UTHM DISTANCE LEARNING ASSESSMENTS GUIDELINE€¦ · progress performance. Lecturer • Provide...


Transcript of UTHM DISTANCE LEARNING ASSESSMENTS GUIDELINE€¦ · progress performance. Lecturer • Provide...

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Distance Learning


Learning Theory to Assessment


Methods of Assessment


Creating Assessment Questions Guidelines


Student Learning Time (SLT)


CQI and Forms of Assessment


Assessment Procedures


Assessment Design Activities Principles


Developing Assessment Activities Using UTHM Author











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Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ishak Baba (CAD)

Ts. Dr. D’oria Islamiah Rosli (CAD)

Dr. Syahirah Mansur (CAD)

Dr. Lutfiah Natrah Abas (CAD)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Lai Wai (CAD)

Assoc. Prof. Siti Hawa Ruslan (GLOBAL)

Mr. Mohamad Md Som (GLOBAL)

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Distance Learning

Information is left for the student to read later


Information is sent and received immediately by the student

Distance Learning uses electronic and non-electronic media as a medium of

communication between lecturer and students so that students can master the

knowledge and skills in learning.

Knowledge Objective Question, True/False, Matching, Fill in the

blank, Gamification, Quiz

Simulation, Animation, Tutorial

Objective Question, Subjective Question, Essay,

Tutorial, Simulation, Gamification, Case Study

Subjective Question, Essay, Project, Portfolio,

Simulation, Case Study



Analysis/ Synthesis


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Learning Theory to Assessment

Associative Constructivist

Social Constructivist Situative

Knowledge is formulated through

associations between different concepts.

• Assessment

Concepts and competencies are

assessed at micro level through a

combination of macro level activities.

• Feedback

Lecturer gives feedback

on weaknesses on skills

and conceptual


• Resource

Video, Simulation, Blog.

Actively construct ideas by testing


• Assessment

Experimentation, discovery and inquiry

assessment activities.

• Feedback

Self-generated feedback and reflections

give meaningful understanding on

learning. • Resource

Video, Simulation, Blog,

Discussion Board, Video


Actively construct new

ideas through

collaborative activities.

• Assessment

Collaborative and

cooperative tasks

encourage learners to

contribute ideas in

learning activities.

• Feedback

Interactive learning support sharing and

peer feedback.

• Resource

Video, Simulation, Blog, Discussion Board,

Instant Messaging, Video Conferencing,



Participation in specific

communities of practice.

• Assessment

Holistic assessment in

authentic or simulated

situation. • Feedback

Social feedback derived from

authentic real-life activities.

• Resource

Video, Simulation, Blog, Discussion

Board, Instant Messaging, Video

Conferencing, Chatrooms.

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Methods of Assessment

Objective/ Subjective Essay/ Case Study

Portfolio Project

• What to Assess?

- Understanding of theory and


- Application of principle.

• Credits

- Fast and easy marking because

generated automatically.

- Assesses declarative knowledge.

• Tools

- Google Form,



• What to Assess?

- Understanding of ideas.

- Ability to formulate ideas which

supported by evidence and meaningful


- Ability to argue and make a justification

on ideas.

• Credits

- Assesses Higher Order Thinking.

- Assesses procedural and conceptual


- Allow students to

express their knowledge

in open format.

• Tools

- Google Form, LMS platform, UTHM

AUTHOR, Edmodo, Schoology.

• What to Assess?

- Multiple levels of

assessment ranging

from knowledge,



analysis of

information to self reflection.

• Credits

- In general, assesses procedural and

conceptual knowledge.

- Assesses higher order thinking.

• Tools

- Blog, Journal, WordPress.

• What to Assess?

- Ability to organize information

that includes creativity.

• Credits

- In general, assesses

procedural and

conceptual knowledge.

- Assesses higher order thinking.

• Tools

- Microsoft Office tools, Blog, Journal,


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Methods of Assessment Continued…

• Assessments that require lecturer and

student to provide continuous feedback so

that learning objectives can be achieved.

