Utah Geology & Mineral resources Bibliography to 1942

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    BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Vol. 34 April, 1944 No. 15.



    Geological Series Vol. I, No.1

    Bibliography OF THJ:;::;

    Geology and Mineral Resourcesof Utah To December 31, 1942


    BRONSON F. STRINGHAM Department of Geology University of Utah

    Published by the University of Utah Salt Lake City

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    AUTHOR'S PREFACEAn effort has been made to include in this bibliography allarticles and papers through 1942 which deal with geology, paleon-tology, mineralogy, and mineral resources of the state of Utah.

    Information in textbooks which may be a duplication has beenexcluded. The plan followed is patterned largely after Nickles'"Geologic Literature of North America" U. S. Geological SurveyBulletins 746 and 747. Part I is the bibliography proper withauthors arranged alphabetically (Anonymous follows Z) followedby the full title, medium of publication or source, volume, pageand year. The titles are listed chronologically under authors byyears without reference to the order within the year. Each hasan index number (09, 09a, OSb, 87, etc.) which is used togetherwith the author's name in the index Part II. In the case of twoauthors the first name appearing on the publication is used forindexing. Where there are more than two authors the first nameis listed and the expression "and others" used for brevity. If,because of this arrangement, the names of some who have madea contribution do not appear, it is hoped that the omission will beexcused. A case in point would be U. S. Geological Survey Pro-fessional Paper 111, "Ore Deposits of Utah," where B. S. Butler'sname is used exclusively although others contributed a great deal.In Part I I all information has been indexed according to subject,and locality by counties, districts, geographic provinces, etc. Freeuse was made of all existing bibliographies but the list of authorsand titles complied in 1933 by Mr. Walter R. Buss of WeberCollege, Ogden, Utah, as part of a master's thesis, proved to be ofthe greatest value and particular acknowledgement is accordedto him.Although it was the author's intention to include all articles,some may have been overlooked. To those who discover ommissionsor errors an invitation is extended to bring them to attention sothat they may be recognized in any subsequent revision.This work was undertaken through the encouragement of Dr.Hyrum Schneider, Head of the Department of Geology, Universityof Utah. Support for the compilation and publication was gener-ously contributed by the University of Utah Research Fund andacknowledgement should be made that without this help thepresent volume would not be available.

    B. F. S.

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    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Acad ____________________AcademyAd v______________________AdvancementAgrL ___________________AgricultureAm _______________________America, etc.Anon .. __________ ... _.._AnonymousAsso_ ..__________________AssociationBOsL ______ . __ . _____ . ___ BostonBulL __ . ___ . __ .. _________BulletinBur_ .. ____________ .___ ...BureauCan __ .____________ ._._._.CanadianChem_ ..________________.ChemistryCoL ___________________._CoUegeColl_. _______ ._.___ .______ CollectionColo_. ___ .__ .. _____ .. ____ ColoradoComp.. __ .. ____ .________ ComparativeCong ____ ... ___ .___ .._. _.CongressDept_____________.. ___ .__DepartmentDoc_. _____________ ._ ... _. DocumentEcon __ .._. ___ . ________ ..EconomicEng ............. _____ .. __Engineer, etc.Ex_____ .._.... __ .........ExecutiveExp.. _____ .. ____ .. __ ... __ ExperimentExpL _______ .... ___ .. _. __ExplorationGeog ________ .. __ ._ ...._.Geography, etc.GeoL_ ._________ ._. __ ._ GeologyGeoph. _________________ GeophysicalHarv-_. _ ._. ________ .._.HarvardHist. __ ... _. ______________HistoryIndust. ___ .. ____ .... ____Industry, etc.Inst.. _____________.. _____ Insti tu te, etc.Inter_____________ .____ .. lnternationalInvest ___________ ......_InvestigaUonJ .. __ . __ .._________ . __ ... __ .Jou rnalJour_. ______ ...._.___ .. J ournalLab________ .. _... _____ ..LaboratoryMag... __ .. ___ .__ ._ .. ____ Magazine

    Mem _______ .__________ ...MemoirMet. _____ .._..________..MetallurgyMin._ .. _____ .....__.....Mining, Mineral, etc.Mon ___ ._.__ .. ___ ...____.MonographMus__________ . ____ .. __ ...MuseumNat. ____ .. __ .. __ ..........NaturalNat'L ____________ . ___ ..NationalN S ____ .. _______ .. . ______ New SeriesN Y___ ....__ ...... ____ .. New YorkPa _____________ .. ____ .___ ..PaperPaleon _____ . __.. _. __ ....PaleontologyPeL _________ . __ . ____ .____PetroleumPhila _______ .._._______ .PhiladelphiaPhilo_. ___ .... ______ .. __ .PhilosophicalProc _____ .. ______ ..... __ .ProceedingsProf _____ ._ .... _.. ______ProfessionalPub _____ . __ .__.. __.___ .. .PublicationQuart________.....___ ._.QuarterlyRept.. ______ .. ________ ._.ReportRes________._____________ ResourcesRev. ___ ._. _______________Revues _________________._ .. __ ....seriesSc____________.. _____.. __ ..Science, etc.Seis. __________________... SeismologicalSess_ ..___________ . ____ .. .8essionSoc_________________.. ____SocietySpec____ ._______ ...._.__SpecialSta_._______ .___ ._ .. ______ StationSup ______________________SupplySur______________________.8urveyTech ___________________..TechnicalTerr_____________________TerritoriesTrans___________________TransactionU S_______________.... ___United StatesWash _____ .. _________ .. ._WashingtonZooL _________ .. ______ ..__Zoology

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    32 Some hydrologic features of Great Salt Lake: Utah Eng 6 No 5 pp 1-31932.38 Recent deposition of salt from Great Salt Lake: Jour Geol 46, pp 637646, 1938.

    Adkinson, H. M.18 The oi l shales of Utah and Colorado: Salt Lake Min Rev 20, July 30,pp 21-25, 1918.

    Allen, R. H.10 Mines and mills of the Consolidated Mercur Co: Eng & Min Jour 89,pp 1273-1277, 1910.

    Alling, A. N.87 On the topaz from Thomas Range, Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 33 , p 146,1887.

    Alter, .J. C.30 Mud floods in Utah: Monthly Weather Rev 58, pp 319-321, 1930.33 Geography of the Salt Lake Region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No.17, pp 1-6, 1933.

    Anderson, J. C. See Gregory, H. E. 39.Anderson, G. E.

    15 Stream piracy of the Provo and Weber rivers: Am J Sc 4s, 40, PP314-316, 1915.Antevs, E.

    24 The Pleistocene history of the Great Basin: Carnegie Inst Wash Yearbook No. 22, p 323, 1924.25 On the Pleistocene history of the Great Basin: Carnegie Inst WashPub 352, pp 53-104, 1925.

    Ashburner, W.8i The Ontario Mine, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 31, pp 365-366, 1881.

    Ashley, G. H.18 Cannel coal of the U. S.: US G S Bull 659, pp 122, 1918.

    Atwood, W. W.07 Glaciation of the Uinta Mountains: Jour Geol 15, pp 790-804, 1907.08 Lakes of the Uinta Mountains: Am Geog Soc Bull 40, pp 12-17, 1908.09 Glaciation in the Uinta and Wasatch Mountains, Utah: U S G S ProfPa 61 , 1909.16 The physiographic conditions at Butte, Montana and Bingham Canyon, Utah when the copper ores of these districts were enriched: EconGeol 11, pp 732-740, 1916.

    Bacon, C. S.41 Stratigraphy and structure of the Confusion and Conger ranges, western Utah (Abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 52, p 1994, 1941.

    "Research conducted and publication under grant from th e Univ"ersity of UtahResearch Committee .

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    6 Baker, A. A.

    27 and others. Notes on the stratigraphy of th e Moab region, Utah: AmAsso Pet Geol Bull 11, pp 785-808, 1927.28 See Spieker, E. M. 28.29 with Reeside, J. B. Correlation of th e Permian of Utah, Arizona, NewMexico and Colorado: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 13, pp 1413-1448, 1929.33 Geology and oil possibilities of the Moab district, Grand and San JuanCo., Utah: U S G S Bull 841, 1933.33a and others. Paradox formation of eastern Utah and western Colorado:Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 17, pp 963-980, 1933.35 GeologIc structure of southeastern Utah: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 19,pp 1472-1507, 1935.36 Geology and oi l possibilities of the Monument Valley-Navajo Moun

    tain district, Utah: U S G S Bull 865, 1936.36a and others. C orrelation of the Jurassic formations of portions of Utah,Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado: US G S Prof Pa 183, 1936.40 with Williams, James S. Permian in parts of Rocky mountains andColorado plateau regions: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 24, pp 617-635,1940. .

    Baker, !" . S. See Paul, J. H. 25.Dailey, R. W.

    27 The Dear River range fault, Utah: Am J Sc 5s, 13, pp 497-502, 1927.27a A contribution to the geology of the Bear River range, Utah: Thesis

    Univ of Chicago, 1927.34 and others. Floods and accelerated erosion in northern Utah: U SDept Agri Misc Pub 196, 1934.35 Epicycles of erosion in the valleys of the Colorado Plateau province:Jour Geol 43, pp 337-355, 1935.35a Shackling the mountain flood: Am Forests, Mar. 1935.41 Land erosion--normal and accelerated in the arid west: Am GeophUnion Trans fo r 1941, pp 240-250, 1941.

    Ball, M. W.22 Discussion: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 6, p 225, 1922.25 Waters from the Green River shale: Am Asso Pet Geol Dull 9, p 171,1925.

    Bardwell, C.18 and others. Chemical properties of Utah hydrocarbons: Utah Acad Sc1, pp 78-95,1918.

    Bassler, H.21 See Reeside, J. B. 21.22 with Reeside, J. B. Oil prospects in Washington Co., Utah: U S G SBull 726, pp 87-107, 1922. 22a See Reeside, J. B. 22.

    Becker, G. F.80 Reconnaissance of the San Francisco, Eureka and Bodie districts:U S G S 1st Annual Rept pp 37-38, 1880.85 Geological sketch of the Pacific division: 10th Census 13 , pp 38-44,1885.

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    7Beckwith, E. G.

    55 Reports of explorations and surveys on U. S. Pacific railroad expedition J. W. Gunnison in charge Vol 2, 1855.Beeson, J. J.

    17 The dissiminated copper ores at Bingham Utah: Am Inst Min EngTrans 54, pp 356-401, 1917.27 Mining districts and their relation to structural geology: Am Inst MinEng Trans 75, pp 757-796, 1927.

    Bell, R.02 The geology of Park City: Salt L.ake Min Rev 4, Dec 30, pp 47-48,1902.

    Berkey, C. P.04 Mineral resources of the Uinta mountains: Eng & Min Jour 77 , p 841,1904.05 Stratigraphy of the Uinta mountains: Geol Soc Am Bull 16 , pp 517530, 1905.

    Berry, E. G. See Crawford, A. L. 32.Berry, E. W.

    27 Cycads of the Shinarump conglomerate of southern Utah: Wash AcadSc Jour 17, pp 303-307, 1927.30 A new Pterophyllum from the Shinarump conglomerate in southernUtah: Wash Acad Sc Jour 20, pp 458-463, 1930.

    Beutner, E. L. See Eardley, A. J. 34.Billings, M. See Spieker, E. M. 30.Billingsley, P.

    18 See Kemp, J. F. 18. 27 North Lily development in east Tintic: Min & Met 8, pp 182-183,1927. 33 Geologic structure and geologic history of the Salt Lake region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17, pp 19-24, 193333a Utilization of geology in Tintic: Ore Deposits of Western States (A IM E) pp 716-722, 1933.33b Tintic mining district: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17 , pp 101

    124, 1933.39 with Locke, A. Structure of ore districts in the continental framework: A I M E Rand Foundation Fund, 1939.Birch, R. O.

    40 The geology of the Little Willow district, Wasatch mountains, Utah:Thesis Univ of Utah, 1940.Bissell, H. J.

    35 See Hansen, G. H. 35.36 Pennsylvanian stratigraphy in the southern Wasatch mountains: IowaAcad Sc Proc 43. pp 239-243,1936.39 The use of Fusulinids in zoning the Utah Pennsylvanian strata (abst):Utah Acad Sc Proc 16, p 85, 1939.39a Fusulinids as an aid in zoning the Oquirrh series of Utah; Utah AcadSc Proc 16, pp 87-89, 1939.40 See Thompson, M. L. 40.

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    Bixby, M.16 A catalogue of Utah minerals and localities 4th Ed: R. H. Officer andCo. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1916.

