USDA Feeder Cattle Grades

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USDA Feeder Cattle Grades. Introduction. USDA Muscle Score USDA Frame Size. USDA Frame Score - Description. USDA Frame Score - Table. USDA Frame Score - Occurence. USDA Frame Score - Value. $ = $/cwt. USDA Muscle Score - Description. USDA Muscle Score - Table. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of USDA Feeder Cattle Grades


USDA Feeder Cattle Grades

1IntroductionUSDA Muscle ScoreUSDA Frame SizeUnderstanding USDA feeder cattle grade standards is important. These grades are related to expectations of calf mature size which attributes to carcass weights and dressing percentages. The value of calves differs for these grades; therefore, applying this grading system to record keeping and keep/cull decisions for cows and replacement heifers is valuable. Information for this presentation was obtained from USDA publication AMS-586. Price premiums and discounts are associated with Arkansas feeder calf prices.2

USDA Frame Score - Description

3USDA Frame Score - Table

4USDA Frame Score - OccurenceFrame Score00 (%)05 (%)10 (%)Variable Trend Dist. Large55.965.960.3 Medium43.133.539.0 Small1.00.60.8N =62,04243,09132,3965USDA Frame Score - ValueFrame Score00 ($)05 ($)10 ($)Max SEM$ TrendVariable Trend Dist. Large-0.84a0.49b0.74c0.08 Medium-0.05a1.32b0.24a0.10 Small-16.54a-17.84a-16.42a0.67$ = $/cwt6USDA Muscle Score - Description

7USDA Muscle Score - Table

8USDA Muscle Score - OccurenceMuscle Score00 (%)05 (%)10 (%)Variable Trend Dist. 185.475.382.0 214.723.517.2 =13,6147,9977,3249USDA Muscle Score - ValueMuscle Score00 ($)05 ($)10 ($)Max SEM$ TrendVariable Trend Dist. 10.51a2.75b2.21c0.06 2-8.49a-5.40b-5.91c0.13 3-15.93a-19.37b-21.78c1.16$ = $/cwt10