COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR I ESCUELA: NOMBRES: Ciencias de la Educación Mgs. Jhoana Elizabeth Paladines Benítez BIMESTRE: Primero Octubre 2012 Febrero 2013

Transcript of UTPL-COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR I-I BIMESTRE-(octubre 2012 febrero 2013)

Page 1: UTPL-COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR I-I BIMESTRE-(octubre 2012 febrero 2013)




Ciencias de la Educación

Mgs. Jhoana Elizabeth Paladines Benítez


Octubre 2012 Febrero 2013

Page 2: UTPL-COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR I-I BIMESTRE-(octubre 2012 febrero 2013)

Unidad 1 Imperatives

Turn left.

Open your book.

Close the window, please.

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Unidad 1 Imperatives

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Unidad 1 Pronouns

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Unidad 2 The verb BE: Present

¿Cuando utilizamos el verbo be?

Se utiliza el verbo be (am, is, are ) para referirnos a una persona ya sea mencionar su nombre, lugar de procedencia, profesión, expresar como se siente, entre otros, además se lo utiliza para describir las características de alguien o algo, por ejemplo su color, aspecto físico, edad, etc. Revisemos algunos ejemplos:

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Unidad 2 The verb BE: Present

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Unidad 2 The verb BE: Present

• She is hungry

• I am from Loja

• They are in Brazil

• Mary is 20 years old

• It is cold

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Unidad 2 The verb BE: Present

Negative Statements Yes / No questions

Wh- Questions

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Unidad 3 The verb BE: Past

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Unidad 3 The verb BE: Past

She was beautiful when she was a child.We were very good friends at school.They were in an expensive hotel.I was afraid of dogs.I was hungry.

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Unidad 3 The verb BE: Past

Negative Statements Yes / No questions

Wh- Questions

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Unidad 4 The simple present

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Unidad 4 The simple present

She plays the guitar.

He works in Machala.

They travel to Spain every year.

We run on the beach on Saturdays.

He sleeps in a small bed.

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Unidad 4 The simple present

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Unidad 4 The simple present

Negative Statements Yes / No questions

Wh- Questions

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Unidad 4 Adverbs of frequency

Frequency Adverb of Frequency Examples

100% always I always go to bed before 11pm.

90% usually I usually walk to work.

80% normally / generally I normally go to the gym.

70% often/ frequently I often surf the internet.

50% sometimes I sometimes forget my wife's birthday.

30% occasionally I occasionally eat junk food.

10% seldom / rarely I seldom read the newspaper.

5% hardly ever I hardly ever drink alcohol.

0% never I never swim in the sea. Fuente: http://www.grammar.cl/Basic/Adverbs_Frequency.htm

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Unidad 5 The present progressive1. Actions taking place at the moment of speaking (now)

He is playing football.

The action is going on now.

Signal words like now, at the moment are often used to emphasize that the action is taking place at the moment of speaking. Signal words are not really necessary, however, as this is already expressed by the tense itself.

2. Arrangements for the near future

I'm going to the theatre tonight.

In the example you can see that the tickets are already bought. So we are talking about an arrangement for the near future.

To make clear that the action is not going on now, we usually use signal words like tonight, tomorrow, next Friday, at noon.

Tomado de : http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-progressive/use

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Unidad 5 The present progressiveActions taking place only for a limited period of time

Jim is helping in his brother's firm this week.

Actions taking place around now (but not at the moment of speaking)

I'm studying for my exams.

This action takes place around now and only for a limited period of time, but not at the moment of speaking.We don't have to use signal words here, but we often find signal words in such sentences, e.g. now, at the moment.

Tomado de : http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-progressive/use

Here we are talking about a time limit. Jim does not usually work in the firm, he is still at school and wants to earn some extra money during his holidays.To make clear that there is a time limit, we usually use signal words, e.g. this week/month/year.

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Unidad 5 The present progressive

Development, changing situations .

Tomado de : http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-progressive/use

The sentence describes a development from one situation to another. Signal words are not that common here, only sometimes the change of situation is emphasised by using for example more and more.

Development, changing situations

Affirmative Statements Negative Statements

Yes / No questions Wh- Questions

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Page 21: UTPL-COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR I-I BIMESTRE-(octubre 2012 febrero 2013)

PROGRAMA: Tutoría Communicative Grammar I Carrera: InglésFecha: 13 de Abril de 2012Docente: Mgs. Jhoana E. Paladines B.Hora Inicio: 18H00 Hora Final: 19H00


Puntos de la Presentación Intervienen Duración Aprox. en minutos

Material de Apoyo

1. Presentación 2. Indicaciones Generales

Jhoana Paladines

• 2 minutos• 3 minutos

Sin material.Sin material.

3. Desarrollo del contenido: Explicación de las unidades 1-5.

• 35 minutos Diapositivas y uso de la pizarra.

4. Preguntas

•15 minutos Diapositivas y uso de la pizarra.

5. Despedida 5 minutos Ninguno

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Imágenes tomadas de: http://beginnersguitarlessonreviews.learnfrenchsoftwarereview.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/play-guitar-lessons-online-girl.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kUQ1jhyeAq8/TXlk3KnD8FI/AAAAAAAAUc0/CKsfs-3lgC0/s1600/work-707263.jpg