    Blackwelder, E.10 New light on the geology of the Wasatch mountains: Geol Soc AmBull 21, pp 517-542, 1910.lOa Phosphate deposits east of Ogden, Utah: U SG S Bull 430, p 538,1910.25 Wasatch mountains revisited (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 36, pp 132133, 1925.31 Pleistocene glaciation in the Sierra Nevada and Basin ranges: GeolSoc Am Bull 42, pp 914-916, 1931.32 An ancient glacial formation in Utah: Jour Geol 40, PP 289-304,1932.34 Supplementary notes on Pleistocene glaciation in tlle Great Basin:Wash Acad Sc Jour 24, pp 217-222, 1934.35 Summary of the Pre-Cambrian rocks of Utah and Wyoming: UtahAcad Sc 12, pp 153-157, 1935.39 Pleistocene mammoths in Utah and vicinity: Am J Sc 237, pp 890898, 1939.

    Blake, W. P.57 On the orography of the western portion of the U S: Am Asso AdvSc Proc 10, pt 2, pp 119-134, 1857.71 Notes on some points in the mineralogy and geology of Utah: Am J

    Sc 3s, 2, P 216, 1871.81 Occurrence of realgar and orpiment in Utah territory: Am J Sc 3s,21, p 219, 1881.85 Uintaite, a new variety of asphaltum from the Uinta mountains, Utah:Eng & Min Jour 40, p 431, 1885.86 Iron ore deposits of southern Utah: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 14, pp809-812, 1886.89 Wurtzilite: Eng & Min Jour 48, p 542, 1889.90 Wurtzilite from the Uinta mountains: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 18,pp 497-502, 1890.92 Age of the limestone strata of Deep Creek, Utah and the occurrenceof gold in the crystalline portions of the formation: Am Geol 9, PP47-48, 1892.92a The limestone and gold strata of Deep Creek, Utah: Eng & Min Jour53, p 253, 1892.

    Boutwell, d. M.03 Progress report on the Park City mining district, Utah: U S G S Bull213, PP 31-40, 1903.03a Ore deposits of Bingham: US G S Bull 213, pp 105-122, 1903.04 Progress report on the Park City mining district, Utah: US G S Bull225, pp 141-150, 1904.04a Iron ores of the Uinta mountains: U S G S Bull 225, pp 221-228,1904.04b Rock gypsum at Nephi, Utah: US G S Bull 225, pp 483-487, 1904.04c Gypsum in Utah: U S G S Bull 223, PP 102-110, 1904.05 Progress report on Park City mining district, Utah: U S G S Bull 260,pp 150-152, 1905.

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    Boutwell, J. M. (Cont.)05a Vanadium and uranium in southeastern Utah: US G S Bull, 260, pp200-210, 1905.05b Ore deposits of Bingham, Utah; US G S Bull 260, pp 236-241, 1905.05c Oil and asphalt prospects in Salt Lake Basin, Utah: U S G S Bull 260,pp 468-479, 1905.05d and others. Economic geology of the Bingham mining district, Utah:U S G S Prof Pa 38, 1905.06 Genesis of the ore deposits at Bingham, Utah: Am Inst Min EngTrans 36, pp 541-580, 1906.07 Stratigraphy and structure of the Park City mining district, Utah:Jour Geol 15, pp 434-458, 1907.12 Geology and ore deposits of the Park City district, Utah: U S G SProf Pa 77, 1912.33 Economic geology of the Salt Lake region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17, 1933.33a Wasatch front: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17, pp 32-45, 1933.33 b Stratigraphy of the central Wasatch and western Uinta mountains:Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17, pp 56-68, 1933.33c Park City mining district: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17, pp 6982, 1933..33d Cottonwood Region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook, No. 17, pp 82-98,1933.33e Copper deposits at Bingham, Utah: Copper Res of the 'World 26 Inter

    Geol Cong 1933, Vol 1 pp 347-355, 1933.Bowles, O.

    17 Sandstone quarrying in the U S: U S Bur Min Bull 124, p 127, 1917.Bowman, H. L.

    03 Notes on the refractive indices of pyromorphite, mimetite and vanadenite: Mineralogical Mag 13, pp 324-329. 1903.Bradley. F. H.

    73 Wasatch mountains: U S Geog & Geol Sur Terr (Hayden) 6th AnnualRept. pp 192-200. 1873.Bradley, W. H.

    25 A contribution to the origin of the Green River formation and its oi lshale: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 9, pp 247-262, 1925.28 Zeolite beds of the Green River formation: Science N S 67. pp 73-74.1928.29 Algae reefs and oolites of the Green River formation: U S G S ProfPa 158, pp 203-223, 1929.30 The occurrence and origin of analcite and meerschaum beds in theGreen River formation of Utah, Colorado and Wyoming: U S G S ProfPa 158, pp 1-7, 1930.30a The varves and climate of the Green River epoch: U S G S Prof Pa158, pp 87-110, 1930.31 Origin and microfossils of the oi l shale of the Green River formationof Colorado and Utah: US G S Prof Pa 168, 1931.36 Geomorphology of the north flank of tbe Uinta mountains: U S G SProf Pa 185, pp 163-204, 1936.37 Tbe biography of an ancient American lake: Smithsonian reports for1937, pp 279-289, Pub 3461. 1937.

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    10 Bradley, W. M. See Ford, W. E. 15.Branson, C. C.

    30 Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Phosphoria formation: MissouriUn!v Studies 5, NO.2, p 95, 1930.Branson, E. B.

    27 Red beds of Arizona and New Mexico, Colorado. Utah and Wyoming(abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 38. p 137, 1927.27a Triassic-Jurassic red beds of the Rocky mountain region: Jour Geol35 , pp 607-630, 1927.29 Triassic-Jurassic red beds of the Rocky mountain region, a reply:Jour Geol 37 , pp 64-75, 1929.30 with Mehl, M. G. Primitive fishes from the Deyonian of Utah and

    Wyoming (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 41, p 180, 1930.31 with Mehl, M. G. Fishes of the Jefferson formation of Utah: JourGeol 39, pp 509-531, 1931.Bridge, J.

    40 with Cooper, G. A. Collecting fossils in Utah, Nevada, Texas: Expl ofthe Smithsonian Inst for 1939, pp 9-16, 1940.Brinsmade, R. B.07 Mining at Bingham: Mines and Minerals 28, pp 90-93, 105-108, 1907.

    08 Mining and milling at Stockton, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 85 , pp 611612, 1908.08a Mines of the Tintic district, Utah: Mines & Minerals 28, pp 291-295,1908.08b Daly-West mine and mill, Park City, Utah: Mines & Minerals 28, pp353-356, 1908.

    Brown, R. W.41 The comb of a wasps nest from the Upper Cretaceous of Utah: AmJ Sc 239, pp 54-56, 1941.

    Brown, T. C.14 Origin of oolites and oolitic textures In rocks: Geol Soc Am Bull 25,pp 752-757, 1914.

    Brush, G. J.,81 Onofrite from Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 21, A"t12-316, 1881.

    Bryan, G. G.36 with Crawford, A. L. Mineragraphy and paragenesis of the ore of thePark City Consolidated mine, Park City, Utah (abat): Utah Acad ScProc 13, p 93, 1936.

    Bryan, K.25 Date of channel trenching (arroyo cutting) in the arid southwest:

    Science N S 62, pp 338-344, 1925.27 with LaRue, E. C. The Navajo Twins, Utah: Geog Rev 17 , PP 251257. 1927.Bullock, N. D.

    40 A summary of the Pennsylvanian sedimentation of Utah: Thesis Univof Utah, 1940.

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    11 Burke, J. J.

    34 New Duchesne River rodents and a preliminary survey of the adjidaumldae: Carnegie Mus Annals 23, pp 391-398, 1934.34a Mytonolagus, a new leporine genus from the Uinta Eocene series inUtah: Carnegie Mus. Annals 23, pp 399-420, 1934.

    Burling, L. D.12 A key to Basin range structure in the Cricket range, Utah: ScienceN S 36, pp 240, 1912.14 Early Cambrian stratigraphy of the North American Cordillera withdiscussion of the Albertella and related faunas: Can Geol Sur MusBull 2, pp 101-129, 1914.

    Buss, W. R.33 A preliminary survey study of the physiographic types of Utah: Thesi s Brigham Young Unlv, 1933.33a A progress report on the study of the physiographic types of Utah:Utah Acad Sc 10 , p 47, 1933.

    Butler, B. S.11 with SchaJler. W. T. Thaumasite from Beayer Co., Utah: Am J Sc 4s,31, pp 131-134, 1911.11a Some minerals from Beaver Co., Utah: Am J Sc 4s, 32, p 418, 1911.12 with Gale. H. S. Alunite, a newly discovered deposit near Marysvale,Utah: U S G S Bull 511. 1912.12a with Gale, H. S. Alunite near Marysvale, Utah: Min & Sc Press 104,pp 210-211, 1912.13 Geology and ore deposits of the San Francisco and adjacent districts,Utah: U S G S Prof Pa 80, 1913'113a Occurrence of complex and little ' f town sulphates and sulpharsenatesas ore minerals in Utah: Econ Geol 8, pp 311-322, 1913.14 Geology and ore deposits of the San Francisco and adjacent districts,Utah: Econ Geol 9, pp 413-434, 529-558, 1914.15 Relation of ore deposits to different types of intrusive bodies in Utah:Econ Geol 10 , pp 101-122, 1915.16 with Loughlin, G. F. A reconnaissance of the Cottonwood-AmericanFork mining region, Utah: U S G S Bull 620, pp 165-226, 1916.16a Potash in certain copper and gold ores: US G S Bull 620, pp 227-229,1916.17 with Heikes, V. C. Notes on the Promontory district, Utah: U S G SBull 640, pp 1-10, 1917.17a with SchaJler, W. T. Magnesioludwigite, a new mineral: 'Vash AcadSc Jour 7, pp 29-31, 1917.17b See Wells, R. C. 17.19 Relation of ore deposits to thrust faults in the central Wasatch region,Utah: Econ Geo114, pp 172-175,1919.19a Ore deposits of Utah: Eng & Min Jour 108, pp 605-611, 641-645,1919.20 and others. Ore deposits of Utah: US G S Prof Pa 111, 1920.29 Relation of the ore deposits of th e Southern Rocky Mountain regionto the Colorado Plateau: Colo Sc Soc Proc 12, pp 23-36, 1929.33 O"re deposits as related to stratigraphic, structural and igneous geologyin th e Western U S: Ore deposits of the Western States Lindgren Vol.A I M E, pp 198-240, 1933.

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    12 Calkins, F. C.

    21 Thrust faulting in the Cottonwood district, Wasatch mountains, Utah(abst): Wash Acad Sc Jour 11, p 422, 1921.Call, R. E.

    84 On the quaternary and recent mollusca of the Great Basin with descriptions of new forms: U S G S Bull 11, 1884.Callaghan, E.

    38 Preliminary report on the alunite deposits of the Marysvale region,Utah: U S G S Bull 886, pp 91-131, 1938.38a Manganese deposits of the Drum mountainS,Utah: Econ Geol 33 ,pp 508-521, 1938.39 Volcanic sequence in the Marysvale region in southwest central Utah:Am Geoph Union Trans for 1939, pp 438-452, 1939.39a with Thomas, H. E. Manganese in a thermal spring in west centralUtah: Econ Geol 34 , pp 905-920, 1939.

    Calvert, W. R.19 Oil possibilities of the Rio Virgin anticline: Salt Lake Min Rev 20,Mar 30, pp 21-23, 1919.23 Gas at Farnham, Utah: Am A8so Pet Geol Bull 7, pp 293-295, 1923.

    Camp, C. L.30 A study of the Phytosaurs with descriptions of new material fromwestern North America: Univ of Calif Memoirs 10, 1930.

    Campbell, M. R.22 Guidebook of the western U S: US G S Bull 707, Pt E, 1922.Cannon, S. Q.31 Torrential floods in northern Utah: Utah Agri Col Exp Sta Circular92, 1931.

    Carlston, G. M.34 with Woolley. R. R. Some historical earthquakes in Utah: Utah AcadSc Proc 11, p 171, 1934.

    Carpenter, E.13 Ground water in Box Elder and Tooele Co., Utah: U S G S Water SupPa 333, 1913.

    Cazin, F. M. F.80 The origin of copper and silver ores in Triassic sand rocks: Eng lit;Min Jour 30, p 381. 1880.Chadbourne, P. A.

    71 The discovery of the skull of a musk ox in Utah (abst): Am Nat 5,pp 315-316, 1871.Chester, A. H.

    77 On a fibrous variety of sepiolite from Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 13, pp 296297. 1877.Childs, O. E.

    38 A physiographic study of Morgan valley, Utah: Thesis Univ of Utah,1938.Christensen, L.

    27 Geology and physiography of Deer Creek and Silver Fork tributariesof American Fork canyon, Wasatch mountains, Utah: Thesis StanfordUniv, 1927.

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    13 Christiansen, F. W.

