. This is boua fide, and placed in our hands for sale. a. B. Wilguv 128 East Fourth st. . C*oit SALIC—The furniture, fixtures and A lease of Astoria hotel, situated on Waba- sha st., between fifth and Sixth sts., St. Paul; lease runs to May. 1892, with privilege of two years" extension ; this is a gooa stand for hotel business, being in tire central part of- the city, near postoffice, city and county : buildings; terms cash. Ft Paul Title In- " surance and Trust Company. Assignee. f'OH SALE- Shoe store, in St. Paul; pood location; low rent; stock. $3,000 at 75c. sa'es last year, 514,0.i0; only those having the cash and mean business need apply. Ad- dress J tit, Globe. F*OR SALE, at a bargain 'boarding house, restaurant, cigar and confectionery store combined; best location in the city: good reasons for selling. 137 Ramsey, corner ' West Seventh. f'OK SALf—The Union Creamery of . \u25a0L Olivia for cash or approved notes; situ- \u25a0 ated in one of the best <)airv districts in the s state; is the best equipped creamery in the county: cost $3,300 two years ago; fast sea- son's make of butter was 60.000 pounds : rea- son for selling, owners have too much other business; sealed bids received until 2:30 p. m. Dec. 10. 1801. For further particu- lars call on or address A. D. Simpkins, Olivia, Renville County. Minn. GOOD FAVI.Xi ISLSINKSS ... FOR I sale. Fur particulars inquire of C. Bechhoeffer, German-American bank build- ing. ' ; ; UOTOGKAI'H GALLERY OUTFIT for sale at less than cost; $200 cash, bal- ance one year. A. B. Moffatt, Le Sueur, Minn. EAD especial OFFER in Personal column. \u25a0 .; SI'OMATIS* OPE FOR SALE; $15! 815 Hague ay. WAN 'I'KU- A partner with some capital to join advertiser in a big money-mak- ing deal; positively a good investment, best of references furnished. Address S K),Globe. ANTED—Party with small capital to take right for Ramsey and Hennepin counties; splendid opening to right man; call and investigate. Room 26, Germanla Hank Building. St. Paul. STOKE A3l> Hilt FIXTURES^ fIIBBiBBIi BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND BILLIARD SUPPLIES. Warerooms, 405 and 407; Office and Factory, 411 and 413 Fifth avenue south. Minneapolis. Minn. ' PATENTS. CiOASTING sleds for2oc. Durocher & Weggei. Seventh and Cedar. ~ MKKIOAN Patent Market and Novelty Factory. A. M. Carlson, solicitingat- torney and manufacturer and seller of pat- ents. 615 and 617 Mississippi st., St. Paul. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal column. CHIROPODIST. CiOASTJNG SLEDS for 20c . Durocher A v^ Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. OCKWOOD, THE CHIROPODIST— All diseases of the feet. 293 and 294 En- dicott Arcade, Robert st., between Fourth and Fifth tits. EAD ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal column. ,;,-- .\u25a0\u25a0-• ; STOKE AAI> BAR FIXTURES {VTEW AXD SECOND-HAIfO SALOON 1* fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool and billiard tables, counters and shelvin. "«:ld- Wasliingtouive north iiiuneapolis.g Health Js_ Wealth De. E. C. West's Nekve and Brain Teea*- went, a guaranteed specific for Hysteric Dlz, ziness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia- Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by ilia use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men- tal Depression, Softening of the Brain re- sulting iv insanity and leading to miSery, de- cay and death. Premature Old Age, Barren- ness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involun- tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by ever exertion of tlie brain, self-abuse or over- indulgence Each box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box. or six boxes for $\u25a0>, sent by mail prepaid. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each orderfor six boxes, accompanied with $5, we sen the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if it does not effect acure. Guar- antees issued only by W. K. Collier, success- or to Hippler & Collier, druggists, 7th and Sibley sts.. St Paul. Minn. \u25a0—,--. ; ••Somebody I* Waiting for Thee," and you can {jet tho mitualion by ' putting: a want advertisement la the GLOBE. ":>oy THE gAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1891.— SIXTEEN PAGES.

Transcript of · v POPULAR WANTS....

Page 1: · v POPULAR WANTS. THE WEEK'STRANSFERS. MoiMlar..Joßie S Pearce to vTm Cecil Read, Its16, 17, 24,




Joßie S Pearce to vTm Cecil Read, Its 16,. 17, 24, 25, blk 5, Miehaud's add 84,000John LSullwold to Matt Lispert, It 16,-

--lIk 3, Asvlumadd 800John L Suilwold to Paul Lippert, ItIC,

blk3. Asvlumadd 300Peter Daly to Jas Farmer. It5,blk 14,

Oakville Park ndd..... I.COOJohn llasslen to Nils 11 I.ovine. part of

Its 14,15, blk 14, Syndicate add, 1.150

Total, 5 transfers $0,750

Tncsilav.George 8 Heron to W W Thomas, It '.<.

blk 8,Holcomb"s add .$10,500W G Paine to li11 Stevens, It9, blkIS,

White Bear.. 1,500C MStone to E A Williams, It 3,blk 3,

Rogers' add 2,200Minn saving* bank to Mary Sweeney,

It4. blk 10. Fairview add 1,000PLeffman toJ P Petit, It10, blk 11, TB

Somers' add 825G Fryckberg to Th11 Parsons, It30, Ik

13, bthison's add 5,503

Total, six transfers .$ 1.585Wcduesilay.

011 Bardwell to W G Jones. ItItblk7; part ofits 3, 4. blk 1, Edwin Demi'sSecond add to St Paul 52,£05

LBHicks to F Whiplinger. It16, blk 2,Rice St villas fubd of Its R,12, 13, 11.of Walicott s add to Cotta? \u25a0 Homes.. 500

W E Brimholl to Harriet MKimbull, It1,blk 1, Sylvan Park odd 625

Joseph R \Veide to PeurD.ihlgren. It-~'-->3,bis 1. Ramsey's subd cf :jik11,Sliu-son's add *. 7 1,500

Two unpublished... 1,850

Total, 6 transfers 5".2T5Friday.

AR Busbnell toMary Rushnell. part In7 and 6, Crocus HillThird rearr, blk 1of Wright's add $15,000

Martin Schneider to J Dindorfer, It35.blk I.Nairn* Wolroirs add 393

Theo Reiling to John Reiliug.1acre,sec 11, town 29, range 23. 100

Rich Leffiuan to Caroline Ttiiers, It25.bik 1. Michael's subd, blk 4. Slinson's 1,450

Phil Potts to Gco E Foote, It19, blk 2,A B Wilgus' add 1,000

LColeman to Phil Domers, It19, Cole-man's subd of It5, blk 7, and Its 0, 7. 8of blk P. Rogers & Hendricks" 600

AlexJ Catton to James While, It3, blk3, J jWard's add 675

Alex J Catton to James Gow, It4,blk2,JJ Wards add 525

George Marsh to A Peterson, Its 14, 13,12, MidwayHeights 700

HC Jones to W A>cott, Its 2, 3, rearblko, Macalester Park- : 7,500

F F Loomis to W AScott. Its 1, 2, 3,4. 5,6, 21, 22. 23, 24, Lyon &Burns' subdCcmo Villas 3,000

One not published 1.250Total, twelve transfers 532,590


Bt. James" Female Academy to Rt RevJ McGolrick. It 14, blk *2, AcademyHeights Js'o

TV Schulz to APassavant, It 23, blk 8,Sanborn's Midway add 2,500

APassavant to G Schulz, It 23, blk 8,Sanborn's Midwayadd 2,500

Three unpublished 12,000

Total. r> transfers SlT.r>')')


BOAICII—Pleasant furnished tocnn withboard: furnace heat: use of parlor,

piano, bath :SIper week. 04 Islehart tt.


Kinnished alcove room: heated;with or without board; for two or three

gentlemen . 409 Fort st.

BOAKU- East Tenth st.—Nicely fur-nished rooms; furnace heat, gas, bath

and piano. Mrs. Byrne.

OAKiIKS livingnear Central Park can be«- accommodated with day board at "TheMiner,

'612 Central Park.

BOAKD—Nicely furnished front room,wkh board, heat and bath. 232 West

Seventh st.

BOARD—Furnished rooms with board, $1per weelk,.aud parlor S3, with bath. 275

East Eighth.

BOA I)— 10S least Thirteenth St.—Onenew, warm room for two men: one sin-

gle, with first-class board; board, $3.50 perweek. .BOAHD—5J2 Cedar Street— Good tableboard, with 6o'clock dinner, for a lim-ited number.

OAKlJ— Cedar, 528— Lytle Terrace— Forrent, one front parlor, withalcove, with

first-class board.

BOAICD—Room, with good board, forgen-tlemen, St week; ladies, $3 week; refer-

ences. 007 Jackson.


Front parlor, board, fire andbath room, $5.00 per week. 600 Cedar st.

BOAKL>—Pleasant room and good board;bath, gas. heat, etc. ;terms moderate.

368 Nelson ay. \u25a0/-BOAIti;—single room for rent, withboard.

Apply .{OlWest Third st.


For rent, ileasant furnishedroom, suitable for two. with furnace

heat and u>-e of bath; also board; central lo-cation and reasonable terms. 191 Four-teenth st.

BOAKU—For rent, twoelegantly furnished,sunny rooms, with private", first clnss

board, opposite the capitol; house has allmodern improvements, electric bells, heat,gss, etc., without extra chaige. Apply to620 Cedar St.. corner.

BOAKD—Best board and room in any partof city $3 per week. Address Y. 11.,

Globe. ,OAlU>—Wanted, a girl that works in

actor j' to board ;|2.50 per week; goodhome. Inquire Room 21, 447 St. Peter st.

BOAKl>—Nicely furnished front room,withboard; well heated and bath: con-

venient car lines. Address 2 XiSherburne ay.

BOAKD—Nicely furnished rooms, withboard: . furnace heat; hot and cold

water. 04 East Eleventh st.' ''

BOAiili—Furnished rooms, with board,for gentlemen and ladies, £3.75 per

per week. 121 Iglehart st.

BOAl\li—Furnished front room, withboard, to two young Indies. 39 Summit nv.

BOAKD—Fnrniihed rooms -with board,use of bath and piano. 270 Pleasant ay.

80.,1 The best table board lor S3 perweek, willroom, in the West house. 80

West Tenth n.

Buakij— Beimonl House. Corner Eighthand Minnesota—Best SI day house In the

city;no bar inconnection; regular board androoms $5 per week./COASTING sl!us for Site. Durocher &v> Vessel. Seventh and Cedar.'jVToitWtiOD HOUSE— East Ninth. NearX" Wabasha— Warm rooms, with excellentboard. Siand S5 per week; table board, 812per month ;transients, SIper day.

LKASA2TT FRONT KOO.M. withboard,at -The Miner," 612 Central Park east.

KAI) liSl'tCiAL oi-'Fiilt iv Personalcolumn.

Urpnr: 3II.NKK"-Best lcciition in the-L city for private boarding; pleasant

rooms and excellent table board. 612 CentralPar* cast.

HrcCEIXAKEeVfe.. ___^^

pOASTINt; si.KDs format. Durocher &V-" Wesscl, Seventh and Cedar.

JO 1-OKIA WATKK removes all blemishesvX of the skin, pimples. Mnckhoads, red-ness of the face and nose, and sallowneFS ofskin. Free application given at 515 St. PeterIt.,Room 1. \u25a0 • -

HW. COVINtiTON, CUMI.'ACTOIt• and builder; all Kinds of jobbing andrepairing promptlyattended to.

MASQUERADE and theater costumesmasks, wigs,beard?, grease paint. Mrs. LKeitmami, reEast Seventh.

MALI),where did get yonr bangs cut?They look ridiculous; they spoil the

bole expression ofyour free. Youwant togo to Jimc. Lotto's. 39 West Fourth street. Ifyou want your bangs cut to become you, andpay a littie >re. Her price is 25c, but it'sworth it for cutting and curling.

«B. MARCOTTK—Ladies' TurkishRussian, electric, shampoo baths, hair-dressing, Ehampooing and manicure, for la-

dies only, at 3C6 Selbv ay.

KS. ANKLIN'S sale of switchescontinues; bangs cut and curled, 15cents. 318 Wabasha. Grand Block.

itixATr;lidSni'.li., school ofMidwifery—Mrs. H.Slenzel. 2!)?tMartinst

RKAI> iiSI'JiCIAL OFFi&lt iiiPersoualcolumn.

VJAVK your money by taking your horse-O Eboeiug and repair work to J." B. Coving-ton, 517 St. Peter St., between Tenth st. andExchange.

TOIXt IIANGK-Either one or two ofJL . the choicest unencumbered residencelots in Sooth St. Paul; willtake fir.o drivingoutfit or jewelry, diamonds preferred; ad-dress stating what youhave. Address C 7'Globe. .

ilef'ure making a change Iv yourboarding place con«ult tho wanteoluuiiitt of Hie GItOIIJU,


IfOH SAL,!-, on easy terms, or exchangaJ- for Dayton's bluff property, very Roodhouse «nd lot on Canada st. -

ALSO your choice ol three houses (clear)iii South St. Paul (only one for tale)

cheap; easy terms; clear lot* taken in partpayment. \u25a0

wi, SMALL HOUSE. AM) liAIO,\u25a0i clear, on Jessamine, cheap; good farm

taken as part payment. G. A. Rinker <£Soup. Successors to C. P. Barnard. 11:; David-son l'hn-k.


Miil»iirl>:i::.OASTING SLEDS for 2l»c. I)vroc her &

Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.

IMPROVED lAKM >OK SALK—I4IJ- ceres; eighteen miles from Minneapolis;a part of estate of Margaret Brossea':. de-ceased: must be told. L.twler & Durrueut,40:) New York LifeBuilding.St. Paul.

EAI» isl'ivClALOFFEK in Personalcolumn.

- ' . -•

.tlis<*<>!litooiis. \u25a0':

A DJIIXISTUATOKSSALKot the vnln-2x. able improved property, 317 East Ninth,$7,500; worth Sl2,<AiO. ilerbst, 180 East Sev-enth.


OASTING*L»us for_".ic. Durocher &Uessel, Seventh and Cedar.

Oit SALE un iKAUi:for farm, a ten-room brick house. Call or address E.

G. Mellen, 710 Cam, tiftv feet south front-

age with a good house, opposite Col.Merriara's stone mansion :any one wish]n;ahome central nud nicely located will do wellto look ibis ur>. C. Bernhard.jVJEVV HODSKS corner Victoria, and11 Laurel at very low prices and easiest ofterms: hnrdwood finish ; every convenience.A.15. Wiljnis.

EW HOUSES corner Portland and M.±V Albans; elegantly finished. A. B. Wil-gus.


READ I>PECIAL OFFEIi inPersonalcolumn. \u25a0

REAL ESTATE forsale cheap by owner:lots in block 30. Summit Park." and lot

IS. block 1:1. Woodland Park. Room 203.Drake Biock.


Large lot mid small, com-fortable house in good locality, near

electric line: will give j>.V)<» cash, balancemonthly; most be abargain or will not con-sider it. Address, with description, locationand price. F73, Globe.Clh\( \! X CASH and balance C percent, fiveCt^v/v/ years; price. 84.750; buys band-Eome new house; rented till spring; withinfifteen minutes* wslk of Pioneer Press Build-ing; every convenience. A. B. Wilgus, 128East Fourth st.


ptONSUI-TATiOX FKKK-A Test— Nov>» Impositions—The greatest business clair-voyant is the well-known Prof. J.G. Leonard,tested by the most prominent men in thiscountry: every hidden mystery revealed; re-moves family troubles tarings the separatedtogether; causes speedy marriage with theone you love: tells if the one you love isfalse or true. All who are in trouble fromany cause should call on Prot. Leonard; forhe alleges nothing but what he can do, andwillnot Le classed with my cheap pretenders found inevery|city. All"who are in trou-ble, whose fond hopes have been blasted,who have been deceived and dis-appointed through the false pre-dictions ofothers, before giving up to de-spair, call and be convinced of the true state-ments of the above at once. In a word—ifyou want to know anything concerning; yourpresent or future, consult this genuine spiritmedium, as he will tell you truthfully andhonestly what is in store for you. and willnever sacrifice truth for flattery. To thosethat are inclined to be medinmistic he canfullydevelop. Prof. Leonard has no equalin charm work,and makes no charges untilwork is done. A free test is given to all thosedesiring a sitting to prove his wonderful pow-ers. You can consult him upon honor; all in-terviews are private and strictlyconfidential.Those who have been humbugged by somany pretending clairvoyants and mediumsshould not give up Indespair, but see Prof.Leonard without iielt»y. This advertisementmeans jIst what it reads. All inquirers areprohibited from making known in any waytheir business to the professor; he will tellthem without any pointers whatever; that ishis business. Alt letters promptlyansweredwhere a stamped envelope, lock of hair andSI is inclosed. Sittings tor gents, S2 and no-wards; Indies, SI and upwards. Those de-siringa sitting inn make appointments bymail._ Is permanently located at MSixth st.north (next to Masonic Temple) .Minneapo-lis. Office hours from9a.m.t06 p.m. Sun-day,19 a. m. to 4 p.m.pOASTING.slkus for 2*'. Durocher &w Weasel, Seventh and Cedar.

LAIKVOYANT—Mrs. >T S. Misgao.v^ clairvoyant and business sittings to la-dies only. 27 East Seventh st.. Room 12.

