V iiUi4 ill - University of...

THlQ, !!, DIES & CO. OFFICE COPY. r. V i 4 iiUi4 ill V VOL. XXXI., NO. 5447. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. .IANUAKV vO 1900 -- TWELVE PAGKs PKICK FIVE CENTS. PKOFKSSIONAL CARDS. NO DEATHS . pkoh:.sional ckds frORNEY IXKIKSON & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkin- son and Albert F Judd. Jr.) Office ver bishop x Co. 'a bank, cor. Mer- - chant and Kaahumanu St8- - LINED UP ON TUGELA Buller About to Make An Attack. DNE CASE! I I there, to the sore discomfiture of the Inhabitants. Hia intentions must be known or suspected by the British, Italian and other diplomatic agents at- tached to the King's court, and pre- sumably they have managed to let' their respective governments know the truth, but so far nothing has been al- lowed to transpire In Europe on the subject except vague and intangible ru- mors. The latest report, published at St. Petersburg, declare that King Mene-lc- k and his court never left Addisabe-b- a, but advices from Bijoublfal. on the coaFt, whence there Is telephonic com- munication with Addlsabeba, state that all efforts to Fpeak with him by Cap- tain Harrington, the British accent, and Captain Cecco dl Cola, the Italian acrrt, h.ave l.con futile. As a matter of f (:, tl.py have not born In ihn capi- tal for Hire months pnst. which ia suf-ficit-- nt rrccf that Menelek and his court are cot there, or ole the French- men o?.-- n the telephone line have? taken pood care to make it report Brit- ish defeats In South Africa, and news thereof must have reached Menelck. When King Menelek hears, as he mrst da soon, of the departure of the redoubtable Kitchener, he will prob- ably show his hand If he Is meditating an antl-Krltls- h movement in the Health grrat axMntance would be ren- dered to the Board In Its efforts to suppress the plague, by the merchants agreeing to open their places of busi- ness at 10 a. m. and closing at S p. m. This motion was carried unanimously. The above motion was made for the reason that It would perhaps prove a factor In rendering valuable assistance in making a house-to-hous- e Inspection by the Citizens' Sanitary Committer, la placing at the disposal of the Board large number of needed volunteers. Mr. Hatch moved the appointment of a finance committee to disburse the money placed at thp disposal of the Board by the Council of Slate, as fol- lows: "Moved that a finance commit- tee of three members be appointed by the president of the Board of Health to recommend methods to be followed in handling and disbursing the funds placed at the disposal of the Board by the Council of State; and also to nomi- nate cashier and disbursing agents and accountants." The suggestion was made by Mr. Hatch that this committee be appoint- ed from persons outside the Board, which was agreed upon. The president, acting at once, ap- pointed as a financA committee, C. M. Cooke, chairman; J. B. Atherton, and T. Rain Walker. A communication from Major Taylor Ml METHUE GOME Native Woman Taken at Warehouse. MERCHANDISE DANGER President Wood's Strong Appeal at Board of Health Meeting Burning cf Chinatown. PLAGUE CASE. Kaaua, female Hawaiian, aged 20; stricken in Corral 6 of the kerosene warehouse deten- tion 2 camp, In which she had been quarantined since Janu- ary 13th. Sent to pest hospital. Originally came from the Blue Gate cottage on Merchant street In block which was burned late- ly. Last nlit's report from the hospital stated the had great pain in the bubo. ACHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Acnl and Xnocn Jobnson). OSce No. 10 West Kins St; Tel 884. FRANCIS J. BERRY, Attorney-at-La- w Removed to cor. King and Bethel BtB.; Room 2 and 3. FRANCIS M. BROOKS. Room 9. 8pTckela building. Fort St. LYLK A: DICKEY. King and Bethel Bts.; Tel. i06; P. O. box 786. ' . - - "FREDERICK W. JOB. Snlte 815, Mar-- , tuette Bldg.. Chicago. III.;' Hawaiian Consul Oeneral for State of Illinois, r' Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and WUcon- - CHAS. F. PETERSON. 15 Kaahuma- - aa'ft. .. It. D. SILLIMAN, Lawyer. 308 Judd ' ' V PHYSICIANS. OR. GEO. J. AUGUR. Homeopathic Practitioner. Special - attention giv- en to chronic dlseaaes;oSire and res- idence. Beretanla , St.', nearly opp. MethodUt church; offlce hours 10 to 12 a.-m- .: 3 to 4 d. m.: 7 to 8 p .m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.' m.; TeL 733. LUELLA S. CLEVELAND, M.D.-- Of flee 10S2 King St.; hours 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to. S p m.; Tel. 639. C L. GARVIN. M.D. OClce 637 King Rt. near Punchbowlf hours 9 to 12 . n., 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 448. OR. A. GORDON IIODG1N3. Offlce at: I residence, Gedge Cottage, corner r'jAprdj and Hotel Sts.; offlce hours to 11, 2 to 4. 7 to 8; TeL 953. DR. T. M1TAMURA. Office, 534 Nuu anu St.; Tel. 554; P. O. box 812; real demc, 521 Nuuanu St. Offlce hours 8 . .to !' ; to 3 and to 8, p. m. 'I MRS. LANGTRY. The Lily Arrives in New York for a Theatrical Tour. NEW YORK. Jan. 6. Mrs. Iaugtry looks as beautiful as when here four years ago. She bas the same pink cheeks and "holds her age" reaaarkably well, though a few crows' feet have ap- peared at her eyes. The Lily wore a gown of blue cloth when f he landed from the steamer to- day. Her corsage was trimmed with white chiffon and had a high collar. Her hat was a large flap affair of gray with big feathers, and she wore a long cloak trimmed with fur. She declared she was glad to le in America again. "You know," she said, "when I am here I feel just as though I were at home In England. My friends bre ar all no kind. My husband is due in Cap.- - Town today, and I expect to pet a cablegram from him. I muat send him one ri?ht away. I euppoe it will cost a fortune, but h Is worth it. "While here I expect to arranpe for a tea chantant at the Waldorf. I have as patronesses all th titled American ladies la London. One-ha- lf of tho pro-cm- Js I shall give to the widows and orphans or South Africa, the other to the widows and orphans of the Phil- - ip;ine war." The keynote to the situation was cry precaution to prevent the Infection struck yesterday by the of from Mn carried to th troop, and the representative merchants of Hon- e- i !" l"u?J' "let r"Prt Surgeon Up"n General th lulu with the Board of Health in a . Sternberg at Washington, determination to stamp out the plague A communication from Postmaster at all hazards and at any cost The General Oat was received relative to business men now agree with the fnherlfrf Amlr' hSn rlu,al,rn-n..- i , as they the carriage of Health that the p.ague germs (nd proper delivery of mall. The corn-hav- e infected the merchandise which .plaint In question came from tbe post-i- s stored within the precincts of the rnan'er at NaWhu. Hawaii. In which b ' H'atC(1 ' on directed to follow Infected district, and believe that .e h") . . the custom of the Illloite Jn comnHI- - li.st case9 ff p,a5e DaTe originated Ir,R aiMrfMIPB to npon thPlr m, ln therefrom. This realization of the, his presence and return the emptv ? -- tJJXT'i. MO:uil2 Beretania St.. be-- Lord Roberts at the Cape Indian Stretcher Bearers Lactysmith Casualties Withheld. The Advertiser's file on the transport Tartar, which contained one day's la- ter news, was lost or stolen yesterday and we are unable'to give, this morn- ing, more than the headings of the Im- portant telegram. These are aa fol- lows: General. Duller is making ready to cross the TiigeJa river In force. The Boere are still maase'd along the British front and waiting for the ex- pected ' attack. 'General Lord Methuen, on account of Insanity, Is to be relieved of his Lord Roberta has reached the Cape and will make Important changes in the army personnel, especially among the division commanders. One thousand Indian stretcher-bearer- s have been ordered to the front. No news has been received In Eng- land of the number of men killed at Ladysmith In the recent engagements. It is hinted that the War Offlce has a Momentous list of casualties, but Is afraid to publish them.' " A few small parties of British troor have made sorties w ithout decisive euc-cof- s. It Is generally nipposed in English circles that the Boors In attacking Ladysmith greatly weakened their force at Colenso. There Is said to le no news of Im- portance to Hawaii from thf Main-Ian:- !. REV. JACKSON'S RESIGNATION". Charges Against Head of Episcopal Church in Alabama. MONTGOMERY, A!a.f Jan. S The Ilifeht Rev. H. M. Jackson, LL-ho- p of the Episcopal church in Ala- bama, has forwarded his raisnation to Bii-ho- p Doane, at Albany, N. Y., the acting president of the House of Bish- ops. The church In Alabama Ins ed fot more than a yr-a- by rn;:wr of the misconduct 0 Uish p Jackson. He came to Alabama from Viiv.ima tvn years ago. His wife was of m'-an- . an l th-- r.un h t.---i the hand-orues- t pkvo of rcr-'.d- ' nee projerty in the city, and eT.ii;:;ic.l it royally. The abi'.iry !n V. pu'pit and his hospijaKty na !e him at once a frreat favorite. His wif-- ? l.el two or three years after h came to Alabama, ar.d the mansion here was rented out. After a while the bishop married Caroline Cochran, of i: if al l. a member of one of the foremost fair. - lies of the State. After this inebriety and public drunkenness were oi'enly charged against Bishop Jae k'on. At a m'.-tin- g of the Kpiscopal clergy- men of Alabama his resignation is said to have been demanded. The bish ENGINEERS. . CAT 10N, NEILL . & CO., LTD., ENGI-- ' T - 1 t - I - J T:l maker8, Honolula. CHAS. V. E. POVE, C.E. Surveyor and Civil Engineer; office Campbell block, upstairs (next to Bishop & Co. bank) P. O. box 421; orders taken for typewriting. JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; SOC Judd Blk, Honolula. OPTICIANS. J. E. LUCAS. -- Love Bldg., Fort St.. upstairs; P. O. boa 25L I carry a full line of ALL KlNiJd OF GLASS Ed from the CHEAPEST to the BEST. Free ExaralnatloD of the Eye MUSIC. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bldg., Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture. Sing- ing and Harmony; especial attention paid to touch muscular control and musical analysis. PAUL EG RY, Violinist, 16 Beretanla St. Will receive a limited number of pupils- - music furnished for con- certs, afternoon or evening parties ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER Vocal Studio. "Mignon," 720 BeretanU St. CONTRACTORS. J. A. BUTTERFIELD. Contractor and Builder. Store and offlce fittings, shoo and repair work: Bell Tower Bldg., Union SLr TeL 702. H. K. MEEMANO & CO. Contractors ind Builders, Painters, Paperha'ngers and Decorators; all work neatly ' done; offlce Fort St., back of High School, Honolulu. WJL T. PATY. Contractor and Build er. Store and offlce fitting; brick. wood or stone building; shop Palace Walk: resldenco Wilder Ave., near Xewalo. MISCELLANEOUS. MRS. ARLEIGH Formerly art em broIderesB for Sharplesa Bros., Phil atlelphla. will give lessons In all kinds of Art Embroidery, Marie An tonietfe Flemish, and Point Lar-- at B. F. Ehlers &. Co., second Coor. Or ders taken. MR 3. B. F. MrCAL. Latest designs In Tallor-Mid- e Evening, D'nnr Gowns, and WedUing Troupseau, 73 Beretanla St. MR3. FRANCE3 MOROSE. Up-to-d- ate Manicure Parlors, ' alrdress and shampooing; f?calp treatment a specialty; room 6 Model block. Fort and Beretanla ata.; Tel. 9S9, take el- evator. J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant. Jeweler and Lapidary: Opal Cutting a Se-clalty;N- o. 2 School St.. near budge. DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye. Ear. Thoit and Nn? Dlsass and Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 an-- i 7 to 8 p. m. P. SILVA. Ag'nt it take acknowledg- ments to Instruments, district of Ko-n- a. Oahu; at V,'. C. Achi'B offlce, King St., near Nuuanu. TOT-RIST- S GUIDJ THROUGH HA- WAII. Price 6c: beautlfnlly 111ms-frnte- d. For sale ty all newsleniers. TO EXPLORE ANTARCTIC. Ship for German Expedition Is Ee-in- g Built. BERLIN, Jan. 10. The ship being built at Kiel for the German antarc- tic expedition will be of wood and somewhat rounder than the Fram. It will not fall away toward the keel like the Fram, Nansen having declared that the shape of the Fram was unsuitable In heavy weather In South seas. The middle deck will be nearly on the water line, In order to strengthen the vessil against the pressure of Ice. A triple coating of oak, pitch pine, and South American greenwood will be put on as a protection against floating Ice, and at the bow and stern there will be steel band3. The length of the ship will be forty-si- x meters, the breadth ten or eleven, and the draught five. Coal and other store accommodation ; will be sufflcient for three years. The shlp wll; acrommodat? five sclen'l.lc j men. five ofilcers. a crew of twenty, and fifty Arctic dogfl. The vessel will be rfisred three-maste- d schooner, elec- - trie lighted, and, according to con- -. trtrt.. 11 tie riu'.It rv May I. ana outfitted not later than Aug'jst 31, I .Mrs. wargtry was asked a:out " lhe.lv r rial catort. the United States military hospital was received, in which he stated that he deemed It his duty to protect tbe American troojw stationed In Honolulu from issil)le contact with the plague, and asked ierm!ssIon of the Board to erect a hospital and detention camp on the Beach road near the kerosene de- tention camp. Upon motion the Board parsed favorably ujon the request, and in a few days a tented detention camp will be establiFhed at the point suggested. Major Tayior Is using rv- - vclope to be destroyed. President Wood stated In this connexion that he under stood from Attorney General Cooper Tat ( srcfhi regulations of Sher- iff Andrews had been annulled, With reference to the suspicious cases reported, Pn-'Me- nf Wood Mated that the Mipcct LI k la, of I'.ilam.a. was ti e wife of a I'icmbcr of the Niilonal G'ia-d- . the l itte-- r having been on fu.ard duty and In the habit of going home after his detail until lately. If there Is any connection between him nrd this cc-- of d '"'le. If J.as been on account of hi" having been In the Infected dis- trict and c arrying th- - Infection Into his home. At th's J.iiKture p. c. .1 inen, K tulu-l.o- u ard A. G. M. Robert -- on appeared as a ffii tie (''inr;i of S ii to confer wi'h fh Itoard for the jmrf'-- t.t aec-ralnln- mote fully Ihe w!'!i 5 of the Beard in a l lrig for 200.-- o !"i n 1. 1' b t meet j,- - 01. . rt v 1 rmi .c( as'or 1 bv th" fire whl'di have oc- curred in O.i-o-- n 1 y :it;ihc;ii:y of the Hoard of Health. Prc-"idon- t Word fjjen'e Hi Mind. Pre-bb- u We-- I. tM 'l;ir" for the Board. r:d !:e ( ! t'.e conunitt'e In very strong ai-- Ii.-- i 'ond lnuage, and the f.tvor M.ith wbbb bis argu- ment v.- - ' 'i. r' I :rr!,r, wrlgh. In an-sc- r to the com-i- nl tee"n t"! 'ft for t lo-- . B j rd s views on tl" whcdeiie burning rf Clilna-fown'- ri stru't ires men handi-e- , be said: "We are r r, ( t'y willing to pi e the 1 ' r:i"".!ttr e our v'ews in the mat'c- - nd all the Information we can futnU'h, but as wo ferj that It Is jouh an matter we would really 1 iV the privilefe fif Spe.ikilig liretly t th entire fonrcll of Sttc, in order c li s ire that a'l were directly Informed of tt:e Impe.rtance of the qi;e-'tlo- as It ap-pea- rs to ;s. We as a body so ftrongly In the premises that we think we can better Impress the matter upon the minds of the Council. "The Boird bad a meeting this morn- ing with the Executive, as you proba- bly know, nr. i urged upn them the im- portance f ; ishlr g, as soon as pos-Kib- le, wh consider the most im- portant f' at. ire In fighting tbe plague. ; the removal of the people of the Infect- ed district. We have realized all along, and have stated emphatically a number .of times, that if we could have removed I ...ae people from that place we could have stopped tbe plague at once. That wa tbe ideal method of handling the people getting them out of the Infect- ed dl-fri- We have realized that peo- ple rema'nlng there would be tak--- wi'h the plaeue. and our prophecy h'm bee-- fully corroborated. "'We feel that the plague f gaining r,n us, ar.d that e are not throwing It as we should. We have r.ot been nb to remove tn ropuli'ion as xpe-dltlous- ly as we weull like. One reas- on was tha we were wasting time and energy In nandllr.g the largi amount (Cefctlcnei on Page 3) 15 n tW(iij Km mi and Fort; Tel. 277; P. O. Loi M3. offlce flours 9 to 12 a. m. anl 7 to 8 D. m.: Sundays 9 to 12 a. m. DR. C (). G. SCAPARONE Graduate of the Royal University of Turin and of it Medico Ch'rurgical College of Philadelphia, Vs.. approved by the local Board of Medical Examiners; a. em .') of the American Mfdical Aa.. iation; otMrt hour 10 to 12 a. cj.. a i 5 p. m.; Love bldg.. Fort St. D. C i.A PHAM. Veterinary Surgeon ad DfutlaL OttUe Hotel Stables; call', day or ni5;t, promptly answ- er-J; specialties, oLatetrlcs and lam '.-m- s. DR. TOMIZO KATSUNUMA. Wterl-nr- y .SjrHon. Skin diseases of all kin'! a Offlce room 11. Hid?.; hours 9 to 4; Tel. 471, rpM-ric- e Tel. 1093. DENTISTS. Ii. E. GI'.Orf.SMAN. OD.3 Alakea SL, t.re doors bove Masonic Temple, Ii : ,Vx; offlce tours 9 a.m. to 4 I DR. f ii. HIGH. Philadelphia Dental Co:: Maionic Temple; Tel. in V HUDDY. U L.S. rort St. op-- i r&-- Cathollc lli-sio- c; vaurs from a 3.. U) 4 p .03. DR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. O.'f'.e hours 8 a. n. to 4 p. m.; Lovt EK'v , Fort 8L BROKERS. A. J. CAMPMELL offlce Queen St., opcilte Union Feed Co. C. J. FALK. Memoir Honolula Stock Exchange; room SOI Judd Bldg. WILLIAM SAVIDGE Real Esta-t- e In all Parts of the islands bongo or old; No. S10 rort St.; Mclnerny Blk. JOHN IL SOPER. Stock and Bond Broker, 11 Merchant St. ARCHITECTS. HOWARD TRAIN, Architects. Baite 7, Hod el Block, Fort St.; TeL 889. - O. Q. TRAPHAOEN. 223 Merchant Et., between ort and Alakea; Tel. 734; Honolulu. DRAUGHTSMAN. T. D. BEASLET -- Plantation and To- pographical pi a Specialty; room 206. Judd RM.; Tel (5.13. STENOGRAPHERS. HIFSA. A. ALLEN Stenographer and Typlnt. Mclnerny Block, Fort St.; TeL 14?. (l.uc-- r arising from the Infected good of Chinatown was brought to a sudden focus by the large biisinf-S- house? of the i?y a resolution to the Board of Health recommending that the latter body prevent the further tioving of merchandise, and that it be .!- - rc-yr- I y fire with the of th Infc,cd district. In ord-- that th" lis-a- s mirht be- - elT'vtually aiid q 1! k- In view of the fact that thl method of procedure is In cx i t w cord wl h tiiL-view-s of the Board, it is re."dlcs to say that th" early destriic tl m of the-rr.tlt- e rll' triif e f Chinatown is . urcd, ircli-.!;r- all the e and per- sonal erf.cts liable to spread th" dis-c'- T- e. Tll l'..'!Pd!:r,7 r f nfe te- pood ba. In the r ;,inV.n f the r dical i:i"in- - be:s of the l!'ard. b'-e- tl" c.au-- e of ;:t le-.-- t t'O f ? of jdague in the l ist two c!ys, r.rd they are fearful b-- f tlie infcflon sprend by the same means n:r-- - prevented by the h-r- o tneas- - ::'f.s prfpeed. of three, competed of rs. J. F. Humbtirg. C. Kaiser and .1. W 'l.'fM ri'-- in ( onf r n"- - with I'l.si.'e.u Word. P. M. Hitch and Dr. Il:u"!'?on of the Board of Ibalth ys-f- - rday mornirjsr. andpr'"-ei.t--- l the re-'''fi'- in whifh arrr3V lnfnil in the t ir.e;l of S ate jiroceed'ngs. The cora-ai'- d the nli'ive nanaf l mert:tiers of the Hoard i upon thn E.xrcu-tiv- e while the Ci'dnc was In f--Io- .rr.er.t th" maft'-- r for reeommenda-t:-.- n by the Cablnrt. The result of th ' 'ir.f'-r- ' r'o was that th" Cabin' t call' d '. r.i-incl- of Sta,n to discuss the '!". yesrf rday afternoon. The Cab-ir- rt f ;".lv .apiiTovrjl rif "he ne of ae-t'.- t, rved by the In l" ef- fort. to ft.mp ';: tl.e pL.-- ue a:. 1 al.-- o r commerde-- the construction r,f a. rat-pro- fence about the entire Infect- ed district. P. M. Hitch has calml.a-- : d that a: Va-- t a mile of fencing vr'.Il be required f.r this purirOKe. Afternoon Board Meeting. At yesterday aftemron's meeting of the p.nard there were present: Presi- dent Wood. Dr. Lav. Dr. Emerson, Ge-orp- e W. Smith and V. M. Hatch. matters relating to freieht shipments were brought up. two In- stances being of freight which had bf en returned from Hilo on the KInau and which had not been landed there on I ucro-in- t r th arttnn nf th The shirrers sourht to have the roods I rd In another steamer to Maul. The goods, mostly coming under the '"str,;t,on ""r, f h decided were as coiti!e? wUh,n ,he rePU'l3l.oi;s anl tbe were refused. Mr. Hatch move! that the ditch be- ginning at K.'rg s'reet and running by the corner of South and Queen st-e- ets to the fea be at once rleaned out and that the material remove-- be carted to the rarbage s.-o- ar.d dumpe at te-- . Carried. It was a'o moved j.fr. Hatch that the merchants of Hanolul i be Informed that lr. th of the Board of Ileeneratei." "Immoral?" sht echoed in PMrprlso. "Why, it is not at all Immoral. You sfe, in the first at:d feeond arts we kill 'iff all the immoral prisons, k that in the 1 is: act only the pol ones are lft. Nolhiiig cuiiM teach a better moral." CLTATIING CUBAN JAILS. General Wood Inaugurates a Long Needed Reform. HAVANA, Jan. 3. Today Oer.'-r.- I Word Issued an Important onl-- giv- ing freedom to forty men in 1 1 Prov- ince 0f Santa Clara. Some of tVn had !." en detained without triai; orhers wto s ;ffe: irr; exrrs.-Iv-e juinl.-hni- ' ::t. All had re35d ten mont.'.is '.- - fore by an order Is- u'-- liv CiT-era- l Bate?. I 'it they- were Irr.rrcd'a'e'v re- - rr-ate- by orders frr m diviii'n h'3'1- - quarters, on the prour.d that a d ;a it- - jK.T.t femmander did r.ot have the pow- - er to prrdon. Affr looklr.cr carelullv into the eaes Wurid d'.-id'- it th" Judcme-n- of General Bat re- - j'lrdlrg the'r rel'.ase was wis". R- - ports from othr departments are daily cx- - f r ted. The Council of Notables as Greral Wo- - d's convention of representative Cubans is called he'd a morni.aj? ?es- - Havana In the near future, said that freedom from all foreign control was no In sight, and that the assurances of President McKInley and the conduct of the Governor General convinced him of the absolute Elncerlty of the United States. The yellcw fever report for 1S?3 shows 103 leaths In Havana, which I means that eighty-thre- e rersons have died Elnce Genera' Ludlow's report twenty-tw- u cases were C13; , ofn wTcnh uary j of th,a ther? were twenty-Sv- e cases undr treat- - ,rr.ent. Tcday there are seventeen. The coid weather will rrobablv diminish the number This record doeq r.o: eom- - pare favrrab'y with th records r"- - '" to the revolution, although the ra.nl-tar- y anrh-rlti- -s ela'm that the increase rf nortiTitv du to the fact that an unus-iall- larre number of Spanish Im- - la fer months. op indignantly denied the allegations, slon today, at whir h General Woo 1 was and it was understood declined to r:- - present, acd then dissolved, many of sign. A meeting of four members of the members having to catch trmor-th- e House of Bishops was recently ; row's boat for the eastern provinces, held there, however, and after a con- - j General Max-o- . who hopes to return to ferer.ee with Bishop Jackson it is un ders'.ood the latter agreed to resign in order to avoid further controversy in the church. KINO MENELEK IS WATCHED. Wondering "What He Wants of S Large an Army. LONDON, Jan. 8. The reason for the mobilization cf a big army by Jwa3 issued at the end of Au?ust List. King Menelek of Abvsslnla remains a:Dur'-B- the month of December there mystery. It is admitted that the Kin? has a b.B army In the field, but It haj been seml-ofTdcIal- ly explained that the; o!e cause of thi3 force is the ncesity of looking after the well being of the .Ticre country. There Is no r.eed for an Abyssinian army In the Tizre country, because, that region has been q-.- Iet f..r a long time past. Mee'ek tind-niabi- y has some objective pJ-ct- - i t:: it 13 noi ine 1 igre country, ji- - though many of Lis troops are now .

Transcript of V iiUi4 ill - University of...

THlQ, !!, DIES & CO.




4 iiUi4 illV



NO DEATHS. pkoh:.sional ckds


son and Albert F Judd. Jr.) Officever bishop x Co. 'a bank, cor. Mer--

chant and Kaahumanu St8- -



Buller About to MakeAn Attack.



there, to the sore discomfiture of theInhabitants. Hia intentions must beknown or suspected by the British,Italian and other diplomatic agents at-tached to the King's court, and pre-sumably they have managed to let'their respective governments know thetruth, but so far nothing has been al-lowed to transpire In Europe on thesubject except vague and intangible ru-mors.