    37 The geology and economic possibilities of the alunite deposits InSevier and Plute Co., Utah: Thesis Univ of Utah, 1937.Clark, F. H.

    35 A new Ordovician graptolite locality in Utah: Jour Paleon 9, pp 239246, 1935.Clark, F. R.

    14 Coal near Thompson, Grand Co .. Utah: U S G S Bull 541, pp 453-477,1914.14a Coal near Wales, San Pete Co., Utah: U S G S Bull 541, pp 478-489,1914.18 Geology of the Lost Creek coal field, Morgan Co., Utah: U S G S Bull691, pp 311-320, 1918.20 The Farham anticline Carbon Co., Utah: V S G S Bull 711, pp 1-13,1920. .28 Economic geology of th e Castle Gate, Sunnyside and Wellington quadrangles, Carbon Co., Utah: U S G S Bull 793, 1928.

    Clark, J.39 Miacis gracilis, a new carnivore from the Uinta Eocene: Carnegie MusAnnals 27, pp 349-370, 1939.

    Clark, R. W.16 New occurrence of crystallized willemite: Am Min I, pp 89-91, 1916.

    Clark, W. B.91 Correlation papers, Eocene: U S G S Bull 83, 1891.Clarke, F. W.

    97 with Hillebrand, W. F. Analysis of rocks: US G S Bull 148, pp 183,275, 299, 1897.00 Analysis of rocks: US G S Bull 168, pp 166-169, 275, 302, 1900.10 Analysis of rocks and minerals: US G S Bull 419, pp 120-121, 1910.12 An aluminum arsenate from Utah: Wash Acad Sc Jour 2, pp 516-518,1912.

    Clayton. J. E.85 Ozokerite or mineral wax: Eng & Min Jour 39, pp 168-169, 1885.

    Cleland, H. F.10 North American natural bridges with a discussion of their origin:Geol Soc Am Bull 21, pp 313-337, 1910.

    Cockerell. T. D. A.090 A fossil gar-pike from Utah: Science N S 29, P 796, 1909.

    Coffman, W. E.32 A progress report of Dletals in Vtah: Thesis Brigham Young Vniv,1932.

    Condit, D. D.20 Oil shale in western Montana, southeastern Idaho and adjacent partsof Wyoming and Vtah: V S G S Bull 711, pp 15-40, 1920.Conrad, T. A.

    71 On the Eocene beds of Vtall: Am J Sc 3s, 1, p 381, 1871.

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    14 Cooley, 1. L.

    28 The Devonian of the Bear River range, Utah: Thesis Utah Agri Col,1928.Cooper, A. R. See UlriCh, E. O. 38.Cooper, G. R. See Bridge, J. 40.Cope, E. D.

    72 On the vertebrate fossils in the Wasatch strata: U S Geog & GeolSur Terr (Hayden) 5th Annual Rept Pt 3, pp 350-355, 1872.77 On the Dinosaurian from the Trias of Utah: Am Philo Soc Proc 16,pp 579-584, 1877.80 The Manti beds of Utah: Am Nat 14 , pp 303-304, 1880.80a On certain Tertiary strata of the Great Basin: Am Philo Soc Proc19 , pp 60-63, 1880.82 On the Tertiary formations of the central region of the U S: Am Nat16 , pp 177-195, 1882.

    Cottam, W. P.31 The sand dunes of Lake Michigan and Millard Co., Utah: Utah AcadSc Proc 8, p 54, 1931.

    Cowles, H. D. See Crawford, A. L. 32b.Crane, G. W.

    15 Geology of Tintic ore deposits: Eng & Min Jour 100, pp 753-757,1915.17 Geology and ore deposits of the Tintic mining district: Am Inst MinEng Trans 54. pp 342-355, 1917.23 Geological and mineralogical conditions prevailing in the Tintic district, Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev 25, Aug. 30, pp 13-14, 1923.27 Notes on the geology of east Tintic: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 74 , pp147-162, 1927.

    Crawford, A. L.31 with Thackwell, I ~ . E. Some aspects of the mudflows north of SaltLake City. Utah: Utah Acad Sc Proc 8, pp 97-105. 1931.32 with O'Farrell, C. Unusual microscopic features of a newly discoveredmercury ore from the Deep Creek mountains of western Utah: Utah

    Acad Sc Proc 9, PP 41-48, 1932.32a with Berry. E. G. Preliminary notes on the mollusca of Lake Bonneville: Utah Acad Sc Proc 9, pp 53-54, 1932.32b with Cowles, H. O. The Fullers earth deposit near Aurora, Utah:Utah Acad Sc Proc 9, pp 55-59, 1932.33 with Jacobsen, F. E. Feldspar phenocrysts of the Cottonwood, granodiorite, replacements of their fine grained associates (abst) : UtahAcad Sc Proc 10, p 55, 1932.33a with Wimber, R. The occurrence and possible economic value of diatomaceous earth in Utah (abst): Utah Acad Sc Proc 10, p 61 , 1933.34 with Reiser, A. R. Alunite, hitherto undetected in the silicified lavas

    of the San Francisco district, Utah: Utah Acad Sc Proc 11 , p 137,1934.34a with McGrath, M. The occurrence of rare metals in certain ores ofthe Clifton district, Utah (abst) : Utah Acad Sc Proc 11 , P 163. 1934.35 Archean? Metaquartzites east of Bountiful, Utah (abst) : Utah AcadSc Proc 12 , pp 167, 1935.

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    15 Crawford, A. L. (Cont.)

    35a Se e Redden, R. E. 35.36 Hunting sapphires in Utah (abst): Utah Acad Sc Proc 13, p 95, 1936.36a See Bryan, G. G. 36.38 Se e Hasler, J. W. 38.41 Magnesite, a ne w economic mineral for Utah: Utah Acad Sc Proc 18,p 18 , 1941.41a See Hayes, J. J. 41.42 Strategic minerals of Utah: Univ of Utah Bull 33, No.2 , 1942.

    Cronkhite, G.36 The analytical composition of the calcareous oolite of the Great SaltLake: Thesis Univ of Utah 1936.

    Cross, W.85 with Hillebrand, W. F. Contributions to the mineralogY of the Rockymountains: U S G S Bull 20, 1885.86 On the occurrence of topaz and garnet in lithophysae of rhyolite: AmJ Sc 3s, 31, pp 432-438, 1886.86a Petrography, geology and mining industry of Leadville, Colorado: USG S Mon 12, pp 359-362, 1886.94 The laccolithic mountain groups of Colorado, Utah and Arizona: U SG S 14th Annual Rept Pt 2, pp 165-241, 1894.05 with Howe, E. Red beds of southwestern Colorado and their correlation: Geol Soc Am Bull 16 , pp 447-498, 1905.07 Stratigraphic results of a reconnaissance in western Colorado andeastern Utah: Jour Geol 15, pp 634-679, 1907.08 Wind erosion in the Plateau country; Geol Am Bull 19, pp 53-62,1908.

    Crowther, H. M.03 The copper deposits of the Beaver River range Utah: Eng & Min Jour75, p 695, 1903.

    Crum, H. E. Se e Prommel, H. W. C. 27 and 27a.Cummings, B.

    10 The great natural bridges of Utah: Natl Geog Mag 21, pp 157-167,1910.Cummings, H. See Hooker, W. E. 79.Curron, T. V.

    13 Carnotite: Eng & Min Jour 96, pp 1165-1167, 1223-1225, 1913. Custer, A. E.

    17 Deep Creek, Clifton mining district, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 103, p 915,1917.Dake, C. L.

    18 The Valley City graben Utah: Econ Geol 26, pp 569-573, 1918.19 The horizon of the marine Jurassic of Utah: Jour Geol 27, pp 634646, 1919.20 The pre-Moenkopi unconformity of th e Colorado plateau: Jour Geol28, pp 66-74. 1920.

    Dale, T. N. See Eckel, E. C. 06.

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    16 Dall, W. H.

    92 with Harris, G. D. Correlation papers: US G S Bull 84, p 312, 1892.Dana, E. S.

    86 with Penfield, S. L. On two hitherto undscribed meteoric stones: AmJ Sc 3s, 32, pp 226-231, 1886.90 See Hillebrand, W. F. 90.

    Dana, J. D.80 Gilbert's report on the geology of the Henry mountains: Am J Sc 3s,19, pp 17-25, 1880.80a Report on the geology of the High Plateaus of Utah by C. E. Dutton(rev): Am J Sc 3s , 20, pp 63-70, 1880.90 Rocky mountain protaxis and the post Cretaceous mountain makingalong its course: Am J Sc 3s, 40, pp 181-196, 1890.95 Manual of geology: Am Book Co 4 Ed, pp 359-364, 1895.

    Dane, C. H.35 Geology of the Salt Valley anticline and adjacent areas, Grand Co.Utah: U S G S Bull 863, 1935.

    Davis, C. A.16 On th e fossil algae of the petroleum yielding shales of the GreenRiver formation of Colorado and Utah: Nat! Acad Sc Proc 2, pp 114119, 1916.16a Some fossil algae from the oi l yielding shales of the Green River formation of Colorado and Utah (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 27, p 159,

    1916.Davis, C. W.26 The composition and age of uranium minerals from Katanga, SouthDakota and Utah: Am J Sc 5s, 11 , PP 201-217, 1926.

    Davis, W. M.83 Lake Bonneville: Science 1, p 570, 1883.83a On th e classification of lake basins: Bost Soc Nat Hist Proc 21, pp315-381, 1883.00 The fresh water Tertiary of the Rocky mountain region: Am AcadProc 35, pp 345-373, 1900.01 An excursion to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado: Harv Mus CompZool Bull 5, pp 108-201, 1901.03 An excursion to the plateau province of Utah and Arizona: Harv MusComp Zool Bull 42, PP I-50, 1903.03a Mountain ranges of the Great Basin: Harv Mus Comp Zool Bull 42,pp 129-177, 1903.05 The Wasatch, Canyon and House ranges Utah: Harv Mus Comp ZoolBull 49, pp 17-49, 1905.22 Faults, underdrags and landslides of the Great Basin ranges: GeolSoc Am Bull 33, pp 92-96, 1922.25 The Basin Range problem: Nat! Acad Sc Proc 11, p 391, 1925.33 Geomorphology of the Salt Lake region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook17, pp 6-14, 1933.

    Davison, J. M.96 Wardite, a new hydrous basic phosphate of aluminum: Am J Sc 4s,2, pp 154-155, 1896.

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    17 Day, D. T. See Woodruff, E. G. 14 .Day, W. C.

    95 Investigations of Utah gilsonite, a variety of asphalt: Jour TravelsInst 140, No. 837, Sept 1895.

    Deiss, C.38 Cambrian formations and sections in part of the Cordilleran trough:Geol Soc Am Bull 49, pp 1069-1167, 1938.41 Cambrian geography and sedimentation in th e central Cordilleranregion: Geol Soc Am Bull 52, pp 1085-1116, 1941.

    DeKalb, C.09 The Utah copper mine: Min & Sc Press 98, pp 516-521, 1909.09a Boston Consolidated, Bingham, Utah: Min & Sc Press 98, pp 553-556,1909.

    DeLyndon, F.32 Discussion of "The isostacy of th e Uinta mountains" by A. C. Lawson:Jour Geol 40, pp 664-669, 1932.

    Dennis, E. See Hansen, G. H. 31.Dern, G. H.

    02 The geology of Mercur: Salt Lake Min Rev 4, Dec. 30, pp 69-70, 1902.04 The geology of Mercur, Utah: Mines & Minerals 24, pp 543-545, 1904.

    Dixon, H. B.38 The building and monumental stones in Utah: Thesis Brigham YoungUniv 1938.

    Dobbin, C. E.38 Structural geology of southeastern Utah (abst): Geol Soc Am Proc1937, p 308, 1938.B9 Structure of the St . George district, Utah: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 23,pp 121-144, 1939.

    Douglas, E. M.30 Boundaries, areas, geographic centers, and altitudes of th e U S: U SG S Bull 817, pp 231-233, 1930.

    Douglass, E.09 Preliminary descriptions of some new titanotheres from the Uintadeposits: Carnegie Mus Annals 6, pp 304-313, 1909.14 Geology of the Uinta formation: Geol Soc Am Bull 25, pp 417-420,1914.23 The oi l problem in the Uinta Basin: Salt Lake Min Rev 23 , 1923.

    DuFaur, A. F.87 The sulphur deposits of southern Utah: Eng & Min Jour 44 , p 450,1887.

    Duffield, M. S.10 Western phosphate mines: Mines & Methods 2, pp 9-15, 1910.

    Dutton, C. E.80 Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah: U S Geog & Geol Sur of Rockymountain region (Powell) 1880.82 The physical geology of the Grand Canyon district: U S G S 2ndannual report, pp 49-166, 1882.82a Tertiary history of th e Grand Canyon district: U S G S Mon 2, 1882.