Formative Assessments

• Assessment that is used to assign student

grades and make into a conclusion that

the learning objectives can be achieved.

Summative Assessments

Online Discussion / Posting Students argue and give ideas about

certain topics during the discussion.

Lecturer • Provide discussion space, assessment

guidelines, submission deadline.

• Provide topic of discussion and monitor

student engagement, so that learning

objectives are achieved.

• Help students when they are having

difficulties to understand certain topics.

Student • Provide feedback in a form of inquiry or

comments about the topic of discussion.

Quiz (Objective Question / Subjective

Question) Assessment in a form of quizzes helps lecturer

and student to know student’s learning

progress performance.

Lecturer • Provide online quiz questions, assessment

guidelines, assessment execution time.

• Quiz assessment results (objective

questions) can be generated

automatically and can be shared with


• Subjective questions require lecturer to

respond on comments at the comments

section for further discussion with student.

Student • Answer the quiz within the time given by

the lecturer.

Midterm Test / Final Examination Midterm test and Final examination are

conducted online by using assessment tools

available in any learning platforms.

Lecturer • Provide questions via online, assessment

guidelines, assessment execution time.

• Plan and ensure students are able to

undergo assessment.

Student • Answer the test or final exam questions

within the time given by the lecturer.

Project Projects include Simulation, Case Study,

Problem Solving exercise and group work.

Lecturer • Prepare assessment forms; peer-

evaluation form, project evaluation form,

self-evaluation form.

Student • Report project development and

findings using websites, blogs, forums, or

discussion board within the time given by

the lecturer.

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Methods of Assessment Continued…

Formative Assessment & Summative Assessment

Portfolio Portfolio is a medium for reporting and presenting continuous output of learning outcomes in

various ways such as audio, video, graphics and simulation.

Lecturer • Provide questions to ensure continuous assessment exists, assessment guidelines, assessment

execution time.

• Provide portfolio evaluation rubric.

• Portfolio evaluation can also be done through peer review.

Student • Report learning activities creatively using audio, video or graphics.

Case Study Case Study can be used for individual or group assessment.

Lecturer • Provide case study questions, assessment guidelines, assessment execution time.

• It is recommended to involve 5 to 6 students in a group.

• Suitable for assignments that involve problem solving approaches as it will give opportunities

for students to reflect and work as a team.

• Provide feedback to student’s question.

Student • Responsible in giving feedback to case studies in a form of report and other supporting


• Reporting methods can be in a form of simulation, gamification, video, slides, graphics or


Simulation / Gamification / Animation Simulation conducted in the lab for technical subject is costly. Another alternative is to use a lab

kit or virtual simulation.

Lecturer • Maximize video conferencing technologies for skills type of assessment.

• Provide assignments in a form of activities using scenarios, assessment guidelines, assessment

execution time.

• Plan and ensure students are able to undergo assessment.

Student • Report the tasks in a form of simulation, gamification, video or animation.

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Creating Assessment Questions

Use appropriate methods of

assessment to evaluate the right skill.

Each question should stand alone to avoid student

answer incorrectly for the first and consecutive


Make the root assessment

question brief and clear

For objective questions, avoid using alternatives

reward student who do not know the answers such as

“All of the above” or “None of the above”

Avoid grammar, spelling and sentence structure errors which

make the student difficult to determine possible answers

For higher order thinking questions the root question should

have more information and grasp in a brief


Make the answer concise

and direct to the point

Assessments need to be aligned with

learning outcomes and

instructional activities in a particular


Student should not be able to

guess the correct answer from the way the answer

is written

Avoid negative statements in the


Make sure the correct answer and

distractors are consistent in style and


Avoid categorical

terms for instance always

or never

Construct question that allow multi-level of student to answer the question ranging from high

level to low level student performance

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Student Learning Time (SLT) SLT is the time a student spends on teaching and learning activities which comprise of Face-

to-face Learning, Independent Learning and Assessment. According to MQF (2011), one credit

is equivalent to 40 notional hours (student learning time).


