U.S. PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPROVES STUDENT EXPERIENCE THROUGH ENHANCED NETWORK VISIBILITY CHALLENGE The department of educaon described here comprises 255 schools and educates 175,000+ students in grades K-12. About 12,000 teachers and another 13,000 support staff are charged with educang and caring for their state's students. For educaonal instuons like this, network performance has a significant, and growing, impact on student success. This instuon regularly administers Common Core tesng across K-12 students via a computer-based assessment system. However, this iniave was being impacted by the inability to assure network performance under high usage periods. The educaonal instuon's IT and network teams needed to pinpoint network issues and idenfy their sources before test days to reduce the possibility of network downme. They sought a soluon to tackle the problems impeding the success of this transion to online tesng and cloud-based digital educaon. SOLUTION The instuon needed a tool that would help its IT and network teams monitor specifically what was occurring across the individual schools and district network. To solve these challenges they began tesng the use of LiveAcon's soluon, LiveNX, for network performance monitoring, and LiveUX for user experience monitoring. LiveNX provides Quality of Service (QoS) control, which is used to priorize student test traffic—and by ulizing LiveUX, IT and network teams gained insight into the public network's impact on their cloud and SaaS-based applicaons. Leveraging LiveUX, the educaonal instuon deployed LiveUX private agents across every high school to generate synthec traffic in order to gain detailed insights into student experience of the applicaons. The instuon was able to run load tests to ensure network readiness and use LiveUX to see what the impact of these traffic loads would be on the end user. While the load tests were conducted, the LiveUX agents acted as synthec users to test the response me and availability of the applicaons from the students’ perspecve. RESULTS With LiveNX, which provides Applicaon-aware Network Performance Management (AANPM) capabilies, IT and network teams at the educaonal instuon can visualize and opmize the traffic within the schools. Addionally, by equipping their IT and network teams with LiveUX, they added valuable insight into the end-user experience. Now, they can quickly isolate and resolve perceived slow-downs in the network to ensure the success of over 175,000 students. Pinpoinng the locaon, scale and scope of user experience issues has significantly reduced potenal downme and lost producvity. Ulmately, through the integraon of LiveNX and LiveUX, IT and network teams throughout this district are able to simplify overall operaons and insll confidence across all schools within their district. Knowing their IT staff can beer manage the network and user experience, the instuon is always prepared when test days hit. They will connue to improve Common Core tesng results, and provide the support and infrastructure its students need to succeed. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CUSTOMER TYPE: K-12 Public School District INDUSTRY: Educaon BUSINESS CHALLENGES • Mandate to adopt SaaS for test taking and online teaching • Lacks a private data center which limits ability to customize hardware or software • Insufficient student experience data to clearly identify issues • Slow student productivity due to low-quality network performance SOLUTION • Leveraged LiveNX’s Network Performance Management to gain better network visibility and prioritize test traffic with Quality of Service (QoS) • Utilized LiveUX to gain visibility and deeper insights into student experience BUSINESS RESULTS • Improved student success • Achieved network reliability during test days • Increased IT productivity • Simplified overall administrative operations CASE STUDY



CHALLENGEThe department of education described here comprises 255 schools and educates 175,000+ students in grades K-12. About 12,000 teachers and another 13,000 support staff are charged with educating and caring for their state's students. For educational institutions like this, network performance has a significant, and growing, impact on student success. This institution regularly administers Common Core testing across K-12 students via a computer-based assessment system. However, this initiative was being impacted by the inability to assure network performance under high usage periods. The educational institution's IT and network teams needed to pinpoint network issues and identify their sources before test days to reduce the possibility of network downtime. They sought a solution to tackle the problems impeding the success of this transition to online testing and cloud-based digital education.

SOLUTIONThe institution needed a tool that would help its IT and network teams monitor specifically what was occurring across the individual schools and district network. To solve these challenges they began testing the use of LiveAction's solution, LiveNX, for network performance monitoring, and LiveUX for user experience monitoring. LiveNX provides Quality of Service (QoS) control, which is used to prioritize student test traffic—and by utilizing LiveUX, IT and network teams gained insight into the public network's impact on their cloud and SaaS-based applications. Leveraging LiveUX, the educational institution deployed LiveUX private agents across every high school to generate synthetic traffic in order to gain detailed insights into student experience of the applications. The institution was able to run load tests to ensure network readiness and use LiveUX to see what the impact of these traffic loads would be on the end user. While the load tests were conducted, the LiveUX agents acted as synthetic users to test the response time and availability of the applications from the students’ perspective.

RESULTSWith LiveNX, which provides Application-aware Network Performance Management (AANPM) capabilities, IT and network teams at the educational institution can visualize and optimize the traffic within the schools. Additionally, by equipping their IT and network teams with LiveUX, they added valuable insight into the end-user experience. Now, they can quickly isolate and resolve perceived slow-downs in the network to ensure the success of over 175,000 students. Pinpointing the location, scale and scope of user experience issues has significantly reduced potential downtime and lost productivity. Ultimately, through the integration of LiveNX and LiveUX, IT and network teams throughout this district are able to simplify overall operations and instill confidence across all schools within their district. Knowing their IT staff can better manage the network and user experience, the institution is always prepared when test days hit. They will continue to improve Common Core testing results, and provide the support and infrastructure its students need to succeed.