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    18 Eardley, A. J.

    32 A limestone chiefly of algal origin in the Wasatch conglomerate,southern Wasatch mountains, Utah: Mich Acad Sc 16, 1932.33 Structure and physiography of the southern Wasatch mountains,Utah: Mich Acad Sc 19 , pp 377-400, 1933.

    33a Strong relief before block faulting in the vicinity of the Wasatchmountains, Utah: Jour Geol 41, pp 243-267, 1933.33b Stratigraphy of the southern Wasatch mountains, Utah: Mich Acad Sc18 , p 312, 1933.34 with Beutner, E. L. Geomorphology of Marysvale canyon and vicinity,Utah: Utah Acad Sc Proc 11 , pp 149-159, 1934.36 with Haas, M. Oil and gas possibilities in the Great Salt Lake Basin:Utah Acad Sc Proc 13 , pp 61-80, 1936.38 Sediments of Great Salt Lake, Utah: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 22, pp1305-1411, 1938.38a Structure of the Wasatch Great Basin region (abst): Geol Soc AmBull 49, p 1879, 1938.39a Slotted templet for resolving crustal movements: Jour Geol 47, pp546-554, 1939.39b Structure of the Wasatch Great Basin region: Geol Soc Am Bull 50,pp 1277-1310, 1939.39c Sediments of Great Salt Lake-comments: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 23,pp 1089-1090, 1939.40 with Hatch, R. A. Proterozoic? rocks in Utah: Geol Soc Am Bull 51,pp 795-844, 1940.40a with Hatch, R. A. Pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks of north centralUtah: Jour Geol 48, pp 58-72, 1940.41 Structure and physiography of the north central Wasatch (abst):Geol Soc Am Bull 52, p 1899, 1941.

    Eaton, H. N.26 Physiography and structure of the Goshen mountain range, Utah(abst): Utah Acad Sc 4, p 3, 1926.29 Structural features of Long ridge and West mountain Utah: Am J Sc5s, 18, pp 71-79, 1929.

    Eckel, E. C.04 The slate deposits of California and Utah: U S G S Bull 225. pp 417422, 1904.04a Salt industry of Utah and California: U S G S Bull 225, pp 488-495,1904.05 Cement materials and industry of the US: US G S Bull 243, p 110,1905.06 with Dale, T. N. Slate deposits of the C S: U S G S Bull 275, p 89 ,1906.13 Portland cement materials and industry of the U S: U S G S Bull 522,pp 348-349, 1913.

    Edlefsen, N. E. See West, F. L. 19.Egbert, A. O.

    10 A few facts regarding the San Juan oi l fields: Salt Lake Min Rev 12,June 30 , pp 17-21, 19l0.

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    19 Eldredge, G. H.

    96 The Uintaite (gilsonite) deposits of Utah: US G S 17th Annual ReptPt I , pp 909-949, 1896.96a Occurrence of Uintaite in Utah: Science N S 3, pp 830-832, 1896.01 Asphalt and bituminous rock deposits: U S G S 22nd Annual Rept Pt1, pp 209-252, 1901.

    Emery, W. B.18 The Green River desert region, Utah: Am J Sc 48, 46, pp 551-577,1918.

    Emmons, S. F.77 See Hague, A. 77.88 The structural relations of ore deposits: Am lnst Min Eng Trans 16.

    pp 804-839, 1888.90 Orographic movements of the Rocky mountains: Geol Soc Am Bull 1,p 258, 1890.97 The origin of Green river: Science N S 6, pp 19-21, 1897.01 Notes on tw o desert mines in southern Utah and Nevada (abst):Science N S 13, pp 426-427, 1901.02 The Dalamar and Horn Silver mines- two types of ore deposits inth e deserts of Nevada and Utah: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 31, pp 658683, 1902.03 The Little Cottonwood granite body of the Wasatch mountains: AmJ Sc 4s, 16, pp 139-147, 1903.05 The Cactus copper mine, Utah: US G S Bull 260, pp 242-248, 1905.05a Copper in the red beds of the Colorado plateau region: U S G S Bull260. pp 221-232, 1905. 07 Uinta mountains: Geol Soc Am Bull 18. pp 287-302, 1907.

    Emmons, W. H.17 The enrichment of ore deposits: US G S Bull 625, 1917.

    Englemann, H.63 Topaz in Utah: St . Louis Acad Sc Trans 2, p 114, 1863.76 Explorations across the Great Basin of Utah in 1859: Appendix I,

    Rept to Eng. U. S. Army, 1876.76a The brown coals of Utah and adjoining territories: Am Inst }fin Eng' r rans 4. pp 298-308, 1876.Erickson, M. P.

    40 Thermal metamorphism of the ancient tillite of the Alta region, Utah:Thesis Unlv of etah, 1940.Farmin, R.

    33 Influence of basin range faulting in mines at Bingham, Utah: EconGeol 28, pp QOl-608, 1933.34 Pebble dikes and associated mineralization at Tintic, Utah: Econ

    Geol 29, pp 356-370, 1934.Fenner, C. N.

    93 The old Telegraph mine Bingham canyon, Utah: School Mines Quart14, pp 354-358, 1893.Ferrier, W. ] '. See Weeks, F. B. 07.

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    20 Field, Y. W.

    17 Clayton Peak, Utah, one of nature's storehouses of minerals: Am Min2, pp 92-93, 1917.21 A Utah feldspar locality: Am Min 6, pp 103-104, 1921.

    Fieldner, A. C. and others.14 Analysis of mine and car samples of coal collected in the fiscal years1911-1913: U S Bur Min Bull 85, pp 323-332, 1914.18 Analysis of mine and car samples of coal collected in the fiscal years1913-1916: U S Bur Min Bull 123, pp 109-111, 373-383, 1918.

    Fischer, R. P.37 Sedimentary deposits of copper, vanadium-uranium and silver in thesouthwestern U S: Econ Geol 32, pp 609-651, 1937.

    Fisher, D. J.27 Cretaceous rocks of the Book Cliffs in eastern Utah (abst): Geol SocAm Bull 38, p 134, 1927.36 The Book Cliffs coal field in Emery and Grand counties, Utah: U SG S Bull 852, 1936.

    Flood Commission of Utah30 Torrential floods in northern Utah: Utah Agri Col Exp Sta Circular92 , 1930.

    Follansbee, R.29 Upper Colorado river and its utilization: US G S Water Sup Pa 617,1929.

    Foote, H. W. See Penfield, S. L. 97.Ford, W. E.

    15 with Bradley, W. M. On the identity of footeite with connelIite to gether with the descriptions of tw o new occurrences of the mineral:Am J Sc 4s, 39, pp 670-676, 1915.31 Dana's textbook of mineralogy, John Wiley N Y, 1931.

    Forrester, J. B.18 A general survey of the Jurassic in southeastern Utah: Utah AcadSc Trans I, p 33, 1918.18a A short comment on Bulletin 371 of the U S G S: Utah Acad Sc

    Trans I , pp 24-31, 1918.Forrester, J. D.

    37 Structure of the Uinta mountains: Geol Soc Am Bull 48, pp 631-666,1937.Forrester, R.

    92 Coal fields of Utah: Min Res, pp 511-520, 1892.Fortier, S.

    97 Seepage water of northern Utah: U S G S Water Sup Pa 7, 1897.Fox, F. Y.

    06 General features of the Wasatch mountains: Thesis Univ of Utah,1906.Foshag, W. F.

    27 See Hess, F. L. 27.30 and others. Scorodite from Gold Hill, Tooele Co., Utah: Am Min 15 ,pp 390-391, 1930 .

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    21 Fremont, J. C.

    45 Report on the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in 1842:Cong 2nd Sess Senate Doc 174, pp 129-130, 1845.Gale, H. S.

    08 Coal fields of northwestern Colorado and Utah: U S G S Bull 341,1908.10 Coal fields of northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah: U S G SBull 415, 1910.lOa Supposed deposits of graphite near Brigham, Utah: US G S Bull 430,pp 636-641, 1910.lOb See Richards, R. W. 10.12 Nitrate deposits: U S G S Bull 523, pp 16-19, 1912.12a See Butler, B. S. 12 and 12a.14 Quarternary lakes of the Great Basin: U S G S Bull 540, p 404, 1914.16 Potash in the Salduro salt deposits: Eng & Min Jour 102, pp 780782, 1916.

    Gannett, H.95 Dictionary of geographic positions in the U S: U S G S Bull 123, pp138-139, 1895.00 A gazetteer of Utah: U S G S Bull 166, 1900.

    Gansl, G. C.10 with Keep, G. A. The Ophir mining district of Utah: Salt Lake Min

    Rev 12, July 30, pp 17-20, 1910.Gardner, L. S.

    41 The Hurricane fault in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona:Am J Sc 239, pp 241-260, 1941.Gazin. C. L.

    38 Paleocene mammals from Utah (abst) : Geol Soc Am Proc for 1937,p 278, 1938.39 Ancient mammals of Utah: Expl of the Smithsonian Inst for 1938,pp 25-28, 1939.40 The third expedition to central Utah in search of dinosaurs and ex

    tinct mammals: Expl of the Smithsonian Inst for 1939, pp 5-9, 1940.41 The mammalian faunas of the Paleocene of central Utah with noteson the geology: Smithsonian Inst Wash Proc 91, 1941.41a Trailing extinct animals in central Utah and the Bridger Basin, Wyoming: Expl of the Smithsonian Inst for 1940, pp 5-9, 1941.

    Geike, A.80 Archean rocks of the Wasatch mountains: Am J Sc 3s , 19, pp 363-367,1880.81 The ancient glaciers of the Rocky mountains: Am Nat 15, pp 1-7,1881.

    Gemmell, R. C.97 The Camp Floyd mining district and the Mercur mines, Utah: Eng &Min Jour 63, pp 403-404, 427-428, 1897.Genth, F. A.

    90 Jarosite from Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 39, p 73, 1890.

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    22 Gibbs, J. F.

    02 Geology of the Mt. Baldy belt: Salt Lake Min Rev 4, Dec. 30, pp 6062, 1902.Gilbert, G. K.

    74 On the glacial epoch in Utah and Nevada Cabst): Philo Soc WashBull I , p 84, 1874.75 Report on the geology of portions of Nevada, Utah, California andArizona examined in the years 1871 and 1872: US Geog & Geol Surwest of 100th meridian (Wheeler), 3, pp 21-192, 1875.75a Recency of certain volcanoes of the western U S: Am Asso Adv ScProc 23, Pt 2, pp 29-32, 1875.76 The Colorado Plateau province as a field for geological study: Am JSc 3s , 12 , pp 16-24, 85-102, 1876.77 Report on the geology of the Henry mountains: U S Geog & Geol Surof the Rocky Mountain Region (Powell), 1877.77a On the Lake Bonneville Basin (abst): Am Nat 11, p 445, 1877.78 The ancient outlet of the Great Salt Lake: Am J Sc 3s, 15, PP 256259, 1878.78a The Wasatch, a growing mountain (abst): Philo Soc Wash Bull 2,P 195, 1878.80 Outlet of Lake Bonneville: Am J Sc 3s, 19, pp 341-348. 1880.82 Contributions to th e history of Lake Bonneville: U S G S 2nd AnnualRept, pp 169-200, 1882.82a Post glaCial joints: Am J Sc 3s, 23, pp 25-27, 1882.82b On the origin of jointed structures: Am J Sc 3s, 24, pp 50-53, 1882.83 Pre-Bonneville climate; Science 2, p 170, 1883.83a Faults and earthquakes in the Great Basin: Science 2, pp 580-581.1883.84 A theory of earthquakes of th e Great Basin with a practical application: Am J Sc 3s, 27, pp 49-53, 1884.84a Ripple marks: Science 3, pp 375-376, 1884.85 The topographic features of lake shores: U S G S 5th annual Rept.pp 71-123, 1885.86 The inculcation of the scientific method by example with an illustration drawn from the quaternary geology of Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 31, pp284, 299, 1886.90 Lake Bonneville: U S G S Mon I , 1890.90a The strength of the earth's crust (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 1, pp 2327, 1890.02 Joint veins (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 13, PP 521, 1902.28 Studies of Basin range structure: U S G S Prof Pa 153, 1928.

    Gilluly. J.26 with Reeside, J. B. Jurassic formations of eastern Utah (abst): Geol

    Soc Am Bull 37, p 158, 1926.27 Analcite diabase and related alkaline syenite from Utah: Am J Sc5s, 14, PP 199-211, 1927.28 with Reeside, J. B. Sedimentary rocks of the San Rafael Swell andsome adjacent areas in eastern Utah: U S G S Prof Pa 150, pp 61110, 1928.

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    23Gilluly, J. (Cont.)