Table 1: Credit Hours and Respective National Hours

Credits Notional Hours

2 80

3 120

4 160

The following table shows the components included in SLT:

Table 2: Components included in SLT

Items (a), (b), (c) and (d) are the assessment components in SLT. Item (a) refers to coursework

comprising of

• Quiz – 1 hour

• Test 1 – 2 hours

• Test 2 – 2 hours

• Presentation – 1 hour




LecturesTutorials /




1 3 1 1

2 3 1 2 1 1

3 3 1 1

4 3 1 2

5 3 1 1 6 2

6 3 2 1

7 3 1 2

8 3 1 2

9 3 2 1

10 3 2 2

11 3 2 2 6 2

12 3 2 1

13 3 2 2 4 1

14 3 2 2

15 Revision (d) 9

16 Examination 3


42 0 0 21 22 26 6 3




Learning or

SCL eg



, Modules












Student Centered

LearningWeek Activities

Face-to-face Learning Independent Learning Activities Formal Assessment

Probability and random variables

Present value analysis and arbitrage

Arbitrage theorem and Black-Scholes


Expected Utility

Exotic options


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Item (b) refers to the preparation time for the following coursework:

• Quiz – 1 hour

• Test 1 – 6 hours

• Test 2 – 6 hours

• Presentation – 4 hours

Item (c) refers to Final Examination and item (d) refers to the preparation time for final


Total SLT for items (a) - (d) are summarized in Table 3:

Table 3: Assessment Components in SLT

The following table shows the estimated SLT for various assessment methods:

Table 4: Estimated SLT for Methods of Assessment

Preparation Time


Assessment Time


Preparation Time


Assessment Time


Quiz 1 1

Test 1 6 2

Test 2 6 2

Presentation 4 1

Final Exam 9 1

17 6 9 1

Continuous Assessment Final AssessmentCoursework /

Final Exam

Total SLT for



23 10


Assessment Methods Time (Hours)

Assessment Preparation

Project Presentation 1 4

Quiz 1 1

Test 1 3

Final Examination 1 3

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CQI and Forms of Assessment

Forms of Assessment

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

CQI An approach to ensure continuous quality improvement through continuous assessments, in order

to achieve the learning objectives. Through CQI, student’s performance can be monitored

periodically and identified in advance so that interventions can be conducted to maintain student

performance throughout the course.

Lecturer • Conduct Teaching & Learning (T&L) activities according to the learning objectives.

• Provide T&L materials creatively as to ensure students can access T&L materials online or using

courier for those without internet access.

• Monitor student assessment performance accordingly.

• Conduct self-academic audit to ensure student achieve the learning objectives.

Forms of Assessment

• Methods of assessment should be

sufficient to grasp knowledge and

skills embodied in intended learning

outcomes to assessed student

individually or in groups.

• All assessment should use language

in which the teaching and learning

is taught.

Assuring Assessment Criteria and

Intended Learning Outcomes

• Lecturers are responsible to ensure

that students are given clear

guidance about the assessment in

relation to the learning outcomes.

Assuring Assessment Criteria and

Intended Learning Outcomes

• Lecturers are responsible to ensure

that students are given clear

guidance about the assessment in

relation to the learning outcomes.

Formal Unseen Written


• UTHM Examination Guidelines

contain detailed provisions in

handling the allegations of

plagiarism, cheating and other

examinations offences.

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Assessment Procedures

The Examination Periods

• Summative assessment must take

place at the end of the teaching

and learning block.

• Students taking the examination or

re-sit examinations take the

scheduled examinations arranged

by own faculty.

• Students should be informed about

teaching and learning planning for

a particular course in relation to the

deadline submission of student


• Deadlines of coursework should give

sufficient time for students to

complete their tasks.

• Student should apply for an

extension of the original deadline

and penalties for late submission

should be given to the students

depends on certain circumstances

for instance related to health issues.

