Usage of Scottish Mercenaries

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  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    General Robert Monro17th Century Scottish Military Professional & Soldier of Faith

    By William S. Brockington, Jr.

    The Usage of Scottish Mercenariesby the Anti-Imperial Forces

    in the Thirty Years War

  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    WSB: William S. Brockington, Jr. Masters Thesis: The Usage of Scottish Mercenaries by the Anti-Imperial Forces inthe Thirty Years War{USM}. Submitted in partial ulillment o the re!uirements or the "egree o Master o #rts inthe "epartment o $istor%, &ni'ersit% o South (arolina: )*+.

    Sub scribitur:John -atrick "olan, -h" Rheinische Frierich-Wilhelms-Uni!ersit"t Bonn, )*//0, Thesis "irector.-eter W. Becker M# -h", Stanord &ni'ersit%, )*1)0, Second 2eader.$.W. "a'is, -h", "ean o the 3raduate School.

    &pdated, 2e'ised and 4dited: )*+*567)).

    8 #ll rights reser'ed, William S. Brockington. -osted at #ugust 67)6


  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries



    #!er!ie$ of %erio &'())*'+)),..............................................................................................................................

    Chapter I .........Se!enteenth-entury Warfare........................................................................................................);

    Chapter II........#utbrea. of the Thirty Years War an /anish Inter!ention.........................................................66

    Chapter III ......0usta!us Aolphus of S$een Inter!enes...................................................................................../

    Chapter IV......The 1n of the Thirty Years War...................................................................................................;1

    Chapter V ........1pilogue an onclusion.............................................................................................................../1

    Appendix 1.......Scottish #fficers Abroa an at 2ome..........................................................................................+1

    Appendix 2.......Authori3e 4e!ies5 '6'7*'687.......................................................................................................1



    WSB. The Usage of Scottish Mercenaries by the Anti-Imperial Forces in the Thirty Years War67)60



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    Overview of the Early Modern Era (1500100!


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    uncontested or unregulated 9as simpl% unthinkable. (ontrolling such po9erul opponents meant that4uropean kings and princes had to be cautious, e'en Machia'ellian, in their political acti'ities i the% 9ere to

    o'ercome such limitations. Gne tactic included utiliing members o the middle class in go'ernment, 9hichga'e the appearance o oering opportunit% or up9ard mobilit% through ser'ice to the state. B% the late

    iteenthEcentur%, despite inade!uate bureaucracies and limited re'enue rom traditional sources, some rulers

    9ere establishing increasingl% eecti'e and authoritati'e central go'ernments. ;But it 9as a personaliednot institutionalied as in a dictatorship0 despotism o'er their subHects. #nd each "TS 9as dierent, that is,there 9ere hundreds o constitutional paradigms during the 4M4.

    (oncomitantl%, the emergence o merchant capitalism 9as a 'ital actor 9ithin each constitutional paradigm.An mercantile #tlantic0 states, support or a stronger central authorit% 9as initiall% supported b% an emerging

    middle class because o the promise o a diminution o domestic turbulence greater internal stabilit%0 andthe emergence o an en'ironment more conduci'e to economic gro9th. Gn the other hand, a "TS 9ith little


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    time, people o the West crossed the great oceans o the 9orld. At carried Westerners outside the orbit o theMediterranean 9orld, hitherto controlled b% Atalians, B%antines and Moslems. At placed them in ne9 and

    unamiliar contact 9ith a be9ildering 'ariet% o races, creeds and cultures. Because o superior organiation,technological strength and dri'e, Westerners e

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    ideals>ideas o the true (hurch o earliest (hristianit%. $o9e'er, the belies the% s%mbolied and the orcesthe% set in motion did constitute a re'olution o great magnitude. #lthough the 2eormation is stated to ha'e

    begun in )/)1, the orces that caused it go back man% centuries. The uni'ersal (hurch 9as corrupt, but9ealth%? the "TS 9anted to control the church, and its 9ealth? the middle class used the 2eormation to

    Husti% 'arious practices? the 2enaissance set in motion a number o humanistic challenges to the doctrinal

    bases o the Iatin church? and, perhaps most importantl%, there 9ere religious reormers 9ho trul% soughtsal'ation, 9ithin the church i possible, but outside it i necessar%.

    Martin Iuther );/5)/;+0 9as a de'out #ugustinian monk 9ho possessed one o the greatest minds o that,

    or an% era. $is !uarrel 9ith his ecclesiastical superiors 9as o'er one o the oldest tensions in (hristianthought, that bet9een aith and good 9orks. When Iuther posted his */ Theses, he had no clear intention o

    setting up a separate religious bod%, but the challenged papal orces stiened their resistance 9hich, in turn,orced the Iutherans into urther resistance. &nder papal pressure, Iuther took an e'er more e

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    # single state religion 9as considered essential to a rulers political authorit%. An 'ogue 9as a ne9 statecratprinciple, that o church and state being one and not separate as in medie'al times. S%mboliing this tenet

    9as the phrase: cu;us regio5 eius religio o 9hom the region, o his the religion0, that is, the rulerdetermined the religion o his people. This meant ha'ing eecti'e control o'er the state church. An a state

    church, clerics became unctionaries o the state and minions o the rule? it oten meant enhancement o

    absolute authorit% 9ith their conni'ance. 2eligious reorm mo'ements e

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    became contro'ersial as it continuall% meddled in the internal political aairs o (atholic countries and 9ase'entuall% banished rom most o the (atholic nations o 4urope.

    The (atholic 2eormation 9as most successul in areas 9here 2oman (atholicism continued $absburglands0 and 9here (atholic monarchs supported Jesuit acti'ities. Some areas o success 9ere -oland,

    Bohemia, $ungar%, Areland, Southern etherlands, and Ba'aria. The heritage o the (ounterE2eormationincluded: a ne9 'igorous spiritual orce propagated b% (atholic theologians 9ho returned to scholasticism

    %et ackno9ledged the dignit% o human reason? the spread o literac% due to the educational acti'ities o

    'arious monastic orders and religious societies, especiall% the Jesuits? and the gro9th o charitable acti'ities

    9ith emphasis on good 9orks. The (atholic 2eormation succeeded in preser'ing and rein'igoratingundamental (atholic belies. But, 9hile the 2oman (atholic 2eormation halted the urther spread o

    -rotestantism in 4urope, it 9as able to regain relati'el% little territor% that had been lost to the -rotestants. Tosummarie, the 2eormations did all o the ollo9ing: strengthened the authorit% o the state o'er its people?

    re'i'ed an interest in religion, but one based on authorit%? contributed to the rise o the middle class?stimulated capitalism b% making interest and the in'estment o capital respectable? led to terrible religious

    9ars? and 9as e'en relected in the struggles o 4uropean nations in the contest or areas o the =e9 World.2egarding the inluence o the 2enaissance and 2eormation on Western (hristendom, (hristianit% 9as at

    irst threatened b% the 2enaissance o secularism but 9as later re'italied b% the -rotestant and 2oman(atholic 2eormations, 9hich the 2enaissance helped to pro'oke. The 2enaissance and the 2eormation can

    be compared to each other in that both 9ere related to the gro9th o capitalism and the rise o the middleclass.

    The standing arm% 9as arguabl% the most persuasi'e acilitator o paradigm shits in earl% modern 4urope. )6

    $a'ing one allo9ed>pro'ided an opportunit% or a ruler to control dissident elements 9ithin a state? lack o

    one meant a ruler could neither control, deend nor eher realm. Since a successul 9ar, be it

    domestic or oreign, usuall% resulted in enhanced authorit% or monarchs, it 9as thus !uite tempting orrulers to attempt to eparasites>dependent upon the largesse o the state 5 andardent supporters o the ne9status =uo. An this 9a%, in most o 4urope, the eudal nobilit% maintained itsel

    in a position o strength into modern times. The nature o 9arare changed radicall% during the 4M4. Wars

    9ere no longer a single battle or campaign? 9ars became %earEround acti'ities and 9orldE9ide in scope. Thisnecessitated inno'ations in logistics, tactics, 9eapon technolog%, and troop discipline. 2e!uired 9as asupport s%stem to mo'e e!uipment and to suppl% troops. Iogistics pro'ided li'ing ne%essars), or

    entertainment, and made it less necessar% or soldiers to orage 5 or to straggle. Throughout the 4M4, and

    )6 # true national arm% does not appear until the French 2e'olution. What emerges during this period is the standing arm%. More onthis TB-.

    ) #lthough necessar is merel% a Scottish 'ariant o necessar%, its militar% connotation deines that 9hich is needed tokeep a militar% orce unctioning.

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    especiall% bet9een )//7 and )+/7, 'irtuall% e'er% state o Western 4urope 9as in'ol'ed in 9ar, either ci'ilor international, oten both.