EMMIS TIIORSON. .Magnetic HealerRoom 115, Moore Block, Seven corners;

Turkish and hot-air baths.special OFFhK-l willgive, without

cost, to the person (men, woman orchild) who brings to my store the largestnumber of words made from the letters in :my name a beautiful bisque djli.dressed in jfine silks, with diamond lace pin and ear- idrops. Conditions ofcontest :

I—Allwords must be regular dictionary(Webster Unabridged) words.


Lists must be delivered inperson (notmail or messencer).

Address ofcontestant must be given.—Two givingsame number, first received

to have preference.s—No5

—No condition of sale of goods required.

6—Contest closes Dec. 24, '91;awaru Jan.1, '02. •

7—Letters to be used, those found inJ. E.Inghani, eight in all; may be indefinitely re-peated.

'J. E. I.S.JHAJI...2? Jackson St.

t|»O«..T\VO WKEKS, beginning Mon-day, Nov. 30. Mrs. B. Litiler, state

agent for the celebrated KelloggFrench tailorsystem, will be located at Sehuneman &Evans, second floor, where all ladies are in-vited to call and get a perfect-lilting pattern'cut to measure, and investigate the only gen-uine tailor system taught in the city.

ADI Try one bottle of Orchid Creamand you will never be without it. For

sale everywhere.


Dr. Hewson guarantees OakBalm to be a sure cure for all weakness;

one month's treatment, JO. Mis. J. B.Tall,Agent,257 West Fifthst.

KS.M.A. TUSSKY, 223 East Eighth St.Magnetic and massage treatment for

nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism;also clairvoyant. Hours. p.m.

US.KA'Ji,HOiihlN>-Munnetiiheaier,psychometric and trance medium. '.25i>2

West Seventh st., St. Paul.31E. TIvITS\VOBTH-Reliable busi-

ness test medium. 450 Minnesota st.LIVE UliANCil

—sure cure for all

female diseases: pile remedy andstomach powders; smnpics free. N. Walker,193 Pearl st., St. Paul, Minn.


OKANGE BLOSSOM—A positive eurofor all female weakness; six weeks'

treatment, $1. Miss Jennie Kelson. 5.1 Royal-*tonay.. Minneapolis: take Sixth


Dr. Fertile gives a publiclesson on mental healing at Room 115,

Moore block. Seven Corners, every Mondayevening; admission, 10 cents.

Eusox AL—send 10c for big package ofcabinet-size pictures, also full descrip-

tions (including residences)- of respectableladies who want to correspond for matri-mony; 5.000 lady members; every a;e andnationality: living everywhere; "many ofthem beautiful and wealthy. Heart andHand Agency. Drawer 697, Chicago, 111.\u25a0pEKSOXAL —

YOUK FUTURE XX-X vtaled— prediction of your life.Ire; eive date of birth. Astrologer, L.Box320. Kansas City.Mo.

PERSONAL— stop coughing! «1.000 re--L ward for a case of Throat or Lungtrouble, last stages excepted. which cannotbe relieved bya proper use of Dr. X.Stone'sBronchial Wafers, 2.'-.c a box at druggists. Forsample, send 10 cents toStone Med. Co., Chi-cago. 111.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn.

OASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher <&vy Wtssel, Seventh and Cedar.

Hi: STARS OF MVsTERY-MME.and Prof. Lorenz

—Free! Free: Free

test; the wonderful trance medium: everyhidden mystery revealed in a dead trance;tells the fullname of each caller, and offuture husband or wife, with age and date ofmarriage; give r.dvice on divorce, contestedwills, speculations, etc.: remove trouble,evilinfluences; bringthe separated together,locate lost persons or stolen property; not afortune teller, but genuine spirit medium;can convince the most skeptical; six ques-tions answered by mail, «1; Bend locs othair: only five days free, Sunday included.457 St. Peter fit.

WILLthe lady who kept a package from»* a lady on the interurbau line return

the same to Globe office.IUNKLES-WITIIALMOND NUT

Cream you can positively rub themaway: scaled particulars, two cents. WaryE. Murray, 1051) Washington Boulevard, Chi-cago, 111.: agents\ KftWAttl> forpresent address of Mrs.'VO Belinda B. Miller, who lived at 405Franklin tt., St. Paul, during years 184* and1889. Address C 08, Globe.




HOUSE OF NINE ROOMS, steamheat, bath, hardwood finish, elegant

and modern; "Hill"district; to (good) par-ties to MayIst. every) cheap: see it Monday.F. C. Abbott. 32 Chamber of Commerce.

COASTINO sLEUs fori'i'c. Durocher &Wessel, Seventh and Cedar. l


Foil UKNT-Houses, stores and offices inall parts of the city; call and examine

our lists: we may have lost what you arelooking for. The St. Paul Trust Company,Endcott building. East Fourth st.


For rent, house, six rooms, newly.papered; cellar and city water. Call at

20 Tilton st. -.

BOUSE— New eight-room house, with» ath, hot and cold water, corner Bates

and Ravine st.-


For rent, house seven rooms,with modern improvements. East

University, near Canada; rent, S-'2.50.

HOUSE— Nine rooms, 78 Tilton fit: allmodern improvents; willrent whole or

part very cheap. Inquireat 580 St. Peter.

HOUSE— For rent, first-class twelve-roomresidence, 14i Nina ay., bt. Anihouy

hill:one block from cable line; modern con-veniences. Inquire 291Laurel ay.




OUSE—From Dec. 1. house 23r>« Longay., St. Anthony Park, now occupied

byClark Peterson. Robert Craig, 515 PioneerPress building. \u25a0

HOUSE— For rent, small brick house;three large rooms, cellar and witter: two

blocks from Ramsey car barn. Inquire atNo. 477 West Seventh st.

Hot si-.—c. 7 Couway tit.:six rooms, citywater; S3 per month. Inquirenext door.


Five-room house. No. 537 Minne-sota st. Inquire No. 60Eleventh st.


Furnished nine-room house,with piano, $35, and unfurnished house.

Inquire 345 East Ninth st. .HOUS »i—2oh Louis sr,;s-even rooms, city

\u25a0 water, sewer, cistern, sewer, etc.; good,comfortable home.

OUSE— Good eight-room house, 310 Ful-ler st. :applyon premises.

HOUS i—No.467 Marshall ay.;eiaht roomsand small barn; $12 per mouth. In-quire 414 Broadway.

READ ESPECIAL, OH'UK inPersonalcolumn.

QO/^-783 HOLLY AY.—Eight-room•Jl'/C't/ house, bath, barn, etc. W. F. Car-roll,412 Pioneer Press Building.

fiats.o\s i-INGSLEDS for2c. Durocher &

Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.


Four rooms: modern improve-ment?, near Seven corners, by J. F.

Brugcemann, Room 25, Court Block, 24 EastFourth st., opposite conn house.

FLAT— or rent, fire-room fiat, withbath,near West Seventh st. cars; $13.50 per

month. Apply3">l tioodue st.

FLAT—For rent, a nice three-room fiat,cheap. Look this up. H. 11. Schulte &

Co.. IISEast Fourth st.


Steam-heated flat: all modern con-veniences, gns. range, fixtures, hot and

cold water; window shades, screens, etc. ;references require). Of Enst Eleventh st.

RKAIIESPECIAL OFFEIt inPersonalcolumn.


BUILDING—To rent four-story brick"building.No.188 East Fifthst. ;suitable

for wholesale purposes; willchange to suittenant. James 11. Weed. 107 East ThirdSt.

(1OA.STTxti SLEDS for 21>c. Durocher &v> Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.

Oil»ALK«»ii RKrST—I-.14 East Seventh8., between Jackson and Slbley; In-

quire on premises. . • ..EAD ESPECIAL OFFE itinPersonal

column. . • ' ;V —T

STORK— ror rent, one of the best stor BonNicollet. between iitxthaud Seventh sis. ;

with steam heat.' Address J 100. Globe; Min-neapolis.

Srous-.Sund eight-room houses for rent,all over the city. 117 East Fourth st.


For rent, store with livingrooms0 ingood repair: cheap. s:i.i# Broadway st.

TOKK KOO.M—Seventh St.. 15, East—Part of store for rent. Inquire 3CI \\ a-

b.ishn in store. . . .Offices.

(lAsi-|N«i si.Kl>> for -.'Jr. Durocher &Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.

EAI) ESPECIAL OFFEK in Personalcolumn.


A—s'Ol'r.L iJia'.>s»ii!u, lor vi--iiUe-• men only; fifty modern tteam-heatedrooms by dar. week or mouth.A KUNDKLST., 220—For rent, neatly fur-

jnL nished front room.IKFIKLD BLOCK-'l6 South Robert

St.—Fiat No. 24—For rent togentlemenonly, nicely furnished, sunny rooms, newlypapered; rent only $10 to*$15, includingsteam beat, gas and bath.

BKOADW AY, Three or four rooms,furnished for housekeeiing; hot and

cold water: bath; private house.

CIAMADA ST., 667—For rent, two uufur-s nished rooms, ground floor, witn city

water. Inquire at 32 East Fourth St., Wash-ington Life.

pAKKUUsi\, 177—T0 rent, three roomsV--' \u25a0 with city water and sewer.

