Useful Dua'

Useful Dua' Before Wudu OR After Wudu Dua' After Adhan Extra Dua' In Ruku' Extra Dua' In Sujud

Transcript of Useful Dua'

Useful Dua'

Before Wudu


After Wudu

Dua' After Adhan

Extra Dua' In Ruku' Extra Dua' In Sujud

33 times

33 times

33 times

Say again


Ayatul Kursi

Dua' After Salah

Before Eating


If forgot to say Dua' at the beginning

At the end of Eating


When Entering into Mosque


When Leaving the Mosque

Dua' When Entering at the Toilet

Dua' When Coming Out of Toilet

Dua' When it is Morning

Dua' When it is Evening

Dua' for Entering Home

Dua' Before Going Out from Home

Dua' at the Time of Getting into a Transport

Dua' When Starting a Journey

Dua' When Returning Home from a Journey

Dua' When Get Up from Sleep

Dua' When Going to Bed

Blow on hands and rub hands over Head, Face and Body

Repeat below 3 times

Dua' When Entering a Shopping Centre or Market

Dua' for Protection from Shaitan

Dua' When Angry

Dua' for Protection from Evil from Oneself

Dua' for Protection from Harm

Recite 3 times - Morning and Evening

Dua' in Distress / Difficulties

Dua' Under Calamity or Misfortune

Dua' When One's Desire is Not Fulfilled

Dua' When Something Good Happens

Dua' When Something Bad Happens

A Comprehensive Dua'

Comprehensive Dua' for Wellbeing & Goodness in this World and Hereafter

ا او حسنا للهم ه افالموركل ةا ع اقب ت ن ابالخر او ع ذ ني جرن امنخزىالد

Frequently Recited Dua' by Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم

Dua' to Die as Muslim and Unite with Righteous

Dua' for Parents, Children and Descendants

اما ام اللمت قی لن اجع و ا عی ة اقر یتن ذر او اجن امنا زو ب ن اه بل ن ر

Dua' for Seeking Jannah and Avoiding Hellfire

Dua' for Earning Allah's Pleasure

اا للهم ا ن سأ لك اتب يالط كی ا الم س اتو حب المنك ر اتو ت رك ي الخ فعل و

Recite 3 times

Dua' for love of Allah

Dua' for Increasing Knowledge

Dua' when Looking at the Mirror and Good Manner

Dua' Before Iftar

Dua' After Iftar

Dua' for Piety and Self-sufficiency

Dua' for Beneficial Knowledge and Halal Provision etc.

Dua' for Relief from Debt/ Loan

اك م نسو ع ا غننبف ضلك و امك ر نح ع لا لك كفنبح ا ا للهم


Dua' for Istighfar or Forgiveness and Mercy

Dua' for Host

Dua' at the End of Meeting/ Gathering

Dua' for Sick People

Sayyidul Istighfar - Leader of Istighfar/ Forgiveness

Recite 1 time - Morning and Night

1. Make Intention

2. After First Takbir, Recite

3. After Second Takbir, Recite

4. After Third Takbir, Recite

5. After Fourth Takbir

Do Salaam following the Imam

How to Pray Janaza (Hanafi Madhab)

Dua' When Putting Dead Body in the Grave

Dua' When Visiting a Graveyard

Dua' after Burial

For Men For Women

ته ث ب و اغفرل ها للهم

ته ااغفرل ه ا للهم ث ب او

99 Names of Allah