    Gn the continent, a prime instigator o 9ar throughout the si(ount -alatine o the 2hine -algra bei 2hein0? and the Rurrst>"uke o Sa

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    -rotestantism and to restore (atholicism throughout the $24. )1This, understandabl%, 9as opposed b% theconcomitant>parallel determination o the potpourri o so'ereign 3erman entities to limit imperial po9er

    9hereE and 9hene'er possible.)G'ert resistance to Amperial eorts erupted in the )/;7s, 9ith a !uasiEconstitutionalEreligious truce eected b% the -eace o #ugsburg )///0. With no accepted or acceptable

    authorit% capable o enorcing 5 or 9illing to enorce 5 the terms o the truce, clashes bet9een religious

    actions o'er agreement 'iolations 9ere re!uent. B% )+77 the $absburgs had to a large e

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    2eal religious reorm came during the reign o $enr%s son, 4d9ard CTudorD QA )/15r)/;15)//0.#rchbishop Thomas (ranmer introduced a ne9 pra%er book, churches 9ere 9hiteE9ashed 9ith altars and

    images being discarded, and a ne9 reorm creed 9as introduced. &pon 4d9ard death in )//, his eldersister, Mar% A CTudorD )/)+5r)//5)//0, became Oueen and attempted to return 4ngland to the (atholic

    (hurch. &nder =Blood% Mar% -rotestants 9ere persecuted, 9ith o'er 77 burned. Marian e

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    of Right)+60 9hich 9as a maHor statement o parliamentar% rights and is considered a part o the 4nglishconstitution. $o9e'er he tried to rule 9ithout parliament in )+6* b% collecting ta

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    #rm% and the dominating personalit% o (rom9ell. #lthough aced 9ith a di'ided 4ngland, a hostileScotland and a rebellious Areland, (rom9ell not onl% mastered all his oes 5 9ith great brutalit% in the case

    o Areland 5 but also succeeded in conducting 'ictorious oreign 9ars e

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    CHAPTER I *Seventeenth"Cent#ry $arfare

    #n% consideration o Scottish mercenaries67

    in the Thirt% ears War )+)5)+;0 must be preaced b% a noteon the changes in 9arare that took place in the centuries preceding the 9ar. Anno'ations in tactics, 9eapons,and control o troops had 'astl% changed the nature o 9arare to the e

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    pro'ided.6War 9as then 9aged, although the battles 9ere oten sham conlicts in 9hich e9 men 9ereinHured or killed. This 9as done in order to protect the in'estment o the conottiero.6;

    The most amous mercenaries o the iteenthEcentur% 9ere the S9iss pikeEmen. While 4nglish archers aidedin the decline o mounted knights, the S9iss pikeEmen brought about a temporar% dominance o inantr% o'er

    ca'alr%. The S9iss ormation, similar to the Macedonian phalan

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    truculent mercenaries reused to ight. =Gn !uestions o discipline and morale the ad'ice o the ancientscould be taken 9ithout !ualiication.6

    The ad'ice o the ancients 9as best applied in the Spanish arm%, 9here discipline and esprit e corpsbecameimportant actors in the rise o the Spanish tactical unit, the tercio. The tercio9as a s!uare o 777 men

    di'ided into t9el'e companies o appro

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    these areas 9ere oten let untilled. Thus, the armer 9as orced to use the hillsides or his crops. An additionto this, arable land 9as poorl% utilied: one section, the inield, 9as 9orked intensi'el% or three or our

    %ears until the %ield 9as too small to 9arrant another replanting. #nother section, the outield, 9as thenbrought into use and the old ield 9as let to lie allo9 or se'eral %ears. 1#s a result, amines occurred 9ith

    alarming regularit% and 9ere alle'iated onl% b% hea'% grain imports rom the Baltic region. The

    concomitant outlo9 o hard currenc% in pa%ment or grain caused serious inlation. Gnl% near the end o thereign o James, ater his policies had brought about internal stabilit% and e

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    Scotland. An )//; Rno< 9ent to 3ene'a and ser'ed as pastor o the 4nglish church there. $e conerred oten9ith John (al'in )/7*5)/+;0 and became inused 9ith militant (al'inism.

    Rno< 9as in'ited to return to Scotland b% the (o'enanters to aid the spiritual reormation o Scotland. Whenhe preached a sermon in -erth that resulted in the destruction o se'eral religious houses, open conrontation

    bet9een the FrenchEcontrolled cro9n and the (o'enanters erupted. 4liabeth interceded on behal o the-rotestants? and, in June )/+7, the Treat% o 4dinburgh, 9hich ended French domination as 9ell as the #uld

    #lliance0, 9as orced upon Mar%. The Scottish 2eormation -arliament, 9hich met in #ugust, abolished

    papal authorit% and established -resb%terianism as an accepted orm o 9orship in Scotland. Most o the

    inhabitants o the Io9lands and southern &plands accepted the ne9 religion? but man% $ighland areasremained (atholic, no9 banned. The 2eormation is e

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    sta%ed and ser'ed 9ell once the% 9ere in a regiment. -a% and the hope o boot% 9ere the most po9erulincenti'es or them.

    Thus, there 9ere man% reasons or the large mo'ement o Scots to the (ontinent during the Thirt% earsWar. #ll pla%ed a part in causing the e

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    Chapter II * O#t%rea& of the Thirty 'ear) $arand *anih +ntervention

    The 9ar to 9hich Scots 9ent 9as a general 4uropean conlict, the 3erman portion o 9hich 9as kno9n as

    Thirt% ears War./)#lthough there 9ere man% causes o the 9ar, the most important issue 9ith regard to

    Scottish participation, at least initiall%, 9as the religious one. An the $24 Amperial authorit% 9as s%non%mous

    9ith the (atholic C(ounterED2eormation in 3erman% The Bohemian rebellion against the $absburg $2Raiser in )+) 9as ostensibl% caused b% the ears o Bohemian -rotestant nobles o a JesuitEled religious

    purge in Bohemia. This muchEpublicied ear aided in gaining much popular s%mpath% or their cause in-rotestant countries, particularl% in 4ngland and Scotland. When 9arrants 9ere issued in those countries or

    the raising o troops or ser'ice in Bohemia, the religious issue 9as certainl% a maHor actor in the speed%raising o regiments 9hich 9ent. &nderl%ing the religious struggle in Bohemia 9as a crisis little noted

    outside the 4mpire, this being the constitutional crisis precipitated b% a stunning act o deiance: the"eenestration o -rague6 Ma% )+)0. The Bohemian phase o the Thirt% ears War 9as

    the last, aborti'e attempt o the eudal nobilit% o the $absburg cro9n lands to preser'e and, ipossible, e2e'olt and the (atholic 2eormation>(ounterE

    2eormation o the si

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    3ra%s troops eected the Hunction 9ith Manseld and the arm% marched to9ard $eidelberg.+The 4nglishregiment authoried b% James had sailed or the etherlands on 6 #ugust )+67. This orce o 6777 soldiers

    e'aded the Spanish arm% under the Mar!uXs C#mbrogio di Filippo, mar!uXs de los BalbasesD Spinola +*andmarched up the 'alle% o the 2hine 2i'er to the -alatinate, reaching Worms in Gctober. There, Qere di'ided

    his arm% into three sections and occupied the ortiied cities o Mannheim, $eidelberg on the eckar 2i'er0

    and Frankenthal. These three cities 9ere the last outposts o Friedrich because Spinola had, b% this time,con!uered the rest o the -alatinate. Spinola immediatel% besieged the cities. 17The 4nglish orces held outunder e6 9hen, one b% one, the cities ell to the orces besieging


    An )+66 Manseld at irst sought to impro'e the position o the -rotestants in the -alatinate. &nortunatel% or

    him, the t9in deeats o Wimpen +51 Ma% )+660 and $Pchst 67 June )+660 made his position in that areauntenable. An June, he retreated into #lsace and rom there ad'anced into the Io9 (ountries, 9here he

    entered "utch ser'ice. Soon ater contracting 9ith the "utch 2epublic, Manseld deeated Spinola near$ainault 7 #ugust )+660. An this battle, Scottish troops under (aptains CJamesD $epburn, CThomasLD $ume

    and Sir James 2amsa% distinguished themsel'es.1)

    Manselds troops 9ere also able to accomplish the relieo BergenEopEoom ; Gctober )+660, but little else. The "utch soon 9earied o the plundering o his men,

    reused to inance him urther and his arm% disintegrated in )+6. 16The onl% other disciplined -rotestantarm% in 3erman% 9as under the command o (hristian o Bruns9ick Cder Jngere, $erog des $erogtum

    Braunsch9eigEIneburg: der tolle $alberst]dterD1, 9hich 9as deeated at Stadtlohn + #ugust )+60.Sur'i'ing &nion troops entered the ser'ice o Manseld, 9ho 9as seeking a ne9 master.

    An order to recoup his ortunes and regain an arm%, Manseld Hourne%ed to 4ngland in #pril )+6;. $e 9asaccorded a ro%al 9elcome b% the 4nglish, or the% elt Manseld to be the champion o 4liabeth o

    Bohemia. James himsel inall% decided to support the cause o his sonEinEla9 b% pro'iding Manseld 9ith67,777 and authoriing a le'% o +777 men. 1;This sudden desire to help Manseld 9as surel% moti'ated, at

    least in part, b% Jamess realiation that Spain had reHected his son, (harles, as a match or the SpanishAnanta and b% the conse!uential deterioration o relations bet9een Spain and 4ngland. With the aid o the

    king, Manseld 9as able to raise a larger arm% than originall% intended 5 an arm% o )6,777 men. 1/At 9as,ho9e'er, illEarmed and illEe!uipped. The troops, lacking tents and 9arm clothing, 9ere shipped to $olland in

    + Manseld,Appollogie, //.+* Jul%E#ugust )+67: Spanish Anter'ention. The Spanish $absburg arm% under Spinola 9as in the 2henish -alatinate because, as

    part o the o'erall $absburg strateg% to crush the Bohemian insurrection, Spanish orces let Flanders and occupied most oFriedrichs to9ns.

