Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results Download OSAT results from the internet Analyze results with...

Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results Download OSAT results from the internet Analyze results with formulae Create blank calculation pages Filter and copy groups to blank pages

Transcript of Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results Download OSAT results from the internet Analyze results with...

Using Excel to Analyze OSAT Results

Download OSAT results from the internet

Analyze results with formulae

Create blank calculation pages

Filter and copy groups to blank pages

Let’s Talk About Data Files

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) .txt in Windows jargon Delimited Files (records made up of fields)

Field separators (comma, tab, space, fixed length) Carriage return at the end of each record (¶)

Demonstration of creating an ASCII file .csv files are ASCII files that are renamed so

that Excel will recognize them and import them automatically

Let’s Get the OSAT Data Demo If you can get your district password…

Open Internet Explorer Type onto the address line and

click go Enter District ID Enter Password Click Login There are many options to downloading data

Now you can get the data

Go to our site ( Save target as… with Math05.csv and save it

to your desktop Double click to open

Structure of the Data File

Terminology Fields and Records Field Headings

Adjust column width Select columns

Singly In groups Separately All

Point at any of the separators between columns Double Click on Auto Fit cursor

Structure of the Data File (Cont.)

Save As an Excel Workbook to preserve formatting and formulae Click on File / Save Navigate to Desktop / COSA Workshop folder Set Save as type to Microsoft Excel Workbook (.xls) Click Save

Look at cryptic field headings on Excel file Look them up in Word file Let’s look at what’s here (and what’s not)

Overview of What You’ll Learn Adding useful analysis formulae to calculate the

performance of the group(s) Creating a blank sheet with no data but with all the

calculations Using the blank sheet to create as many sheets

onto which the groups can be copied as you wish Using Auto Filter to isolate the group you want to

study Copying subgroups onto your blank calculation

pages and renaming them appropriately

Adding calculations

Most common calculations Averaging RIT scores Counting Not Mets, Mets, and Exceededs Calculating Percentage Not Met, Met, Exceeded

Let’s create some space for calculations Highlight rows 1 through 9 by clicking on the 1 and

dragging down to 9 and releasing Click on Insert / Rows

Why create space at the top?

Averaging group’s RIT scores

Averaging Find TOTSCALE on Subgroup sheet Click Row 9 above the heading Insert / Function / Statistical / Average

or Use Formula Tool to enter formula Select data to be averaged Some tricks to find the bottom

Click top cell – use scroll bar to find the bottom – shift / click Click top two or three cells – edit row number in formula

Don’t forget to label it

Calculating Numbers of Students Did Not Meet, Met, Exceeded Enter D, M, E in cells to left of where the counts go Counting Did Not Meet, Met, Exceeded

Find TOTPER_G column Click on Row 7 above field heading (next to E) Insert / Function / Statistical / CountIf or use

Formula Tool to create formula Select Data to look in for Range Enter “E” in Criteria or click on cell to the left

with E in it Click OK

Do same process with M and D in two cells above

Can’t we do it without building essentially the same formula three times? Absolute references

Putting a $ in front of the column letter or row number locks that reference when copying formula

Build CountIf formula for top result Lock row references for range of data in which to

look. Do not lock reference to column references or criteria row [=COUNTIF(AP$11:AP$1000,A07)]

Use fill tool to copy this formula down into other two cells [the 11 and 1000 will not change - other references will]

Calculating Percentage of StudentsDid Not Meet / Met / Exceeded Calculating % of Didn’t Meet, Met, Exceeded

Label 3 cells above as %E, %M, %NM Enter formula for calculating % of Exceeded

Type equal sign [=] Click number of exceeded Type divided by sign [/] Insert / Function / Math&Trig / Sum or Formula Tool Select all three numbers to get total number

Click on or type Enter Follow same procedure to calculate %M and %NM or

use absolute references for rows to sum – then use fill tool

Copying Calculations

Would these formulae work (relationally) above the subtest results?

You betcha Copy range of calculations Determine top left of place to paste over subtest

and click it Edit / Paste range of calculations there Do this for all subtests

Or Ctrl Click each top left cell and paste them all at once

Let’s Review

You can create space for calculations by inserting rows

You can have the computer average, count, and find percentages using built-in formulae

You can copy the formulae to any place where the data is arranged in the same way

Now let’s separate out some subgroups and put them on their own pages

Creating a template page for subgroup analysis Right Click on tab for this sheets (Sheet1) Left Click on Rename Name this sheet District Data Now right click on that tab again Left click on Move or Copy Click Save a copy box Click OK Now highlight all the student data / Edit / Clear / All Click on tab for District Data (2) Click Rename Name it Subgroup Blank

Creating Subgroup Pages

Rearrange the order of the sheet tabs Click and drag the template sheet to the right

Now right click on Subgroup Blank tab Left click on Move or Copy Click on Sheet 2 so the new copy will go before that

sheet Click Create a copy Click OK Do this as many times as you have subgroups

Separating Groups

Click on the row number next to the column headings to select the row (10)

Click on Data in the menu bar Point at Filters in the drop down menu the then

click on Auto Filter in the 2nd menu The heading row will have changed so that the

headings are now drop down menus

Separating Groups (cont.)

Click on the triangle to see the contents of that column – click on the content you’d like to isolate

All records that do not contain that content are hidden

The other records are still there – only hidden We must copy these unhidden

records to another location to do calculations on the subgroup

Separating Groups (Cont.)

Select the entire group you’ve separated Select the topmost row – click on its number Scroll down to last row of group using scroll bar so you

don’t overrun the end Shift / Click on number of last row

Click on Edit / Copy Click on tab of an empty copy of Subgroup Blank Click on top left cell under headings (A11) Click Edit / Paste Rename to page to reflect the sub-group Go look at the results

Let’s Review

Create a page containing all the calculations but no data

Make as many copies of the blank page as you want Use Data / Filters / Auto Filter to turn on filtering Select contents to preserve by using drop down

menus on headings Select the unhidden group Copy that group to a Subgroup Blank page Rename it Disaggregate as many groups as you want

Printing a Large Spreadsheet

Hiding Columns Do this to multiple sheets (group) at a time?

Rt Click tab – Select All Sheets or Ctrl Click the sheets you want

Select Columns to hide using Ctrl Click Format / Columns / Hide

Unhide by selecting columns on both sides of hidden – then Format / Columns / Unhide

If you selected multiple sheets to hide columns… Can’t print multiple sheets at once Select the one you want to print after making changes

to multiple sheets

Printing a Large Spreadsheet (cont.) Page Setup

Page options Orientation Scaling Paper

Margins Headings / Footers Sheet

Print Area Titles Print Options

Printing a Large Spreadsheet (cont.) View / Page Break Preview

Suggests Breaks based on Page Setup Pull breaks to reduce page contents

Print Preview

Saving and Cleaning Up

Click File / Save Close Excel

You are now Master Disaggregators!

Use the Slide Show on your CD and the File you’ve just created to do this at home with your data