Using triangulation to validate themes in qualitative studies.docx


Transcript of Using triangulation to validate themes in qualitative studies.docx

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Assignment of MBA student Izmailov Mikhail





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Introduction………………………………………………………………………………3Using triangulation to validate themes in qualitative studies. ………………………..3Discourse analysis and corporate social responsibility: a qualitative approach …….5A narrative analysis revealing strategic intent and posture…………………………... 6Reflection about the future of narrative analysis. Textual criticism of Shahmatov as a tool for strategy analysis……………………………………………………………6Questions of the research and primary hypothesis……………………………………..8Encyclical letters as indicator of the changes in business culture. Short description of the organizational structure of the Vatican………………….…. 10 Phenomenon of the “soft power”…………………………………………………….…..11 Scientific interests and Anthropological conception of the K. Wojtyla……...…….…. 15Intellectual situation in Poland after WW2….………………………………………….15Philosophical views of K. Wojtyla…………………… ..…………………………….…..15Short observation of encyclicals of John Paul The Second ………………………….....16Redemptor Hominis……………………………………………………………………….. 17 Laborem Exercens1981 – Avoiding the gap of system analysis………………………...17CENTESIMUS ANNUS………………………………………………………..………………... 22Milestones of the business practices which influenced on the business culture………. 23

1. Application theory of Peter Deming in Japan and USA (1960-s)…………………….23

2. Rise of the interest to the anthropological studies in marketing (1960-s)……………24

3. Appearance of the Scandinavian school of marketing – 1970-s……………………... 25

4. Talent management (1997)……………………………………………………………... 25

5. EURO and alternative systems of the currency……………………………………….. 27

6. “Coefficient of happiness” and attempts to evaluate the human emotions (2008)……28

7. Islamic banking as a driver for the changes in European world…………………….. 34


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First three parts devoted for the analysis of the implementation of anthropology and narrative analysis in marketing, in the last 4 part was made analysis of implementation of the Russian methodology of textual criticism of Shahmatov for analysis of the influence the philosophy of the Karol Wojtyla on the development social responsible business ethics.

Using triangulation to validate themes in qualitative studies. (Karsten Jonsen, Karen A. Jehn)

Triangulation is defined as “combination of the methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon” (Denzin, 1978)

Tree graphs are rooted in decision trees and cognitive maps.

Main idea of the triangulation is to eliminate subjectivity by using the multiply methods in order to offset researcher biases. Triangulation justify makes emphasis not on the final results, but on the process of the research.

This is may be reason of popularity of the triangulation in ethnographical researches, when researcher in every new research can face with new type of society, that’s why Claud Levi Strauss in his “Structural anthropology” confined by recommendation to use modeling in case of analysis of traditional societ, but of course we can use different approaches to divide society into certain elements, the key factor of success here is that new approach must correct the previous one.

We have today many excellent methods of cross cultural research such as methods of Halls, Trompenhaars, Hofstede, but main goal of such methods is to provide opportunity for the businessmen how to behave in foreign country, but if we want more deep analysis and holistic model of the business culture and key factors of success in certain country it will be not enough to satisfy by only one method.

Among advantages of triangulation, authors of the article mentioned: subjectivity reduction, validity increase and documentation of the process.

Problems of this method consists with quantity of coding levels and principles of moving from one level to the next one. Authors of the article mentioned that it must be creative process, without any “magic formula” when the researcher use his personal common sense as a tool. Some variations of the methods could be used at all stages of the research. Authors mentioned experience of such representatives of anthropology as Malinowski


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Still it is seems to be excellent tool for confirmation of the primarily hypothesis and theory creating process.

Methodology of triangulation based on the philosophy of pragmatism. Pragmatism often was seen as a philosophy underpinning mixed methods. Main questions are centered around:

- Aggregation of data following well explained studies;

- Non - superior perspective that respects and tries to articulate the informant’s views and their subjective understanding at their level of meaning;

- “What’s going on here?” in the eyes of the researcher as participant observer.

Article analyses

Case example: diversity in question

In the case in the article, author divide first data massive in three dimensions: Instrumental perspective, Normative perspective and Integration perspective, but only later it’s verified which one are “cored out”. It is about playing one analytic scheme against another to see what better captures the essence of the phenomenon.

There are three techniques of triangulation: tree graphs, concept mapping and member checking.

In this research was used the three graphs method, which gives opportunity to see the problem from the actors themselves – the decision makers – as opposed to the researcher. Thus, this method help to eliminate subjectiveness which embedded in observation techniques and interpretation.

In this study, the three graphs were collected from the managers, based on a several questions around the topic, in order to investigate their cognitive schemas surrounding diversity. The first object was to identify common concepts and comparing this to the existing core concepts as verification to the extent that they would fit in and the second object was to identify possible new (or neglected) concepts as part of the theoretical coding.

Three graphs were used to confirm/disconfirm the intermediary results by matching 24 concepts from the coding procedure with the concepts drawn by the top managers themselves, individually (59-88%).

Second triangulation technique: using concept mapping to triangulate categorization

Concept mapping is based on the assumption that language is the key to mental models and can 4

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be used as a material for understanding the type of manager’s mindset. Units of the analysis are words or phrases, and in the second stage this units are united in concept maps, then different concepts can be performed using MDS models. The specific objects for this type of analysis are: to explore the ideal number of categories, to explore the insiders view how the concepts should be sorted, to help reflect on and potentially adjust the researcher’s own model or framework.

Third technique of triangulation: using member checking to triangulate framework

This most recommended technique of triangulation use feedback from the informants (which acted as a judges) evaluating the most important findings of the study.

The experts verify framework findings collectively, during a meeting with one of the authors. The main idea is to find out how the findings correspond with their reality.

2. Discourse analysis and corporate social responsibility: a qualitative approach

Labov and Waletzky describes narrative analysis as method of recapitulation of the past experience by matching the verbal sequence of clauses to the sequence of events which (it is inferred) actually occurred.

Phenomenon of “narrative psychology” regards identity as a balance between various accounts:

1. Outside story – the events which actually occurred;2. Inside story – the field of the intimate experiments – the way in which an organization

represent its life to itself;3. Inside-out story – the way in which an organization represents its life to others

(institutional communication);4. Outside-in-story. The way others see the life of organization.

For evaluation of CRS, narrative analysis is used as instrument for analysis of the corporate reports.

The first question here is this type of analysis sufficient for evaluation such phenomenon as social responsibility?

Definitely it’s must be the additional type of the research.

Still, such analysis give general understanding of corporate social strategy and even understanding the differences between the real social activities and propagating. Author of the article have mentioned that in many corporate reports the indicators of social responsibility is presented as additional, usually after financial indicators.


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A narrative analysis revealing strategic intent and posture by Nancy E. Landrum

In this article author investigate reasons for changes in strategy using as material for the narrative analysis letters of the two companies (Nike and Reebok) for their stakeholders.

Author have integrated three approaches for narrative analysis: strategic school of thought (Minzberg, 1990), literary genres (Frye, 1957; white, 1973) and strategic narratives (Barry and Elmes, 1997).

In overview of different points of view on the strategy deserves attention “cultural approach” of Minzberg (strategy as a reflection of the business culture and as a process of a collective behavior based upon shared beliefs).

Author use historical storytelling of Reebok and Nike as a material for analysis the strategy of this companies.

In conclusion author mentioned that Nike used greater variety of storytelling types, which means that Nike observe problems from different angles and sees world in variety ways.

Those fact that Reebok use romance genre means, from the point of view of the author, that this company has idealized romantic vision of the world.

Nike also used romance genre, but on the second place is irony-satire genre, Nike represent itself as a anti-establishment company.

In 1994, when Reebok have lost the battle for the Nike in terms of sales and market share, the tragic genre have appeared.

Nike used a variety of strategic narrative styles mixing epic/design, technofuturist/planning and purist positioning as strategic storytelling genres.

Reebok used more technofuturist/planning than the other narrative styles.

All this analysis was based on the letters of the both of companies for their shareholders.

Reflection about the future of narrative analysis. Textual criticism of Shahmatov as a tool for strategy analysis.

Definitely the narrative analysis is the interesting tool because it gives for as understanding about the emotional content of the promotional strategy of the company. Many modern researchers mentioned that final target of the marketing is to provide the value for the consumer, that the


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“emotional marketing” must be replaced by the “marketing of transformation”, still company can produce some emotional values for the consumer (identification with the certain social grope, for example).

But the first question about the narrative analysis with regard to the strategy is: “whether this tool is sufficient for analysis such complex phenomenon as a strategy of the company?”

Today we have many mechanical tools for content analysis (Russian version calls “Baal”), but should we simplify analysis of strategy to the such easy technical process as a content analysis.

From this point of view, extremely interesting to make short observation of the Russian school of narrative analysis (usual term in Russia is “textual criticism”).

The general principles of this school were formulated by famous Russian investigator of ancient chronicles Shahmatov, then methodology was enforced by the Prisekin and Lev Gumilev.

What are the main advantages of this school?

Main advantage is that it provide holistic analysis of the object of the analysis from the different angles (personality of the author of the chronicle, political, social and economic situation in the country at those period). Of course this holistic analysis combines with the narrative analysis of the text. Thereby, this is excellent instrument for creating and testing different hypothesis, which is very important in historical analysis when quantity of the necessary sources of information is limited.

What principals steps were done by Shahmatov to made principally different approach for the textual criticism in comparison with his predecessors?

1. The predecessors of Shahmatov created compilations from different sources of information about one object (for example, all mentions about early Slavic tribes from different Arabian authors) and then work with this compilation as with origin source of information. Shahmatov used principally different approach, firstly he investigated the text, analyzed the relations between different texts and only then published them.

Shahmatov never fragmented text for the different parts, he analyzed every middle ages chronicle as a holistic phenomenon, then analyzed possible reasons about contradictions about different events in different chronicles.

At the final stage of research he used reconstructions, but his reconstructions always were based on the origin sources of information and never on the reconstructions of other scientists. He even recommended for his followers (for example Prisekin) not to used his reconstruction as a starting point of the research.


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2. Cross-disciplinary approach was another specific feature of Shahmatov’s methodology, he studied the text as a part of the hole culture of the nation. Shahmatov understood changes of the text of the chronicles as a result of the changes in the hole society: history, political ideas, psychology of the authors of the text, their methods of work, political allegiance, etc. He started to investigate circumstances in Russian history which corresponded with the changes in the chronicles and thus he wide spread the traditional boundaries of textual criticism and created modern philology. Interesting, that from the point of view of Lichachev, works of Shahmatov improve our understanding of psychology of people of the middle ages Russia.

3. As a disadvantage of the Shahmatov methods, some researchers mentioned the ignorance of the changes in the literature styles of the Russian chronicles

4. Main object of the history as a science according for the famous Russian ethnographer L. Gumilev is not description of relevant facts, but to find out, using analysis and synthesis, those facts, which was unknown for the researchers. The main problems for investigators of Russian Middle Ages chroniclers was that there are great deal of contradictions about the same facts, many sources of information were lost, besides quantity of information about some periods of the Russian history is extremely limited (for example about Slavic tribes in early Middle Ages only few mentions in Arabic and Byzantium sources). In such situation the only way to find the truth is the reconstruction of the history, based on analysis cross-cultural and political links between different ethnical groups (In fact, Gumilev used analysis of geographical, economic, social, religious, military and political factors) .

From my point of view, this methodology could be used today for the cabinet research, when quantity of information about the problem is limited. From my point of view, the approach of Shahmatov is more suitable for the research cases, which touch upon global strategic trends (for example extension different business tools, fashion, social and environmental trends etc.), anyway it’s definitely better than ordinary description, and methods of narratives analysis which I have seen in previous articles, concentrated on the text, but ignore many important external factors.

I would like to make a small test for using the methodology of Shahmatov to investigate problem of the creation and distribution of the principles of the so-called “Christian business ethics”, which was primarily formulated in University of Lublin by group of scientists, one from which was Karol Wojtyla, who lately has become a Pope of Rome Paul The Second.

Questions of the research and primary hypothesis

I have chosen this theme of research because of the following reasons:

1. The extension of the social nets in the last 10 years has emerged the research of new methods of management of the business units with the atomic structure, in circumstances when implementation of old fashioned hierarchical structure is impossible. But the Vatican is exactly the same structure, but because unlikely the modern social nets emphasis is makes on the


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development of the human capital the traditional disadvantages of the modern social nets totally absence in this giant “social net”, so investigation of such experience is extremely important today;

2. Many organizations, which used cross-disciplinary researches (such as Club of Rome for example) today accentuate the importance of the investigation of the collective economic behavior and system of values of the population in different geographical areas. Club of Rome even provides a large research (“The value Quest”) to find out the motivation of the mass economic behavior (really it’s very hard to understand the reasons for the strange politics of Greek bankers and consumers, when ones provided and others received deliberately hopeless loans or the reasons of the “Tulip mania” in Holland in 16-th century). Vatican has unique experience of the 2000 years of history of the management system of values.

3. Many scientists today makes emphasis on the social role of the banking and financial services. However, the question about correlation between the banking and the type of the social structure is still open. From my point of view, the specialists on the Catholic business ethics were first who started seriously investigate this question.

Primary hypothesis – in 1950-s in University of Lublin was formulated general principles of the Catholic ethics, which lately many times were implemented in different business practices and thereby was a trendsetter for development of the ethical approach for the business for the latest 60 years.

So, questions of my research will be as follows:

1. How organizational structure of the Vatican helps to widespread the ethical principles in the business area?

2. What is the mechanism of the distribution of the ethical principles?

3. The role of the Karol Wojtyla in creating modern understanding of the business ethics.

Encyclical letters as indicator of the changes in business culture.

Papal encyclical main document of the Pope, devoted to the most important social economic and political questions.

The unique feature of the Vatican is the long term planning, when planning period could include the lives of the few generations, so method of the Shahmatov, which include the “wide scope” will be extremely suitable for analysis the problem. Of course each encyclical could be continuation of the themes, which have been chosen by the predecessor (for example first three encyclical of Jan Paul the Second were the continuation of the works of the previous Pope Pius XII, as well as first encyclicals of the Benedict was continuation of the idea of the Jan Paul the


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Second), but despite this very interesting to evaluate influence of the theology on the business ethics in the period of the end of 20-th and the beginning of the 21 century.

This period was chosen because few very important trends were happened on this time: political changes in eastern Europe, crises in banking department of economics and appearance of the alternative intensions in banking area (Islamic banking, “crowd sourcing” in providing the loans, appearance of the different forms of the private currencies) , problems in EU (different in collective economic behavior the colorful example of which is crises in Greece), appearance of the new tools in marketing (application of the anthropological methods, shift from the emotional marketing to the “marketing of transformation”) and business culture (shift from hierarchical culture to the meritocracy and finally talent management).

Short description of the organizational structure of the Vatican

Unfortunately is not easy question to make a description of such unique phenomenon as the organizational structure of the Vatican. Problem is that Vatican, in some point of view, compare the worldwide social net, but despite the modern social nets, this organization has 2000 ages of experience of work with human system of values and collective behavior and struggle with the great deal of internal and external challengers, so finally extremely flexible and simultaneously effective organization have appeared. System of the global management of the Catholic world is based on the Christian orders, and this orders in their turn, have appeared as a answer for the different challengers in different periods of the history. For example Jesuits have appeared as a answer for the Reformation and created excellent system of the education, Hospitallers in time of Crusaders and created excellent system of medical care, today the representatives of the Maltese orders (the heritage of the Hospitallers) has reputation of the excellent diplomats etc.

Interesting that the last order have appeared in the 1920-s as a answer for the challenge of the Protestantism, many observers think that values of the “Opus Deu” (success in real life) strongly remind the same values in Protestantism.

Finally I would like to say that despite the vision pyramid in the city of Rome, Vatican is extremely complex net with many horizontal and vertical links, including many excellent specialists from catholic universities in the world, even with variations in the life style (if we will compare for example the Benedictine and “Opus Deu”), but all the time based on the Christian system of values .

Phenomenon of the “soft power”

Experience of Vatican gives for us a unique example of the management of the social goals in the circumstances very familiar for the social net. Of course the Pope could not use direct commands to control behavior of the government even in catholic countries, today is also impossible to control by this way even behavior of the all community of the Catholics, still we can found many examples when Vatican winning the ideological duels in different countries.


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Even in countries with strong military forces realization of this power is a very hard task. “For most of today's great powers, the use of force would jeopardise their economic objectives. Even non-democratic countries that feel moral constraints on the use of force have to consider its effects on their economic objectives (“Why Military Power is no Longer Enough” Published on 14 March 2012 Written by The Guardian Joseph Nye).

For better understanding the mechanism of the “management of the system of values” will be interesting to take a look on the principal ideological duel for the so-called “strategy of the family planning”, provided by the Rockefeller Centre in USA and the representatives of the Catholic Church.

I do not like here to discuss the Strategy of family planning itself, for me is interesting how the Vatican use opportunities of it’s unique organization structure to support the Christian system of value in country where the catholic population is minority.

Also interesting that the same plan of Rockefeller foundation have been failed in Russia, because the opposition of the Russian Orthodox Church.

So, what are the key factors of the influence of the Catholic Church?

1. Possibility of quick mobilization of the international coalitions to address shares threats and challengers. In time of globalization, this could be main advantage of the Vatican in comparison with every local state. May be classical example of creating such coalition is so-called “Pastoral Plan” of creating cross disciplinary coalition of the members of the Catholic Church which support the prohibition of the abortion in USA.

Colorful example of the ability for such mobilization is so-called “Pastoral Plan of 1996” in USA, when representatives of the Catholic Church tried to stop the planning family activity of the Rockefeller Commission. In this case we can see interesting example of the cooperation of the efforts of two religious gropes, many journalists have mentioned that “Religious rights movement” were designed by Catholics, but the majority of the followers are Protestants.

The list of organizations, which were included in Pastoral Plan looks significant:

a) Priests and Religious b) Catholic Physicians Guilds c) Catholic Lawyers Associations d) USCC Advisory Council e) National Conference of Catholic Charities f) Catholic Hospital Association g) Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters of America, National Order of Foresters, Ancient Order of Hibernians h) Catholic Press Association


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i) National Holy Name Society j) NCCW - NCCL k) National Catholic Education Association l) Catholic Theological Society of America m) Canon Law Society of America n) Catholic Philosophical Society o) Nurses p) Social Workers q) Catholic Universities r) Ladies of Charity s) Daughters of Isabella t) Knights of St. George


1. Inform leadership of each group of the deliberations at the Regional Working Sessions, and the points of consensus reached by the Bishops. Provide an explanation of current status of the proposed amendments, particularly in light of the Senate Subcommittee action. Enclose a copy of Respect Life -- 1975, placing the abortion question in a broader context. Propose a meeting with leaders. 2. Explain political strategy and discuss how each group may participate. Show the National Organizations how to in- ventory their internal political capabilities systematically by means of their own government relations audit which en- ables each organization to build its own support system. 3. Establish a communications structure from Washington to the National Office of each organization to activate support for the political program and to achieve readiness for nec- essary response action on our part. 4. Emphasize inherent link between abortion and euthanasia, and necessity of preparedness for euthanasia struggle.

Also this plan included:

II. Ecumenical activity – program of cooperation with another representatives of Christian Church;

III. General Public Information Effort – list of possible stakeholders, including: individuals who can be persuasive with Congress, and with those who inform or influence public opinion: All leadership types (business, government, professions, academic, labor), State legislators and state and local party leaders (in all parties) to inform them of our position and ask their support, Communications leaders (press, TV, radio).

IV. Judicial Activity – efforts for convenience judges and finally US Supreme Court in anti abortion reasons.

V. Pro-Life Groups – list of efforts to encourage such groups to encourage to cooperate with supporters of the Pastoral Plan as closely as possible.


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VI. The Catholic Press – strategy of enlightening of the Pastoral Plan.

VII. Specific Educational Efforts The Church as a Learning Community

This plan which was implemented in 1975 is very colorful example of possibility to mobilize different professional groups of the society to the defense some ethical values and simultaneously the example of the mechanism of “soft power” of the Vatican.

“The results thus far: According to a report prepared by Americans United and the Interfaith Alliance Foundation, 198 members of the U.S. Congress vote with the Christian Coalition at least 86 percent of the time. At a press conference, Lynn criticized the “tangled—and growing—links between the Christian Coalition and the Republican Party…the Christian Coalition now calls the shots for a major political party.” (Vatican Power In America: Things Are Seldom What They Seem; Church and state;

“Another major accomplishment of the Pastoral Plan has been its effect on Protestantism in America. The Plan has taken the protest out of the Protestant movement” (Vatican Power In America: Things Are Seldom What They Seem; Church and state;

Finally many conservative protestants support this Plan, journalists mentioned about approximately 14,7 millions of the Baptists, who started the dialogue with catholic church.

2. Creating coalitions for the stimulating changers in the business culture

Another example we could find for example in Italy where may be the first social gropes, which intended to influence on the business culture from the point of view of the Christian system of values, has appeared (1950-60-s).

3. Possibility to support the positive image of the organization.

From the first point of view it is sound strange, for a long period we can see different scandals, which consist with the Catholic Church, but important different between the Catholic Church and Russian Orthodox Church is that Catholic Church always support image of the intellectual organization.

What do I mean?

From the time of Campanella, creating some alternative vision, which present the solution of the current social problems or at least provide some colorful emotional drivers to attract attention of the society on the certain area, is the serious tool to stimulate the changes in the society. Many western journalists mentioned, for example, the success of “Beatles” in URSS just before the “Perestrojka” of M. Gorbachev. Gorbachev acknowledged himself to Paul McCartney that the Beatles paved the way for perestroika and glasnost—his vain attempt to save communism by


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reforming it. (Bollywood’s Soft Power India’s hugely popular films wage a cultural war on extremism by Shikha Dalmia, from Reason January-February 2012).

Also interesting example is competition of MTV and Bollywood in Asian countries, very interesting that in Arabian countries the population watch MTV, but according the interviews, does not share the values proclaiming in this channel, in India popularity of Bollywood is based on the traditional values (and it seems for me that it plays the role of antidote for the such pro western channels as MTV in this region). This of course can create chain reaction: people watching Indian movies, then visiting India as a tourist, starting to taste Indian food etc. The idea of the “American Dream” is not popular in Asian countries, because it based only on the economic power of the USA, this is not sufficient. If attraction of ideas, which are providing by the Bolywood or MTV based on the colorful images and music, what is doing (and could be doing something?) by the Vatican on this field?

If in the middle ages and Renaissance Catholic church was undisputed leader in arts, architecture and science as well (Gotti Tedeschi, the most known specialist on Catholic business culture, called ancient monasteries “Silicone values of the Middle Ages”), in the latest times such books as “Glass Bead Game” by German Hesse, “The name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco support image of Vatican as a intellectual centre. Of course the target audience of this authors are smaller than quantity of amateurs of Bolywood, but quality of this authority are rather higher.

The colorful example of this image is the case when in time of rebranding of the Microsoft, somebody has proposed to use an image of middle ages monk, as a symbol of the innovational spirit.

Scientific interests and Anthropological conception of the K. Wojtyla

Usual point of view on the reasons of the election of K.Wojtyla as a Pope of Rome was that it have become because his nationality. Partly it‘s true, Poland was important driver of the crushing the communist block in Europe, but if we ask ourselves: “Why exactly K.Wojtyla was elected?”, the answer will be definitely because his philosophical studies.

Very important to take a look on the philosophical interests of K. Wojtyla, because this ideas determine development not only the Catholic Church but the business ethics (more or less) in general.

K.Wojtyla had graduated theological department of University of Krakow and his scientific interests evaluated from Thomism to the Phenomenology (it would be better to say that K.Wojtyla have created the synthesis of Thomism and Phenomenology). Main efforts were devoted to the two problems: the ethics and the philosophical anthropology.


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This two themes were extremely actual in Poland in time of 1950-s when questions about ideal social structure and place of the man in the society were very popular.

Intellectual situation in Poland after WW2

Intellectual situation in Poland at those period was absolutely unique. Suddenly in society have appeared great interest to the philosophy. Usually observers describe this as essential posterity of the war period, when usually interest for the existential questions rise and experience of the opposition against the German and then against the Soviet ideological propagating. The same interest for the existential problem of the human choice simultaneously appeared in Russia, but because of domination of Marxism, this question were touched upon only in literature (for example in beautiful novels of Vasil Bykov).

Main advantage of Poland of this period was that few catholic universities still continue their work and because of this they had opportunity to create some alternative point of view on the person, society, goal of the life etc.

Important influence on the philosophical interests of K. Wojtyla have played the Catholic University of Lublin. The scientists of this university in situation of isolation has created original approach for the research. Idea was that the key links between the metaphysic (the essence of the things and phenomenon) and anthropology (problems of the development of the men) could be combined on the field of the ethic, which is trying to find the answer for the question: “How we must to behave?”.

So-called “cultural opposition” of this university was concentrated on the idea that communism and materialism was just a caricature on the humanism, so main idea was to create the holistic model of humanism, which will be suitable for the modern person and the society. The tasks were really ambitious: rethinking intention of the development the philosophical thought from the Renaissance period and call into question the Marxist’s understanding of the freedom of the personality. Karel Wojtyla was member of this “club” of scientists as a specialist on the ethics.

Philosophical views of K. Wojtyla

When K.Wojtyla has become to study the ethics he has come to the conclusion that such meanings as goal of life, moral duty, intend for the happiness and virtue can be mostly clearly determined only in “real life” of the person. From the point of view of determining the business ethics, this ideas are familiar to the ideas of Max Weber about difference in business behavior between the Catholics and the protestants. Lately, many observers blamed K. Wojtyla in patronage such organization as “Opus Deu”, the philosophy of which is very closed to the protestant one. K.Wojtyla has become to the conclusion that the link between spiritual life and


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the “real life” is not clearly determined.

He was sure that the duty of philosopher is to create recommendations to the person how to behave himself in different situations, and this recommendations must be base on the deep understanding of the being. He was tested philosophy of the Max Sheller due to create philosophical model of “spiritual life” of the person, but lately he have decided that this philosophy is not suitable for the solution of this task.

Still this attempt was very important because it give for us understanding of the objects of the scientific activity of K. Wojtyla. As we know the main duty of phenomenology is return to the holistic point of view on the philosophy, to use this science for the solution of the day-to-day problems of the human life.

Before the K.Wojtyla question of the holistic understanding of the different cultural and ethical question were studied by the Russian philosopher P. Florenski. The philosophy of Florenski was attempt to create alternative for the Marxism of the Soviet Russia and essentially in Poland of the Soviet period, intellectuals has faced with the same challenge.

The choice of phenomenology was determined by the idea that phenomenology can avoid the disadvantages of the idealism (abstraction and subjectivism) and the materialism (simplification of human experience to the chemical reactions). Wojtyla was interested in the attempt of Sheller to use the situation of the permanent choice, which person is making in real life as a base for the general morality (another valuable founding in Sheller’s philosophy was analysis of emotions which appear in human relations ((many modern observers mentioned that ignorance of the emotional reactions of the population was the main mistake of the Soviet planning system)). Finally, Wojtyla has come to the conclusion that attempt of Sheller to describe how ethical choice create personality was failed. In Sheller’s system, according Wojtyla, morality was off the spiritual entity of the person.

So, K. Wojtyla attracted the attention of the representatives of the Catholic Church of Poland because of his efforts to combine the official Thomism with Phenomenology. Finally he created the original conception of personality (He have written few books devoted for this theme: “Personality and action”, “Love and responsibility”, “Personality and love”, “Problem of the subject of morality”) his dissertation work called “Evaluation of the possibility of creation the Christian ethics, based on the philosophy of Max Sheller”.

Short observation of encyclicals of John Paul The Second

If organizational structure of the Vatican is very closed to the virtual net, then how can we evaluate influence of the philosophical ideas of representatives of the Catholic church on the business ethics?


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I think the most easiest way is to compare ideas from the encyclicals with the principal changes in business tools and theories at the approximately the same time period. May be it’s will be more logical to touch upon not changes in the theory of management and marketing, but in the first hand, changes in practical practices, because they are essentially the result of previous reflections).

John Paul The Second have prepared 14 encyclicals, and 4 of them touch upon questions of social strategy of the Catholic church, morality and human capital ( Sollicitudo Rei Socialis Centesimus Annus 10. Veritatis Splendor" Evangelium Vitae)

1. Redemptor Hominis (4 of march 1979) - In this first encyclical the Pope has made an

introduction of the plane of his papacy. The choice of the name was not accidental, same name with his predecessor means that new Pope will continue the politics of the previous one.

I chose the same names that were chosen by my beloved Predecessor John Paul I. Indeed, as soon as he announced to the Sacred College on 26 August 1978 that he wished to be called John Paul-such a double name being unprecedented in the history of the Papacy-I saw in it a clear presage of grace for the new pontificate.

Indeed the first two encyclicals were devoted for the problem of the love, in fact it was continuation of the struggle of Jan Paul the First against the sexual revolution. Unfortunately I must live this exiting struggle beyond the boundaries of my study because it does not touch upon the problems of the business ethics.

But even in this first encyclical, the Pope touched upon the question of the ethics.

The essential meaning of this "kingship" and "dominion" of man over the visible world, which the Creator himself gave man for his task, consists in the priority of ethics over technology, in the primacy of the person over things, and in the superiority of spirit over matter.

Laborem Exercens1981 – Avoiding the gap of system analysis

From my point of view, this work was in some point of view the response for the work of the club of Rome (in particular such classical works as “Limits for the growth” and “Urban


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dynamics”), the problems with which the authors of this works has problems consists in the method of the research (system analysis). Main problem of system analysis is that is very hard to evaluate such qualitative factors as emotional and cultural drivers of the human behavior. Martin Palmer say about this in his article on the cite of Club of Rome: “The truth is almost no-one has ever been convinced to change their lifestyle or their dominant myth by pie charts or log frames. Throughout history, as HRH the Duke of Edinburgh pointed out in 1986, only two forces have ever changed people’s basic values – the arts and religion and very often these have been one and the same thing.” (Martin Palmer “How beliefs, values, ethos and inspiration are essential  for saving  the world”,

So, definitely system analysis must be surplus by some additional methodology and, from the point of view of K.Wojtyla such methodology could be the Christian anthropology, which must make emphasis on development of the human capital (which based not only on development of the certain skills, but on the specific relations inside the society) and holistic understanding of the society (“THROUGH WORK man must earn his daily bread1 and contribute to the continual advance of science and technology and, above all, to elevating unceasingly the cultural and moral level of the society within which he lives in community with those who belong to the same family”)

For the rethinking of the role of the work as a opportunity for the self development JP II also offer the methods of the phenomenology: “Nevertheless, the general situation of man in the modern world, studied and analyzed in its various aspects of geography, culture and civilization, calls for the discovery of the new meanings of human work. It likewise calls for the formulation of the new tasks that in this sector face each individual, the family, each country, the whole human race, and, finally, the Church herself.”

The Church is convinced that work is a fundamental dimension of man's existence on earth. She is confirmed in this conviction by considering the whole heritage of the many sciences devoted to man: anthropology, palaeontology, history, sociology, psychology and so on; they all seem to bear witness to this reality in an irrefutable way

The “logos” of the work in time of the sharp changes is extremely actual. The majority of specialists are absolutely sure that by 5-7 years the clerks in banks will be totally replaced by the computer technologies, so many companies has to rethink the process of providing the values, some values must be provided for the stuff, not only for the consumer.

“While people sometimes speak of periods of "acceleration" in the economic life and civilization of humanity or of individual nations, linking these periods to the progress of science and technology and especially to discoveries which are decisive for social and economic life, at the same time it can be said that none of these phenomena of "acceleration" exceeds the essential content of what was said in that most ancient of biblical texts…”

“However, it is also a fact that, in some instances, technology can cease to be man's ally and


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become almost his enemy, as when the mechanization of work "supplants" him, taking away all personal satisfaction and the incentive to creativity and responsibility, when it deprives many workers of their previous employment, or when, through exalting the machine, it reduces man to the status of its slave.”

Another important question is question of periodization of the human economic history, due to include in it cultural factors and conception of the human capital:

“And this ordering remains necessarily and indissolubly linked with the fact that man was created, as male and female, "in the image of God". This process is, at the same time, universal: it embraces all human beings, every generation, every phase of economic and cultural development, and at the same time it is a process that takes place within each human being, in each conscious human subject…”

Ten part of the encyclical discuss the problem of the holistic vision of the sustainable society. The question about the ideal combination of the social structure and the human model has very long history. But if in the Plato’s model complexity of the system defines by the quantity of social stratums with a special duties (“philosophers”, “warriors” and “peasants”) which were not connected by the any type of relations except the direct commands, then how must be looks like the society, based on the traditional Christian values? Of course we can remember the successful attempts of Jesuits to build a Catholic Republic in Paraguay, but it was only 16-th century and native population (Guarani) lived in situation of “primitive communism” (without private property), so, despite the serious efforts, it was almost laboratory experiment.

In part N 10, the Pope explain how modern holistic model of society, which is based on the Christian values, must be looks like.

10. Work and Society: Family and Nation

Having thus confirmed the personal dimension of human work, we must go on to the second sphere of values which is necessarily linked to work. Work constitutes a foundation for the formation of family life, which is a natural right and something that man is called to. These two spheres of values-one linked to work and the other consequent on the family nature of human life-must be properly united and must properly permeate each other. In a way, work is a condition for making it possible to found a family, since the family requires the means of subsistence which man normally gains through work. Work and industriousness also influence the whole process of education in the family, for the very reason that everyone "becomes a human being" through, among other things, work, and becoming a human being is precisely the main purpose of the whole process of education. Obviously, two aspects of work in a sense come into play here: the one making family life and its upkeep possible, and the other making possible


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the achievement of the purposes of the family, especially education.

The third sphere of values that emerges from this point of view-that of the subject of work-concerns the great society to which man belongs on the basis of particular cultural and historical links. This society-even when it has not yet taken on the mature form of a nation-is not only the great "educator" of every man, even though an indirect one (because each individual absorbs within the family the contents and values that go to make up the culture of a given nation); it is also a great historical and social incarnation of the work of all generations. All of this brings it about that man combines his deepest human identity with membership of a nation, and intends his work also to increase the common good developed together with his compatriots, thus realizing that in this way work serves to add to the heritage of the whole human family, of all the people living in the world.

“These three spheres are always important for human work in its subjective dimension.”

Also was touched upon problem of the choice between the feminism or the gender economics (which definitely is more logical, but needs more sophisticated approach):

Experience confirms that there must be a social re-evaluation of the mother's role, of the toil connected with it, and of the need that children have for care, love and affection in order that they may develop into responsible, morally and religiously mature and psychologically stable persons


In this encyclical Pope again return to his favorite philosophical theme and especially for the questions of the moral choice, individual responsibility, relations between people and social model.

“In this framework, the originality of the Encyclical consists not so much in the affirmation, historical in character, of the universality of the social question, but rather in the moral evaluation of this reality. Therefore political leaders, and citizens of rich countries considered as individuals, especially if they are Christians, have the moral obligation, according to the degree of each one's responsibility, to take into consideration, in personal decisions and decisions of government, this relationship of universality, this interdependence which exists between their conduct and the poverty and underdevelopment of so many millions of people”

Interesting moment is that some attention was focused on the problem of the complexity of the social system. According to the specialists of the system analysis, simplification of the system means loss of it’s sustainability. In the case of the social system, this mean that increase the quantity of social stratums increase the alternative life style’s, mindsets and finally create different scenarios of the development of the society, which is very important advantage. Problems with the simplification of the social structure have appeared in Russia of Soviet period


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(disappearing of the great quantity of the small cities and villages in 1950-s and as a result great quantity of the social (for example alcoholism, instigated by the suddenly change of the lifestyle when great deal of workers leaved the rural area after the WW2 and inhabited the large cities. Phenomenon which have appeared as a result of this migration was lately called “Soviet urban culture” and in some parts was very familiar to the modern Brazilian favelas (ghetto).

The same process of unification of the lifestyle, mindset, fashion, nutrition etc in Europe consist with “philosophy” of consumerism, so next important part is devoted for the problems of sustain of complexity of the society:

“We must also add the differences of culture and value systems between the various population groups, differences which do not always match the degree of economic development, but which help to create distances. These are elements and aspects which render the social question much more complex, precisely because this question has assumed a universal dimension.”

The most important part of the encyclical and in Christian anthropology of the K.Wojtyla is devoted for the human development. Importance of this question is determined by the necessity of the principal changes in economic targeting. If works of the Club of Rome have made emphasis on the importance of the environmental factor in long term planning, but failed with problem of changes in collective human behavior, Catholic anthropology then try to make emphasis on human capital, due to change in positive way collective human behavior.


28. At the same time, however, the "economic" concept itself, linked to the word development, has entered into crisis. In fact there is a better understanding today that the mere accumulation of goods and services, even for the benefit of the majority, is not enough for the realization of human happiness. Nor, in consequence, does the availability of the many real benefits provided in recent times by science and technology, including the computer sciences, bring freedom from every form of slavery. On the contrary, the experience of recent years shows that unless all the considerable body of resources and potential at man's disposal is guided by a moral understanding and by an orientation towards the true good of the human race, it easily turns against man to oppress him.”

This super-development, which consists in an excessive availability of every kind of material goods for the benefit of certain social groups, easily makes people slaves of "possession" and of immediate gratification, with no other horizon than the multiplication or continual replacement of the things already owned with others still better. This is the so-called civilization of "consumption" or " consumerism ," which involves so much "throwing-away" and "waste."

In time of the work in university of Lublin K.Wojtyla used term “solidarity” to determine the character of relations between people, accidentally few time after his philosophical term have


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become the name of the largest labor union in Poland.

“Solidarity helps us to see the "other"-whether a person, people or nation-not just as some kind of instrument, with a work capacity and physical strength to be exploited at low cost and then discarded when no longer useful, but as our "neighbor," a "helper" (cf. Gen 2:18-20), to be made

a sharer, on a par with ourselves, in the banquet of life to which all are equally invited by God.”

“In this way, the solidarity which we propose is the path to peace and at the same time to development. For world peace is inconceivable unless the world's leaders come to recognize that interdependence in itself demands the abandonment of the politics of blocs, the sacrifice of all forms of economic, military or political imperialism, and the transformation of mutual distrust

into collaboration”

Very often we can hear about principal anticommunist position of the Jan Paul The Second, but from my point of view his mission was to put new breath in modern philosophy and create original doctrine of the Catholic church development.

“The Church's social doctrine is not a "third way" between liberal capitalism and Marxist collectivism, nor even a possible alternative to other solutions less radically opposed to one another: rather, it constitutes a category of its own. Nor is it an ideology, but rather the accurate formulation of the results of a careful reflection on the complex realities of human existence, in society and in the international order, in the light of faith and of the Church's tradition. Its main aim is to interpret these realities, determining their conformity with or divergence from the lines of the Gospel teaching on man and his vocation, a vocation which is at once earthly and transcendent; its aim is thus to guide Christian behavior

 « CENTESIMUS ANNUS » (1 of may 1991)

In this last encyclical in my essay emphasis was done on the following questions:1. Again the role of the human relations, based on the Christian system of values, was taken into the focus.

In the face of a conflict which set man against man, almost as if they were "wolves", a conflict between the extremes of mere physical survival on the one side and opulence on the other, the Pope did not hesitate to intervene by virtue of his "apostolic office",9 that is, on the basis of the mission received from Jesus Christ himself to "feed his lambs and tend his sheep" (cf. Jn 21:15-17), and to "bind and loose" on earth for the Kingdom of Heaven (cf. Mt 16:19).

2. Question of economic development which must be based on the Human capital also was actual:


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“29. Finally, development must not be understood solely in economic terms, but in a way that is fully human.61 It is not only a question of raising all peoples to the level currently enjoyed by the richest countries, but rather of building up a more decent life through united labour, of concretely enhancing every individual's dignity and creativity, as well as his capacity to respond to his personal vocation, and thus to God's call”.

3. Phenomenology of the social doctrine determine principally new approach in cross disciplinary research as a combination of efforts of philosophy, anthropology and traditional business practices.

“54. Today, the Church's social doctrine focuses especially on man as he is involved in a complex network of relationships within modern societies. The human sciences and philosophy are helpful for interpreting man's central place within society and for enabling him to understand himself better as a "social being".”

Milestones of the business practices which influenced on the business culture

It’s not easy task to evaluate the effects of encyclical’s of the Jan Paul The Second, mainly because extremely sophisticated structure of the Vatican. Catholic Church is not traditional hierarchical organization with directive recommendations, so it’s very hard to follow for the recommendations of the Pope of Rome, such effect could be compared with the effect of the modern social nets, but in comparison with Catholic Church modern social nets are extremely primitive organizations. Famous Russian ethnologist Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev has told that “..if the Buddhism is mostly word view, the Catholicism is mostly the organizational structure”. That’s why, my idea is to make short observation of the principal changes not in theory, but in practical application of the new business practices, which has become the principal cornerstones of the development of the business ethics. We could not be absolutely sure that all this principal steps were the result of the influence of the philosophy of the Jan Paul The Second (in fact some of them was not), but we can propose that some hypothesis could be justify.

1. Application theory of Peter Deming in Japan and USA (1960-s)

Journey of total quality management faced the managers upon the problem of the application the system of management for the cultural differences and different types of motivation. The paradox is that TQM was adopted in Japan business culture, rather because it disadvantages than advantages. Kenichi Omae have mentioned that original Japan business culture with life long employment have appeared in the end of the WW2 in circumstances of economic crises and starvation, so legendary working abilities of Japan workers have appeared as respond for a very hard economic environment and then suddenly have become a tradition. Omae mentioned that changes overdue long time ago, however the system with hierarchical organization structure have become suitable for the application of the ideas of Peter Deming. Main obstacle for application in USA was necessity for the additional time for a work (unlike Japan nobody like to work without a payment in free time). Finally problem was solved by the reforming this practice due to the American mentality, instead of “quality clubs” of volunteers in Japan, in USA were


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created the professional teams, with special system of a graduation of the managers (Six Sigm, Motorola 1970), which used approach of the project management for the work.

This case definitely was not consist with catholic business ethics, but it faced the practical management upon the emergent questions of the importance of the business culture, human capital as a decisive factor of the success and analysis of different types of motivation.

2. Rise of the interest to the anthropological studies in marketing (1960-s)

In 1960-s when rise of the interest for the consumer behavior research have appeared, simultaneously appeared interest for the anthropological studies. Reason for this interest was necessity to investigate not only individual consumer, but the community of consumers as a holistic phenomenon. In few classical researches, amateurs of this approach try to prove it’s efficiency in comparison with method of focus gropes. Usually such methods based on the observation of the behavior the grope of consumers in time of their consumption of some products or services.

Still, despite the idea of observation the grope of consumers as a holistic community is very valuable will be logical to make the next step and from the observation of the communities move to the creating communities of consumers. This is very complex cross-disciplinary question because it’s touch upon many questions, may be the only successful examples are fan club of amateurs of Harley @ Davidson or “Aadvantage” program of customer loyalty of American Airlines, but if in the first case we can speak about the work with almost spontaneously appeared community, in the second case focus was made on the relations between the company and the consumers, which were based on the financial bonuses, but no efforts were done to stimulate relations between the consumers.

In modern Russia problems consists with consumer retention caused from the previous period of history, when all spontaneously appeared communities looks like suspicious for the government. In fact, it’s not very easy question to find such communities in Soviet history, the only examples are clubs of radio amateurs in 1960-s – 1970-s and sportsmen, today it almost impossible to name same large community of consumers of some local brand.

Main reason for this, from my point of view, is that the usual practice is to work with consumers on the one level of relations: producer – consumer, and this relations, as I have said before usually based on the point of view of financial profit, definitely this is not sufficient for the building community. Very often today we can see the practice when “the creators” of different political communities use methodology of the sect building, but all this attempts doomed to failure, because this pro-governmental sects degrade individuality of the members, so we can speak about negative conception of the human capital in this case. Finally such “organizations” will be completed by the non initiative and absolutely unmotivated members and their life cycle will be ended with the end of governmental finance. And this fact partly determine the success of


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labor union “Solidarity” in Poland of 1980-s

It’s very easy to say that process of community building must be based on the all dimensions of the pyramid of Maslow, but this is not so easy task as it looks like. In this case every parish has advantage in comparison with ordinary “clubs of consumers”.

Still, appearance of the anthropological methods was very important step in development marketing as a science, because it have changed the focus from the sales process to the relations consumers between each others, still this first attempts were far from the social doctrine of the Catholic Church.

3. Appearance of the Scandinavian school of marketing – 1970-s

Despite this type of marketing have appeared in Protestant countries, it was extremely serious impact on the rethinking of the phenomenology of this applied science and holistic point of view on the business. Indeed only change the focus from the moment of sales and profile of the consumer to the long time relations between the marketer and the customer, have changed the paradigm of the marketing.

Firstly, – combinations of the efforts of HR department and marketers makes human capital the main factor of the success of the company;

Secondly, - emphasis on long time relations provide opportunity for the social and environmental investments in the local markets (opposite situation is in traditional marketing when very hard to predict ROI on the advertising on the traditional channels of the communication);

Thirdly – emphasis on the adding of value for the customer (for example in banking marketing is impossible to provide all possible solutions for the consumer without education of the consumer) could create the triangle of the relations between the marketer – the consumer and the society ( life cycle of the client provide opportunity of the client “development”).

As I have mentioned before, despite this concept have appeared in protestant state, it’s look’s like a practical application of the anthropological theory of K. Wojtyla. Gronroos have mentioned that this is in fact return to the old fashion practice of sales, surprisingly this reformation of “old style marketing” had serious financial success.

4. Talent management (1997)


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Appearance of the talent management as a new paradigm of strategic human resources management was another important step in development business ethics. From the phenomenological point of view, focus in this approach in human resources management is done on the relation between the employer and employee. Discussions about problem of the motivation of the stuff (and especially non-efficiency of only monetary bonuses) have a very long history, after the rise of the interest to the Japan experience in business culture and ideas of the Christian Gronroos about combination the efforts of the marketers and human resources managers, many observers discuss problem of stimulation of the life long employment. Many specialists discuss that opportunity of life long employment could be achieved by the using all dimensions of the pyramid of Abraham Maslow, but only specialists of McKinsey company provide the clear strategy to realize this idea.

The term was used by the specialists of McKinsey & Company Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, and Beth Axelrod in their book “The war for the talent”. Talent management implies that companies are strategic and deliberate in how they source, attract, select, train, develop, retain, promote, and move employees through the organization.

The focus of the analysis must be done in accordance with the following dimensions:

Clear norms that drive performance;

Future leadership planning as integral part of people planning;

Leader’s compensation and careers dependent on their people development efforts;

Modulation the career path for certain grope to avoid frustrating talent;

Attract internationals to diversify the talent;

Control time sufficient for creation the talent (for example Nike use 1,5 month mentorship program, Chinese economists though that they need 5-7 years to create new generation of business leaders to their country;

Diversification of skills and background in the grope;

Reputation for offering strong training programs

So, we can see that such approach for the human resources management touched upon social, self –esteem, cognitive dimensions of personal motivation.

Because my idea is to make an observation of the influence of the anthropology of K.Wojtyla on the business ethics very interesting is to take a look on the roots of the talent management and the roots of organizational structure of the Mc Kinsey & Company as a unique business unit.

Many observers compare McKinsey & Company with Order of Jesuits. Really the reputation of


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Jesuits as a masters of organization of system of education is extremely high (for example University of Georgetown the only diplomatic school in USA is Jesuit’s Academy).

On what philosophical principles the system of Jesuit’s education is based?

Because the man was made in the image of the God, main object of the school is maximum development of the talents and abilities of the person, including sport and arts. “Cura personalis” (care about personality) is cornerstone principle of Jesuit’s education. Main focus is made not on the “arithmetical” quantity of skills, but on the “richness of the personality”. Question of influence of the environment on the human personality and permanent process of the improving the disadvantages of the personality are the another important questions of the Jesuit’s system of education. Easily we can see here the influence of the Jesuit’s objects of education on the philosophy of K.Wojtyla and then influence of the phenomenology of Wojtyla on the relations between the employer and employee in such business practice as talent management.

5. EURO and alternative systems of the currency

Despite I have decided to fix my attention only on the practical achievements on the field of marketing and management tools, still I have to pay attention for the theoretical works of Bernar Lietaer.Firstly because his practical achievements (implementation of Euro as a common European currency);And secondly, Lietaer summarized the practical experience of many communities, which used the private currency as a instrument to encourage solidarity inside the community, as a alternative paradigm to the traditional system of currency, which encourage only competition.

From his point of view, new currency can be the driver for the new horizon of human capital, when will be not force to look for a job place, but can make a choice of the favorite work , due to his personal interests. Besides, according B.Lietaer, implementation of the new system of the currency can solve the old dilemma between the economic growth and environmental problems. Also there are many examples when modern system of private currency provided a solutions for such problems as: unemployment (LETS), aging of population (“time banks” in USA and Japan (fureae kipu)), planting of greenery and garbage disposal (Brazil).

As a source for innovations Dr Lietaer analysis experience of the Great Depression of the 1930-s and especially appearance of difference systems of private currencies as a response for a challenge of unemployment and the deficit of the traditional currency. The most known of such systems were based on the theoretical works of Silvio Gezel (WIR in Switzerland and “Wergl bonds” in Austria). Main idea was to divide two functions of the money: exchange and ability to collect value.

Serious attention Dr.Lietaer has paid on the problem of the social impact of the banking and system of currency. Lietaer believe that financial system can be driver of the social crises (unemployment, children care, criminalization, education, quality of life are the elements of such


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crises). He investigate the paradox when the rise of personal wealth in the country coincides with decline of the quality of life (all above mentioned elements of the crises including IQ of representatives of population).

Finally he represented the dynamic model of the degeneration of the society:1. Tribe;2. Clan;3. “Large family” (consist relatives from different generations);4. Atomic family (representatives of one generation);5. Not completed family;

6. Separate individual (depressed or suicidal person).

Lietaer provide anthropological approach for the finding the solution of the social degradation and makes the focus on the relations between the members of the society. This relations, according to him must be based not on the competition, which inspired by the traditional banking and system of currency, but on the extremely ancient practice of “gift giving”, which is based on the cooperation and solidarity. He has made many examples, based on the anthropological material and examples from the modern scientific life as well. From my point of view, the investigation of the social impact of the banking and currency systems of Dr. Lietaer show new horizons in the way of combination of the social and economic sciences, and the possible solution for the trap of system analysis, the answer for those critics, who believe that models of system analysis does not pay attention for the social factor of the environment.

Generally, approach of Dr. Lietaer is continuation and specification of the philosophical and anthropological views of K. Wojtyla.

6. “Coefficient of happiness” and attempts to evaluate the human emotions (2008)

From my point of view the creation of this index also was important milestone in development of the business ethics. Traditional problem for economics was evaluation of the human emotions. If in the nearest past this question was looked like “unserious”, but after many large social crises of the last half of the 20 century, this question has become very actual. For example many analysts believe that disappear of USSR was consist with totally ignoring by the government the emotions of the mass of the people, of course there are many other factors, but question of the dominant emotion in the society is still stay unsolved. This question could not be solved without answer for the main philosophical questions, which were interested for the philosophers of the ancient Greece. The work with this questions was started by K.Wojtyla in time of his work in Lublin university. Despite the ignorance of emotional factor by the majority of the “serious scientists” from time to time this question have appeared as a basic framework for the social structure (for example, Winston Churchill called the USSR: “The society, which is based on the black greedy, and of course in every country government try to use such emotion as a


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Definitely Christianity which consist the vision of the ideal society as a society, which is based on the love, for a long period provide the alternative way for the traditional economics, only with appearance of the interest for the system analysis the opportunity to evaluate factors which influence on the social emotions have appeared.

The HPI measures what matters: the extent to which countries deliver long, happy, sustainable lives for the people that live in them. The Index uses global data on life expectancy, experienced well-being and Ecological Footprint to calculate this.

The index is an efficiency measure, it ranks countries on how many long and happy lives they produce per unit of environmental input.

The 2012 HPI report ranks 151 countries and is the third time the index has been published.

The index uses global data on life expectancy, experienced well-being and Ecological Footprint.

Each of these components is based on a separate measure:

Experienced well-being. If you want to know how well someone’s life is going, your best bet is to ask them directly. In this year’s HPI, experienced well-being is assessed using a question called the ‘Ladder of Life’ from the Gallup World Poll. This asks respondents to imagine a ladder, where 0 represents the worst possible life and 10 the best possible life, and report the step of the ladder they feel they currently stand on.

Life expectancy. Alongside experienced well-being, the HPI includes a universally important measure of health – life expectancy. We used life expectancy data from the 2011 UNDP Human Development Report

Ecological Footprint. The HPI uses the Ecological Footprint promoted by the environmental charity WWF as a measure of resource consumption. It is a per capita measure of the amount of land required to sustain a country’s consumption patterns, measured in terms of global hectares (g ha) which represent a hectare of land with average productive biocapacity.

See Appendix 1 in our report for a full methodology. (

Definitely this is only first step in the path of study of the factors, which influence on the human “mood” and collective behavior, but, from my point of view it could be important shift from the practice of the PR to the real improving the life level of the society.

7. Appearance of the Islamic banking (1960)


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3.1 The paradigm of Islamic banking

If previous projects had only the elements of the anthropological doctrine, this is holistic concept. The uniqueness of this type of banking is that it based on the ethical principal of the Quran. In fact, such approach could be the answer for the question about: how can we stimulate many private companies to be more social responsible?

Indeed if we take a look into the history of the risk management, and especially on the long term planning of the private individual very soon we will fund out that the period when person start to think about long term future was time of widespread Christianity, it’s sound strange but nor ancient Egyptians, nor Greeks, (may be besides the small exception) never think about the long term perspective (Peter L. Bernstein “Against the Gods. The remarkable story of risk.” Moscow 2000) . So, change in religion, have forced changes in system of values. What are the principal differences of the Islamic banking?

1. Ethics as a cornerstone of the business model.

This is new conception about relations between business and religion. “Its “raw material” isn’t money but a new network of relations, collaborations, participations whose aim isn’t the dividend speculative maximization but the way to a new approach in the conduct of business, in which moral motivations and of sustainable development could find a place, as God has created all things in the suitable quantity to satisfy human needs, and their shortage is the consequence of human behaviour driven by the desire for accumulation.”

The discussions about Islamic business legislation  have been started in the beginnings of 1920-s

and finally (despite some essential disadvantages)   

The elements of this laws could be seen in the history of Islamic countries even in early middle ages (social aide, original approach for the insurance etc). Unfortunately the economic history of Islamic countries in middle ages period was investigated extremely poor. Today, the Islamic business law elaborated new conception of insurance, based on the old Bedouins habit of mutual aid. Many observers mentioned that solidarity in the Islamic finance prevail on the speculative component, thus we can see how financial system can determine the relations between the people.

2. Banking without interest

The most well known feature of Islamic banking is the prohibition of interest (riba). Islamic banks neither charge nor pay interest in a conventional way where the payment of interest is set


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in advance and viewed as the predetermined price of credit or the reward for money deposited. Islamic Law accepts the capital reward for loan providers only on a profit and loss sharing basis, working on the principle of variable return connected to the actual productivity and performances of the financed project. Still on this field one problem stay unsolved. There are some variety of Islamic financial instruments from one bank to another. Problem is that different Islamic consultants has different definitions of financial Islamic instruments, so in some banks financial instruments are very close for European futures and options (they are prohibited in Islamic banking), but time have put everything on it’s place, most problems in time of financial crises of 2008has those Islamic banks, which used only “decorations”, but not real Islamic instruments.

3. Innovational services

This is also unique example of the innovations in banking for the large period of time. If the usual driver for innovations is intension to increase profit or enlargement of the market share, in Islamic banking main intension is coordination of the banking activity with the ethical principles of the Koran: “What you lend on riba to increase on other people’s goods, will not increase with God. But what you give on alms, longing for God’s face, will be doubled to you” (Koran, XXX, 39). The word riba identifies a principle of morality and social ethics to guarantee the equity of business deals, preventing any form of exploitation and defending the values of solidarity the Islamic society should be modelled on avoiding impermissible activities such as avoiding interest-based transactions and investments in impermissible industries (alcohol, tobacco, gambling, etc).

All this rules were the drivers of creating the line of original banking instruments. Let’s make the short observation of them:

1. Contract of musharaka, the two contracting parties contribute capital shares. The entrepreneur gives also his own organizational and managerial ability and the future profit sharing is fixed at the moment of the setting of the contract. In case of failure of the activity financed, the losses are shared out proportionally to the capital shares invested by contractors. 

2. Contract of murabaha, the bank buys the estate demanded by its client and resells it to him adding a margin of profit to its cost.     This kind of contract can be applied, for example, in the case of purchasing buildings for habitation. In our system the bank grants a loan at a specific rate of interest, directed towards the purchase of the house by the borrower, while in the one governed by the Islamic Law the bank decides to buy the house, after listening to its client’s possibilities of repayment and to get back, in a specific number of years, the money it paid plus a margin of profit according to the estate’s rising value in time.

3. The ijara is a contract of leasing according to which the bank buys a movable or immovable property on behalf of a client and lets him it against payment of a periodic rent. The loan implying that the borrower must give back only the capital without interests is, on the other hand, called qard ul-hassan.


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4. Organizational structure

The paradigm of Islamic banking determine existence of the special committee, devoted for the suitability of the banking strategy for the ethical principles of the Islam (for example: the conditions that the deals and the contracts signed by the bank must respect, and the criteria by which they select the companies they will invest into. The same board of experts is entitled to provide legal opinions (fatawa) the bank must be subject to and pass a global comment on the bank’s annual financial trend).

This “meritocratic” judgments also provide unique combination of the business and philosophy, which was main object of the philosophical reflection of K. Wojtyla.

5. Effective risk management and professionalism of the stuff

All futures studies, which are devoted for the innovations in banking , concentrated on the two main intensions: improving of the efficiency of the risk management and marketing of the relations.

The “architecture of the Islamic banking provides the solution for the both problems.From an operational point of view, this banking system is based on the prohibition of the interest rate and on sharing the risk in the relations between the bank, the loan receiver and the investors. By applying the profit and loss sharing method, the remuneration (or absence of remuneration) of deposits and of the operating investments of the bank isn’t connected with the temporal dimension, as for the Western banks whose activity of capital intermediation is based on the payment of an interest rate, but it’s determined according to the profits (or the losses) of the operation, in a percentage of stake set in the contract.

From the one hand such approach for the risk management provide opportunity to avoid the threats of the derivatives, and from the another hand, rise the role of the professionalism of the stuff.

6. Social effect

Eliminating speculation aloud a greater volume of financial resources for the real sector, provide more employment opportunities and rise the production of goods and services. “This creates a society which is theoretically more resilient and robust against adverse economic shocks”. (Haiwad 2008, 12)

Under the principles of Islamic finance, a fixed penalty on late payment is considered Riba (interest) and thus impermissible. However, in order to discourage late payments, scholars have permitted Islamic banks to charge a specified amount to a charitable fund maintained by the bank from the customer. This amount cannot be treated as a part of earned income (as is the case in conventional banks). This has led to development of charitable accounts by Islamic banks, donating heavily in the education and health sectors. (Haiwad 2008, 12)

Another example of social impact through Islamic finance is the world’s first charitable takaful (Islamic insurance) product developed by joint stock company t’azur, which is based in Bahrain. The Sadaqah Plan (Idea is to encourage charity in community) helps donors save


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regular donations which the company invests in Islamic funds over a set number of years, after which the accumulated capital is passed to a charity of the donor’s choice. In the event of unforeseen circumstances that prevent donors from making charitable donations (e.g. disability or critical illness), the institution will continue on their behalf, thus guaranteeing that the charity continues to receive the intended donation.

According to some specialists, equity based and profit and loss based modes of financing could be very effective in Agri-finance in rural areas.

Waqf the alternative model for the Poverty alleviation

Today as a main tool, used to decrease poverty, is micro loans (the absence of the sufficient funds in some governments forced them to shift the question of the poverty elimination into the business area). Banks’ SME financing arms and specialized microfinance institutions (MFIs) were believed to provide easy access of finance to the poor around the world. Unfortunately not only traditional banks, but even microfinance programs today are under heavily criticism because their high mark-up rates and alleged abuse for loan recovery.

The waqf involves giving up the custody of one’s belongings for the sake of charitable purposes. The donated property is confined or preserved while the profits are devoted for any purpose benefiting mankind (The Waqf Model and Poverty Alleviation by Farooq Shaikh - August 22, 2012.)

Social aspect of waqf: There are three parties in a waqf:

(1) Waqif – the original owner,

(2) Mutawalli – the manager of the waqf and

(3) the beneficiaries.

This alternative model remind of a community development financial institution (CDFI).

The concept of a waqf is also similar to the concept of trust and endowments with some minor differences. Both trusts and awqaf (plural of waqf) can be used for any specified purpose that benefits mankind, including poverty alleviation programs and interest-free loans. 

The difference lies in the time horizon. A waqf has to be strictly perpetual, while a trust can be either perpetual or defined.

Another difference is philosophical in nature, regarding the ownership of the assets. Under the waqf, ownership lies with the creator (i.e. Allah); in a trust, the ownership lies with the trust itself.

The nature of a waqf is similar to that behind the social economy in Quebec and particularly the Caisse d’economie solidaire, whereby members have voted to forego receiving annual interest and instead devote those gains to grants and community loans. (The Waqf Model and Poverty Alleviation by Farooq Shaikh - August 22, 2012.)

7. Permanent process of innovation


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From the one hand the absence of the common terminology in Islamic banking is obstacle, from the another hand it’s provide opportunity to test different ideas. Today Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf discuss the opportunity of the implementation the new system of the currency, temporarily called Khaleeji (the Gulf), “reinforcing the Arab capitals by cutting them loose from dollar, and it can endow Islamic finance with a new means to make its real investments safe from the strong fluctuation of the exchange rates, verifiable above all in the moment of global crisis.”

8. Attempt to rehabilitate the traditional business links.

The history of the “silk route” could be the driver of the development of Islamic finance in countries where the traditional banking is unpopular (because Koran prohibition) and simultaneously present high expectation about “rebirth of the time of the first caliphs”

9. Possible changes in economic theory

Many discussions of the representatives of Islamic banking are devoted for the question of evaluation of the economic growth. Many specialists think that GDP can not be the indicator of the economic growth. Many theorists think that alternative could be the indicator, which will be evaluate the difference in income among the members of the society, specialists in Islamic finance think that this indicator is closer for the Islam meaning of the justify.

8. Islamic banking as a driver for the changes in European world

26 of April 2010 Stoxx Europe Christian Index was officially adopted in Europe, due to enhance European investors to support corporate responsible companies. The majority of observers mentioned that it was response on the financial crises in 2008 and the same practice in the Islamic banking.

March 4 2013 (Bloomberg) -- The Vatican said banks should look at the rules of Islamic finance to restore confidence amongst their clients at a time of global economic crisis.

“The ethical principles on which Islamic finance is based may bring banks closer to their clients and to the true spirit which should mark every financial service,” the Vatican’s official newspaper Osservatore Romano said in an article in its latest issue late yesterday.

Author Loretta Napoleoni and Abaxbank Spa fixed income strategist, Claudia Segre, say in the article that “Western banks could use tools such as the Islamic bonds, known as sukuk, as collateral”. Sukuk may be used to fund the “‘car industry or the next Olympic Games in London,” they say.(


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July 2013 UK has become the most important location for Islamic financial activity outside the

Muslim world. Today, approximately 53 countries have Islamic banking institutions, and at least 70 countries have some sort of Islamic financial services. Main centers of studies of the Islam finance are the: Harvard, Sorbonne and Madrid. Last book of the most known theorist of Islamic finance Dr. Siddiqi “Evolution the Islamic Banking and Insurance as Systems Rooted in Ethics”, based on the same principles as the philosophy of K.Wojtyla.


1. Joseph Nye “Why Military Power is no Longer Enough” Published on 14 March 2012 Guardian

2. Nailene Chou Wiest “Time for Sino-Vatican Rapprochement “

3. Shikha Dalmia; “Bollywood’s Soft Power India’s hugely popular films wage a cultural war on extremism” January-February 2012;

4. Martin Palmer “How beliefs, values, ethos and inspiration are essential  for saving  the world”,;

5. Piter L. Bernstain, Against the Gods. The remarkable story of risk. Moscow 2000;

6. Flavius Caba-Maria: “The Islamic Banking System: From the crisis’ threats to the future’s opportunities”2011;

7. Farooq Shaikh “The Waqf Model and Poverty Alleviation” August 22, 2012

8. Flavius Caba-Maria "The Islamic Banking System: From the crisis’ threats to the future’s


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opportunities” 04 April 2011;9. Using triangulation to validate themes in qualitative studies. Karsten Jonsen, Karen A. Jehn;

10 Labov and Waletzky: “Discourse analysis and corporate social responsibility: a qualitative approach”

12.” The Vatican said banks should look at the rules of Islamic finance to restore confidence amongst their clients at a time of global economic crisis”. (


14. M.N.Siddiqi “Evolution the Islamic Banking and Insurance as Systems Rooted in Ethics” New York, 2000.