    28a Basin range faulting along the Oquirrh range, Utah: Geol Soc AmBull 39, pp 1103-1130, 1928.28b Isostacy as a factor in Basin range faulting in the Oquirrh range,Utah (abst) : Wash Acad Sc Jour 18 , pp 263-264, 1928.29 Geology and oi l and gas prospects of part of the San Rafael Swell,Utah: U S G S Bull 806, pp 69-130, 1929.29a Possible desert basin integration in Utah: Jour Geol 37, pp 672-682,1929.32 Geology and ore deposits of the Stockton and Fairfield quadrangles,Utah: U S G S Prof Pa 173, 1932.

    Gilmore, C. W.16 The fossil turtles of the Uinta formation: Carnegie Mus Mem 7, pp

    101-161, 1916.16a Description of a new species of tortoise from the Jurassic of Utah:Carnegie Mus annals 10 , pp 7-12, 1916.24 The Dinosaur National Monument and its fossils (abst): Wash AcadSc Jour 19 , p 381, 1924.25 A nearly complete articulated skeleton of Casarasaurus, a SauriscJl.iandinosaur from Dinosaur National Monument, Utah: Carnegie MusMem 10, pp 347-384, 1925.25a Osteology of Ornithopodus dinosaurs from Dinosaur National Monument, Utah: Carnegie Mus Mem 10, pp 385-410. 1925.26 A new Actosaurian reptile from the Morrison formation of Utah:

    Carnegie Mus annals 16, pp 325-348, 1926.32 On a newly mounted skeleton of Diplodocus in the U S NationalMuseum: US Natl Mus Proc 81, pp 1-21, 1932.38 Fossil hunting in Utah and Arizona: Expl of Smithsonian Inst In 1937,pp 1-5, 1938.40 New fossil lizards from the Upper Cretaceous of Utah: SmithsonianMisc ColI 99, No 16 , 1940.

    Girty, G. H.10 The fauna of the phosphate beds of th e Park City formation in Idaho,Wyoming and Utah: U S G S Bull 346, 1910.lOa New species of fossils from the Thaynes limestone of Utah: NY AcadSc annals 20, pp 239-242, 1910.

    Goldthwait, J. W. Se e Huntington, E. 03 and 04.Goodwin, L. H.

    20 The East TinUc district, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 109, PP 79-81, 1920.Gosling, E. B.

    95 A treatise on Ozokerite: School Mines Quart 16 , PP 41-68,1895.Gould, L. M.

    25 A laccolith in the air: Mich Acad Sc Pa 5, pp 253-256, 1925.26 The role of orogenic stresses in laccolithic intrustions: Am J Sc 5s.12 . pp 119-129, 1926.26a The geology of the LaSal mountains: Mich Acad Sc Pa 7, PP 55-106,1926.39 Glacial geology of Boulder mountain, Utah: Geol Soc Am Bull 50,pp 1371-1380, 1939.

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    24 Gow, P. A.

    07 and others. The Daly Judge mine and mill: Mines & Minerals 28, pp32-35, 79-82, 1907. .Gregory, H. E.

    11 The San Juan 011 field, San Juan Co., Utah: US G S Bull 431, pp 1125, 1911.13 The Shinarump conglomerate: Am J Sc 4s, 35, pp 424-438, 1913.15 The igneous origin of the "Glacial deposits" on the Navajo reservation,Arizona and Utah: Am J Sc 4s, 40, pp 97-115, 1915.15a The Navajo country: Am Geog Soc Bull 47, pp 561-577, 652-672,1915.16 Garnet deposits of th e Navajo reservation, Arizona and Utah: EconOeol 11 , pp 223-230, 1916.16a The Navajo country: US G S Water Sup Pa 380, 1916.17 Geology of the Navajo country: U S G S Prof Pa 93, 1917.23 with Noble, L. F. Notes on a geological traverse from Mojave, California to the mouth of the San Juan river, Utah: Am J Sc 55, 5, pp229-238, 1923.31 with Moore, R. C. The Kaiparowitz region: U S G S Prof Pa 164,1931.33 The Colorado Plateau region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No. 18,'1933.38 The San Juan country: U S G S Prof Pa 188, 1938.38a General information relating to the geology of Zion and Bryce canyon national parks: Nat! Parks Service (Zion and Bryce Nat! Parks).pp 19-24, 1938.39 with Anderson, J. C. Geographic and geologic sketch of the CapitalReef region, Utah: Geol Soc Am Bull 50, pp 1827-1850, 1939.39a Zion National Park, a geologic and geographic sketch: Zion-BryceMus Bull No.3, 1939.40 Bryce Canyon National Park, a geologiC and geographic sketch: ZionBryce Mus Bull No.4 , 1940.

    Gregory, W. K.12 Notes on the Upper Eocene Titanotheroid Telmatherium incisivum,Douglas from the Uinta Basin: Science N S 35, p 546, 1912.

    Grimes, O. J.22 Utah's oi l fields: Railroad Redbook 39, pp 251-253, 1922.

    Grinnell, G. E.76 On a n ~ w crinoid from the Cretaceous formations of th e west: Am JSc 3s, 12, pp 81-83, 1876.

    Gunnell, F. H.31 Brazer formation of northern Utah and its Teletremata (abst): GeolSoc Am Bull 42 , p 330, 1931.32 The Brazer formation of northern Utah and its Teletremata brachio

    pods: Am Midland Nat 11, pp 282-301, 1932.Haas, M. See Eardley, A. J. 36.Hager, D.

    24 Stratigraphy, northeastern Arizona, southeastern Utah: Min & OilBull 10 , PP 135-139, 167, 383-385, 423, 437-439, 1924.

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    25 Hague, A.

    77 with Emmons, S. F. U. S. Geological exploration of the 40th paralle l (King) Vol 2, 1877.Hahn, A. W.29 Silver bearing minerals of some ores from the Tintic mining district:Am Inst Min Eng Yearbook for 1929, pp 325-329, 1929.Hammond, W. W.

    30 The Spiriferidae of the Madison formation of the Logan quadrangle,Utah: Thesis Univ of Missouri, 1930.Hansen, G. H.

    28 Hairy mammoth skeleton in Utah: Science N S 68, p 621, 1928.31 with DenniS. E. A preliminary survey of Utah's non-metallic minerals(abst): Utah Acad Sc Proc. 8, p 96, 1931.34 An interpretation of past climatic cycles from observations made ofUtah lake sediments: Utah Acad Sc Proc 11, p 61, 1934.35 with Bissell, H. J. The MiSSissippian-Pennsylvanian contact in th ecentral Wasatch mountains, Utah: Utah Acad Sc Proc 12, p 163, 1935.37 See Stokes, W. L. 37.

    Hansen, O. T.30 The Productidae of the Madison formation in the Logan quadrangle,Utah: Thesis Univ of Missouri, 1930.

    Harder, E. C.08 See Leith, C. K. 08.09 Manganese deposits of th e U S: U S G S Bull 380, p 270, 1909.10 Manganese deposits of th e U S: US G S Bull 427, p 57 , 1910.

    Hares, C. J.26 Glacial origin of the Bishop conglomerate of Wyoming, Colorado andUtah (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 37, p 174, 1926.

    Harrington, D.01 Coal mining at Sunnyside, Utah: Colorado School Mines Bull 1, pp227-235, 1901.

    Harris, A. W.36 Structural interpretations in the Rock canyon area of th e southernWasatch mountains, Utah: Thesis Brigham Young Unlv, 1936.

    Harris, G. D. See Dall, W. H. 92.Harrison, T. S.

    27 Colorado-Utah salt domes: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 11, pp 111-133,1927.Hart, R. A.

    32 Non-metallic mineral Resources of Utah: Utah Eng 7, No I, pp 1-3,1932.Hasler, J. W.

    38 with CraWford, A. L. Diatomaceous marl of Bonneville age (abst):Utah Acad Se Proc 15, pp 25-26, 1938.Hatch, R. A.

    40 See Eardley, A. J. 40 and 40a.41 A Pre-Cambrian gneiss from the San Rafael, Utah: Jour Geol 49, pp657-668, 1941.

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    26 lIatcher, J. B.

    95 On a new species of diplacodon with a discussion of the relations ofthat group to telmatotherium: Am Nat 29, pp 1084-1090, 1895.Havenor, H. E.

    24 Mining camps of North America, Tintic, Utah: Eng &. Min Jour Press117, pp 355-361, 1924.Hayden, F. V.

    62 Primordial sandstone of the Rocky mountains in the northwest territory of the U S: Am J Sc 2s , 33, pp 68-79, 1862.69 Rept. on Colorado and New Mexico: US Geog &. Geol Sur Terr (Hayden) 3rd annual Rept., p 92 , 1869.70 Sun pictures of the Rocky mountain scenery: Julius Bien, 1870.72 From Ogden to Fort Hall, Idaho: 'U S Geog &. Geol Sur Terr (Rayden) Pt. 1, 5th annual Rept, 1872.

    Hayes, A. A.66 Description and analysis of a new kind of bitumen: Bost Soc Nat HistProc 10, pp 306-307, 1866.

    Hayes, J. J.41 with Crawford, A. L. Calcite crystals of rare habit and beauty: UtahAcad Sc Proc 18, p 18, 1941.

    Hayes, M. O.26 Erosional epochs in the southern Wasatch (abst) : Utah Acad Sc 3,

    p 6, 1926.33 Mount Timpanogos: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No 17, pp 98-101,1933.Headden, W. P.

    05 Mineralogical notes, No.2 : Colo Sc Soc Proc 6, p 60, 1905.06 Mineralogical notes, No.3: Colo Sc Soc Proc 8, p 179, 1906.

    Heaton, R. L.33 Ancestral Rockies and Mesozoic and late Paleozoic stratigraphy ofRocky mountain region: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 17 , pp 109-168, 1933.

    Heck, N. H.38 Earthquakes and the western mountain region: Geol Soc Am Bull 49,pp 1-22, 1938.

    Heikes, V. C. See Butler, B. S. 17.Heist, H. D.

    22 Geological position of test wells drilled in eastern Utah fields: SaltLake Min Rev 24 No.1 , p 19, 1922.Henderson, E. P.

    31 See Hess, F. L. 31.33 with Hess, F. L. Corvusite and rilandite, new minerals from the UtahColorado carnotite region: Am Min 18. pp 195-205, 1933.

    Henderson, J.24 The origin of the Green River formation: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 8.pp 662-668. 1924.

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    27 Herron, W. H.

    16 Profile surveys along Henry's Fork, Idaho and Logan River andBlacksmith Fork, Utah: U S G S Water Sup Pa 420, 1916.17 Profile surveys of the Colorado river basin in Wyo., Utah, Colo., andN. Mex.: U S G S Water Sup Pa 396, 1917.

    Hess, F. L.08 Some molybdenum deposits of Maine, Utah and California: U S G SBull 340, pp 231-240, 1908.13 Carnotite near Green River, Utah: U S G S Bull 530, Pt 1, pp 161164, 1913.13a A sulphur deposit in the San Rafael canyon, Utah: US G S Bull 530,pp 347-349, 1913.14 An hypothesis for the origin of the carnotites of Colorado and Utah:Econ Geol 9, pp 675-688, 1914.14a with Schaller, W. T. Pintadoite and uvanite, two new vanadium minerals from Utah: Wash Acad Sc Jour 4, pp 576-579, 1914.17 Tungsten minerals and deposits: US G S Bull 652, 1917.22 Uranium bearing asphaltite sediments of Utah: Eng & Min JourPress 114, pp 272-276, 1922.22a See Larsen, E. S. 22.23 Ilsemannite at Ouray, Utah: US G S Bull 750, pp 1-16, 1923.23a New and known minerals from the Utah-Colorado carnotite region:U S G S Bull 750, PP 63-78, 1923.24 Molybdenum depOsits: U S G S Bull 761, p 5, 1924.27 with Foshag, W. F. Crystalline carnotite from Utah: U S Nat MusProc 72, Art 12, 1927.31 with Henderson, E. P. Fervanite, a hydrous ferric vanadate: Am Min16 , pp 273-277, 1931.33 Uranium, vanadium, radium, gold, silver and molybdenum sedimentary deposits: Ore deposits of Western states (A I M E) pp 450-481,1933.33a See Henderson, E. P. 33.

    Hesse, C. J.35 Semionotus cf. gigas from the Triassic of Zion Park, Utah: Am J Sc5s , 29, pp 526-531, 1935.Hewett, G. C.02 Notes on southwestern Utah and its iron ores: Colo Sc Soc Proc 7,pp55-66, 1902.

    Higgins, W. C.07 Virgin oil fields in Wayne Co., Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev Nov 15, 1907.08 The Jennie and Buck mountain mines: Salt Lake Min Rev 9, Feb 29,pp 15-18, 1908.09 Napoleon Maghera mines in Sierra Madre mountains: Salt Lake MinRev 11, Oct 30, pp 20-23, 1909.09a The attractions of Marysvale, Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev 11, July 30,pp 17-19, 1909.o9b Gold development company near Marysvale, Utah: Salt Lake :'\fin Rev11, Dec 15, pp 19-21, 1909.09c The Sevier consolidated mine of Gold mountain, Utah: S alt Lake MinRev 11, May 15, 1909.