    17 Spinola 9as unable to besiege the cities or an% length o time as the t9el'eE%ear truce bet9een the "utch 2epublic and Spain9as due to e

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    the middle o the 9inter o )+6;>6/. There, it rapidl% d9indled a9a% due to disease and 9holesale desertionto the Spanish.1+#t this time, man% o the Scots 9ho had ser'ed under 3ra% or had come 9ith Manseld 9ere

    con'o%ed to S9eden under the command o Sir John $epburn. 11B% o'ember )+6/, onl% 777 o theoriginal )6,777 men could be mustered in the "utch 2epublic? and these, along 9ith 6777 ne9 recruits, 9ere

    sent to "enmark under the command o Sir (harles Morgan, an 4nglishman.1-art o this bod% o soldiers

    then marched into Silesia, 9here it 9as incorporated into the ne9 arm% that Manseld 9as building. 1*Therest Hoined ChristianAQ Rong "anmark CDen)ar/D5orge, r )/5)+;0 ater the battle o !&tter amBarenberge 61 #ugust )+6+0.7

    (ommanders during the Thirt% ears War oten had maHor troubles keeping an arm% at ull strength becauseo the problem o pa%ing the men. # t%pical e

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    9hereb% Bohemian -rotestants especiall% middleEclass burghers0 either con'erted or 9ere either dri'en outor ere'olt b% the "utch 2epublic. &nbekno9nst to (hristian, this 9as oset b%

    Wallensteins pledge o his personal arm% numbering some9here bet9een 7,777 and )77,777 soldiers0 toFerdinand in return or the right to plunder the captured territories. Second, potential allies 5 particularl%

    principalities located in areas certain to be in the anticipated 9ar one 5 9ere understandabl% hesitant tomake unnecessar% enemies. -rincipalities and to9ns, especiall% as the 9ars dragged on, 9ere 9ellEa9are o

    the dire conse!uences resulting rom choosing the losing side to ailure to meet logistical demands. otsurprisingl%, S9eden reHected the idea o a coalition under "anish leadership? 3# instead engaged in 9ar

    9ith -olandEIithuania. While France had earlier, tacitl% or the most part, supported 'irtuall% e'er%challenge to the $absburgs, domestic issues 5 especiall% a bre9ing ci'il 9ar bet9een French ro%al orces

    operating at the behest o (ardinalE"uc de Ri%he$ie&C#rmand Jean du -lessis de 2ichelieu )//5)+;60D,able irst minister o Iouis [AAA, le 2oi de France C)+7)5r )+)7 5)+;0 and $uguenots protected b% the 4dict

    o antes )/*0 5 lessened the likelihood o signiicant assistance rom the French. Third, coalition

    operations 9ere hindered b% the lack o unding. The "utch 2epublic 'oted onl% a raction o 9hat (hristian

    belie'ed essential or raising enough troops and or ac!uiring the necessars critical or 9aging 9ar againstthe orces opposing the coalition. The 4nglish -arliament reused to 'ote an% mone% at all but did not oppose

    / 2oe, =Mission to 3#, amen Miscellany;:65*6.+ (hristian 9as in possession o the ecclesiastical States o Bremen his second son 9as bishop o Bremen0, Qerden @ $alberstadt

    and 9anted the bishopric o Gsnabrck as re9ard or his participation CWard, T(M$, );:;7D. #ccording to the -eace o#ugsburg )///0, these 9ere 'iolations o the accord. The "eenestration o -rague 9as but one o man% challenges to thereligious agreements, but it 9as the most signiicant as it initiated the Thirt% ears War.

    1 Ioose,2amburg un hristian, ;:6. Gpenl%, i the plans o $enri AQ had not been derailed b% his assassination.


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    the issuance o contracts or le'%ing troops in Scotland and 4ngland. 4ssentiall%, the "anish king 9as goingto 9ar 9ith little more than his o9n treasur% a'ailable to support his plans.

    Still, ollo9ing the signing o the accord, a grand strateg% bet9een coalition members 9as agreed upon.

    (hristian o "enmark 9as to o'erpo9er Io9er Sa

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    An )+61 Wallenstein and Till% acted to enecessars o troops !uartered in their 'icinit% 9ithout ha'ing to billet them Cma%beD. This

    !uasiElegal e

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    T%pical o Scottish bra'er% and steadastness 9as the Battle o Gldenburg in September )+61.))7-rior to thisbattle, Wallenstein deeated a "anish arm% in Silesia under 3eneral Balthaar Jacob 'on Schlammersdor,

    9ho retreated north9ard to the island o -oel, near Wismar.)))Mean9hile, the remaining se'en companies othe MacRa% 2egiment had been ordered east9ard as reinorcements or the "anish arm% in Silesia.

    $o9e'er, upon learning o that arm%s deeat, the regiment s9itl% shited direction and marched also to

    -oel. #ter rende'ousing 9ith 'on Schlammersdors battered arm%, the combined orces 9ere e'acuated,then transported b% sea to $eiligenhaen. Follo9ing disembarkation, the arm% marched to Gldenburg to aceTill%. #s the pass at Gldenburg 9as unortiied, part o the "anish arm% 9as ordered to construct ield

    ortiications or deense o the 'ital chokeEpoint. &nortunatel% or the deenders, Till%s s9it ad'anceto9ards Gldenburg brought the Iiga arm% to the pass beore eecti'e breastE9orks 9ere built. Till%

    immediatel% ordered assaults to be made on "anish trenches and the "anish arm% began to all back in

    conusion. Macka%s men 9ere ordered or9ard in order to stabilie the "anish line. Mo'ing or9ard in

    silence, as 9as their custom,))6the $ighlanders stopped the ad'ance o the Iiga arm% and held the line orthe rest o the da%.

    At 9as ob'ious that the "anish arm% 9as in a precarious position. Grders 9ere issued to the arm% secretl% toretreat that night and to embark or "enmark. The $ighlanders, ha'ing ought 9ell, 9ere the irst to be

    pulled back and sent to $eiligenhaen or embarkation. When it became kno9n that the Scots 9ere gone, therest o the "anish arm% began to retreat in hopes o getting a9a% beore Till% ad'anced. The retreat rapidl%

    became a mad rush, and it 9as 9ith diicult% that the $ighlanders 9ere able to board ship. Scouts romTill%s arm%, 9ho noticed that the pass had been e'acuated, immediatel% notiied the Iiga general. $is arm%

    9as immediatel% set in motion and their pursuit caught the bulk o the "anish arm% on the docks. These

    soldiers surrendered and Hoined Till%s arm%, doing so in ull 'ie9 o the Scots 9ho had alread% sailed. The

    $ighlanders, reduced as a result o battle and disease to 77 soldiers capable o acti'e dut% plus )/7 othersick and 9ounded men, 9ere thoroughl% disgusted b% the proceedings. ))#lthough (hristian sa'ed his arm%

    rom complete annihilation, the territor% he eecti'el% controlled 9as reduced to the "anish home islands.


    To e

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    mass to 17,777 men. Wallenstein 9as gi'en authorit% to recruit, to disband troops and to regulate hiscommand structure. An eect, the Amperial arm% 9as Wallensteins arm% because he, and onl% he, determined

    promotion or demotion.))+To carr% out his task, Wallenstein solidiied his control o northEcentral 3erman%b% subHecting cities 9hich had s9orn allegiance to (hristian and allo9ed the Iiga arm% under Till% to control

    northE9estern areas. Amportantl%, not all cities in northern 3erman% 9ere occupied b% either Wallenstein or

    Till%, as the numbers re!uired to garrison so man% cities 9as ar be%ond the capacit% or capabilit% or the(atholic orces. Andeed, some cities, such as $amburg, 9ere ne'er occupied b% e

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    An deence o this to9n o Trailesound, our regiment did lose near i'e hundred men, and o theremnant escaped, both o oicers and souldiours, A do not think one hundred 9ere ree o 9oundsrecei'ed honourabl%, in deence o the good cause. Who 9ill then sa% but that blood 9as better lostthan kept, 9hen it returns 9ith ad'antage, ha'ing brought credit to themsel'es and countr%L Iet nonethen mourn or the loss gotten so honourabl%.)6

    This paean to his proession is clearl% the same to his ello9 Scots, or according to him0 the sal'ation oStralsund achie'ed b% the bra'er% and blood o the Scots stationed there.)6;

    Still, e'en 9ith such sacriice, Stralsund 9as under great pressure and 9as prepared to surrender. The arri'alo Iord Sp%nies regiment o ))77 Scots in "anish pa% ser'ed to bolster the sagging spirits o the citiens. #

    surrender ultimatum rom Wallenstein 9as then reHected. Gn )+ Jul% 3eneral #le

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    The ne9 and old troops 9ere combined and ormed into 9hat 9as 'irtuall% a ne9 regiment, the old regimentha'ing suered so man% casualties.)6*An #pril )+6*, (hristian planned an in'asion o $olstein, but the

    oering o lenient terms b% Wallenstein to (hristian or the ending o the 9ar settled the issue. )7 At 9asreported that Wallenstein, 9ith regard to the terms oered to (hristian, said: =A he has not lost his 9its he

    9ill grasp at it 9ith both hands.))

    2epresentati'es o the t9o negotiated a treat% 9hich 9as signed at Ibeck on 66 Ma%, terminating hostilities

    bet9een the (atholic $absburg Raiser and the Ring o "enmark. (hristian agreed to surrender so'ereignt%

    o'er the 3erman ecclesiastical territories that he held )6as 9ell as o'er Io9er Sa

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    Chapter III * ,#tav# Adol-h# of Sweden +ntervene

    Gn + Jul% )+7, 3#,)/

    the thirt%Esi< %ear old Ring o S9eden, landed his small arm% near -eenemnde onthe northern end o the island o &sedom in -omerania. $is in'asion had a t9oEold purpose: S9edishsecurit% and control o the -omeranian coast. The presence o Amperial and Iiga orces on the southern shore

    o the Baltic 9as percei'ed as a serious threat to S9edish securit%, or no po9er could be allo9ed to controlpotential in'asion staging areas in -omerania and Mecklenburg. Well a9are that north 3erman states could

    no longer deend themsel'es rom Amperial domination, 3# 9as determined to establish a strong S9edish

    presence along the middle Baltic coast. Ancidental to his strategic plan, but important in his eort to gain

    alliances 9ith north 3erman states, 9as his desire to assist the -rotestants o the $24. )+Seeking allies, 3#conerred 9ith (hristian in Februar% )+6* and tried to persuade him to Hoin S9eden as a Hunior partner to

    orce a retreat o Amperial orces. Because o his e

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    period bet9een )+6+ and )+7, ;*,/77 men 9ere raised b% this method. S9edish ca'alr% 9as composed o'olunteers o the best !ualit%, and there 9ere e9 desertions. )*-a% or these troops came rom the land

    re'enues in S9eden. $is militar% successes raised his ambitions, he 9as 9ell a9are that an in'asion o the$24 9ould re!uire ar more soldiers than he had. More troops meant mercenaries 9hich meant more hard

    mone% 5 9hich, gi'en the nature o S9edens resources, 3# had precious little o. #s noted in (hapter A,

    oreign troops 9ere raised b% a contract made bet9een 3# and a militar% entrepreneur? but the S9edish rulerhoped that mercenaries, ater being mustered,