The latest report, published at St.Petersburg, declare that King Mene-lc- k

and his court never left Addisabe-b- a,

but advices from Bijoublfal. on thecoaFt, whence there Is telephonic com-munication with Addlsabeba, state thatall efforts to Fpeak with him by Cap-tain Harrington, the British accent,and Captain Cecco dl Cola, the Italianacrrt, h.ave l.con futile. As a matterof f (:, tl.py have not born In ihn capi-tal for Hire months pnst. which ia suf-ficit-- nt

rrccf that Menelek and hiscourt are cot there, or ole the French-men o?.--n the telephone line have?taken pood care to make it report Brit-ish defeats In South Africa, and newsthereof must have reached Menelck.

When King Menelek hears, as hemrst da soon, of the departure of theredoubtable Kitchener, he will prob-ably show his hand If he Is meditatingan antl-Krltls- h movement in the

Health grrat axMntance would be ren-dered to the Board In Its efforts tosuppress the plague, by the merchantsagreeing to open their places of busi-ness at 10 a. m. and closing at S p. m.This motion was carried unanimously.

The above motion was made for thereason that It would perhaps prove afactor In rendering valuable assistancein making a house-to-hous- e Inspectionby the Citizens' Sanitary Committer, laplacing at the disposal of the Boardlarge number of needed volunteers.

Mr. Hatch moved the appointment ofa finance committee to disburse themoney placed at thp disposal of theBoard by the Council of Slate, as fol-lows: "Moved that a finance commit-tee of three members be appointed bythe president of the Board of Healthto recommend methods to be followedin handling and disbursing the fundsplaced at the disposal of the Board bythe Council of State; and also to nomi-nate cashier and disbursing agentsand accountants."

The suggestion was made by Mr.Hatch that this committee be appoint-ed from persons outside the Board,which was agreed upon.

The president, acting at once, ap-pointed as a financA committee, C. M.Cooke, chairman; J. B. Atherton, andT. Rain Walker.

A communication from Major Taylor


Native Woman Takenat Warehouse.


President Wood's Strong Appeal atBoard of Health Meeting

Burning cf Chinatown.


Kaaua, female Hawaiian,aged 20; stricken in Corral 6 ofthe kerosene warehouse deten-tion

2camp, In which she had

been quarantined since Janu-ary 13th. Sent to pest hospital.Originally came from the BlueGate cottage on Merchant streetIn block which was burned late-ly. Last nlit's report from thehospital stated the had greatpain in the bubo.

ACHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Acnl andXnocn Jobnson). OSce No. 10 WestKins St; Tel 884.

FRANCIS J. BERRY, Attorney-at-La- w

Removed to cor. King and BethelBtB.; Room 2 and 3.

FRANCIS M. BROOKS. Room 9.8pTckela building. Fort St.

LYLK A: DICKEY. King and BethelBts.; Tel. i06; P. O. box 786.


- -

"FREDERICK W. JOB. Snlte 815, Mar-- ,tuette Bldg.. Chicago. III.;' HawaiianConsul Oeneral for State of Illinois,

r' Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and WUcon- -

CHAS. F. PETERSON. 15 Kaahuma- -aa'ft. ..

It. D. SILLIMAN, Lawyer. 308 Judd

' ' V PHYSICIANS.OR. GEO. J. AUGUR. Homeopathic

Practitioner. Special - attention giv-en to chronic dlseaaes;oSire and res-idence. Beretanla , St.', nearly opp.MethodUt church; offlce hours 10 to12 a.-m- .: 3 to 4 d. m.: 7 to 8 p .m.;Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.' m.; TeL 733.


flee 10S2 King St.; hours 9 to 12 a. m..2 to. S p m.; Tel. 639.

C L. GARVIN. M.D. OClce 637 KingRt. near Punchbowlf hours 9 to 12

. n., 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 448.

OR. A. GORDON IIODG1N3. Offlceat: I residence, Gedge Cottage, cornerr'jAprdj and Hotel Sts.; offlce hours

to 11, 2 to 4. 7 to 8; TeL 953.

DR. T. M1TAMURA. Office, 534 Nuuanu St.; Tel. 554; P. O. box 812; realdemc, 521 Nuuanu St. Offlce hours 8

. .to !' ; to 3 and to 8, p. m.



The Lily Arrives in New York fora Theatrical Tour.

NEW YORK. Jan. 6. Mrs. Iaugtrylooks as beautiful as when here fouryears ago. She bas the same pinkcheeks and "holds her age" reaaarkablywell, though a few crows' feet have ap-

peared at her eyes.The Lily wore a gown of blue cloth

when f he landed from the steamer to-

day. Her corsage was trimmed withwhite chiffon and had a high collar.Her hat was a large flap affair of graywith big feathers, and she wore a longcloak trimmed with fur.

She declared she was glad to le inAmerica again. "You know," she said,"when I am here I feel just as thoughI were at home In England. My friendsbre ar all no kind. My husband isdue in Cap.-- Town today, and I expectto pet a cablegram from him. I muatsend him one ri?ht away. I euppoeit will cost a fortune, but h Is worthit.

"While here I expect to arranpe fora tea chantant at the Waldorf. I haveas patronesses all th titled Americanladies la London. One-ha- lf of tho pro-cm- Js

I shall give to the widows andorphans or South Africa, the other tothe widows and orphans of the Phil- -ip;ine war."

The keynote to the situation was cry precaution to prevent the Infectionstruck yesterday by the of from Mn carried to th troop, andthe representative merchants of Hon-e- i !" l"u?J' "let r"Prt



lulu with the Board of Health in a . Sternberg at Washington,determination to stamp out the plague A communication from Postmasterat all hazards and at any cost The General Oat was received relative tobusiness men now agree with the fnherlfrf Amlr' hSn rlu,al,rn-n..- i

, as they the carriageof Health that the p.ague germs (nd proper delivery of mall. The corn-hav- e

infected the merchandise which .plaint In question came from tbe post-i- s

stored within the precincts of the rnan'er at NaWhu. Hawaii. In which b' H'atC(1 ' on directed to followInfected district, and believe that .e h")

. . the custom of the Illloite Jn comnHI- -li.st case9 ff p,a5e DaTe originated Ir,R aiMrfMIPB to npon thPlr m, lntherefrom. This realization of the, his presence and return the emptv

? -- tJJXT'i. MO:uil2 Beretania St.. be--

Lord Roberts at the Cape Indian

Stretcher Bearers Lactysmith

Casualties Withheld.

The Advertiser's file on the transportTartar, which contained one day's la-

ter news, was lost or stolen yesterdayand we are unable'to give, this morn-ing, more than the headings of the Im-

portant telegram. These are aa fol-

lows:General. Duller is making ready to

cross the TiigeJa river In force.The Boere are still maase'd along the

British front and waiting for the ex-

pected 'attack.'General Lord Methuen, on account of

Insanity, Is to be relieved of his

Lord Roberta has reached the Capeand will make Important changes inthe army personnel, especially amongthe division commanders.

One thousand Indian stretcher-bearer- s

have been ordered to the front.No news has been received In Eng-

land of the number of men killed atLadysmith In the recent engagements.It is hinted that the War Offlce has aMomentous list of casualties, but Isafraid to publish them.' "

A few small parties of British troorhave made sorties w ithout decisive euc-cof- s.

It Is generally nipposed in Englishcircles that the Boors In attackingLadysmith greatly weakened theirforce at Colenso.

There Is said to le no news of Im-

portance to Hawaii from thf Main-Ian:- !.


Charges Against Head of EpiscopalChurch in Alabama.

MONTGOMERY, A!a.f Jan. S TheIlifeht Rev. H. M. Jackson, LL-ho- p

of the Episcopal church in Ala-

bama, has forwarded his raisnation toBii-ho- p Doane, at Albany, N. Y., theacting president of the House of Bish-ops.

The church In Alabama Ins ed

fot more than a yr-a- by rn;:wrof the misconduct 0 Uish p Jackson.He came to Alabama from Viiv.imatvn years ago. His wife was

of m'-an- . an l th-- r.un h t.---i

the hand-orues- t pkvo of rcr-'.d- ' neeprojerty in the city, and eT.ii;:;ic.l itroyally. The abi'.iry !n V.

pu'pit and his hospijaKty na !e him atonce a frreat favorite. His wif-- ? l.eltwo or three years after h came toAlabama, ar.d the mansion here wasrented out. After a while the bishopmarried Caroline Cochran, of i: if al l.a member of one of the foremost fair. -lies of the State. After this inebrietyand public drunkenness were oi'enlycharged against Bishop Jae k'on.

At a m'.-tin-g of the Kpiscopal clergy-men of Alabama his resignation issaid to have been demanded. The bish


CAT 10N, NEILL. & CO., LTD., ENGI--' T - 1 t - I - J T:l

maker8, Honolula.

CHAS. V. E. POVE, C.E. Surveyorand Civil Engineer; office Campbellblock, upstairs (next to Bishop & Co.bank) P. O. box 421; orders takenfor typewriting.

JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E.Consulting Hydraulic Engineer;

SOC Judd Blk, Honolula.

OPTICIANS.J. E. LUCAS. -- Love Bldg., Fort St..

upstairs; P. O. boa 25L I carry a fullline of ALL KlNiJd OF GLASS Edfrom the CHEAPEST to the BEST.Free ExaralnatloD of the Eye


Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture. Sing-ing and Harmony; especial attentionpaid to touch muscular control andmusical analysis.

PAUL EG RY, Violinist, 16 BeretanlaSt. Will receive a limited numberof pupils- - music furnished for con-

certs, afternoon or evening parties

ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER VocalStudio. "Mignon," 720 BeretanU St.


Builder. Store and offlce fittings,shoo and repair work: Bell TowerBldg., Union SLr TeL 702.

H. K. MEEMANO & CO. Contractorsind Builders, Painters, Paperha'ngersand Decorators; all work neatly

' done; offlce Fort St., back of HighSchool, Honolulu.

WJL T. PATY. Contractor and Builder. Store and offlce fitting; brick.wood or stone building; shop PalaceWalk: resldenco Wilder Ave., nearXewalo.


broIderesB for Sharplesa Bros., Philatlelphla. will give lessons In allkinds of Art Embroidery, Marie Antonietfe Flemish, and Point Lar-- atB. F. Ehlers &. Co., second Coor. Orders taken.

MR 3. B. F. MrCAL. Latest designsIn Tallor-Mid- e Evening, D'nnrGowns, and WedUing Troupseau, 73Beretanla St.

MR3. FRANCE3 MOROSE. Up-to-d- ate

Manicure Parlors, ' alrdressand shampooing; f?calp treatment aspecialty; room 6 Model block. Fortand Beretanla ata.; Tel. 9S9, take el-


J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant. Jewelerand Lapidary: Opal Cutting a Se-clalty;N- o.

2 School St.. near budge.

DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye.Ear. Thoit and Nn? Dlsass andCatarrh; Masonic Temple; hours 8 to12 a. m., 1 to 4 an-- i 7 to 8 p. m.

P. SILVA. Ag'nt it take acknowledg-ments to Instruments, district of Ko-n- a.

Oahu; at V,'. C. Achi'B offlce,King St., near Nuuanu.


WAII. Price 6c: beautlfnlly 111ms-frnte- d.

For sale ty all newsleniers.


Ship for German Expedition Is Ee-in- g

Built.BERLIN, Jan. 10. The ship being

built at Kiel for the German antarc-tic expedition will be of wood andsomewhat rounder than the Fram. Itwill not fall away toward the keel likethe Fram, Nansen having declared thatthe shape of the Fram was unsuitableIn heavy weather In South seas.

The middle deck will be nearly onthe water line, In order to strengthenthe vessil against the pressure of Ice.A triple coating of oak, pitch pine, andSouth American greenwood will be puton as a protection against floating Ice,

and at the bow and stern there willbe steel band3. The length of the shipwill be forty-si- x meters, the breadthten or eleven, and the draught five.

Coal and other store accommodation ;

will be sufflcient for three years. Theshlp wll; acrommodat? five sclen'l.lc j

men. five ofilcers. a crew of twenty, andfifty Arctic dogfl. The vessel will be

rfisred three-maste- d schooner, elec- -

trie lighted, and, according to con- -.

trtrt.. 11 tie riu'.It rv May I. anaoutfitted not later than Aug'jst 31, I

.Mrs. wargtry was asked a:out " lhe.lv r rial catort.

the United States military hospitalwas received, in which he stated thathe deemed It his duty to protect tbeAmerican troojw stationed In Honolulufrom issil)le contact with the plague,and asked ierm!ssIon of the Board toerect a hospital and detention camp onthe Beach road near the kerosene de-

tention camp. Upon motion the Boardparsed favorably ujon the request,and in a few days a tented detentioncamp will be establiFhed at the pointsuggested. Major Tayior Is using rv- -

vclope to be destroyed. President Woodstated In this connexion that he understood from Attorney General CooperTat ( srcfhi regulations of Sher-

iff Andrews had been annulled,With reference to the suspicious

cases reported, Pn-'Me- nf Wood Matedthat the Mipcct LI k la, of I'.ilam.a. wasti e wife of a I'icmbcr of the NiilonalG'ia-d- . the l itte-- r having been on fu.ardduty and In the habit of going homeafter his detail until lately. If there Isany connection between him nrd thiscc-- of d '"'le. If J.as been on accountof hi" having been In the Infected dis-trict and c arrying th- - Infection Into hishome.

At th's J.iiKture p. c. .1 inen, K tulu-l.o- u

ard A. G. M. Robert -- on appearedas a ffii tie (''inr;i ofS ii to confer wi'h fh Itoard for thejmrf'-- t.t aec-ralnln- mote fully Ihew!'!i 5 of the Beard in a l lrig for 200.-- o

!"i n 1. 1' b t meet j,-- 01. . rt v 1 rmi

.c( as'or 1 bv th" fire whl'di have oc-

curred in O.i-o-- n 1 y :it;ihc;ii:y ofthe Hoard of Health.Prc-"idon- t Word fjjen'e Hi Mind.

Pre-bb- u We-- I. tM 'l;ir" for theBoard. r:d !:e ( ! t'.e conunitt'e Invery strong ai-- Ii.-- i 'ond lnuage,and the f.tvor M.ith wbbb bis argu-ment v.-- ' 'i. r' I :rr!,r,

wrlgh. In an-sc- r to the com-i- nl

tee"n t"! 'ft for t lo-- . B j rd s viewson tl" whcdeiie burning rf Clilna-fown'- ri

stru't ires men handi-e- , besaid:

"We are r r, ( t'y willing to pi e the1 ' r:i"".!ttr e our v'ews in the mat'c- - ndall the Information we can futnU'h,but as wo ferj that It Is jouh an

matter we would really 1 iV theprivilefe fif Spe.ikilig liretly t thentire fonrcll of Sttc, in order c lis ire that a'l were directly Informed oftt:e Impe.rtance of the qi;e-'tlo- as It ap-pea- rs

to ;s. We as a body softrongly In the premises that we thinkwe can better Impress the matter uponthe minds of the Council.

"The Boird bad a meeting this morn-ing with the Executive, as you proba-bly know, nr. i urged upn them the im-portance f ; ishlr g, as soon as pos-Kib- le,

wh consider the most im-portant f' at. ire In fighting tbe plague.

; the removal of the people of the Infect-ed district. We have realized all along,and have stated emphatically a number

.of times, that if we could have removedI ...ae people from that place we couldhave stopped tbe plague at once. Thatwa tbe ideal method of handling thepeople getting them out of the Infect-ed dl-fri- We have realized that peo-

ple rema'nlng there would be tak---

wi'h the plaeue. and our prophecy h'mbee-- fully corroborated.

"'We feel that the plague f gainingr,n us, ar.d that e are not throwingIt as we should. We have r.ot beennb to remove tn ropuli'ion as xpe-dltlous- ly

as we weull like. One reas-on was tha we were wasting time andenergy In nandllr.g the largi amount

(Cefctlcnei on Page 3 )


n tW(iij Km mi and Fort; Tel. 277; P.O. Loi M3. offlce flours 9 to 12 a. m.anl 7 to 8 D. m.: Sundays 9 to 12a. m.

DR. C (). G. SCAPARONE Graduateof the Royal University of Turin andof it Medico Ch'rurgical College ofPhiladelphia, Vs.. approved by thelocal Board of Medical Examiners;a. em .') of the American MfdicalAa.. iation; otMrt hour 10 to 12 a.cj.. a i 5 p. m.; Love bldg.. Fort St.

D. C i.A PHAM. Veterinary Surgeonad DfutlaL OttUe Hotel Stables;

call', day or ni5;t, promptly answ-

er-J; specialties, oLatetrlcs andlam '.-m-



.SjrHon. Skin diseases of allkin'! a Offlce room 11.

Hid?.; hours 9 to 4; Tel.471, rpM-ric- e Tel. 1093.

DENTISTS.Ii. E. GI'.Orf.SMAN. OD.3 Alakea SL,

t.re doors bove Masonic Temple,Ii : ,Vx; offlce tours 9 a.m. to4 I

DR. f ii. HIGH. Philadelphia DentalCo:: Maionic Temple; Tel.inV HUDDY. U L.S. rort St. op-- ir&-- Cathollc lli-sio- c; vaurs from

a 3.. U) 4 p.03.

DR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL.O.'f'.e hours 8 a. n. to 4 p. m.; LovtEK'v , Fort 8L

BROKERS.A. J. CAMPMELL offlce Queen St.,

opcilte Union Feed Co.

C. J. FALK. Memoir Honolula StockExchange; room SOI Judd Bldg.

WILLIAM SAVIDGE Real Esta-t- e Inall Parts of the islands bongo orold; No. S10 rort St.; Mclnerny Blk.

JOHN IL SOPER. Stock and BondBroker, 11 Merchant St.


Baite 7, Hod el Block, Fort St.;TeL 889. -

O. Q. TRAPHAOEN. 223 MerchantEt., between ort and Alakea; Tel.734; Honolulu.

DRAUGHTSMAN.T. D. BEASLET -- Plantation and To-

pographical pi a Specialty; room206. Judd RM.; Tel (5.13.


Typlnt. Mclnerny Block, Fort St.;TeL 14?.

(l.uc-- r arising from the Infected goodof Chinatown was brought to a suddenfocus by the large biisinf-S- house? ofthe i?y a resolution to theBoard of Health recommending thatthe latter body prevent the furthertioving of merchandise, and that it be.!- - rc-yr- I y fire with the ofth Infc,cd district. In ord-- that th"

lis-a- s mirht be- - elT'vtually aiid q 1! k-

In view of the fact that thl methodof procedure is In cx i t w cord wl h tiiL-view-s

of the Board, it is re."dlcs tosay that th" early destriic tl m of the-rr.tlt- e

rll' triif e f Chinatown is . urcd,ircli-.!;r- all the e and per-sonal erf.cts liable to spread th" dis-c'- T-

e. Tll l'..'!Pd!:r,7 r f nfe te- poodba. In the r ;,inV.n f the r dical i:i"in- -be:s of the l!'ard. b'-e- tl" c.au-- e of;:t le-.-- t t'O f ? of jdague in the l isttwo c!ys, r.rd they are fearful b-- f tlieinfcflon sprend by the same meansn:r-- - prevented by the h-r- o tneas- -

::'f.s prfpeed.of three, competed of

rs. J. F. Humbtirg. C. Kaiser and.1. W 'l.'fM ri'-- in ( onf r n"- - withI'l.si.'e.u Word. P. M. Hitch and Dr.Il:u"!'?on of the Board of Ibalth ys-f- -

rday mornirjsr. andpr'"-ei.t--- l the re-'''fi'- in

whifh arrr3V lnfnil in thet ir.e;l of S ate jiroceed'ngs. The cora-ai'- d

the nli'ive nanaf l mert:tiersof the Hoard i upon thn E.xrcu-tiv- e

while the Ci'dnc was In f--Io-

.rr.er.t th" maft'-- r for reeommenda-t:-.- n

by the Cablnrt. The result of th' 'ir.f'-r- ' r'o was that th" Cabin' t call' d

'. r.i-incl- of Sta,n to discuss the'!". yesrf rday afternoon. The Cab-ir- rt

f ;".lv .apiiTovrjl rif "he ne of ae-t'.-

t, rved by the In l" ef-

fort. to ft.mp ';: tl.e pL.-- ue a:. 1 al.--o

r commerde-- the construction r,f a.

rat-pro- fence about the entire Infect-ed district. P. M. Hitch has calml.a-- :

d that a: Va-- t a mile of fencing vr'.Ilbe required f.r this purirOKe.

Afternoon Board Meeting.At yesterday aftemron's meeting of

the p.nard there were present: Presi-dent Wood. Dr. Lav. Dr. Emerson,Ge-orp- e W. Smith and V. M. Hatch.

matters relating to freiehtshipments were brought up. two In-

stances being of freight which had bf enreturned from Hilo on the KInau andwhich had not been landed there on

I ucro-in- t r th arttnn nf thThe shirrers sourht to have the roods

Ird In another steamer to Maul.

The goods, mostly coming under the'"str,;t,on ""r, f h

decidedwere ascoiti!e? wUh,n ,he rePU'l3l.oi;s anl tbe

were refused.Mr. Hatch move! that the ditch be-

ginning at K.'rg s'reet and running bythe corner of South and Queen st-e- ets

to the fea be at once rleaned out andthat the material remove-- be cartedto the rarbage s.-o- ar.d dumpe atte--

. Carried.It was a'o moved j.fr. Hatch that

the merchants of Hanolul i be Informedthat lr. th of the Board of

Ileeneratei.""Immoral?" sht echoed in PMrprlso.

"Why, it is not at all Immoral. Yousfe, in the first at:d feeond arts we kill'iff all the immoral prisons, k that inthe 1 is: act only the pol ones are lft.Nolhiiig cuiiM teach a better moral."


General Wood Inaugurates a LongNeeded Reform.

HAVANA, Jan. 3. Today Oer.'-r.- I

Word Issued an Important onl-- giv-

ing freedom to forty men in 1 1 Prov-ince 0f Santa Clara. Some of tVn had!." en detained without triai; orherswto s ;ffe: irr; exrrs.-Iv-e juinl.-hni- ' ::t.All had re35d ten mont.'.is '.- -

fore by an order Is- u'-- liv CiT-era-l

Bate?. I 'it they- were Irr.rrcd'a'e'v re- -rr-ate- by orders f rr m diviii'n h'3'1- -

quarters, on the prour.d that a d ;a it- -jK.T.t femmander did r.ot have the pow- -er to prrdon. Affr looklr.cr carelullvinto the eaes Wurid d'.-id'-

it th" Judcme-n- of General Bat re- -j'lrdlrg the'r rel'.ase was wis". R- - portsfrom othr departments are daily cx- -f r ted.

The Council of Notables as GreralWo- - d's convention of representativeCubans is called he'd a morni.aj? ?es- -

Havana In the near future, said thatfreedom from all foreign control wasno In sight, and that the assurancesof President McKInley and the conductof the Governor General convinced himof the absolute Elncerlty of the UnitedStates.

The yellcw fever report for 1S?3shows 103 leaths In Havana, which

I means that eighty-thre- e rersons havedied Elnce Genera' Ludlow's report

twenty-tw- u cases wereC13; , ofn wTcnh

uary j of th,a ther?were twenty-Sv- e cases undr treat- -

,rr.ent. Tcday there are seventeen. Thecoid weather will rrobablv diminishthe number This record doeq r.o: eom- -pare favrrab'y with th records r"- - '"to the revolution, although the ra.nl-tar- y

anrh-rlti- -s ela'm that the increaserf nortiTitv du to the fact that anunus-iall- larre number of Spanish Im- -

lafer months.

op indignantly denied the allegations, slon today, at whir h General Woo 1 wasand it was understood declined to r:-- present, acd then dissolved, many ofsign. A meeting of four members of the members having to catch trmor-th- e

House of Bishops was recently ; row's boat for the eastern provinces,held there, however, and after a con- - j General Max-o-. who hopes to return toferer.ee with Bishop Jackson it is unders'.ood the latter agreed to resign inorder to avoid further controversy inthe church.


Wondering "What He Wants of SLarge an Army.

LONDON, Jan. 8. The reason forthe mobilization cf a big army by Jwa3 issued at the end of Au?ust List.King Menelek of Abvsslnla remains a:Dur'-B- the month of December theremystery. It is admitted that the Kin?has a b.B army In the field, but It hajbeen seml-ofTdcIal- ly explained that the;o!e cause of thi3 force is the ncesity

of looking after the well being of the.Ticre country.

There Is no r.eed for an Abyssinianarmy In the Tizre country, because,that region has beenq-.- Iet f..r a long time past. Mee'ektind-niabi- y has some objective pJ-ct- -

i t:: it 13 noi ine 1 igre country, ji- -though many of Lis troops are now .


t !;M tv

Lubricating Oils FUNDS NEEDEDthe committee of wholesale merchants,

i dated January 19th, 1900, and that theExecutive recommend to it the appro- -priation of $200,000, to be used In set--

tlement of claims that this work ofStamping out the plague may not behindered or Impeded.

KATE KELLEY,Secretary.Meeting of Council of


that any expenditure the Council of and he believed there remained aboutS.ate sees fit to make is legal; the $400,000 worth. It was estimated thatCouncil of State i3 the sole authority about half of these goods could beunder the circumstances. safely saved, which would leave not

Mialster Cooper was in favor of the more than two or three hundred thou-proposltlo- n.

He did not believe this sand dollars worth to be destroyed,was a time to hesitate. If the Legis- - Councilor Ccil Brown moved thatlature was In session the matter woaid one or two members of the Board ofbe much easier, but the Council of Health be asked to come In and furnisustate had full authority in its absence, information on the matter. CarriedThe Attorney General said In speaking Councilor Kaulukou moved to referof the provision of C6 2-- 3 per cent rec- - to a committee. Carried,ompense that he thought most of President Dole appointed Councilorsthose concerned would accept it. But J. I Kaulukou, A. G. M. RobertsonIn any case the people must be removed and A. V. Gear upon the committee tofrom Chinatown and the authorities report to the v'ouncil of State at 2 p.must then put an Iron clad fence ni. to-da- y.

around it: then it can hi? dealt with.;The outside cases he believed were to THE CABINET MEETING,be traced to the 'merchandise which1

"Will be used rery freely for the next six or eight month eo we

with again to call the attention of all Mill men and users of machinery toomr TROPIC LUBRICATINu OILS. J?'or years this brand has been used on

the Islands and each reason the demand has Increased so that this year we

kr had to on Lid a special oil warehouse at Kakaako to hold the hundredsef barrels of cila we have to carry In stock. Tror lc Cylinder, Engine, Machine,Dynamo and Car-bo- x oils are the ones you want If you want everything to

nra -- othly.