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    28 Higgins, W. C. (Cont.)

    09d Utah Gold and Copper mines Co: Salt Lake Min Rev 11, Apr 30, pp15-17, 1909.0ge Century and Susannah mines, Golden, Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev 11.Nov 30, pp 19-22, 1909.10 The Santa Maria gold and copper mines: Salt Lake Min Rev 11, Feb28, pp 19-22, 1910.12 Mines and prospects of Mt. Nebo mining district: Salt Lake Min Rev14, Sept 30, pp 11-15, 1912.12a Union Chief and Santaquin mines: Salt Lake Min Rev 14 , No. 10, PP11-16, 1912.15 Lake View Mining Co. on Promontory Point: Salt Lake Min Rev 17 ,Sept 15. pp 11-15, 1915.16 The ozokerite deposits of Soldier Summit, Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev18, Sept 30, pp 15-18, 1916.16a Ozokerite in Utah: Min & Sc Press 112, pp 907-911, 1916.

    Hill, J. M.12 See Lindgren, 12 .13 Notes on the northern La Sal mountains, Grand Co., Utah: U S G SBull 530, Pt 1, pp 99-118, 1913.

    Hillebrand, W. F.84 On an association of rare minerals from Utah: Colo Sc Soc Proc 1.pp 112-119, 1884.85 Associated rare minerals from Utah: U S G S Bull 20 , pp 83-88, 1885.85a See Cross, W. 85.88 with Washington, H. S. Notes on certain rare copper minerals fromUtah: Am J Sc 3s, 35, pp 298-306, 1888.89 with Washington, H. S. Notes on certain rare copper minerals fromUtah: U S G S Bull 55 , pp 38-47, 1889.90 with Dana, E. S. Additional notes on tyrolite from Utah: Am J Sc3s, 39, pp 271-272, 1890.97 See Clarke, F. W. 97.05 Red beryl from Utah: Am J Sc 4s, 19, pp 330-331, 1905.10 with Wright, F. E. A new occurrence of plumbojarosite: Am J Sc4s, 30, pp 191-192, 1910.13 with Merwin, H. E. Two varieties of calciovolborthite? from easternUtah: Am J Sc 4s, 35, pp 441-445, 1913.13a and others. Calcium vanadates from Peru, Colorado and Utah: WashAcad Sc Jour 3, pp 157-158, 1913.14 and others. Hewettlte, metahewettite and pascoite, hydrous calciumvanadates: Am Philo Soc Proc 53, pp 31-54, 1914.24 Carnotite and tyuyamunite and their ores in Colorado and Utah: AmJ Sc 5s, 8, pp 201-216, 1924.

    Hills, R. C.85 Description of an asphalt like mineral from Asphalt, Utah: Colo ScSoc Proc 2, pp 27-28, 1885.90 Orographic and structural features of Rocky mountain geology: ColoSc Soc Proc 3, pp 362-455, 1890.91 Types of past eruptions in the Rocky mountains: Colo Sc Soc Proc 4,pp 14-32, 1891.94 Ore deposits of the Camp Floyd mining district, Tooele Co., Utah:Colo Sc Soc Proc 5, pp 54-65, 1894.

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    29 Hinds, N. E. A.

    36 Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian intervals in western North America:Carnegie Inst Wash Pub 463, pp 1-52, 1936.36a Uncompahgran and Beltian deposits of western North America: Carnegie Inst Wash Pub 463, pp 53-136, 1936.37 Mesozoic and early Tertiary history in southwestern Utah (abst):Geol Soc Am Proc fo r 1936, p 337, 1937.38 Pre-Cambrian Arizonan revolution in western North America: Am JSc 5s, 35, pp 445-449, 1938.39 Pre-Cambrian formation in North America: 6th Pacific Sc Cong Proc,pp 289-309, 1939.

    Hintze, F. F.13 A contribution to the geology of the Wasatch mountains, Utah: N YAcad Sc annals 23, pp 85-143, 1913.34 The Proterozoic-Paleozoic contact in the western Uinta and centralWasatch mountains, Utah: Utah Acad Sc Proc 11, pp 165-166, 1934.

    Hodge, J. T.71 On the Tertiary coals of the west: U S Geog & Geol Sur Terr (Hayden), 4th Prelim Rept, pp 318-329, 1871.

    Holland, W. J.16 A new species of Apatosaurus: Carnegie Mus annals 10, pp 143-145,1916.24 Description of th e type of Uintasaurus douglassi, Holland: CarnegieMus annals 15 , pp 119-138, 1924.24a The skull of Diplodocus: Carnegie Mus Mem 9, pp 379-395, 1924.

    Hollister, O. J.88 Gold and silver mining in Utah: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 16 , pp 3-19,1888.

    Holmes, W. H.78 Report on the geology of the Sierra Abajo and we.st San Miguel mountains: U S Geog & Geol Sur Terr (Hayden), 10th Annual Rept, pp189-193, 1878.

    Hooker, W. E.79, with Cummings, H. The Horn Silver mine, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 28,pp 335, 352, 376, 392, 411, 1879.

    Howard, L. O.\14 The development of our radium bearing ores: Asso Eng Soc Jour 52,pp 185-216. 1914.

    16 Geology of the Cottonwood district. Utah: Min & Sc Press 112. pp557-562, 1916.16a Ozokerite in Utah: Min & Sc Press 112, pp 907-911, 1916.

    Howe, E. See Cross, W. 05.Howell, E. E.

    75 Report on the geology of portions of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and NewMexico: U S Geog & Geol Sur west 100th Meridian (Wheeler) 3, pp227-301, 1875.

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    30 Hunt, C. B.

    38 Form of intrusion in the Henry mountains, Utah (abst): Geol SocAm Proc fo r 1937, p 88, 1938.38a Origin of pediments around the Henry mountains, Utah (abst): GeolSoc Am Bull 49, p 1887, 1938.42 New interpretation of some laccolithic mountains and its possiblebearing Oil structural traps for oi l and gas: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull26, pp 197-203, 1942.

    Hunt, R. N.24 The ores in the limestone at Bingham, Utah: Am Inst Min Eng Trans70, pp 856-883, 1924.33 Bingham mining district: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No. 17, pp 4556, 1933.

    Hunt, S. F.28 Cambrian rocks, structures and ore deposits in the Tintic mining district: Salt Lake Min Rev 29, pp 13-15, Feb 15 , 1928.

    Hunt, W. F. See Van Horn, F. R. 15a.Huntington, E.

    03 with Goldthwait, J. W. The Hurricane fault in southwestern Utah:Econ Geol 11, pp 46-63, 1903.04 with Goldthwait, J. W. The Hurricane fault in the Toquerville district, Utah: Harv Mus Comp Zool Bull 42 , pp 199-259, 1904.

    Ingalls, W. P.07 Mining the porphyry ores at Bingham, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 84, pp

    431-440, 1907.Ireland, J. B.

    10 Granite mountains, western Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev 11 , Jan 30, PP26-27, 1910.Irving, J. D.

    96 The stratigraphical relations of th e Brown's park beds of Utah: N YAcad Sc Trans 15, pp 252-259, 1896.Jacobsen, A. T.

    41 Geology of the North Fork and Upper Duchesne Region: Thesis Unlvof Utah, 1941.Jacobsen, F. E. See Crawford, A. L. 33.James, G. D.

    11 The San Juan oil fields of Utah: Eng & Min Jour 92, pp 1082-1084,1911.Jefferson, M. S. W.

    97 The antecedant Colorado: Science N S 6, pp 293-295, 1897.Jenney, W. P.

    03 The mineral crest or the hydrostatic level attained by the ore de positing solutions in certain mining districts of the Great Salt LakeBasin: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 33, pp 46-50, 1903.06 Structural features of the Ontario mineral belt, Park City, Utah: Min& Sc Press 92, pp 6-7, 1906.06a ];'issure system of the Ontario mineral belt: Min & Sc Press 92, pp24-25, 1906.06b Block faulting and its relation to ore deposition: Min & Sc Press 92,pp 54-55, 1906.

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    32 Keller,. W. D.

    41 Petrography and origin of the Rex Chert: Geol Soc Am Bull 52 , pp1279-1298, 1941.Kelley, W. A.42 Llthostrotionidae In the Rocky Mountains: Jour Paleon 16, pp 351361, 1942.Kemmerer, J. L. , Jr.

    34 Gilsonite: Thesis Univ of Utah, 1934.Kemmerer, M. S.

    35 Rock alteration at the Tintic Prince mine, North Tintic district, Utah:Thesis Univ of Utah 1935.Kemp, J. F.

    92 Notes on several rocks collected by E. E. Olcott near Gold Hill, TooelCo. Utah: NY Acad Sc Trans 11, pp 127-128, 1892.18 with Billingsley, P. Notes on Gold Hill and vicinity, Tooele ~ C o . western Utah: Econ Geol 13, pp 247-274, 1918.

    Keyes, C. R.17 Orographic origin of ancient Lake Bonneville: Geol Soc Am Bull 28,pp 351-374, 1917.

    ..17a Climatic index of Bonneville lake beds: Science N S 46, 'pp 139-140,1917.19 Tertiary gravels of northern Utah (abst) : Science N S 50 , P 74, 1919.19a Orogenics of the Great Basin: Science N S 50, p 413, 1919.20 Erosive clues to the High Plateaux of Utah (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull31, p 151, 1920.20a Southward extension of the Bozeman tertiaries into Utah (abst): IowaAcad Sc Proc 26, pp 467-469, 1920.21 Geological age of the terrepleins of Utah's plateaux: Iowa Acad ScProc 28, pp 54-56, 1921.21a Erosion of the High Plateaus: Science N S 54, p 308, 1921.22 Giant bay bar of ancient Lake Bonneville: Pan Am Geol 37, pp 167169, 1922.22a Tectonic settling of Utah's High Plateaus: Pan Am Geol 37, p 176,

    1922.22b Peneplainal affinities of High Plateaux of Utah: Pan Am Geol 38, pp119-140, 1922.22 c Faulting of Bonneville lake deltas: Pan Am Geol 38, pp 143-145,1922.22d Overthrusts in the Great Basin ranges; Pan Am Geol 38, pp 253-260,1922.22e Climatic index of Bonneville lake beds: Pan Am Geol 38, pp 422-424,1922.23 Low rim point of Bonneville lake basin: Pan Am Geol 39, pp 247-256,1923.24 Grand staircase of Utah: Pan Am Geol 41, pp 36, 60, 1924.24a Basin range structure in the Great Basin: Pan Am Geol 41, pp 219224, 1924.25 Westward extension of the Uinta arch: Pan Am Geol 45 , pp 243-245,1925.

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    33 Kindle, E. M.

    08 Occurrence of Silurian Fauna in western North America: Am J Sc 4s,25, pp 127-128, 1908.08a The fauna and stratigraphy of the Jefferson limestone in the northernRocky Mountain region: Bull Am Paleon 4, No. 20, 1908.

    King, C.70 The Green River coal basin: 40th Parallel Sur, pt 3, Min Indust, 1870.76 Notes on Uinta and Wasatch ranges, a correction: Am J Sc 3s, I I ,P 494, 1876.76a Paleozoic subdivisions of the 40th parallel: Am J Sc 3s, 11 , pp 475482. 1876.78 Exploration of the 40th parallel: pt I , Systematic Geol, 1878.

    Kith il , K. L. See Moore, R. B. 13.Knight. W. C.12 The Green river Utah oil fields: Salt Lake Min Rev 13, Feb 29, pp 1114, 1912.

    Knowlton, F. H.96 See Stanton 96.00 Flora of the Montana formation: US G S Bull 163, p 8, 1900.23 Revision of the flora of the Green River formation with descriptionsof new species: U S G S Prof Pa 131, pp 133-180, 1923.

    Kraus, E.16 with Peck, A. B. Ueber Anglesit von dem Tinticdistrikt, Utah: NeuesJahrbuch fur Min Geol und Paleon, Bd 2, pp 17-29, 1916.Kuhre, H. K.

    17 Tungstenite, a new mineral in the Cottonwoods: Salt Lake Min Rev19, Dec 30, pp 23-24, 1917.Kunz. G. F.

    95 Precious stones: U S G S 16th annual Rept. pt 4. pp 595-605, 1895.LaForge, L. See Palache, C. 09.Lakes, A.

    02 Great Salt Lake Basin: Mines & Minerals 23, pp 112-113, 1902.04 The Book Cliff coal mines: Mines & Minerals 24, pp 289-291, 1904.06 The Utah coal fields of the Wasatch near Grass Creek and WeberRiver: Mines & Minerals 27, pp 61-62. 1906.07 The natural bridges of Utah: Min World 26, p 595, 1907.08 Geology and economics of the Rio San Juan: Min World 28: pp 761762, 1908.10 The San Juan oi l field, Utah: Mining Science 61, pp 412-413, 1910.