    9ould ight on credit. #ll go'ernments during the Thirt% ears War enlisted ar more mercenaries than the%

    could aord to pa% regularl%, and trusted to the chapter o accidents 5 a 'ictor%, a lucrati'e sack, e

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    penalties 9ere prescribed or oenses such as blasphem%, dueling or allo9ing =loose 9omen in camp.&nortunatel%, the practice o the times demanded that mercenar% regiments deal 9ith their o9n disciplinar%

    problems, and 3# 9as unable to control his mercenaries as 9ell as he did his dratees. #s his arm% becamecomposed o more mercenaries, the discipline problem became more and more acute and e

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    hostilit% b% the Rurrsten or Wallenstein)/as 9ell as trepidation regarding Ferdinands moti'es. Ferdinandsought the election o Ferdinand, his eldest son CCr"6n Prin%e erdinand)+75r )+1 as Ferdinand AAA5

    )+/10D as Ring o the 2omans as 9ell as increased support rom the $24 or Spanish $absburg eorts in theIo9 (ountries. 2ealiing that some Rurrsten 9ere 9illing to turn to France, Ferdinand acceded to their

    demand or the dismissal o his general. An #ugust Wallenstein resigned at the re!uest o the Raiser, and Till%

    9as gi'en command o a greatl% reduced Amperial arm%. The 4dict o 2estitution 9as, in eect, cancelledalthough the Raiser did not rescind the decree. For this, Ferdinand recei'ed nothing? both o his re!uests9ere denied. Thus, the 4mpire lost 7,777 'eteran troops and the onl% general capable o raising and

    supporting another large arm%. Aronicall%, the resignation occurred Hust as the S9edish king 9as landing in3erman%.

    The initial S9edish in'asion orce 9as small, onl% ),777 strong. Follo9ing debarkation, the S9edish kingordered his troops to dig in. $e then e

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    Rolberg. Gn ) o'ember an Amperial relie orce under C(ount 2aimondoD M"nte%&%%&$i)+7*5)+70)/*

    9as deeated, resulting in the capitulation o Rolberg. )+7B% the end o )+7, 3# commanded o most o the

    -omeranian coast. Bogisla9 had been orced to contribute 677,777 thalers to the S9edish 9arEeort, thereb%alle'iating some o the S9edish monarchs monetar% 9oes. The "ukes o Mecklenburg, ha'ing lost their

    land to Wallenstein, rallied to the S9edish cause, as did (hristian Wilhelm 'on Brandenburg )/15)++/0, )+)

    and Iandgra Wilhelm Q o $esseERassel Iandgraschat $essenERassel0.

    Still, the maHor problem o inancial support or 3#s arm% 9as not sol'ed. Fortunatel% or him France and

    S9eden shared certain strategic goals. France, 9hich 9as 'irtuall% encircled b% $absburg territories, could


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    Follo9ing the battle, the Scots regrouped b% beating the =Scots march on the drum. )11 The number ocasualties 9as noted, and Monro asked 3# to let him recruit all 4nglish soldiers rom the ranks o the

    captured. $e ound onl% three Britons, all Arish, and these he declined to take. )13# later praised the 'alor othe Scots in the presence o his entire arm% and promised them =noble re9ards. )1*(olonel James 2amsa%

    9ho commanded three regiments at Breiteneld and had been se'erel% 9ounded 9as re9arded 9ith a grant

    o land in Mecklenburg and the go'ernorship o $anau or his bra'er%.)7#ter the battle Ieipig 9as retakenand restored to Rurrst Johann 3eorg. #ter resting his arm% or a e9 da%s, 3# marched south9ardto9ards Wrburg. #ter passing through the Thringen Forest, the S9edish arm% dre9 up beore the cit% o

    Wrburg and demanded its surrender. The cit% capitulated on + Gctober )+), ater Father Ggil'ie a priestin a Scottish cloister in the cit%, negotiated a treat% 9ith the S9edish king. ))The (atholic lords and bishops

    o Franconia had stored most o their 'aluables in the supposedl% impregnable Festung Marienberg, thus

    making it a tempting target or 3#. The onl% direct 9a% to the castle 9as 'ia a bridge 9ith one arch

    destro%ed, so the king decided to circum'ent this b% sending a orce across the ri'er in boats. (olonels James2amsa%)6and John $amilton and their Scottish troops 9ere to cross the ri'er and attack 9hile co'ering ire

    9as to be pro'ided b% another Scottish orce that 9as to cross the bridge 5 using a plank to bridge the gap 5

    and then attack the out9orks o the castle. #ter ighting until nightall, the Scots had almost succeeded incapturing the castle. $o9e'er, 3# called the Scots back and ordered his S9edish troops to inish the stormon the ollo9ing morning, thereb% den%ing the Scots the pri'ilege o looting the stormed ortress. "isgusted

    b% the kings treatment o the Scots, $amilton resigned and returned to Scotland.)

    Follo9ing the capture o Marienberg, the S9edish arm% marched 9est9ard to9ard the 2hine and the soE

    called =priests alle% or P0a00en3asse. Gn 61 o'ember, Frankurt a. Main 9as taken, and Main 9as

    surrendered to the king shortl% thereater. When 3# 9ent into 9inter !uarters, he 9as in command o an

    arm% o )7,777 men. $e had ),777 on the 2hine 9ith him, 67,777 on the Main, 777 in $esse, ),777 onthe 4lbe, )1,777 in Mecklenburg, 67,777 in Bohemia, and )6,777 in 'arious garrisons throughout territor%

    under his control.


    An order to support his arm%, he demanded and recei'ed a @ontributionrom each cit% inthe area that he controlled. While the main S9edish arm% mo'ed through south 3erman%, the Sa

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    turned north9ard and entered Silesia 9ith an 4nglishEScottish 3erman arm% o 777 men. #ter man%marches, the arm% returned to Magdeburg in "ecember, much reduced in sie due to disease and desertion.

    B% Februar% )+6, there 9ere onl% 177 soldiers let in the arm%, and these 9ere merged into other units. )/

    $amilton 9as not gi'en another command, and he Hoined the Rings personal guard. An September )+6,

    ollo9ing the battles at rnberg, he returned to Scotland.

    3# planned to increase his arm% b% an e

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    )1 Ma%, 3# entered Mnchen, 9ith the 3reen Brigade being gi'en the honor o entering the cit% irst. At 9asalso assigned the dut% o being the kings personal bod%guard 9hile he sta%ed there.)*6

    While 3# marched through Ba'aria, Wallenstein began his mo'ements. Gn 6/ Ma% his arm% retook -rague9hile the Sa

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    (ommand o the 3reen Brigade 9ent to IieutenantE(olonel 2M, 9hile $epburn and $amilton returned toScotland 5 $amilton to return to politics and $epburn to raise a regiment o Scots or French ser'ice.)*1

    #lthough his position 9as the 9eaker, 3# still resol'ed to attack and set the date o the assault or September )+6. The battle began on the morning o that da% and lasted or almost t9o da%s. The Scots

    Brigade, under (olonel 2M,)*

    had the dubious distinction o leading the attack on the #lte Feste, thestrongest point in Wallensteins ortiications. For ten hours, the Scots struggled up the hill but made little

    progress. The S9edes and Finns 9ere sent into action? but, as beore, Wallensteins line remained unbroken.

    ight ended the action, but the troops remained 9here the% 9ere until the ne)+ o'ember )+6, the S9edish

    arm% o )6,777 came onto the battleield. The battle line 9as basicall% the same as that used at Breiteneld,sans the Sa6>)+, 9hich 9as appro'ed b% the -(S on;>6;>)+. 6 2-(S /:+/.

    )* 1

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    retreat.676The rest o the Amperial line, 9a'ering, 9as about to collapse 9hen the arri'al o -appenheim andhis ;777 cuirassiers stabilied the situation. $o9e'er, -appenheim 9as mortall% 9ounded in the initial

    attack, and his demoralied ca'alr%men let the battleield. At 9as shortl% ater -appenheims attack hadrestored the Amperial line that 3# himsel 9as killed.67While tr%ing to regroup S9edish orces on his right,

    the king, inad'ertentl% charging into a group o Montecucculis ca'alr%men, 9as shot and killed. The Rings

    death at irst demoralied the S9edish arm%, but then seemed to instill in them a desire to re'enge the deed.Bernhard 'on Weimar, although 9ounded, led a charge on the let lank, recaptured the Amperial cannonagain and turned them on Wallensteins orces. Amperial orces could not retake the guns and retreated to

    Ieipig, and rom there, to Bohemia. The S9edish arm% 9ithdre9 south9ard to S9abia. The S9edish arm%suered about )7,777 casualties 9hile inlicting about )6,777 on the Amperial arm%.

    676 Seidler, Schlacht bei 4t3en, +.67 Seidler, Schlacht bei 4t3en, +;. There are man% conlicting accounts o the time and place o the death o the S9edish Ring.

    Seidler presented the best account based on the latest data and this 9riter has used him as the authorit%. Seidler states that 3# 9askilled b% some o Montecucculis ca'alr%men. The time 9as gi'en as shortl% ater noon and the place 9as on the right lank othe S9edish arm%. Seidler 9as the main source or the account o the battle.