ABOUT LIVEACTIONLiveAction provides comprehensive and robust solutions for Network Performance Management. Key capabilities include Cisco Intelligent WAN visualization and service assurance, best-practice QoS policy management, and application-aware network performance management. LiveAction software’s rich GUI and visualization provide IT teams with a deep understanding of the network while simplifying and accelerating management and troubleshooting tasks.

FOR MORE INFORMATION LiveUX and User Experience Monitoring To learn more check out the LiveUX Page, or sign up for a free LiveUX online account.

LiveNX and Network Performance Management For further details, check out LiveNX's Product Page. You can also get a free 14-day trial here!

Upcoming WebinarsCheck out our updated webinar schedule—gain insights from our special presenters about topics like QoS, Hybrid WANManagement, Capacity Planning and more.

Additional ResourcesCase studies, white papers, eBooks and more are available for your learning on the LiveAction resources page.


CUSTOMER TYPE: K-12 Public School DistrictINDUSTRY: Education


• Mandate to adopt SaaS for test taking and online teaching

• Lacks a private data center which limits ability to customize hardware or software

• Insufficient student experience data to clearly identify issues

• Slow student productivity due to low-quality network performance


• Leveraged LiveNX’s Network Performance Management to gain better network visibility and prioritize test traffic with Quality of Service (QoS)

• Utilized LiveUX to gain visibility and deeper insights into student experience


• Improved student success • Achieved network reliability during test days• Increased IT productivity• Simplified overall administrative operations









CHALLENGEThe department of education described here comprises 255 schools and educates 175,000+ students in grades K-12. About 12,000 teachers and another 13,000 support staff are charged with educating and caring for their state's students. For educational institutions like this, network performance has a significant, and growing, impact on student success. This institution regularly administers Common Core testing across K-12 students via a computer-based assessment system. However, this initiative was being impacted by the inability to assure network performance under high usage periods. The educational institution's IT and network teams needed to pinpoint network issues and identify their sources before test days to reduce the possibility of network downtime. They sought a solution to tackle the problems impeding the success of this transition to online testing and cloud-based digital education.

SOLUTIONThe institution needed a tool that would help its IT and network teams monitor specifically what was occurring across the individual schools and district network. To solve these challenges they began testing the use of LiveAction's solution, LiveNX, for network performance monitoring, and LiveUX for user experience monitoring. LiveNX provides Quality of Service (QoS) control, which is used to prioritize student test traffic—and by utilizing LiveUX, IT and network teams gained insight into the public network's impact on their cloud and SaaS-based applications. Leveraging LiveUX, the educational institution deployed LiveUX private agents across every high school to generate synthetic traffic in order to gain detailed insights into student experience of the applications. The institution was able to run load tests to ensure network readiness and use LiveUX to see what the impact of these traffic loads would be on the end user. While the load tests were conducted, the LiveUX agents acted as synthetic users to test the response time and availability of the applications from the students’ perspective.

RESULTSWith LiveNX, which provides Application-aware Network Performance Management (AANPM) capabilities, IT and network teams at the educational institution can visualize and optimize the traffic within the schools. Additionally, by equipping their IT and network teams with LiveUX, they added valuable insight into the end-user experience. Now, they can quickly isolate and resolve perceived slow-downs in the network to ensure the success of over 175,000 students. Pinpointing the location, scale and scope of user experience issues has significantly reduced potential downtime and lost productivity. Ultimately, through the integration of LiveNX and LiveUX, IT and network teams throughout this district are able to simplify overall operations and instill confidence across all schools within their district. Knowing their IT staff can better manage the network and user experience, the institution is always prepared when test days hit. They will continue to improve Common Core testing results, and provide the support and infrastructure its students need to succeed.

ABOUT LIVEACTIONLiveAction provides comprehensive and robust solutions for Network Performance Management. Key capabilities include Cisco Intelligent WAN visualization and service assurance, best-practice QoS policy management, and application-aware network performance management. LiveAction software’s rich GUI and visualization provide IT teams with a deep understanding of the network while simplifying and accelerating management and troubleshooting tasks.

FOR MORE INFORMATION LiveUX and User Experience Monitoring To learn more check out the LiveUX Page, or sign up for a free LiveUX online account.

LiveNX and Network Performance Management For further details, check out LiveNX's Product Page. You can also get a free 14-day trial here!

Upcoming WebinarsCheck out our updated webinar schedule—gain insights from our special presenters about topics like QoS, Hybrid WANManagement, Capacity Planning and more.

Additional ResourcesCase studies, white papers, eBooks and more are available for your learning on the LiveAction resources page.


Note: This case study describes some of the actual networking and user experience challenges encountered by a large U.S. Public School District.

©2015-2016 LiveAction, Inc. All rights reserved. LiveAction, the LiveAction logo, the LiveNX and LiveUX software are trademarks of LiveAction. Other company and product names are the trademarks of their respective companies.

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