    Lambert, H. C.41 Structure and stratigraphy in the southern Stansbury mountains,Tooele Co., Utah: Thesis Unlv of Utah, 1941.Lang, W. B.

    26 Potash investigations in 1924: U S G S Bull 785. 1926.

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    34 Larsen, E. S.

    22 with Hess, F. L. Contact metamorphic tungsten deposits of th eUnited States: U S G S Bull 725, pp 307-308, 1922.25 with Schaller, W. T. The identity of variscite and peganite and thedimorphous form metavariscite: Am Min 10, i'P 23-28, 1925.30 with Shannon, E. V. The minerals of the phosphate nodules fromnear F'airfieJd, Utah: Am Min 15 , pp 307-337, 1930.

    Larsen, E. S. 3rd.40 Overite and montgomeryite, two new minerals from Fairfield, Utah:Am Min 25, pp 315-326, 1940.40a with Montgomery, A. SterretUte, a new mineral from Fairfield, Utah:Am Min 25, pp 513-518, 1940.42 Mineralogy and paragensis of tbe variscite nodules from near Fairfield, Utah: Am Min 27, pp 281-300, 350-372, 441-451, 1942.

    LaRue, E. C.16 Colorado river and its utilization: U S G S Water Sup Pa 395, 1916.25 Water power and flood control of the Colorado river below GreenRiver, Utah: U S G S Water SUP Pa 556, 1925. 27 See Bryan, K. 27.

    Lawson, A. C.13 The gold of the Shinarump at Paria: Econ Geol 8, pp 434-448, 1913.31 The isostacy of the Uinta mountains: Jour Geol 39, pp 264-276, 1931.

    Lavagnino, G.87 The Old Telegraph mIne, Utah: Am Inst MIn Eng Trans 16, pp 25-33,1887.

    Lay, W. L.82 On the deposits of earth wax (ozokerite) in Europe and America: N YAcad Sc Trans 2, p 44, 1882.

    Lazenby, A. J.38 Experimental water spreading for ground water storage in Salt LakeValley, Utah (abst): Utah Acad Sc 15 , p 27, 1938.

    LeConte, J.89 The origin of normal faults and of the structure of the Basin region:Am J Sc 3s, 38, pp 257-263, 1889.

    Ledoux, A.17 Aurichalcite from Big Cottonwood canyon, Salt Lake Co., Utah: WashAcad Sc Jour 7, pp 361-365, 1917.

    Lee, W. T.07 The Cove Creek sulphur beds, Utah: U S G S Bull 315, pp 485-489,1907.07a The Iron County coal fields, Utah: US G S Bull 316, pp 359-473, 1907.08 Water resources of Beaver valley: U S G S Water Sup Pa 217,1908.13 Reason for regarding the Morrison as an introductory Cretaceous formation: Geol Soc Am Bull 26, pp 303-314, 1913.16 and others. Guidebook of th e western United States, Part B, TheOverland route: U S G S Bull 612, 1916.18 Early mesozoic physiography of the southern Rocky mountains:Smithsonian Inst Misc Coll 69, No.4 , p 14 , 1918.

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    35 Leggette, R. M.

    37 with Taylor, G. H. Geology and ground water resources of Ogdenvalley, Utah: U S G S Water Sup Pa 796d, 1937.Leith, C. K.

    04 Iron ores in southern Utah: U S G S Bull 225, pp 229-237, 1904.06 Iron ores of the western United States and British Columbia: U S G SBull 285, pp 194-200, 1906.08 with Harder, E. C. The iron ores of the Iron Springs district, southernUtah: U S G S Bull 338, 1908.10 Iron ores of Iron Springs, Utah, a reply: Econ Geol 5, pp 188-192,1910.

    Lesquereux, L.73 Lignitic and fossil flora at Coalville, Utah: U S Geog & Geol Sur Terr(Hayden) 6th annual Rept Pt 2, p 399, 1873.83 The Cretaceous and Tertiary floras: U S Geog & Geol Sur Terr (Hayden) Mon 8, 1883.

    Lewis, R. S.15 The Book Cliffs coal field, Utah: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 50, pp 658660, 1915.19 with Varley, T. The mineral industry of Utah: Univ of Utah Bull 10 ,No 11, pp 35-208, 1919.

    Lindgren, W.06 The Annie Laurie mine, Piute Co., Utah: US G S Bull 285, pp 87-90,

    1906.08 New occurrence of willemite and anhydrite: Science N S 28, pp 933934, 1908.10 Anhydrite as a gangue mineral: Econ Geol 5, pp 522-527, 1910.11 Copper, silver, lead, vanadium and uranium ores in sandstone andshale: Econ Geol 6, p 575, 1911.12 with Hill, J. M. The mining districts of the western states: U S G SBull 507, pp 39-41, 265-279, 1912.15 Processes of mineralization and enrichment in the Tintic mining district: Econ Geol 10, pp 225-240, 1915.19 with Loughlin, G. F. Geology and ore deposits of the Tintic miningdistrict, Utah: U S G S Prof Pa 107, 1919.24 Contact metamorphism at Bingham, Utah: Geol Soc Am Bull 35, pp507-534, 1924.

    Livermore, R.11 Prospecting for gold along the San Juan river: Min & Sc Press 103,pp 161-163, 1911.

    IJocke, A. See Billingsley, P. 39.Locke, J. M.

    88 Gilsonite or uintahite, a new variety of asphaltum: Am Inst MIn EngTrans 16, pp 162-168, 1888.Longwell, C. R.

    22 and others. Geology of the Colorado river in southeastern Utah(abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 33, p 122, 1922.23 and others. Rock formations of the Colorado plateau in southeasternUtah and northern Arizona: U S G S Prof Pa 132, pp 1-23, 1923.

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    36Loofbourow, R. W. See Warren, H. V. 32.Lord, N. W.

    13 and others. Analysis of coals in the U. S. : Bur Min Bull 22, PP 190196, 798-815, 1913.Loughlin, G. F.

    13 Reconnaissance in the southern Wasatch mountains, Utah: Jour Geol21,' pp 436-452, 1913.14 The oxidized zinc ores of the Tintic district, Utah: Econ Geol 9, PP1-19, 1914.15 A reconnaissance in the Canyon range, west central Utah: U S G SProf Pa 90 , pp 51-60, 1915.16 Recent alunite developments near Marysvale and Beaver, Utah: U SG S Bull 620, pp 237-270, 1916.16a Ores, magmatic emanations and igneous intrusions: Econ Geol 11, ppJour 6, p 190, 1916.16b Faulting in the Tintic mining district, Utah (abst): Wash Acad Sc281-288, 1916.16c See Butler, B. S. 16.17 with Schaller, W. T. Crandallite a new mineral: Am J Sc 4s, 43, pp69-74, 1917.19 Zinc carbonate and related copper carbonate ores at Ophir, Utah: USG S Bull 690, pp 1-14, 1919.19a Two lamprophyre dikes near Santaquin and Mount Nebo, Utah: U SG S Prof Pa 120, pp 101-109, 1919.19b See Lindgren, W. 19.

    Lucas, F. A.98 A new crocodile from the Trias of southern Utah: Am J Sc 4s, 6, p399, 1898.Lull, R. S.

    15 Sauropoda and Stegosauria of the Morrison of North America as compared with those of Europe and eastern Africa: Geol Soc Am Bull 26 ,pp 323-354, 1915. .Lupton, C. T.

    12 The Deep Creek district of the Vernal coal field, Uinta Co., Utah: USG S Bull 471, PP 571-594, 1912.12a The Blacktail (Tabby) Mountain coal field, Wasatch Co., Utah: U S GS Bull 471, pp 595-628, 1912.12b Note on the geology of San Rafael Swell, Utah: Wash Acad Sc Jour2, pp 185-188, 1912.13 Gypsum along the west flank of the San Rafael Swell, Utah: U S G SBull 530, pp 221-231, 1913.14 Oil and gas near Green River, Grlj.nd Co., Utah: US G S Bull 541, pp115-133, 1914.16 Geology and coal resources of Castle valley in Carbon, Emery, andSevier Counties, Utah: U S G S Bull 628, 1916.20 with Stone, R. W. Gypsum deposits of the U. S.: US G S Bull 697,pp 261-282, 1920.

    MacDonald, W. T.12 The San Juan oi l field, Utah: Western Eng I , pp 37-46, 1912.

    MacFarlane, J.09 The Ohio Copper Co., Bingham, Utah: Min World 30, pp 345-348,1909.

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    37 MacFarren, H. W.

    OOa Silver bearing sandstone of southern Utah: Mines & Minerals 20 , pp323-324, 1900.09 A trip into the Deep Creek country: Salt Lake Min Rev 11, Sept 15.pp 17-19, 1909.09a Park Valley mining district of Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev 10, July 15.pp 17-18, 1909.09b Ozokerite in Utah: Min & Sc Press 99, pp 789-790, 1909.09c The story of Bingham canyon, Utah: Min & Sc Press 99, pp 129-130,1909.

    Mackensie, C. S.85 An occurrence of rare copper minerals from Utah: Mineralogical Mag6, pp 181-182, 1885.

    MacVichie, D.27 Iron fields of the Iron Springs and Pinto mmmg districts, Iron Co .Utah: Am Inst Min Eng Trans 74 , pp 163-173, 1927.

    Maguire, D.00 The hydrocarbons of eastern Utah; Mines & Minerals 20, pp 398-400.1900.02 The La Plata mine: Salt Lake Min Rev 4, Dec. 30 , pp 43-44, 1902.02a Sierra Madre mining district: Salt Lake Min Rev 4, Dec. 30, p 44.1902.04 Oil and asphaltum in the Great Salt Lake basin: Salt Lake Min Rev5, Feb. 15, pp 13-15, 1904.05 Oil and asphaltum on the shores of Great Salt Lake, Utah: Min & ScPress 90, p 302, 1905.19 Oil shale of the Great Uinta basin: Salt Lake Min Rev 21, Apr. 15,pp 21-26, 1919.

    Mansfield, G. R.12 See Richards, R. W. 12.27 Geology and geography of southeastern Idaho: US G S Prof Pa 152,1927.31 Some problems of the Rocky mountain phosphate field: Econ Geol 26,pp 353-374, 1931.33 Salt Lake City to Montpelier, Idaho: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No.

    17, pp 125-146, 1933.40 Phosphate deposits of the U. S.: Econ Geol 35, p 423, 1940.42 American potash reserves: Indust & Eng Chern 34, pp 1417-1421,1942.

    Mark, W. B.32 Fossil impressions of ice crystals in Lake Bonneville beds: Jour Geol40, pp 171-176, 1932.

    Marsell, R. E.25 Past physical history of the region near Salt Lake City: WasatchMountain Club Bull 1, No.2 , 1925.31 Salient geologic features of the Traverse mountains, Utah: Utah AcadSc 8, pp 106-110, 1931.32 Geology of the Jordan Narrows region, Traverse mountains, Utah:Thesis Univ of Utah, 1932.

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    38 Marsh, O. C.

    71 On the geology of the eastern Uinta mountains: Am J Sc 3s, 1, pp191-198, 1871.75 Ancient lake basins of the Rocky mountain region: Am J Sc 3s, 9,pp 49-52, 1875.

    Marshall, R. B.11 Results of spirit leveling in Utah: US G S Bull 489, 1911.15 Results of spiritleveUng in Utah: US G S Bull 566, 1915.16 Triangulation and primary traverse: U S G S Bull 644, PP 95-139,1916.

    Martin, G.28 Geological conditions at Bingham, Utah: Mining Jour 11, Feb. 15,

    p 7, 1928.30 Success of the Bingham Prospect upsets established geological theories: Eng & Min Jour 130, pp 144-145, 1930.Marvine, A. R.

    75 The geology of route from St. George, Utah to Gila river, Arizona:U S Geol & Geog Sur west of 100th meridian (Wheeler) pt. 2, pp 193209, 1875.Mathews, A. A. L.

    25 Marine lower Triassic beds of Utah (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 36, p200, 1925.27 Stratigraphic considerations of the upper Paleozoic formations ineastern Utah (abst): Geol Soc Am Bull 38, pp 206, 1927.29 The lower Triassic cephlapod fauna of the Fort Douglas area, Utah:Walker Mus Mem 1, No.1, 1929.30 Origin and growth of the Great Salt Lake oolites: Jour Geol 38, pp633-642, 1930.31 Mesozoic stratigraphy of the central Wasatch mountains: Oberlin CoIlLab Bull N S 1, 1931.33 Stratigraphy of the Salt Lake region: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No.17, pp 14-18, 1933.