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    CHAPTER IV9 The End of the Thirty 'ear) $arN+8O

    With the death o 3#, the cro9n o S9eden passed to his si

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    9ith the mutineers b% granting them land in territor% under S9edish control and letting them use there'enues to deal 9ith their o9n men.6)7

    The S9edish position in south 3erman% 9as urther complicated b% the Healous% and animosit% bet9een thet9o S9edish arm% commanders 5 Bernhard 'on Weimar and $orn 5 and their reusal to 9ork together.

    Bernard 'on Weimar, a prince o the blood, demanded o'erall command o the S9edish arm% as his right?9hereas $orn, a S9edish general o long tenure, elt that the highest rank should be reser'ed or him due to

    his length o ser'ice. Because o this ri'alr%, the t9o ob'iousl% could not ser'e in the same arm%?

    G)+)75)+;)0, 9ho 9as in the process o raising an arm% or

    ser'ice against the "utch 2epublic. The general 9as also ordered to recapture 2egensburg. Wallensteinreused to do either. Anstead he summoned his oicers to -le ))5) Januar% )+;0 and declared that he

    9ould resign his command beore doing as the Raiser ordered. $is oicers re!uested that he remain ands9ore allegiance to him alone.

    The Raiser then acted to negate the machinations o his general, relie'ing Wallenstein o his command on 6;Januar% )+;. An earl% Februar% Ferdinand declared his ormer commander guilt% o high treason. The

    general, a9are that most o the oicers 9ho had s9orn allegiance to him had deserted him, attempted to

    escape. Gn 6 Februar%, he let -le and Hourne%ed to (heb C E3erD on the 2i'er Ghe in order to eect ameeting 9ith representati'es o Sa

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    and MaHor Walter Ieslie, 9ho 9ere in charge o the cit%. The three Britons kne9 that Wallenstein 9as augiti'e and conspired to assassinate him, thinking that the% 9ould be 9ell re9arded. Gn the night o 6;>6/

    Februar%, the three oicers and si< Arish "ragoons cut do9n Wallensteins riends? (aptain "e'erou

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    $orns lank and 'irtuall% annihilated his entire 9ing, killing o'er +777 S9edish inantr% and capturing $ornin the process. Full% hal o the oicers 9ere killed, and the rest o the arm% 9as captured or scattered. The

    catastrophe 9as reported to Iondon in the dourest o terms: =scarce 677 o the 9hole Scottish brigade let \=(olonel 2amsa%s regiment is !uite cut o 5 a captain and t9o under oicers are onl% let o it \ o

    6;,777 men there are onl% *777 let. 6)1 When Bernard 'on Weimar mustered S9edish orces on 61

    September at Frankurt a. Main, onl% )),777 men out o the 9hole arm% 9ere present. 2Ms regiment o6777 men 9as so crippled that it ne'er acted again as a separate unit as scarcel% ;77 Scots reHoined their unit.2M himsel 9rote that the regiment 9as =reduced ater the Battaile o erling, to one (ompan% in

    September )+; at Wormes in the -alt. 6)$absburg losses 9ere light, 9ith but )677 casualties o +,777engaged.6)*The S9edish arm% 5 at that moment completel% demoralied and unit or combat 5 could onl%

    regroup.667The remnants o t9o S9edish armies retreated to central 3erman% to raise ne9 recruits and to

    a9ait reinorcements rom S9eden and Scotland.

    With the deeat at Prdlingen, most o south9estern 3erman% 9as let in a political and militar% 'acuum, asituation or 9hich 2ichelieu had been preparing. 4'en beore the battle, he had authoried the hiring o

    more oreign mercenaries in order to increase the sie o the French arm% at a more rapid rate. The Scottishregiment o (olonel 3eorge, Iord 3ordon k )+;/0, 9as mo'ed its position on the Atalian rontierto Iorraine

    in order to ser'e under the Marshal CJac!uesEompar de (aumont, ducD de $a "r%e)//5)+/60.66)Sir John$epburn raised a regiment o almost 6777 men in Scotland. The Regiment 2ebron, as it 9as called, arri'ed

    in France in #ugust )+ and 9as later sent to Iorraine.666Then, in )+, 2ichelieu ordered French armies toin'ade the "uch% o Iorraine. Follo9ing Prdlingen, 2ichelieu seied the opportunit% to increase the French

    sphere o inluence arther into the $24 and ordered the French armies in Iorraine to ad'ance into #lsace as

    ar as the 2hine 2i'er. Gne French arm% occupied orts and cities rom ;a'ern>Sa'erne to Mannheim, 9hile

    a second arm% occupied the let bank o the 2hine rom Basel to abern. 66#nother French arm% crossed the2hine at Mannheim, Hoined 9ith the arm% o Bernard 'on Weimar, and relie'ed the cit% o $eidelberg on 66

    "ecember )+;. Gn 61 Gctober )+/ Bernhard 'on Weimar Hoined the French ser'ice, and all o his troops9ere taken into the pa% o France. An late "ecember the soldiers o the Marshal de la Force, $epburn and

    Bernard 'on Weimar 9ere brought together. #t that time, all Scottish units in French ser'ice 9ere unitedunder $epburn and ormed into an o'erElarge unit composed o some 777 men, although it 9as still called

    theRegiment 2ebron.66;This composite 9as ormed b% the remnants o man% o the old regiments, =... the

    Bohemian bands o Sir #ndre9 3ra%, all the Scottish regiments o 3usta'us, and e'en the Scottish #rcher

    3uard o the French kings....66/$epburn, ho9e'er, did not command the regiment or long, as he 9as killed

    6)1John "urie to Sir Thomas 2oe >) September )+;0 C4nglishD. -2GI S- )+>61;>)).6) 1

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    at abern on 6 June )++. &nder a ne9 commander, Iord James "ouglas, the regiment 9as renamed leRegiment e /ouglas.66+Thus, 9hile the S9edish role in 3erman% had been signiicantl% reduced, the French

    role 9as correspondingl% increased.661

    Follo9ing Prdlingen, most o S9edens ormer allies deserted her and entered into negotiations 9ith the

    Raiser. The political disintegration o the $eilbronn Ieague had been taking place throughout )+;, despiteG

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    Februar% )+/, he agreed to the Treat% o (ompigne. France also concluded agreements 9ith Sa'o%,Mantua and -arma in Jul%, thus presenting the $absburgs 9ith %et another ront. Finall%, -oland 9as

    disengaged rom the Amperial cause 9ith the Truce o Stumsdor on )6 September )+/. There still remainedproblems 9ith his alliance s%stem, the most se'ere being the termination o alliances 9ith man% 3erman

    states 9hich had been, at least tacitl%, allied 9ith France through the Ieague o $eilbronn. An the end onl%

    those cities along the 2hine remained aithul to their alliances.

    "espite 2ichelieus preparations or an allEout 9ar against the $absburgs, the French militar% position in

    )+/5)++ 9as actuall% !uite tenuous. Their position along the 2hine 9as 9eakened 9hen Spanish troops

    attacked Trier and rapidl% subdued it and the surrounding area. The in'asion o FrenchEheld territor% in )+/undertaken b% Amperial and Spanish orces in the Spanish etherlands 9as at irst successul. 3allas stormed

    Raiserslautern and then marched to Hoin the "uke o Iorraine. Mean9hile, the French arm% under $epburnand Cardina$CIouis de ogaret deD $a Va$ette)/*5)+*0 maneu'ered in the area bet9een Main and

    Bingen in order to dra9 Amperial orces north9ard, but 9as orced to 9ithdra9 to Met 9hen 3allas ignoredtheir mo'ements and mo'ed to se'er their line o communication 9ith France. ear Boula% 3allas surprised

    the French arm%, and onl% the discipline o the Scottish troops pre'ented complete disaster.67

    An conHunction9ith the mo'ements o 3allas, the "uke o Iorraine in'aded Iorraine and launched attacks into #lsace as ar

    east9ard as St. Mihiel beore 9inter ended the campaign. 2ichelieu realied the necessit% or a much largerarm% and called or the ormation o t9ent%Eone ne9 regiments in addition to the *7,777 troops stationed on

    the 'arious French borders.6)

    An )++ $absburg orces in the $24 and the Spanish etherlands launched a t9oEpronged in'asion o

    France. The (ardinalEAnante Ferdinand commanded a combined Ba'arianESpanish arm% in'ading rom theSpanish etherlands, and 3eneral 3allas commanded a united AmperialEIorraine arm% in'ading rom the

    east. The Spanish arm% in'aded -icard%, crossed the Somme and ad'anced to #miens. Ba'arian ca'alr%under C(ount Johann 'onD Werth)/*)5)+/60, outdistanced the rest o the arm%, coming as close to -aris as

    (ompigne. 3allas ad'anced almost as rapidl%, occup%ing all o FrancheE(omtX beore inall% being held upnear Iangres b% Bernhard 'on Weimar. Finding himsel unable to ad'ance urther, 3allas halted his arm%. An

    o'ember, as 9inter rains began, the Amperial general retreated, his arm% 9asting a9a% due to disease anddesertion. An the ollo9ing %ear the French 9ere able to regain the oensi'e. The arm% that 2ichelieu had

    ordered raised 9as read%, and his e

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    Scottish mercenaries continued to enter the French arm%, although the% mostl% arri'ed in mere driblets.Bet9een )+* and )+;, 9arrants or the le'%ing o */77 soldiers 9ere issued.6;Gne amous unit, kno9n as

    4a 0are 1cossaise u orps u Roi, 9as raised b% the 4arl o Ar'ine in )+;6 and landed at "ieppe inSeptember, Gctober and o'ember )+;. The unit ser'ed 9ith distinction under CIouis de Bourbon, the "uc

    d4nghien andD -rince o C"nd

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    9ere his personal bod%guard, a group composed entirel% o Scots.6;6When the cit% 9as relie'ed on 6; June)++, it 9as restocked 9ith supplies and the garrison 9as replaced b% )677 $essians. The second siege o

