V; 0lttmM$ linrrnai · tiace the oeeeasitr for the insusnration ofsnch feelicywoald be ccrcttd by...

V;" h 1 - . '. Hi. . '. k - iaEP'l'-- P . "t -- . . . 9 U. v- - r? rs C1--j; rs - . """- - ' ,9 i j m 0lttmM$ linrrnai 1 . . . .. " M MMTM" - ' Ji -- - - t - iiir-- i iT.mm mii MWMMMMMMMMgj VOLUME XXVL-NUM- BER 35. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER il, 18&. WHOLE NUMBER 1.335. ' 1 PBESIDENTIAL TALK. ANNUAL MESSAGE OF PRESI- DENT CLEVELAND. Foreign Affairs Lightly Toached Ceo Relations of United States With Other Nations A History of tbe Treasury DMcuIty and Efforts Put Forth to Beaaedy It Other Subjects fader Dis- cussion. The President's Manage. WAsniSGiox, i)ec. X The following k. the President's message: To Tnc Congress or the United States: fba rrofont csscmblapo of tho legislative brunch of our government Drears at a tiaa wh?n tlic interests of our people asd tho heods ths country giro tprcinl tro:ninen.o to the tonriitionof our foreign relalioa) and tboexi-fenci- es of oar natianil financa. Ta wports ef the peroral ndministrotiro departments of till envercment fully nnil plainly exhibit what basborn acomplifchol Within the scopO of their espectire duties and pruent such rccnmtnttid- - tions for tho bettennc-n- t of our country's con- - 4iti:) as luitriotic aad into iisint labor and suKt-st- . I therefore d cm my executivs duty adft- - jaatcly jjcrfonno J atthU time by presenting , Vi tho Concre.-- s tho important phases of our tituation as rclato-- J to oar intcrcoursa witli oreign cations, and a statement cf thsfmiu-tial- , problems Trhicli confront U, omittiu?, xcept as they aio related to theso tap C3, any rcfiMoric" t depnrtm'ntal operations. .1 na mostly invito, howivir, not only th "tarefnl cmsi leratiun, but tho severely critical tcrutiny of tho Congress and my fellow coun-trym- :i to tlm reports concsrniu; tlieso depart- - ncntal op;.-ntio- If justl-an- fairly exem-lt- il thry 'urni-- h proof of and pninstalinc caro for tho public welfare. 1 press the recommendations they contain upon Uio respo-tf- ul attention of thrMS chprsed Trith tho duty of loj;itlatiin, becauso I baiicre their tdoption oull prcmoto the people's ood. ittisHiouary Kiots in China. Tlio close of tlic momentous strussl blreeft riiiti". and Japan. v.hi!o iplicvimr tho diplo-inti-c nsent'- - of thL? KvTntr;nt from tha deli-ta:- o duty tlicy un.Ie look at reqtwst of both lountnes of rendorita?auli tcrriw to sabjots f ritlicr bdlierent within tho territory limits if tho other as our neutral position frmittcJ( developed a dnas tic condition in tho CititeiO tmpiro which ha raa:o.I mush anxiety and toll(l for prompt : &d careful attcutian. ithera a result of a weak control b, thocen- - i tral cjverument over th- - pn.visciat adminis- - t rat ioa. fo'ling a itimntuum of ' rovcrjmenta' aiithoritj undr tiic stress of an orerwhclmisg national di?ater,ora manifesta-tion.i!SJ- ti goad opporLiaity of lh-- i aversion of he Chinese population to all foreign ways and Undertaking's hin liavo orcurnnl in widoly separated provinces of ('hint serious outbreaks of the old f.u a.ir 1 fpirit r.gain t foreicne.s, which, unC'iucLo 1 liy tlm lo-- al antho iti"s, it r.ot coauti" 1 ut by them, have culmin-Mo- il in mob attacks on forei-r- missionary ; notion-se- ringmush dottniMion of pro,r-t- y J , iitid uttrnde! with piMinal injuries a Wl!1 o!ot.sof hfo. Although but ono Am-nci- n ' citi en was reportfi to havo Ix-e- actually , uiu!el and tiltliou-- h tlie ikstructioa of property m y havo fallen moro heavily upou I tho miMiionaries of other natioaali i-- s than our ' own, it plniisl U!uwjvitl this govommtnt o i take tho most promp and derided nctiou to i uardagRiust similar or o:li3s more dread i ful calamities Tho demands of tho United States and other powers-- for th? degrvdatiou and punishment of tire ieMKnib!o otlicials of tho respective cities , and ppivin-e- - who by neglect or otherwise La t i minted upn-:ng- s en.I lor tl.o adoption l stern mea-ure- s by tho Empcror'n government I for the protection of the life and property of foreigners, wero fo lowed by tho disgrac and dis ir-- al of certain provincial otEcials found derelict in duty, and th punii-hmen- t by death if a rumb'r of those found l. uilty of actual particiatiot in the outrages lllis govera- - tueit also ins stoI that a MKcial American romniission should it tho proviu-- o where I the first isturbanccs occurred for tho purpo.o rl investigation. This ljtUr commission, formidattir much opposition, ha gone over- land from Ti"u Ts;n accompanied bj a suitable Chinrs.- - iscort, aad by its demonstration of tho teadiuess. and ability of our goicrnment to pr j-- its citizens, will act, it is believed, rs a most Icflueatial ietorrcnt cf any similar outbreaks. the Waller Case The customary cordial relations between this country nad 1 ranco bdve bn-- undisturbed, mith the exception that a full explanation of the trcatnunt of dohti I. Waller by tho expe- ditionary military authorities of Franco remain- - to l given. Mr. Waller, foreierly ( X'nit'-- States ccnsul toTamntave, remained in i MndngaM:nr cflir hi- - t na of ofr'cc expired nd 'was appHrcntlj srcceful in procuring I LuMness ccncissions fr-- the Hta-- , of greater crksalue. After thr CMrcupation of Tama-lav- e and the declaration of martial law by tho Trench, he was amstid ujoii various charges, among them, that of communicating military information to the enemy of Tranci', was tried .nd convicted by a military tribunal and wnlenced to twtnty jears imprisonment. Fol- lowing the course justified by abundant prece- dents, tins government demanded from that, tif Frai.co the record of the proceedings of tho Trench tribunal, which resulted ia Mr. Wal- ler's condemnation. This request has been complied with to the estent of suppljiug a copy of the beneficial rri-nr- il from uhidi aurinr tle rrmeifTtin nnrl rimrii7nt5on of thi t!ti;rt- - thn rlnri n I . . i tntuatcd and tho git.csl cours ana result or the trial and by which it was snown mat tna accused wa tried in ipru court and was ed by conn-e- l. But the ovidonco adduced in upport of tho chaiges which was not re- ceived by the Reach minister of foioign affaits Entil tho first week in October, has thub far been withh-.- d the Vrrncli govcmmcn taking i megroaati iuat its pro:uctioii in response to l or demanil would etatil:sii a Ixid precedent. The cuoits of our amba-s.id- or to j)iocure it, bower r, though irri3ll by recent changes in fhe rrench m;nitij have not torn relaxed and it i confidently expected that somo so.ution of the matter will l rcachel. Meanr-hil- o it apjc-ar- s that Mr. al- - ' lers confinement has ever, alleviation which state of hi- - th" other ciicu .- - stances cf the cjis? demand ir ennit. I Trade Comjdirations With Germany. I Our relation with the states of th; derman . emp.ienie in o-- nr aspacts typical or acondi- - , thn of things r'scwh re found in a country whost production and trade are sim lar to our I own. The clo-- c iiv.ilry of conpting indu-- I trt"-.- ; the intlucie ot tlu dclusivi? doctrine that tho int :n d deve'ojiaient of a nation is prom ted and it- - nen'-h increase i by a policy which, in uu.lertakii- - to rose re its own mar- kets for the csclu.iic tiso of its .wn producers, necessarily obstruct their al;s in foreign mar- kets and i revents froa nece-s- s to ma-ke- ts cf tha world; tfco desu-- a to retain tradj in time-wor- n ruts, rogaidlais of the inexorable law of new ncdaarid chlrngv-ii- . conditions of demand and supply, aad oar owa hatting tardiness in invit- ing a Irec exchange of commodities and by this meane imperil ing our footing in the external milkers-naturall- y havo created a tituatir.n iujcriou- - to Amei ican ex--(o- rt interest, not only in fiennanv, where they arc perhaps mot cott cable, but ia adjacent countries Tho exports aftVctoi aie largely American cattle and other food products, the icasoa assigned for unfavorable discrtra-.aitio- n being that their consumption :s Ocletcrion to the public health. This is all the more irritating in or the f-- ct that no Earjpcan State is a? j aloes of the -- xc.'llcsc ani wholn-ome-xife- s of its expo; ted food supplies as tho United thtcs. nor suca-i- l able on ac-cm- ot iaher eit jonnrJne. to gcarantei? these qna!itirs. N r are'ttose difficult! confine 1 to on- - fool products desiined f r ciparati'en, Onr g-f- st Insurance companie , for rum 1 having bcilt no a va-- t bniae abroad and iuvestei a large share of ttoir galas ia foreign countries In compliance with the local laws an 1 regula- tions thea existing, now find then selves within a narrowing eircla of oncroa. cad unforeseen conditions and rre confroated by tie necessity of retirement from a field heso made unprofi- table if indeel they ate nut summarilv d. as sense of them have lately been in Prussia. It is not to b forjot'en that infcer-- nati aaltradecan not be one-ide--J Its car-ren-ts are alternating aad i's movemonts should be hoaestly reciprocal Without thi. it almost eec arilydeteaciates to a devi e to gaja 'sdventagdor a coatrimnco to trcaro Leneats with only the semblance or a leturn. In our dealings with other nations we ought to be -- m 3 scrupcloasly fair. This should be our pulicy as a producing ai-tio- n, and it plainly becomes us as a people wh love generosity and tho moral aspect of na- tional goo I faith and reciprocal forbecFjnco. These should not. however, cca-ctra- in us 10 submit to unfair dcrimication u nor to silently acquiesce In r exatious hindtaucca of to the enTo -- meat of cur 1 hare of tha legitimate ia advantages of proper trails relations. If an examinatioa of the situation eaasasU each 4 car art as woald iaveive Mobs similar to faore from which we safer, the way to each a cefcrae is easy; ltFhsoJd.bow-tb- t, by bo Hjeani be lightlr enteral apon, tiace the oeeeasitr for the insusnration of snch feelicywoald be ccrcttd by the best senti-BBe- at of our people, and becauss it naiarally ad logically aucht lead to eonsepnescea of the ttarcat character. Th Behrhis; 8m Matter. Oar relations with Groat Bitaia, always in thnate and important, haro demandod, dorias th" pist year, even a creator share of consider- ation than is csaal. SaTersl Tcxatioas ques- tion i were loft undetermined by the decision of the Behrinc saa arbitration tribunal. The ap- plication of the principles laid down by the august body has not been followed by the re- sults they were int;nd:d to accomplish, either bxansa the principles themselves lacksd in breadth and 8cfini:en;sj or borause their cxe-cu- ti in has ben mora cr lets imper.'e;t Ihe understand in; by which t'ie Vn twl States was to pay and Groat i ritaia to receivo a lump sum of $ 2 i.O J) in fol. settlement of all Uriti-- h claim for dam ajj-- s arising froot oar Seizura of British seaHng ves bU unauthorized under the award of tbo Paris tribunal of arbitration was not confirms i by tho last Congress, which de- clined to make the ncco-ra- nr appropriat on I am still of th? opinion that thi airanjjment was a judicious and ndracta?:ous ono for tha government, and I earnestly recomm:ni that it bs again considered and sanctioned. If, howcTer this docs n"t meet with the favor of Congress, it certainly will hardly dissent from the propositioa that tho ccvemment is bound to every consideration of honor and gjod faith toproviJe for the spsedy adjustment of these claims by arbitration as th" enly other alterna-tiv- j Atraaty of arbitration has, therefore, been agreed upon and will bo immediately laid before the Senat so that, in ono of the moles suggest 1, a nal settlement may bo reached The VeheiBeU Issae- - It boing apparent that the boundary dispute Great Bri ain and the of Venezuela, conrerning tha limits of Uritish Guinea, was approachiug an a:u!o stags, a definite statement of tho int Tt and policy of tho Unite! fctates as rcparda thj controversy teemed to bo rouircJ both on its own account end in view of .ts relations with the friendly powers directly c nceraod. In July last, therc-foi-a. a ilLTint?h was addrocim.i tn onr lnhwa. dor at London for communication to tha British government in which the attitudj of tha United Sta es was fully and distinctly ect forth. Tho general conclusions there reached ani forma lated are in substance that the traditional and B taWitheJ policy of this government is firmly opposed to a foiciblo iucroaa by any European power of its territorial possessions on this coatl-ticu- t; that thh policy is as well founded in princlplo as it is strongly supported by nu- merous precedents; that as a coarqun:o the United SutOi is boucd to protest ajajistthe enargement oi tie ara oi uuiisn teuinoa n drr.mtir.n of ll, r?..hta and mr.t thawill nf Venezuela; that, coniJcring tho disparity in ,trcngth of Great ilritiin and Venezuela, tha territorial dispute bet-noo- them can bo easily Mttledonly by friendly and impartial arbitra- tion Mil that the lecort to such arbitration thiull include tin whole controversy and is nottati fj'd ifono of tho powers concerned is I ermtttcd to draw an arbitrary lice through the teiritoryin t'ebats and to rioclare that it will subm:t to arbitration only the portion lying on occ lido of it. In vic.v of tho-- c conclusions the di-pat- in questiou cd!l tip n tha British govoruiroat for n doiiniteonswc.- - to tha question whether it would or would not submit the terri- torial controvor-- y between itself and Venezuela in its en In impartial arhitraticn. The f ihi ltntifh government has not jet Iren receivoi but is expected shortly when further commuaicati'iu on the subject will prob-b'- y bo made to congress. The Hawaiian Matter. Early in January last an uprising against the government of liawaiia was promptly sup- pressed. Martial law was forthwith pro- claimed end numerous arrests were made if persons suspected of being in sympathy with xuo ioyaiisi iriy. .mong uieso were teterat citizens of tho United State?, who were either convicted by a military court and sentenced to death, imprisonment or fine, or wero deported without trial. The United States, while deny- ing protection to those who had taken tho Ha- waiian oath of allegiance, insisted that martial law, though altering the fonss'of justice, could cot Mipcrccue jusiice iikcii, anu ucmanueu a stay of execution until tho proceedings had been submitted to this government, and knowl- edge obtained therefrom that our citizens had received fair trial. Tlic death sentences wero subsequently commuted dr wero remitted oa condition of leaving tho islands. Tho cases ol certain Americans arrested and expelled by ar- bitrary order, without formal charge or trial, have had attention, andin some instances havo been found to justify remonstrance and a claim for indemnity, which liawaiia has thus far not conceded. Mr. Thurston, tho Hawaiian Minis- ter, having furnished this government abund- ant reason Tor asking that lie bo recalled, that courso was pursued and his successor has lately been received. Lynching: or Italians in Colorado. The deplorable lnchinr of several Italian laborers in Colorado wasnatur.illy followed by international icprcsentatiou and I am happy tosiy that the tort efforts of tho State in which th S3 outrages occurred havo been put for:h to and punish the authors of this atrocious crim Tha dependent famili s ot some of the unfortunate victims invite by then ccplorable condition gracious provision foi their needs. The-- e manifestations against tolple3s aliens may be traced through succes- sive stages of the vicious padroni system which un becked by oar immigration aad contract labor statutes, coatro's ttoso workers from the in mont of landing on our shore, and farms them out in distant and often rudo regions where their cheapening rompetion in the fields of bread wioniu? toil brings them iu collision with othc labor into est. While welcoming. . ., , , . " -- -; "- - - "J "-r- es ta , "--- ." "" aaa Wla y v"u) i""" per onal comr-otenc-j by honest effort, wo can not regard sush assemblages as distinctively alien laborers, hi-o- d out ia tho mats to tho profit of alien speculators ani shipped hitbet and thithor as ths nrcspo t of g tin may dic- - tate. as otherwise than repugnant to tho r ght iiuuruiumiuu uriuiri-ii.- , u muinacai au- vancment and hindrances to tho buidimrut. or stable commun tis resting upon tho whole- some ambitions o! the citizen and constituting tho prim factor in the prosperity and progress of our nation If legislation can toach this growing evil it certainly should to attempted. Congratulations for Japan. ! J i ran has furni-he- d abundant evidence ot lir vast gain in every trait and chiracteristic that coiistitutesaaationVgr-atness- . Wohavs reason for congratulation in the fact that tho government or tho Un.tcd Stater, 07 the ex change of liboral treaty stipulations with the ne x Japan, was the first to recognize her won- derful advancement and to extend to her the cons: leration and conSdenco due to her nv t tonal enlightenment and progressive char- acter. I 6a moan Arrangement Unsatisfactory. . In my lat twoacnnrl messages I called the attention or tho Congress to tho position we I occupied as one of th parties to a treaty or cgre ment by which wo became ointly boun I with England and Germany to so interfere with the government and control of Samoa as ia effect to assume the management of its affairs. Cn tho 6th day of May, Ie9, 1 transmitted to the senate a special message with accompany- ing documents giving information on the sub-jecta- emphasizing the opinion I have at all times entertained that cur situation on this matter was inconsistent with the mission nnd traditions of our government in violation of the principle we profess and in all its phases mis-hievo- and vexatious. I again press this subject upon the attention of Congress and nsV for -- nch legislative action or e egression as will Iced the way to our relief from obligations both irksome and unnaturaL The Cabaa Rebelliea. Cubt is again gravely disturbed, aa insurrec- tion in some respects more retire than the list . preceHlng revolt, which continued from 13C9 to 175. no- - cxit- - in a larrenart of th Enst- - I ern interior of the island, menacing even some ! populations on tha coast. , Beside-dangeri- j j the commercial exchanges of the lslanJ, of Which OUr COnntrr taLM th nrrwinrninnt I share, this flagrant condition of hostilities by a rousing se jtimental sympathy and inciting ad- venturous suppart amonc oar neorjhs has en- - taUcd earnest effort on thnnart of thic mmm. I ment to enforce obed ence t our neutrality laws and to prevent the trritnrr- nt th T7nir i States from being abused a a nnt3r from which to aid three in arms aninar Smn- - ! ish sovereignty Whatcm-ms- r h !. I tional sympathy f our cocntrrmni -- .;.,:!;. vidaa!s with people who seem to to stmggling foe larger autonomy and greater froedoai aeepeaed as such sympathy naturallv ainst bo ia behalf of oar neighbor. Yet the plain dsly f their government is to observe in goodfiiib the recognized obligations of international re- lationship. The rcrrormance of this duty choaldnotbemads more difficult by a dif re- tard on part of our citizens f tha obligations growing out ct their allegiance to their coun- try which should restrain them from violating individuals the neutrality which theaatioa which they are members is bound to observe its relations to frieadly sovereign States. Though aeither the warmth ol oaraeonlea rympathywkhthe Cabaa iasargeatt aeroar Biaaslsaatarial dimage cont eqaeat aaam tha a&d araer, er aay shock oar fcaauae iniUU. tiei atay have receirsl from tha craaltiei which appear to especially characterise this sangninary aad fiercely condocted war, have is the least shaken the determination of tha gov- ernment to honestly fulfill every international ib'Jgatioa; yet, it fa to be earnestly hoped, oil very grounds, that the devastation of armed conflict may tp eiily be stayed and brder aad qidet restored to tho distracted island, bring-ba- g in their train the actibility cmd thrift oi paacefal pursaita, Tha TarfclsM TreaMea, Occnrreuces in Turkey have coatinoed to ai-:it- e concern. The reported massacres of Chris tia-- s in Armenia and th developisent there; and in otbsr districts, of the spirit of fanatic hostility io Christian inflame?, naturally ex-iitr- -d apprehension for tho safety of the devoted men and women who, as dependents of the for- eign missionary societies in tho United Statesj and reside in Turkey under the guaraatee of law and usage and in th legitimate perform-ttic-e of their educational and religious mission. No efforts have been spared in their behalf and their protection in person and property has been earnestly and vigorously enforced by every means within our power. I regret, how- ever, that aa attempt on our part to obtain better information concerning the tn condi- tion of affairs in tho disturbed quarter of the Ottoman crapiro by sending the United states consul at Siuas ro make investigation tnd repart was thwarted by tha objectibas of tho Turkish government. This movement on our part was in no sense meant as a gratuitous entanglement of tho United States in tha ed Eastern question, nor as an officious in- terference with the ri;ht cnl duty which to-lo- by treaty to certain great European powers calling for their intervention in polit- ical matters affectingthe good government and religious freedom of the sub-- I sets of tho Sultan, but it arose solely from our desire to have an accurate knowledge of the ond titions in our efforts to care for those en- titled to our protection. Tho presence of our naval vessels which are asw in the Vbinity of the disturbed localities afford opportunities to acquire a measure of familiarity with the condition of affairs and will enable us to take suitable stem for tha .twin. AM. .. .. M. .. t il II In . ... ' within reach of onr ships that might be found imperilled. The Ottoman government has lately issued an impe lal Irade exempting for- -' ivcr from taxation an American college for rirls at Scutari. Repeated assurances have J slso been obtained by our envoy at Constan- tinople that similir institutions maintained ! end administered by our countrymen shall be tecum! in tho enjoyment of all rights and that ' our citizens throughout the empire shall bo orotectcd. On the domand of our minister orders have been issued by the Sultan that Turkish soldiers shall guard and csrort to the coast American , refugees and thoso orders havo been carried But. aad our latest intelligence (jives assnranse of tho present personal safety of our- - citisecs end missionaries. Though thus far no lives of American citizeis havo been sacrificed, there ran bo no doubt that serious loss and destruc- tion of mis-io- n property havo resultei from riotous conflicts and outrageous attacks. By treaty several of tho most powerful European powers havo sccurol a right and ed a duty not only in behalf of their own citizens and in furtherance of their own inter- ests, but as agents of tho Christian world. Their right is to enforce Fiich conJuct of tho Turkish government as will restrain fanatical brutality, and in fact, their duty ii to interfere to as to insuro against such dreadful occur- rences in Turkey as lately shocked civilization. Tha powers declare this right and this duty to bo theirs alone, and it is earnestly hoped that effective action on their part will not bo ds-lay- OUR FINANCES. 