• Course coordinator is responsible to

ensure those involved in the

assessment process are aware

about the assessment of the course

and practice consistency in


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Submission of Tasks

• Deadlines of coursework should give sufficient time for students to complete their


• Submission of tasks should consistently apply for all level of students either via online

or by courier.

• All assessment will be checked using plagiarism checker if the student happens to be

suspected or caught plagiarized other resources.

• Students should be given clear instructions on the submission process. For example:

o Specific file format submission files (.pdf or .mp4)

o Submitted files must comply with instructions (file_StudentName or


o Checking the successful submission of the task is the responsibility of the student.

Student should inform the lecturer if problem persists.

• If the university systems are not accessible during the deadline, the submission

deadline should be extended, and students informed.

• If student encounters problems in submitting their task, that is not due to university

system failure, they must notify the lecturer immediately with evidences of the

technical failure.

• The act of notification will not make the lecturer to extend any deadline.

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Online Assessment

Arrangements should be made

to support unexpected

technical problems. In cases of

serious technical failure,

students should be offered to

take the examination in paper


Suitable arrangements

should be made with

university technical IT

services and lecturer for

online assessment


Summative assessment should

be accessible by secure

password and student

performance recorded by

university approved secure

Learning Management System


Computers or laptops

used for summative

assessments should have

internet and

communication tools


Random questions

generated by secure

LMS for each student

should cover all aspects

of student skills which

should also meet the

learning outcomes.

Distance learning

assessment schedule

should not conflict with

university main

examination timetable.

Distance learning

assessment must be

conducted under the

same processes specified

by other forms of

assessment guidelines.

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Assessment and Student Circumstances

Student’s Feedback

Marking and Assessment Marks

Faculties should follow university

examination guidelines for

disability student in conducting

distance learning assessment.

Faculties must ensure that

student with disabilities provide

genuine evidence to make

reasonable adjustments for the


If student disability is not

disclosed prior to assessment,

lecturer is not obliged to

consider the effect of student’s


Faculty management and

lecturer are encouraged to

consider the accessibility of

assessment as case by case


Lecturer must encourage student to give feedback upon

completing the course through SPARK.

Purpose of the feedback is to improve and teaching and

learning for a particular course.

If more than one lecturer involved for a particular assessment task, faculties should

ensure there will be a consistency in marking.

Detailed marking criteria or rubric for group work, class presentation, peer evaluation

or any form of assessment must be made available to the examiners and students.

For group work assessment, the weighting of the group and individual mark and how

the marks are allocated should be clearly shared to the students.

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Assessment Design Activities Principles

No Design Activities Example

1 Continuous reflection Formative assessment activities are used to improve

teaching and learning activities. Lecturer should use

assessment activities outcomes to reflect upon

teaching practices.

Blog to reflect student

learning outcomes over a

period of time.

2 Constructive feedback Constructive feedback is required during teaching

and learning session as it will help student’s learning


Lecturer may give feedback

to the whole group as well

as individual feedback to

students online or offline


3 Rubrics Teaching and learning activities is design explicit by

the use of rubrics or assessment guidelines.

Rubrics should be available

for students to guide their


4 Authentic Learning Teaching and learning activities is design by having

real life experience and value. For example real

situation problem solving issues.

Students can use Microsoft

office tools to run data

analysis, presentation and

write detail report on

solutions to authentic


5 Collaboration Include assessment activities that require discussion

and collaboration amongst students.

Discussion tools in UTHM

Author or Zoom meeting to

enhance collaboration


6 Methods of assessment Various methods of assessment and tools allow lecturer

to assess student different learning styles.

UTHM Author, Quizlet,

Mentimeter, Padlet and

Blog. Refer Distance

Learning Guidelines.

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Assessment Design Activities Principles continued..

No Design Activities Example

7 Address Diversity Methods of assessment should consider student diversity

to practice equality assessment amongst students.