An Ac: Making Special Appropriationfor Payment of Expenses Incurredby the Epidemic of BubonicPlague.

He it Enacted by the Council of Stateof the Republic of Hawaii:

Discuss Appropriation for $200,000The Joint Action of Merchants

and Health Board.

had passed fumigation and been afur- - Call lor Council of State ConferenceSection 1. The following sum,

amounting to $200,000, is herebyCouncil of State met yesterday pi iateJ to be pal(1 out Df an the moneysBenton Boiler Compound

This compound Is entirely vcgetabl contains no oil or acid, it be-- j afternoon at 3 o'clock at the call of the j in the Treasury received from all thecurrent receipts of the general reve- -. . , . i i . i , , . . . , , F!Ypfnt i vc Council. Therf wpr nrps

thej a naiurai v. 4W irua r .teei. it rots tne scaie in we Doner --- - - - - -nUM of ,he H,.j,uhic of Hawaii, at

eDt 1 re,rllent uole ana junii,ter3 ua"hJ1 gradually cleans same. After the boiler becomes clean, tha compound, discretion of the Executive Councii!

ward distributed. He believed thatstringent measures should now be tak-en.

Councilor P. C. Jones a?rked whomthe propped wttUmrnts would be tin-der.

President Dole Fai.l they would in aMlikelihood bo made by a committee un-der the authorization of the ExecutiveCouncil and the Board of Health.

Councilor Jones paid the responsi-bility to be assumed was great as thismove would Involve another quarter of

With Committees.The Executive Council met yesterday ,

at the usual hour. There were pres-ent President Dole and Ministers Mott-Smit- h,

Young, Damon ni.d Cooper. Timminutes of the previous meeting wereread and approved.

There were present Dr.. C. H. Wood,Mr. F. M. Hatch and Dr. Emerson,members of the Board of Health, andMessrs. J. F. Humburg, J. Wakefieldand C. Kaiser, a committee represent- -

mon, Mott-bmlt- h, oung and Loorer; j Settlement of claims arisingCouncilors Cecil Brown, Mark Robin- - from the destruction of goodsson, John Nott. W. C. Achi, A. G. M. i by the Board of Health, in

out bubonic plague,nr.wtBn ikn i,t I'nnint t i stamping

u mied according to directions, will keep the scale forming probities of thewater in the form of solution or pendent, and the boiler can be kept clean,and the scale forming properties of said water can be blown out In the form

i mod. It Is a great saver of fuel as It will clean and keep clean any b'Ier.Let u send you a barrel on trial, no pay if not satis'actory. Packings, waste,compounds, engineers' tools and supplies. of all kinds, at

Gonsalves, P. C. Jones, John Enj, A.V. Cear.and C. Bclte. The minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and ap

not exceeding 2-- 3 per centof the appraised value there-of $200,000President Dole said the Board of

Health had met with the ExecutiveCouncil in the morning, as had a com- -

a million nf dollars- - Afler tha nine-n-

was all over there might bo somp who Jn& tlie merchants of Honolulu. Thesewould ay the Council of State had act- - gentlemen presented resolutions passedproved. President Dole called on Min

mktee of merchants of Honolulu. There ed panicky, but as a member he recoz- - at a meeting held earlier in the dayE. O. HALL & SON, LTD.CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

had been quite an extended discussion nizenl the great and immediate I.nport- - and which are printed hi full undron the question of sanitary .neasures anee of stamping out the disease. He the proceedings of the Council ofto be taken during which the question cited the recent case of a woman II- - State in another column,of destroying insanitary premises and rectly traced to the use of fumigated After an extended discussion it wasmerchandise had been included. It Chinese merchandise. He believed the voted that the Council of State lw

ister Damon to state the object of themeeting.

Minister Damon said the followingcommunications had been received Inthe morning and after consideration bythe Executive Council it had seemedwise to submit the matter to the Coun-cil of State. He then read the reso-lution passed by the merchants, asfollows:

Honolulu. II. I.. Jan. 19, 1900.To the Honorable Board of Health.

Honolulu. H. I. Dear Sirs: At a meet- -

was iounu nitre womu ue no uiuicuiiy m;eresis or me country oemanaeu tne called this afternoon to discuss thein finding definite .egal authority for burning of this merchandise. It would Question of the recommendatlo nf ,TYThY 71 A XT lYTrvTrOTP-f- t vthe res- -the destruction of the houses of China- - not affect him but It would others and nnnrA nt ttpiIih fonn.ip.l nnontown, some of which had been infected he endorsed the position taken by the olutions of the committee oftwice and all of which had become Attorney General. He believed it was wholesalenULlMI rKEOEli nuisances un.ier the law and could necessary to vote the money and was ""X ,v,

therefore be legally destroyed. sure it would be judiciously ppent tin- - and that lhe Executive recommend toIn regard to goods and merchandise der competent authority. He moved Jt tne appropriation of $200,000, to bw

it was different. It was a question that the Act introduced be passed by used in settlement of claims that thisj ing held this 19th day of January bythe wholesale merchants of 'Honolulu whether all of these had become in ' work of stamping out the plague maythe Council of State,

(not be hindered or impeded.It was also voted that the Executive

the following resolution was adopted: i fected and it was al.-- a questionI Whereas, the wholesale merchants of whether infected goods could be prop-- !Honolulu, having met on the 1st day erly disinfected by fumigation, so long

jof January, 1900. appointed Messrs. J. as they remained in original packages.

Councilor Achl said he maintainedhis former position and asked if theBoard of Health had the power todestroy these good .4? Had they thepower to elestroy the buildings? HadF. Huraburg, J. Wakefield and C. Kai- - I 1 neremre uie eutnger was great irom

the distribution of fumigated goods they the power to pay for what they

Council recommend to the Board ofHealth to advise the redoubling of ef-

forts to remove the inhabitants fromChinatown, and that steps at once betaken to erect a rat-pro- of barrieraround all that portion of the townwhich the Board of Health deems

and it was necessary that the practice I destroyed.? He hell it was the dutyshould be stopped. It took-- large body of the Board to provide for the pay

ser a committee to act for them and toconsult with the Board of Health andtender their perviees In saving and re-moving all the goods possible fromblocks condemned by the honorableBoard of Health and stow the same In

Toilet Sets,Tn Ebonite and Mass.

Perfumes,....... In Baskets, Cases and Fancy bottles.

Atomizers,In Xew Style?.

oilet Requisites. Maile Cologne

QUEEN'S HOSPITAL.proper warehouse until the quarantineLrf raiseei; and,

Whereas, the committee acting un- -der such Instructions have removed

j quite a lrt of merchandise from said

of guards and inspcetors to handle thegoons and the force now employed bythe Board of Health and the Govern-ment was a large and increasing ex-pense which must be considered In theproposal to burn dangerous merchan-dise outright. The difference in burn-ing the goods and carrying out thepre'sent system would not be very grentin the end and there was also a desireto remove the people as rapidly as pos-sible from the infected district

President Dole stated these and otherreasons were urged by the Board ofHealth for the proposed action whichthe Board Ixdieved to be necessary.Some were of the opinion that the pro-posed methods were not specificallyauthorized by law as directed con-nected with the work of suppressingte plague and therefore might not bestrictly legal. But. a he viewed it,the law did not limit the authoritiesspecifically In regard to expendituresIn cases of necessity. President Doleread the law at this point and addedthat he was of the opinion the presentcase fell under the statute and thought

ment of all they destroyed. The Coun-cil of State should pass enough moneyfor all this. The Government couldnot take property without due processof law. He appealed to the AttorneyGeneral.

Minister Cooper for the third timepointed out to Mr. Achl, with greatpatience, that under the law the Boardof Health had the power to destroyproperty when it became a nuisanceand a menace. The fame law appliedto goods, but the burden of proof thatthey are Infected rnfortunately lay up-

on tne Board under the law. If theBoard was wrong, and the court fodecided, the Government would haveto pay for every thing destroyed at thefull value.

Councilor Robertson asked severalquestions as to the destruction of thedifferent portions of Chinatown andas to the value of the merchandise re-

moved and still remaining there.Minister Cooper stated that an esti-

mate had been made in a rough waythat $200,000 worth had been removed

Trustee Schaefer Gives Other Side ofa Published Report.

"The report published yesterdaythe inability of a Japanese

to secure accommodation at theQucen'shospital may create a wrong Impres-sion," ald F. A. Schaefer, a trustee ofthe institution. "We have eighty-fiv- e

inmates including many white per-sons, in the hospital, many of them 1nprecarious health, and it would not bereasonable to suppose that we wouldknowingly Jeopardize their welfare byadmitting a man afflicted with a loath-some disease, as the published reportsays he was.

"There are many nationalities rep-resented In the hospital, but this manwas In such a condition, I believe, thatIt would not have been fair to the in-

mates to have admitted him."


condemned diocks alter neing rumiga-te- d

by the Board of Health and storedthem In warehouses built and rentedfor that purpose; and.

Whereas, the plague being on the in-

crease and some cases traced to thehandling, carting and storing of thegoods before and after fumigation,which shows that the fumigation is noteffective; and.

Whereas, the greater portion of thegoods already moved and those to bemoved from said condemned block areof a perishable nature and liable tospoil and create a nuisance in itself;therefore be it

Resolved, That the wholesale mer-chants hereby recommend that thehonorable Board of Health" stop allfurther moving and saving of mer-chandise and private effects from theinfected district, In order to more ef-fectually and quickly exterminate thedisease, which if continued for anylength of time will become a menaceto commerce and public health;

And the meeting further recom-mends. That the honorable Board ofHealth appoint a commission of threemembers to appraise said stocks andlosses, and settle the claims on a basisof fiG 2-- 3 per cent.

Respectfully submitted,(Signed) H. Hackfeld & Co.. Ltd., by

W. Wolters. director; M. Phillips &Co.; M. S. Grlnbaum & Co.. Ltd., perA. Gartenberg, secretary; Theo. H.Da vies & Co.. Ltd., by James Wake-field; Hoffschlaeger & Co., Ltd., byRobert F. Lange, manager; The VonHamm-Youn- g Co., Ltd., by C. VonHamm; The Washington MercantileCo., Ltd.. by W. E. Burnett, secre-tary; L. B. Kerr; M. W. McChesney& Sons; C. Brewer & Co., Ltd.. byGeorge H. Robertson, manager; S.Klmura; California Feed Co., Ltd..by T. J. King, manager; Gonsalves

Honolulu Drug Co.




6Telephone 364.VON II01T CLOCK. KING STREET.



44 TP

4 i It Will Serve Your InterestHARTSHORN S





Fibreto call and inspect the elegant assortmentof the choicest . . . . . . .V

& Co., Ltd., by E. Hutchinson, man-age- r;

Macfarlane & Co., Ltd., by W. i V

Lishman; Hawaiian Hardware Co., j

Ltd., by Abraham Fernandes; W. G.Irwin & Co.. Ltd., by Its second vicepresident, W. M. Giffard; raelfic j

Hardware Co.. Ltd., by L. E. rink- - I Dress Goods, Laces, Rugs,4IS NOW USED IN nam. manager ana treasurer; nymanBrothers.Minister Damon then read the fed- - i


Mattresses.lowing letter and resolution from theBoard of Health:

Honolulu, H. I.. Jan. 19, 1900.To the President. Sir: Herewith en-

closed I beg to submit resolutions re-ceived from the wholesale merchants ofHonolulu, and a copy of a resolution






which we are opening daily. These goods

were personally selected during my EuropeanTour. This display excels anything yet pro-

duced in Honolulu. . . . . .

Oassed bv tri TVard rt ITialth In ra- -






spect to the same.We Lave just received a large shipment of Fibre direct

from the factory, and are now prepared to fill orders forthose desiring

Cocoanut Fibre Mattresses.nespetiiuny yours,

C. B. WOOD. 4President Board of Health.


Resolved. That In the opinion of the j 2Board of Health the public safety re- - jquires as a method of suppressing the j 4spread of the plague, that the recom- - JLmendation3 made by tie wholesale! tmerchants In respect to merchandise V

--ooo-Vft.ft.'ft.' No. 10 Fort Street.

C01E-EE1TE-11 fllinE Cliffl ft XIn the Infected district, gubmltted tothe Board this day, be adapted; and

That the Board of Health respectful-ly request the Executive to submit thesamt to the Council of State with therecommendation that an appropriationbe made to pay for such merchandise

Progress Block. Fori St.now remaining in the infected districtnot yet fumigated and stored, as it maybe possible to settle for ty stipulationIsoshima,Liwith the owners on such compromisebasis as may be agreed upon.

The Minister of Finance here readthe resolution of the Executive CounHAT MANUFACTURER.

CENTS' PURNISHIN09. cil and an act drawn in conformitytherewith, as follows:

Honolulu, II. I., Jan. 19. 1300. J.tThe following action was this day J,t

taken In the Executive Council: Votedthat the Council of State be called this Vafternoon to discuss the question of the ?recommendation of the Board of



L arUTJi0 ,M M" '- -"

neaitn rounded upon the resolutions of


Tin: iwcifh; oimmkkciai. aivi:i:tiski:: iionom:i.u. .jaxiaky 2r. iono Turn, ii, naffr, m Ltd,rrrri-fyrt"- ri '11 I ! i I I I I I 1 I I -t-f-t-

ar t sy - i" iIfl THE FUTURE!" If Tf TT


California HMM--TOM- G'&

-- COMPANY, LIMITED.Views of U. S. Special j;j V 5

niporters Commission Merchants iAgent bewail.i tHarness ShopFOR IJk QUEEN STREET.Believes the Territorial Bill Will Soon

Pass, and That Business


Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Notions $U

"I have received no official news from;Wa-shingco-

n recently that would be ofpublic interest here," said United S:atesSpecial Agent Sawall yesterday. In re--j A

Special attention to plantation orders.All our own hand-mad- e and warranted tm represented. Just reeelred

from the Coast the Best Asaortmrnt of DRIVING BITS and BOOTS. BUGGYWHIPS and DUSTERS In Honolulu.

No. 633 Kin Street, Lincoln Block. Just below Arlington Hotel.Telephone 611.

D. O.&M. S. HAHTAN.i As well as all kinds of




Fire and Llfo. EThe Lancashire Insurance Co. of Manchester, England.The Balois- - Insurance Co. of Basle. Switzerland.The Lnion Gas Engine Co.The Domestic Sewing Machines.The New Pacific Hand Sewing Machines, and other agencies.r

t Sab LD Jks&-Q-aND- R




pjy to a question. -- The probabilityseems to be that the Hawaiian Govern-ment bill will be passed some time inMarch or April, though of course It isimpossible to tell at thia time what de-

bates may arl?e. It appears to be gen-

erally believed that a territorial form orgovernment will be adopted, but firtherthan that nothing can be known at thistime. I believe, however, that thewhole question will be finally and sat-isfactorily settled by April.

"The adoptlon.of a permaaent formof government for Hawaii a ill In its;effect more than offset the depre.-slo- n

tnat ha3 been caused by this plasue8-- re. which 13 reai.y the worst set-- !bac. the Islands have ever experience !.In spire of political turmoil anl br'.ztvisitations of the epidemics In the p inthe Islands have proppred amazingly.It seem3 as though nothing could staythe progress of Hawaii. The presentcondition the dc pr.es.-io- n resultingfrom the plague cannot last long. Ho-

nolulu must forge ahead and neoxe agreat port. I know of no other citywith so magnificent a futur?.

"A new form of government will doeven mor than annexation did tohasten the growth and de"Irm.'nt orHiwtM. We shall lose much of our In-

sularity, when once the WashingtonGovernment has direct authority overHawaii. It 13 the only colonial possos-slo- n

of the United States, In my opin-ion, that can with reasonable expecta-tion look forward to enjoying the priv-ileges of territorial and statehood gov-ernment under the Stars and Stripes.The outlook for the ls!and3 U decided-ly auspicious."


AGENTS FOiThe Ewa Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd

KEEP THE HEAD COOL and Usfeet warm is the advice given by allthe doctors in time of epidemics of axykind. Pacheco's Dandruff Killer Is Ubeat to use on the head. It Is refresh-ing. Invigorating and stimulating, be-sides possessing cooling propertlscontained in no other preparation tM







The Kohala Sugar Co.The Waimea Sugar Mil Co.The Koloa Agricultural Co.The Fulton Iron Works, St. Loals

Mo.The Stand&rd Oil Co.The George l Blake Steam FumpsWeston's Centrifugals.The New England Mutual Life

Co., of Boston.The Aetna Fire Insurance Co., of

Hartford. Conn.The Alliance AcBurance Co.. of Eos


NOVELTIES!Is for sale by all druggists and at ttUnion Barber Shop; Telephone Of.


They Complain of the Quality ofFood at Kalihi.

Castle & Cooke,LIMITED.





618 Fort Strooto--f to

Editor Advertiser: We are verygrateful to learn from our Inspectorsof the kind treatment accorded the LIFE and FIRE


Chinese now In quarantine at Kaka-ak- o.

Notwithstanding the misfortuneof having their home3 and belongingsdestroyed, and the suffering that neces-

sarily follow, the Chinese are Indeedhappy; and we, on behalf of our so-

ciety, desire to take this early oppor-tunity to thank the Board of Healthfor their kind treatment. More espe-cially do we desire to express our debtof gratitude to thode whom the Boardhave so wisely cho-ie- n to govern thean lira at Kakaako and thus render theneoDle forgetful of their sorrow.


We have also established a brancnr. ?f

Incandescent Lamps.?

We are the sole agents for the GENERAL ELECTRIC COM-PANY'S Celebrated

EDISON INCANDESCENT LAMPS.These are known as Three-Wa- tt Lamps and consume only from

60 to 70 per cent of the amount of current used by the ordinarycheap bulbs. We have a large supply both In 16 and 32 candle-powe- r.


few liM Mm Hie wm b5 wstable at Walk lk 1.



figs Hi! iDsnronce conOF HARTFORD.

When we learned of the condition ofour countrymen at .akiako, our hearts

CORK MATS prevent colda and cold

feet and absorb the moisture; Jastwhat Is wanted for the bathroom floor.

It Is a pleasure to stand on one of these

mats after your bath.OCEAN CHURNS make butter in

half the time of any other kind and areeasily cleaned. Simple and effective.


hold six sheets of sticky fly paper. As

soon as one is filled it can be pulled

off without soiling the fingers; is self-protecti- ng

and will not soli carpets or

furniture, and is non-poisono- Pro-

tection from flret to last. The cleanest

and surest Sticky Fly-Catch- er on themarket.

HousefurnLshlng Goods DepartmentIs on the second floor. Take the safety


leaped for Joy, though we were confin-ed within the limits of Chinatownwxere our lives are threatened at every

II1 II ELECTR1 1 1 Sill ml46 Merchant Street. Only aFew


moment. But our Joy has been turnedinto sorrow, when we were Informed ofthe condition of our people at Kalihi.

On Sunday, the 13th instant, NgChan, one of our Inspectors, went toKalihi at the request of the society,with the expressed purpose of ascer-taining the condition of our country-men there, and to find out whether theywere supplied with good and whole-some food. He had great difficulty Ingaining an audience with Mr. Wilson,the superintendent, through the stub-bornness of the guard. Wh-?- n thj in-

spector paw Wilson and made knownto him the purpose of his visit, he wastold that he (Wilson) had no time,and thnt he might see the Chinese thenext day.

Mr. Goo Kim, on Monday, imde a





will be sold at?



TEMPLE OF FASHIONCommencing Next Monday, Dec. 4th

LIMITED $40 ashvisit to the Kalihi station and roundout, by questioning the Chinese, thateunnnes were poor and insufficient.


In th's shipment are a few Klfhlypolished walnut Cabinets that wool!

lUy add to your'household furnlsa--


to clear out the line.Having obtained this Information, he j

imrripdiafpy rnade coxp'aint to Mr.!Wilson, who assured him th.it such af--J

fairs would be remedied the following'


Mr. Ng Chan was sent on Tuesday toascertain whether or not the promise!of Mr .Wi'.son had bon carried out.To the surprise and indignation of theChinesp community, mitiers were

Importers ofCROCKERY, GLASS and HOUSE-- 1



EL-- STOVES, for Wood and Coal,



Store open from 7 a. m. to 5:30 p. ni. j


L. F. Prescottj wor.-- " than on th previous d.iy. Dur- -'

irg Thursday a visit was again madeby Mr. Ng Chan. On this tour of In-

spection more was lirnel roncrninz--

Our Entire Stock of DRY GOODS will bo open toour customers at very low figures.

lacks, nwnoxs. fixe lawxs. ixdia lawnsFIXE CASIIMEKES. LADIES' CAPES.

Suitable for the Holidays.

Hawaiian Dry Goods Association,M. PALAU, Manager.

JlPliP PVPlP y H ffl P(l Fort Slroot. oar Hotol.lit IU Ujulu U liliy. UU. sole Acer! ior the Hawaiiar





Alolia CollectionWood and CoaljALSO j

White and Black Sand


R. A. DEXTER, Mansger.


IMH Fort BL, Op?. Clnb Btablea.



the condition of the Chinese there. Nosytem whatever was used In the dls-- jtribmion of food. Rice generally un-- lcooked. We were also informe,! that)there was no steward to attend to thearrangement and distribution of food,:so that everyone wa left to hMp him-self, and of course the weak ajid thebashful very often go with empty;stoxachs. Ought people being depriv-- ied of every means of existence to bemistreated? Luke Chan, the book- -'

keeper at the Kaiihl station can fullytestify to the truth of the above, as;complaints were constantly lodgedwith him.

Some good people, far away from Ka-

lihi station, realizing the critical eitua-- :Hon. have shown their sympathy by ,

donations In money to aid the poor injtheir sad hour of affliction; how much!more kindly ought the superintendentat the Kalihi station to care Tor the!human sufferers In his Immedlatejcharge? Every part of the community.;Indeed, has felt for the people, deprivedof hoie and their own me.ns of ex- -

Istence. Kven the press, which urged;such drnsrle measures In rejrard to;

Hawaiian SongsFor Sale at the

Hawaiian Bazaar,MASONIC TEMPLE. ',

Corn's Hotel and Alakea Streets.

repair. Satis--Svra cleaned andaetlea smaranteea.

watch we will sell at the Ten lowestmarket rates.

Telephone No. 414.

Stage Line.HENRY BRYANT. Prop.

The stage for Kaneohe, Heela. Wai-kan- e,

and Kuoloa, will leave Postotace.Bethel street sld at 9 a. m. on Mon-

day, Wednesday and Friday, callingfor passengers and packages at Love-jo-y

& Co.'s, No. 19, Nuuanu street.


Gold and Silver Smiths.;

Allows 100 per cent more rentilatloD than the ordinary .

window and is readily adjusted to control the ventilation.

Burrowes, Window and Door ScreensAre the best and cheapest; Queen overhead and Mulllonpulleys; Gale sash lock; art mouldings, etc


Lincoln Block. King Street, near Alakea. Telephone 602.



All Goods and Work Guaranteed.209 HOTEL STREET."HONOLULU SNAP SHOTS.

Z2 n. W. McCHESNEY SONS. I Liver. HeadBreakfas Bo--A HANDY SOUVENIR OF Sausages.

Cheese andViews of Modern Honolulu, put up In j Wholesale GfOCeri DilllTltHltli- -

I felt sympathy; but it seems to n thatfelt sympathy; but 'i pems to us thatthe head of Kalihi station has no suchsvmpathy.

We wish therefore to call the atten-- ;tion of the Board of Health to thecomp'.alnts set forth. In order thatpresent conditions then? may early be,remedied.

M. C. AM AN A.i Chairman of the Chinese Inspectors.

nTelope and stamped, to man id anyirt of Postal Tnlon. for 50 cents. For cr and Sole Fladlrgs.Read the Advertiser,

75 Cents a Month.


W Noaaam 8t. TsLpale at Thrum'i. Golden Rule Bazaar, ;

Hawaiian Newt Co.'s. Woman's Fx- - J Arents Honolulu Sosp Works Co:

change and Wall, Nichols Co.'s. 533S ! yaay. Honolulu, and Tannery.



Commercial Advertiser.DUTY OF TUK COU.NCIL OF S I'ATK. i the Chinese merchandise la an affront

" tbr5fi 33 33 humanity. ThinkEvery measure short of the burning;Weot tha cost of cariaS ese gocx- l-of Chinatown is merely palliative.

warthou.es. the lumW, the wagesfrom theremay get the people awaybut the bacilli of the plague will re-- tor carpenters and draymen, the teams,

ihe guards, the fumigation, the doublemain, multiplying in the filth andhandles to and from fumigating sta- -

threatening a new outbreak In futureti3D3- - the cost of then thinkor the gradual spread of the old mal-- i storage;



lmpure BloodRheumatism, Kidney Troubles and

Sick Headache the Reeults Doc-tored for Years Without Relief." Sly blood was out of order, and I be-

gan taking: Hood's 6arsaprilU. It haspurified my blood and relieved me ofrheumatism, kidney trouble and sickheadaches. I have been afflicted withthese difficulties for years. I am cow ableto do a good day'a work. Rheumatism has

V TWQPflP.TTANMITaly. What gool fuxigation wou'.d do, Ul -- " l'of them best citizens.become our youngwhere the enrth is poisoned may

are compelled to do tha handling;i,.,irpri hv nr.p-- , .mmnn Pn Tt I.,finally think of the peril of some futureoutbreak whfn the merchandise hasbeen released. All thes.? things stand troubled me allce rwas a child, but I am

not even certain that fumigation wouldcleanse the houses of bacteria seeingthe the Hoard cf Health hashad In Its experiments with merchan-dise. Nor could the town be saved bythe extension of the sewers. Sewer

on the other side of the ledger testify- - nwry eu.- - an -- utoBs uaiIXT, Box 113, Pk?adena, California.Ing to tae false economy of withhold

Sheriff Andrews rrm ilna in place andhm excited neighbors in power.

There la no disease known to historyto be compared with plague In the ra-

pidity and the effectiveness with whichit will wipe out a whole population.PlHlnfection does well at the start, butit la of no avail when an epidemic ia

under full swing. The only safefy IleaIn destroying the places where the pestbreed, the gooda and chattel It mayhave infected and In fegregatin.r theexpound inhabitants.