4. Subject of the Greatest Importance to the American People. As we turn from a review of our foreign rela- tions to the contemplation of our national financial situation wo are immediately aware that we approach asjubject of domestic con- cern, moro important than any other that can engage our attention, and ono at present in such a perplexing and delicate predicament as to require prompt and wise treatment. Wc may well bo encouraged to earasst effort in ibis di ect an wh?n we recall tha steps sj-ea- taken toward improving our economic end financi d situation, and when to appreciate how well tha way has been prepared for further progress by an aroused aad intelligent popular interest in theso subject. By command of tho people, a customs revenue system, designed for tho protection and benefit of favored classes a: lheexpn e of the great majority of our coun- trymen and which, whi e inelficiont for the pur- pose of revenue, curtail d oar trade relations ind imneded ourer.tr mct to the markets of tho world, lias oe?n 6upcrcedol by a tariff policy watch, in principle, is based upon a denial ot the right of tho government to obstru-- t the avenues of aur peoplo's cheap living or lessen tucir com- fort and contentment, fo the sake of according ?pcial advantages to favorites, and which, whilo encouraging our intercaurt-- s and trade with other nations, recogniso the fact that American thrift and enjenuity, can build up our country's industries and de- velop its rcsour es more surely than enervating paternalism. Tho compulsory porchasi and toinago of silver b; tho government unchecked nnd unregulated by bush-es- s conditions and heedless of our currenc needs, which for more than fiftoen years dilute 1 our circulating med- ium, underminod confi den-- c abroad in our finan cial ability and at last culminated in distress and panic at home has been recently stopped by tho repeal of the laws whxh forced this reckless 'cheme. upon the conn try. The things thus notwithstanding their extreme im IJUiLOV UUl teneficient foil far shore of curing the -- ronetary evilTirom whieh wo suf. fer as a result of long indulgenco in ill advised financial expedients. Tho currency denom- inated United States notes and commonly kno n as green-back- s was isined in large vol. un.es during tho late civil war ani intended oriicicallv to rrwt tho emergences of that period. It will to seen by a reif.eJCM to tne debates in congress at tho t mo laws worn passed .authorizing tho issue of these notes tint their advocates declared they wore in- tended for only temporay use and to meet the emergency of war. In almosc, if not all, the laws relating t them, some provision was made contemplating their voluntary or com- - pulsory retirement. A large quantity of them, however, wore kept on foot and minglad with the currency of tho coantrr. so that at tho dose of the year 1ST they amounted to $3Sl.-f09.i- 74 Immediately aftr that date and in January, 1S73. a law was pas'ed providing f.ir the resumption of specia payment, by which the Sera ary of tho fl'reasury wa required, whenever additional circu- lation wa3 isued to National banks, to retire United States notes in equal amount to SO per cent of such additioaal National bank circulation until such notes wero reduced to S00,OJ0,0OJ. This law further provides that oa and after the last day of January. 1S79, tho United States notes then outstanding, should be redeemed in coin, and ia order to provido and prepare for such redemption the secretary of the treasury was authorized not only to use any surplus revenues of the government, but to issue bonds of the United States and dispose of themforcoinandtouse the proceeds for tho punoses contemplated by tho statute. Iu May. ISi'3. ami before the date thus ap- pointed for tho redemption au I retirement of these notes, another statute was passed further cancellation and retire- ment. Some of them ha I, however, been pre- viously redeemed end cancelled upon the issue of additional national bankcirculattsu is per- mitted by tho law of 1575. so th.it the amount outstanding at the time of tho passage of tho act forbidding tbir further retirement was $ O.iSI.'ilS. The law of lr$ did not stop at dis-- . tinct prohibition but contained in addition tho following provision, 'And when any of said notes may to redeemed or 00 received into the treasury under any law, from anr source whatever, and shaU belong to the United State- -, theys hall not De ie.ire.1. caccelled, or destroyed, but they shall be an J paid oat agiin and kept in circulation." Thswas the condition of af fairs an the 1st day cf January. !;.. which had h , r iZ.t .1.. j. ! .- - . . . , -- w. ..u.u uu , abundant means had toea provided Tho cov- - t eminent V-- Tint in IiA ff,,m.1nn 9 I lowing totto holder, of its mrr-- .. d-b-s. ,rr.W ' in gold j 1 !.- -. l 1 km urucuu c luui I ,r enrh n.t Sr, f ' obligations dee tile government not cancaUnd by 5 actsnl pryaaent ia gold, was forced to re- deem withost redemptluu and to pay without acquittance. has been issaed and said XaVffO of f ho bands author sed by tho r.sumption act 173, the proeeeds ot which, together other gold in the treasury, create I a gold fund deemed aaHicieat to meet the which might be mxde upon it for the redemption of the oat-et- a tiding United notes. This fund, to- gether sc 1 other gold ss might befrosa time to time ia tha treasury available for the same purpose, has been sines called oar gold reserve aad $100 toOfiii has been regarded aa aa adequate aatoaat ta accomplish object. day of January. e, iMi.iauaaa theegh theiasftsr ta."r ifjstarfrafcit aidaoS fall half iaJalyilM in Anvil; MM. Uts irai time siacw its aatahlishateaa this sasarvi aaooatadtbless thaa tkXUMfOh cwatsisat at that data oily !37jHivex Tha Baaw tafctraefc Tha ausaage revisws at great iaictii tha ibm eriag of the g Id reicrvo. the aalaaisaa el goldj tha issuing of bonds, the eateriaglatothe boad ooatraet with capitalists, aad his at.isagea tei Congreta for relief. Cdatiaaing, tha rusideat wyi: Tha Congress having decliaed to grant tha aeceatary authority to aaeara this savlactha' coatract anmodined was carried out, resulting ia a gold reserve amounting to $107,J7lij oa the 6 th of July, lS9i. Tho performance of this contract not only restored tha reserve bat Checked for a timo the withdrawal of gold aad brought on a period of restoreJ confidence such beace and auiet ia bosinesa circles as wee of tho greatest posslbhj valae ia every ia-- the slightest misgiving concerning the wisdotsl or propriety of this arrangement," aad am quite willing to answer for my full share df responsi- bility for it promotion. 1 believe it averted a disaster, tha imminence" of which is fortunately not at this timo g?nr-all- y understood by our people. Tnoagbtho contra t raeationed stayed for a time the tide of gold withdrawal, its good resul's cculi not be permanent. Recent withdrawals hare ed the reserve from $lu.571;2U tie tho tth day of July. UP), to S7M3,9. How long it will remain largo enough to render its increase unnecessary is only matter of ctinjecturej though quite larga withdrawals for Shipment in the immediate future ara pred cted ia well informed quarters About Slu,003,400 hai been withdrawn daring tho month of November. The foregoing statement of events and condi- tions develop the fact after increasing oar interest bearing bonded indebtedness mora than fioJ.ouu,uuu to save our gold reserve. are nearly where wo started, having now ia such rescrvoSTV.333,930. as against Si,l-9.3- 7, ia February lL when the first bonds were issued. Though the amount of gold drawn from the treasury appears to be very large, as gathered from the facts and figures herein present it actually was much larger, considerable sums having been acquired by tha treasury within the several periods stated without the issue of bonds. On theTSth of Januarv. 1993. it was tnntrftnA "" -- - r---v by the secretary of the treasury that more than $172,000,000 of gold had been withdrawn for hoarding or shipment during the year pro- ceeding. He now reports that from January 1, 1S79, to July 11, 1590, a period of more than 10 years, only a littlo over 3,000.000 was with- drawn and that between July II, 1890. the data' of tho passago ot the law for an increased pur chase of silver, and tho first day of December; 163-- , or within less than and a years, there was withdrawn nearly $373,000,009, making ".o total of moro than $103,000,000 drawn from tho treasury in gold since January 1st. 1S79. the d.ito fixed iu 1S7' for the retire ment of the United States uotc. Nearly of the gold thus withdrawn have been paid out on those United States notes, and yet every one of the t6,'W,0)J is still uncancelled and ready to do service in fu ture gold deplet-- a More than$7:,'Jd0) in gold has since tlnlr creation in 18 0 been paid out from the treasure upon the notes given on tho purehaso of silver the government; and yet tho whole, amounting to $15.0J),')0J. except a litt'8 moro j1!,OJ,0-j- which havo been retiroJ by exchanges for silver at the re- quest of tho holders, remain outstanding and prepared to join their older and more ex- perienced allies iu fntuio raids upon tho treas- ury's gold On July 1. 19);, more than a year aad a halt before the first bonds were issued to replenish tho gold reserve, there was a net balance in the treasury exclusive of such reserve of loss than $::i.OJ0,Oj0, but ihe gold reservo amounted to more than fIH,OX),00, which vrai tho quieting feature of tho situation. It was when tho stock of go'd began rapidly to fall that fright supervened aad our securities held abroad were returned for salo and debts owed abroad were pressed for payment. In tho mean- time extensivo shipmonts of gold and ot icr unc favorable indications earned restlessness and fright among our peoplo at heme. Tie act of July II. 18W, in a still bolder effort increased the amount of silver tho Government was compelled to purchase and forced it to become tho buyer annually of 5t 0j0, M) ounces, ot practically the entire pro- duct of eur mines Undor both laws silver rapidly and steadily declined in value. The prophecy and the expressed hope and of thoso in the congress Who led in the passage of tho last mentioned act tuat it would and maintain tho former parity between the two metals are still fresh in our memory. Retirement of Treasury Notes. In other words, tho govenment has paid in gold more than nine-tenth- s of its United States notes and still owes them all It has paid in goll about oce-hd- f of its notes given for silver purchases without extinguishing by payment one dollar of these notes. And added to all this we are reminded that to carry on this astonishing financi' 1 system tho govern- ment has incurred a bonded indebtedness of 19V-00- , X.0 n establishing a gold reserve aad of CSA313.400 efforts to maintain it. that an an- nual interest chargo ot snch bonded In- debtedness U moro tlian $11,003,000, that a continnacco in onr rresent course may result in further bond Lsucs, cnl that we have EufTcrcd or aro threatened with all tiiis for the sake of supplj lag gold for foreign shipment or facilitating its boarding at home, a sanation is exhibited which certainly ought to nriest and provoke immedi-t- e legislative relief. 1 am convinced the only thorough and practieablo remedy for Our trou- bles is found in the retirement and cancellation of cur Umtal States notes, commonly called giecnbacks and tho outstanding treasury notes tsccd by tho government in payment of silver purchases under tLe act of i$J3. I believe this could bo quite readily accom- plished by the e change of theso notes for U. S. bonds of small as well as large denominations bearing a low rate of interest. They should bo term bonds thus increasing their desir- ability as investments and because their pay- ment could to postponed t a period far removed fioaa present financial burdens and perpl xitic3 when with increased ina resources they would be moro cesdy met. To further insure tho cancellation of theso notes and also provile a way by which gold may bo added to our currency in lieu f them, I feature in the plan should be an aut ority given to the Secretary of t:o Treau y to dispose of tho bonds abroad for gold if necessary, to complete the contemplated re" iomptioa and cancellation pcrmittiag him use of the proccoJa of such bonds to up and eancel any of tho note may bo in tho treasury or that may be received by tho gov- ernment oa any account. J he increase of our bonded debt involved in this plan would bo imply compensated by renewed activity anS en- terprise in all business cire'es, t!ie restored eonfi ienco at home, tho reinstated faith in our nonetary strength abroad, and tho stimulation of every interest and industry that wcnld fo'Iow tho cancellation of tho ?o!d demand obligations now afflicting us. la any event tho bonds proposed would stand tor tho extinguishment of a tronblcsamo in- debtedness, while in the path wo now follow there lurks the rnenaco ot unending bonds with our indebteincss still undischarged and aggra- vated in every feature The obligation neces- sary to find this indebtedness would not eqaal In amount tho? from whi-- h we have been since leiel by anticipation and payment oeyondtho requirements of the sinking fund out of our snrplus rerenucs. Tho currency withdrawn by tho retirement of the United States notc and tieasury note tmounting to probably less than SeK-O.W- ) night bo supplied by gold as would bo ased on their retirement or by an increase in '.Regulation of our National banks. Tucugh 'heaggreza'e capital of these now in existence imouuts to mare than JSVj.OWM). their circulation based on bond security tmoantsto only about :SO.0iX,G0O. The.-ar- e luthorizel to issue nots amounting to ninety aer cent of tho bonds deposited to secure thoir iren atioa, bat in n- - event toyoad the amount ef their capital stock they are obliged to pay one percent tax on tic cireu'ation they issue. I think they ought to to allowel to issue rnual to tho dit value of the bond depo .A ..... 2. I .L-- A. .1 A rr-- t '.- - ",K-"":l- " obi mo six on trtlr moot nil Ih. -- ., .1 ,, r .Aam bu government wouia incur on their In .addition or deposit 314 Af"nntT would be is- - ' sum . iijo purpuso 01 renting the United . states notes and treasnrr r.ntm TV k..v. ilready existing, if they desired to avail ihem-clvf- sw of tho provisions of law thus modified cculd issue circulation a addition to that already outstanding, tatountin? to $474,00 ?,0tl), which would nearly arauite equal tha currency proposed to ba eaceued. At any rate, I should coafldently ex-se- ct to seo th) existing national beaks or ft8" to be orgasired avail themselves of the resesad encouraaKnfBta tn .. -:- -. : sad promptly fill aay vacuum and supply every 1 J ua-- it aaa Always seemed to aw that the provisions of law regarding the eap-- fL01!1,131 wfc!cB OP" Iha-'tati- to their location fails to snake proper nsapeasatioa for the sappresioa of state ?. whfch eaasa sear to the acesla mall aaa. es tae mean j aaa rssain iiii rZTJZ;- - ?t' J ou iuj 3;ueir circulation should be reduced to one-noV- A L2J?XZ Fof ono rer cent, which would andoabt- - .M.W(fc. ... . .- - ": ." .auyca IO 6al -- ."te "" "- - "'J "onus now reauireJ v.;. :i4r .1 - " r.u "'l,"alwa "" "- -' mmtniiin ij r.t" fcmcj Urel .H,, it 'ihere of with demands stste with its Thisfaadaniosasedoothe 1st lor day aad that five half by than such m attention long well tako that such JWat .wkh acDltiea. Whatever it attMHitad sheald to fis fall 'apTreciatiaaUMfaet that by caie , easy dsatcat, we have reached a da Ispth aad that oar aaceat 01 ot samplishedwithoat Uberieas toil aad atraggM. We shall ba.wisa if we realia that wa an taaacialiy HI ana. that aer rastoratiaa to ealth may require heroic treatment. laasmachastltewithdrajle aartfeldhat vsaltaJ bugely froa fright, there ia aetata tppareatUult will prevent its centiaaaace er recurrance. with its aatuhtl coasaqBeacea, e pt snch a chaage ia star fiaaaclal methods as aillraaaaarathefrtghtaaed aad maketfledtf-tir- e for gold leas interne. It is sot clear how ta increase iaievenue, unless it be ia gold aad satisfactory to thoss whose only aazisty ia to tain gold from the governments store. It can ot, therefore, be iife to rely upon increased ! wveaneM - nl.wZaK&ZUEZ5 nereased mt a remedy far the dtmcul- - 'ieewearecoasiderhig'may hSvo originated ia ta intimation or distinct al!egatiosltaattS oonds which have been issaed ostensibly td tepl Blsli otfr gold reserve wera really issued to snp.ly inefficient reveatu.. Nothing canto (nrtharfrom the truth. Bonds wo.-eissu- to obtain gold for the maintenance of out aatkraal ledit Free Silver. While I have eadeavored to make a plaia statement of the disordered condition of our currency and the present dans rs men icing our ttrospority and to suggest a Way Which eals to ri safer financial system ( have constantly had in mind the fact ths.t sany of my countryman, whoso sincerity I do sot doubt, insist that tho cure for t..c ills now threatening us miy be found in tho single and limple lemody of tbo free cbinago of silver. fhey contend that our mints shall be at once tae fr.o and unlimited and pe dent coiacge of both gold and silver "- - or iuu iesru wnaor quality, rcgaraiees '' " nation of any ether government, aad in I oU Tiew of tbe 'act --"- the ratio between "Jl8 Bebls which they suggest calls for ono Madrid cents worth of g li in the gold dollar tt the present stafidard and only fifty cents in ntmisic worth of silver n too silver dollar. In the present sta :e of our difficulty it is dot ea y t6 understand how the amount of our rev ' Jnn receipt" auccrs a. ioe imporun. que- - 'iam is not the quantity of mAnat received ia venue payments, but the kifid of money we maintain and our ability to continue in sound financial condition. We are considering the mvs.