EVI'KAL, AY. 15, EAST—Hnndsomev-/ front T>nrlor bed room: bay window,alcove, closets, bath: beautiful location.ipEUAR ST., Furnished room, with"O or without board. 6")0 Cedar st./COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher &V.J Wessel, Seventh and Cedar./COLLEGE AVE..U6,IVEST—Warm roomsv_/ and first-class board; terms reasonable.Call evening.

nOLLKGK AY.,164—Fine furnished frontv-/ room, with alcove; steam -heated; noother roomers. ."^pOMFOKTAULE. warm, well furnishedV-' room inprivate family; convenient tobusiness. Address 699 Jackson st.pIGHTIIST..229— Unfurnished rooms.up-J-j per and lower floor;cheap rent; privatefamily: desirable location..

HiHTH ST., 453 EAST— nicelyJlj furnished front rooms, single or togeth-er: furnace, bath, hot and cold water; goodlocation, reasonable rent.

"ELEVENTH ST., 147, FurnishedXj room: suitable for one or two; modernconveniences.

LEVEXTHST.. 71. EAST—Near Capitol—For rent, nicely furnished room in

new house; all conveniences; suitable forone or two gentlemen.

PXCUANGE ST., 378, >'OKTH—Fur-Jl-J nished rooms on first floor with furnaceheat; also a small room 0:1 second floor.

IFTHST., 234 WEST— For rent, thirdflatroom, convenient for one gentleman;

all modern improvements'.

IFTH ST., 257, WEST— Front room;heat, bath, etc.;large enough for two

persons.IFTIIST.. 235 WEST— For rent, nicely

furnished room; steam heat and gas;suitable for two gentlemen :terms reasonable.

IFTEENTH ST., 104, EAsT-Three 1:11---\u25a0 L lurnished rooms forhousekeeping; bath;attic; cellar; storm windows; 59.tjUtANKLINST., 357 NORTH—Nicely

furnished front room, first Eoor. threeblocks from postofSce: good neighborhood;suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife.

RAXKMXST., 376-Between Fifth andX Sixth Sts.—To rent, large front room,comfortably furnished, to desirable parties,$16; also parlors withhandsome cabinet bed;all conveniences.

OIJKTHAND WAUASHA—Over DrugStore— Third Floor— Two Dice steam-

heated rooms. A.J. Warnpier, 10 East Fourthstreet.


TJ'OUKTKENTH ST.. IS4— For rent, halfX? of a double house; three or tour rooms,fromSstoSlo.

GiROVE ST.. 205— rent, nicely fur--1" nished alcove room, with or without

board, in private family._^

OTKL IJAKTEAU—FIat 42—Nicelyfurnished or unfurnished rooms for

rent; all modern conveniences.OTEL BAKTEAU—No. 35—One or two

nicely furnished rooms; all conven-ience^.TGLEHART ST.. 63—Nicely furnished1 small front room to rent; modern im-provements. •

JOIIXST., 43-J— Near Furnishedrooms forgentlemen.AHKET ST., 348

—Furnished front

room, heated, use of bath and parlor;1 board ifdesired, • .


Rooms.ELSON AY.. 267 -Pleasant furnished

1"Irooms to rent; sultaDle for two gentle-men; rent cheap to desire parties.

VjINtilST.. 197. EAST—The Elms—com-i» fortable rooms, suitable for oue or twogentlemen. \u25a0\u25a0

NINTH ST., KAsT-For Rent—]y furnished room;heat, gas, and board

ifdesired. . _ . \u0084


INTHST., 317 KASr—Near Broadway—Two front rooms; heated; $10 and $s*;

private family.

NINTH, 206 KAST—Lurzo. pleasant fur-uished front rooms; warm bath; central;

(\u25a0heap for the winter.DAKRAV., 415—Near Madison School—X Unfurnished front rooms; new house;modern improvements; faring War>a^h;i.

PLEASANT AY.. 212— Nicely furnishedJL rooms, with all conveniences, from $0 to£10 per month; also unfurnished.r>EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalJIY column.

UNDO ST.. 179—Nice furnished-room

for rent; private family. .-•-,'

OBKRT ST., 615— Furnished rooms forrent : ;...


Rooms "nblock. Inquire 505 Robert st.

ROOMS— Nicely furnished rooms . withorwithoutboard; m >dern improvements;

rent reasonable. Please call 251, corner Riceand College.

ROttJl-A large, nicely furnished frontroom, suitable for twopersons; locationfirst-class: ten minutes' walk from courthouse: terms moderate. Address P 71. Globe.

ROOM*—Two hefted rooms: neatly fur-nished: convenient to business; rent,

SS and &8. Address P 73, Globe.

ROOM— large, nicely furnished frontroom: opposite Merchants' hotel. In-quire Room 0, 30.; Jackson st.

ROOMS— front rooms, unfurnished;v \u25bateam heat, gas and bath. 47 Hotel Bar-


EVKXTH, jr.], WEST— Two furnishedO rooms for lighthousekeeping; also fur-nishea flatof three rooms. \u25a0

SEVENTH. :>\u25a0„> lY.rnished rooms.with furnace heat and use of bath. .

SEVEN I'llST., <»;iu, WEST— Nicely fur-nished room with steam heat; suitable

for one or two gentlemen.

SEVivNIH ST., 2v»<. EAST— Fine fur-nished rooms, suitable for two or threegentlemen.

SEVENTH .ST.. 212, KAST—Fine fur-nished rooms for light housekeeping.

SJIIJLEY 1..ST.. Three unfurnishedO rooms to rent, $I'J per month; modernconveniences.

iISLKY ST., 472—

For rent, furnished>J rooms, with heat and bath.

S" IXTHST., 291. WKST-For rent, twofurnished rooms: modern improvements;

one block from caDle, iwoblocks from Sevencorners.

IX111 ST., ".'dip. WissT-For rent, pleas-ant front alcove room furnished and

one unfurnished room; all modern con-veniences .Sl'ltuci;ST..2-jy— Pleasant, well furnishedO front alcove, double and tingle rooms,with or without bo*(d; also three large con-necting rooms on first floor, suitable forh uekcepiug.

S~T. FETiiR ST., 64.I—For1—

For rent, alcovek? room: modern conveniences.

ST. PETER Si., a*7—Near Sixth—Pleas-aut furnished rooms; steam heat, elec-

tric lightand Lath.

rpKNTH »1., 07. W£S 1—FaruiKiiea irout-L room tor rent.

rpKNTH ST.. -.9, EAST—Opi oMte Capi--I-

—Pleasant lfrom aleo\e rooms for

rent.rpiIIRD ST.. 11 EAST— Unfurnished, twoX beautiful rooms, orentire third floor.

Til ~GRE EN HOTEL—Pleasant,X" well-furnished room*, by the day. week

or month, at "The Greenland Hotel," situ-ted in the business center bf the city,cornerof Seventh and Robert us.: rooms* all cm-fortably warm, large stove? in balls, keepinga pleasant temperature night and day; large,well-lightedoffice and reading room; termsreasonable. . .rpIUUD ST., S3.J KASI—For rent, three,X :four or five rooms for;housekeeping:

partly furnished if desired ;\u25a0 also beatingstove. '. .:\u25a0•

- . >'\u25a0 • . ,..;.- 4j.,'.rpiLTON AY.. No. 17

—AIT modern im-

X provements, $20. Kaye &Lowe's RentingAgency. Kcnutte Building. -~ --

•-.-••. n->

NiVKHsITiAY.. -07, EAnt—Unfur-nished rooms for housekeeping: private

.family;.modern conveniences; rent, $10; ref-erences. \u25a0 •\u25a0-.;..\u25a0 ru%;

' •.\u25a0 :,-. ,\u25a0\u25a0

ABASHJi ST.—Corner Tenth Street-^"NextDoor to DrugStore— Furnished

rooms to rent. •\u25a0 . ;

W ABASHA, 45,i-Corner Eighth-Suite»V of handsome frontrooms, gi;!;heated;

also small room. /.

AHASHAST.— corner Tenth St.. OverDrugStore—Furnished rooms for rent.

WA ASHA. oca-Near Iglehart— Nicelyfurnished front room and alcove with

bay window; bath.extern AY., 102- For rent, fur"

nished rooms; two connecting roomsand one sir.ale; or can be made three singleroom";without board: twoblocks from cable ;boated and lighted;gentlemen preferred.

EsTEItN AY..223—For rent.furnishedpart of house: reasonable: modern

conveniences; reference required.31isc«*llaneoii*.

ARBKK SHOP— For rent, barber shopwith two bath tubs; 310 Rice st. Call at

314 Rice.

BAKN—For rent, four-stall barn,warm,centrally located, flrst-ciass. Address

i).75. lobe.