    $anau began in Jul% )+1, but there 9as little hope o relie, or the closest French armies 9ere in #lsace,and the S9edish armies 9ere too ar north to be o aid. 2amsa% bargained 9ith the besiegers in hopes o

    gaining time but had little success. The ne9 garrison 9as made up o sullen, un9illing soldiers, and he 9as

    unable to conduct an acti'e deense. An late Januar% )+, the cit% 9as betra%ed rom 9ithin, but 2amsa%,our oicers and 17 soldiers barricaded themsel'es in a house and held out until )6 Februar%. When 2amsa%inall% surrendered, his captors reused to ransom him? and, poorl% treated b% his Hailers, he died on )) March


    An the ollo9ing %ear, the S9edish arm% regained much o its lost prestige and reputation at the Battle o

    Wittstock ; Gctober )++0. Throughout the preceding summer, a combined Amperial and Sa

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    CHAPTER V9E-ilo.#e and Con/l#ion N')'O

    G the appro

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    to pa% him.6/*&nder 3# the S9edish go'ernment paid the troops more regularl%? but e'en Iord 2ea%, animportant supplier o troops, 9as orced to sell parts o his estates in order to repa% debts incurred 9hile

    acting as a militar% entrepreneur or 3#.6+7With regular mone% pa%ment to the militar% enterprisers animpossibilit% or most emplo%ers, grants o land became a common orm o remuneration. This 9as

    especiall% true 9ith regard to men 9ho ser'ed S9eden. The areas con!uered b% S9eden ormed a seemingl%

    endless suppl% o 9ealth to be distributed as back 9ages to her oicers. Man% o the earl% endo9ments 9eremade in southern 3erman%, e.g. 2uth'en recei'ed the Fugger 3raschat 'on Rirchberg in )+. $o9e'er,ollo9ing the S9edish debacle at Prdlingen in )+;, most o this land 9as lost to S9eden and also to all the

    oicers 9ho had been gi'en land in that region. An the )+;7s -omerania became the area in 9hichconiscated estates 9ere gi'en to deser'ing oicers. 2obert "ouglas obtained se'eral estates in -omerania

    and in Qerden.6+)William Ie9is, too, recei'ed an estate in Ii'onia or his ser'ice? and his descendants,

    kno9n as the amil% o Io9is 'on Menau, 9ere still in that region in )*77.6+6

    There 9ere other haards that pre'ented Scots rom attaining tangible gains rom ser'ing abroad.Andebtedness 9as the largest problem. "aniel $epburn, a ca'alr% colonel in Amperial ser'ice, 9as orced to

    borro9 mone% rom Wallenstein and died o9ing the general 777 thalers 9hich the general later collectedrom $epburns 9ido90.6+#nother risk 9as that o being taken prisoner, as the ransom mone% demanded b%

    the captor 9as oten high. Walter Butler, an Arishman in the Amperial ser'ice, is a t%pical e

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    recei'ed /77 lorins rom the people o S9abia ater he had maintained discipline in the S9edish arm% 9hichhad been stationed in the region ater the Treat% o Westphalia. 6+*2anks o nobilit% 9ere oten conerred

    upon successul soldiers in the S9edish ser'ice, and the rolls o the Riarhas, the S9edish $ouse o Iords,displa% names such as $amilton, 2amsa%, Spens and "ouglas.617-ositions o high command could and did

    lead to the abuse o po9er, and Scots 9ere certainl% not immune to the desire or boot%. -atrick 2uth'en

    amassed si< carriageEloads o loot in &lm 9hile he ser'ed as the go'ernor o that cit% in )+)5)+6. (olonelJohn $epburn also 9as guilt% o looting Wrburg upon its capture b% the S9edes in )+).61)

    Gne beneit a'ailable to those ortunate enough to sur'i'e the long campaigns in good health 9as the

    pension plan. A an oicer 9ere ortunate enough to be emplo%ed b% a po9er or a prince that remained in theield, and i that oicer reached the age o retirement, he could do so and 9ould be gi'en a pension. This 9as

    usuall% a sum agreed upon beore the man entered that ser'ice. 4'en the common soldier 9as not totall%ignored? old soldiers 9ere gi'en pensions o si< riksdalers per %ear.616#n enlisted man 9as also allo9ed to

    retire ater ser'ing a gi'en number o %ears and had the option o a pension or land. $o9e'er, the records oS9eden, Scotland, 4ngland, and other countries are illed 9ith petitions rom pensioners 9ho 9ere not

    recei'ing their allotments or 9ere recei'ing them inre!uentl%.61

    A a soldier 9ere unortunate enough to bemaimed 9hile ser'ing a po9er, he 9as to be gi'en a pension and then allo9ed to return home? but, again,

    most o these unortunates 9ere orced to end or themsel'es. Fe9 po9ers had mone% to spare or those9ho 9ere incapable o rendering urther ser'ice. The best pension s%stem 9as that o S9eden. Field Marshal


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    arm% that 9as being raised to resist the religious polic% o (harles 9ho had Hust authoried a Book o (anons9hich 9as to be used in the Scottish Rirk. This book 9as regarded b% most Scots as =popish and !uite

    repugnant to their religious con'ictions. The reading o the Book at St. 3iles Rirk in 4dinburgh in Jul% )+1,produced a riot and the beginning o an open break bet9een Scotland and the Ring. An Februar% o the

    ollo9ing %ear, a =(o'enant, signed b% the nobles, 9as then issued to the general public. #s the positions o

    (o'enanters and Ring hardened, it became clear that onl% a 9ar could settle the issue. # =(ircular Ietterrom the (ommittee at 4dinburgh 9as sent to each shire in Scotland stating that, or protection o libert%,Scotland had to be deended. For deense, regiments 9ere to be raised and 9ere to be led b% a colonel, a

    lieutenantEcolonel, and a sergeantEmaHor

    ...9ho, being prime oicers, ought to be men o skill, and must be sent or out o 3erman% and$olland, and paid or out o the irst end o the contribution o the shires. 4'er% compan% must ha'e acaptain, lieutenant, ensign and t9o sergeants. The captain and ensign ma% be noblemen or gentlemen,the lieutenants and sergeants must be sent or out o 3erman% and $olland, and paid or as isaoresaid.61

    At 9as because o this crisis and the plea or help that Scottish oicers hurried home. $ighErankingcommanders, such as FieldEMarshals Ieslie and 2uth'en, 3eneral Ring, as 9ell as man% other oicers,resigned. James Iumsden, "a'id Monro, and 2. (lerck are onl% three o the man% colonels 9ho let in order

    to take positions in the Scottish arm%. =o 9onder that Ieslie on his arri'al in e9castle met no e9er thant9ent%Esi< o his ormer companionsEinEarms in the S9edish 9ars. 61*At should be noted, ho9e'er, that e9

    Scottish oicers ser'ing in France returned home, because these oicers, predominantl% (atholic, 9ere less

    interested in the religious contro'ers% in Scotland.

    Most oicers 9ho let the S9edish ser'ice at this time 9anted onl% to obtain a lea'e o absence, but 9ereorced to resign because o possible international complications that might arise. These oicers 9ere lea'ing

    S9edish ser'ice to take part in a rebellion against their rightul ruler. S9eden, although a -rotestant countr%and a secret supporter o the (o'enant, could not openl% sanction a re'olt against a king. #lso, some o the

    oicers 9ished to obtain artiller% and muskets in lieu o their back pa%, and this again might ha'e led tointernational complications. At 9as decided that, i these oicers 9ished to return to Scotland, the% 9ould

    ha'e to resign and lea'e the S9edish ser'ice completel%, thereb% absol'ing the S9edish go'ernment oblame that 9ould be normall% attached to actions such as the Scottish oicers 9ere taking. #lso, 9eapons

    9ere to be gi'en to the men as re9ards or their ser'ices, but not as part o their 9ages. An this 9a% an%

    suspicion o acti'e support to rebels could be circum'ented. The largest recipient o these 9eapons 9as


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    three Scottish commissioners and agreed to establish -resb%terianism or three %ears in 4ngland in return orthe help o the Scottish armies. An )+; the =4ngagers, under the leadership o the Mar!uis o $amilton,

    crossed into 4ngland 9ith the stated intention o reeing the Ring and instituting the (o'enant. Beore$amilton could cross the border, rebellions in Wales and 4ngland erupted. These uprisings 9ere to ha'e

    occurred simultaneousl% 9ith the in'asion, but 9ere premature and 9ere crushed. Thus, $amilton 9as let

    9ithout hope o aid rom the 4nglish and =... his arm% 9as no longer the 9ellEorganied orce o the =BishopsWars, or it had been raised in the ace o a =protest rom the stal9arts o the Rirk. $amilton had little sa'ehis courage to recommend him.6;$is disorganied and separated arm% 9as attacked and destro%ed in

    piecemeal ashion b% (rom9ell at -reston, Wigan, and Warrington on )15)* #ugust )+;. $amiltondemonstrated in the engagements that he had learned little o tactics 9hile in command o a separate arm% in

    3erman% in )+). The deeat at -reston cost him his head? he 9as tried on a charge o treason, condemned

    and e

  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    )7,777 9ere captured. (rom9ell then occupied 4dinburgh and established control o'er the Io9lands.-risoners taken at "unbar 9ere sent as sla'es to the sugar plantations in the West Andies.61

    "a'id Ieslie and his e9 remaining oicers de'oted the ollo9ing 9inter to training a ne9 arm%. "unbarhad cost the Scots the last semblance o the arm% that had taken the ield in )+*5)+;7, and an entirel% ne9

    arm% had to be raised and trained. Gn ) Januar% )+/), -rince (harles 9as cro9ned as king at Scone, and theScots again attempted to o'erthro9 parliamentar% orces. An the spring o )+/), (rom9ell outmaneu'ered

    the Scots b% mo'ing north9ard to9ard -erth, cutting Ieslies line o communication 9ith his base o suppl%.