-nmen- t holding of gold as related to tho waaduess of oar money and as affecting our na- tional credit and monetary stieagth. If our gold re erve had never bean imp ured; if BO bonds lad eve-be- en issuol to replenish if then had l n no fear and timidity concerning otfrabil ty to continue' gold payment: it aoy part if our feveauos were' now paid id gold, ind if wo could took to oti- - gld receipts as a neans of maintaining a safo reservo the amount of our revenn s would to an influential factor in the problem. But unfortunately all thecircumstnnies that mght lend weight to 1... ..... ... . . ..... .. k mmt ml. I., .f..... .. .... orcscnt predicament no gold is received by tho joverument in payment of revenue chargoi lor would there be if th revenues wsro in- - trca-e- d. Tbo receipts of tho treasury when not n silver certificates, consist of United States notes and treasury note, issued fdr silver purchase?. 1 heso forms of maney aro )n!y useful to tho government in paying its inrrcnt ordinary expenses' auj Its quantity 11 government pass essioi do s nit ia the least contribute towirJ giving us that kind of safo 5nsn:ial standi lg or condition which is built On god alon. It is sail that these eotas if held by the government can be n-c- d to ob ain goll for bur rcscivo. Tho aaswer is easy Tbe'peo'ple draw gold front tho treasury on demand upon Unite I States notes aad treas cry not'S, but the proposition that the treesury can on demand draw gold from tHo people apon them would bo regai ded in those days with wander and amazement An I even if this eou'.d be done, there i nothing t prevent those thus parting withttoirgo'dfromregain- - I g it tbo next day or the next hour by tha presenta!inof tho notes they received in ex-- chango for it. Tlii srvrftarv of the treasury might use such notes taken from n surplus to.euuti to on gold in tho market. Of course, he could not do this without paying a premium. Private hold- ers of gold, unliko tho government having no parity to maintain. Would not bo restrained from making the best bargain possible when they furnished gold to tho treasary; but the moment the Secretary of tho treasury bought gold on any terms above par ho would estab- lish a general and universal premium upon it. thus breaking down the parity between gold and silver which tho government is plbged to maintain, and opening tho way to now and serious complications. In the meantime the premium w mid not ia stationaryanl the absurd spectacle might be presented of a dealer selling gold to tho Government and with United States note or tr asury notes in his hands immediately clam- oring fo- - its return and a ro aio at a higher premium It may be claimed that a large rev- enue and reduced receipts might favorably af- fect the situation under disnssion by affording an opportunity affecting these notes in tho treasury When received, ani thus preventing their pre.-entatio- n for gold. Such retention to be useful ought to bodt. east measurably per- manent, ani this is precisely what is prohib- ited so far as Unite I States notes o:c con ccrncd b,- - law of !973, forbidding their roj tiroment That the statute in o many Words) provides that tlio-- o note when receive 1 into the treasury and belonging to the United State. shall be "Paid oat again and kept in circula- tion." It will moreover bo readily seen that the government could not refasa to pay out United States notes and trea-ur- y notes in cur lent transactions trhr-n demanded, and insist on paying out silver alono and still maintain the parity between that metal and the cur rency representing gold Besides the acenmu lationintho treasury of currency of any kind exacted frcm the peo- - le through taxation is justly regarded as an evil and it cannot pro ceed far without vigorous protest against an unjustifiable retention of money. Were thora infinitely stronger reasons than canto adduce 1 for hop ng that such action would seourc for us a bimetallic currency mov- ing on l'nes of pat It cn experiment so novol and hazardous as tint proposed might well stagger thoso who believe that stability is an impel ativo condition of sound money. No gov- ernment, no hum n contrivance or act of legis- lation h s ever been able to hoi I tho two mctalt together in frco coinage at a ratio appreciably different from that which is etabltsho I in tho markets of the wor'd. In the light of theso experiences, which ac- cord with the experiences of other nations, ' there is certainly no secure ground for the bo- - . lief that an act of Congress could now bridgo an equality of 50 per cent between gold and sil- ver at our present ratio, nor is there the least possibility that our country, which has less than one seventL of the silver money ia tbo world, could by its action raiso not only our own, but all silver, to its lost ratio with gold. Our attempt to accomplish this by tho free coinage of silver at a ratio differing from the actual relative value would be tho signal for complete departure of gold from onr circula- tion, and the collapse of our entire credit sys-- ' tem. ' Our country's indebtedness whether owing by the governm nt or existing between individuals has been contracted with reference, to oar p e ent standard To deereo b act of Congress that theso deh's shall to payable in less valua- ble dolla-stlia- n those within tho contemplated and intcntioh of tho parties when rontractol. would operate to transfer h,- - the fiat law pnd without compensation, an amount of property and a volume of rights and interests almost Thoso who ndvocato n blind and headlong plnngo to fro- - coinage in thi name of bimetallism and pr.fs- - i.g the belief, eoo-tr- ar to all experience, ihtt wa could thus establish a dou Io standard and .1 concurrent circulation of both metals in our coinage are certainly reckoning from a cloudy standpoint. Our present standard of value is the standard of the civilized world, and per-- ; tnits the only now possible or at least that within tha independent reach of any ' single nation, however powerful that nation i may be. Whiio the value of gold as a standard is steadied . by almost universal commercial aal business it does not despise silver nor seeV its banishment. Wherever this standard is mainta'-n- I there ia its aide in freoand timnesii-jiix- l eirrenhitinn ami. Urce of silver enrrenev sometinuii Mirnlinv. anrl sometimes even excetlinr it in am-nni- . boih lTTTiiTit'ntfv'Wa rt a w ssnf - nnrvratkin.tTn . - precation or fluctuation in tho intrinsic valm at diver. Ther- - is a vast difference between a standard ef value aa I a currency for monetary use. Tha sraaaara must necessarily bo fixed aad certata. TaaeurTeaey may he ia diverse forms aad ot . vaneaakiada, o silver has ! sold currency ia circulation batTenU-h- t. svstem of flaanm inrw th nnata of both gold aad silver sa ea aad circular ia median by keepiai the am stable aad all ether currency at par with it. Sack a system aad such a standard alsa gives free scope lor the use aad expansioa of safe aad conservative credit so iadkpeasiale to hroad aad growing- - coatawceial transaetktaa aadeowellsabstitateJcorthe actual aaa ef Is fall of leasees, teaching aateahj the daasers. bat me haw (cilews j the. - .. BBSSsk-.ar.'VT- ...'. meemnSgSmSJ: , ,.. u ,, t - ,-- . c ... -- , r , mamamamamamamamamamamamamam - rS --, --v.. -- rf.'- - believe that the dU after tehnoardise tfcej- - aatsaB aaau'luai byeacouragiag aaaacaaaaa-lo- r that they will yield to the salsa ai of cham moaer. vhea thsr Jsalaw that It araetnealtia the weakening efthas taaadrl tateaflty aad rtctkade which thaa tar aa ear history has bei eoeavotajy it'isrishai as one ef the traits of tree AaJoHwiism IhaTeveatared to express rayse!f ea these eahjeeta with earaeetaess aad pUinadaf ef raeacl a heeaese I eaaaot rid myself of theheUaC that there larks ia the prcacsitioa for the free eoinaaa ef silver so strongly aaereved aad go eathaiiartical y advocated by a araltitade er say casaatrymea a seriov mesaee te ear arae verity aad ttftdkrns temptation ef ear Maple to wander frosa the aHegianee thy ewe to pablic aad pr vate iategrity. It Is baeaate I do aot distrust the good faith aad sasserisf of those' who press this scheme that I have Imperfectly bat with seal sumbttted say thoughts apon this moment us subject I eanaet resraia from beggiag them to their views and beliefs hi the light of patriots reason and fimilar raperi-cac- e, astd fo wefeeb agaia aad agaia the sense nueaees of inch legislation as their etTofta hare iavited. Eveatae continued agiUUeq of the subject adds greatly to the dlfficaltkes of a. dangerows financial sitaatioa already fstaul opoasu. Ia eoaelusioB 1 espCe-all- y entreat the people's representatives in tho Coggrss who are charged with tho responsibility or iaangurat-in- g measures for the safety and prosperity cf eur common country to promptly and effec- tively consider tho ills cf our critical financial plight. 1 have suggested a remedy which my Judgment approves I desire, to assure tho t'oagress that I am prepare J to with them ia perfecting any other measures promis- ing tnoroagh an 1 practical relief end that I will gladly labor with them ia every patriotic endeavor to further tho interests aad guard the welfare Cf car country men whom in oar re-- epectire places o' duty wo have undertaken te eerve. Gaoyga Ci.ara.AaB. It Secaas lacredlelc. Gazpin How old does a woman hava to be before she can vole? Hazbin Twenty-on- e. I believe. Gaxpin Butascally she doesn't rote sjMtil site's twice that age. Hazbin I know it. Von see she has to devote the intervening time tomak iDjjtjp her mind how to vote. Roxbary Gazette. I!e!niU Offense. Sirs. Fifrjr Tommy pat a bent pia in the minister's chair when he was calling this afternoon. Mr.Fijrjr Gimme yourslipper.qniclc A hay who will play snch a trick on a man who dafsen't swear needs one of the best licking1 that can be produced. Indianapolis Journal. Lids should always be pat over sauce- pans wherl in nse. The steam is usu- ally more beneficial to the dish being prepared than to the kitchen walls. ODOS AND ENDS. The butterfly collection belonging tt) Pof. Neamoegen, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. is worth 60,00. The division of time into months and weeks is so old that its origin caanet possibly be ascertained. ' The different countries of the world aow use 13,400 different kinds of post- age stamps. Ocean steamers of the first class each consume from 190 to 220 tnos of coal a day. The entomologists say that the gnat's probocis la a combination of seven ' needles and lances, besides a cupping apparatus. An authority on cats says that blue- - eyed cats are always deaf, and that pure white ones are afflicted in the same manner. Tobacco statistics prove that two-thir- ds of the grown male population of the globe either smoke or chew the "weed." ' The Bibliotheque National of Parle, the reputed largest library in the world, how has 1,400,000 bound books and 900,-0- 00 pamphlets. I More than 185,000 persons committed suicide in the different countries of ' the world during the year ending Sep- tember 30, 1595. This is an Increase of I nearly 20,000 over 18M. It has lately been ascertained that the humming noise made by telegraph wires Is not due to wind, as it can be heard in time of dead calm. The most tenable explanation is that it is caused by a tightening of the wires, owing to atmospheric changes. ABOUT PERFUMES. A slab in the great palace of Nine- veh represents a lady fainting and an attendant holding a smelling bottle, probably of perfumes, to her nose to re- vive her. At the court of Loui3 XIV. the use of perfume was so general among both gentlemen and ladies that throughout Europe it was known as the "Scented Court." Perfumes are now extensively manu- factured in the United States, and the native articles are said by experts to compare favorably with foreign man- ufacture?. From the gastar, repulsive in its orig- inal condition, the art of chemistry has developed an immense variety of es- sential oils and essences of fruits and flowers. The use of perfumes became so ex- travagant in Athens during the time of Solon that he issued an edict forbidding Athenians to use them except in cer- tain specified cases. Many perfumes are believed to be an- tiseptic in their qualities, and some physicians entertain the opinion that a more liberal use of them in the sick room would be beneficial. The perfumers of Rome lived in a special quarter set apart for their use. and whole streets were lined with their shops, which were lounging places for wealthy young noble?. The fruits and flowers which attain greatest perfection and the highest fra- grance in South Europe afford favora- ble facilities for the manufacture of perfumes and essences. CURIOUS NOTES. 1 The deepest gold mine in the world Is at EureKa, Cal., depth, 2,200 feet. I The Pearl Lumber company of Warn-beg- a, ' Ont, has a whistle on its saw mill that can be heard forty miles. Green lake, Colorado, is said to be the most elevated body of water in the world, having an altitude of 10,252 feet above sea level. The longest word in the dictionary is nalatonharinaeolarvneeal. Th nevt . longest is transubstantiaUonallst j r.. Ballroad authorities say that the ay- - erage locomouve travels upwaras ox 20,00V miles in the coarse of a year. I The largest private house la Great Britain is known as "Weatworth Man- or." It Is the property of Earl Fltx-wlllla- Mexico's largest gold nugget was feud at Piaaehas Placers, Soaore, hi the sariag af MM. It wtisaee 1444 - I Talmage in Washington. latereetrd ta Tack Haadred DeUen fee ChavUlea What Me Thi ef Cersahe Everyeedy kaews that the Uloetrtea ilrine, whe xna4e the Brooklyn Taber- nacle famous throagheat the world, has recently beea called te a pasterate ia Washington. His church is the First PresbTteiiaa church ef that city, aad while la f er at er years a Tery proas-laeatiasU-tat- It latterly aad beea f (Tared with but aaiall aadi-eace- a, com- posed VsaLaaaaaaaaaaaV .iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw prla-clpal- ly of men aad fiJ.LUC TZZbLgJU women who rem ained loyal to the old church even though aow surrounded largely by business houses. A marvelous change, however, has suddenly come over this time-honor- ed landmark, and to-d- ay the First Presbyterian church of Waahiag-te- n, owing to the wondrous eloquence ot IU newly installed pastor, is every San-da- y besieged by multitudes, many of whom stand there frequently hours In advance of the opening ef the service in hopes of being able to wedge their way in somehow or other, aad to listen to the matchless eloquence of Ameri ca's foremost pulpit orator. People all over the country are won- dering; whether Dr. Talmage, in mov- ing to the National Capital, and la ex- changing his Brooklya residence for a house ia Washington, has actually di- vorced himself from all connection with the east Dr. Talmage was recently in- terviewed on this subject by a reporter of this paper, and the reverend gentle- man said that aa long as his editorial chair had two legs in New York and two legs in Washington he could sever be considered as having severed all his connections with the metropolis. "The Christian Herald," he said, "with its wide circulation, is a tremendous power for good." and as long as the Lord gave him health and strength be would write for that paper In fact, he would be In his editorial chair at the Bible House more frequently now than ever. Con- tinuing, the genial preacher said: "There is no paper in America that wields a more potential influence for good than The Christian Herald, with a circulation of nearly two hundred thou- - sand copies weekly. Nothing but deata shall separate me from it Dr. Klopsch, Its proprietor, is a man of extraordinary enterprise. This year besides printing The Christian Herald every week in beautiful colors, a veritable enchant- ment for the eye, he offers as a premium a complete library, consisting of ten splendid volumes, full of interest and fuir of entertainment, with an elegant bookcase, delivered free of all expense. .,-,- . with th mmr ItRplf flftv-tw- a, times, for the moderate sum of S3. Hereafter let no home in America be without a library. I asked Dr. Talmage whether he could recommend the library to people who contemplated securing it, and he said unhesitatingly, "I know every book. They were carefully and thoughtfully prepared, either specially written er compiled by most eminent literary men, and there is not a weakling among them." "How are the people to secure this great library, and this wonderful paper of yours?" "Simply by sending 3 to The Chris- tian Herald at 888 to 895 Bible House, New York City, and by return mail they will be delighted with the result. Ever since my boyhood, I've had a passion for books; I love them still couldn't live unless surrounded by them. So I'm something of a Judge of good litera- ture. And in my whole life I have never seen a better selection in small compass than these ten books which Dr. Klopsch has had prepared for his subscribers. It's a perfect library of information, entertainment and amusement, and is the climax of the wonderfully enter- prising and far-seei- ng management that has placed The Christian Herald ahead of all competitors as a Christian home Journal. Do you know," con- tinued Dr. Talmage, "that this paper has in less than six years expended nearly $700,000 in various beneficences at home and abroad?" Just then Miss Talmage came in to call her distinguished father to dinner, and the Interview ended. Remember the address, 883 to 895 Bible House, New York City. WISDOM. There is nothing more serious than what some people consider a Joke. Bar er bad spots in de best men, Jest az dar ah weeds in de best gahdens. Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of fiction and love. The truly great man is as apt to for- give as his power is able to revenge. A woman can look thoroughly satis- fied when she is not. A man can't do it. Too many people In the church would rather be comets than stars of Bethle- hem. Try to give pleasure, and you will receive more than you give. ODD. QUEER. CURIOUS. Flying frogs are numerous in Borneo. Sunflower stocks are now, cos verted into paper. The cultivation of tobacco is prohib- ited in Egypt-Blottin- g paper is made of cotton rags boiled in soda. Edison's laboratory costs $20,000 a year to maintain. The pay of an admiral in the Brit- ish navy is $9425 a year. Queen Maria Pia of Portugal Is a clever billiard player. A big; man groans most when he gets sick because there is more of hint to suffer. Just aa you are pleased at ladiag faults you are displeased at lading per- fections. Trata will he uppermost eae time er ether, like cork, though kept aader tae water. Every maa loags to be a womaa Jast long enough to shew what a good wife he weald be. Those whe have no meaey ara set alwaye aeer aa these wae have tt art THX OLD R1XIABLB Wtmbiis-SUte-Baii- kJ aj-v- u- . SJLama ahaaamal njlhwmmmimkXtmM jht fJMf 1hI Pihit ejawejeasf ajamaeaje sever sera BUYS GOOD NOTES AND DfhaCTOIJt LxAVDEa GsnjtABD, Pres't, B. H. HamtT. Vice Pteat, if. BarooK, Cashier. Jobs SrAurrxn. ' Wm. Bucasa. COMMERCIAL BANK COLUMBUS, NEB., HAS AN AiUHrizt Capi til if - $500,000 Pail ii Capital, 90,000 m orriCEav. a . HCLDON. Pres't. M. P. n. OEI1LRICH. Vice Free. CLARK GRAY. Cashier. DANI F.L SCII RAM. Asa't Cash D1KECTORS. H. M. WnisTOw, H. 1. Tl. OiBLKica. V. II. Sbkldos. v. a. McAuaariB, Jonas Waxca. CARLRiuaa. STOCKHOLDERS. . S. C. Oaar. J. Hesbt Wean OiMiro hotmaa. IlEetBV LOSEKB. CLABK GBAT, Geo. W. Gallbt. Daxiui. 8cBaa. a. F. II. Obblbick. VBAHKOBJta. J. P. Bkcxkb Ebtatb. KsasccA Bbckbr. Baakef deposit; Interest allowed en tlae deposits; buy and sell exchange on United States aad Europe, and buy and sell avail- able securities. We shall bo pleased to re- ceive your business. Wo solicit your pat- - Columbus Journal! A weekly newspaper de- rated, the be&tiaterestsef COLUMBUS TKECOmiTYOFrtAnE, The Slate of Nebraska THE UNITED STATES AID THE REST OF MAIKIHD with male S1.50 A YEAR ia aat ataawrlaai W aWlars aamtfreetaaayi HEKRY GASS, aa v' ja e ts btbsi aaa UNDERTAKER ! CtBmt : lavi : HtitJlk : Cases ! Uphol Ut JOL9UMVm GoimflMs Journal PRINTING OFFICE. OOUNTRY. T- - i&i,.' SJat-Ji!- . 3fe maw tf7 .--

