Using Maven 2

Using Maven 2 Andreas Andreou [email protected], co-founder apache tapestry, committer – PMC


Quick introduction to maven2

Transcript of Using Maven 2

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Using Maven 2

Andreas [email protected], co-founderapache tapestry, committer – PMC

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• Alexandria• Forrest• Gump• Maven• Turbine• Tomcat• Ant• James Duncan Davidson, Sam Ruby, Jason van

Zyl, Bob McWhirter

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What is Maven?

• Project management tool = more than a build tool

• POM (project object model)• Dependency management system• Convention over configuration• Project lifecycle• Execution logic for each phase in lifecycle

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• Project coordinates – groupId– artifactId– version– packaging (jar, war, ear, maven-plugin, …)

• Project info (developers, website, scm url)• Dependencies• Plugins

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Installing Maven

• Download / extract zip• Set M2_HOME env-var • Add M2_HOME/bin to path

• Folders created when maven is used:– USER_HOME/.m2/repository/– USER_HOME/.m2/settings.xml

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Simplest pom.xml


</project> src/main/src/main/java/src/main/resources/src/test/src/test/javasrc/test/resources

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Maven Lifecycle• validate• generate-sources• process-resources• compile• test-compile• test• package• install• verify• deploy

• Maven execution needs phase and runs all previous:– mvn compile

• … or standalone plugin goal:– mvn jetty:run– mvn scm:update

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Some more plugins• maven-clean-plugin• maven-compiler-plugin• maven-jar-plugin• maven-war-plugin• maven-dependency-plugin• maven-release-plugin• maven-source-plugin• maven-surefire-plugin• maven-ant-plugin• maven-archetype-plugin• maven-checkstyle-plugin• maven-pmd-plugin

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Dependencies• Uses groupId, artifactId, version• Supports transitive dependencies• Needs correct usage of ‘scope’– compile– test– provided– runtime– system

• Retrieved from public locations (ibiblio, e.t.c.)• Stored on local repo (~/.m2/repository/)

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Versions in Dependencies

• <major>.<minor>.<revision>([ -<qualifier> ] | [ -<build> ])

• 4.1.6• 4.1.6-SNAPSHOT• [4.1.6,5)• If same dependency included more than once

(how???), biggest wins

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Maven & IDEs

• Supported in all major IDEs• From pom.xml generate IDE specific files– mvn eclipse:eclipse– mvn idea:idea

• Directly read pom.xml and setup project– 2 plugins for eclipse: m2eclipse, q4e– Bundled plugin in IDEA– Plugin from update center for Netbeans

• … but maven is (still) more powerful!

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Repository Manager

• Proxies between your organization and the public Maven repositories

• Deployment destination for your own generated artifacts

• Sonatype Nexus• Maven Archiva• Artifactory

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Demo - Q&A

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•– Jason van Zyl, Mark de Visser, Brian Fox, John

Casey– Nexus, m2eclipse

• Exist <- DevZuz <- Mergere– Brett Porter, Carlos Sanchez– q4e