    Ieslie and (harles 9ere aced 9ith either attacking (rom9ell and risking almost sure disaster or in'ading

    4ngland in hope o gaining 4nglish allies. (hoosing the latter course, the Scottish arm% mo'ed slo9l% do9nthe 9est9ard coast o 4ngland but ound little support. (rom9ell pursued the 2o%alist arm%, co'ering 67

    miles in three 9eeks. The Scottish arm% o )+,777 illEtrained soldiers stood little chance against the ),777'eterans o the e9 Model #rm%, but (harles retreated to Worcester and prepared to make a stand.

    (rom9ell di'ided his arm%? con'erged on the Scottish arm% in a 9ellEe

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    Appendix I9S/ottih Offi/er A%road and at oeNUSM '?7*'>+O

    $uge numbers o Scottish oicers ser'ed 'arious leaders and m%riad rulers>masters throughout the Thirt%ears War. #ppendi< A is a listing o Scottish oicers holding the rank o lieutenantEcolonel or abo'e 5

    primaril% those in -rotestant ser'ice? and more speciicall%, those ser'ing in the 3erman Wars 5 bet9een)+) and )+;. At also notes rank attained during British (i'il Wars. The inormation comes rom man%

    sources, including: Bulloch @ Skelton, Uner Arms? "eoe, Scots Dation? "B? 1

  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    Sir James Ring, Baron 4%thin )/*5)+/60. MaHorE3eneral in charge o S9edish operations in Westphalia but

    obtained lea'e in )+* due to conlict 9ith S9edish general Johan Banr. 2eturned to Scotland in )+;7,Hoining (harles A. An battle oten displa%ed s%mpath% or ello9 Scots, e'en i on opposing side. 2M note:=since IieutenantE3eneral, this postE)+1.

    James "ouglas LL5)+;/0. (olonel in ser'ice o France. &pon death o $epburn, took command o RCgiment

    e 2ebronand renamedRCgiment e /ouglas. Rilled near "oua% in )+;/.

    William Baillie. (olonel to a regiment o oot o 3ermans. IieutenantE3eneral in Scottish (o'enanter #rm% in

    British (i'il Wars.

    2obert Monro C2MD )/*75)+70. C=(olonel to a regiment o Scots, 9hich 9as m% Iord o 2heesD. #ntiE

    Amperial ser'ice )+615)+ @ )+/5)+10, rising to rank o (olonel. #uthor o1

  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    3eorge (olin. (ommander in S9eden.

    3eorge Iindsa%, );th4arl o (ra9ord LL5)+0. (olonel o 3erman ootEregiment in ser'ice o 3#. Rilled

    b% a lieutenant o his regiment.

    John (richton.

    (uming C(ummingsD o 2elugas. (ommander in S9eden.


  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    John 3ordon. (olonel o 3ermans in S9edish ser'ice.

    Sir #ndre9 3ra%. (olonel o Scottish and 4nglish inantr%. Ser'ed under Manseld in Bohemia and in the


    2obert $annaCnD. ItE(ol to oot. Rilled in #lsace.

    Sir Frederick $amilton. (olonel to a regiment o Scots @ Arish in S9edish ser'ice.

    $ugh $amilton. (olonel to a ootEregiment o 3ermans. (reated Baron o S9eden in )+/;. Sir James $amilton. (olonel to a ootEregiment o Scots.

    Sir John $amilton. (olonel o a Scottish regiment in S9edish ser'ice. 2esigned at Wrburg in September


    William $amilton. Rilled in 3erman%.


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    -otle%. ItE(ol to oot, under Sir 3eorge Fleet9ood.


  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    Monro. Man% ield oicers o the name. 3rant states there 9ere t9ent%Ese'en.

    Sir $ector Monro. ItE(ol, since a (olonel o 3ermans in S9edish ser'ice. Made Rnight Baronet. "ied at

    $amburg in )+/, and buried at Buckstehood in the Gldland on the 4lbe.

    John Monro o Gbsdale )/>*5)+0. 4lder brother o 2obert Monro. #ntiEAmperial ser'ice )+61560,

    rising to rank o colonel o a regiment o Scots. Rilled during altercation 9ith 3erman troops in S9edish

    ser'ice. Buried at &lm. 2obert Monro, Baron CBlack IairdD o Foulis d. )+0. #ntiEAmperial ser'ice )+61560: colonel o horse @

    oot o'er 3ermans? died o battle 9ounds suered at &lm.

    James Montgomer%. ItE(ol, slain in combat.

    Mon%penn%. ItE(ol to horse.

    -eter More. (ommander in S9eden.

    John Mnro o #ss%nt. ItE(ol to oot in S9edish ser'ice.

    $enr% Muschamp. ItE(ol, since 9as a (olonel and 9as slain at Prdlingen.

    Muster. (olonel in S9edish ser'ice.

    John airn. (ommander in S9eden.

    William Ggil'ie. (ommander in S9eden."a'id Sinclair.

    John Sinclair. ItE(ol in MacRa%s 2egiment. Rilled at eumarkt in )+.

    $ugh Somer'ille. #ideEdeEcamp to 3# at Iten.

    William Spence. ItE(ol to oot.


    3eorge Ste9art. ItE(ol in (on9a%s 2egiment. "ro9ned o "anish coast in .

    James Ste9art. Iast Iord St. (olme.

    2obert Ste9art. ItE(ol o Iumsdens pikemen under Gtto Todt. Since a (olonel. &lster -rotestant.

    Sir William Ste9art. ItE(ol in MacRa%s 2egiment. Wounded at Gldenburg in )+61. Succeeded to (olonel o

    2Ms 2egiment upon death o John Sinclair. CIaggan #rm% in &lsterLLD

    Ta%lor. (ommander in S9eden.

    Thomas Thomson. (olonel to oot o S9edes, since dead. William TroopCeD. ItE(ol slain in the -alatinate.

    John &r!uhart o (romart%.

    Qa'aer. ItE(ol since a (olonel to oot.

    2obert Weir. ItE(ol, since slain in Sa

  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    Appendix II9A#thori2ed Levie3 141146 NUSM '>7*'8)O>)7

    At is impossible to ascertain eE-TREPRE-EUR S8URCE>WHERE ISSUED

    )+)5)+6;;>6>)+67 6777 Bohemia>Sir #ndre9 3ra% ) 2-(S )6:6/1, 61

    )>7>)+6) )77 -alatinate>John Iindsa% 6 2-(S 6:;)6>>)+6 +777 b% James -alatinate>3ra% @ (ount Manseld C>>)+6 777 b% -oland -oland>2obert Ste9art ) 2-(S :l'ii 5 3# opposedDC>>)+6; Iondon)>6;>)+6+ 77 b% (harles -alatine>James Ieslie 6 2-(S ):/;>Iondon1>67>)+6+ ;77 b% -(S -alatine>James Ieslie 6 2-(S )://>4dinburgh>>)+6+ 6777 b% (harles -alatine>"onald MacRa% 6

    2-(S6:) @ 6;/>Iondon>)+>)+6+ "enmark>#. Iindse%, Iord Sp%nie 6 2-(S ):6*;/>)+>)+6+ 6777 b% -(S "enmark>"onald MacRa% 6 2-(S ):6*/>4dinburgh+>6/>)+6+ /77 "enmark>#le66>)+6+ 777 b% (harles S9eden>James Spens 6 2-(S ):/6;>Iondon6>)>)+61 )677 b% -(S S9eden James Spens 6 2-(S ):/6>4dinburgh6>>)+61 777 b% (harles "enmark>4>ithsdaleEMaIondon6>>)+61 777 b% (harles "enmark>#. Iindse%, Iord Sp%nie 6 2-(S ):/*>Iondon6>>)+61 777 b% (harles "enmark>James Sinclair 6 2-(S ):/*>Iondon6>61>)+61 777 b% -(S "enmark>4>ithsdaleEMa4dinburgh>>)+61 777 b% -(S "enmark>James Sinclair 6 2-(S ):/;7>4dinburgh>>)+61 777 b% -(S "enmark>#. Iindse%, Iord Sp%nie 6 2-(S ):/*>4dinburgh>)1>)+61 6777 b% (harles 4ngland ' France>4arl G Morton 6 2-(S 6:/)>Iondon>6*>)+61 6777b% -(S 4ngland ' France 4arl G Morton 6 2-(S 6:/6>4dinburgh>)6>)+61 677 4ngland ' France >#. Mnauchtan 6 2-(S 6:/+6>)*>)+61 )777 b% (harles "enmark>Sir "onald Mcka% 6 2-(S 6:6*1>Iondon

    7 This appendi< is a some9hat e

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    )6>)1>)+/ +7 France>2obert To9ers 6 2-(S +:)/1>*>)++ 77 b% (harles I(>James Iord #lmond 6 2-(S +:66/>Iondon

    77 b% -(S I(>James Iord #lmond 6 2-(S +:66/>4dinburgh;>)+>)++ (ol 2obert Monro *>))>)++ ca'alr% s!uadron S9eden>Francis 2uth'en 6>61>)+1 )777 b% (harles France>2obert $ume 6 2-(S +:;7)@>Iondon

    >*>)+1 )777 b% -(S France>2obert $ume 6 2-(S +:;7)@>4dinburgh/>)>)+1 ;77 b% (harles S9eden>#leIondon/>)>)+1 ;77 b% -(S S9eden>#le4dinburgh)7>)*>)+1 *6 dro9ned #berdeen>#le)>)+1 77 b% (harles S9eden>2obert Monro 6 2-(S +:;/*>Iondon