BLANKET LOST—A horse blanket.Finder please return to Dr. Lundholm,

OBast Seventh st.. and receive reward.RACELET LO»T-Lady's small Ichain

LJ gold bracelet, going or coming fromGrand opera house, Friday evening; tinderwill please leave same at Globe office, and re-ceive reward.

CiOASTING SLEDS for'-IJc. Durocher &' Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.

CIOW LOST-Black-brown cow,no horns.'with bridle on. Return to 244 Stale st.

and receive reward. Joe Wesur.- ..

CLUTTER CUSHION, BLANKET ANDvy Whip Lost—Corner West Seventh andDousman sts., Thursday evening. Finderwillleave at s'jO West Seventh and receive re-ward.

DOG LOST—Nov.25, from tOT John St..male pug dog. Return toabove number.


Brown spaniel puppy. Ke-turn to 420 South Robert st. and receive

liberal reward.OG LOST—Pug dog, from 521 Ashland

ay. ;answers to the name of "Puck;"reward willbe paid on return. \u0084

VE-<iI.ASSES— Lost, pair of eye-glassesand chain; reward for return to VJ

Violast. | \u25a0

GJ.AUTKU LOST—GoId garter buckle at-•tached to black elastic. Return to 471

Temperance st. and receive reward.

HORSE STRAYED—From MinneapolisRolling mills at Irondalc, Nov. 14. one

gray horse; about six years old; weightabout 1,250. Return to Harris Bros.. 329Tentti ay. south, Minneapolis, and receive re-ward. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

|\1 AHi;LOST—Strayed or stolen, one light•J-l bay mare, weight about 1,0 lbs.; has

small scar of wire fence cut ou upper part ofleft front leg: also a little splint on sameleg, between knee and ankle; 525 reward forany information lending to her return. Ad-dress W. M.Wessel. 312 Yankee St., St. Paul.

MAKELOST—A sorrel mare with whiteI*X face, and swollen on hind feet anda swelled body cutter was taken from theGrand opera Nov. 22: a liberal reward isoffered. Send information to Ed McDonnell,978 Front St.. or Chief of Police, St. Paul.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn.

OI'ANIELLOST—Liver and white,curly0 coat; long-tressed brown ears, shadelighter than coat: name Judge; elevenmonths old; reward for return to 804 Selbyaye. Harry W. Wack.

issTmicTiorf .Ccoasting SLEDS for29c. Durocher &/ Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.

LOBE BUSINESS COLLEGE wantsyou to learn telegraphy, shorthand, Mc-

ran-Pitma:i bookkeeping; you can makeyour board while attending this school andget paying position when competent. Fourthand Jackson.INSTRUCTION inpaintingand drawing.1 Z 63. Globe.

PKIVATELESSORS given in shorthandto ladies and gentlemen inevenings. Ad-

dress D78, Globe.EAD EsPtCiAL OFFER inPersonal

column.OUOBTBAXD AND TYPEWRITINGO thoroughly taught day. evening and bymall at the Miss J. D. Hess Practical Business-IBchool, eighOi floorPioneer lTe6s, -f :'.. *::s?


RM. NEWPORT A; SON, INVESTXV*' men: Bankers, loan money on 1m

Droved property, In St. Paul and Minneap-olis at ii }er cent "onor before." Offices.:New Pioneer Press Building, St. Paul, and!Jteere Building.Minneapolis. .

A~DO YOU WAST TO BORROWiii!money, at a lower rato than you canr-lcrrow through any other agency! The

American Mortgage Loan company.Room 7,'Fir«National bank building,corner Fourthand Jackson sts^ willlet you have anyamount. $10, $20, $25. $40, $75, $H)0 oi

vf2W>—in fact, any sum you wish onvour\u25a0 (.old watch, diamonds, household furniture,ihorse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc. ata lowerrate than you can possibly fret it elsewhere.

• Gooes can remain in your possession, and=yea can pay a part any time yon want andMop interest. Business private and confi-dential. You can hare jour own time in;pityingup principal. -/CAPITALLOANCOMPANY has. loan of all amounts on furniture, jew-elry,pianos organs, etc., with privilege ofpart payments any time. « Capital Loan Com-pany. Room 12, schutte block, corner Sev-eiith and Jnccson.ROASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher &V-/ Wessel. Seventh and Cedar. :

PASTERN MONEYto loan on city prop--1-J erty at 6. 7 and 8 per cent: loans closedwithout delay. E. M. and R.L. are, 303Pioneer Press building.

J" L.STRAICH,Room 10, Globe Build-• ing,is prepared to make loans in anyamount quickly and privately on house fur-niture, watches, diamonds, etc., lowest rates,easy return fpayments, honorable treatment.I" AKGE A>IODNTs of money to loan onXi improved property at 6 per cent. Gilman &Co.. New York LifeBuilding.

LOW RATE MOjNEYIn sums to suit on furniture, pianos, dia-monds, watches or goods in storage; easy re-turn payments: no publicity. Tase elevatorto Room 16. Germania Bank Building, Fifthand Wabasha: private room for ladies.;V,lONKYTOLOANon real estate mort-i»i. gages at Gto 8 per cent. H. U.ocbulte& Co., 115 East Fourth kt.

MONEY TO LOAN—G. T. Lowe, office12 Schutte Building, corner Seventh

and Jackson.\fOXKY LOANED on furniture, horses.jtA diamonds, pianos, etc. Minnesota

Mortgage Loan Company. Mackey manager.Rooms 1-.-14. First National Bank building,corner Fourth and Jackson stF.

ONIiY«io loan \u25a0without delay, iroui510 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-

elry, etc.; time checks, notes tnd secondical estate mortgages bought. MinnesotaLoin Co.. 117 East Fourth K.

ONEY LOANED en lifeinsurance poi-icies;.or bought. L. P. Van Norman,

(il Gnarauty Loan Building.Minneapolis.

-P-R-I-V-A-T -£-Money loaned ondiamonds, watches, pianos,furniture or goods in storage at lowest rates,and small monthly return payments; notesand mortgages bought; most private loanrooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com-pany, 13-' Globe Building: take elevator.DEADESPECIAL OFFER in PersonalIV column.

WANTED—Parties who desire to engagein speculation, with a small capital,

with small risic and chance to make 15 percent orbetter per month. V78, Globe.\lf F.MOHITZ. PIONEER PRESS

'>V • Building—Mortgage loans madepromptly; 0. 7 and 8 per cent;mortgagesLouche ............e*)ni) nf»n TO LOAS « once ate*iP»J\J\J^\J\J\J per cent in sums to suiton good city property, improved or unim-proved. Apply to J. J. Ward, 115 East Fourth6L. St. Paul.C7A /W)f\T«>s:;-rtAT c, 7 and 8 per•-1• *J)\J\J\J cent ou vacant or improvedSt. Paul real estate: loans closed in threedays. D. W. C. Rutt". Globe Building.CIAOf \( \ x<*LOAN on real estate n*±>±*Ji\JVJ\J any sums. P. 11. Simpson,011 Pioneer Press Building.• \u25a0


OASTINGSLKUS for 29e. Durocher &Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.

EAI) ESPECIAL OFlEitinPersonalcolumn.- . '•{'. . -". \u0084

ROOM '.re, \u25a0JMAXHATTA'N BUILDING—Fifteen acres laud with house and.

barn, or to trnne for house and lot: businessproocrty renting f<>r §75 per • month \u25a0 to ex-elinnj;e for timber acres near railroad or lake;cash business worth $&Q. will sell for O;lightly incumbered lots to trade for horses.8M Manhattan Building.rpo EXCHANGE—Havea line top.buggy-1 to trade fora very lightdelivery wagon*;

must be in good condition. ApplyM.E.Babcock. 13 West Seventh st.TO EXCHANGE— Stephens 22 rifle forX light-breech-loading shotgun, or rabbithound. 813 Wess Third.To EXCHANGE— good delivery wagonX for good watch. O 78. Globe. .rpo EXCHAN<iE— Billiard Table—X ed, second-hand table inexchange forgood lot near New Brighton Stockyards. S

7«. Globe.rpo EXCHANGE—one black horse, fourX years, driver, to trade for plumbing.

Call 580 .Mississippi, Monday.-

rpo EXCHANGE— What have you to tradeX for a No.I year-old horse? (Car-

penter work or lumber preferred.) Call oraddress (My Store) No. 318 and 320 East sev-enth st.TO EXCHANGE— Vacant lots for equityX in houses and lots;also houses for va-cant property. H. H. Scnulte & Co., 115East Fourth st. .

O EXCHANGE— Midwaylots wiih smallmortgage, for equity in*house and lot;

none but owners need answer. Address C 75,Giobe.

O EXCHANGE— WiII exchange fewpieces of diamond jewelry, taken for

debt, forhousehold furniture, job printingor anything useful, or willsell cheap. Frank.10 East Fourth stTOEXCHANGE—cutter— Wanted to ex-J. change equity in a good lot. and newcutter for upwright piano; no cash. AddreseI) 72. Globe. . .-. .TO EXCHANGE— Wanted, job printing

outfit for cash and St Paul or Minneap-olis property. Address M., care Globe, Da-luth. Minn.

O EXCHANGE—Stove, Radiant HomeNo. CO, forlarger 919 Jackson st.

rpo EXCHANGE—Iwant to exchangeX one-quarter section of Improved landwith house, barn and granery ou it,for alivery stock in small town. •Address Box 114,F:imington, Minn.\l7 HAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER forV» equityin three good lota on Dayton

Bluff? Address X 77. Globe.


COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher &\^ Wesse), Seventh and Cedar.



PIANOS oneasyX 1/lliUO payments.PIANOS • WHITNEY'SXliilMJo MUSICSTORE.PTAIYO^I BARGAINS.rini>UO1Decker piano 5100Of A IVOR'S 1Steinway 200XllilXV/OlHale Diano 150PT AIVf\VIIVose Piano.... ..;. 100XX/11>UO 1Higgins piano 80P F A IVOQ J Chickering piano.... 100JT 1i\.l>UOiGale piano: 50]PTAATO^ ISchaff piano 601HillV/OlWhitney piano 150PF A IVA^I1Good Melodeon only. 10IlrlliUO1Estey&Co. organ.".. 45PI A IVf~l^!1 Fine Sterling organ.. 55rixlllUOlStory & Clark organ. 40PT A IVO^l 10 CASHrIAiMUO $.> PER MONTH.PfA TWU 60 NEW UPRIGHTSXlnnUu to rent at $1and $(»

PIANOS PERMONTH--1 lal^lUu Rent applied on purchasePfATVm<s later.JL X2xllKJiO Whitney's Music Store,

PIANOS W7^rlcct

hird .

RE VI) ESPECIAL |OFFER inPersonalcolumn.


ROASTING SLEDS or 29c Durocher Siv/ WesseL Seventh and Cedar.

ARM—Wanted, to rent a farm withintwenty miles of city: state \u25a0 number

of acres and terms. Address Z., Globe,Minneapolis.

OUSE— Wanted, furnished house for sixmonths. Address U 73, Globe.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn. '

ROOM—Wauted.a modern furnished roomin vicinity of Portland Block. B.R.

X.. 325 East Ninth.- "


ROOM.— Small room wanted to store fur-niture; state terms. B72, Globe.

ROOMS—Iwant three neatly furnishedrooms by the ICth of December complete

, for'light housekeeping; no blocks need ap-

-1 plj;state price, Add«»§ \y ci, Globi, \u25a0


A SINGLE HAKNX>s,almost new, forsale cheap. ApplyMonday 544 Sibley st.

APAIR of mares, fiveyears old, weigning3,200, aud some 1.200-pound driving

horses for sale at MulvehUl's -barn, WestSide. , - .:


A fine young drivinghorseand new topbuggy; she is ablack mare,

fiveyears old; weight, about 1,050 pounds:nice, styliihdriver and sound as a dollar: aline driving or delivery horse. AptlyMon-day. M. E. Babcock. 103 West Seventh st.

UTTER—Portland; cost $.kS. sell $25. 19v** East Seventh. Frank A.Lpham..Teweler.

rtOASTING SLEDS for29c Durocher &v^ Wessel. Seventh and Cedar

FIRST-CLASS TEAMor draught horses:weight about 3.200 to 3.430 lbs. ;withoutblemish. Inquire 80 East Dearborn St., WestSt. Paul. -


INKCUTTERS AND SLICIGHS—Rus-sIau, Portland and swell body Kalama-

zoo cutters at lowest prices. The Jenuing-Implement Company, SO South Robert tt., StPaul. Minn.


FOR SALE—Young draught horse, weight1.400 lbs. 847 Woodbridge st

FOR SALE, or willtake half ivgood realestate and half cash or secured note, an

Imported Percheron mare five years old, ex-tra fine individual, infoal to registered horse ;also, a French draft stallion, registered;flue looker aud all OK.- Lock Box 2,LongPrairie, Minu.

OR SALE—Good working horse; 1,400lbs.; willsell cheap or willtrade. Ad-

dress HTIToronto ay.

FOR SALE— Good horse, five years old,J cheap; 1,100; horse nine years old, cheap.

500 West Seventh st. .OR SALE CHEAP— A good family

horse, perfectly safe for ladies to drive,sound in every particular, nine years old. F.11. Middleton. 142 East Third st.

FOR SALE—Agood jump-seat cutter anda pony sleigh. Apply Henry E. Wedel-

stpedt 95 East Third st.

FOR SALE— Several teams of tiue drivinghorses, sleighs, bobsleds, carriages, robes,

harnesses, all ingood order, and first-classoutfits at reasonable prices. Address M 80,Globe.

FOR SALE—A fine family sleigh, three-seated. Call on Ed McKinnev, corner

Sixth. Market and St Peter.

FOR SALE CHEAP-Two delivery wag-ons, one with top. Feed Store, corner

Sixth and Washington.

Pull SALE—

two-seated sleigh, doubleX or single, built by St Anthony HillCar-riage Works: cost $29;); willsell for*one-thirdits value; call at Joe Rothwell s. 447 Jackson.

OR SALE CHEAP— Five-year-old mare,weight about 1,000 lbs ;buggy, harness,

blanket, at 1184 Jessie st.-

HANDSOME thoroughbred mare tor sale;perfect under saddle or in harness* ;

wouldmake excellent brood mare. 11. Orr,care LehighCoal and Iron Company, cornerTtiirdaud Cedar.

ORSES HOARDED at Cloverdale Stocki-J. Farm, Lake Elmo: good feed, care andattendance and paddocks for exercise; stockleftat U65 East Seventh St., corner Fiiuouier,willbe called for ana returned. TrumanStrobridge, Manager, 194 East Seventh st., St.Paul. \u25a0

HORSES wintered cheap near city: goodcare. Inquire of J. I.Faricy, 30 East

Fourth st.ORS i;s WINTERED—Good care, warm

stable; single and box stalls. Address£. T. Whitcher, Macalester.HOUSE, sleigh aud buggy for sale cheap.

1-18 Ramsey st.

JUMP-SKAT SLEIGH for sale; $15; ingood order. 53 East Fifth.

ONE SOUND BUCKSKIN HORSE andharness, $25; without harness $20. C27

Jackson.t>NY CUTTER—For Sale Cheap— Good

as new. Inquire at X2Sherman st.«Al> ESPECIAL OFFER in Personal


SET OF SLEIGH RUNNERS for salevery cheap: almost new ;suitable for de-livery. At 405 Edmund.

OTANDARD TROTTING STOCK ATO Auction— Great Breeders' Sale at Chicago,111., Dec. land 2, 1891.— Peter C. KelloggCo.. Auctioneers, will sell at their,new auc-tion buildings, Washington boulevard andCampbell avenue, Chicago. 100 head of fash-ionably bred trotting stofK, consigned byprominent breeders of Michigan, Wisconsin,Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and Tennessee.Stallions, brood mares, colts and liliies, bysuch great sires as Mambrino Patchen, Al-crzar. 2:2oVi>. and his fullbrother, California,Aberdeen, Electioneer, Eagle Bird,2:21; Rob-ert McGregor, 2:17^; Nutwood, 2:16%: Ego-tist, 2:22</2: Mrathmore, Kentucky Prince,Swigert Sultan, 2:24; Mambrinoltussell; andby such great sons of George Wilkes as Am-bassador, 2:>114: Red Wilkes, Jersey Wilkesaua YoungWilkes, 2:2£ty. Also brood maresin foalby many of the foregoing and bypilotMedium, Axtell, 2:12; Direct. 2:06 (p.);An-tceo, 2:1*%, and other great sires. This is thesale to go to, and now is the time to go. Cat-alogues ready Nov.20 at the offices of theauctioneers. 107 John St.. New York,and 407Rialto Building,Chicago.. 111.rpmitD ST., 248. WEST— For rent, roomX with or withoutboard; to working girl

very reasonable.EAR-OLD MAKES for sale for

X cash; they are beauties: one silver maneand tail, the other bay. Inquire of owner.325 Martin st

WANTED—A few more horses to winterat my new boarding stable, 775 Ash-

land ay.;good stalls and large paddock forexercise. John J. Breiinan.


A team or one horse fortheir keeping for the winter by a re-

sponsible party; first-class care. Address J74, Globe.

WANTED—Span of carriage horses tomatch; must be sound in every re-

spect Apply at 221 Ea<=t Seventh st.

WANTS'.D— Agood cutter cheat) forcash.Address Z 78, Globe. '\u25a0 .

WANTED— good road cart, chenp;state price and where itcau he seen:

also a speeding cutter. Address F. G. II,Globe.

ANTED TOBUY— pairs of lightbobs cheap for cash. Call 821 Mar-

shall ay. today.

WANT to buy some cheap horses at 31Chicago ay., West St Paul.


Good second-hand cutter.6?4 Bates ay.


A few more horses to winter;single and box stalls. H. C. Barton,

\u25a0 Inver Grove.'

ANTED—Fifty heavy work horses atfrom $40 to553 Dtr team ;no cripples.

Inquire for Spence. Merchants' hotel, bun-dav. between 9 and 10 o'clock.

ANTED—Horses to keep for the win-ter; good feed, warm quarters; best

of care guaranteed. Inquireat 27 DavidsonBlock.


AST-OFF CLOTHING—Highest pricepaid for ladies' and gents' garments;

orders attended any distance; St. Paul orderswill please give directions. E. Green, 216Washington ay. south. Minneapolis.

COASTING SLEDS forMe! Durocher &J. Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.'

C" OAT—Agood fur-lined coat for medium- '/ sized man. Address, full particulars, P

79, Globe.'

LOWS—Iwant to buyseven first-class new\u25a0> milch cows. Address F 97, Globe.

LKVATOK— hand elevator forA-J two-story building; must be ivgood or-der. Address X 74. Globe.

CKXlTl'RE—Wanted to buy, all kindsJL of household goods; highest cash pricespaidin city. Cardozo Furniture and AuctionCo., 45810 462 Jackson St., between Eighth\u25a0oud Ninth sts.



Wanted to buy forcash, a pianoX not to exceed $50; must be a good in-strument. Address D 7s, Globe.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER m Personalcolumn. • ' •


EAD ESPECIAL OFFER ia.Personalcolumn.

coasting SLEDS for2l>c. Durocher &> Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.rpHE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER—X Constantly improved :desks fornilmachines; paper, ribbons, carbon; send for catalogue. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict,Eakt Fourth st

OTENOGRAPHERS furnished with po-O sitlous and business houses supplied,without charge to either party. Apply toWyckoff. Seamans & Benedict, 94 EastFourth St

MUSICAL./COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher <£v_/ Wessel, Seventh aud Cedar.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn.

IANO TUNER— Address S. E.Crutchett,Box 402, Postoffice, St. Paul; price, $1.50;

reference^ •\u25a0imm.-i


FEW DNKEDKBMKO DIAMONDSand solid gold watches for sale at half

their value. Capital Loan Company, Room12. Schutte Building, Seventh and Jackson '•i-i.

IKOS of all kinds. De Cou & Co., ziWest Third. • -IKlis—Beautiful red bird* or Virginia

nightingales, fine sinrors. halt price;only S3. 30 West Water St., West side.

BILLIARDTABLE—Large billiard table.E. W., Globe.

B11.1.1Aid)TABLE—For sale, completeoutfit forbilliards and pinpool: forsalecheap. Inquire of Smith & Farwell, 3>9

East Seventh st. ,t'FFALO KOBES— For sale, two good

buffalo robes. .Call evenings, 6 to 8, atMB Marshall ay. \u25a0 \u25a0 .

- '

C^ALIUKAPH—A No. 2caligraph ingood'order for sale at 244 East Fourth st.

C^LOAK—For sale, hair seal clcaS, size 40,\u25a0> new; sell cheap, or trade; also Indian

headdress. 248 West Third.

COWN- For sale, a choice lot of freshJ milch cows every day. Kent & Rogers,

Union Stockyards. South St. Paul. Minn.


Two Jersey cows forsale or trade*forgroceries. 151 West Seventh.

CiOASTING SLEDS for 29c. Durocher &'Wessel. seventh and Cedar.

. r\fc.SK—Flat-top desk and chair. W.,GluLe.

KKKICK—Stiffleg derrick tor sale ntyour own price. Room IQ.Globe building.

DO«s— Jet black, pure-bred Newfound-land puppies: SI each. 213 East Belvi-

dere st. corner of Oakdale ay.


For sale, lush setter puppies, bredfrom very best imported stock. Inquire

of John Prlster. 215 East Seventh st

DENTAL INSTRUMENT CASE; cost$60: will sell forS?5. 815 Hague ay.

DEEK FOIJ SALE— A young deer. In-quire at Feed Store, corner Rice andRondo.

ODGE'S Hair Restorative and Cure forBaldness can be found at 515 St. Peter

St., Room 1. :

RESSING KOBE-Japanese silk, ele-gantly embroidered, quilted silk lining;

never worn;nice Christmas present for lady.Address M.,442 Brondway.

NOINK—Old Morrison dental engine;with two new hand pieces— one a right

angle; SIS. Hague ay.


sale, a*»seven-horse-power-Lj Otto gas engine in perfect condition;will sell very cheap. Inquire of Lanr.her,Finch &Skinner. 186 and 18$ East Fourth st.

ELK IIOKNS—Two fine pairs ofelk hornsfor sale or exchange. Address Y7l.

Globe.OK SALK—Cow. part Jersey. Price. S^O.

Apply769 Laurel ay.

OR SALE—A complete banking outfit,including safe, counters, desks, check

punch and stationery, in a Wisconsin town:county seat and onlyban X in county: goodreason forselling; write forparticulars. Box215, Mason, Wis.

pUKNITUKE—For sale, elegant solid oakJL foldingbed, bevel mirror front, con 565,almost new, cheap; one solid walnut swingmirror, $12: one good cook stove and pipe,$6; one oak ice box, new, $5. .ApplyRoom 10,Globe.

URNITURE—For sale, second-hand fur-niture. stoves, carpets, and nil very

cheap. 63 East seventh st. Room 12. .C"J.U>'— For sr.le cheap, my 10-bore guv,*

with several hundred trap and papershells. Dr. Welch, Sherman Block, tixthand Wabasha.

HEATER— For sale a large h >;itcr andcook stove; both first-class. Call after

I'-1,231 Rondo.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS at private sale.277 East Tenth st.; Moquette, Brussels,

ingrain cm rpets; goods new: bedroom suits,easy chairs, dining room furniture, dishes,Mage erange, refrigerator, tains, etc.

LACE CURTAINS-For saleTfour pairslace curtains; cheap if taken at once.

Address D 89, Globe.ASTIFFS! !(PUPPlES)— Championpedigree, combining "Orlando." "Beau-

fort" "Baldur." "Crown Prince,"' "Elgiva,'Countess Woodlands." ApplyDr.Adamscn,St. Paul.

- '

ORGAN— A good Kimble organ for salecheap. 407 Martin st.

' '


overcoat. beaver-trimmed, cheap. Inquire at 307 Thir-

teenth st.EONS

—Pouters, trumpeters, Jacobins,

\u25a0L owls and .tans, cheap. De Cou &Co., 21West Third. \u0084 :

READ ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn. . -

DE.HINGTON WHITER, goodAY condition, for sale cheap. Room 38, 474Wabasha st '

OEAL COAT—For tale, lady's $200 sealO coat: $75. Call from 9to 12 a.m.; Mrs.M.J., 351 North Franklin st.

SrOVES for sale cheap; gocd wood heat-ers. Applyat 033 Fauquier st.

TOKM. HOUSE and one office door, partO glflss; cheap. Address M 75, Globe.

AFES— large second-Land double-door fire-proof safes very cheap; one

jeweler's burglar-proof less than half price.Address Alfred May, 3133 Chicago ay., Min-neapolis. \u25a0


Three coal stoves for sale cheap.De Cou & Co., 21 West Third. •_

STOVE— For sale, stove. Radiant Home, No.60: ingood condition; forsale cheap at

949 Jackson st.TOVE—For sale, coal stove, $8: also eigot

O mirrors, large. Address corner Seventhand Cedar, basement barter shop.


tCOASTING bLEDS for2l)c. Durocher|&*-v Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.

DRKS>MAKING and luniily sewingwanted. Call or address 215 Spruce st.


Miss Scott has re-±J moved to 515 Robert st. \u25a0

ij^ASHIONABLEDItESS AND CLOAK-Jl making at No. 45 College ay., at reason-able prices; fitguaranteed.

JUST AKRIVED-Ladies' tailors and*J dressmakers; reduced prices for thirtydays. 11. E. Clone &Co., 417 Wabasha.I" ADIES—On Monday Iwill give to allJ-i customers a tailor cut pattern free; afewmore suits made for$3.50. ~'l7 Grove st.1" ADIKSdesiring perfect-fitting dresses at\u25a0Lj reasonable prices, please call at 312 Uni-versity ay. Room 10.

RS. ANNIE M'BRIDE, dressmaker,has removed to 233 East Seventh st.

Rooms 5 and 6, where she willbe pleased tosee her old customers and others.

ME. MARIE FAVRE, French dress-making: late with Worth, of Paris. 622

Wabasha St., corner Summit. St. Paul, Minn.EAD ESPECIAL ObFEiC inPersonal



BOARD—Gentleman and wife desire boardin private family; terms. $40; can fur-

nish r>jom. Address" B 72, Globe.

BOARD— Wanted. looms and board bythree young ladies in private family;

lower town:give terms. II79. Globe.


Married lady wishes board androom instrictly private family; terms,must be reasonable ;state loc alien and termsAddress Z 79, Globe.

OAKD—Wanted, two or three furnishedor unfurnished rooms with board for

two. Address Q 72. Globe.OARD AND ROOM— Wanted, byyoung

man, board and room in private family.Swedish preferred; central location. Ad-dress C 79. Globe.


BOARD— by a man and his wife,board and comfortable room in private

family, where no other boarders are kept.Address Boarders, Globe.

(COASTING SLEDS for29c. Durocher &J Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersona



CCOASTING!«Lhl>s for 2*Jc. Durocher &/ Wessel, Seventh and Cedar.

LECTRIC AND VAPOR BATHSMrs. F. Bagnall. 159 West Seventh.

LADIES— removed; medicatedfacemassoge at your homes; practicallady dermatologist Address Caucasian ArtToilet Company, Room 204, Grand Block.Wa-basba. - *

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed from the face, neck. arms, breastor between the eyebrows, by electricity, with-

out Injury; moles and warts skillfullytreat-ed, Mrs. Baldwin, 33 Mannheimer Block.Uours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m,

EAR ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn.

- •

SUPERFLUOUS HAIRpermanently re-moved from the face, neck, arms, breast

orbetween the eyebrows, byelectricity, with-out injury;moles and warts skillfullytreat-ed. Mrs. Baldwin, Suite 3. The Dakotah,37C\i SelDy ay. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4p. m.


F. V. Abbott's Bargains,32 Chamber of Commerce.

'11l 9HO HlYs '"rniture In twenty-\u25a0U'-li^v'V/ roomed flat inheart of cityclearing SIX) monthly: fine rooms and ele-gant furniture; will invoice £2,500. •

UTCHEK BUSINESS— good one; willsell one-half or whole to good man; canshow bigbusiness and handsome profits.£) FINE fifty-foot lots on Goodrich ay.. la-"** side SuelHng, to trade for good businessor clear farm; big bargain.

BEST job printingoffice incity: will takepood farm or city property in TwinCities or Chicago in exchange; about $3,000./"lIGAIt AND CO>FfcCTIONERY—V^ Agood one; livingrooms; $400 buys it.

RKSTWLUKA NT-Clearing $200 monthly \11 51,500 buys it:no lunch counter.DKst BAKERYin city;not on Wabasha;-L» splendid oven, pans, troughs, benches,store outfit,two horses and wagons, etc.etc ;over 8:{,0(K) yearly profits; 81,500 buys it:don* hesitate! See me Monday.

EXAMINEmv r-ltis very exten-sive; no charges: ifyou want to sell you?business reasonably, list it with me; younothing ifIdon't sell. F. C. Abbott

Mclicuncy &Church.013 New York Life. \u25a0

"jVTEAT CIGAR, CONFECTIOXKRTfJ." and restaurant combined; this iicaSeventh and canst be sold; come quiet. • -••C'IGAU AND CONFECTIONER*i stores: livingrooms attached; $100 up. )

BOARDING HOLSK% surrounding thecapital on instalment plan; anythingyou want; come and see us. : ,

<£1 ()()() ()Cl(\ CLEAK LOTS to«j?I,UUU,UUU trade for businessblock anywhere where dividends are da- \u25a0

clared; St. Paul orMinneapolis preferred. ,'OTELS. BOAKDI>'(; HOUSES; any-

thing in any line; ifyou want to gointo business we can satisfy you: Itwillonlycost you fifteen minutes' time; take elevatorto No. 913 New York Lite.

ALLWE ASK is for you to come in be-fore youbuy and be'eonvinced that woare headquarters.- McKenney &Church.

.HiM-flliincoHs.GOOD RESTAURANT forsale. Ap-ply 110 South Wabasha it..West St.Paul.

A(i;:XTLKMANwith St.iX.'O to take halfinterest in abona fide business paying

at present 13 per cent: my object Is to In-crease business: must hear from himbeforethe 3d inst. ; investigate. Address A 844,Globe, Minneapolis.

OAKDING HOUSE, 11rooms; 379 Ros-abel st.;$25; inquire 548 Bradley st J.

Menz.Oasting SLKUS for 20c. Durocher &i Wessel. seventh and Cedar.

FOR SAI.K—Halt interest in a cash gen-eral merchandise store in a good Minne-

sota town. A first-class opening fora goodman. Address X (>;>. Globe.

E>ott SALE—HaIf interest in first-classestablished business inst Paul, worthS^.OOO, willsell for $.>,030 on account of sick-ness. inquire of S. P. Crosby, German-

American Bunk Building.

F*ok SALE—Respectable business, pay-inghandsomely today: absolutely safe:

cash required. $1,500 to 82,000; security takenfor bHlance; total cost. £3.000, or would takea partner ifcapable of managing business,and allow salary. This is boua fide, andplaced inour hands for sale. a. B. Wilguv128 East Fourth st. .C*oit SALIC—The furniture, fixtures andA lease of Astoria hotel, situated on Waba-sha st., between fifthand Sixthsts., St. Paul;lease runs to May. 1892, with privilegeof two •

years" extension ;this is a gooa stand forhotel business, being in tire central part of-the city, near postoffice, city and county :buildings; terms cash. Ft Paul Title In-


surance and Trust Company. Assignee.

f'OH SALE-Shoe store, inSt. Paul; poodlocation; low rent; stock. $3,000 at 75c.

sa'es last year, 514,0.i0; only those having thecash and mean business need apply. Ad-dress J tit, Globe.

F*OR SALE, at a bargain 'boarding house,restaurant, cigar and confectionery

store combined; best location in the city:good reasons forselling. 137 Ramsey, corner

'West Seventh.

f'OK SALf—The Union Creamery of.\u25a0L Olivia forcash or approved notes; situ- \u25a0

ated inone of the best <)airv districts in the sstate; is the best equipped creamery in thecounty: cost $3,300 two years ago; fast sea-son's make of butter was 60.000 pounds :rea-son for selling, owners have too much otherbusiness; sealed bids received until2:30 p. m. Dec. 10. 1801. For further particu-lars call on or address A.D. Simpkins, Olivia,Renville County. Minn.

GOOD FAVI.Xi ISLSINKSS ... FORI sale. Fur particulars inquire of C.Bechhoeffer, German-American bank build-ing. '


for sale at less than cost; $200 cash, bal-ance one year. A. B. Moffatt, Le Sueur,Minn.

EAD especial OFFER inPersonalcolumn. \u25a0 .;

SI'OMATIS* OPE FOR SALE; $15!815 Hague ay.

WAN'I'KU-A partner with some capitalto joinadvertiser in a big money-mak-

ingdeal; positively a good investment, bestof references furnished. Address S K),Globe.

ANTED—Party with small capital totake right for Ramsey and Hennepin

counties; splendid opening to right man;call and investigate. Room 26, GermanlaHank Building.St. Paul.


fIIBBiBBIiBILLIARD AND POOL TABLES ANDBILLIARDSUPPLIES. Warerooms, 405 and407; Office and Factory, 411 and 413 Fifthavenue south. Minneapolis. Minn.'


CiOASTING sleds for2oc. Durocher &• Weggei. Seventh and Cedar. ~MKKIOANPatent Market and Novelty

Factory. A. M. Carlson, solicitingat-torney and manufacturer and seller of pat-ents. 615 and 617 Mississippi st., St. Paul.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn.


CiOASTJNG SLEDS for 20c. Durocher Av^ Wessel. Seventh and Cedar.

OCKWOOD, THE CHIROPODIST—Alldiseases of the feet. 293 and 294 En-

dicott Arcade, Robert st., between Fourthand Fifth tits.

EAD ESPECIAL OFFER inPersonalcolumn. ,;,--.\u25a0\u25a0-• ;


{VTEWAXD SECOND-HAIfO SALOON1* fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool andbilliard tables, counters and shelvin. "«:ld-Wasliingtouive north iiiuneapolis.g

Health Js_ WealthDe. E. C. West's Nekve and BrainTeea*-

went, a guaranteed specific for Hysteric Dlz,ziness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia-Headache, Nervous Prostration caused byiliause ofalcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men-tal Depression, Softening of the Brain re-sultingivinsanity and leading to miSery, de-cay and death. Premature Old Age,Barren-ness, Loss of Power ineither sex, Involun-tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused byever exertion of tlie brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence Each box contains one month'streatment. $1 abox. or six boxes for $\u25a0>,sent by mail prepaid. We guarantee sixboxes to cure any case. With each orderforsix boxes, accompanied with $5, wesen thepurchaser our written guarantee to refundthe money ifitdoes not effect acure. Guar-antees issued only by W. K.Collier, success-or to Hippler & Collier, druggists, 7th andSibley sts.. St Paul. Minn. \u25a0—,--. ;

••Somebody I*Waiting for Thee,"and you can {jet tho mitualion by


putting: a want advertisement lathe GLOBE. ":>oy