Transcript of V; 0lttmM$ linrrnai · tiace the oeeeasitr for the insusnration ofsnch feelicywoald be ccrcttd by...

Page 1: V; 0lttmM$ linrrnai · tiace the oeeeasitr for the insusnration ofsnch feelicywoald be ccrcttd by the best senti-BBe-at ofour people, and becauss it naiarally ad logically aucht lead


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Foreign Affairs Lightly Toached CeoRelations of United States With OtherNations A History of tbe TreasuryDMcuIty and Efforts Put Forth toBeaaedy It Other Subjects fader Dis-


The President's Manage.WAsniSGiox, i)ec. X The following

k. the President's message:To Tnc Congress or the United States:

fba rrofont csscmblapo of tho legislativebrunch of our government Drears at a tiaawh?n tlic interests of our people asd tho heods

ths country giro tprcinl tro:ninen.o to thetonriitionof our foreign relalioa) and tboexi-fenci- es

of oar natianil financa. Ta wportsef the peroral ndministrotiro departments oftill envercment fully nnil plainly exhibit whatbasborn acomplifchol Within the scopO of theirespectire duties and pruent such rccnmtnttid--

tions for tho bettennc-n- t of our country's con- -

4iti:) as luitriotic aad into iisint labor andsuKt-st- .

I therefore d cm my executivs duty adft- -

jaatcly jjcrfonno J atthU time by presenting, Vi tho Concre.-- s tho important phases of our

tituation as rclato-- J to oar intcrcoursa witlioreign cations, and a statement cf thsfmiu-tial- ,

problems Trhicli confront U, omittiu?,xcept as they aio related to theso tap C3, any

rcfiMoric" t depnrtm'ntal operations..1 na mostly invito, howivir, not only th

"tarefnl cmsi leratiun, but tho severely criticaltcrutiny of tho Congress and my fellow coun-trym- :i

to tlm reports concsrniu; tlieso depart--

ncntal op;.-ntio- If justl-an- fairly exem-lt- il

thry 'urni-- h proof of andpninstalinc caro for tho public welfare. 1press the recommendations they contain uponUio respo-tf- ul attention of thrMS chprsed Triththo duty of loj;itlatiin, becauso I baiicre theirtdoption oull prcmoto the people's ood.

ittisHiouary Kiots in China.Tlio close of tlic momentous strussl blreeft

riiiti". and Japan. v.hi!o iplicvimr tho diplo-inti-c

nsent'- - of thL? KvTntr;nt from tha deli-ta:- o

duty tlicy un.Ie look at reqtwst of bothlountnes of rendorita?auli tcrriw to sabjotsf ritlicr bdlierent within tho territory limits

if tho other as our neutral position frmittcJ(developed a dnas tic condition in tho CititeiOtmpiro which ha raa:o.I mush anxiety andtoll(l for prompt : &d careful attcutian.

ithera a result of a weak control b, thocen- - i

tral cjverument over th- - pn.visciat adminis- -

t rat ioa. fo'ling a itimntuum of '

rovcrjmenta' aiithoritj undr tiic stress of anorerwhclmisg national di?ater,ora manifesta-tion.i!SJ- ti

goad opporLiaity of lh-- i aversion ofhe Chinese population to all foreign ways and

Undertaking's hin liavo orcurnnl in widolyseparated provinces of ('hint serious outbreaksof the old f.u a.ir 1 fpirit r.gain t foreicne.s,which, unC'iucLo 1 liy tlm lo-- al antho iti"s, itr.ot coauti" 1 ut by them, have culmin-Mo- il

in mob attacks on forei-r- missionary ;notion-se- ringmush dottniMion of pro,r-t-y


, iitid uttrnde! with piMinal injuries a Wl!1

o!ot.sof hfo. Although but ono Am-nci- n 'citi en was reportfi to havo Ix-e- actually ,

uiu!el and tiltliou-- h tlie ikstructioa ofproperty m y havo fallen moro heavily upou I

tho miMiionaries of other natioaali i-- s than our '

own, it plniisl U!uwjvitl this govommtnt o i

take tho most promp and derided nctiou toi uardagRiust similar or o:li3s more dread i

ful calamitiesTho demands of tho United States and other

powers-- for th? degrvdatiou and punishment oftire ieMKnib!o otlicials of tho respective cities ,

and ppivin-e- - who by neglect or otherwise La ti minted upn-:ng- s en.I lor tl.o adoption l

stern mea-ure- s by tho Empcror'n government I

for the protection of the life and property offoreigners, wero fo lowed by tho disgrac anddis ir-- al of certain provincial otEcials foundderelict in duty, and th punii-hmen- t by deathif a rumb'r of those found l. uilty of actualparticiatiot in the outrages lllis govera- -

tueit also ins stoI that a MKcial Americanromniission should it tho proviu-- o where I

the first isturbanccs occurred for tho purpo.orl investigation. This ljtUr commission,formidattir much opposition, ha gone over-land from Ti"u Ts;n accompanied bj a suitableChinrs.-- iscort, aad by its demonstration of thoteadiuess. and ability of our goicrnment to pr j--

its citizens, will act, it is believed, rs a mostIcflueatial ietorrcnt cf any similar outbreaks.

the Waller CaseThe customary cordial relations between this

country nad 1 ranco bdve bn-- undisturbed,mith the exception that a full explanation ofthe trcatnunt of dohti I. Waller by tho expe-ditionary military authorities of Francoremain- - to l given. Mr. Waller, foreierly (

X'nit'-- States ccnsul toTamntave, remained in i

MndngaM:nr cflir hi- - t na of ofr'cc expirednd 'was appHrcntlj srcceful in procuring I

LuMness ccncissions fr-- the Hta-- , of greatercrksalue. After thr CMrcupation of Tama-lav- e

and the declaration of martial law by thoTrench, he was amstid ujoii various charges,among them, that of communicating militaryinformation to the enemy of Tranci', was tried.nd convicted by a military tribunal and

wnlenced to twtnty jears imprisonment. Fol-lowing the course justified by abundant prece-dents, tins government demanded from that,tif Frai.co the record of the proceedings of thoTrench tribunal, which resulted ia Mr. Wal-ler's condemnation. This request hasbeen complied with to the estentof suppljiug a copy of the beneficialrri-nr- il from uhidi aurinr tle rrmeifTtin nnrl

rimrii7nt5on of thi t!ti;rt-- thn rlnri n I. . i

tntuatcd and tho git.csl cours ana result orthe trial and by which it was snown mat tnaaccused wa tried in ipru court and was ed

by conn-e- l. But the ovidonco adducedin upport of tho chaiges which was not re-

ceived by the Reach minister of foioign affaitsEntil tho first week in October, has thub farbeen withh-.- d the Vrrncli govcmmcn taking i

megroaati iuat its pro:uctioii in response to l

o r demanil would etatil:sii a Ixid precedent.The cuoits of our amba-s.id- or to j)iocure it,bower r, though irri3ll by recent changes infhe rrench m;nitij have not torn relaxed andit i confidently expected that somo

so.ution of the matter will lrcachel. Meanr-hil- o it apjc-ar- s that Mr. al- - '

lers confinement has ever, alleviation whichstate of hi- - th" other ciicu .--

stances cf the cjis? demand ir ennit. I

Trade Comjdirations With Germany. I

Our relation with the states of th; derman .

emp.ienie in o-- nr aspacts typical or acondi- -, thn of things r'scwh re found in a country

whost production and trade are sim lar to our I

own. The clo-- c iiv.ilry of conpting indu-- Itrt"-.- ; the intlucie ot tlu dclusivi? doctrinethat tho int :n d deve'ojiaient of a nation isprom ted and it-- nen'-h increase i by a policywhich, in uu.lertakii- - to rose re its own mar-kets for the csclu.iic tiso of its .wn producers,necessarily obstruct their al;s in foreign mar-kets and i revents froa nece-s- s to ma-ke- ts cf thaworld; tfco desu--a to retain tradj in time-wor- n

ruts, rogaidlais of the inexorable law of newncdaarid chlrngv-ii-. conditions of demand andsupply, aad oar owa hatting tardiness in invit-ing a Irec exchange of commodities and by thismeane imperil ing our footing in the externalmilkers-naturall- y havo created atituatir.n iujcriou- - to Amei ican ex--(o- rt

interest, not only in fiennanv, where theyarc perhaps mot cott cable, but ia adjacentcountries

Tho exports aftVctoi aie largely Americancattle and other food products, the icasoaassigned for unfavorable discrtra-.aitio- n beingthat their consumption :s Ocletcrion to thepublic health. This is all the more irritatingin or the f--

ct that no Earjpcan State isa? j aloes of the -- xc.'llcsc ani wholn-ome-xife- s

of its expo; ted food supplies as tho Unitedthtcs. nor suca-i- l able on ac-cm- ot iaher

eit jonnrJne. to gcarantei? these qna!itirs.N r are'ttose difficult! confine 1 to on- - foolproducts desiined f r ciparati'en, Onr g-f- st

Insurance companie , for rum 1 havingbcilt no a va-- t bniae abroad and iuvestei alarge share of ttoir galas ia foreign countriesIn compliance with the local laws an 1 regula-tions thea existing, now find then selves withina narrowing eircla of oncroa. cad unforeseenconditions and rre confroated by tie necessityof retirement from a field heso made unprofi-table if indeel they ate nut summarilv d.

as sense of them have lately been inPrussia. It is not to b forjot'en that infcer--nati aaltradecan not be one-ide--J Its car-ren-ts

are alternating aad i's movemonts shouldbe hoaestly reciprocal Without thi. it almosteec arilydeteaciates to a devi e to gaja

'sdventagdor a coatrimnco to trcaro Leneatswith only the semblance or a leturn. In ourdealings with other nations we ought to be

--m3 scrupcloasly fair.This should be our pulicy as a producing ai-tio- n,

and it plainly becomes us as a people whlove generosity and tho moral aspect of na-tional goo I faith and reciprocal forbecFjnco.These should not. however, cca-ctra- in

us 10 submit to unfair dcrimication unor to silently acquiesce In r exatious hindtaucca ofto the enTo --meat of cur 1 hare of tha legitimate iaadvantages of proper trails relations. If anexaminatioa of the situation eaasasU each

4 car art as woald iaveive

Mobs similar to faore from which we safer, theway to each a cefcrae is easy; ltFhsoJd.bow-tb- t,

by bo Hjeani be lightlr enteral apon,tiace the oeeeasitr for the insusnration of snch

feelicywoald be ccrcttd by the best senti-BBe- at

of our people, and becauss it naiarallyad logically aucht lead to eonsepnescea of the

ttarcat character.Th Behrhis; 8m Matter.

Oar relations with Groat Bitaia, always inthnate and important, haro demandod, doriasth" pist year, even a creator share of consider-ation than is csaal. SaTersl Tcxatioas ques-tion i were loft undetermined by the decision ofthe Behrinc saa arbitration tribunal. The ap-plication of the principles laid down by theaugust body has not been followed by the re-sults they were int;nd:d to accomplish, eitherbxansa the principles themselves lacksd inbreadth and 8cfini:en;sj or borause their cxe-cu- ti

in has ben mora cr lets imper.'e;t Iheunderstand in; by which t'ie Vn twl States wasto pay and Groat i ritaia to receivo a lumpsum of $ 2 i.OJ) in fol. settlement of all Uriti-- h

claim for dam ajj-- s arising froot oar Seizura ofBritish seaHng ves bU unauthorized under theaward of tbo Paris tribunal of arbitration wasnot confirms i by tho last Congress, which de-clined to make the ncco-ra- nr appropriat on Iam still of th? opinion that thi airanjjmentwas a judicious and ndracta?:ous ono for thagovernment, and I earnestly recomm:ni thatit bs again considered and sanctioned. If,howcTer this docs n"t meet with the favor ofCongress, it certainly will hardly dissent fromthe propositioa that tho ccvemment is boundto every consideration of honor and gjod faithtoproviJe for the spsedy adjustment of theseclaims by arbitration as th" enly other alterna-tiv- j

Atraaty of arbitration has, therefore,been agreed upon and will bo immediately laidbefore the Senat so that, in ono of the molessuggest 1, a nal settlement may bo reached

The VeheiBeU Issae- -

It boing apparent that the boundary disputeGreat Bri ain and the of

Venezuela, conrerning tha limits of UritishGuinea, was approachiug an a:u!o stags, adefinite statement of tho intTt and policy oftho Unite! fctates as rcparda thj controversyteemed to bo rouircJ both on its own accountend in view of .ts relations with the friendlypowers directly c nceraod. In July last, therc-foi-a.

a ilLTint?h was addrocim.i tn onr lnhwa.dor at London for communication to tha Britishgovernment in which the attitudj of tha UnitedSta es was fully and distinctly ect forth. Thogeneral conclusions there reached ani formalated are in substance that the traditional andB taWitheJ policy of this government is firmlyopposed to a foiciblo iucroaa by any Europeanpower of its territorial possessions on this coatl-ticu- t;

that thh policy is as well founded inprinclplo as it is strongly supported by nu-merous precedents; that as a coarqun:o theUnited SutOi is boucd to protest ajajisttheenargement oi tie ara oi uuiisn teuinoa ndrr.mtir.n of ll, r?..hta and mr.t thawill nfVenezuela; that, coniJcring tho disparity in,trcngth of Great ilritiin and Venezuela, thaterritorial dispute bet-noo- them can bo easilyMttledonly by friendly and impartial arbitra-tion Mil that the lecort to such arbitrationthiull include tin whole controversy and isnottati fj'd ifono of tho powers concerned isI ermtttcd to draw an arbitrary lice through theteiritoryin t'ebats and to rioclare that it willsubm:t to arbitration only the portion lying onocc lido of it. In vic.v of tho-- c conclusions thedi-pat- in questiou cd!l tip n tha Britishgovoruiroat for n doiiniteonswc.-- to tha questionwhether it would or would not submit the terri-torial controvor-- y between itself and Venezuelain its en In impartial arhitraticn. The

f ihi ltntifh government has not jetIren receivoi but is expected shortly whenfurther commuaicati'iu on the subject will prob-b'- y

bo made to congress.The Hawaiian Matter.

Early in January last an uprising against thegovernment of liawaiia was promptly sup-pressed. Martial law was forthwith pro-claimed end numerous arrests were made ifpersons suspected of being in sympathy withxuo ioyaiisi iriy. .mong uieso were teteratcitizens of tho United State?, who were eitherconvicted by a military court and sentenced todeath, imprisonment or fine, or wero deportedwithout trial. The United States, while deny-ing protection to those who had taken tho Ha-waiian oath of allegiance, insisted that martiallaw, though altering the fonss'of justice, couldcot Mipcrccue jusiice iikcii, anu ucmanueu astay of execution until tho proceedings hadbeen submitted to this government, and knowl-edge obtained therefrom that our citizens hadreceived fair trial. Tlic death sentences werosubsequently commuted dr wero remitted oacondition of leaving tho islands. Tho cases olcertain Americans arrested and expelled by ar-bitrary order, without formal charge or trial,have had attention, andin some instances havobeen found to justify remonstrance and a claimfor indemnity, which liawaiia has thus far notconceded. Mr. Thurston, tho Hawaiian Minis-ter, having furnished this government abund-ant reason Tor asking that lie bo recalled, thatcourso was pursued and his successor haslately been received.

Lynching: or Italians in Colorado.The deplorable lnchinr of several Italian

laborers in Colorado wasnatur.illy followed byinternational icprcsentatiou and I am happytosiy that the tort efforts of tho State inwhich th S3 outrages occurred havo been putfor:h to and punish the authors of thisatrocious crim Tha dependent famili s otsome of the unfortunate victims invite by thenccplorable condition gracious provision foitheir needs. The-- e manifestations againsttolple3s aliens may be traced through succes-sive stages of the vicious padroni system whichun becked by oar immigration aad contractlabor statutes, coatro's ttoso workers from thein mont of landing on our shore, and farmsthem out in distant and often rudo regionswhere their cheapening rompetion in the fieldsof bread wioniu? toil brings them iu collisionwith othc labor into est. While welcoming.

. ., , , ." -- -; "- - - "J "-r- es ta ,

"--- ." "" aaa Wlay v"u) i"""per onal comr-otenc-j by honest effort, wo cannot regard sush assemblages as distinctivelyalien laborers, hi-o- d out ia tho mats to thoprofit of alien speculators ani shipped hitbetand thithor as ths nrcspo t of g tin may dic- -tate. as otherwise than repugnant to tho r ghtiiuuruiumiuu uriuiri-ii.- , u muinacai au-vancment and hindrances to tho buidimrut.or stable commun tis resting upon tho whole-some ambitions o! the citizen and constitutingtho prim factor in the prosperity and progressof our nation If legislation can toach thisgrowing evil it certainly should to attempted.

Congratulations for Japan. !

J i ran has furni-he- d abundant evidence otlir vast gain in every trait and chiracteristicthat coiistitutesaaationVgr-atness- . Wohavsreason for congratulation in the fact that thogovernment or tho Un.tcd Stater, 07 the exchange of liboral treaty stipulations with thene x Japan, was the first to recognize her won-derful advancement and to extend to her thecons: leration and conSdenco due to her nvt tonal enlightenment and progressive char-acter.

I6a moan Arrangement Unsatisfactory.

.In my lat twoacnnrl messages I called the

attention or tho Congress to tho position we I

occupied as one of th parties to a treaty orcgre ment by which wo became ointly boun Iwith England and Germany to so interfere withthe government and control of Samoa as iaeffect to assume the management of its affairs.Cn tho 6th day of May, Ie9, 1 transmitted tothe senate a special message with accompany-ing documents giving information on the sub-jecta-

emphasizing the opinion I have at alltimes entertained that cur situation on thismatter was inconsistent with the mission nndtraditions of our government in violation ofthe principle we profess and in all its phasesmis-hievo- and vexatious. I again press thissubject upon the attention of Congress and nsVfor -- nch legislative action or e egression as willIced the way to our relief from obligations bothirksome and unnaturaL

The Cabaa Rebelliea.Cubt is again gravely disturbed, aa insurrec-

tion in some respects more retire than the list .

preceHlng revolt, which continued from 13C9to 175. no- - cxit- - in a larrenart of th Enst- - I

ern interior of the island, menacing even some !

populations on tha coast. , Beside-dangeri- jjthe commercial exchanges of the lslanJ, ofWhich OUr COnntrr taLM th nrrwinrninnt I

share, this flagrant condition of hostilities by arousing se jtimental sympathy and inciting ad-venturous suppart amonc oar neorjhs has en--taUcd earnest effort on thnnart of thic mmm. I

ment to enforce obed ence t our neutralitylaws and to prevent the trritnrr- nt th T7nir iStates from being abused a a nnt3rfrom which to aid three in arms aninar Smn- - !

ish sovereignty Whatcm-ms-r h !. I

tional sympathy f our cocntrrmni -- .;.,:!;.vidaa!s with people who seem to to stmgglingfoe larger autonomy and greater froedoaiaeepeaed as such sympathy naturallv ainst boia behalf of oar neighbor. Yet the plain dslyf their government is to observe in goodfiiibthe recognized obligations of international re-lationship. The rcrrormance of this dutychoaldnotbemads more difficult by a dif re-tard on part of our citizens f tha obligationsgrowing out ct their allegiance to their coun-try which should restrain them from violating

individuals the neutrality which theaatioawhich they are members is bound to observeits relations to frieadly sovereign States.

Though aeither the warmth ol oaraeonlearympathywkhthe Cabaa iasargeatt aeroar

Biaaslsaatarial dimage cont eqaeat aaam tha

a&d araer, er aay shock oar fcaauae iniUU.tiei atay have receirsl from tha craaltieiwhich appear to especially characterise thissangninary aad fiercely condocted war, have isthe least shaken the determination of tha gov-ernment to honestly fulfill every internationalib'Jgatioa; yet, it fa to be earnestly hoped, oilvery grounds, that the devastation of armed

conflict may tp eiily be stayed and brder aadqidet restored to tho distracted island, bring-ba- g

in their train the actibility cmd thrift oipaacefal pursaita,

Tha TarfclsM TreaMea,Occnrreuces in Turkey have coatinoed to ai-:it-e

concern. The reported massacres of Christia-- s in Armenia and th developisent there;and in otbsr districts, of the spirit of fanatichostility io Christian inflame?, naturally ex-iitr- -d

apprehension for tho safety of the devotedmen and women who, as dependents of the for-eign missionary societies in tho United Statesjand reside in Turkey under the guaraatee oflaw and usage and in th legitimate perform-ttic-e

of their educational and religious mission.No efforts have been spared in their behalf andtheir protection in person and property hasbeen earnestly and vigorously enforced byevery means within our power. I regret, how-ever, that aa attempt on our part to obtainbetter information concerning the tn condi-tion of affairs in tho disturbed quarter of theOttoman crapiro by sending the Unitedstates consul at Siuas ro make investigationtnd repart was thwarted by tha objectibas oftho Turkish government. This movement onour part was in no sense meant as a gratuitousentanglement of tho United States in tha ed

Eastern question, nor as an officious in-terference with the ri;ht cnl duty which to-lo-

by treaty to certain great Europeanpowers calling for their intervention in polit-ical matters affectingthe good government andreligious freedom of the sub-- Isets of tho Sultan, but it arose solely from our

desire to have an accurate knowledge of theond titions in our efforts to care for those en-

titled to our protection.Tho presence of our naval vessels which are

asw in the Vbinity of the disturbed localitiesafford opportunities to acquire a measure offamiliarity with the condition of affairs andwill enable us to take suitable stem for tha.twin. AM. .. .. M. .. t il II In . ... '

within reach of onr ships that might be foundimperilled. The Ottoman government haslately issued an impe lal Irade exempting for- -'

ivcr from taxation an American college forrirls at Scutari. Repeated assurances have

J slso been obtained by our envoy at Constan-tinople that similir institutions maintained

! end administered by our countrymen shall betecum! in tho enjoyment of all rights and that' our citizens throughout the empire shall boorotectcd.

On the domand of our minister orders havebeen issued by the Sultan that Turkish soldiersshall guard and csrort to the coast American

, refugees and thoso orders havo been carriedBut. aad our latest intelligence (jives assnranseof tho present personal safety of our- - citisecsend missionaries. Though thus far no lives ofAmerican citizeis havo been sacrificed, thereran bo no doubt that serious loss and destruc-tion of mis-io- n property havo resultei fromriotous conflicts and outrageous attacks.

By treaty several of tho most powerfulEuropean powers havo sccurol a right and ed

a duty not only in behalf of their owncitizens and in furtherance of their own inter-ests, but as agents of tho Christian world.Their right is to enforce Fiich conJuct of thoTurkish government as will restrain fanaticalbrutality, and in fact, their duty ii to interfereto as to insuro against such dreadful occur-rences in Turkey as lately shocked civilization.Tha powers declare this right and this duty tobo theirs alone, and it is earnestly hoped thateffective action on their part will not bo ds-lay-


4. Subject of the Greatest Importance tothe American People.

As we turn from a review of our foreign rela-tions to the contemplation of our nationalfinancial situation wo are immediately awarethat we approach asjubject of domestic con-cern, moro important than any other that canengage our attention, and ono at present insuch a perplexing and delicate predicament asto require prompt and wise treatment.

Wc may well bo encouraged to earasst effortin ibis di ect an wh?n we recall tha stepssj-ea- taken toward improving our economicend financi d situation, and when to appreciatehow well tha way has been prepared for furtherprogress by an aroused aad intelligent popularinterest in theso subject. By command of thopeople, a customs revenue system, designed fortho protection and benefit of favored classes a:lheexpn e of the great majority of our coun-trymen and which, whi e inelficiont for the pur-pose of revenue, curtail d oar trade relationsind imneded ourer.tr mct to the markets oftho world, lias oe?n 6upcrcedol by atariff policy watch, in principle, isbased upon a denial ot the rightof tho government to obstru--t the avenues ofaur peoplo's cheap living or lessen tucir com-fort and contentment, fo the sake of according?pcial advantages to favorites, and which,whilo encouraging our intercaurt-- s and tradewith other nations, recogniso the fact thatAmerican thrift and enjenuity,can build up our country's industries and de-velop its rcsour es more surely than enervatingpaternalism. Tho compulsory porchasi andtoinago of silver b; tho government uncheckednnd unregulated by bush-es- s conditions andheedless of our currenc needs, which for morethan fiftoen years dilute 1 our circulating med-ium, underminod confi den-- c abroad in our financial ability and at last culminated in distress andpanic at home has been recently stopped by thorepeal of the laws whxh forced this reckless'cheme. upon the conn try. The things thus

notwithstanding their extreme imIJUiLOV UUl teneficient foil far shoreof curing the --ronetary evilTirom whieh wo suf.fer as a result of long indulgenco in ill advisedfinancial expedients. Tho currency denom-inated United States notes and commonlykno n as green-back- s was isined in large vol.un.es during tho late civil war ani intendedoriicicallv to rrwt tho emergences of thatperiod. It will to seen by a reif.eJCM to tnedebates in congress at tho t mo laws wornpassed .authorizing tho issue of these notestint their advocates declared they wore in-tended for only temporay use and to meet theemergency of war. In almosc, if not all, thelaws relating t them, some provision wasmade contemplating their voluntary or com- -pulsory retirement. A large quantity of them,however, wore kept on foot and minglad withthe currency of tho coantrr. so that at thodose of the year 1ST they amounted to $3Sl.-f09.i- 74

Immediately aftr that date and inJanuary, 1S73. a law was pas'ed providing f.irthe resumption of specia payment, bywhich the Sera ary of tho fl'reasurywa required, whenever additional circu-lation wa3 isued to National banks,to retire United States notes in equal amountto SO per cent of such additioaal National bankcirculation until such notes wero reduced toS00,OJ0,0OJ. This law further provides that oaand after the last day of January. 1S79, thoUnited States notes then outstanding, shouldbe redeemed in coin, and ia order to providoand prepare for such redemption the secretaryof the treasury was authorized not only to useany surplus revenues of the government, but toissue bonds of the United States and dispose ofthemforcoinandtouse the proceeds for thopunoses contemplated by tho statute.

Iu May. ISi'3. ami before the date thus ap-pointed for tho redemption au I retirement ofthese notes, another statute was passed

further cancellation and retire-ment. Some of them ha I, however, been pre-viously redeemed end cancelled upon the issueof additional national bankcirculattsu is per-mitted by tho law of 1575. so th.it the amountoutstanding at the time of tho passage of thoact forbidding tbir further retirement was$ O.iSI.'ilS. The law of lr$ did not stop at dis--.tinct prohibition but contained in additiontho following provision, 'And when anyof said notes may to redeemed or00 received into the treasury underany law, from anr source whatever, andshaU belong to the United State- -, theys hall notDe ie.ire.1. caccelled, or destroyed, but theyshall be an J paid oat agiin and keptin circulation." Thswas the condition of affairs an the 1st day cf January. !;.. which hadh , r iZ.t .1.. j. !

.- - .

. . , -- w. ..u.u uu ,abundant means had toea provided Tho cov- - teminent V-- Tint in IiA ff,,m.1nn 9 I

lowing totto holder, of its mrr-- .. d-b-s. ,rr.W 'in gold j 1 !.- -. l 1

km urucuu c luuiI ,r enrh n.t Sr, f '

obligations dee tile government not cancaUnd by 5

actsnl pryaaent ia gold, was forced to re-deem withost redemptluu and to pay withoutacquittance.

has been issaed and said XaVffO offho bands author sed by tho r.sumption act173, the proeeeds ot which, together othergold in the treasury, create I a gold fund deemedaaHicieat to meet the which might bemxde upon it for the redemption of the oat-et- a

tiding United notes. This fund, to-gether sc 1 other gold ss might befrosatime to time ia tha treasury available for thesame purpose, has been sines called oar goldreserve aad $100 toOfiii has been regarded aa aaadequate aatoaat ta accomplish object.

day of January.e, iMi.iauaaa theegh theiasftsr

ta."r ifjstarfrafcit aidaoS fall half

iaJalyilM in Anvil; MM. Uts iraitime siacw its aatahlishateaa this sasarviaaooatadtbless thaa tkXUMfOh cwatsisatat that data oily !37jHivex

Tha Baaw tafctraefcTha ausaage revisws at great iaictii tha ibm

eriag of the g Id reicrvo. the aalaaisaa el goldjtha issuing of bonds, the eateriaglatothe boadooatraet with capitalists, aad his at.isagea teiCongreta for relief. Cdatiaaing, tha rusideatwyi:

Tha Congress having decliaed to grant thaaeceatary authority to aaeara this savlactha'coatract anmodined was carried out, resultingia a gold reserve amounting to $107,J7lij oathe 6 th of July, lS9i. Tho performance ofthis contract not only restored tha reserve batChecked for a timo the withdrawal of gold aadbrought on a period of restoreJ confidencesuch beace and auiet ia bosinesa circles aswee of tho greatest posslbhj valae ia every ia--

the slightest misgiving concerning the wisdotslor propriety of this arrangement," aad am quitewilling to answer for my full share df responsi-bility for it promotion.

1 believe it averted a disaster, tha imminence"of which is fortunately not at this timo g?nr-all-y

understood by our people. Tnoagbthocontra t raeationed stayed for a time the tideof gold withdrawal, its good resul's cculi notbe permanent. Recent withdrawals hare ed

the reserve from $lu.571;2U tie tho tthday of July. UP), to S7M3,9. How long itwill remain largo enough to render its increaseunnecessary is only matter of ctinjecturejthough quite larga withdrawals for Shipmentin the immediate future ara pred cted ia wellinformed quarters About Slu,003,400 haibeen withdrawn daring tho month of November.

The foregoing statement of events and condi-tions develop the fact after increasing oarinterest bearing bonded indebtedness morathan fioJ.ouu,uuu to save our gold reserve.are nearly where wo started, having now iasuch rescrvoSTV.333,930. as against Si,l-9.3- 7, iaFebruary lL when the first bonds were issued.Though the amount of gold drawn from thetreasury appears to be very large, as gatheredfrom the facts and figures herein present itactually was much larger, considerable sumshaving been acquired by tha treasury withinthe several periods stated without the issue ofbonds.

On theTSth of Januarv. 1993. it was tnntrftnA"" -- - r---v

by the secretary of the treasury that more than$172,000,000 of gold had been withdrawn forhoarding or shipment during the year pro-ceeding. He now reports that from January 1,1S79, to July 11, 1590, a period of more than 10years, only a littlo over 3,000.000 was with-drawn and that between July II, 1890. the data'of tho passago ot the law for an increased purchase of silver, and tho first day of December;163-- , or within less than and a years,there was withdrawn nearly $373,000,009,making ".o total of moro than $103,000,000drawn from tho treasury in gold since January1st. 1S79. the d.ito fixed iu 1S7' for the retirement of the United States uotc.

Nearly of the gold thus withdrawnhave been paid out on those United Statesnotes, and yet every one of the t6,'W,0)J isstill uncancelled and ready to do service in future gold deplet-- a More than$7:,'Jd0) ingold has since tlnlr creation in 18 0 been paidout from the treasure upon the notes given ontho purehaso of silver the government;and yet tho whole, amounting to $15.0J),')0J.except a litt'8 moro j1!,OJ,0-j- which havobeen retiroJ by exchanges for silver at the re-quest of tho holders, remain outstanding andprepared to join their older and more ex-perienced allies iu fntuio raids upon tho treas-ury's gold

On July 1. 19);, more than a year aad a haltbefore the first bonds were issued to replenishtho gold reserve, there was a net balance in thetreasury exclusive of such reserve of lossthan $::i.OJ0,Oj0, but ihe gold reservoamounted to more than fIH,OX),00, which vraitho quieting feature of tho situation. It waswhen tho stock of go'd began rapidly to fallthat fright supervened aad our securities heldabroad were returned for salo and debts owedabroad were pressed for payment. In tho mean-time extensivo shipmonts of gold and ot icr uncfavorable indications earned restlessness andfright among our peoplo at heme.

Tie act of July II. 18W, in a still bolder effortincreased the amount of silver tho Governmentwas compelled to purchase and forced it tobecome tho buyer annually of 5t 0j0, M)ounces, ot practically the entire pro-duct of eur mines Undor both lawssilver rapidly and steadily declined in value.The prophecy and the expressed hope and

of thoso in the congress Who led inthe passage of tho last mentioned act tuat itwould and maintain tho formerparity between the two metals are still fresh inour memory.

Retirement of Treasury Notes.In other words, tho govenment has paid in

gold more than nine-tenth- s of its United Statesnotes and still owes them all It has paid ingoll about oce-hd- f of its notes given forsilver purchases without extinguishing bypayment one dollar of these notes. And addedto all this we are reminded that to carry onthis astonishing financi' 1 system tho govern-ment has incurred a bonded indebtedness of19V-00- , X.0 n establishing a gold reserve aad ofCSA313.400 efforts to maintain it. that an an-nual interest chargo ot snch bonded In-debtedness U moro tlian $11,003,000, thata continnacco in onr rresent coursemay result in further bond Lsucs,cnl that we have EufTcrcd or aro threatenedwith all tiiis for the sake of supplj lag gold forforeign shipment or facilitating its boarding athome, a sanation is exhibited which certainlyought to nriest and provoke immedi-t-e

legislative relief. 1 am convinced the onlythorough and practieablo remedy for Our trou-bles is found in the retirement and cancellationof cur Umtal States notes, commonly calledgiecnbacks and tho outstanding treasury notestsccd by tho government in payment of silverpurchases under tLe act of i$J3.

I believe this could bo quite readily accom-plished by the e change of theso notes for U. S.bonds of small as well as large denominationsbearing a low rate of interest. They should bo

term bonds thus increasing their desir-ability as investments and because their pay-ment could to postponed t a period farremoved fioaa present financial burdens andperpl xitic3 when with increasedina resources they would be moro cesdy met.To further insure tho cancellation of thesonotes and also provile a way by which goldmay bo added to our currency in lieu f them,I feature in the plan should be an aut oritygiven to the Secretary of t:o Treau yto dispose of tho bonds abroad for gold ifnecessary, to complete the contemplated re"iomptioa and cancellation pcrmittiag him useof the proccoJa of such bonds to up andeancel any of tho note may bo in thotreasury or that may be received by tho gov-ernment oa any account. J he increase of ourbonded debt involved in this plan would boimply compensated by renewed activity anS en-terprise in all business cire'es, t!ie restoredeonfi ienco at home, tho reinstated faith in ournonetary strength abroad, and tho stimulationof every interest and industry thatwcnld fo'Iow tho cancellation of tho?o!d demand obligations now afflicting us.la any event tho bonds proposed would standtor tho extinguishment of a tronblcsamo in-debtedness, while in the path wo now followthere lurks the rnenaco ot unending bonds withour indebteincss still undischarged and aggra-vated in every feature The obligation neces-sary to find this indebtedness would not eqaalIn amount tho? from whi-- h we have been

since leiel by anticipation and paymentoeyondtho requirements of the sinking fundout of our snrplus rerenucs. Tho currencywithdrawn by tho retirement of theUnited States notc and tieasury notetmounting to probably less than SeK-O.W- )

night bo supplied by gold as would boased on their retirement or by an increase in'.Regulation of our National banks. Tucugh'heaggreza'e capital of these now in existenceimouuts to mare than JSVj.OWM). their

circulation based on bond securitytmoantsto only about :SO.0iX,G0O. The.-ar- e

luthorizel to issue nots amounting to ninetyaer cent of tho bonds deposited to secure thoiriren atioa, bat in n- - event toyoad the amount

ef their capital stock they are obliged to payone percent tax on tic cireu'ation they issue.

I think they ought to to allowel to issuernual to tho dit value of the bond

depo .A ..... 2. I .L-- A. .1 Arr-- t '.-- ",K-"":l- " obi mo six on

trtlr moot nil Ih. -- ., .1,, r .Aam bu governmentwouia incur on their In .addition

or deposit314 Af"nntT

would be is-- 'sum . iijo purpuso 01 renting the United .states notes and treasnrr r.ntm TV k..v.ilready existing, if they desired to avail ihem-clvf- sw

of tho provisions of lawthus modified cculd issue circulationa addition to that already outstanding,tatountin? to $474,00 ?,0tl), which would nearlyarauite equal tha currency proposed to baeaceued. At any rate, I should coafldently ex-se- ct

to seo th) existing national beaks orft8" to be orgasired avail themselves of theresesad encouraaKnfBta tn .. -:- -. :sad promptly fill aay vacuum and supply every 1

J ua-- it aaa Always seemed to awthat the provisions of law regarding the eap--fL01!1,131 wfc!cB OP" Iha-'tati-

to their location fails to snake propernsapeasatioa for the sappresioa of state?. whfch eaasa sear to the acesla mall aaa.

es tae mean j aaa rssain iiii

rZTJZ;- - ?t' J ou iuj 3;ueir circulation should be reduced to one-noV- AL2J?XZ Fof ono rer cent, which would andoabt- -

.M.W(fc.... ..-- ": ." .auyca IO 6al --."te"" "- - "'J "onus now reauireJ

v.;. :i4r .1 -" r.u "'l,"alwa "" "- -'


ij r.t"fcmcjUrel .H,,






itsThisfaadaniosasedoothe 1st





five half










JWat .wkhacDltiea.Whatever it attMHitad sheald tofis fall 'apTreciatiaaUMfaet that by caie

, easy dsatcat, we have reached a daIspth aad that oar aaceat 01 otsamplishedwithoat Uberieas toil aad atraggM.We shall ba.wisa if we realia that wa antaaacialiy HI ana. that aer rastoratiaa toealth may require heroic treatment.laasmachastltewithdrajle aartfeldhat

vsaltaJ bugely froa fright, there ia aetatatppareatUult will prevent its centiaaaace errecurrance. with its aatuhtl coasaqBeacea, e

pt snch a chaage ia star fiaaaclal methods asaillraaaaarathefrtghtaaed aad maketfledtf-tir- e

for gold leas interne. It is sot clear howta increase iaievenue, unless it be ia gold aadsatisfactory to thoss whose only aazisty ia totain gold from the governments store. It canot, therefore, be iife to rely upon increased


- nl.wZaK&ZUEZ5nereased mt a remedy far the dtmcul- -

'ieewearecoasiderhig'may hSvo originated iata intimation or distinct al!egatiosltaattSoonds which have been issaed ostensibly tdtepl Blsli otfr gold reserve wera really issuedto snp.ly inefficient reveatu.. Nothing canto(nrtharfrom the truth. Bonds wo.-eissu- toobtain gold for the maintenance of out aatkraalledit

Free Silver.While I have eadeavored to make a plaia

statement of the disordered condition of ourcurrency and the present dans rs men icing ourttrospority and to suggest a Way Whicheals to ri safer financial system( have constantly had in mind the fact ths.tsany of my countryman, whoso sincerity I dosot doubt, insist that tho cure for t..c ills nowthreatening us miy be found in tho single andlimple lemody of tbo free cbinago of silver.fhey contend that our mints shall be at once

tae fr.o and unlimited andpe dent coiacge of both gold and silver"- - or iuu iesru wnaor quality, rcgaraiees

'' " nation of any ether government, aad inI oU Tiew of tbe 'act --"- the ratio between

"Jl8 Bebls which they suggest calls for onoMadrid cents worth of g li in the gold dollartt the present stafidard and only fifty cents inntmisic worth of silver n too silver dollar.In the present sta :e of our difficulty it is dot

ea y t6 understand how the amount of our rev' Jnn receipt" auccrs a. ioe imporun. que- -

'iam is not the quantity of mAnat received iavenue payments, but the kifid of money we

maintain and our ability to continue in soundfinancial condition. We are considering themvs.-nmen- t holding of gold as related to thowaaduess of oar money and as affecting our na-tional credit and monetary stieagth. If our goldre erve had never bean imp ured; if BO bondslad eve-be- en issuol to replenish if then hadl n no fear and timidity concerning otfrabilty to continue' gold payment: it aoy partif our feveauos were' now paid id gold,ind if wo could took to oti- - gld receipts as aneans of maintaining a safo reservo theamount of our revenn s would to an influentialfactor in the problem. But unfortunately allthecircumstnnies that mght lend weight to1... ..... ... . . ..... .. k mmt ml. I., .f..... .. ....

orcscnt predicament no gold is received by thojoverument in payment of revenue chargoilor would there be if th revenues wsro in- -trca-e- d. Tbo receipts of tho treasury when notn silver certificates, consist of UnitedStates notes and treasury note, issuedfdr silver purchase?. 1 heso forms of maney aro)n!y useful to tho government in paying itsinrrcnt ordinary expenses' auj Its quantity11 government pass essioi do s nit ia the leastcontribute towirJ giving us that kind of safo5nsn:ial standi lg or condition which is builtOn god alon. It is sail that theseeotas if held by the government can be n-c- d toob ain goll for bur rcscivo. Tho aaswer iseasy Tbe'peo'ple draw gold front tho treasuryon demand upon Unite I States notes aad treascry not'S, but the proposition that the treesurycan on demand draw gold from tHo people aponthem would bo regai ded in those days withwander and amazement An I even if thiseou'.d be done, there i nothing t preventthose thus parting withttoirgo'dfromregain- -I g it tbo next day or the next hour by thapresenta!inof tho notes they received in ex--chango for it.

Tlii srvrftarv of the treasury might use suchnotes taken from n surplus to.euuti to ongold in tho market. Of course, he could not dothis without paying a premium. Private hold-ers of gold, unliko tho government having noparity to maintain. Would not bo restrainedfrom making the best bargain possible whenthey furnished gold to tho treasary; but themoment the Secretary of tho treasury boughtgold on any terms above par ho would estab-lish a general and universal premium upon it.thus breaking down the parity between goldand silver which tho government is plbged tomaintain, and opening tho way to now andserious complications.

In the meantime the premium w mid not ia

stationaryanl the absurd spectacle mightbe presented of a dealer selling gold to thoGovernment and with United States note ortr asury notes in his hands immediately clam-oring fo- - its return and a ro aio at a higherpremium It may be claimed that a large rev-enue and reduced receipts might favorably af-fect the situation under disnssion by affordingan opportunity affecting these notes in thotreasury When received, ani thus preventingtheir pre.-entatio-n for gold. Such retention tobe useful ought to bodt. east measurably per-manent, ani this is precisely what is prohib-ited so far as Unite I States notes o:c conccrncd b,-- law of !973, forbidding their rojtiroment That the statute in o many Words)provides that tlio-- o note when receive 1 intothe treasury and belonging to the United State.shall be "Paid oat again and kept in circula-tion." It will moreover bo readily seen thatthe government could not refasa to pay outUnited States notes and trea-ur- y notes in curlent transactions trhr-n demanded, and insiston paying out silver alono and still maintainthe parity between that metal and the currency representing gold Besides the acenmulationintho treasury of currency of any kindexacted frcm the peo- - le through taxation isjustly regarded as an evil and it cannot proceed far without vigorous protest against anunjustifiable retention of money.

