Using MyProgress to Assess Nurses in Clinical Practice

Siân Shaw & George Evangelinos Senior Lecturer / Learning Technologist Using Digital Media to Assess Practice Competencies in Student Nurses

Transcript of Using MyProgress to Assess Nurses in Clinical Practice

Siân Shaw & George EvangelinosSenior Lecturer / Learning


Using Digital Media to Assess Practice Competencies in Student Nurses

• With over 10,000 students, we are the largest provider of health, social care and education courses across the East of England. We currently train the majority of nurses, midwives, operating department practitioners and paramedics and teachers across the eastern region.

• 1500 Pre-Registration Student Nurses • 'Outstanding' for the fit-for-practice category

in the NMC review of the nursing and midwifery course provision (NMC, 2013).

MyProgress Trial

• Trial 30 paediatric Student Nurses • Electronic competencies on tablets• Works in placement in without the

need for internet or Wi-Fi. • Runs on MyKnowlegdeMap Server

Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, theonly way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.


• MyProgress allows for the electronic completion and assessment of student professional development portfolios via both a computer web based environment and / or a mobile tablet device.

• The system, compared to the traditional paper-based alternatives, will greatly enhance the ability of lecturers to support and monitor student progress while in placement on an individual and group basis.

• It has excellent potential to enhance the quality of practice learning, particularly practice assessment and closely support mentors with their role.

Quick Wins

•Rapid identification of students at risk of

failure and facilitation of early intervention, a

key contributor to retention and standard


•Review and support of mentors’ engagement

with assessment, ensuring consistent and

reliable assessment of practice across multiple

practice bases

•Increased good academic practice / precludes

the falsification of documentation through email

verified sign off of assessments

•Rapid and responsive communication

between students, mentors and lecturers


•Student & Mentor acquisition of digital literacy skills.

•Reduction in attrition rates


•Reports / metrics can be ‘pulled’ from the system.

•Ability to develop innovative ways to assess students e.g.

OSCE function

•Attendance/ time sheets can be approved on the device

and accessed remotely by HEI

•Practice placement evaluations can be incorporated and


•Employability - development of a CPD portfolio for CV

purposes (MyShowcase).

•Bank of assessment tools /instruments can be established

to prevent repetition for academics and increase sharing



• Clinical Governance• Device Storage• Student understanding of the

practice assessment.• Mentor understanding of the

practice assessment• Academic engagement• Email addresses• Locating completed assessments• Cameras

Next Steps

This project will introduce the use of electronic practice assessment to:•Sept 2014 student nurses in Cambridgeshire (n=180). Students commence practice for year 2 in February 2016.•March 2016 work based learning student nurses (n=25).


Can we really Change?

•Find your lion•Take ownership•Small steps = big results