    Matthew, W. D.15 The Tertiary sedimentary record and its problems: Yale Univ Press,pp 377-478, 1915.Maury, M. F.

    52 On the geologic agency of winds: Am Asso Adv Sc Proc 6, pp 277-296,1852.Maxey, G. B.

    41 Cambrian stratigraphy in the northern Wasatch region: Thesis UtahState Agri Col, 1941.41a See Williams, J. S. 41.McGrath, M. See Crawford, A. L. 34a.

    McKay, G. R.23 Park City, a lead silver district in Utah: Eng & Min Jour 116, pp 714, 1923.

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    39 McKee, E. D.

    34 The Coconino sandstone, its history and origin: Carnegie Inst WashPub 440, 1934.38 The environment and history of the Toroweap and Kaibab formationsof northern Arizona and southern Utah: Carnegie Inst Wash Pub 492,1938.41 Permian deposits of the Utah-Arizona basin: N Y Acad Sc Trans 2a,pp 153-155, 1940.

    McKnight, E. T.40 Geology of an area between the Green and Colorado rivers, Grandand San Juan Co., Utah: U S G S Bull 908, 1940.

    Meader, J. B.72 On the mineral resources of Utah: Bost Soc Nat Hist Proc 14, pp 341345, 1872.

    Means, A. H.16 Some new mineral occurrences from the Tintic district, Utah: Am JSc 4s, 41, pp 125-130, 1916.

    Meek, F. B.60 Descriptions of new fossil remains collected in Nebraska and Utah bySimpson exploring expedition: Acad Nat Sc Phila Proc, pp 308-315,1860.70 List of fossils from Utah with some notes: Explorations of the 40thparallel (King), Pt. 3, Mining Industry, 1870.72 Preliminary list of the fossils collected by Dr. Hayden's exploring

    expedition of 1871 in Utah and Wyoming territory: U S Geog & GeolSur Terr (Hayden) 5th annual Rept Pt. 3, pp 373-377, 1872.73 Cretaceous of Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 5, P 310, 1873.74 On the age of th e lignitiC formtaions of the Rocky Mountain region:Am J Sc 3s, 8, pp 459-463, 1874.76 Explorations across the Great Basin of Utah: Rept to Eng U S ArmyAppendix J, Paleontology, 1876.77 Explorations of th e 40th parallel (King): Pt. 4, Paleontology, 1877.

    Mehl, M. G. See Branson, E. B. 30, 31.Meinzer, O. E.

    11 Groundwater in Juab, Millard and Iron Co., Utah: U S G S Water SupPa 277, 1911.22 Map of the Pleistocene lakes of the Basin and Range province andits significance: Geol Soc Am Bull 33, pp 541-552, 1922.

    24 Origin of the thermal springs of Nevada, Utah and southern Idaho:Jour Geol 32, pp 295-303, 1924.Merriam, C. W.

    40 Devonian stratigraphy and paleontology of the Robert mountains,Nevada: Geol Soc Am SpecPa 25, 1940.Merwin, H. E. See Hillebrand, W. F. 13.Miller, S. A.

    81 North American Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology and paleontology:Cincinnati Soc Nat Hist Jour 2, pp 140-161, 223-244, 1879, 3, pp9-32, 79-118, 165-202, 245-288, 1880, 4, pp 93-143, 1.83-234, 1881.Miller, J. C.

    41 Carbon dioxide accumulations in geologic structures: Am Inst MinEng Trans 144. pp 222-249, 1941.

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    40 Miller, W. J.

    23 Pre-Cambrian folding in North America: Geol Soc Am Bull 34 , p 694,1923.23a Zion Canyon National parle Jour Geog 22, pp 161-171, 1923.

    Miser, H. D.23 and others. The Rainbow Bridge, Utah: Geog Rev 13, pp 518-531,1923.24 The San Juan canyon southeastern Utah: U S G S Water Sup Pa 5381924. '25 Geologic structure of the San Juan canyon and adjacent country,Utah: U S G S Bull 751, pp 115-155, 1925.25a Erosion in San Juan canyon: Geol Soc Am Bull 36, pp 365.378.1925.27 Shapes of stream pebbles in San Juan Co., Utah (abst): Wash AcadSc Jour 17 . pp 270-271, 1927.

    Moeller. W. H.94 The Mercur gold deposits in the Camp Floyd district, Utah: Eng &Min Jour 57, p 51.1894.

    Montgomery. A.34 A recent find of blxbyite and associated minerals in the Thomasrange, Utah: Am Min 19, pp 82-87, 1934.40 See E. S. Larson 3rd, 40.

    Montgomery, H.95 Volcanic dust in Utah and Colorado: Science N S 1, pp 656-657, 1895.

    Mook, C. C.15 Origin and distribution of the Morrison formation: Geol Soc Am Bull26. pp 315-322, 1915.16 A study of the Morrison formation: N Y Acad Sc annals 27, pp 39191, 1916.21 The skull of Chocodilus acer. Cope: Am Mus Nat Hist Bull 44, pp 117121, 1921.

    Moore, R. B.13 with Kithn, K. L. A preliminary report on uranium, radium andvanadium: Bur Min Bull 70. 1913.

    Moore, R. C.22 Stratigraphy of a part of southern Utah: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 6,pp 199-227, 1,922.22a Possible oil in southern Utah: Am Asso Pet Geol Bull 6, pp 244-247,1922.23 Physiography of the Paria river valley southern Utah (abst): GeolSoc Am Bull 34, p 94, 1923.23a Structural features of the Colorado plateau and their origin (abst):Geol Soc Am Bull 34, pp 88-89, 1923.26 Significance of enclosed meanders in the physiographic history of theColorado plateau country: Jour Geol 34, pp 97-130, 1926.26a Origin of enclosed meanders on streams of the Colorado plateau: JourGeol 34. pp 29-57. 1926.31 See Gregory, H. E. 31.

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    Morris, E. H.22 An unexplored area of the southwest: Nat Hist 22, pp 499-515, 1922.

    Morton, J. H.77 The coal mines of central Utah: Eng & Min Jour 23, pp 76-77, 1877.

    Moscheles, J.22 Del' Lake Bonneville und dan Eiszeitliche Klima: Zeitschrift furGletcherkunde 12. pp 166-167, 1922.

    Moses, A. J.93 One of th e gypsum crystals from the cave at South Wash, Wayne Co.,Utah: Science 21, pp 230-231, 1893.93a Mineralogical notes, gypsum crystals from Utah: School Mines Quart14 , pp 323-326, 1893.

    Murphy, J. R.72 The mineral resources of the territory of Utah: Dwyer, Salt LakeCity, 1872.

    Neal, W. B.96 Some of the crystalline rocks of Salt Lake and Davis County, Utah:Univ of Utah Q1!-art 2, pp 90-96, 1896.

    Neill, J. W.96 Camp Floyd District: Eng & Min Jour 61, pp 85-86, 1896.

    Newberry, J. S.71 The anCient lakes of western North America: U S Geog & Geol SurTerr (Hayden) 4th annual Rept pp 329-339, 1871. Also Am Nat 4,pp 640-660, 1871.74 On th e lignites and plant beds of western North America: Am J Sc3s, 7, pp 399-404, 1874.76 Report on the exploring expedition from Santa };'e, New Mexico to thejunction of the Green and Grand rivers of the great Colorado of thewest in 1859: Eng Dept U S Army, 1876.79 Mineral wax: Eng & Min Jour 27, p 71, 1879.79a On the discovery of mineral wax, ozokerite in Utah: Am J Sc 3s, 17,pp 340-341, 1879.80 Report on the properties of the Storment Silver Mining Co. at SilverReef, Utah: Eng & Min Jour 30, p 269, 1880.81 The Silver Reef sandstone: Eng & Min Jour 31, pp 4-5, 1881.82 Origin of crystalline iron ores: NY Acad Sc Trans 2, pp 13-15, 1882.84 Deposition of ores: School Mines Quart 5, pp 329-344, 1884.89 Marble deposits of the western United States: School Mines Quart 10,pp 69-72, 1889.

    Newberry, S. B. 79 Utah mineral wax: Eng & Min Jour 27 , p 199, 1879.

    Newell, F. H.91 Hydrography of arid regions: US G S 12th Annual Rept pt 2, pp 325344, 1891.

    Newhouse, W. H.22 An unusual alteration product from Park City. Utah; Am Min 7. pp108-109, 1922.

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    42 Nininger, H. H.

    29 The Duchesne meteori te-an undescribed find from Duchesne Co.,Utah: Jour Geol 37, pp 83-87, 1929.Noble, L. F.

    23 See Gregory, H. E. 23.28 A section of the Kaibab limestone in Kaibab gulch, Utah: U S G S ProfPa 150, pp 41-60, 1928.

    Nolan, T. B.27 Potash brines in the Great Salt Lake desert, Utah: US G S Bull 795.1927.28 Stratigraphy and structure, Gold Hill quadrangle. Utah (abst): GeolSoc Am Bull 39, pp 183-184, 1928.30 Paleozoic formations in the Gold Hill quadrangle, Utah: Wash Acad

    Sc Jour 20, pp 421-432. 1930.31 See Schaller, W. T. 31.35 The Gold Hill mining district, Utah: US G S Prof Pa 177, 1935.

    Notestein, F. B.18 Some chemical experiments bearing on the origin of certain uraniumvanadium ores: Econ Geol 13, pp 50-64, 1918.

    Ochsenius, C.82 Geologisches und Mon tanistisches aus Utah: Zeitschrift Deu tcheGeologische Gesellschaft 34, pp 288-372, 1882.

    O'Farrell, C. See Crawford, A. L. 32.Ohly, J.

    00 Ozokerite: Min & Sc Press 81. pp 8-9. 1900.Okeson, C. L.

    34 Erosion control in Salina canyon: Utah Acad Sc Proc 11, pp 143-145,1934.Olmstead. S. G.

    21 Economic geology of the Ophir mining district, Utah: Econ Geol 16,pp 433-456, 1921.Osborn. H. F.

    90 See Scott. W. B. 90.95 Fossil mammals of the Uinta beds: Am ~ i u s Nat Hist Bull 7, pp 71105, 1895.09 Cenozoic mammal horizons of western North America: U S G S Bull361, pp 54-57, 1909.15 Close of the Jurassic and opening of the Cretaceous time in NorthAmerica: Geol Soc Am Bull 26, pp 295-302, 1915.

    Pabst, A.38 Orientation of bixbyite on topaz: Am Min 23, pp 242-246, 1938.

    Pack, F. J.09 The Bingham mining district: Western Monthly, March, 1909.14 The building stone industry of Utah: Salt Lake Min Rev 15, Mar. 15,pp 11-13, 1914.19 Wonders of Utah geology: Univ of Utah Bull 10 , No. 12 , 1919.21 The Elsinore earthquakes in central Utah: Seis Soc Am Bull 11, PP155-165, 1921.

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    43 Pack, F. J. (Cont.)

    21a Geology and economic resources of Weber Co . Utah: Univ of UtahBull 11. 1921.22 Natural bridging in the High Plateaus, Utah: Pan Am Geol 37, pp213-225, 1922.22a Outstanding geological features of the Colorado river basin: Pan AmGeol 38, pp 289-298, 1922.23 Torrential potential of desert waters: P an Am Geol 40, pp 349-356,1922.26 New discoveries relating to the Wasatch fault: Am J Sc 5s, 11, pp398-410, 1926.27 Structure of thermal springs along the '\Vasatch fault: Am J Sc 5s,14, pp 409-418, 1927.29 Origin of the erosional forms at Bryce Canyon National Park (abst):

    Geol So c Am Bull 40, pp 99, 1929.33 Tbe dinosaur quarry of eastern Utah: Inter Geol Cong Guidebook No.17, pp 146-149, 1933.39 Lake Bonneville, a popular treatise: Univ of Utah Bull 30 , No.4 .1939.

    Packard, A. S.75 On the supposed ancient outlet of Great Salt Lake: US Geog & GeolSur of Terr (Hayden) Bull I , No.5, pp 413-414, 1875.76 The Great Salt Lake in former times: Am Nat 10, pp 675-681, 1876.

    Packard, R. L.94 Variscite from Utah: Am J Sc 3s. 47, pp 297-298, 1894.

    Palache, C.09 with LaForge, L. Notes on the crystallography of leadhillite: AmAcad Arts & Sc Proc 44, pp 435-463. 1909.28 Seligmannite from Bingham, Utah: Am Min 13, pp 402-405, 1928.34 Minerals from Topaz mountain. Utah: Am Min 19, pp 14-16, 1934.34a Pseudobrookite: Am Min 19, pp 16-20, 1934.

    Palmer, L. A.06 Modern mining at Alta: Mines & Minerals 26, pp 438-440, 1906.11 T