"I have suffered from the effects of im- -ing money now. pure Mood, boils, pimples, etc., forfivt

and the reek of plauo-.;mittt- n floors j

and walls. It will have its function! Evenls eet'm to ,;e ten,lini? toward a

with other things in the r.-a-t work of j sre.t battle perhaps the bloodiest ng

Honolulu a wholc.-o- m ? and gas ment of recent times on thesanitary plac? in future but it cannot banks of the Tugela river. At least wii

years. I have tried various remedies with-out relief and finally purchased six lxt-tl- cs

of Hood's Sararwiril!a. The bollsind pimples have all dinar' pea r"d since 1

began taking thin medicine. I am nowentirely cured." Lor is Tuomam, 111:'11th Street, Oakland, California.

Hood's SarsaparillaIs ti e best in fart ttieOite True I'.I.hmI Tit!

was the fact on the 11th of this month,and the engagement, therefore, mayhave been fought. I5ut dealing In the

meet th.? emergen"" now. Only thetorch ami the coal oil can d that.

The Council of S.ate will convenefiiT. All clni'-'is- H. ?t, six f.r?. Cot Hoh!-- .

again to-d- ay to eon.-ide-r tha appropria- -' future tense the problem presented to

Mood's puis m;:1?,nvielir.ai.General Duller la like that which oneof the Northern generals of the Ameri- -

can Civil War had to meet when he t

7h precautions iteing taken tothe steamer Australia back to SanFrancisco next week with a clean billof health, though carrying a full cargoof sugar and an unusual number of pas-sengers, should convince the quaran-tine official as well as the merchantsof the Coast metropolis that Honolulu1 alive to the situation that confrontsher, and will not endanger other portsthrough lack of watchfulness.


tion of $200,000 or mire to settle mer-chandise claim?; for recent cases of In-

fection show that merchandise fromChinatown, however fumigated U aiaybe, is one of the most dangerous"jurcf-s of disease. Dy such means theplague has crossed Fort street and en

ulwas led by political demands at hemeto attack Lee's army at Fredericks-burg. There 'was a wide and deepstream to traverse fir&t; then an at- -

KoiLif'bnUfibU., . ! 1 , T r .1- -1 . . Y. l -tered the

The merchant who is said to have o valor could do no more than the Morth- -

with the buildings that have housed it,secured the pas for a Chinaman whoThe Old Reliable

ern soldiers did that day; yet theywere beaten and hurled back with aloss that stands out on the reddestpage of history w ith an appalling total.

we shall not get rid of the Illack Dath.Kvcry doctor who knows anythingkno.vs that; every Inspector who hasseen the goods from Chinatown mustbelieve It.

There are those who grudge the co.

let some one come out of quarantine'on it. remaining in Chinatown him30lf,Is not a member of the Merchants'!Conranlttee as was lately reported. TheiMerchants' Committee is not Issuing J

pastes nor la It in the pas3-brokera- ge

FORIt iJ not often that a general, withUss than the genius of Napoleon, hasbeen able to carry a well-mann- ed lineof fortified positions by assault. Those

bnslneaa. The Incident is otherwisetrue, however, and shows a character-istic p.iase of Chinese duplicity. Pamong them, apparently, the able Min-

ister of Finance, whose cherished sur-plus Is in peril. But we urge the Coun-cil of State t; remember that the de- -

Residence Lots on Pacific Heights

Are Now Offered For Sale.

which the Germans forced In 1S70 werenot well manned. Grant failed In hisasaults at Vicksburg and Petersburg;Banks In hia assaults at Port Hudson;Lee in his magnificent rush upon the

struction of a single cargo of islandsugar at a port of entry because of theplague would cost Hawaii more thanall the Chinese merchandise Is worth. BradsIf It gets out on the Coast that tneauthorities here, for the sake of keep

The tralning-hi- p Adams, now cruis-ing In Southern California waters, willbring a lively lot of lads to Honolulusoon. The cruise will extend no fur-th- er

away from the Coast than thisport, and as most of the embryo Dew-ey- s

have never before been outskie ofRan Francisco harbor, their visit willno doubt be aa enjoyable to them asit will be Interesting to the people ofthis city providing, of course, that theplague does not keep them off shore.

ing an extraordinary sum In the public

PNo lCMilenco inonerty hayingsimilar advantages and attractions, as for licalthfulness oflocation, having an elevation of from 170 to 800 feet, andaffording 'the grandest marine and scenic views; as also it'sproximity to the business part of the city, being less than a

treasury, have neglected one of the.AND.most obvious of fafguirds, woe betide

us. We shall then have to meet aquarantine barrier more insurmount MEDICINESable than a Chinese wall; sugar stockswill sink below sea level; our tourts:

Th Ohm.wi.u, ,m th. .fr f ,hJtra-ewi- M stop for a long time to come;Advertiser now lays the cau?e of Mrs

mile irom the rrogress llock, lias ever belore been presentedto the people of Honolulu.

One of the main features of this property, and procured atgreat expense, is the abundant supply of pure spring water,pronounced by Dr. C. 13. Wood as being the puiest and bestdrinking water obtainable in the island, which is now beingconducted into storage reservoirs upon the property by an inde-pendent pipe line, and will be sppplied to residents at.Government rates.

trans-Pacif- ic sbearnera will avcld us;we shall 'be isolated and accursed. Theduty good citizens owe' Hawaii is to Disinfectantsspend every dollar of the surplus if



Board man's death to presents receivedfrom Chinese friends. Anything todown the Chinese la the burden of thestong of tha morning paper writerWe advise the Chinese Societies tosnd this writer presents, and we arereasonably sure that he will take themand risk Infection. Try him. Inde-pendent.

It must .be the Chinese Societies haveagTeed to buy our contemporary thatlinotype machine vhich the well-defend- ed

Bishop Estate was vainly im

Federal lines at Gettysburg. The Rus-

sians could only get Plevna by strate-gy, after piling their dead In front ofit In successive charges. We believefrom all accounts that Duller has atask as difficult as any of these undfar more so than that of Pakenham atNew Orleans. If he wins he will de-

serve the peerage; if he fails It willbe no more than greater men havedone under similar circumstances.

The problem of how to cross the riv-er with cavalry and artillery In theface of an army of dead shots ia onething; that of how to scale the beetlinghights where that army is intrenchedia another. Conceding everything tothe superb valor of British soldiers,"we do not think It can be done. Itlooks like a forlorn hope with the faUof the British Empire hanging In thebalance. In the halo of a victoryagainst the flower of the Boer army theEmpire would compel again the respectIt ha3 lost among military powers; butIn the blackness of defeat there mightbe none bo poor to do It reverence. Butyesterday the word of Caesar mighthave stood against the woild nowwhat of the morrow?

"Our troops are retreating In admir-able order," remarks a satirist of theLondon press, "and the enemy la fol-lowing in great confusion." Let uahope the second tale of Tugela will bedifferent.

need be In subduing the pestilence, athing that haa already done moreharm to ua than the surplus, If turnedover Intact, with Mr. Damon's com-pliments, could do the Treasury of theUnited States.

The Advertiser in appealing for thor-ough work haa iLe backing, so far as Itcan find out, of every citizen save a


DEALERS IN ur Guarantee.fportuned for.few of those who own shacks or goods4

Marshal Drown will be heartily supported in hia efforts to put a stop to

AVe GUARANTEE to all purchaser?of Lots on PACIFIC HEIGHTS that wo will, within siimonths-- , provide rapid transportation to the highest lots on thproperty, connecting the same with the Honolulu Rapid Tran-sit Co.'s line on Pauoa Road at the beginning of Kaiulani Drive


Materia- l-Chemicals.

In Chinatown and those to whom ahealthy surplus is dearer than a healthycity. In this case thorough workmeans four things: the stoppage of thehandling and transfer of Infected mer-

chandise; the burning of that mer-chandise; the obliteration of every-thing in Chinatown that has four wallsand a floor; the complete disinfectionof the site. And the neceesary antece-dent to all this Is haste. The Councilof State should not forget that thebacilli of the plague rnnay be Increasing

TERMS: 1-- 3 Cash, 1-- 3 in one year, 1-- 3 in two yearj;interest, six per cent, per annum ou deferred payments.

Our carriage will convey parties1, desiring to inspect theProperty to and from the same.

by thousands everyday oa they did one?i upon a time in Milan where neitherthose who Journeyed to the mountain? NOTICE OF ELECTION.

the heedless driving by hackmen andothers, which has become all too com-mon of late. The case of W. L. Eaton,a wheelman, who was seriously InjuredIn a collision with a vehicle lately,apparently through no fault of hisown, la an Illustration of the reckless-ness that has come over some of theHonolulu drivers. A severe penaltyshould be provided for violation of thecommon law of the road.

In view of the fatality that markedthe progress of the plague upon itsfirst appearance In the Chinese quar-ter, no little consolation can be hadfrom the fact that the Japanese wom-

an and her baby, who were pronouncedvictims, are reported to be recoveringat the detention camp. The same re-

port Is made concerning the second ex-

cavator man, a Hawaiian, who wasstricken with the plague, but who Isaid to be up and about the detention

ramp, cheerful and anxious to regainhis old Job .

It Is unfortunate that Special AgentSaylor of the Agricultural Department

-- -

Prescriptions Carefully Com-

pounded !


Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

nor laid off ehore on ships were ableto escape their ravages. Breeding fastin festered pits the deadly germs werecarried here and there on every windand on every, article of merchandiseuntil more than half the Milanese weredead. The bacilli of the plague arcbreeding the same way here. Shall Itbe said that the statesmen of Hawaiiweighed dollars against the chance ofdestroying their breeding-place- s andextirpating them.

Ta.ii about the cost of destroying all


President Jose G. SilvaVice President W. O. TeixeiraSecretary Jos. FriasTreasurer A. G. Silva, Jr.

Board of Directors Jose Machado,M. J. Coite. Thos. Carvalho, Sr., J. M.Gomes, J. V. Fernandes.

Board of Arbitration L. F. Menezes.Joao Abreu, Jr., M. J. R. Silva, AbelS. Nascimento, M. M. Pavao.

JOS. FRIAS.54 1(5 Secretary.

EST For maps and full particulars call at our Oflice, Rooma

7 and S, Progress Block.

Bruce Waring & Co.. Only the highest grade of RED RUB-BER is used In the Stamps male bythe HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.

at Washington could not have visited

'(PEHoHawaii at a more propitious time. He ,Xla here to thoroughly Investigate andreport upon the resources of the Isl- -amis, but on account of the quarantine lregulations la prevented from visiting j !the other parts of the group, and con- - rtemplates a return to the coast next sweek. However, Mr. Saylor will visit lthe Islands again, and hopes to have ;


F . .

Wonderful 8arsraieshis report npon Hawaii's resources Inthe handa of the Agricultural Depart-ment some time this year. It will bepublished In pamphlet form for freedistribution.

We earnestly hope that the optimis-tic feeling of the Oahu sugar men abouta willing reception of Oahu sugar atSan Francisco will be Justified byevents. Assuredly there Is no goodreason to think that th. sugar hasTeen or will be Infected. At the sametime It U well to remember the un-reasoning panic that San Frarckco fellinto last spring when plague was re-ported on the Nippon Maru, and to be


RTluiuimii MEW TORE IJj)o


Largest Store, Largest Stock at the Lowest Prices Ever Offered in this City,

Rhh LINES NEW GOODS.prepared for anything that may come.John D. Spreckels worda. consideringhis Intimacy with the ways of hia city,are ominous. We can only hope thatthe considerations which Inspired themwill not last. 4.

tw-HEgfr- fi i iiiiiiiimmiiiii in i iiii a 1 1 nirnii iiimiiiii 1 1 m in i nnrfg

m ii, iisoy.ua,OFFICE COPY.


n n--


- i

The Beginning of the Year 1900Collegiate School

VICTORIA. B. C.Patrnn r Vl.'fnrl .1 n

f 'i'ir Th2 LcrJ Bishop of ColumWaPleasure Circles Aren

(I.s it the last vear of thf old century or the ti is r of the m-v- v ?)

Shows that the sak-- a at the

vneuuivi ilsIn the Hawaiian Islands have increased L"0 v rent, in 1S!'J, over the sales inIu connection with thest oils, we now otTt-- r

Yet Dull. STAFF:I J. V. LA1NC M.A.. Oxon. Head Maa- -i

ter.Uev. C. EN SOU SHARP. M.A.,Gloom cf

Over1COil for the Troublesome WaterFew Events But the

the Plague HangsThem All.

H. J. S. MUSKETT, SL reter's Col- -lepe, Cambridge.

Moderate-term- s for day scholar andboarder. Hoys rc rived from 8 yean otape and upwards.

Announcement has been made of theengagement of Miss H. lea II pkin i

.11 l'rar.ci.-v-o to Mr. Augustus Tay

jborVtTput ice inthe glass when serving Crowri

Cocktails. C

Pouring over ice takes the snap"

. the dash out of them--

The proper way to drink them

is" to refrigerate or cool on.i:e.before serving.

Observe this rule ani you will

Iiiscli.l'T ami Moral Training strongfactors; Military Drill.

Ivister Term will begin on January S.

1?"0.Promt N'.inVrrp T.l.Rev. J( hn rivnn.e If kindly artlni

as a reference In the Hawaiian llnda.


NVws ( ct.-.c- s f rt m Fan rr.r.-.ri.,- . . ofvery s'.c; cf.i;f..'! I'.mu r fciven by Mi's.

EMERALD BOILER OIL.WHAT IT IS. Emerald lloiler Oil is a Petroleum extract free from all substance-injurio- us

to metal. The special process adopted for its manufacture extracts the volatilewhile the scale removing properties are retained.

It i.s of high lire test, and consequently well calculated to withstand the high tt

oi steam in the boiler; at the same time, there is no dang'-- r of the formation of gas.For removing and preventing Scale, Emerald lloiler Oil gives the most perft

of anything for the purpose now on the market.Its success is attested to by the many who are using it with tin? best of rnlt.

WHAT IT SAVES.What Emerald P.oiler Oil saves is of more importance than what it costs.t. r,..t. intu t iiiir it m:iyp vast.1v more in fuel alone.

Wilii.-r.- i '". Irwin fjr aii'U s:vy t

tlie season's tl '.ji.t.u.U s ai.i bcl'.c.--.

P'rirr th r! v-.re rf Mr. and Mrs. mm isi enfind Crown Cocktails the greitest

appetuer on earth.He'.nridi U'T-J- ' in Germany their at- -

trac.ive Nur..:.u v:-.!- l y 1. v v.u .I occi:i'! 1 hy Mr. rr.il Mrs. Pfuten:ia'i0r. STREET.

: Manager.lOS KING

i J. Waller :('!-- ' "e lffn m'.o'.vmI from ;VThe aim' in every steam plant should be to produce steam at the b-a- t possible r

horseK)wer. ' . ... JThat is the keynote to the whole situation.r?..-n- A flrtwn thf cost of steam making, by keeping I oilers i

E.ift anr.oniK ir? the n;.u i i 'f M.- -.

Allfit I.luv'l Colston to Mi-- 3

Roeve Ax:tU, Th ir;.liy. IVr rrb r 21.r.n.

IS'.'!', at M :nt P.i!:i;t. I'a. -- r. an.iMr?. (V)lstf n will rosi.e at Port Dopos-i- :,


Wholesale and UeUll


UAVY CONTRACTORS.Owins to the atri t enf rrrmprr of

that thev maintain their full efliciency with a norn.al amount of fuel

We 'trust you see the point, and, seeing, w i' act by giving P.oib r O.l a tr...l

Your orders are solicited."

PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY LIMITED.V.ii ciuarantino regulations the afternoon t?a to have l.en pivrn ny .miss

rtnul" Soott on Wednesday, was ln- -I definitely postponed.

AGENTS. HONOLULUMr. and Mrs. Alonzo Gartley are ex- -

PfH ted home on the China, which U expected to arrive at Honolulu on the31st of this month. Mr. Uartiey winsucared Mr. Theo. M. Hoffmann, as-- ;

. a . .Alexander & Baldwin; Price Reduced I suming the management or xne na- -

waiian Electric Company.

Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. JamesG. Spencer gave a dolightfal breakfast


Harness Co.Sugar Factors at their Nuuanu valley home. ThoseThe beat at tue lowest

...Price at HOFP'S. present were Colonel and Mrs. S. M.

AND Mills, Mrs. Walter Maxwell, .Mr. anaMrs. Francis M. Hatch, Colonel A. i.Hawes, Sir Henry Thynne and Mr. and

Make an offer for that elegant lot

with Improvements, situate on Thurs-

ton avenue, possessing a magnificent

marine view which cannot be obstruct-

ed, and located adjoining the new res-

idence of H. C. Austin, Esq.. and ad-

joining other substantial and fine Im

Mrs. James G. Spencer.Commission Merchants

jUDD BUILDING. Dr. II. V. Murray, who left for SanFrancisco on the last trip of the Aus-

tralia, has gone to Vancouver, wherehe intends taking passage on a steamer bound for Australia. The friends

provements. If you are desirous of

purchasing an elegant residence Bite

here Is the opportunity. NO REAS-


of Dr. Murray will be pleased to learnI - . .. jl LI.that he has quite recovered irom maInjuries received from his fall on the


Tort Btreet. Opp. Wilder Co.

Flrt-Cl- a Lunchet Stmiwith Tea. Coffee, Soda Water, Oinf r

Aje or Mlllc Open tmla.rn.to 10 p. m.

emoaera' BeQulaltea a Saeclalty

deck of the steamer Australia.

E.irlv in the week cards were Issued

NO !








Will E. Fista, by Mrs. Joseph A. Oilman for a card ;

party on Thursday afternoon, given Inhonor of hpr cousin. Miss Husfel. but i

later the invitations were rrcaiic.i.PSittirdiv even'rsr Mr. and Mrs. Ihr-- ,

GITY MILL CO., LTD.old M. Sewall entertained a smill nun- - ;Real Estate Agent

h'cr of pns at a very enjoyable polt I.. 1 .tr.r.,1.

HUB fl! (MB V" r.r'f M- -. Jir.ioq o. Spencer,M- -. r--

s. W. porter P.ndl Mr. and


Auctioneer. Mrs. Orritt P. WiM-- r, M- -. nnd M:".Frnr'.-- M. Hatch. Mr. nrd Mr.. Fran-- ,r!s M. Swit.7v. !). nrl Mr-- . IVi "in

QUMN KEKAXJLIKJS burrwa Bide of Old Flh Market)

.T'iclo'1. Mr. pr-- Mrs. Minn'fordd n Rnt 951. Tel. 101.

Corner Fort and Merchant St Wil.n. C'olorfl nril Mrs. S. M. Mil.'..a V Mvmm 'iTr Wil-c- r C. Vi"tTI, M--.- 5. H raceIt. Ch-fo-

, M:.--s Widdilleld. Miss S. C.ir- -tbat they are now

Bcc to announce



te- -. novel r-- .r A. S. fVerhorn. ( 'm-m.lr.fl- er

Merry. Mr. Edmund I'.urkeitvI H. iiry Thyr.r.e. .

i y.roared to undertake all brancnet of

U above business.

f7ork undertaken by the day or by

tract; tlmatea furnished.Thr nnr.o:it:crnirr,t of Mrs.

JUSTTOE IfflNG leadinz lady vith the Frawkys. has

cre?t-- rot a l'tt1 commrnt anions hermnny friends. Mr?. Cnstle Is very wellTOknown in Honolulu yodf ty. for durinzAWNINGS MADi:



ported by Votary Contribution- -.

Importers and


To send to your friend


hrr brief stay in the city she was mostlavishly entertained by the leading;families of Honolulu. The Call of De-

cember 21st has the following to payof Mrs. Castle's determination to be-

come an actress: "Mrs. Neville Castleis ftolnir on the stnre. Under her maid-

en name of Mary Scott she will makehcr .iflmt with the Krawiey company


A SPECIALTY.in Pinero's famous play, 'The Princess

FREE TREATMENT to the Poor of

t1StS3S25S a. card-f-m- lsslon

and to the service, etc.. etc..

apply t th



Hawaiian and the Putterfly.' Mrs. Caftle Is bold-ly poinK to make the plnnse Into thenew life of the theater and her debutrole will be the Important one of Fay,the part created by Mary Mannerinc.

n th 'Princess was produced InNFf 1 1.j: JTeoxIt Cor. King & Fort Sts.New York. The new Frawley leadingwoman Is well known In her nativecity. Fhe Is the daughter of the la'.en. H. Scott and sister of Henry Scott,who was recently married to Admiral

Scenic Postal

Cards!!(37 different new views)

Leading Fcreitnre




OCe: OppoflU W. O. IRWIN ft CO


Sampson's daughter. Two years nroMiss Scott was married to Neville Cas-- m

nnd with her marriaee be.ian thepossibility of the foclety belle enteringthe life of tha theater.

"'I alwayg wanted to he an actrc?a.'said Mrs. Cast!, 'but my family andCAREFULLY PREPARED,T TITLEfrie? di?"ourarer me. When I prom-

ised Mr. Cartle to be bis w!fo I con-

fided to him my nmJ.itlon. and h" said:ON REAL E3 Price 3c Each at j.hopp cn.MONET TO LOAN



Ofncc.WUh the PucUic Hardware Co., Honolulu II. I.

K.-tinui- jriven au'l contracts nialo for wells on any oi

the I.Unl:. .

THOUSANDS OF"Wait, and If in two years yon still de-

sire to enter the t rofr.v'.on and tlmsecar.'i''e to .I'ld-- r ('fc'de yon bav" tal-c'- nt

f r 1:. I v;'.i t.ct wlrhboM r.iy con- -The purchase of CI.ill rent.'

LIMITED."A.'ter her mrria" M'is. Cis',-'- 1 r.t

CiU-'- 'bnn ;;."'!' to study f r the

sta. Ht tc'T vn5 lmn'-eiTr.-- i l,y

her anuM.al r.WMiy an.l cr.1V 1 Fraw-l?v- 's

attention to l.:- - The arr- -

mr!:'" r f iw the s'-r'e-- woman n aor hcavv work onoratol by

Eight New Plants Sje most aiiiuiui iiirnesT; ciass



will prevent any mis-

take in the choice of

your Automobile. Theeame popular priceprevail.

rlnllK'rs.iitt:-- - crm-diet:a- 'A IIirr' - 1,3

vr at rnre in;; t v'.:)i her rareta!r.t ar.d tbT nr.d th"re r e--: v'.attnr.s

GoodswerP i.r.m wb'fli r-- '::d in ir.c n

pnrmer.t cf Mrs. Ca?t:e asladv for Fravl'-- c.rr.pat'.y."

:' New HolidayChildren's Photos

Are the hardest of all to make weU

nntll you become accustomed to intusk. Mothers tell us we are at our ,

Mit when making photos of the little ,

ones. Our quaint, unique poses faun--;

f--1 pkenesses and dainty style or oniuing photot find favor In every

mother's eyea.

PTMerve babr pretty face m one

of Walllami' photos.

rvor'?iTn rit.3.If you nart to :. vo ir homeGRAM-0-PHONE- S

Sold on Installments.hv r- .- of th-- 4 rn:s ar i

ineso'd at I.. YA.V.v:- - nr II.. m- -r

are sroo.i vaiue, k.

chnrm'.r--s colirs. ar.J nr;--- t p1 s-- vn to-- THE be appreciated. Do r.ot fail to tea





efrlce In delivering packages. Invita-

tion, etc

j. J. Williams, BergstrpmHucCo - j ent cOiOrs.


the-- a before they are all so. a.

Hives are a terrible torment to tnltt'.Ie folks, and to some older one

Djane Ointment never fails. Ineiaatrelief and permanent cue. At any

ctemlst't. 60 cents.hide imsn


G00 KIM. 210 NUUAMJ blKtci.ABOVE HOTELThousands of new records for the

Gramophone Jut received ty the Berg-- ;

strom Music Co.II ILLIlllllvr urn viwwiw.

Fort Street.TEL. 444.MAS0KIC TEMPLE.


provision.-- ; at the cornc r store, gain?to school ami to cnurcn, paying meir

FO WHITEMEN :.i.es at hoM. and (loin; a. that is Thec n ! t. u..;" r to C'-3- r.t:r.;i'. life, will make

I I" ' i' wh.it everv ;ntere!iv. man 11i

i I (1

bFuture of

. it In l -- 1 f h 1 ir.i, I ive iid n tlrtV- - ll'.'l"! k'i e- - I i

- " S .

:3: i; to be.(To le Continued.)

rK u


f ., v a t r . to ri v i . i:i i rt I vhi- - i .ii I li . I i. : .s i i .. i.ito i

i i ii y-- i i ' ir

Vhat SUNDAY SERVICES.Hawaii Offers to-- I

hem..i Or. ; s ; i'. i:i A child's life rr.av

IN blighted by the diseases ofyouth, such es Rickets, j

A Magazine Article Fu!! o" Points f&rFal I Suitswa : w a ; b i - k !i 1 ivi li p- - f -- i

H- - W 'l !fr I f.rt':r 111. pr.iv "nCfll it f l r- -

I a i .nl'y nith oi's reipiiciitr nii i i -- t fviifii "i l iii-i- r iii jr- - 't ifvi

x.i njilf ft fjlri:'". fit ri.il (in ; nn i a slr i.Ii'Mtit l c t ie m i. t!i; v fr rxc'iil- - Vfir i nr

Intending Settlers by a

Former Resident.

Ontrai Union ChurcX corner liere-tiri- .t

and Richards streets. Rev. W.M. Klncaid, pastor. 3: 5 a. m., Sundaya.i.oji; 11:00 a. m., public worship ands rmon; 6:30 p. m., Y. P. S. C. E. pray-t-r

meeting; 7:30 p. m., public wor-ship and sermon. Wednesday, 7:3U p.dj. prayer meeting. I'aiama Cnapel9:30 a, m., Sunday school; 7:30 p. m.Gospel service. A welcome for all at

ery service.

Services at St. Clement's Chapel(Episcopal) Wilder avenue. PunahouCelebration of the Holy Communion:Pirst Sunday of tr.e month, 11:05 a.m.: every other Sunday, 7:15 a. m.:

Hn i vf: I fril m: tt i jiu a'n i i - t P-- ",M.'uMfc' f ; f . ir.d s muc u rj ri.-ie-t aui j

T, 1 1 V. 1 1 I J V'lUUVl.llLVU tJJweak bones or crookedspine, and inability to standor vuH. jcadi!y, or Maras-

mus, that wastir.j diseasecharacterized by palenessand emaciation, or Scrofula,a constitutional disease ofthe glands End neck.

Scott's Emulsion

Th? following article en;itkd "TheWhite Settler in Hawaii." written by::. S. Goodhue. M. D.. appears in th.?Anglo-Americ- an Magazine for


i Offer for Sals:

i REFINED SUGARS.Cube and Granulated.

iPARAFLNE PAINT CO.'SI Palnta, Compouads ana Bolivia


I PAINT OILS,Lucol Raw and Boiled.Linseed Raw and BolleC

I INDURINE,Water-pro- of cold-wat- er PalaL la-ld- e

and outside; la wlilt lcolon.

FERTILIZERS.Alex. Cross & Pons' hlgh-tT- dt

Scotch fertilizers, adapted for is-g- ar

cane and coffee.

N. Ohlandt & Co's chemical rertlJ-lzer- s

and finely ground Bone llal

yon il not oe i s.i ihtft.

A MessageJust Received

i.ie inducements Hawaii has to offerto a prospective whiie settler depend

thp Prn-- r rf mm who islargely uponto consider them, and nnon the rondi- -

S of pure Cod-Liv- er 0;! with Hypoj phosphites of Lime 2nd Soda wi! I

Saints' days, C:45 a. ta. matins andsermon, 11:05 a. m.; evensong and ser-mon, 7:05 p. m.; daily prayer at 6:45a. m. Beretania street cars run to theChapel. Twenty minutes from Fortstreet. Seats free and unappropriated.Vested choir.

Methodist Episcopal Church, cornerBeretania and Miller streets. G. L.

iiwiis that surround him where he lives.If his home climate a?ree.4 with himand his fa r.iiy; if he ii satisfied andmaxing a living: if. in other words.

Drevent and cure thee disease.

From cur hoy' and rhiidre i' i!e. arta.et.t.ay. don't f jr,-- t lo t i tltf j i if I'oliim-'-itlniit Uf 'j I llV-'- ni w nuikiiitf in

!)' hihI lil lrn'.M cllhinyf. litre ,ia wii.it it

Suits fro.--n 3 to 8yrs. $2 an! up.Suits from 8 to 16yrs, $3 50 ani up.

It supplies ju t itic material neededto form sircn.3 bones, rich redblood and so'id fesh. It will alsoreach the ir..1-- .t through the moth-er's mi'k, 2nd be of the greatestbenefit to bo'.h.

there is no reaoan uy he should goanywhere eie. lie had better staywhere he U. At le.tst, there are no

' inducements for him in Hawaii. Du:if either he himself or a mem'.Jtr of hishouehoid suffers from th effects of asevere climate: if he is thoroughlyi. red of long, cruel winters, tornado.'?,

land various other climaticof his S;ate; if he L scarcely niak- -

THEPearson, pastor. The public 13 Invitedto attend the following regular ser-vices: Sunday, 10 a. m., Sundayschool; 11 a. m., public worship andservice; 6:30 p. m., Epworth league,and 7:30 p. ra., public worship and

SCOTT A W N K Cnen.ists. Sew York.

sermon. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.. crav- -

Fulton Engineering RV AriTftnRlTV STEAJI PIPE COVERINGAJI AUIlivriXil S Reed's patent elastic sectional

ing enough one spa.-o-n to provide forthe next; if, indeed, he is going some-- iw here, why should he not g to Ha- -waii? It is a long distance away from

j America, but it doesrft s era far whenyou get there.

j The lands of the Islands ar.e hr-l- d inj various ways, some being lea.-e-d outjto private individuals and corporationsfor long terxs. Many of the.-- e lease


er meeting.

Seventh-Da- y Adventist Chapel Lo-cated at the end of Hotel Biree-t-. oneblock from Punchbowl street Ser-vices: Saturday Sabbath school, l!i a.m.; preaching, 11 a. m. Tuesday, pny-e- r

and missionary meeting, 7:30 p. xn.All are welcome. B. L. Howe, pastor.


and grants have not yet expired, andmay cive the Government t rrn !: i,iar

iPs tiie old Mexican grants did in Cali-fornia. The following land conce3- -





San Franclnco, Cal

The Reorganized Church of JesusChrist of Latter Day Saints Servicescn Sunday as follows: 10 a. m., Sundayschool; 11 a. m., preaching in Hawaii;an; 6:30 p. m., preaching In Hawaii

Teachers in the Government schoolsin this district are requested to call atthe office' of the Department today andsign receipts for their January salaries.The schools not being In session, it isimpossible to send the pay rolls aroundfor signature as usual.

C. T. RODGER3,Secretary, Department Tubllc Instruc-

tion.Honolulu, Jan. 18, 1900. 5116

5hip Building Works,SAN 1'UAKCISCO. CALlFOIiN'IA.

Engineers and BuildersHlfiH DUTY PUMPING ENGINES,


E.stirnatos furnished for all classes of machinery and forthe equipment of complete power plants.

'p.on-- j have tipen ma le: to Parker, onHawaii, C7.S8S acre-- : to C. C. Harris,on the same Island, 1SI.29S acres; to C.Fpreckels. on Maui. 21.IM.0 acres; to C.R. Bishop, on Moiokal. 45.rt, a?re9,

'and to Mes--r- s. Sinciiir. on Niihau. fil,- -O'-- acres an aggregate of 3.13.714acres. A reckoning of the various

; tract.s. Including those heid by the Go-vernment, former crown linds and soforth, shows a total of 4.010mX) acres.There are now, exclusive of grants,about Sl'S.OOO acres of Governmentland. Since there have ben some2.1.000 acres disposed of by the Gov-- ;eminent to homesteaders. The crown

j landis that have become the property ofthe Governmvnt are valued at $tj,000.-- j000.

The larger nortion of this lin.l la

an; 7:30 p. m., preaching In English.All are Invited.

Christian Church. Alakea street nearKing. Rev. John C. Hay, pastor; V.C. Weedon, superintendent of Sun-day school. Richard Weedoa, presi-dent of the Young People's Society.Professor I Cook, choir master andorganist. Preaching at 11 a. m. and7:30 p. m. on Lord's day. Prayer meet-ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. A cordialwelcome to all. Sociability a specialty.

Church of St. John the Baptist(Kalihi-waen- a) Religious servicesas follows: 8 a. m.. High Mass, withsermon and collection for the usualexpenses of the church; 3 p. m.. Re-hearsal; 4 p. ia.. Rosary.

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORK!,Philadelphia, Penn. U. g.' j,

NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO.,(Manf. "Nftlonal Cans ShrsJder"i.

New York, V. E. .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATfrom this date no packages or bundlesfor persons detained at Kalihl Deten-tion Station at Walakamilo will be re-

ceived except between the hours of9 to 11 a. m. atid 2 to 4 p. m. All suchpackages or bundles must be well OHLANDT A CO

OFFICE: Fort Street, between Merchant and King,


HENRY R. WORTHINGTON,wrapped and plainly addressed In Eng-lish and also in Japanese, Chinese orHawaiian, as the cae may require.

either arable or 11 r. for pasture, andmuch of it is very f.- - rtlle. Some tracts

liirp protected from the wind. like taosej of Nahiku and Maui, and are suite 1 to; coffee growing: other tracts are betteradapted to general far.ring. such asfruit anil domestic nroduce. Amiin

Saa Francisco, C


Saa Franclco, CJ.


Cm'ral Unior. Church Will Hold Ser-(- I2sC.)-C. B. WILSON,

Superintendent Kalihl Detention Sta-tion.

Approved: C. B. WOOD,President Board of Health.

Honolulu Jan. 19, 1900. 5446

uildersEngineers and fc ;s

large areas are fu only for cattle rang-es. Many of the gulches which appearalmost Inaccessible are Ideal spot for

' r('e growing or for coffee, water 1 eingleaiiy procurable. A time will comefwhen all these valleys, now so largely

1 t ( t .1 l... 1. ...ii, ,

j j0 Jt M J J JLET US DOOIlllDiFiii Enoines foriVafer VYorKs ona miaafinn

v." - j-.-- w..

vices as Usual.The following communication is pub-

lished at the request of Rev. W. M.Klncaid:

To the Members of the Congregationof Central Union Church: As theBoard of Health has not deemed it nec-essary or advisable to close thechurches. Central Union Church willgo on with ail its work until notice isgiven to the contrary, and on Sunday

IRRIGATION NOTICE. ; Your Baking hMANAGERS ANDTIIH SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATIONifiPVTS fa n T lod r tha fiif th) --.... in -- i, You certainly don't want tn hAStreetour Queen Holders of water privileges, or those

paying water rates, rre hereby notifiedwarehouse a lares assortment nf numna fnr nil kinria nf cnrif Vmncn nn.ni.i

, u, ,iuii,iinf ii, wui ue open-ed to white men. In one of tfvsc beau-tiful, sheltered valleys, by h ownvine anil fig-tre- e, the average Americanfarmer would think himself in Para-dise. The largest acreage of availableland is on the I trgpst island. Hawaii:but Maui Is I), ing surveyed and openedur. and so are Oihu and Molokai.

The Government tract on Kauai areicomparatively sman. It is hard to get

that the hours for irrigation purposesj r - ' " v " . . . . v. . w loucuft uuJt; ai 1 tt.tincluding vacuum pumps, air pumpd, condensers, feed pumps. Juice pumps,

molasses pumps, etc., together with a complete stock of spare parts andvalves for all sizes. Careful attention given to all orders and prompt ship-ment fruaranteed.


are from 6 to 8 o'clock a, m. and from4 to 6 o'clock d. tn.

1 aiama cnapel Sunday school, theHome Bible school, the church preach-ing services, and the Young Peonle's

In a hot kitchen, working abouta red-h- ot stove such days asthese. Save yourself that dis-agreeable trouble. Order all theBREAD. ROLLS. CAKES andPASTRY here. We'll send ev-erything, fresh; 'twill be astoothsome as the home-mad- e

kind, and cost considerably less.Kindly give us a trial.

Christian Endeavor meetinsr willland there. Plantation and nrU-Q-

individuals own the rihf nf wm- - ,i!held at the usual hours. Thnt wo mav

ANDREW BROWN.Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved by:' ALEX. YOUNG,lillniater of Interior.

OFFICE: Corner Fort and Queen S!s. WAREHOUSE: Corner Cju'ea and Cook StsHONOLULU, It. I. TELEPHONE 50-5- .

hold on to it with a tenacity peculiar j save ourselves from unnecessary de--jto the tropics. It is virtually inipassi-- ! nioralizatlon, and help the communitybie to buy there for money, or for any--i religiously as much as possible, at a

j tiling but lnHum-e-. The Government time when such help its especially need- -

iVr 11 00,'lM f r the selMor lmt: f''' Iet a11 whose VMic duties do not11 Jaime' latelv nndn th ro.iHonolulu, June 14. 1893. 6255

HUE GERMAN BAKERY..,,1. . . . p" rru luuugu 11 oe at tne costmsmn mm wosms

San Francisco, California.


THE ANNUAL MERTIVP. np Titv.m. o( the Wn lan.l I cm) by .823 Fort Street. Telephone 677. .

K trifjciciririricir.WILLIAM MORRIS KINCAII).


unions ana ny weaitny persons. The! genius of the monarchical native Gov-jernme- nt

encouraged this aggrandize--ment. For instance, the Waiakea plan-jtatlo- n

on Hawaii has 90.000 acrfs leas-;e- dfor twenty-fou- r years, and not far

Hawaiian Agricultural Co. will bejieldat the office of C. Brewer & Co., Ltd.,in Honolulu, on Thursday, January 251900. at 10 a. m.

E. F. BISHOP,Secretary II. A. Co.

Dated, Honolulu. Jan. 17, 1900. 6'45

It IS Honolulu atTHE

Ladies' TailoricjSupplied in

Last.irom 11110 is a o4.000-acr- e frn.--tf.- - ...

I iui luur ) rars less. It is hard always to be pleasant.nut lands in some nf thatriers fn iiitt-r,!- ! iTi" " , oou-natureu people are often irri- -


Dramatic Parlors.


Pamping Machinery, Heine Boilers,

Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines,

Cane Gars, Yacuum Pans

... . t,ulu lu D jna-- , tablefide settlers; to theof Haleakala and rouSS aboSf Ko'n.a J LsuSed re"n WUldseveral white residents have alreadv

i frone. The I.anai ranch Is to be 1 v'v?r .htTe ,tChiDg piIes?.A nouZh to KO to bedlarge es'ate on Molokai Not,8ik nor well

i wneto ruin and. ainlike the !S fn"fJ, nnt.ie nth man's Stable mnv fnll tntn the.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe seventh assessment of ten (10) percent on the capital stock of the Hono-lulu Rapid Transit & Land Co. will bedue and payable to J. H. Fisher, treas-urer, at 411 Fort street (upstairs), Ho-nolulu, on the 1st day of Januaryprox. The fchares upon which any as-sessment may remain unpaid afterthirty dars from .iM data win v.a a.

All the latest Fashion Plate now onband.

I cut my own patterns of any itrltyou like.A. J. DOLLIXGER,


The constant itching 6ensation.Hard to bear, harder to get relief.Keeps you awake nights.Spoils your temper nearlv drivo

hands of the "man of small means"if he Is there In time. "Lovely Manoa'Valley," on Oahu, gos Into coffee very!SOOn. I am told th.it in Iho KooLthAnd f- T I i 1 m I

JlaCnilierv tor thA rnmnlpfa on 11 1 nm Ami e;gap there is an ideil M ii,n fnr fTf ;3'' crazy.v VMUI 'U1RUL 111 . .. . . . . " Isn't relief and cure a lonir-fe- n n-a-li--e sou t)nz rich, nrotwte! from the8agar Mills. clared delinquent.

i' ! n . ) nn 1 l - . . It la t r 1 Vi i 1 . . t .J. A. OILMAN,

Sec. H. R. T. & L. CO.Honolulu, Jan. 3, 1300. 5433 WE

Have just opeij- -

; "ium, inu wiiu just. ni ;siure cnougn. v " iui cyciuim; in ixan 8President Dj1 has taken the initiative Ointment,

land has set a good example by plant-- ! Uoan's Ointment never falls to cureling a coffee tract. I shouldn't wonder itching piles,if he would go to Maui and W3rk thef Eczema or any itchiness of the skinplace himself. IJke Cincinnati hej Here is proof of it in the testimony

OFFICE: Rooms 5 and 6, Progress Block.HONOLULU. H. L ASSESSMENT NOTICE.

NOTICE 13 HEREBY fiTVFTV that. iii.ij m it-iii- e ins i .u ui. i nere or

: . . i , . t .i . , ...i . ed a largo ship-ment of

ui; uuii.ii uMt in unu? water wnii .Mr. Frank Ieibly of CC S Main Ktbe secured for the various dry sections Wilkesbarre. Pa., who says-- ' -- it uof land situated on the leewnr.i m,.i, i "... the eecond assessment, 25 per cent or$2.50 per share, on assessable stock ofH Great Variety of the Honolulu Stock-yard- s Co., Ltd..)

, muiujuMBme mat i lestiry to theof tho Il-in-l-

V. V - 'merits of Doan's Ointment in cases ofIs surprising to fee throughout the rnenting affliction for the past vearislands of Hawaii what a n'imiw, itrhim, niUo t i rsmall farmers there ar in0'i.,n. r .t.i ..., . lutt lor

NewGoodsliVt- - --

Tsv-sfei while n,, wbo have ,,es to cililhaTommem led to m. .'nd That I .S"

win do aue ana payable at the officeof Frank Hustace, Treasurer, on Mon-day, January 1st, 1900.

By order of the Board of Directors.A. NEWHOUSE,

6406 Secretary.Stoves nauy 1 procure uoans Ointment. Aft-- .

'1,, JT .m.l.necou'rjr WM larg?!y ,le- - er a few applications t wa m,., r.Per S. S. China.NOTICE. r,. . yi

AND UNDER ORDERS FROM THE j nd SCOBoard of Health, our eampra will iU..- -

benefits of the land. IarJ lu "FJfT7 C"TC'- - 1 haveor-porations are giving a nectary ir ' f,U n lntolable Itchingpetus to barter, that is. shovin- - i,ro ',a!1 lt.ls tonr months ago sinceuce along. But the corporations rVJ "FOd Doan s Ointment. To say thatreally only g lK-- t weens carriers of va3 ,'cll?:ntP(1 is onh lialf expressingcommodities from the source of tunnlv

my pr'tn,Is:asm- - I recommend thisto the center of demand Wea' thv ' ronie'Iy hpnver the opportunity issyndicates and individuals nro in,? rresented. You may publish my state- -

""""nj iu lauu or uiscnarge i

alongside of a wharf Arv rf

,.tinuance of the plague. It will be nec- - 'n. c..w i. ...! essary to lighter all freight to and , nuL1' 13 "U1 lu iae VuaDUnc WlSiriCI.from steamers. In addition tn rori,. I 4tst 'mm Pn lent of local niTiira. .'ment at nnv time and T.13 . . UIVJ III. IV illlll - - tlT.Ti m

will!rair3 or freight, a further charge fort'ij go far off to buy. They tarj f rport .round at 32G S. Main street, andu.it mey wisn to consume. Tf thv cn wi ior tne samp. "hu uuiiitifiii ij rover tne actuii CHIYA & CO.desire, thrir business' mil I.a AAH. a j"wi lvinny 1'iiis for Palo lv aln U1 liJ,3 Biirne win oe made, rso

on by their agents while th?r tiom. dealers: price f.o cents. Mailed i.v Th freight will be received, excent It beselves remain in.Farrs, Boilers ani Extra Castings for all Stoves. iuir;su i.jn lis. i ni 3 agents i or the 1 la- - i j -- "" mnuanciur iigaierage,

it i,!. men waiian Islands (SItrned)gives a country a name:(Formerly Morata & CO.)

HOTEL ST. : : : COR. HDDAKU.DOAN'S. andand pays them wages; it kecpn the- RpmTiiber the namtra.le puise regular, and without ,i-- take no snhsMtnte


JOHN NOTT, 75"7r?J,TNP F-t is a ry good thing; but it does not1

tmiM up a country. Nothing ac.ual MESSFW.rrt ERICE.residents, holding land makingliving off it. buying their clothVInd "onolalu Service dellvemessages and packages. Tel. 878.


J. EN A. "

wIlmr steamship Branch Hat Store. Nuuanu St.co.. ltd ,v' " " "Its President, C. L. WIGHT.6417 i Read the Daily Advertiser, j

1T1E PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: IIONOU'LIT. .1 r NTfv 20. i.mi. . ..:n hp, trim .

T nNC ftim flinUUISugar Plantation' .....


Picturesof theQuarantineDistricts !


111 t lino Ion:ooc



We make a specialty of the bonds ofjucn companies a have tirst been in-jected to a thorough legal aud financialexamination; and we are prepared to

j turnisn data reparding te prop-lertie- s

of the companies whose Lon 1?we have purchased and offer for a!eat prices to yield a safe income tiigood Investment.

We will take subscriptions for the'following at 2'2 rcr cent premium: '

KAIIUKU 3-- year 6 per cent gnjcjbonds; security, 750,O00; Issue

i $200,000.

EWA 3-- year gold bond. 6 percent; security, f 3,000.000; issue 300.owo.

We are TRUSTEES for both theabove issues.


GEO. R. CARTER. Treasurer.09 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Telephone No. 184.


Hawaii Land Co.L.IMIT.EI).

Capital Stock $50,000.Capital, paid up $34,T50.

OFFICERS.jW. C. Achl President & Manager i

J. K. Kflhootano ...... 7'r PnMmiV.W 1 IVDIUCUIJ. Makalnal TreasurerE. Johnson SecretaryGeo, L. Desha Auditor


J. Makalnal.J. W. Biplkane.

The above Company will buy, lease,or sell lands In all parts of the Ha-waiian Islands; and also has houses Inthe City of Honolulu for rent

Stocks and BondsBOUGHT AND SOLD.

Members Honolulu StockExchange.

Wernicke Book Cases.We are introducing them and

have a shipment soon to strive.The Globe Company's

Desks, Filing-case- s and allkinds of office novelties securedat lowest rates.

Office Desks-an- d ChairsContinually on hand.



Warehouse. Merchant Street.Telephone Sit.

C. BREWER &CO L'DQueen Street : : Honolulu, H.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Oil

mea Sugar Company, Honomu BugfvCompany, Walluku Sugar CompaajAmerican 8ugar Co., Makee tiugajCompany, Ookala Sugar PlantauosCompany. Haleakala Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch, Moloia.Ranch.

Planters' Line, Ban Francisco PackstsCharles Brewer k. Co. s Line c: Bos-ton Packets.

Agents Boston F rd of Underwriters.

AgenU for Philadelphia Board of Taderwrlters.

Standard Oil Co.

LIST OF OFFICERS.C. M. Cooke, President; George H

Robertson, Manager; E. F. Blsfce?Treasurer md Pecretary; CoL W.

Aucr; P. a Jones, H. Waterhouse. G. R-- Carter. Dlreetore.


3ISHOP & CO--Bankers-


Commercial and Travelers' Letters el

Credit Issued, available In all tkPrincipal Cities of the World

INTEREST allowed afte July 1st1898, on fixed deposits: S months t ?'cent: 6 months 3tt per cent; 12 monti4 per cent.

Via ifJiUUU

Gives Apctllc, Tcr.cs I'p ,Nrvc;-- .'

V.lni t';-- ; 11 I : 1 a 1 ; i.lad. Tlu-r- i - !' f apjt-tite- . croat(ii'j.rcssii.'i. tbe tvrvcH ere w ak. i:

tlio f . o is j al.', and then-i- s

1...-.- in tlo'i. r I i Ar.ik' Power..f Nj-ri- Hill, rri.,lan Queensland,

send us her htoraih and sajs :

v - irIk T W rr, y i

't kit- - 'g---'

" I hare niiffpri'd preatly from 1 of avP-ti- t.

rrrat wealtni"- - of tin ihtvph. thin 11kmI,ami f roiu thn try in; linuitn of t !u. i:rt of tli"roanfry. e.ier Lilly liriti! thf nuuinnr. Ihave um iI

wit?i porM t ati-f- ;i ti..n for tliM trouMr.oilR-- r inc Hilars of my family li.i- - it

ml niitiy of my frifiii!. I it ti 1

the Im .t" f.imily medicine there is in thewot Id."

If yon are constipated, bilims,tongue coated, or if "r food dues notdigest well, take AycY's Pills.Prepare 7 ir. i. C. Ayer t C., Lell, Mats.. I'.S.A.




Golden Rule Bazaar.o

History "The SpanLsh-America- n War"by Henry Watterson.

"The Bronze Buddha," by Cora LinnDaniels.

"Tekla." by Robert Barr."The" Mutable Many," by Robert Barr."The Enchanted Typewriter," by J. K.

Bangs."Tales of the Home-Folk- s in Peace and

War," by Joel Chandler Harris."Crabb's English Synonyms.""David Harum." paper edition 85c."The Young Master of Hyson Hall,"

by Stockton. .

"Little Novell of Italy," by MauriceHewlett

Scott's Stamp Catalogue for 1900.Scott's Stamp Albums.The Only "Hawaiian Scenic Calendar"

for 1900 a nice remembrance tond home r0 cents.



Notification. .

In reply to the many enquiries as to

lme of Issue of the Hawaiian Annual

'or 1900, the publisher states that it Is

loped to appear shortly after New


Departments or Societies not yet

laving reported their changes for theREGISTER and DIRECTORY featureif the work for the coming year will

leue do so at once.

ADVERTISERS desiring space will

jlease report on same within thiseek. Nothing can be received later.Orders for the delivery or mailing- - of

oples local or foreign will have--areful and prompt attention.

The coming Annual will contain a

rarlety of Interesting, valuable andlmely articles, specially Illustrated.

Price 75c per copy, or 83c by mall.


Compiler and Publisher.





I. O. 0. F. BLDO. FORT near KING.


Many Passengers Book-

ed on Australia.

Ticket Agent Harry Whitney Has;Nobly Withstood the Siege

of Anxious Questioners.

Th- - temperature of people geneiallyin Honolulu, especially thrx-- e who v. antto get hack To the Coast. Is perhaps '

hetter known to Ticket Agent HarryM. Whitney of the Oceanic SteamshipCompany than any other man. He ha.sbeen besieged for the past week or twoby all kindd of persona who take it forgranted, before asking any questions, ,


that he controls the steamer Australia.the Hawaiian Board of Health, theUnited State Marine Hospital Service. ;

the United States Consular Service, allsugar shipments, and about everythingelse that Is at present of unusual im- -portance in the.se Islands and oa theContinent.

If Mr. Whitney were not a man ofextraordinary patience and good na-ture he would no doubt have been laidon the shelf some days ago. It is notevery ticket agent who can satisfy ahot-heade- d, cold-foote- d refugee suffer- -ing from the delirium of Imaginary .

plague. But Mr. Whitney, though un- -able to answer more than about 1 per ,

cent of the questions fired at him at t

close range, appears to have a soothingeffect upon all comers, and has earnedthe lasting gratitude of scores of peo- -pie by simply remarking that he thinks j

their chances for getting to the Coastarc very bright The remark in inva-riably accompanied by a confidentsmile that drives away all thought ofthe plague.

"What about the Australia? Am I,

booked?" is generally the opening in- -terrogatory. Upcn being Informedthat the name Is etill on file, the bom- - '

bardment begins in earnest. "Am I tobe fumigated?" "What about our bag-gage?" "Any Increase in rates?" "Anycertainty of going?" "Can I have aberth?" "Isn't my money as good as j

anybody else's?" "Will we be tied upin San Francisco?" "Is she going totake sugar?" and a dozen more ques- -tions are fired at the defenselc-s- s Mr.Whitney by a hundred different refu- -gees every day. Some of them returnthe same day to repeat" the questions,and go away satisfied with the sameanswers they received a few hours be-fore. It will continue so until the Australia's anchor Is wp and the vessel is

.iinwv w u.j tut 1 1 tt wnni utai i ursiidBut Ticket Agent Whitney Is not the

only man under fire these days. ConsulGeneral Haywood and Quarantine Off-icer Dr. Carmlchael have been besiegedby anxious persons who want to be-

come posted upon every imaginablesubject. The plague situation has giv-en them the opportunity they so longwanted to open the batteries cf abnor-mal Inqulsitiveness.

But the time for the Australia's departure draws near, and a ray of lightappears. These officials look forwardto a brief period of rest, but there Is i

the ever-prese- nt 'feeling that the A us- - j

tralia or some othef vessel may returnfor another cargo of interrogatories.There is no time, however, to borrow ;

trouble, for the present is fraught withenough of it to occupy the attentionof those persons who have anything todo with the Australia or the quaran-tine regulations.

The following is a complete list ofthe passengers booked on the Aus-tralia: Mr. and Mrs. Reliant, Mr. andMrs. Duchemin, Mr. and Mrs. Limaire,W. A. LowTie. Tanuma, Sydney Bart-let- t,

A. Joel. Constantin Albeth, Mr.Longton, John W'aterhouse, Capt. J.Hackett, J. H. Belser, S. F. Keith. H.Ford, A. C. Russell, C. F. Saylor, B. F.McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lawrence, Mr.and Mrs. W. H. Barney, Miss Hyde, F.S. Tlmhoffe, H. M. Jeone. A. T. Mitch-ell, J. M. Bostus, G. Marcus, K. Mel-rose, J. Rolph. Jr.. F. A. Bennett, J. E.Bien, J. F. Calef, C. Fergusen. B. Lich- -tlg. O. W. Land. J. A. Clough. P.Sickles, T. B. Morton, P. A. McGInnls,P. de la Vergne, Mr. Raas, Miss JulietFrasher (13), Master T. J. Frasher (9),Capt. Nelson. G. P. Givens, Mrs. Ferguson and child. Miss E. H. Mchola. Mrs.A. Fyfe, Mrs. MacMahan, Mrs. HoraceChase, two children and maid, H. B.Chase and wife. Miss E. Chamberlain,Mrs. E. B. Waterhouse, Miss E. M. Wa-terhou- se.

Miss Blanche Gall. Miss L,Field. Miss L. R. Walker. John Hen-derson, Arthur Kellam, W. F. Glover,C. W. Griffin, wife and child, Mr3. Geo.Kimble, Mrs. Geo. Best, Mrs. F. Mar-tin, Mrs. Geo. Pidgeon and son. MissHawley, Mrs. M. Holden. Mrs. C. A.Lemon, Mre. Raas and two children. A.P. Jackson and wife. Mrs. Singlehurstand two children. Mis3 Zaufmann, A.L. Parmley, C. S. Hazelrigg, EugeneRogers, Miss B. Blanchard. P. de laVergne, Miss Alice Williams. Mr. andMrs. J. C. Walker. J. O. Gardener, Mr.Melvin. Mr. Van Dyne, Mr. and Jlrs.Ed. Johnson, W. A. Gardner and wife,Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Kershow, GeorgeKemble, George Best, F. Maeten. M W.Davis, J. S. Espey. C. R. Edger.on,Mrs. H. Waterhouse and wife, Mr. L?m- -

slre and wife. Emile Ducheman mdwife. Mrs. H. Powell and child. Misi C.Walpert. Mrs. J. A. Butterfield andchild. Marian Rae. Mrs. Melvln. ?Irs.Van Dyne. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. RLTle.Mr. Gardner and child. Mrs. Cloieh.Mr. Postin. W. S. Duling, C. P. Bi'.gh-raa- n,

Mrs. W. H. Ioom!3. Mrs. Dulng.Mrs. Bauehman. Mrs. C. du Ray, C.Klemme. J. G. White. Mrs. Wiley mdtwo children. W. D. Burnham, C. G.Kroimess Mrs. Sullivan, Miss Andrews,

j D. Hileer. wife and two children. H.Hodzson and wife. B. Rodman. Mrs R.

' H. Beamer, Mrs. Cotton. Colonel andj Mrs. Thomrson. J- - - Gardner. HnryHallam and wife, Miss Howard. Hiss

J M. Leeklev. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Vil-- ison. Mrs. C. F. Little. Mrs. Postin. Miss

j I'. M. Ioe Miss Mossman. Georce Ris- -eell and wife. Hon. Arthur P .wall.Thoma3 Hughes, Col. A. O. Hawes.


.--r- j-- i

QUALITY vifS-TO,. ALL: irgtS

It's ide.il for home use aTRIAL CONVINCES!



Has moved his office and residence toNuuanu avenue, between Kukul andVineyard Btreets, next to the Honolu-

lu Hotel, late Eale House.


A FEW VERT DESIRABLE BUILDI NO LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at Nlooa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply U

J. M. MONSARRAT,Cartwright Block, Merchant BC




Jewekry Had) to Order on Short Notice


Successors to Van Dome.

Cigars, Tobacco andCold Drinks.

Ill Fort St. near Cons'd Soda Works



W. C. ACHI & CO.


Temporary office. No. 113 Kaalu-man- uStreet.

toosii Sol siotei mas eg

LITMITKDCiplauade, Cor. Allen and Fort Bta,


mi Lewen. F, J. Lowray. 0. X. Oookt


t porters and Dealers In Lumber andBuilding Materials. OSes

414 Fort St.

A. M. HEWETT,Freight Clerk and Stevedore.


VAN DORNE PREMISES,kfauka of Consolidated Soda Works.

New Holiday Goods I

Handsome Vases, Glass FlowerStands. Lemonade Sets, Elegant WaterPitchers, Ivory Vases, Glasa FlowerBaskets, Lamps, Etc., Etc

WING TAI LUNG'S,331 Nuuanu Street, near Hotel Street



The publishers f "Hawaii Salnpo."The only dally Japanese taper pub-- 1

iihed In the Islands.


OiSce Nuuanu avenue, above Bers--ranla street.

Read the Daily Advertiser.

Incorporated Vnder ths Laws d .(vepuD:ic or UtwaX H.C

Auttoriie 1 cTfi7al7si.O0O.oi )1

f'Y' CnitJl. 750.01ta;i!l, SOO.Oqnn


Cxil Brown pjM.uk P. Ro!iinv)n Vice PrlW. (. CvKver iW

M. Boyd (Wr4Director Cecil Brown, UarK isRobinson, Bruce Cartwrlght, W

Cooper aud H. M. von Holt. , i


Sjn Francisco The Anjlo--Cj

man lianx, l.imuefi.Chicago The Merchants Locs

Tniht Company.New York J. & W. Selijaiim C

Piny.London The Anglo-CalU- of

Bank, Limited. rParis Soclete General.IVrlln Gebruder Meyer.

pany,Hamburg M. M. Warburg A i 4'

Honckonr nd YoVohmChartered Bank of India, Aast.and China.

Australia The Union Bank oftrlla. Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.

Exchinvo boueht and tnnd Letters of Credit l&suculall parts of the world. ":


-- LIMITEP.- unIncorporated under the Laws 4

Republic of Hawaii. pIPCAPITAL H3t.i

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORChas M. Cooke Pres U(P. C. Jones Vice Pre:C. H. Cooke CV i- -

F. C. Atherton Assistant Csj I

Directors Henry Waterhoute, ' inMay, V. W. Marfarlane, E. D. Tf i YJ. A. McCandless. j

111Solicits the Accn-n- M of Firms, J

bporatlocs. Trusts, iu. 'duals anij opromptly and caiefu ly attend lbusiness connected with banklni :n

trusted to 1L Sell and Purchaseelgn Exchange, Issue Letters of C i iCI


Ordinary and Term DerlUi reel fand Interest allowed In accor Lwith rules and conditions print! I

pass books, copies of which ttuhad on application.

Judd Building, ort street.


Clans Mb I Ct Eon'






DRAW EXCHANGE ON- -5 kSAN FRANCISCO The Kevadj cbtional liank of San FranclMO. (iLONDON The Union Bank of

don (Ltd.). ijrstv luitK American Exchang

tional Bank. . toCHICAGO Merchants' National f

APARIS Credit Lyonnais.



Hongkong and Shanghai BCorporation. j



Bank of New Zealand. nVH TORIA AND VANCOUVER- -

of Brltlph North America.

Tnmsxi o General Bsnsina s Eistxns E,

Deposits Received. Loans miApproved Security. CommerctiTravelers' Credits Issued. BUExchange Bought and 8old.



Subscribed Capitil . . Yea 21,0 (;!

Paid Up Capital ... Yen 12,01

Bcsemd lend ... . Yea 7.B


On Fixed Deposit for 12 months I.P. a.

On Fixed Deposit for 6 months Sp. a. KOn Fixed Deposit for 3 monthsP. e. s


HEAD OFFICE AT YOKOHJOn Current Deposit 1 2-- 10 sen pOn Fixed Deposit for 12 mont"

per cent p. a.The bank buys and receives I

lection Bills of Exchange,Drafts and Letters of Credit andacts a general banking business

Agency Yokohama Specie BsNew Republic BIdg., Honoluh


On October 1st. 1898, and cotuntil further notice. Savings twill be received and Interestby this Bank at four and one-- !cent per annum. The terms, rt if

regulations of the HawaiianSavings Bank will be adoptedas it Is practicable to apply ththe Cash Reserve of 150.000 as i

under the Postal Act will b'alned.

Printed copies of the Rules a

tlon.alations may be obtained on " i


Honolulu. September 7, 121 ly



Corcer Fort and Hotel Streets

oooAn elegant lino of







Latest Parisian - Styles.



HOTEL STREET, next to T. M. C. A.


Wm. Irwin.... President & ManagerClaus Srecke3 First Vice PresW. M. (Hffard Second Vice Pres?L M. Whitney, Jr Treas. ft SecGeo. J. Rosa Auditor




Oceans Steamship Company(if p.m.u FT an cJsco. CL

JUST ARRIVEDNew Importation of



WING WO CHAN & CO.,210-21- 2 Nuuanu Street

IT IS GHEAPERTo pay a fair price to haveyour watch repaired by


Than to risk having It ruinedin order to save a few cents.

M R. COUNTER,Practical Watchmaker

507 Fon Street.1

Gives personal attention to repairingUna and complicated watches.




IO Bonn

Is never tiJ3.ivT5 the rrT ietaim

' ... i. vtwmI looktfttME!, flFrrm 1 1 n m -re fcmpletotitJTKr ptiTiT

o.tTtrru'lr.od se. Beaut, ! greatest proUx.tie we.jAal . .LOLA MONTEZ CKtMt

Jt iia.M Viil.fr Frftdi.The Rtat kit ioou puu -

nA v HAIR RESTORERnin.t wh .t ft name lmT,'-- - b,ck,t

'.tVnv or ble eflrcta


' j.."- - .,- - coofiJential.


i- -: Oeiry St., San Francic, Cil


KE! HIN BANK, LTD.Vineyard Street.

Transact General Banking and Ex-

change Business.






atThe United States of AmericaSEA AHDSHORE

Bloemfontein In FromSeattle.

u Spinal By act of their Congress hare aut horlzed the World's Columbian Com-

mission at the International Exhibition held in the City of Chicago, State olIllinois, In the year 1893, to decree a medal for specific merit, which Is setforth, below over the name of an Individual Judge acting as an examineupon the finding of a board of international Judges, to Klhel Heaegawa, Ja-

pan, Hyoga; Exhibit. Mineral Water; Award for alkaline water, well carbo-

nated and well bottled. Permanent lu quality, clear and sparkling, a tooltable water.

(Signed)A. H. BRENEMAN. Individual Judge.JOHN BOYD THATCHER, Chairman Executive Committer on Awards.iseaseF

Our Trade With the Mainland for

1899 Some Interesting


Richard D. Creech, of 1062Second Street, Applctou, Wis-

consin, says:"Our son Willard was abso-

lutely helpless. His lower limbswere paralyzed, and when rcused electricity he could not feelit below hi3 hips. Finally mymother, who lives in Canada,wrote advising the use of Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for TalePeople and I bought some. Thiswas when our boy had been onthe stretcher for an entire yearand helpless for nine months.In six weeks after talcing thepills we noted signs of vitalityin his legs, and in four monthshe was able to go to school. Itwa3 nothing else in the worldthat saved the boy than Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for TalePeople." From the CrescentAfplcton Wis.

The big freighter Bloemfontein ar- -j

rived yesterday morning from Seattleafter an eleven day?' run. The IJloem- -

ISM, the exports in that year havingbeen 73.927.614 pounda more than in1898. The figures for recent years donot fully show the increased output ofthe Hawaiian plantations, inasmuch asmany large cargoes of sugar for theFast, instead of going to San Franciscohave taken the route vi3 Cape Horn.

The imports from San Francisco inthe past year were the largest on rec-

ord, while to find the largest exportvalue in any year we have to go backto 1SS9. in which J14.074.131 war giv-

en. The largest quantity of sugar sentfrom the Islands was 339,573.69t; poundsin 1S9C. In the past year the exportswere nearly as much.

The full value of these Islands, how-ever, cannot be measured by the ex-

port and import trade alone, as shownin the regular commercial statistics.There are individual interests whichhave been greatly benefited, and whichin the aggregate would, if it were pos-

sible to give thm a money value, rollup a very large sum. to say nothing ofthe political advantages derived by thel";;!fed States in acquiring possessionof the Islands.

NOTES.The transport Tartar arrived off port

at about 4:30 yesterday afternoon fromSan Francisco. She stopped Just longenough to drop one bag of mail fo- - re-

turn to San Francisco and proceededem hr course to Manila.

The Japanese s.tearner Doyo Maruwad to have sailed at 5 o'clock yester-day afternoon, but In pulling out fromthe dock one of the shore lines bevameentangled with her propeller. She isnow in the stream and will sail earlythis morning.



"Hirano Water55j was the only prize secured ly any Eastern Mineral Water atthe World's Coluin Aan Exposition.


cdfontein Is one of the new vessels in j

connec tion with the ISritish-Amerira- n j

j line. Her cargo is made up principally j

of bay, grain and Leer and is the iarg- -

est ever brought in a single bottom tothis port. Owing to the crowded con- -

jdition of the harbor, the big liner is i

compelled to anchor outside and await


W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd.SOLE AGENTS.

48 Bottles. Price, $3.50 per caseFourher turn at the wharf. The ship Lu- - j

rile, from Tacoma, Is aL--o anchored offport; she will probably come in today, i

The schooner Kuby Cousins cleared for !

San Francisco in ballast yesterdaymorning. j

The schooner Richard Nelson was atMakaweli when the XV. G. Hall sailed. ;

Oar Trade With San Francisco j



Pr. Williams' Pink Tilli for TaTo Teorlcontain, in a condensed formf all the ele-ments ncrejwvrjr to give new lite and richnessto the blood and restore shattered nerves.They are an nnl'iiiling penfic for such dis-eases as locomotor auxin, partial paralysis,St. Vitus' dancw. sciatica, neuralgia rheu-matism, nervous headache. theaftpr-ctr'eto- fla trrippe, palpitation of the heart, pule andallow complexions, all forms ot weakness

cither la male or female.

Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pats Peopls are neverold bj the anran or hundred, but always In pack-aqe- sv

Atalldrungists. or direct Iron the Dr. Wi-lliams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T 60cents per box, 8 boxes 1 2.60.

Wo Have Received alontlis The year lSfD was the last one inwhich the Americ an trade statisticswill 'include the Hawaiian Inlands as

Larjo Assortment ofThe Club Stables Annex at Longr.rancb, Waikiki, can furnish surreys,etc., on short notice. iMortqn's and Crosse & Blackwell'sforeign territory. In recent year our

commerce with ihe United States ha.s i

ible increased beyond all expectation, and

GrocerieslSrJ0 was the banner year.i The monthly imports from San Fran-cisco during the year ending November30, to the Hawaiian Islands, andexports from the same, were as fol- -lows:



ixtrej Goods I


Months Imports.January 502,150February 612,563.March 609,333

i April T13.46SMay 991,073June 59S.S64

'July 833.18Sj August SGI.007September 700,241October SS5.841


Exports.I 85.027





Hardware, Filters, Crockery,Glasware, Iron Bedsteads,Carborlineum, Stockholm Tar,Demijohns, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Also, a new line of



NovemberDecember 189S



DRIED FRUITS-FU- LL VA RIETY. .19.031,297 $11,469,452. 5,851,081 9,484,839JAVIAR, ETC., ETC., ETC.


Increase . .V .$3,180,213 $1,984,553Holiday Goods

are now on exhibition.


H. Hackfeld & o. Ltd.Year ending November 30th.

During the year ending November 30.1897, the imports were $4,731,225, andthe exports were $9,990,520.

This trade has shown a wonderfulgrowth, mainly as a direct result of thereciprocity treaty. A few year9 ago,however, it was thought that businesswith the Islands was being overdone


heum Block. Fort Street. Telephone 68O.land had about reached high-wat- er

Lots in King Street Tract from

$1,350 to $1,500 a lot, formerly known

as G. N. Wilcox's premises.

Twenty lots In Manoa Valley, for-

merly llontano'a Tract, $3,000 a lot.

Four hundred lots In Kaiulanl Tract

from $200 to $250 a lot.

Fifty lots In Kekio Tract, oppositet

Makee Isalnd, $500 a lot.

Twenty lots In Puunui Tract 100x200

$1,000 a lot.


BRSEBMXake Your Roof Water Proof

TRRT.1 and disinfect 3our premises at the same time with

Uer's Combination Lot Paint.

' mark. Since the Islands came underthe American flag new life has been In-- 1

fused Into our commerce with theMainland, and we have now berome aleading feature in the trade statistics

;of San Francisco. Although, in fact,American territory, the Hawaiian Isl-Jan- ds

are still retained in the foreign'export list, as full annexation has notyet been proclaimed. Hereafter thistrade will be classed as "coastwise,"and then statistics of the same cannotbe given as heretofore, inasmuch asshippers will not be required to file

j manifesto specifying articles, quantitiesiand values in detail.

Bounded by Keeaumoku, Kinau, Piikoi andLunalilo Streets. Only one block from theBeretania Street car lineGIFIC HARDWARE. COMPANY, LTD.

-- Of-AGENIS.Telephone 444.

This Tract is situated in one of the finest residenceortions of Honolulu, and in a direct line with the coolineEOR SALE CHEAPS reezes of Makiki. e

ihe imports from San Francisco tothe Hawaiian Islands have comprisedevery line of merchandise and produce,and, together with the exports, havegiven employment regularly to a largeamount of aall and steam tonnage.

The sugar Interest in the Islands hasmade great strides, and the shipmentsof machinery, building materials, fer--ON EASY TERMS. For further particulars apply to

Lots 50x90 feet will he sold for the reasonable price of$1,250. Terms, $250 cash; balance on installments, paymentsto suit purchaser.

This land has a very gentle slope, and purchasers canimmediately commence building operations. Early pur-chasers can Secure Choice Locations.BUILDING LOTS!

tilizers and general plantation supplies' reach a very large valuation,j Sugar is the chief article exportedfrom the Islands, and the export valuein each month Is mostly for the same.In the year ending November 30, 1899,the total export value was $11,469,452.

land this Included $11,049,266 for sugarW.CAclii

& CO.

Real EstateBrokers.

alone.For a number of years ending De-

cember 31st the merchandise Importsand exports were as follows:

Years Imports. Exports.1893 $6,007,902 $ 9.353,387

TV hoi i1-- desirable property, bounded by Deretania, Punahou and King streets,Jae town side of the McCully Homestead, is now offered for sale. The ex-io- n

of Young street passes through the land. An artesian well on thealse supplies the purest water. The breezes from Manoa valley render

F1! locality extremely healthful. The property Is on the. line of cars, and1897 4,804.2701S96 .: 3,687.0591S95 3.455,4921894 3.014.193

1 Rapid Transit cars will run through or by It.Str

For further particulars apply to

Gear, Lansing & Go.,JUDD BUILDING


To All 0ur Competitors!!!ot to

JUST ARRIVED, a new lot of

Smith-Premi- er Typewriterswith all the latest improvement combining

1 There Is no better or more refined neighborhood in Honolulu.





1S93 2.985.331Tor terms, etc., apply to F. WUNDENBERG,J At J. A. Magoon's office, next to P. O.

WEs still

1S92 2.554.9S01891 4,099.8141890 4,179,311Or to J. LIOIIT FOOT, on the adjoining premises. 10 WEST KING ST.



To arrive at a full appreciation ofthe expansion of our commerce withthe Mainland, let xi3 go back less thana quarter of a century, to the year 1876,in which the reciprocity treaty took ef-

fect. In that year and 1S9S, both end-ing December 31st, the Imports andexports, compared, were as follows:

Years Imports. Exports.1S9S $6,007,900 $9,353,000176 767,000 1,516,700

STOOL 1 are "mug at the Lowest Prices In town. Here are a few sample

'?inri,ABT CARRIAGES Great variety of styles, from $10 up.Lr'r3WOOD PEDSWlth mattress and pillows, complete, $6.q TnfV, 3ANE-SEA- T CHAIRS. 85c. $1.00, $1.25. $1X0.

1 W00L MATTRESS Satin tick, best in town. $6.TACL1 Wl'lTE ENAMALED IRON BEDS All kinds and prices.

3. Mm i ivLoar.a auj size you warn, irom fi ud.MIRRORS From 6c to $10.

300KS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Just arrived ex Mariposa; books lent to read,volume: old books bought and exchanged.

3PECTA CLES To suit all sights, from 25c to $2.


Carriages and saddlehorsee will meetthe arrival and departure of every KI-n- iu

at Kawaihae; also for any otherpcint.

SHERIFF ANDREWS of Hawaiisays: "The only way of reaching thepresent lava flow by wagon road Isvia Walmea carriages; can go withintro miles of the flow.

tfpil, LIGH1HESS5E Ii. S. MATHEWS & SON, Furniture Dialers' 26 Beretanla Street, near Fort.

Difference ..$5,240,900 $7,836,300Aside from sugar the exports from

the Islands are of comparatively smallvalue, and the great increase In theajjpregate export value is. therefore,mainly due to the remarkable strides ofsiisrar production. The imports fromSan Francisco largely consist of anexchange of California manufacturedarticles and natural productions for theone chief product of the Hawaiian Isl-ands. The growth of the snirar trade

Ha T ' - - Ill-Il- lDIB -- ': ur luuumzr Baby CarriagesARRVED AT THE


Is strikingly Illustrated by theing figure of exports at San Francisco,2ity Furniture Store,

SPECIAL!!!An Expert Repairman

has Just arrived direct from the factory to takecharg of this branch of my business. All makes of Typewriters repaired andsatisfaction guaranteed.

For particulars apply toH. AKONA, Proprietor,

5257 Walmea, Hawaii.



ud machinery of every descriptionnade to ordr. Particular attentionlaid to ship blacksmfthlng. Jobrcrk executed on the shortest notice.

year ending December 31st:Years rounds.

1S0S 265.646,0821876 21,171.133

H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager.-- -Love Building, 534-53- 6 Fort St.

1E 846: RESIDENCE. 849.Difference 244 474,949

The highest point reached was In C. W. MACFARLANE, A?ent. "Sl,


liiLU,' ' n

i!,n: IIS k CO, Ltd,


cree of safefv vra fr.A hardware.NO DEATH, ONE CASE

FOR- -


! M.F.LDCA8'sl0 0.

jciry Estalsksil !


j This does not affect the quarantine ofthose in the other corrals. This is thethird case to come from the block atKing and Richards streets, and, in

' fact, from next door to the house from.which the Japanese woman and baby. were removed.J With reference to the cases repor-ted in yesterday morning's Advertiser.to which an afternoon paper referredaa being misleading, the only feature

i w hich may have been in question is theJ names of those suspected. A Chinese(case which was reported from Block

t13 Is shown on the Health Office rec-ord- d

under the name of Yen Fook. whois now in the pesthouse of the Chinesehospital. Instead of there be:r. aChine.-- e baby, as was stated, however,

; It turned out to be a Hawaiian babyiyohjrI EYES!

(Continued from Page l.i'

of merchandise. Another reason, andthe most important reason, to my mind,was because we had no place to put thepeople. We undertook to do the w holething at one time; but we have learnedthat this method had impeded ourhandling the people and getting themout of the district.

"A third reason is that we are notsatisfied that we are disinfecting thatmere handise that is, the Jmlk of itwith such thoroughness that we areabsolutely sure it has been disinfect-ed. I do not say that we could not dothid In time with better facilities, buthaving to do It hurriedly, we are notsatisfied that all the disinfecting thathas been going on has been absolutelysure. We must rely on that. I do notfeel at all willing that any of that mer-chandise should be sent out from un-der the control of the Hoard of Health.Msv-- t of it has been stored in specialwarehouses which are under our con-trol.

"Another doubt which h.ns beengrowing in my mind is whether weare saving anything at all by handlingthat merchandise, whether we are notspending as much money in handlingIt, storing It, paying guards, teams,horses, etc., as it would cost to destroyIt. We are beginning to believe wo arepaying a large proportion in that wayof what we would have to pay for thestuff outright. We. are not at all satis-fle- d

that when we have stored it thatit may be saved. A large amount of itwill spoil. We may have to go throughit again and destroy even after that. Iam speaking particularly in regard tocertain foodstuffs, which will spoil ingreat quantities upon being fumigated.

"Entirely outside of that. It Is nec-essary, in carrying em the campaignagainst the disease, to authorize andallow a large amount of .traveling inami out of the infected district. Wehave kept the Itat of passes down Justas much as possible, but you all knowthere is a large number of people go-ing in and out of that place every day.




0o NEW STOCK! I0 00 Big Reduction Sale0 00 Ilott'l Shirt,00

0 I.a lies 3:1.1 (b nth men are 0;iiy invi.ed to call

iiil examine our assort-ment of fine0 WATCHES AND NOVEU 0TIES IN SOLID SILVEit.0 ETC, all recently impjrt'd 0

0 and car-jfu.i- by M.F. ELCAS.

0 As our Store space Is 0rather limited, a grtat deal0 of the present Stock mtHt becleared off to make room farthe new, so Ladies and Gen-tlemenio may avail thems-elves- of this opportunity inpettine everv thine AT d


MR. C. P. DOUGLASS, ourWatchmaker, recently fromthe States, and for many 0years connected with thisbranch of trade, Is In a posi-tion 0to undertake the Re-rilrl- ne


0 V K R Y M O D E R A T ECHARGES, and rniarantee

0 to give entire satisfaction Inthis department.



0 One of Our Specialties.




P. O. Box 500.





aToo-g- . 6i E Pt g r A A A S T ,

lllllii LZJkl 1J a- fawPJi '9 "

f HO H ST J. f

3 k 6 7 Z 1 20


which could be thoroughly disinfected.and i not considered a dangerous ma-terial for carrying infection.

The committee then departed, andthe Hoard adjourned to 10 o'clock thismorning. . .

Citizt.ny.Canitc.r7 Cc:umittce.At the me-Un-- c i,t tb- - committee

yesterday afternoon, a committee fromKalihi valley tonifeting of Dr. iluddy,T. McCants Stewart and J. II. Miutonpresented some revolution, tu the com-mittee, the most impo- - of whichwas in relation to closing the pass overKaiihl pali. It appears that severalHawaiians of the valley who know thepa.--s, have been piloting refugees and,others to the other tdde of the Lslandthereby. It waa voted by the Citizens'Committee that Dr. Huddy and Mr.Thompson of Kan.ehameha Sihool beappointed a committee to appointguards fur effectually closing thismenns of exit from Honolulu.

Col. risl.rr, ...s a committee cf on? totnunse for a place of myelins forthe r3 and fortomorrow morning, reported tli.it theirii!:-h-- 1 wa- - obtainable; I 1 caini tothe caso rf M.s. Franz, it was doubt-ful that tbe place wan desirable. Itw.'is at om e arranced to have the meet-ing at Progress Hall, and the commit-tee a notice for tomorrow morn-ing at 11 o'clock.

It was reported to tbe committeethat no definite statement had been Is-

sued by th Board of Health In regardto cloning the churrhs on Sunday; thoBoard, it n iincfT-.-tood-

, was awaUinr;fom pt ensure from the euteile beforetaking a tion thereon.

I. was, therefore, res.,v 1 that thBa.ud be recommended to lose thechurches and other places of indoomeetings, and to prohibit all r.uohmeetings except thoi-- permitted byspecial instruction f the Board ofHealth.

The committee has caild special attention of the Inspectors cf each dis- -tru t to th-- fact that messages for themare left at the off.ee of the committeeand those .inspectors in the outlyin;districts who do not come to the committee rooms twice a day, have been

An important action taken by thcommittee yesterday was the refusal offurther moving permits without therecommendation of the inspector of thedistrict from whi h the persons desiredto move. The committee concludedthat the attempt to issue permits sole- -ly upon th rtatements of the peoplewho came to the headquarters was too

.dangerous to be continued, owing tothe fact that in some Instance aplague patient might tend a friend witha plausible excuse, to get a permit, andthen use it himself. Cards have beenprinted for the recommendations of theInspectors of the districts and they will"e rcquirea to see mat tnere is no eicr.ness in the family desiring to move,and are ir.ctructed to ee that the permit are not used excpt by th- -to wnom tncy are issneij.

Cases Kerorted.The only case of plague reported yes

She had been feverish for a day or twoanu yesieruay morning wasnounced case of plague. She was removed to the pen hospital at once for,,,.,.,,, fir Ilnffm-inn'- a. ... rpnort lait" - -

night is evidence mat hers is a 1

wmcu me pro umi,rnced ronsderahle naln in the dudo

; The thirty-thre- e people in Corral 6,

from which the woman waa taken.i were again subjected to a disinfection.

Groceries,CANNED GOOD.S.






111 Fort St. -:- - l hphano I'U.

O ' j





CurGreat IDlcplay


Silk and Silk rJooK CSrnssCloth, HainlMiiiie t';i)ets,Silk Pajamas, Ktc, Ktc.


Uncle Sam Cafe.612 FORT STREET.

--000 . :

Open from 5 a. m. to 12 p. m.Kx?ellent menu at all meals. ,'

Flrtt-clas- s French chef employed,all the delicacies of tbe season.Hum or Ezg Sandwiches with C'.ut- -.

Te or Milk. IS rnts.



Telephone 398.P. O. Box 441.


. ...r C 1 -

v -y

Honolulu Tobacco (Eo., Ltd.IM POrtTEf, C OF


named Kolurvna. The dati rivt iwc-- all obtained from the Health Of-

fice at a late hour, possibly before thepLysU'Iur.s h id fully eriled irtUivici.d iatir:alitisj.

As to the ci-- e of th? C'.i.ar!in Mi-koi- .g

fioru Minn ;Ka stttet, a'.d v iio- -

exist er.ff l in toto by theevininr; p;trrr, tb.e teprter faw h'.iuin the sa.-'-i eit ward at the 1 . .--t

i- -t

il on Thur.-d-- y oV'T.ii.g tlaiing li'svikit thric. Tbe man wa.? atter.dcd lyore (,f thi" i- --t bfspital n;:n-c.-- , Mr.Sc.att, and the ruin's teni;icratuie ta-

ken while the reporter was in theroom, showed lu' and a fraction. Dr.

report contains a full ac-co'.- ait

of the man, lat niviit f? if lugri-a- t I n had bc n tent into the deten-tion camp.

There v no ''ath reported yes-terday, which, while not indicatingtii it ti e h:,s been stopped inIts career. Is very encouraging. Mrs.Franz waa reported last night fromthe pest hospital as having a tempera-ture i f li .Yl, with no improvement inher condition.

A native attendant named Kahilikooat the hospital, who was 111 on Thurs-day with a cold, is reported as better.His cape Is not at all suspicious.

The Japanese woman fra.n the Ar-lington hotel, together with the Jap-anese woman and child from Merchantstreet, are all improving. The littlerinrsc licy fnm King street Is better.Takauohl, the Japanese from the Kona-yas- bi

hotel, shows no change in hiscondition. Arthur Kamaumiuml. aHawaiian fnm block 15. ha! a uigatemperature last night, 103, but sleep?well.

Dr. Hoffmann states In his reportti.at he noticed yesterday that the fliejat the hospital were dying In unuualnumbers. What the doctor's reasonsare far making this ta'ement ! notouite clear, except that It mav be thatflies ar suseeptlblo to tb Infection.If tii Is is so it marks another interesting phase in the wav in wh'ch theplague Infection can be carried fromdistrict to district.

Yesterday's Fires.The Fire Department laid half of

Mock 11 In ashes ye-terda- y foreno-tn- .v'tcIpt out ail the woaden structuresand leaving only the brhk builling--stPPflinr. The d pirtTrent flyn!Id th-- -

torch at 9 o clock to one of the Insinenf !'r.TJ mi 3!h!we1 the fire to spread

over to Smith s're From thnr theilatnes ate their wa;-ripMIj- ' ta NuuinnRlreet. sn l e f;r as t2i Lve Bakery t

bTi" bu'fdlng. Nare of tlv sur- -

rtni'?!rg stiu.-ture- orb'rfd o b( v- -rd w.?ro harmed to any rfn'. Th!-- !

rr.r"i vr;e nu. t h " I'.i'ii'il f'rcedivf and eTeans out the s'n k a'on?Nimtnii tren' a fr a b'T-- 1".

In th" rtft'rr'Cf-- n 'he irfn-te- -l F'fhV'.r.d ? ;'',, burr n Kinrr and T.ili- -

ha p'rrets were .urr-- e 1 tha gr'inl.1Incluiirg the Cat cotTe saloon'! r.f iV S ill'".

To-d- y th- - -n- -nn to burn allhal part of bVrk l.' f.-o- the Wa'k'ki

fmiipclarv of Kaum? kai'li church toNuutru street nnrl as fir back Kn- -

kii! street. T'n's rrfrn'rg the Boarl'vill canerr.n the Po-iHma- hon-- e an1t.hat will he burned to the grounJ thisafternoon.

Detention Camp Ncte.Jack McVeigh rece lvod nls appoint-

ment yesterday from th" Board ofHealth a-- ? Superintendent of the Kallhldetention camp. He becomes the gen-

eral superintendent in all things relating to the people there, outsiue or memedical depart mm. All the employeesin the camp are re?ponsible to him andare under his direct authority. Hetakes charge to-da- y.

A. L. C. Atkinson of th Kerosenewarehouse camp complained to Presi-dent Wood yesterday of his inability tohave his offal carts pass the guards atQueen street in order to dump the re-

fuse on the seows. These carts,says, contain offal an! refuse which hesays i3 certainly infections havingmostly come from ccrral 6. and theaeon of the giiards 'n preventing aloaded cart of that sort from carryingout the daneerotn refuse to the scowsIs likely to prove of gre- -t danger tothe communifv. The President of theBoard a?Aed the mb.tary to tase actionin the matter.

t n o'c'ork thi morning it was re-

ported from the Bourd of Health officethat the Hawaiian woman. Kaaui, hadjust died.



he readily or promptly supplied wi;ball kinds of fresh, fat fishes for house-

hold, picnics or luau by leaving orsending their orderB to us at our Fish

Stall. No. 11 Fishmarket, Honolulu,and the same be delivered to any ad-

dress wiain the town limits free ofcharges. We sell only the very bestpond mullets and kumu (large redfish) a specialty and generally kept on

hand.Please give us a call before purchas-

ing elsewhere.




THE REGULAR QUARTERLYmeeting cf th? Pacific Hardware Co.,

Ltd.. will be teld at its o3ce in Hono-

lulu, on Friday, January 2Cth. at 10

o'clock a, m.JA3. CORDON SPENCER,

Secretary.Honolulu, Jan. 13, 1300. &H6


w There's ;i wide iliHe.- -

cnco between the f;ikir

and the skilled

j Optician.v.

V. Take no chances, youreyes receive skilled treat-

ment only at our hands,

and at less cost, to your--i

S self.V, r

it r iirnminii


4- -




ftoagkt fcaa borne the signature cf thetTwtra Chemical Co. of Chicago, 111.,

Ur feaxt. Allow no one to deceive you

rlt oacterfeiti. Imitations and "Just14 g99d" are but experiments, and en-

tailer tae health of children.


riNXST CASTOR OIL, with its objec-ticmak- le

taate re moved by our newpresa. LAXATINE ! aa pleasant tolake as honey. Children like It. Notreasie to set them to take It. It con-tal- as

neither opium, morphine, norther narcotic substances. It relieves

teething troubles, cures constipationtaa flatulency; it assimilates the food,

reriiatea the stomach and bowels, glr-- Ui

healthy and natural sleep. TheChilaren's Panacea - the Mothers'rrlsai.

Prepared only by the WesternCieailcal Co., Chicago, Ills.

eO- -


8oie Agents forthe Hawaiian Islands.

WHAT A FUSSTo Keep Tour Csh Straight


1 i n lis ei

Does the Business.



II. E. HENDRICK, PROP.41 King street. 'Phone 502.

The Silent BarbershopLadles' Boot-Bla- ck Stand

In rear of shop.

JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, ProprArlUgtea HoteL Hotel Street.

ine Grades of Smoking Tobacco.Corner Tort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu.

rp-p-. AILEY'S


Yesterday a part of lilock 11 was burned. Today all that part ofBlock 13 from the Waikiki boundary of Kaumakapill Church to Nujanuwill go.

4.It ia clear that the infection with all requested to take means of obtainingthis travelling may be taken out and such messages.- -

carried into the homes of the area not With reference to the cn?,)j figureyet Infected. It la beginning to look which have been published, it is wei!as If it was going that way from the to remember that while in an ac-tw- o

cases we have had outside. curate census was taken, y t the in- -

"There are certain rata In the infect- - istructiona of the present ommitte-e- d

district which are not obeying the will result in a duplication of a greatorders of the sentinels, and are com- - lany na.nes owing to the fact that aing out of that district much as a great man is registered both tt bis residencemany Chinamen we have heard of, who and his place of Lufriness. It has teenhave no right to come out. This is deemed better to establish this eystenanother factor to be considered. than to attempt to furnish an accurate

"Another matter is, we are exposed census of the city.all of us to Infection in innumer- - The office hours of th committee

able places. The freight Is being hand- - hertvfter will be from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.led by men who are our friends. Young and f.om 7 p. m. to 9:20 p. ra.; the cf-m- en

of prominent families have gone fice being closed between 6 and 7. Theinto that district to handle the mer- - committee has divided itself Into threerh.andise. and it is highly dangerous. watches far this purpose.

REDUCED TO 612.00 PElt VAIlt.Owing to the sterling qualities of this tire, and Its consequent readj

sale. J. S. Bailey has succeeded In getting a REDUCTION OP $2.00 TEH

PAIR from the makers, which be AT ONCE gives to the public tbe whole ben-

efit, being assured that increased sales will follow this reduction.

Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery.728 AND 21 KINO STREET.

Carriage, Wagon and Truck






inforfinn nlunv he traced rlchtback to the same place. The first thingyou know, you are going to have oneof these young men come down withthe plague, and there will be anothernanic. Then what Is to be done?"

P. C. Jonea: "Your views upon thissublect were presented to the Councilof State by the Executive thia after- -noon, and I think the Council is in fa--vor of the recommendation offered to- -day, but I think the great questionmoving In many minds Is how muchmonev do von need? They want toknow If the J200a000 will be snClclentfor all the property that will be de- -

st roved "President Wood: "We consider that

the J200.000 would be a starter, atleast. The Board feel3 so strongly In

the matter that they were willing toaccept any amount now, and arter thatthey could figure cut how much morewm.trl ho needed."

fC FINE HORSESHOEING a FriaHv.Agency of the Rubber Tire Wheel Co.

Havaiian Carriage MTg Co-- ,


Mr Robertson stated that one of the terday was that of the Hawaiian wem-mlm'v,- ,r.

of the Council of Sjite raised an Kaaua at the kerosene warehouse.

:j M Vhoe?lag CoiiEli, Aslhrsa, to?, G&rrii, Golds.I . . ...t '. 'j:-

A'-- N v J ,..1 1, ri,.n rirtiirn't.K ft tl.

the point as to whether the Board hadHchr to destroy a buiiaings, in- -

firtr-ia- n the district,President Wood replied that the Board

., , ,.had made a distinction, vy iimclasses of resolutions, one in condemn- -

in" buildings because it was lmpossioie0 . . .11,. oni fhorefore

vif" . h,r. to be burned, and an- -Vhlr buildings were Infected!?r.fr--e mas destroyed.

rs r,Mr,,t,t cursive t.wrr, r- - w..n.Vrfu. .t.e t".e l.me fyre.tn: ,r.X il.e .;.fc

--.f conugwut tJact ty .l'D,c a p.iwerl-- 1 J.;rcAfit, Uf :e- - tUI ya-jctt- cti'.d. So J br &rmn:. ViuLle tKx.:ct fret.


3T'i'W7XIt was explained that the only good given new clothes and have com-whic-

be handled with any de-- minced a new fifteen days' quarantine




F. MORGAN iTW RETSIL STORES.Binioaainiceinnieiit jfflf OUTLOOK JjtAr Corner Fort and King Streets and

Waverloy Clock, Bethel Stroot.,

Shippers of Sugar Arei

Hopeful.33 Queen Street.

?. 0. fox 594. Telephone 72 CO., LTD..ENRY MAY &.OF THE

Rumors of Restriction at Coast Ports

Are Not Supported Consign-

ments Made as Usual.


J. T. Waterhouse. Henry May & Co.H. E. Mclntyrc & Bro.o

tity OfGrand k Wholesaleand Retail Grocers,Auction Sale

iiffliisii.ON SATURDAY, JAN. 27,


At my salesroom, 33 Queen street, Ho-

nolulu, I will sell at Public Auction, bynrdor nf the Treasurer. Mr. J. P. Cooke,

Tea Dealers and Coffee Merchants.

Shippers of sugar who were inter-viewed yesterday by a reporter for tneAdvertiser expressed confidence in thesituation, not partaking of the fear3felt by other persons, not eo well ac-

quainted with the branch of trade, thatthe existence of a few ca?3 of plagueon the island of Oahu would result ingreat harm to the sugar industry. Theshippers without exception do not an-

ticipate that any sugar cargoes fromHawaii will be rejected at San Fran- -

) Corner Fort and King Streets,SHLE Retail Stores: ) Waverly Block, Bethel Street.

Cisco or anywhere else, the precautions! tbe fonowing certificates of stock intaken here being so strict that any j tne oiaa Sugar Company, unless the

n:ihto nffiMal mi thft Hnast cannot do ! ilplinnuent assessment (third astsess- -Wholesale Department, Bethel Street.

TrlrrVirncC Fort Street, 22 and 92.1 eiepilOHeS. Betbel Street, 21 and 949.

otherwise than admit the cargoes

HT.ment), with interest inereon, is raiubefore the day of sale.

Names are published for the pur-

pose of identifying the certificates.No.

Shares.C J. Q. Wood, trustee 100

P. C. Jones said yesterday that nopossible danger could result from theshipment of sugar even from this isl-

and, certainly none by shipping theproduct of the other islands. "PerhapsI am not so well posted as some of theactual shinners." said Mr. Jones, "butit seems ridiculous to think that any

KERR'SJ. Q. Wood, trustee 100

J. Q. Wood, trustee 100

J. Q. Wood, trustee 100

C. II. Judd 100

T. S. Southwlck 100

S. I,. Dexter 300

J. K. Farley 25

Geo. Goodacre 23

Geo. Goodacre 23

W. S. Edings 33Capt. C. Averdam 1"


restrictions should be placed upon con-signments of sugar irom Oahu planta-tions. The plague has not appearedanywhere oiuside of this city, and thesusrnr on our plantations U thereforenot infected. It is brought to the porton trains carrying n"aran:ined crew3,and can be transferred to vessels at therailroad wharf 'without even ravingpassed through the city or any Infectedlocality. Put in any event the sugarfrom th? other islands could not in Jus-

tice be rejected on the Coast or any-where else."

Clive Davleg. nf Then. II. Divle? &

Co. said his firm was pro:-ed'.- a'ons

Queen Street. L. Apoy 13j

L. Wing Kim 3


Loo Goon 8

II. A. Giles 33L. L. La Pierre 8

Chas. J. Fishel S3

Mrs. H. Fishel DOlin-- that had always b"en followed.

CowSoso far as sugar shipments are concern-ed. "We know nothing about any In-

tended restrictions upon consignmentsof susrar. and not havin? bcn advisedof anything of the kind, thre Is noreason to believe that the susrar ship-me- n.

will be affected. Consignmentsare being made as usual."


M. G. Sylvester 3iJ. R. Hall 77


E. E. Olding 33Norman Watkina 8

Miss Henny Averdam 8

Wm. A. Gardner 17J. R. Hall 57,L. Fot Chu 3jJas. L. Holt 171

Brand New Stock ofElegant and SeasonableGoods in the latest colorsand designs. onolulu Stock Yards Co.,


Tramways Company Seeks to Makea Showing.

The Hawaiian Tramways Companyobtained a temporary injunction yes-

terday against Alexander Young, Min-

ister of the Interior, enjoining him orhis servants from Interfering with the




5395745793S75S8614C4 4

C43648694696G977097147187227237827837817S3791838S109 CO




W. S. WITHERS, Manager.MLS work of the complainant and fromcausing and rroet?ring the arrest of theservants of the Tramways Companyfor doing any of the work necessary to



1 1

Sam Kal Wing 8

A. Barnes 33Gear, Lansing & Co 50Gear, Lansing & Co 50Gear, Lansing & Co 50Jno. Waterhouse 8

Marion Waterhouse 13Margaret Waterhouee 15M. A. Gonsalves 3 3

Henry T. Taylor 50Otto A. Bierbach 17P. A. Diaa 33Norman Watkins 5H. W. Howard 50II. W. Howard 50H. W. Howard 100H. W. Howard 100W. M. Templeton 30W. S. Withers 100C. L. Garvin 50A. W. Richardson 50Alex. Hamilton 123J. Q. Wood 30W. S. Edings 23Isidore Llevre 500W. S. Edings 14W. S. Edings . 17Miss Nellie Rice 15A. V. Richardson 23Mrs. L. Russel 50W. F. Drake 150W. F. Drake 100W. F. Drake 35W. F. Drake 50Miss II. C. Hitchcock 100D. L. Austin 17W. F. Drake 15C. L. Garvin 10C. H. Judd 23


complete and lay proposed switches.The Injunction was issued by JudgePerry and the Tramways Companysays that upon hearing it may be madeperpetual.

The Tramways Company In Its peti-tion alleges that the laws ofHawaii provided that It3 tracks vereto be constructed as nearly a3 possiblein the middle of the streets, unles3 oth-erwise directed by the Minister of theInterior, and that the corporation laidits track In the middle of King streetin conformity with said condition.

It U alleged that with the assent ofthe Minister of the Interior, the cor-poration la Id a double track from theswitch at the Palace pate to a point, onKing street opposite the Gulick prop-erty, and then prepared the groundand commenced laying a switch to con-nect Its new-lai- d track with the tracknow maintained on King street, the, i . i. i .

(fJELEBRATEDThat will gladden the hearts of the little folks

Morgan & Wrighto TSRESolaying or sam swucn nein necessary 1433

for maintaining properly the operation j

of a business.GSoi ooJAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr.Millinery.

The largest assortment of the latestthings In this line In the city. Latestcolors newest shapes.

Tires fitted to any Vehicle at very short notice.Of the finest la all sizes; rich In col-ors and designs; the cheapest In thecity. r.:3 JZiz

On January 11, It la recited, the cor-poration was requested by the Minuterof the Interior to cease its tracklaylngon King street, and the following dayboth the Tramways and Rapid TransitCompanies were requested to desistfrom tracklaylng on King street, pend-ing litigation. It Is alleged that theTramways Company spent eeveralthousand dollars In shifting Its trackbut that the Rapid Transit CompanyIntruded upon the ground and took




gale under a 99-ye- ar leasehold the fol- -lowing valuable property of Chas. Mel- -necke, situated at Keolokaa, Kau. Ha--

RIBBONSTableLinens.FORT ST., CLUB STABLES BUILDING.possession with lorrowed rails, shut

hades andElegant la design and rich In values. Extensive line, allwidths; the very latest. ""fi,:i a" tu""uujr iru,n j hlnu and six miles from the landing atIt had a right to occupy. nonoapo. Hawaii.

hJm! it3,1dj The property comprises 66131-10- 0having led to the aores now owned Jn fee 6tm le andmanager and several workmen of the 1CG.53 acrM under long leases.Tramways Company, by order of the The property Is well supplied with Harmessdwellings, tanks, water and nines, andMany Other Novelties that

space will not permit mentioning.iimniri ui juicnur. me peuuonfor a writ of injunction follows. divided Into paddocks for dairy end

THE TRANSPORT TARTARranching purposes. Orange and coffee

i trees now produce an Income, whichwill alwayi Increase,

at The new Government Kau road runs add IArrived g AND ALLeYesterday and SailedOnce for Manila. l through the place.

j In addition to the above, there willenroute be sold 100 tame milch rnir and 75The army transport Tartar,

to Manila, merely spoke Honolulu by steers and calves. Horse GoodsAll At the New Storei ni8 ib a nne opportunity for a party

wishing to engage in dairy, grazingand fruit culture.

Map and further information at myof3ce.

megaphone, dropped a bag of mail forSan Francisco over the side Into thepilot boat and proceeded on her Jour-ney. She was off the harbor about 0

JAS. F. MORGAN,33 Queen Street

but did not make any decided stop, j

The captain had gone out of his course'

to come to Honolulu, but only with the'

intention of leaving the small bag of j

mall for San Francisco.No one was allowed on board and no '

mail for this port was left. A fiio...P.:. During quarantine at the LINCOLN BLOCK, KINO STREET near A LAKE A.


Direct supervision of all work; have had the longest practical experiencein the ISLAND TRADE over all competitors, without exception.



i papers from January 4th to the 11th,j inclusive, was dropped over, containing'j little news of the Transvaal. Thetransport carried fifteen officers and ai number of casuals assigned to differ- -! ent regiments at Manila. She carriesa big cargo of supplies for the com- -missary and quartermaster depart- -


ments of the Philippines.

-- -

Jj)o iin ill ino C. R. COLLINS33 Queen Street. ESTABLISHED 1891.

Mr. J. F. Hackfeld states the bugy'niiflow whlch col!il "with W. L. Eaton on;Ueen OUreeti whant street last Thursday was not1

his.Importer. D n nn CQi T.Tfcf,a 7V TELEPHONE! 502? Leading Harness ManufacturerP. 0. BOX 507.t Va WW. mJ jr-t- m I VlWt-UUU- t Jim I


i.j.- -

. 1 1


hobmrr Sloe Go Theo. H: Davies & CoLIMITED

Merchants and Commission Agents,Beg to call the attention cf the tn-i-t-

their complete line or


THE "HARVARD."We Ptr.k nnr rt pnnt:'oE cn ttf?

mkf of !SHri.rib wnrM does nrt ;olace


Ijimes imm i m!"The Harvard"

Takers of First Prize f. .r MENSSHOES wherever exhibited.

. Pi

1 Lib. UlUb


H. M. Jevne, head of the great Chi-cag- o

grocery house. Is in town and willgo hone on the Australia,

J. G. Gamble is now In charge of thehealth guard commissary. " On an aver-- iage 2ZZ lunches are served twiceevery twenty-fou- r hours.

A special meeting of Mystic Lodg3No. 'I, K. of P., Is called for this even-- :ing at 7:30 p. m. Business of specialimportance will be transacted.

Eighteen sprinkling carts, each of acapacity of 1.0'm) gallon, are sprinklingall the streets of the city daily with a

j solution of five per cent sulphuric acidi and ninety-fiv- e per cent water.

S)me of th.e residents of Nuuanuvalley were compelled yesterday totransport water from the city to theirhomes for domestic purposes, on ac- -,

count of the supply In the pipes hav-ing given out.

Thero will he a general meeting cf; inpecters and sub-inspcto- rs in Prog-ress hall on Sunday morning at 11

o'clock for the purpose of discussing'

methods of making the work of thecommittee more effectual.

An old German named Meyer hasbeen turned out of his home by a coun- -


Hon. A. Sewall is billeted for theAustralia-Rea- d

what H. K. Enters says In his,ail., thi page.

llopp & Co. carry a futl lin of allpriced furniture. '

If your watches ned cleaning IJiartran do it for you.

Cleveland quality makes friends andkeeps them year after year.

You can't use too raii-- h of the Hob-ro- n

Drug Co.'a disinfectant.The Club Stables have an annex at

Long'Iiranch, Walklkl, now.Lewis & Co. received a large Invoice

of groceries by the last Australia.The W. (. Hill reports 77.000 bigs of

sup;ar on Kauai awaiting shipment.A li?t of the oflkers of the United

Fraternal Association U published to-

day.(let home of the (Jold'-- Ilu'e I;

new book a to whilo youarc, In quarantine.

An Important meeting notice of theHonolulu Rapid Transit & Jnl Co. Upublished elsewhere.

Two thousand five hundred dollars

PAINTS AND OILS.T ITm1IT 1nn' I 7 I 1 1 IiKii.-i.ll.-i- L

m i i

We have a full line of this SIIOK in tan. Iuowm ami Idarkcolors. An absolutely perfei t lilting, ami IMi SIM ). 1 howearing qualities are tctitied y thn c v!n i.a-- iad the

; pleasant experience of wearing a l5ANMTKi; MIuI11 01LI 1 L

t of Kitchen Fwnishin:f r-- . AY AGATE WARE a Spiilty

The rvni oi oUUIlUlliVlU StreetSOLK AGENTS.will by a new iii-Btor- y, house, j S(jnt out ;y the Gprman Benevolent!

on top of Alapal street. S-- card thid Society to care for the old fellow. ThelBue. German consul has the nutter in hand.

A Cincinnati Publishing Co. will Commissioner Hatigha rceived a tly

a book by Dr. OKxIhue. fPr frcn Professor Koebele dated from'entitled "IJeneath Hawaiian Palms andj'

p.riabane. (Q.) A large consignment of!Stars." lnsect3 were snt on ice by the Mlowera

Make your roof waterproof and disin- -' and ihe Profes3or stated his Intention!


iAreYou tlNow is the Time

to forward a lot of valuable seeds by I

first opportunity.A scheme to organize an excursion

party to San Franc L'.co by way of Pal-- jmyra Island, is proposed by a skipper!who thinks a sufficient number of peo-- ipie, who are anxious to get out of thecountry would jump at the chance of,escaping a tedious quarantine.

feet your premises at the same tlmwith Itoger's Combination Hot Paint.Try It. Telephone 411.

Some household furniture,tables, chairs, oil stoves, potted plants,ptc, are offered for sale very cheap, byW. A. Gardner. See ad. page 12.

Ramos, a Portuguese bootblack rn


Hotel street, was arrested yesterday for of SewioqSome little excitement was caused atassault anci nauery upon a ninamun. , Solte'B lunch rooms on Fort streetHe will .be trid In police court toLll ypfltPr,,ay morning. A Hawaiian Mia'ine regular annual meeting or tnehile passing along Fort street, sud- -


hotsdenly fell In a fit just outside Nolte'sdoor. A whispered "plague" causedalmost a stampede, while no one show-ed a very strong desire to assist thefallen man or eren remain In his im-mediate vicinity. A telephone messageto the Hoard of Health quickly broughtDr. Garvin to the spot and the manwas removed to the station house.

You need not come down town, order hj' telephone,and we will semi you simples orjroods ly hicyckexpress, and serve you at your own door.Those wishing to make purchases In

Dry Good3 without coming into town,are invited to place orders, large orsmall, by telephone or mail.

We deliver free to any part of the

-- OF-

NO, 137.The Fires? city.

Our telephone number is

Silk Finish Corduroy, for bicycle skirts etc., rM cents ayard.

Extra Special Value in White Tiijups just arrived. lineand heavy rihhed, 20, 125, SO ami o5 cents a yard.

All Wool, English Tweeds, mixed colors. 50 inches wido.liilit and comfortable tor walking or riding, $1.00yard.

Honolulu Soap Works Co. will be heldat the office of M. V. McChesney Sonson Friday, January 2', at 2 o'clockp. m.

The Hawaiian National Guinl hisbeen increased by the addition ofseventy-fiv- e more members, by thedirection of the Minister of ForeignAffairs.

The subject of Mr. Hay's discourseat the Christian church tomorrowmorning will be "Christ's Ixive ForThe Church," and In the evening "ThePlan of Salvation."

St. Andrew's Cathedral. Third Sun-day after Fpiphany, January 21: 7 a.m.. Holy Communion; It a. m., Mat-In- s

and Sermon; 3:30 p. m., Pule Ahl-ah- i;

7:30 p. h., Kvensong and Sermon.A special meeting of the United Fra-

ternal Association will be held at theMasonic Temple Sunday at 10 a. m.Presiding officers and representativesof every fraternal society are requestedto be present.

John W. Tregloan, son of the lateII. s. Tregloan. died In the city ye'.or-da- y.

He was 3S yeara of age. Th-- ?

funeral will take plnce this mon-i-

at 10 o'clock from the undertaking par-

lors of H. II. Williams.Mr. V. George Krcgnes. Eastern

manager of the San Francisco Call,who arrived on the Australia, will re




uiiu oi iiuna janens, uncsr. maienai ior orcssos or

iWHrTSEY & WOn SATURDAY next wewill commence the big-- .

kre.st clearance sile of

Dry GoodsEver held in


If you are or If you are tot, we can

fix you out In both cases, supplying you

with every article necessary In photog-

raphy, and even go frtill further and do

developing, printing and enlarging for

films and plates.Nothing but

First Class WorkAllowed to leave our itore.

Printing done in cloudy weather.

Have you one of or.r Albums for un-

mounted ihotos, in which to rre?ervethe.e fire eens?

Ilolokus 12 yards length. $1.00, Sl.'jr,, $1.50, $2.25$'.00 and $4.00 per piece.

Amoke;ig Oinhams fat colors, new jattern, 27 inches'uh for I)res&est W nippers, Pajamas, etc., S yards

for $1.00.Flannelettes, pod colors, S. 10, 12, and 14 yards for


lVpiot Sheet in from li yards wide to 2 yardswme.

Linen Sheeting, from 40 inches too yards wide.

Embroideries,hhrnn n

1!until! o REMNANTS OF -- I Wool Goods,

We have applied the knifefreely ami have cut pricesin half. Our immense stockmust he reduced previousto stocktaking. The salewill commence . . .


and will continue for

One Week Only

turn on her. He came over for a nervecure and siya that, despite the plague,he has received some benefit.

A requisition has been sent by Col.Ruhlen to Washington for an odorlessexcavator for the u?e of fluem VistaHospital. One of the latest patterj Islying Idle at Fort Macpherson and it Lhoped that this one may be secured.

At Onfral ITnlon church, the p.i.c ir.Rev. Wni, M. Klntaid. w.ll preach to-

morrow avorning on "Our Duty to OurCity." and In the evening on "Sympa-thy." the eleventh in ihe scries on the"Making of Manhood." All cordiallyInvited.

Whitney & Marsh wish to anno inceto thoso wlbhing to make purchases Indry goods without coming Into townthat they are Invited to place orders,large or small, fcy telephone. Theyare prepared to deliver to any part ofthe city.

As a health precaution, II. J. Nollehas torn up the floors of the roomiunder hla lunch room kitchen, an 1 his

Cotton Goods.Cor. Knz ani Fort Sts. I

.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. i0O0O9O0O9O0O0O0






li. i m on noons no.



'V-- !! 1

thoroughly disinfected the ground prior,to laying down the new floor. He hasalso thoroughly disinfected his enMrepremises.

Six white men In the quarantine di- -i

trict accosted Capt. Parker yesterdaymorning and told him that unless theywere provided with proper food, theylwould break through the lines regard-less


of consequences to themselves.The matter will be thoroughly looked.Into.

A children's ward. In connectionwith Hattory Camp. Ih being rstab- -

Ushed by Dr. Nichols. Here the chil-dre- n

of plague patients may be wellcared for, and any who can spare chil- -

dren'a clothing or toys will do a kindact by sending them to the Board of

Stumps 0We have a larre line of Grand Clearance SaleOR TREES WITH

-- THE- OF.Wedge Tents, Wall Tents,

Palmetto Tents, Beach Tents.(Complete with poles, pins and ropes.)

tST" Ready for Setting Up.


10CaliforniaHealth office.

An order has been Issued by Col.

.Tones to the guardsmen on quarantineduty by which they will no loneer re-

ceive the money offered as bribes DySWELL MILLINERY,

Elegant Imported Waists and Skirtstn eet out. and arrestIn fit-- 1

the offender at the same time.htv will not accept the moneyi

Stomp Puller! LATEST IN- -

Pearson & Potter Go., Ld 0jv 312 FORT STREET. TELEPHONE CC3. Ties, Ribbons, Feathers, Etc., Etc.eoo090oeo09 oooooooooooWe guarantee we can pull any tree

or tree stump. "W'e are working nine

of these machines at Twenty Miles, i

Olaa, at present, and Invite the public j

All Ooods will le sold at greatly i educed price.to call and Inspect the work now being

done. stcc1 now inmust make room for our larje, newWe


Thus offered.Mr. Henry G. Glnaca. representing

the Fulton Engineering & ShipbuildingWorks, a large corporation in San

Francisco which built the Manna Loaand other Tnter-Tslan- d steamers ar-

rived on the laat Australia, and hasalready opened an office on Fort street,between King and Merchant streets.

Captain Chamberlain of the shipPoseidon says that he Is not nfrab oflosing liis men on the Co:i.. through

communication which may be sentanyfrom here. He states that his crew ful-

ly realize the Imposition practiced a?-o- n

them here, and with the warning of

further trouble on the Croast, a re notweight uponlikely to place much

"promises."Dr I S. Cleveland of the Honoailu

Sanitarium writes to the Advertiserthat since Mr. Merrill has enteredbravely Into the work at the pest hos-

pital he has not and will not have any

communication with the San tarium ortherewith, untilany ono connected

all danger from the plague is;"er and It U entirely satisfactory tothe Board of Health for him to return.

iSpring Necktiesand Shirts. . . .

ALU STYLES!! ALL PRICES!!Information call orFor further

write to

Miss M. E. Killean,2-ST0R-HSftDH & e. i


OLAA, HAWAII, 1 1. 1.



SI 205-20- 7 HOTEL ST.Hotel Stroot. Roblnoon Blook.; ARLINGT0N1BL0CK.


.WMi mm Favorite! Oceanic Steamship Company.Band Concerts.

The Cuvernment Lar.il will give con-

ceits in the ground of the Executivebuilding at tho iifial hour this aiter-iiun- n

ar.'l n!.;o at 7:"0 on M md.ty r.lght.


e::.piues Ltirg upon the Citizens' In- -, ' iU-- l Cu flili.il lit, itd W tli io tl.Ulci- -

; f:iaitl at iLt, we, the unJer- - TABLE:This Line will Arrive at and Lun


TIMETho Flee Pat6 Lrer Steamers of

Tt's Port as Hereunder:




IIn connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents artprepared to Issue, to intending passengers coupon through tickets by aural.road from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and troiNew York by any steamship line to a 11 European Port.

For further particulars apply to


General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

ccidental Oriental 'Steamship (j0(

Toyo Kisen Kaisha!Steamers of the above companies

poit on or about the dates below men



For general Information apply to

W. HACKFtZLD 3t Cc.Ud. Agents.

Route7 r w FOR THEI -

V ? (.1 j Islandj? f 4 ?

J I H v PeopleH lfS!Jl M itJK ANDrcnrists


Three Trains '

Every Day In tbe Year



WITHOUT CHANGEone train daily fromportland...







Leaves San Francisco dally at8:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.

Leaves Portland dally at 8 p. m.

J. IL LOTHROP, General Agent.35 Third street, Portland Oregon.

D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent,No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.

E. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A..Omaha, Nebraska.


HOUSE AND LOT AT PUNAHOU.Lot la 75 by 125 feet; house is twostory, containing double parlors, dining-

-room, kitchen and pantry In firststory; three large bedrooms, withclosets and bath in second story; sta-ble and servants' rooms on the place.This property is In one of the most de-sirable locations in the residence por-tion of the city, close to car line, andon proposed rapid transit lines. Easyterms of payment can be made If nec-essary to suit the purchaser. For fur-ther particulars apply to

J. A. BUTTERFIELD,Bell Tower Building, Union St.



A FOUR-INC- H LENS TELESCOPE,made by Troughton & SImms of Lon-don, England, complete with finder,powerful sunglass mounted on sub-stantial tripod, and having all the usu-al appliances to facilitate its use. Allin perfect condition; can be seen at theart rooms of the Pacific Hardware Co.Enquire of

MRS. CHAS. T. GULICK,P. O. Box 415, Kalihl. Honolulu.

Telephone No. 1072.6422.



horses, r.erfertlr sonnrl fnrmoriowned by Dr. Raymond. Enquire Ho-tel Stabk3.5420 john nrna.nv.


12.600 nor?E A Nn T OT a t ptt.nahou; good location; near cars; abargain a3 a homestead. Apply to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.5411 No. 310 Fort Street.



good location; 80x150; J950 Largeai nsimi; axiou, cneap; jioo LotaKalihl, size 50xlC0. Apply to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.5H1 No. 310 Fort Street.



rOOmine-hOUS- e. K!tUAtP1 nn Pmmastreet, in good location; a bargain.Apply to

WILLIAM SAVinOR5411 No. 210 Vnrt S'root


HOUSE LOT (WELL FILLED) ONKawalahao street, Kewa'10; chenp forcash.5411 J. H. SCHNACK.


A 2-- 5 ACRE LOT, HIGH GROUNDS,Kalihl;- - easy terms. Inquire of

J. H. SCHNACK,Merchant Street.



lot with residence on Hotel streetInquire ofJ. H. SCHNACK,

Merchant Street


The first-cla- ss steamer YORIHIMEMARU will call for Yokohama

On or About 20th Inst.

K, r M rriin?. ExceptC! ' Sun ! iy. hym i: COMPANY,

O ir.ru.ji.! k, KiEg Street.a. V,--


I'x- - M.inaer.

TIME TAPI PI ii.il I nwbt.

nii'i'-tXyM'- l

TrL-"'i.--. -- Jw-;.r?7j

From and After Jan. 1, 1899.

Dally Daily Dally Dally DallyButtons ex. ex.(Outd) Sun. Sun.

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.Hono. ..7:10 9:15 11:05 3:15 6:10Pearl C..8:03 9: IS 11:40 3:47 5:50!E Mil ...8:33 10:08 12:00 4:05 6:10Walaoae ... .0:.i) 4:45 ....Walalua ... 11:55 5:40 ....Kahuku ... 12:32 6: 15 . . .

Btatlona. Dally Dally Dally Dally(Inwd) ex.Sun.

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.Kahuku 5:35 2:08Walalua 6:10 2:60Walanae 7:10 3:55Ewa Mill 5:50 7:45 1:05 4:32Pearl City .... 6:15 8:03 1:30 4:52Honolulu 6:50 8:35 2:05 5:2--

O. P. DENISON. F. C. SMITH,Superintendent. G. P. & T. A.



5 3- - i Vi? H I H 2 r--- - T- r 1i - i

in p rn rn. n KlfM on. ) :t H 9 ll lit1 lira. 4.17 4.M it il. -- i fi.iD 5.4) 0 :)Wed. 17 If, 5 20 1I.4H 4 40 8.41

' i I'.tnThar H 5 11 rt 5 .12. 14 U i)J K.40 b.n fl.2Ji

Frl.!. 11 Y."7 SI 'l.'.J l H.'fi fi. 10 VI2 9.17Bat. 7.11 1 (it a r. (i 4l 5 4J lM.4


21 ' fi.41 8 .41 1 3 0. IH fi 4 S 4 10.5'.

Full moon on the 15th at 8:08 a. m.Tides from the United States Coat

and GeoletIc Survey tables:The tides at Kahultil and Hllo occur

about one hour earlier than at Hono-lulu.

Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours30 minutes slower than Greenwichtime, being that of the meridian of157 degree 30 minutes. The . timewhistle blows at 1:30 p. m., which Isthe same as Greenwich, 0 hours 0 min-utes. Sun and moon are for local timefor the whole group.


For additional Shipping News seeHhth page.

DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STA-TION. Jan. VJ, 10 p. m. Weather,clear; wind, fresh, east.


Friday, January 19.Stmr. W. G. Hall. Thompson, from

Kauai ports, with 6,067 bag sugar.Br. Btmr. Rloemfontein, Blelloch, 11

days from Seattle, with 4.000 tons gen-eral merchandise to M. J. BIsael.

An. sp. Luelle, Anderson, from Ta-con- i.i i

(anc hored outside).

SAILED FRO 31 HONOLULU.Friday, January 19.

Am. ( hr. Ruby Cousins, Walton, forbaa Francisco In ballast.

TO SAIL TODAY.Stmr. Kauai, for Lahalna and Kaa-napa- li

at 3 p. m.Stmr. Ke Au Hon for Anahole and

Kllauea at 3 p. m.

BE WAR E OF BURGLAR".Record of Four Cases Yesterday Sug-

gests Caution.The burglar has once again made hisappearance in Honolulu, and' house-

holders will do well to prepare them-selves for the administration of awarm welcome to ninvito.i nii, ...w.. v.1.1 i o t

Complaints were lodged at the Police'w.nuu jrjinuj oy me neaui or threebusiness houses, of attempt upon theirstores.Mr. Ehrlich, of the Taclflc Import

Company, reported an attempt to breakinto his store some time during Thurs-day night or early yesterday morning.The ale lock upon one of tha streetdoors had been broken off, and an at-tempt to force the second door lockmade throuarh the medium of a bar ofomo description, probably a 'Jimmy"as mar are plainly visible above andIow j,he lork- - The would-b- e burglarswere sturhed in theJr work or elsethey found the lock too Ftrong to gived'd n0t g'lln in?ress t0 aestore

Early yesterday morning a patrol-man on duty near the O. 11. & L. Co.1epot obrved that the windows andfloor of the Palama Grocery Store wereopen. Upon a closer examination rev-fr- al

Implements usually carried bySir,8,a.rs wpre foun,, wb!1 tQ storeas tho-tg- h it had been over-iiaule- d.

The manager was at once no-tified out as cash Is never kept over1l.1 ll!e .ton?' cou, not say if,Anything had been stolen, although a!

provisions could easlir have '

without being missed .TheVdorj also show evidence of havingbeen tampered with.swf SrP burglary Is reported from am?,H.reet.p,u7,ber who cLlIm that a i

l-- 0 7.OVI3 to th0 valu of abouth'9 "h0P 0a Thurs- -dar night

nnT1 tItnpy 1 another victim onMonday night his dress coat vest j

fr iTaJ":ib!e soM wata were takenroom during his absence

iji'i, toii;uer .t la our bi in e;erl; j - u Llir buiikd -- t lu uVi.uk a. w.:u- - tloi- - ut - otiuc-- p. iu. uutil the

i relieved of the presentb i1usnop & CO.


HAWAII. 6445!


CERTIF NO. 4S FOR SIXshares of the capital stock of the Ho- -nomu Sugar Co., standing in the nameof George Ross, has been lost In tran -sit, and all persons are warned against '

negotiating said lost certificate.gp:o. h. rouertson,

Treasurer Honomu Sugar Co.Dated, Honolulu, Jan. 15. VJ)Q. 5413


BY A REFINED YOUNG LADY, Aposition as teacher or governess tochildren under 12. Salary moderate.Address M. B., Advertiser oflke. .115


BY A THOROUGH AND RELIABLEbookkeeper and accountant. Address"A," this office. 5132

Notice to Aqcnts of Planta-tions.

I AM PREPARED TO TAKEcharge of all classes of mining; fifteenyears experience. Address ExperiencedMiner, this office. 5436


PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINTCOMPANY hate- - removed to Fortstreet, opposite Club 'Stables.

H. P. WALTON,5410 Manager.


THE OFFICE OF THE RISDONIron Work3 has been removed fromNuuanu and King F.treet3 to Rooms 5and 6, Progress block. 5142


535 PER TON WILL BE PAID FORclean castor oil beans In bags on de-livery at the warehouses of IL Hack-fel- d


Kaneohe, Oahu, Dec. 29, 1899. 5429



beach (formerly the TIvoll baths),unfurnished cottages, oneand two rent reasonable todesirable parties; bathing facilitiesand" stable accommodation; personalInspection of the premises requested.

For further Information apply toWm. Horace Wrlg.1t, P. O. box 670, orat the Independent office between 11and 12 o'clock noon, or on the premisesafter 4 o'clock p. m. 5395


OFFICES TO RENT. ABOVEWashington Mercantile Co., cornerQueen and Fort streets. Apply ArthurHarrison, on premises.

Dec. 30, 1899. 5430



Call In the evening at No. 2King Place, off Beretanla. 5445


$2,500 WILL BUY A NEW Hi-story, house on top of Alapaistreet. II. MY'IIRE.



atLOTS AT KEWALO. Inquire of

J. H. SCHNACK,5406 Merchant Street


HORSES, TRAP AND HARNESS. OfApply to Paul F. De La Vergne, No. 976Beretanla street. 5416


A HOUSE AND LOT (50x100) ONHackfeld street; fine location.54,2 J. II. SCHNACK.


A CORNER LOT ON PENSACOLAstreet, 100x200, will be sold as a wholein part. Apply to Mrs. E. R. Hen-dry, Pensacola etreet. 5415 at

FOR SALE. 5406

nXw ASY,,TERMS' A FEWManoa; town side of A. A.Montano s.

5443 J. H. SCHNACK.



FANS- - SHELLS. SEEDS,feHM,EMvAI)B P01' Constantly onTelephone 659.

To Loan.$2.000 On T1PAI rc?T .r-- r.

Tho regular Sunday afternoon wn.-- r:will l e h-- M at Makee I .Viae d, if the

'ears arc running. Following Is thepiograru for tomorrow afternoon:



Romance "Ethel" ContsGrand Selection "II Bravo"


Moreadante! PART II.Grand Selection "Marltana"

Wallace(Intermezzo "Cavallerla Rustlcana".

MascagnlFantasia "A Pastoral Scene" .. HumeGavotte "Dulclnea" Kappey

"The Star Spangled Banner."


TREGLOAN In Honolulu. January 19, j

John W. Trrtflonn. aged 38 years, sonof the late II. S. Tregloan. '

The funeral will take place at 10 j

o'rlork th!a. ......mnrnlnc..... frnm' ...If ITJWilliams undertaking parlors.



January 17, by the Rev. W. M. Kin-rai- d,

F. II. Edwards to Mrs. M. D.nryden. both of this city.


THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERSof Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. of P., areearnestly requested to meet thl3 even-ing. January 0th, 1900, In their CastleHall, Fort street, at 7:30 p. m. sharp.Business of special Importance will betransacted.

By order of S. J. SALTER, C.C.A. E. MURPHY, P.C..

K. of R. & S. 5117


AT A MEETING OF THE UNITEDFraternal Association, held Friday,January 19, at the Masonic Temple,the following officers were elected:President J. A. HassJnger

Ice President . II. E. WaitySecretary .. S. J. SalterTreasurer . . C. M. WhiteSergeant-at-Arm- s . J. D. Tucker

S. J SALTER,5417 Secretary.


THERE WILL BE A GENERALmeeting of Inspectors and Sub-Inspect-

In Progress Hall on Sunday morn-ing at 11 o'clock, for the purpose ofdiscussing methods of making the workof the committee more effectual.CITIZENS' SANITARY COMMITTEE,

S. M. BALLOU,"117 Secretary.


NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN THATthe annual meeting of the stockhold-ers of the Honolulu Rapid Transit &

Company will be held at thecompany's office. No. 411 Fort street,funstairsl. Honolulu nn Mnnrliv th2Dth instant, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Honolulu. January 20, 1900.J. A. OILMAN.

4 Sec. II. H. T. & L. Co.


A SPECIAL MEETING OF THEUnited Fraternal Association will beheld at the Masonic Temple Sunday,January 21st, at 10 a. m. Presiding of-ficers and representatives of every fra-ternal aoclety are urgently requested tobe present. S. J. SALTER.5147 Secretary.


THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEET-ln- gof the Honolulu Soap Works Co.,

Ltd.. will be held at the office of M. W.McChsney & Sons. ITonntnt 11 rm rrl.day, January 2fi. 1900. at 2 o'clock p.m.

J. M. M'CHESNEY,Secretary.

January 19, 1900. 5417


RESOLVED. THAT IN THE OPIN-io-nof the directors of the Olaa Sugar

Company, Limited, all shipments offreight from Honolulu to other Islandsbe prohibited, with the exception ofmachinery. This shall not apply tomerchandise which arrivea fromabroad and is transferred into cleansteamers without being landed In Ho-nolulu. 6437


OWING TO THE EXTRAORDI-nar- yexpense and to the delay Inci-dental to the handling of goods, an ex-tra charge, depending upon the delay

incurred, will be made on freightsfrom Honolulu to other ports in theseIslands during the continuance of theplague.INTStSLAND STEAM NAVIGA-- T

?iFa' LTD- - b Jt3 President,

VIGIIT, President. 5443


HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHENfurniture, bedsteads, tables, chairscoal oil stoves, dishes, etc.; also pottedPlants; VERY CHEAP; going awayAustralia. !7.W. A. GARDNER,

Corner Wilder ATeune and AnapunaI

Street jI . 5447


A1AIL STEAMSHIP CO.Steamers of the above line, running with the CANADIAN

PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver? D C. and Sydn.yS. W., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane (Q.) are:

On or tboul the dates below stated, Tlx:

FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B.C.For ErtstaoetQ.) ana Syflocyi






will call at Honolulu and leavetloned:





toria sol Vncoutr(B.C.:1101



FOUR LOTS, 50x100 each, frontingmain street; ready for building; Justpaet Kamehameha Schools, at $500each on easy monthly Installments.5413 J. H. SCHNACK.


New York Line.Bark "W. B. Flint" will sail from

New York for Honolulu on or about

February 10, 1900.

For freight apply toCHAS. BREWER Jb CO.,

27 Kllby street. Boat o a.or CHAS. BREWER ft CO., LTD.,


Steamer UpoluWill leave Honolulu In December.

touching at Honolpu, Mahukona, Ka-waih- ae

and Kona ports.

Arrive LeaveHonolulu. Honolulu.




For freight and passage apply to

The magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" is now runnlci dSi.BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL

Making the run 100 hours without change. Tbe finest Railway sfrviuthe world.Through tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, United fcuttf t4Ei rope.For Freight and Tassage and all general irformatlon, apply to

Theo.Il. Davies & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts.



PANSY STOVES, 6, 7 and 8.BUCK stovks a inBLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, 2. 4 and

Aermortor Wind Mills8, 10, 12 and 16 feet Piping 12ana 10 reet Geared withpumps to fit


Wooden Tanks500 to 10,000 Gallons.

Rubber HoseFor Garden, Assorted Sixes.STEAM HOSE, Assorted Sizes.SUCTION HOSE, Assorted.

Leather BeltingAssorted Sizes, both Single andDouble.

ii, BLlt.Apply toJ. M. MONSARRAT,

Attorney-at-La- w, Merchant St6442

1 tali Hardware Co.- LIMITED


For passage and freight apply to


! II