Were thora infinitely stronger reasons thancanto adduce 1 for hop ng that such actionwould seourc for us a bimetallic currency mov-ing on l'nes of pat It cn experiment so novoland hazardous as tint proposed might wellstagger thoso who believe that stability is animpel ativo condition of sound money. No gov-ernment, no hum n contrivance or act of legis-lation h s ever been able to hoi I tho two mctalttogether in frco coinage at a ratio appreciablydifferent from that which is etabltsho I in thomarkets of the wor'd.

In the light of theso experiences, which ac-cord with the experiences of other nations, 'there is certainly no secure ground for the bo-- .lief that an act of Congress could now bridgoan equality of 50 per cent between gold and sil-ver at our present ratio, nor is there the leastpossibility that our country, which has lessthan one seventL of the silver money ia tboworld, could by its action raiso not only ourown, but all silver, to its lost ratio with gold.Our attempt to accomplish this by tho freecoinage of silver at a ratio differing from theactual relative value would be tho signal forcomplete departure of gold from onr circula-tion, and the collapse of our entire credit sys-- 'tem.

'Our country's indebtedness whether owing bythe governm nt or existing between individualshas been contracted with reference, to oar p eent standard To deereo b act of Congressthat theso deh's shall to payable in less valua-ble dolla-stlia- n those within tho contemplatedand intcntioh of tho parties when rontractol.would operate to transfer h,-- the fiat law pndwithout compensation, an amount of propertyand a volume of rights and interests almost

Thoso who ndvocato n blind andheadlong plnngo to fro- - coinage in thi name ofbimetallism and pr.fs- - i.g the belief, eoo-tr- ar

to all experience, ihtt wa couldthus establish a dou Io standard and .1concurrent circulation of both metals in ourcoinage are certainly reckoning from a cloudystandpoint. Our present standard of value isthe standard of the civilized world, and per-- ;tnits the only now possible or atleast that within tha independent reach of any 'single nation, however powerful that nation imay be. Whiio the value of goldas a standard is steadied . byalmost universal commercial aal business itdoes not despise silver nor seeV its banishment.Wherever this standard is mainta'-n- I there ia itsaide in freoand timnesii-jiix- l eirrenhitinn ami.Urce of silver enrrenev sometinuii Mirnlinv. anrlsometimes even excetlinr it in am-nni-

. boihlTTTiiTit'ntfv'Wa rt a w ssnf - nnrvratkin.tTn . -

precation or fluctuation in tho intrinsic valm atdiver.

Ther- - is a vast difference between a standardef value aa I a currency for monetary use. Thasraaaara must necessarily bo fixed aad certata.TaaeurTeaey may he ia diverse forms aad ot .vaneaakiada, o silver has !

sold currency ia circulation batTenU-h- t.svstem of flaanm inrw th

nnata of both gold aad silver sa eaaad circular ia median by keepiai theam stable aad all ether currency at par withit. Sack a system aad such a standard alsagives free scope lor the use aad expansioa ofsafe aad conservative credit so iadkpeasialeto hroad aad growing- - coatawceial transaetktaaaadeowellsabstitateJcorthe actual aaa ef

Is fall of leasees, teaching aateahjthe daasers. bat me haw

(cilews j the.- ..BBSSsk-.ar.'VT- ...'.meemnSgSmSJ: , ,.. u ,, t - ,-- . c ... --, r ,mamamamamamamamamamamamamam - rS--, --v.. --rf.'- -

believe that thedU after

tehnoardise tfcej- - aatsaBaaau'luai byeacouragiag aaaacaaaaa-lo- r

that they will yield to the salsa aiof cham moaer. vhea thsr Jsalaw

that It araetnealtia the weakening efthastaaadrl tateaflty aad rtctkade which thaa taraa ear history has bei eoeavotajy it'isrishaias one ef the traits of tree AaJoHwiism

IhaTeveatared to express rayse!f ea theseeahjeeta with earaeetaess aad pUinadaf efraeacla heeaese I eaaaot rid myself of theheUaCthat there larks ia the prcacsitioa for the freeeoinaaa ef silver so strongly aaereved aadgo eathaiiartical y advocated by a araltitadeer say casaatrymea a seriov mesaee te ear araeverity aad ttftdkrns temptation ef ear Mapleto wander frosa the aHegianee thy ewe topablic aad pr vate iategrity. It Is baeaate I doaot distrust the good faith aad sasserisf ofthose' who press this scheme that I haveImperfectly bat with seal sumbttted saythoughts apon this moment us subjectI eanaet resraia from beggiag themto their views and beliefs hi thelight of patriots reason and fimilar raperi-cac- e,

astd fo wefeeb agaia aad agaia the sensenueaees of inch legislation as their etTofta hareiavited. Eveatae continued agiUUeq of thesubject adds greatly to the dlfficaltkes of a.dangerows financial sitaatioa already fstaulopoasu.

Ia eoaelusioB 1 espCe-all- y entreat the people'srepresentatives in tho Coggrss who arecharged with tho responsibility or iaangurat-in- g

measures for the safety and prosperity cfeur common country to promptly and effec-tively consider tho ills cf our critical financialplight. 1 have suggested a remedy which myJudgment approves I desire, to assure thot'oagress that I am prepareJ to withthem ia perfecting any other measures promis-ing tnoroagh an 1 practical relief end that Iwill gladly labor with them ia every patrioticendeavor to further tho interests aad guard thewelfare Cf car country men whom in oar re--epectire places o' duty wo have undertaken teeerve. Gaoyga Ci.ara.AaB.

It Secaas lacredlelc.Gazpin How old does a woman hava

to be before she can vole?Hazbin Twenty-on- e. I believe.Gaxpin Butascally she doesn't rote

sjMtil site's twice that age.Hazbin I know it. Von see she has

to devote the intervening time tomakiDjjtjp her mind how to vote. RoxbaryGazette.

I!e!niU Offense.Sirs. Fifrjr Tommy pat a bent pia

in the minister's chair when he wascalling this afternoon.

Mr.Fijrjr Gimme yourslipper.qniclcA hay who will play snch a trick on aman who dafsen't swear needs one ofthe best licking1 that can be produced.

Indianapolis Journal.Lids should always be pat over sauce-

pans wherl in nse. The steam is usu-ally more beneficial to the dish beingprepared than to the kitchen walls.


The butterfly collection belonging tt)

Pof. Neamoegen, of Brooklyn, N. Y..is worth 60,00.

The division of time into months andweeks is so old that its origin caanetpossibly be ascertained. '

The different countries of the worldaow use 13,400 different kinds of post-age stamps.

Ocean steamers of the first class eachconsume from 190 to 220 tnos of coal aday.

The entomologists say that the gnat'sprobocis la a combination of seven '

needles and lances, besides a cuppingapparatus.

An authority on cats says that blue--eyed cats are always deaf, and thatpure white ones are afflicted in the samemanner.

Tobacco statistics prove that two-thir- ds

of the grown male populationof the globe either smoke or chew the"weed." '

The Bibliotheque National of Parle,the reputed largest library in the world,how has 1,400,000 bound books and 900,-0- 00

pamphlets. I

More than 185,000 persons committedsuicide in the different countries of

'the world during the year ending Sep-

tember 30, 1595. This is an Increase of I

nearly 20,000 over 18M.It has lately been ascertained that the

humming noise made by telegraphwires Is not due to wind, as it can beheard in time of dead calm. The mosttenable explanation is that it is causedby a tightening of the wires, owing toatmospheric changes.


A slab in the great palace of Nine-veh represents a lady fainting and anattendant holding a smelling bottle,probably of perfumes, to her nose to re-

vive her.At the court of Loui3 XIV. the use of

perfume was so general among bothgentlemen and ladies that throughoutEurope it was known as the "ScentedCourt."

Perfumes are now extensively manu-factured in the United States, and thenative articles are said by experts tocompare favorably with foreign man-

ufacture?.From the gastar, repulsive in its orig-

inal condition, the art of chemistry hasdeveloped an immense variety of es-

sential oils and essences of fruits andflowers.

The use of perfumes became so ex-

travagant in Athens during the time ofSolon that he issued an edict forbiddingAthenians to use them except in cer-

tain specified cases.Many perfumes are believed to be an-

tiseptic in their qualities, and somephysicians entertain the opinion that amore liberal use of them in the sickroom would be beneficial.

The perfumers of Rome lived in aspecial quarter set apart for their use.and whole streets were lined with theirshops, which were lounging places forwealthy young noble?.

The fruits and flowers which attaingreatest perfection and the highest fra-grance in South Europe afford favora-ble facilities for the manufacture ofperfumes and essences.


The deepest gold mine in the worldIs at EureKa, Cal., depth, 2,200 feet. I

The Pearl Lumber company of Warn-beg- a, 'Ont, has a whistle on its saw

mill that can be heard forty miles.Green lake, Colorado, is said to be the

most elevated body of water in theworld, having an altitude of 10,252 feetabove sea level.

The longest word in the dictionary isnalatonharinaeolarvneeal. Th nevt


longest is transubstantiaUonallst jr..Ballroad authorities say that the ay--erage locomouve travels upwaras ox20,00V miles in the coarse of a year.


The largest private house la GreatBritain is known as "Weatworth Man-or." It Is the property of Earl Fltx-wlllla-

Mexico's largest gold nugget wasfeud at Piaaehas Placers, Soaore, hithe sariag af MM. It wtisaee 1444

- I

Talmage in Washington.

latereetrd ta TackHaadred DeUen fee

ChavUlea What Me Thi ef Cersahe

Everyeedy kaews that the Uloetrteailrine, whe xna4e the Brooklyn Taber-nacle famous throagheat the world, hasrecently beea called te a pasterate iaWashington. His church is the FirstPresbTteiiaa church ef that city, aad

while laf er at eryears aTery proas-laeatiasU-tat-

Itlatterlyaad beeaf (Taredwith butaaiall aadi-eace- a,


VsaLaaaaaaaaaaaV .iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawprla-clpal- ly

ofmen aad

fiJ.LUC TZZbLgJU women whorem ained

loyal to the old church eventhough aow surrounded largely bybusiness houses. A marvelous change,however, has suddenly come over thistime-honor- ed landmark, and to-d- ay theFirst Presbyterian church of Waahiag-te- n,

owing to the wondrous eloquence otIU newly installed pastor, is every San-da- y

besieged by multitudes, many ofwhom stand there frequently hours Inadvance of the opening ef the servicein hopes of being able to wedge theirway in somehow or other, aad to listento the matchless eloquence of America's foremost pulpit orator.

People all over the country are won-

dering; whether Dr. Talmage, in mov-

ing to the National Capital, and la ex-

changing his Brooklya residence for ahouse ia Washington, has actually di-

vorced himself from all connection withthe east Dr. Talmage was recently in-

terviewed on this subject by a reporterof this paper, and the reverend gentle-man said that aa long as his editorialchair had two legs in New York andtwo legs in Washington he could severbe considered as having severed all hisconnections with the metropolis. "TheChristian Herald," he said, "with itswide circulation, is a tremendous powerfor good." and as long as the Lord gavehim health and strength be would writefor that paper In fact, he would be Inhis editorial chair at the Bible Housemore frequently now than ever. Con-

tinuing, the genial preacher said:"There is no paper in America thatwields a more potential influence forgood than The Christian Herald, with acirculation of nearly two hundred thou--sand copies weekly. Nothing but deatashall separate me from it Dr. Klopsch,Its proprietor, is a man of extraordinaryenterprise. This year besides printingThe Christian Herald every week inbeautiful colors, a veritable enchant-ment for the eye, he offers as a premiuma complete library, consisting of tensplendid volumes, full of interest andfuir of entertainment, with an elegantbookcase, delivered free of all expense.

.,-,- . with th mmr ItRplf flftv-tw- a,

times, for the moderate sum of S3.

Hereafter let no home in America bewithout a library.

I asked Dr. Talmage whether he couldrecommend the library to people whocontemplated securing it, and he saidunhesitatingly, "I know every book.They were carefully and thoughtfullyprepared, either specially written ercompiled by most eminent literary men,and there is not a weakling amongthem."

"How are the people to secure thisgreat library, and this wonderful paperof yours?"

"Simply by sending 3 to The Chris-tian Herald at 888 to 895 Bible House,New York City, and by return mail theywill be delighted with the result. Eversince my boyhood, I've had a passionfor books; I love them still couldn'tlive unless surrounded by them. SoI'm something of a Judge of good litera-ture. And in my whole life I have neverseen a better selection in small compassthan these ten books which Dr. Klopschhas had prepared for his subscribers.It's a perfect library of information,entertainment and amusement, and isthe climax of the wonderfully enter-prising and far-seei- ng managementthat has placed The Christian Heraldahead of all competitors as a Christianhome Journal. Do you know," con-tinued Dr. Talmage, "that this paperhas in less than six years expendednearly $700,000 in various beneficencesat home and abroad?"

Just then Miss Talmage came in tocall her distinguished father to dinner,and the Interview ended.

Remember the address, 883 to 895Bible House, New York City.


There is nothing more serious thanwhat some people consider a Joke.

Bar er bad spots in de best men, Jestaz dar ah weeds in de best gahdens.

Romance has been elegantly definedas the offspring of fiction and love.

The truly great man is as apt to for-

give as his power is able to revenge.A woman can look thoroughly satis-

fied when she is not. A man can't doit.

Too many people In the church wouldrather be comets than stars of Bethle-hem.

Try to give pleasure, and you will receivemore than you give.


Flying frogs are numerous in Borneo.Sunflower stocks are now,cos verted

into paper.The cultivation of tobacco is prohib-

ited in Egypt-Blottin- g

paper is made of cotton ragsboiled in soda.

Edison's laboratory costs $20,000 ayear to maintain.

The pay of an admiral in the Brit-ish navy is $9425 a year.

Queen Maria Pia of Portugal Is aclever billiard player.

A big; man groans most when he getssick because there is more of hint tosuffer.

Just aa you are pleased at ladiagfaults you are displeased at lading per-fections.

Trata will he uppermost eae time erether, like cork, though kept aader taewater.

Every maa loags to be a womaa Jastlong enough to shew what a good wifehe weald be.

Those whe have no meaey ara setalwaye aeer aa these wae have tt art


Wtmbiis-SUte-Baii- kJ

aj-v- u- . SJLama ahaaamalnjlhwmmmimkXtmM

jht fJMf 1hI Pihit

ejawejeasf ajamaeaje sever sera



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