    ;77 b% -(S S9eden>2obert Monro 6 2-(S +:;/*? Fallon, 76>4dinburgh/>)>)+1 ;77 b% (harles S9eden>2obert Stuart 6 2-(S +:;/>Iondon1>6/>)+1 ;77 b% -(S S9eden>2obert Stuart 6 2-(S +:;;? Fallon, 76>4dinburgh)6>;>)+ )777 b% (harles France>#ndre9 3ra% 6 2-(S 1:)7;>Iondon)6>;>)+ )777 b% -(S France>#ndre9 3ra% 6 2-(S 1:)7>4dinburgh)>);>)+* )777 b% (harles France>#leIondon

    )>);>)+* )777b% -(S France>#le4dinburgh)>>)+* Scots (ome $ome Bishops Wars)6>>)+;) )7,777 b% -(S Areland>Scottish #rm% 6 2-(S 1: >4dinburgh>6>)+;6 ;/77 b% (harles France>4arl Ar'ineEJ. (ampbell 6 2-(S 1:6;>Iondon>6>)+;6 ;/77 b% -(S France>4arl Ar'ine 6 2-(S 1:6;1>4dinburgh;>1>)+;6 )777 b% (harles France>(ol Fullerton 6 2-(S 1:6)>Iondon;>1>)+;6 )777 b% -(S France>(ol Fullerton 6 2-(S 1:6)>4dinburgh+>6/>)+;6 )777 b% (harles France>James "ouglas 6 2-(S 1:76>Iondon1>6)>)+;6 /77 b% -(S France>James "ouglas 6 2-(S 1:76>4dinburgh>/>)+;6 6777 France>James "ouglas Bulloch, , ;7/>+>>)+; )/77 France>Wm 3ordon Spaulding, S(:6, */6>)+>)+; 7 France>James 3ordon Bulloch, , ;

    )>)+;; 6 companies France>William 3ordon Bulloch, , /);)+;5)++7>6*>)+/; )777 (ontinent>4arl G 3lencairn , 6*>6*>)+/; )777 (ontinent>Iaird G Iugton , 6*)+/; 2egt S9eden>(ol James Sinclair Fischer, S$een, )6C>)+/+ 2egt b% Rristina (ol (ranstoun Fischer, S$een, )6D


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  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    @ ("&rna$s+ M"n"3raphs ? Data'ases9

    #g$2 Agricultural 2istory Re!ie$#m$2 American 2istorical Re!ie$(4c$4 The ambrige 1conomic 2istory of 1urope(M$ The ambrige Moern 2istory4c$2 1conomic 2istory Re!ie$

    4$2 The 1nglish 2istorical Re!ie$$J The 2istorical ournal$I The2arleian miscellany$T 2istory Toay$2 2istorical Research$ 2istorische eitschriftA$S Irish 2istorical StuiesJ(B3 aarboe. entraal 9ureau !oor 0enealogieJBS ournal of 9ritish StuiesJM$ ournal of Military 2istory

    M$O M2HQ The Huarterly ournal of Military 2istory(M$ The De$ ambrige Moern 2istoryGSB Macka%,An #l Scots 9rigae-@- %ast an %resentS3 Scottish 0enealogistS3M Scottish 0eographical Maga3ineS3S Scottish 3aelic Societ%S$2 The Scottish 2istorical Re!ie$Scotia Scotia5 the ournal of the St: Anre$ SocietySS4 Scotland, Scandina'ia and orthern 4uropeT3SA Transactions of the 0aelic Society of In!ernessQSW Biertel;ahrschrift fr So3ial- un Wirtschaftsgeschichte

    Q$3 eitschrift esBereins fr 2amburgische 0eschichte@ Hist"ri%a$ 8r3ani4ati"ns

    (SBS#(BS orth #merican (onerence on British Studies-(#SS(BSS($#

    @ Ca$endars+ Bi'$i"3raphi% G&ides and Di%ti"naries

    Beller, 4.#. =(ontemporar% 4nglish -rinted Sources or the Thirt% ears War in #m$2 6 )*6+>610, 61+566.(ockle, Maurice J.".A 9ibliography of 1nglish Military 9oo.s to '68? an of ontemporary Foreign Wor.s. Iondon

    3B: Simpkin Marshall, )*77.

    (S-" );: alenar of State %apers5 /omestic Series5 of the reigns of 1$ar BI5 Mary5 1li3abeth5 ames I )/;15)+6/0preser'ed in the State -aper "epartment o $er MaHest%s -ublic 2ecord Gice CS- );D. )6 'ols? 'arious eds. Iondon 3B:$MSG, )/+5)16.

    (S-" )+: alenar of State %apers5 /omestic Series5 of the Reign of harles I )+6/5)+;*0 preser'ed in the State -aper"epartment o $er MaHest%s -ublic 2ecord Gice CS- )+D. 6 'ols? 'arious eds CJohn Bruce, W.". $amilton @ S.(. IomasDIondon 3B: $MSG, )/5)*1.

    "ahlmannEWait: Huellen.une er /eutschen 0eschichte. *. #ulage? 'arious eds CFriedrich (hristoph "ahlmann,3eorg Wait u. 4rich BrandenburgD. Ieipig "4: Roehler, )*).


  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    "B: The /ictionary of Dational 9iography. 66 'ols? Ieslie Stephen @ Sidne% Iee eds0. Iondon 3B: G)7;: 77 Scots arri'e in

    Stettin? BI )1/7 b 6*>)7/: Ring o S9eden uses oreign nationals.Bro9n, -. $ume. Scotlan before '+)) from ontemporary /ocuments. 4dinburgh 3B: "a'id "ouglas, )*.Burnet, 3ilbert. The Memoirs of:::ames an William5 / of 2amilton an astle-2eral. Iondon 3B: 3ro'er,

    )+11.(o9an, Samuel. The Ruth!en Family %apers. Iondon 3B: SimpkinEMarshallE$amiltonERent, )*)6.(ro9ne, William.A True Relation of:::the tra!els of:::Thomas:::1arl of Arunell5 Ambassaor


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  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    3indel%, #nton.2istory of the Thirty Years War. 6 'ols? #. Ten Broek trs0. e9 ork : 3.-. -utnams Sons, );.3ordon, (.#.A oncise 2istory of the Ancient an Illustrious 2ouse of 0oron. #berdeen 3B: p.a., )1/;.3ordon, William. The 2istory of the Ancient5 Doble an Illustrious Family of 0oron5 from their first arri!al in

    Scotlan in Malcolm IIIs time to the year '6). 6 'ols 4dinburgh: Thomas 2uddiman, )16+0.3rant, A.F. The 1conomic 2istory of Scotlan. Iondon 3B: Iongmans 3reen, )*;.3rant, A.F. The Social an 1conomic /e!elopment of Scotlan before '6)>. 4dinburgh 3B: Gli'er @ Bo%d, )*7.

    3rant, James. a!aliers of Fortune. Iondon 3B: 2outledge, Warnes @ 2outledge, )/*.3rant, James.Memoirs an A!entures of Sir ohn 2epburn5 ommaner of the Scots 9rigae uner 0usta!us

    Aolphus. 4dinburgh 3B: William Black9ood @ Sons, )/).3rant, James. The Scottish Soliers of Fortune. Iondon 3B: 3eorge 2outledge @ Sons, )*.$ackradt, #ugust. 0usta! 2ornQ sch$eischer Felherr im /reiJig;"hrigen@riege. "issertation: &ni'ersit]t $alleE

    Wittenberg "4, ).$allendor, (. @ #. Schck.2istory of S$een. IaHla ap trs0. Iondon 3B: (assell, )*6*.$antsch, $ugo./ie 0eschichte Gsterreichs5 '687*''7. 6 'ols CBand ): bis )+;D. 3ra #T: &ni'ersit]ts

    Buchdruckerei St%ria, )*1 @ )*/7.$arte, Walter. The 2istory of the 4ife of 0usta!us Aolphus5 @ing of S$een. 6 'ols. Iondon 3B: 3. $a9kins, )1/*.$eckscher, 4li F.An 1conomic 2istory of S$een. 3oran Ghlin trs0. (ambridge M#: $ar'ard &-, )*/;.

    $olborn, $aHo.A 2istory of Moern 0ermany. 'ols C'ol ): The Reformation? 'ol 6: '6875'78)D. e9 ork :Rnop, )*+)5)*+;.C$o9e, J.D.9iographia Scoticana. rded. 4dinburgh 3B: Scha9 @ Bielans, )1*+.$urter, Friedrich 'on. Wallensteins !ier let3te 4ebens;ahre. Qienna #T: Wilhelm Braumller, )+6.$urter, Friedrich 'on.ur 0eschichte Wallensteins. rich ($: rcher u. Furrer, )//.Armer, 3eorg.2ans 0eorg !on Arnim. Ieipig "4: 3. $irel, )*;.Ar'ing, Joseph ed0. The 9oo. of Scotsmen. -aisle% 3B: #le);"hr: @rieges in Seutschlan5 '6>>*

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  • 8/11/2019 Usage of Scottish Mercenaries


    Wertheim, $ans./er tolle 2alberst"terQ 2er3og hristian !on 9raunsch$eig im pf"l3ischen @rieg. 6 'ols. Berlin "4:Anternationale Bibliothek, )*67 @ )*6*.

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    WSB. =Scottish Militar% 4migrants in the 4arl% Modern 4ra: #n #nal%sis o "emographic Mo'ement in an 4mergentSociet%, )/175)++7 Fort Worth T[: S(BS, )**)0. TB- 5 2e'ised, illustrated and updated: posted 32M.com67)60: .

    WSB. Seminar 4ssa%: =Wallenstein and the@ontributionssystem: Militar% Iogistics in the Thirt% ears War in Topicsin 1arly Moern 1urope9ith John -atrick "olan &S(, (olumbia S(: "epartment o $istor%, )*++0.

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    AQ:)/5)/*.WSB. =The "eenestration o -rague, )+) in 0reat 1!ents from 2istoryQ 1uropean Series: -asadena (#: Salem,)**0, 6/756/. 2e'ised, illustrated and updated: posted at 32M.com67)70: .

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