Student Diversity:

• Social economic status

• Access to stability of internet connections

• Access to teaching and learning devices

• Racial, cultural and ethnic differences

• Special needs learners (cognitive and physical)

• Mother tongue language speakers

• Stable electricity supply

High bandwidth

Web based assessment

Moderate or low bandwidth

Assessment through

WhatsApp, Telegram

No access

Courier printed materials or

pen-drive, postage

8 Facilities Sufficient teaching and learning systems should be in

place for supporting distance learning assessment


• Digital skills training for staff and students

• Provide efficient facilities and internet access

• Professional training about ICT integration and

online assessment

Centre for Academic

Development and Training

Pedagogical and

Assessment professional



Centre for Global Online


ICT professional training


9 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Results from distance learning assessment should be

used to monitor continuous student’s learning

performance as to achieve the learning objectives.

Learning Management

Systems (LMSs) learning

analytics; Author, Edmodo,


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Burns, M. (2020, March 30). Five Guidelines for Developing Good Online Assessment.

Retrieved from: https://elearningindustry.com/developing-good-online-assessments-guidelines

Commonwealth of Learning & Asian Development Bank (Eds.). (2008). Quality assurance in

open and distance learning: A toolkit. Vancouver, BC: Commonwealth of Learning and Manila,

Philippines: Asian Development Bank.

Davies, S. (2018, July 18). Effective Assessment in Digital Age: A guide to technology-

enhanced assessment and feedback. Retrieved from:


Digital Education Office. (2018, July 18). Using Blackboard for Online Assessment and

Marking. Retrieved from: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/digital-education/support/tools/e-


Gikandi, J. W., Morrow., D & Davis, N. E. (2011). Online Formative Assessment in Higher

Education: A Review of The Literature Review. Computers & Education Elsevier. Pg 2333-


Roblyer, M.D., & Doering, A. H. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching

5th Edition. Pearson Education Inc. Boston. MA.

Rasheed, R.A., Kamsin, A., & Abdullah, N.A. (2019). Challenges in the Online Component of

Blended Learning: A Systematic Review. Computers & Education Elsevier. Vol. 144.

Shahrin. M. (2010, Oktober 19). Closing the loop (Continuos Quality Improvement). Retrieved

from: https://people.utm.my/shahrin/files/2017/08/slides-CQI-Utem-color.pdf/

Westhuizen, D. V. (2016). Guidelines for Online Assessment for Educators. Commonwealth of

Learning. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

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Developing Assessment Activities Using UTHM Author

UTHM Author UTHM Author is academic online resources platform supporting educators in creating

exciting online classes. With Author everything can be linked such as course materials,

assignment management for grouping and individual, monitoring due dates,

assessments, results grading and of course students can give feedback with this simple

platform and ease to use.

Developing A Classroom in Author


- Login to AUTHOR using TCIS account username and password at


- Create a Classroom

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- Select course code assigned to you by TCIS at current semester

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- Add Students to your classroom by importing from TCIS. Click button “Import

from TCIS”.

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The assessment can be done by creating an objective and subjective question. For

the subjective question, the student can answer in text or submit the image files.

Developing Assessments in Author

- Create new assessment

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-Start adding questions in the assessment

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Objective Questions

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Subjective Questions

Create subjective questions

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- View lists of questions

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Set the date-time for the assessment to start

- Back to assessment lists

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Marking the assessment

- Click student answers

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- Give marks to student answers

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- Grading can be done by allocating the percentage of particular assessment

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- Edit and update assessment

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- Lecturer post the marks for student view

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- Marks can be import and export from Excel file

Another feature of assessment: See student progress during assessment period.

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Project (Group Activity)

- This activity is ideal for project assignments and lab exercise with group of


- Click Group Activity Tab

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Manage Student Groups

- student can choose their own group or lecturer can assign group members

manually using Author

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Individual Assignment (Individual Activity)

- Click Individual Activities Tab

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Any further inquiry may contact Centre for Academic Development and Training

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia