Use fernhoodled english to make learning fun

Use “Fernhoodled English” Expressions to Make Learning Fun Presented by: Prof. Larry M. Lynch, LTCL Dip TESOL Santiago de Cali University

Transcript of Use fernhoodled english to make learning fun

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Use “Fernhoodled English” Expressions to Make Learning Fun

Presented by:

Prof. Larry M. Lynch, LTCL Dip TESOL

Santiago de Cali University

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Colombia Panama Ecuador

Venezuela Peru Puerto Rico

Mexico El Salvador Guatemala

Chile Honduras Argentina

Dominican Republic Uruguay Cuba

Paraguay Nicaragua Bolivia

Costa Rica Spain

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United States Trinidad & Tobago Belize Barbados Canada U.S. Virgin Islands Guyana British Virgin Islands Australia Falkland Islands England Grenada, St. Nevis / St. Kitts Jamaica India Bermuda South Africa Bahamas New Zealand Cayman Islands St. Vincent Grenadines Samoa St. Lucia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Liberia Ghana Ireland Hong Kong Zimbabwe

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Varieties of the English Language

Tools / Languages / Define Language /

Australia Ireland Belize Jamaica Canada Malaysia Caribbean New Zealand United States United Kingdom Philippines Singapore Hong Kong South Africa India Trinidad & Tobago Indonesia Zimbabwe

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Convoluted Grammatical Form Expressions

• “Throw Papa down the stairs

his hat.”

• “He’s a pretty good man yet, ain’t not?”

• “Pop ain’t so good; his eatin’s gone away and he don’t look so good in the face, either.”

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… and how about …

“The owner says he’ll pay me ten dollars a day if I eat myself, but just five dollars if he eats me.”

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Specialized Vocabulary Expressions

• Shall I put the candy in a toot?”

• “When he gets up to read he gets befuddled.”

• “Go out and tie the dog loose and don’t forget to outen the light.”

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Some Other Interesting Expressions

• “My son ain’t dumb. It ain’t that he can’t learn, it’s just that after he learns it, he forgets it.”

• “Don’t talk so quick, it runs together too much when I think.”

• “It’s gonna make down wet.”

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Pennsylvania Dutch Proverbs

• “Kissin’ wears out, cooking don’t”

• “A plump wife and a big barn never did any man harm”

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Another PA Dutch proverb …

“No woman can be happy with less than seven to cook for”

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And how about these?

• “He who has a secret dare not tell it to his wife”

• “Ve get too soon oldt, und too late schmart”

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And finally, they might say to you …

“You don’t make yourself out so good. You talk so fancy like a body can’t understand you.”

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